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Peltas Five Space Station

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"He's probably in his quarters. He likely won't venture out until it's about time for the meeting, so, up to you. One of us can play host to our friends here and one of us can go get him." She grins. "Can always flip ya for it."


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Corax closes his eyes and mutters something in Tiberion after learning of Daina's fate.

"Not a lot, really. We've heard talk of prisoners taken in an attack by a rogue Gou'ald, but besides that we're a bit out of the loop. Had orders from back home, so we've not been around here too much since the war ended."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon thought a moment.

"I probably should go talk with him personally. Before I go though, I'll ask you both. Do you wish to head with Talok, or come along through the gate and possibly discover Atlantis. I'll need to inform Julia one way or another before I leave who is going with me."

Julia nodded before replying.

"You know part of it then. Essentially Nirrti has been conducting experiments trying to create a perfect humanoid host for herself, kidnapping people, Vanessa included, if you remember her. Anyway Nirrti has been taking people and subjecting them to experiments. We've ... seen a few of the failed results. I assure you it isn't pretty. A little while ago we got word from the Tokra that they may have found her. We're planning, if we have in fact located her, to attack now and end this once and for all. Now I know some folk will want to partake in stopping Nirrti, and I don't blame them, I plan to myself. On the other side, I need some folks who know Siphon to go with him to make sure he actually comes back if he does find Atlantis. He can get a little wrapped up in things."

She chuckled slightly, then continued on.

"I ask you Coraxus because other than myself and Talok, you and Shoni are the only two currently on the station that know him well enough to give him a boot in the rear if he needs it. I'm almost certain Shoni will go with him, but ... I'd prefer he have some additional friends with him. I also figured your wife may like the opportunity to possibly explore a city many believed didn't exist."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Sho holds up her hands, as though balancing a scale. "Revenge...exploration...revenge...exploration..." She 'tips' the balance in favor of the latter choice. "I'll go with you. Talok and I don't always see eye to eye when it comes to kicking ass. You, on the other hand, might need me."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Hmm. Well, are you leaving before the summoned meeting? Because I feel that I should probably attend that before heading elsewhere. Though do you have any expectations regarding what this potential expedition to Atlantis would entail? None of my crew are exactly experts on Ancient technology or lore, but we will assist in whatever capacity is deemed best." Ellisia responds to Siphons query. "My teams current strength is only an expeditionary force, however may be sufficient on a smaller tactical scale. If the strike against Nirrti requires additional forces, we have been granted a single moderate window farcasting of additional reinforcements from Etheria, should they be needed."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon thought for a long moment before replying.

"I'm not sure how much longer before we depart. That is all up to Julia to decide, though I suspect she'll have us conduct the meeting first. As for expectations ... well we know that whatever is down there still has power, and has a shield that could only be of Ancient design. Beyond that we have no idea, we could get there and find living Ancients, we could get there and find an abandoned city or even an outpost with records to comb through. We really don't know what we might find. For Nirrti, I'd have to say probably the more the better, but then again we don't know the exact setup her base has. A smaller force might be better to attack before she can see what's coming. We won't know there until the Tokra call back with more information, which should be soon."

((Waiting for a reply from Squid before I have Siphon bow out to visit Ian))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Very well. It sounds as if we would be of better service assisting with this strike force, though I'll be better able to determine exactly how during the briefing and once this intel arrives." Ellisia says plainly, with the other two remaining silent for now.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"If you don't need our help with the attack, then we'd be glad to go keep an eye on him. That and Lilith would never forgive me if I let this opportunity to study Ancient tech go to waste."

"I might. We're still going though."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon nodded.

"Alright, sounds good. It's been wonderful to see you both again, I hope after I return I'll be able to catch up with you more appropriately Elissia. Sho, I will see you in a bit. If you will all excuse me, I believe I have an Aussie to track down. Talok will be in Conference Room One by now, you may wish to check in with him."

Julia nodded again.

"I figured at the least she'd want to go, dragging you if need be Corax."

This last part was said with a slight smile, so she was clearly joking with him, something she normally wouldn't do.

"Well, I should go check in, the Tokra should be contacting us very soon. Talok should be setting up in Conference Room One, if he isn't ready even now. I believe we will give folks the option of where they wish to go, both hold equal importance to us, though at the moment only one of them is a guaranteed thing."

