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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok looked over the specs, nodding that things should be compatible.

"Their size will make it impossible to bring them inside the facility, but by that point most resistance will likely have been dealt with. As for personnel, at this time we are expecting a good majority of the Alveran's to beam down, as well as Jaffa from the Gou'ald ships. The Alveran ships each will have seventy man crews, and the ships can be run with only one person remaining behind, provided they interface either with the chair or a neural link. As for the Hatak, the last I checked Camulus had over a thousand Jaffa spread over a dozen or so ships. I would imagine if we need that kind of force we'd have it, though I doubt Nirrti has that many forces. All indications are she has at most three hundred loyal Jaffa to her."

After waiting a bit more time, Siphon grumbled.

"Alright, we need to get moving, our window is shrinking."

He turned to a young man near the dialing device and said, "Tobias, go ahead and dial the gate and send the remote. If we're viable to go with atmosphere then we go through now. Corax can join us on the other side when he arrives."

With a curt nod, the young man dialed the gate, and shortly after the whoosh of the forming wormhole flew out. A moment later a small round device lifted off the ground and flew through the gate. Several seconds later, Sho and Siphon were staring at readings that were, surprisingly, in English. Siphon had that knowing look to his eyes, which meant this probably had been programmed in part by him, though that was replaced by a small smile quickly.

"Viable atmosphere, sensor readings indicate a large room perhaps two hundred meters across that is structurally intact. Ah, and we have a visual."

As the visual came up, Sho could see the room was quite large, with several staircases lining the sides of the room. It appeared this room was to floors in one, and filled with what seemed to be consoles. It was mostly darkened, however there was a faint light coming from the stargate and the probe itself. Then, Siphon turned the probe using the control device he had, and it panned to reveal several surprises.

The first being an incredible display of what seemed to be colored glass near one of the stairwells, glass that, in the light of the probe and gate, revealed what seemed to be a darkness behind it. It took them a moment to realize the way the color changed depending on the light angle that on the other side of that glass was an unknown amount of water, which clearly rose far above the window.

The second, as the probe completed it's turn, was the stargate itself. It wasn't like the uniform metallic ones from this galaxy, or the shiny blue colored type Siphon had been constructing as of late. No, this gate was lit up on the sides by what at first seemed to be random white dots on it, and the chevrons were a teal color instead of the red they were used to seeing. Sho could see Siphon's eyes looking over the dots, and then suddenly his eyes raised wide open.

"My god, those dots ... they're actually the lit symbols indicating OUR gate address. The gate can actually display the address of the wormhole dialing in. This ... this is FAR beyond what we've been able to accomplish with our own network. And see those small metallic blips at the 'corners' of the gate? Those look a lot like the shield emitters we use on the ship bound gates. They aren't active right now though, which is good."

He was silent for a very long moment, taking all of it in, probably preparing himself to see it up close and personal. Then, taking a deep breath, he looked at Sho.

"You ready to step through?"

((After Sho is ready I'll make a thread for Atlantis itself. Idk where Bartnum is so I'm leaving it open for him to join whenever.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Just means we'll have ta keep count as we start whitlin' 'em down," Ian says with a bit of a chuckle.

"He'll be along. I think he's just as excited about this as you are."

Sho lets Siphon work the controls of the probe but stands beside him, peeking over his shoulder, so to speak, with a hand resting lightly on his back. He can hear her let out a soft, somewhat shaky breath as they discover the water on the other side of the windows. Big room, but big room surrounded by water makes for a slightly nervous Sho. As they continue their study, she chuckles.

"You're telling me that gate has caller ID?" she asks with a bit of a laugh. "That's kinda awesome, actually."

When he asks her if she's ready to go, she scoops up her bag and gives him a nod. "When you are," she replies with a smile.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Well, someone's certainly that excited about it."

The trio of Tiberions finally shows up, Vulkan now carrying a number of firearms and Lilith with a small haversack, presumably full of tools. Corax looks much the same as always.

"Sorry we took so long. Weren't expecting to travel via the gate when we first got here, so we had some things to do first."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon nodded.

"It's fine, you're just in time to step through. If these images are anything to go by along with what we think we know of Atlantis, then I do believe we've found her. Probe isn't detecting any life signs, at least not within the gate room. For the moment, it's all clear. Now then, let's see what awaits us shall we?"

Picking up his own package, Siphon turned towards the gate, and muttered something to himself in his own language. Then, without any hesitation, he stepped into the 'puddle', and vanished.

