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Pathos Investigation Revamp


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Whelp, going to try seeing if I can handle running an RP on here with my current schedule, since I've been spending more time on here again that I initially thought that I would. Pseudo-reviving one of my old ones, to use as a test. For those who were in the old version, I'm making a few changes, dropping some stuff that I really shouldn't have been trying to do in the first place, honestly. Anyway, enough rambling... Here follows the main description of the newest incarnation of my little mash-up:

Pathos, a colony world founded by a joint effort at peace between two different, yet similar races. One of the races is humanity, a race still divided over what the colony stands for. The other is the Drow, resembling that dark-skinned elves from fantasy works.

First contact did not go well for the two races. Spurred on by egotistical military commanders dreaming of glory, and greedy politicians wanting contract money to line their pockets with, humanity's space forces initially attempted a war of conquest against the Drow. This was stopped within weeks, however. The exact nature of the reversal remains unknown, but a fair amount of credit is given to certain key industrial assets amongst the humans meeting with the politicians and flatly stating a clear refusal to provide means of battle to the military.

After some tense discussions, the two races achieved a truce, and eventually, an agreement to attempt an experiment: To attempt to co-exist, not just with regards to sovereign territory, but even on a single world. Pathos was founded as a result, and barring a few minor incidents at first, has successfully lasted for about a decade.

Recently, however, a rash of strange disappearances, and an even stranger malady have struck the colony. Among the responders has been Cross Technologies, a human-originated company with a strong medical technology development division. The company has long been a supporter of the colony, and has even been working to cross-train specialists in both Human and Drow medical needs, including psychological trauma response.

In response to the sudden troubles at Pathos, Cross Technologies recently announced the construction and opening of a new facility, the Horizon Research and Treatment Center, on Pathos. This facility was built with a specific goal in mind of developing and releasing a treatment of the outbreak.

Notable locations on Pathos:

Orchrios - This is the primary city for the colony. Of moderate-to-large size, it is a mix of architecture, laid out with care by a joint planning team. (Most of the RP will take place here.)

Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Cross Technologies' main location at Pathos. It is a campus-like setup, comprised of the actual Hospital building, a combined Research Lab and Researcher's Dormitory, the General Staff Dormitory, and a combined Administration Building and Administrative Staff Dormitory. (This will be where the players directly affiliated with Cross Tech will end up living.)

Avaris - A secluded, and somewhat concealed estate, built in a style greatly resembling traditional Japanese architecture. Owned by Shiraishi, who lives there, it has an otherworldly feel to it.

Other major details:

As a colony world meant as a gesture of peace, Pathos tends to get almost no major weapons tech, and a lot of weapons are restricted or banned, anyway. Expect to see use of self-defense items, or misused "improvisations", at least at first.

Also, one of Cross Tech's entertainment division's latest developments is a wearable computer device that creates holographic 'pets' for playing with. While tactile impressions are present, hard-coded safety features were implemented to insure that the holograms could not actually cause any damage. The system itself consists of a core unit that is worn along the outside of the forearm, containing the main memory unit and holographic projectors, and a pressure sensitive 'glove' for projecting the holographic control interface.
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Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation Revamp

I'm in! \o/

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation Revamp

Tentative interest, definite curiosity.


Jungle Girl
Jun 26, 2013
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Re: Pathos Investigation Revamp

Consider my interest expressed! Got any more details?
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation Revamp

Okay, then... A few more details, some of which I will admit that I just worked out...

As for the mysterious disease, the trackable symptoms seem to start with a mental withdrawing leading into a catatonic state. After that, the body slowly starts shutting down completely, which of course leads to death. While there's not been any progress made in identifying the cause of, or any sort of pattern to, contracting the disease, those working on identifying a cure seem quite thankful that there have been no cases where someone working with a patent contracted it.

The mysterious disappearances are just simply people vanishing without a trace, usually at the edge of town, or in the middle of a park. No evident signs of struggle, or signs that someone was there that took them. In a rare handful of cases, a body *was* found later...But with both hands missing, and the torso ripped to shreds. In those cases, the official report was that the victim was attacked by some manner of large predatory animal. Efforts at tracking down said animal, or getting a better classification than that, have come up against a distinct lack of evidence.

On a much brighter note, Nathaniel Cross, director of the Horizon Center (And possible overall head of Cross Technologies) has been making an effort to get expertise from both races on staff at the Center, presumably in order to ensure that all possible angles are covered.

Tech-wise, like before, Drow tech is going to be based on what was seen in the Drowtales "Daydream: Space Age" comic. Overall, human tech is on par with what was seen for humanity in the Enterprise TV series. Actually on Pathos is a bit lower, closer to modern tech. Cross has fancier stuff, in particular medical and computer, but he's also got better access, since he's part of a tech company and has probably designed some stuff himself.

