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Parallel to the Sun (Michael/Caulder) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Michael... Michael was... Interesting? Odd looking? But more importantly, and most certainly more confusingly, sitting on a dune in the middle of the night, an empty bottle next to him, hungover, and hungry. But, the universe is unkind, and trouble is said to come in threes. For Michael, this evening was no exception, and his second trouble became readily apparent as he looked around and couldn't see... well... Anything. No people, no lights, no Chander... What in the sweet gods' collective left ass cheeks had happened last night?

He couldn't remember, trying left the mutated man feeling lightheaded and nauseous, or was that the hangover... He was unsure, and although hungry, thirst became far more apparent as he spied a water skin left nearby, 3, maybe 4 feet away. And it was as he tried to stand to collect it, to taste the sweet substance of life, that his third problem became obvious. Michael couldn't move, at least not very far, and he found that not only was the waterskin infuriatingly out of reach, but so was the use of his hands, now tightly bound behind his back, the other end of what he could see was rope, knotted rather well to a very large, very heavy, hunk of dark grey stone.

Okay... So he'd obviously made someone angry, or this was some of the oddest sex he had had in a very long time. Nooo, his clothing was on. Shit. Sitting still as he tried to collect his thoughts, Michael found his gaze drawn to the water skin, just out of his reach, no matter his attempt, and more annoyingly, that most of his equipment was missing. He had his weapons, most of them, but he couldn't seem to find the blade that should have been on his belt. He was certain he could cause the block to shift in the sand, or even eventually chew through the rope if he had to, but something had apparently happened while he was drinking in the saloon, and well... It was time to do something about it...
Re: Parallel to the Sun (Michael/Caulder) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Michael begins to growl, his wings buzzing out from behind his arms and lifting him off the ground as he begins unleashing a string of Badarian insults, ending with something about maggot-loving as he tries to snap the rope or at least force it off of his hands. "Lemme go you inanimate piece of shit!" he yells as he puts all of his will into moving the rock or freeing himself from it with brute force.
Re: Parallel to the Sun (Michael/Caulder) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Michael got nowhere with his attempt at simply forcing himself from the situation he found himself in... at least, not immediately. Pulling the rope tight as he struggled into the air, he did at the very least, get a rather good view of the desert around him, and the pristine white of bleached sand matched against black shadow as his wings buzzed furiously behind him, before Michael felt something shift.

Well, that was strange, pulling all the harder now, thinking he was onto something with his approach, Michael quickly realised that this was entirely the wrong idea as his view of the beautiful, albeit empty, desert landscape began to rise... wait... no. He was sinking, and judging from the pull on his wrists, sliding as well. The stone, shifted in the sand by his efforts, was now sliding backwards down the dune, and he was coming with it whether he approved or not, because now the true weight of the rough gray stone he was lashed to was making itself rather well known, and he was in for what he saw now was a very long ride.

Thankfully, small graces tend to show up only if you're not looking for them, and in Michael's flailing attempts to deny the motion, his wings beating furiously, he actually managed to slow his decent, rather then smacking into the surprisingly hard sand and bouncing all the way down. As the stone came to rest as the base of the dune, he suddenly felt a strong gust of wind whip through the gap he now rested in, nestled between the dunes on this cool desert night, the crescent moon obviously laughing at him now, and the water skin now so far beyond reach that cleverness would not get it for him, unless he managed to free himself... hopefully before something came by and decided he would make a lovely meal, or a decent slave.
Re: Parallel to the Sun (Michael/Caulder) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Michael huffs as he sits in the sand, his mind clearing somewhat from the cool breeze. His mouth was dry as a bone, that much he knew. But that didn't stop him from having his sharp mandibles available, which gave him an idea. He grunts and groans as he works his arms underneath himself, eventually working them under his legs and out in front of him, causing a small chuckles as he begins to gnaw and bite into the ropes around his wrists with a look of triumph on his bug-like visage.
Re: Parallel to the Sun (Michael/Caulder) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Deciding that the true problem, and rightfully so, was the current restraints he was suffering from, Michael soon made rather short work of the rope binding him to the stone, and was free to reclaim the water skin, drinking enough to wet his mouth, but being careful not to waste what little he had. Figuring there was maybe a full day if he traveled during the heat, if he was careful with it, the decision to set out in a direction of his choosing was a fairly obvious one, but he'd have to decide quickly.