((Creating the Atlantis thread.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Very well then. It sounds like we have everything we require. My small team can either support the lead element in the ground assault, or pursue any other key tasks or objectives as required." Ellisia states plainly, looking to both Thanus and Marik for anything they might care to input, though neither seem to have anything to add at present. Thanus continuing to maintain a statue like expression and vigil throughout the entire conversation, and Marik sitting opposite looking very casual and relaxed by comparison as he seems to watch the expressions of those in the room.

Barring if there was anything else to cover, and as soon as the golem had been fitted with the tracking device, the Etherian team would be ready launch.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok nodded.

"Alright, let's get moving then. We ship out in an hour."

((Can assume all the fitting takes place and such, when Ian and Elissia are ready to go just have a post for them arriving at ships. Ian I figure likely is riding with Talok.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian gave a nod at the deadline and headed back to his room to pack up for the journey. It wasn't going to be much. Typical travel items for him, actually: Spare clothes, creature comforts, the like. He didn't have much by way of weapons or heavy gear, which afforded him a little extra time. Bidding a goodbye to the photo of his parents with a smile, he hurried out to meet the others in the docking bay.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Standing with a bow, the Etherian trio would depart the briefing room and return to their vessel waiting at the docking bay. When they arrive the eighteen foot, sleek white golem unit has already been temporarily offloaded from the ship to allow the station technicians to install the tracking unit. Beside it, watching the technicians with much scrutiny, stands the golem's pilot. Standing arms crossed and looking decidedly young to be standing in a military hanger, Sinvve waits for the work to be completed giving occasional "assistance and advice", as the techs try to find their way around the alien machine. "Agrhh... No, I told you already! There are no internal spaces. None. No, there's no panels! I don't... *sigh* Just put it on the outside ok? Like I said the first time." She exchanges with the techs, with perhaps less than perfect communication and understanding between the two parties. Spotting the knight team returning she perks up, turns and waves, followed by pausing and frowning again. Calling out to them in a language entirely foreign to the station, "{Hey Ellisia, what gives. You knew I wanted to explore. Why'd I have to stay behind?}"

"Take it up with your sister not me. She didn't want you running around distracting her whilst the briefing was in session. She needed to have a clean memory to record." The taller woman replies continuing on to the ship.

"Wha? Oh come on... {that's completely unfai... ... pfft...}" Sinnve protests, trailing off in reluctant understanding. Turning back to the technicians as they make an enquiry, "Oh huh... drill a groove? With that thing? Hah, go ahead! Good luck leaving a mark. Didn't you have that other glowing tool? ... Nah it'll be fine. Just do it already." The young Etherian Grumbles. "{What a pain in the ass. Why are we even involved with these people?}" Muttering in an incomprehensible tongue to herself.

Commotion about the tracking device aside, all other preparations are simple and fly by swiftly. The Aurora and it's crew ready for departure.
(I couldn't quite tell if the characters were going to have a chat in docking or not, so... *shrug*)
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((Alright, making thread. Can essentially assume they've shipped out.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Some time later, the Saerif would arrive at the massive station hanging in space. Of course, massive didn't do it justice, it was huge. Easily dozens if not hundreds of times the size of their ship, it was more like a spaceborne city than a stationed outpost. Likely, it was unlike any constructed station or ship they ever had seen, and the ships that were milling about here clearly were nothing like the ships from back home.

As they drew closer, they could see the Draque ship had already arrived, a much smaller figure against the massive scale of the station. Those thoughts were interrupted by a female voice and face coming across their screens.

"Greetings, I am Julia of the Alverans, and welcome to Peltas Five. Sivok has taken the liberty of bringing me up to speed, and I understand you may have numerous questions you wish to ask. If you will follow the Scalerious, you may dock with the station, and I will come to greet you myself."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Port Authority of Peltas Five, this is Jortis, owner and pilot of the B class interceptor 'Verasan' requestion permission to dock and make port. Please note this ship is warp capable, and unarmed" Jortis said in way of greeting and request, using the public official channel that his computer had recognized based on surrounding chatter as he made his way towards the station at a slow idle.

He didn't know if anything here had something like a microwarp drive or not, but they needed special handling and had to be kept away from certain kinds of radiation station hardpoint weapons were known to emit in his own time, so it was only being polite when he mentioned it. It also meant that he could activate the drive danger close to the station if he had to and that his ship would require additional security. Whether such a thing was normal here or not, he wanted to make sure that any scans his ship may pass through didn't post the drive as possessing a weapon due to it's own unique signature and it was with these thoughts in mind that he awaited permission to enter the stations space properly before moving forward, his ship did and his systems down.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The crew of the Saerif marveled at how large the Peltas Five Space Station was. Syilvia blinked in amazement, and then she heard the transmission from a Julia of the Alverans. She nodded and then spoke to confirm her reception of the message, "This is Syilvia of the Saerif. You're spot on with me wanting to ask a lotta questions. We'll be docking soon." After sending the message, she looked to people on her bridge and nodded, then opened up a ship-wide announcement.