Any players that end up living at the actual Horizon Center will likely be living in the Admin Dorm... Which is probably the best digs around there anyway.

Oh, and don't piss Shiraishi off if you meet him. He's intended to be the NPC that can bail the players out something goes totally pear-shaped when it ain't supposed to.

EDIT: Character info layout, and examples, because I'm bored and have nothing better to do at the moment.

Gender: (Male or Female)
Species: (Human or Drow)
Physical Description:
Personality Description: (Need at least a starting description.)
Character Background: (Technically optional, but rather recommended.)
Other Background Notes: (Optional.)

And example:

Name: Nathaniel "Nate" Cross
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Physical Description: Roughly 6'3" and about 185 lbs. Shorter cut dark brown hair, brown eyes. Light complexion. Prefers to wear tan colors, particularly a tan long-sleeved shirt, brown jeans, riding-style boots, and has a brown "gunslinger" style overcoat. Has a vertical scar running across his left eye, although both eyes seem to work well. Known to have several long cut scars, as well as a handful of puncture scars. All scars are somewhat faded, and tend to only be readily visible in bright light. Or if he ends up tanned or (more likely) sunburned.

Personality Description: Nate is often described as easy-going and has a willingness to talk to new people, although he tends to let others handle most of any conversations he's in. He's also known to have skill in several detective work-related activities, as well as being very inventive and highly adept at technology and mechanical work. Oddly enough, he seems to get somewhat edgy when rumors, urban legends, or odd occurances are mentioned. Often described on those who know him as being an excellent listener, as well as being exceptionally discreet. He does, however, have two major flaws: He was known to have a hair-trigger temper during his youth, which he seems to have under control. Also, he seems to occasionally have issues with awkwardness. This awkwardness has, in the past, resulted in almost slap-stick like humorous chain reactions, to Nate's detriment.

Character Background: Very little is known for certain about Nate's early life. There are only four events known for certain, all of them apparently key in forming the young man into what he is now. First, while still very young, his parents died in an apparent arson. This directly lead to the second event, the young boy being taken in and raised by a family friend, one Koike Shiraishi. Later on, during his teens, Nate experienced loss for a second time, as his childhood friend and first love was found murdered in what appeared to be a ritualistic fashion. Finally, Vincent Metras, a fellow ward of Shiraishi's, suffered a severe psychotic episode, resulting an explosive battle between the two former friends. Current belief is that most, if not all, of Nate's collection of scars comes from that fight. Metras' status after the fight is missing, but believed to have perished.

Other Background Notes: Appears to be between 18-24 years old. Works for Cross Technologies, a technology firm/corporation that specializes in primarily medical technology, although an entertainment division exists as well. As seems to be a point-of-contact for a private investigations group entirely focussed on singularly unusual cases, often with elements that cause normal channels to view them as 'unsolvable' or 'without sufficient evidence for pursuit'.

And an NPC for shits and giggles:

Name: Koike Shiraishi (Or Shiraishi Koike, if you want it correctly...)
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Physical Description: 6' even, roughly 180 lbs. Grey hair, green eyes, light complexion. Wears black pants, a black button-up shirt, high black boots, and a dark green coat. Seems to have faint gold trim.

Personality Description: Quiet, calm, reserved. Rarely shows much emotion. Very fluid in movements, and almost never hurries.

Character Background: Besides being some manner of martial arts master, and an expert swordsman, little is known about Shiraishi's past. He just doesn't talk much about it.

Other Notes: He appears to be in his early 50s, but even Cross has no idea just how old Shiraishi really is. He also at times seems to be Cross' superior in the investigation agency.

EDIT the 2nd: Just decided that I *might* be trying something with this one. Still thinking about it, and looking at options, but I may have a surprise of sorts when this gets underway.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Pathos Investigation Revamp

*Throws interest at this thread pending his own time allowances


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation Revamp

Hokay, I've gone ahead and put in a request for this to be shifted to active status. That means it'll be a good idea to start planning and setting up characters.

If something about your character doesn't seem to make sense to me, I'll likely just PM and ask. And I'll probably end up reasonably flexible.

Two restrictions:

First, characters should at or very close to young adult status (i.e., old enough to be out on their own, and not so old that it's difficult for them to move.)

Second, I would greatly prefer no kind of "powers" be mentioned. Those *might* come into this later on, but they will no be in play to start with.


Sex Demon
Mar 13, 2013
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Re: Pathos Investigation Revamp

I think I wanna show interest in this too. Availability pending.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation Revamp

Those who've already expressed interest can ignore this post.

For those who might be interested, or have decided to join, it's on like a Baptist's V-Chip.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Pathos Investigation Revamp

Consider this a bookmarker for me.