To the north, if he went that way, were certainly more villages, and if he was lucky, an oasis, easily findable if he took advantage of the cool night air, and used his wings to beat nature out. But how far he'd been taken from that saloon was unknown, and the odd metallic taste in his mouth suggested someone had been angry enough with him to leave him out here for dead... Probably a certain lady's father or another... That was probably pretty likely, and brought a wry grin to the insect man alone in the swirling sands. South would only take him further into the desert, towards the coastline, and the east and west yielded much the same result.
Re: Parallel to the Sun (Michael/Caulder) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Michael stands in the sand, puzzling his next move as he the wind began to kick up, blowing his duster up against his legs. With the feeling of that wind blowing on his back, his wings began to twitch, before breaking into a full-on buzz, lifting him into the air and propelling him northward, his legs and arms hanging limply as he makes a bee-line northward. "Adios lil' girl. Hope you find your way." he thinks to himself about his previous travelling companion as his maw opens into a grin. It was good to fly again.
Re: Parallel to the Sun (Michael/Caulder) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Buzzing his way across the wind swept sands, Michael had to adjust a little for the heavy breeze, but his flight was not only uneventful, but almost outright boring, nothing appearing to disturb his traveling, save a few unusually long shadows, and the few small reptiles that were quick to skitter back into their rocky lairs.

Heading to the north, and at a steady pace, Michael was fairly sure he wouldn't make it to Badaria in a single night, but he was quite lucky when he came across the ruins of a half buried town, the buildings mostly broken or worn away, but the well, protected by a few raised sandstone walls, still working just fine, the water easy to get as Michael slid down the hole to drink his fill and refill the water skin without any issues at all. Rising from the well, and looking around, he saw a few places that would be fairly safe to bed down, protected by a few still standing walls, and even a building mostly intact if he so chose, or he could continue onwards and simply make the Badarian border with as much haste as was possible. This would probably be the last real chance to stop and rest if he chose.
Re: Parallel to the Sun (Michael/Caulder) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Michael crosses his arms and thinks as he slowly paces around the well, his wings buzzing every so often as he could feel a pain welling in his wasp-like abdomen. He needed sleep, and that was the end of his internal deliberations. He decided to bed down at the most intact building he could find, hoping that his abdominal pains would pass come morning.
Re: Parallel to the Sun (Michael/Caulder) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Taking shelter in the small, mostly intact house, Michael found that the only thing really wrong with the place, was one corner of the ceiling had fallen in, the place blessedly dark and quiet, though the furniture had long rotted away.

On the far corner, under the sliver of moonlight that slid through the crack in the ceiling, Michael slid into the soft sand that had blown through, and passed out rather quickly.


The night passed, dreams of demons and a large city plaguing him through most of it, though most of the dreams weren't unpleasant, they weren't exactly what you would call nice either, and it was fairly welcome, then the light from a slowly rising sun, poured through the door and roused Michael from his slumber. It was time to move on again, and judging from the slightly kinder temperature, he was probably fairly close, he could make badaria by the end of this night, if he moved quickly.
Re: Parallel to the Sun (Michael/Caulder) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Michael buzzes, both verbally, and with his wings, as he exits the housing, the dreams he had plaguing him, and making him wish for more pleasurable company than the howling wind and the choking sand. After some stretches and exercises to make sure everything was working properly, he buzzes into the sky, humming aloud to himself an old tune from his homeland.