Ian would be doing lords knew what in his room when suddenly there was a chime indicating someone at the door. A quick glance at the view port would tell him it was Siphon, though he looked ... well, he didn't look the same as Ian remembered him.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Sounds good, then. And if I know him, he's probably in his room. Try there. He's been way to mopey lately, not that I can blame him, really." She waves Siphon off. "Elissia, I can take you and your entourage to the conference room if you'd like, especially if you're going to be heading out with Talok." She smiles a little. "If you are planning on going, I'm glad. Not to say that Talok wouldn't, but it'll be nice having someone else there that can keep an eye on Ian."

The aforementioned Aussie was currently in his quarters, bouncing a tennis ball from the floor to the wall and back to his hand. Of course, any time the ball went astray, it was yanked back on its proper trajectory to keep bouncing. It was a steady rhythm with a bit of a droning quality to it. Needless to say, the chime interrupted the sound and with another yank, Ian wrapped his fingers around the toy, moving over to answer the door.

"Swear, mate," he said, letting it slide open to admit the Alveran, "ya change looks more often than a chameleon changes colahs." He gave a small shake of his head. "Do Ah want ta know what happened this time?" He'll back away from the door to admit the other man. If Siphon were going to explain what happened, he'd probably want a seat. If he were going to be typical Siphon and be mysterious, well, asking him in was just polite anyway and they could get to the heart of the visit after pleasantries.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon entered, waiting for Ian to be settled before he spoke.

"Well, excitement, tempered by bittersweetness, and a mixture of duty in between. I've been asked to head a team to a planet in the Pegasus Galaxy. We ... think we may have found Atlantis. On the heels of that, it would have been something Daina would have loved to see I think. Shame that will never happen."

He was silent for a long moment, then looked at Ian sharply.

"You should know we're waiting on intel to confirm, and I don't want to needlessly get your hopes up Ian, but ... we may have a location on Nirrti. If it checks out, Talok is heading a strike force to end her."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian settled into his chair again, the single tennis ball joined by a couple of others as he absently ran them through a juggling pattern of sorts while he was listening. Siphon might recognize this as one of the mental exercises the telekinetic ran himself through to help keep his abilities sharp. It was mostly the act of carrying on the conversation while concentrating on what he was doing, too. A lesson in multi-tasking, as it were.

"Bittersweet indeed. Way Ah see it, though, you go check this place out, she'll know." He gave the other man a bit of a wan smile. It was a slight prescription to Ian's religious beliefs from back on Earth, meant to be comforting without being intrusive to Siphon's own.

At the mention of the gou'ald, there's a succession of three soft 'thumps' as the tennis balls drop to the floor. For several heartbeats, the other man says nothing, though the errant yellow orbs rather slowly ease off the ground again and start weaving through their pattern once more. "Yeah?" His jaw works for a second, the increased speed of his exercise being the only other outside indication of possible agitation at the mention of the woman. "What about those that ought be with her?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

There was silence for a long moment before Siphon replied.

"Intel suggests she still has some prisoners, but at this point we can't say for certain who they are. Although Nirrti stopped taking victims shortly after the attack, which suggests at least one of the captives is still alive. I'm sorry Ian, but at this stage I can't say with any certainty that it's Vanessa. You know if I knew, I'd tell you, orders be damned. As I said, I don't want to give you false hope, however ..."

He was silent for a very long moment, which was uncharacteristic of him. When he did speak, it was with a much softer tone than Ian had ever heard from him.

"After butting heads with some of the higher ups, I've convinced them to do something that I think you will want to take up. Assuming you want to, and I'd be surprised if you didn't, you're on that mission if there turns out to be one. Talok will be leading it, so you'd be going straight with him. That said, there is something you should know, if you are willing to hear it."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

But no proof on Vanessa. Still, if they could get even a single prisoner away from her, or, at best, stop that damn woman once and for all...

"Ah know." The pattern on the tennis balls changes, turning less into a juggle and more into orbiting and weaving around one another, a sign that he was thinking. "Ah appreciate ya puttin' in a word for me. And yer right. Ah do want ta go."

Given the change in Siphon's tone and just the way he asked the question, there was likely a good chance that he wouldn't want to hear it, but if he was making the effort, it might be worth it to hear him out. The balls float over and drop into the tube that sits on his desk before he puts his attention on Siphon once again, giving his consent with a slight nod.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon was silent for a moment, then what came out probably hit Ian like a bombshell.

"The Tokra and Asgard have figured out a way to remove the symbiote from Nirrti, while restoring her own immune system. The long and short of it is, if at all possible, they want to take her alive and remove the symbiote, allowing the host to be free for the first time in centuries. I'm not sure how that sits with you, but it was something I was asked to inform you of. I think I speak for everyone when I say I doubt it is likely she'll be taken alive though."

Another pause, and then he added, "and before you ask, no. It wouldn't be possible for myself, and to be honest with you ... I wouldn't want to go through with it."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

He's quiet for a time, pondering over the information that Siphon's just shared. "Somehow Ah think ya'd be lonely without that extra voice in yer head," he chuckles as Siphon admits to not wanting to go through the procedure. "But what yer gettin' at is that they wanna absolve the host and put the blame on the gou'ald?" The word usually comes out strangely, due to his accent, sounding more like "ghouled." "Am Ah followin' ya right?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon nodded.

"The procedure has been done several times with other rogue Gou'ald in the last year. In each case the host has had absolutely no control over what they've been doing, it's been the actions of the symbiote. We're not certain if this is something caused by too much sarcophagus use, though the Tokra strongly believe that to be the case. One other theory is that there's always been a divisivness amongst the Gou'ald, something that they're loathe to admit, and that this may have been going on for centuries. What we do know for certain is that Nirrti herself at one time was human, Egyptian from her appearance. Makes sense when you think of Earth's lore, and at one time in their history the Gou'ald were slave masters. It wasn't until about six thousand years or so ago that they finally broke away from that. It's something lost in many cultures, which explains why so many of them are friendly towards the Gou'ald now. What we suspect is that some of the older ones may not be happy with the current system, and have been waiting for the right moment to make their move. Camulus believes that Nirrti herself chose the time frame she did to maximize her chances while we were too busy cleaning up the mess the Ori war caused."

He paused, choosing his words carefully.

"The belief is that the symbiote has usurped complete control of the host body and is forcing her to obey it. Consider it using myself as an example. You know how I am from having dealt with me for so long, but imagine if Talvesh turned out to be a hostile symbiote and decided to completely usurp my own mind. The problem for Nirrti's host lies, assuming we are correct, in that she is quite literally powerless to stop the symbiote. If we are correct, removing it would allow the host free though again. I imagine it would be both a relief, as well as a shock for her. I can't even begin to imagine what someone would go through wanting to stop such actions and being completely helpless to control their own body, merely a silent observer to whatever hell was caused. Now we may not be correct in her case, however ... perhaps you can see from the others stories why the Tokra strongly wish to make the effort?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The procedure itself didn't really worry him. Probably, like any sort of surgery, it carried risks, but for the most part, he wasn't really concerned there. And if it could work, well, he did recall stories of people who weren't always happy to be hosts, so maybe if it worked, they could help them as well. Though the more Siphon spoke, the more questions started cropping up.

"Ah can understand wantin' ta be free from somethin' that's messin' with yer head, but what about how long she's lived? Yer sayin' she's from Ancient Egypt and given what Ah know, Ah believe it, but yer talkin' about cuttin' short the lifespan of someone who's lived fer centuries. Imagine what that'll do to her." He paused. "Granted, that's assumin' we take her alive. Still, dunno how Ah feel about that. Ah figure she won't be lost and confused, she's seen all this goin' on. Not like she's be totally unaware. But ta suddenly have yer immortality taken away. How da ya think she'll feel about that?"

It's clear he's not making the argument to be difficult, but more, it seems, to get a better handle on what's going to happen to the host once the bond has been severed. He doesn't sound opposed to the plan, just questioning aspects of it.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

There was a small pause and then Siphon replied.

"Well if she wanted to keep that and be blended with a Tokra there are plenty of symbiotes who could use a host. I'm sure she would be welcomed amongst the Tokra if she chose. Though as we have pointed out, it's a long shot at best taking her alive."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ellisia gives a farewell bow to Siphon as he departs on his other business, and turns back to Sho as she offers to guide them to the conference room. "Ah yes, thankyou. And so I may be working alongside Ian then? Very nostalgic." She says smiling again as she falls in step with Sho. "I never got to know Ian very well overall, but he always had that dependable air about him. I'll do my best to ensure we all come back from this mission successful and in one piece, as always. We'll all look after each other."
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