"We're about to dock at the Peltas Five Station. You can feel free to explore, but make sure you don't cause any trouble. Be on your best behavior, guys. Y' got that??"

The crew members all responded with a hearty "Yes, ma'am!" and then made preparations for docking.

While Syilvia was watching everyone scurry about preparing the ship for docking, Syri approached her...

"Commander--" Syri said before being interrupted by Syilvia.

"Yeah, I know. You, Ariette, and Sena will accompany me. Don't be dressed for battle. But bring sidearms, just in case. Go get the other two and get ready."

"Yes Commander," Syri said before departing.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ariana and her ship appeared in a lit docking portion of the station, crews already moving on the other side of the doorways to prepare for any needed repairs. In moments, it was locked, the outer doors were closed, and she saw them enter the area as if it were pressurized and full of air.

After a long moment, Jortis recieved a reply from a woman.

"My apologies for making you wait, this seems to be quite a busy day. We have lit a point up on the station to your port side where you can dock safely. You are welcome to dock now, and allow me to welcome you personally to Peltas Five. Once on board, there will be crew to direct you to wherever you may wish to go to."

Soon enough, the Saerif was safely docked, and crews were mingling about, particularly the Alveran crews who were seeming to check for external issues regarding the ship first to repair, such as hull breaches and the like.

((Pretty much everyone can enter the station now and really get going.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The woman blinked a few times as the teleport took place. She looked over to Rhian, who nodded. "Well, best go say hello then, I suppose." She said with a chuckle, heading out the back of the ship and exiting from the cargo ramp, looking aorund the bay she had been placed in.

(( No real direction, as far as i recall. feel free to remind me or provide some, otherwise i'll just pick something random to aim at XD ))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

While the rest of the crew was off doing their own business, Syilvia stepped out onto the space station. She had her laser pistol hanging from her waist with her belt holster, but other than that she looked no different from when she was on the ship. She looked around, taking in the sights and the designs of this dimensions space station.

Behind her, there were three people, a male and two females dressed in similar fashion to Syilvia. There was Syri, who had a rather large looking laser pistol in strapped to his side. One of the females, one with long red hair (Sena), wore two smaller pistols to her sides and had her hair tied up into a ponytail. She seemed the more sincere and graceful type. The other woman, tanned and of silverish spiky hair, appeared more masculine and wielded something similar to Syilvia's Hi-Laser pistol. This woman appeared to be more gruff, perhaps seasoned with experience in war.

Syri spoke, "It seems much more different than home, doesn't it?"

The gruff, tan girl spoke with a sharp tone, "Well, it would make sense. We're not really home, are we?" The girl looked at Sena, who had a constant smile going on, "Why are you so happy, Sena?"

"Well, it just seems like we got that vacation we asked for. Doesn't it feel nice, Ariette?" the red-haired girl answered.

"It all does seem new, doesn't it. But right now, don't bring too much attention to yourself. Even if that is kinda hard at the moment," Syilvia said, walking forward. The other three followed closely behind, looking around the place. Eventually, they left the docking area and waited for the Julia that they spoke to before.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Signalling an affirmative to the response to his hail, Jortis puttered his ship to the station's port side and looked around for his docking point. And sure enough, there was the lit up point, as well as several other ships coming and going, and he really wanted to get out the wrench and start taking things apart, but that would be rude......

Flying over, Jortis docked his ship before checking the air mixtures and deciding to take his rifle, the weapon slung across his back as he waited for the airlock to seal and to enter the station. With a soft snap and a ping from the lock system, the ship signalled completeion of the dock, and he strode forward properly into Peltas 5, wondering what this was going to be like...
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The bay Ariana was in was quite large, probably designed for ships mch larger than her own. From her vantage point, she could see several ships of comparable size to Thor's own, albeit different shapes. There were also several other types of ship she couldn't recognize about as well, those seeming to have some light battle damage to them. As she moved past, and into the station itself, she noticed that the majority of the people here seemed to wear an almost light armor type of clothing. It seemed perfectly suited for daily living, especially the kind where you never knew what might happen.

She hadn't gone far when a young man approached her, asking if he could help her in any way.

Likewise Jortis found the same type of armor being worn by the people he encountered, and surprisingly enough no one seemed to give it much consideration he was carrying a weapon around. Then again, half the people he saw had some kind of pistol looking thing, which he could safely assume was an energy weapon of some kind. He had gone maybe a few 'blocks' into the station when a young woman, probably no older than twenty if looks didn't lie, approached him, asking him if she could help him find anything.

It wasn't a long wait for Syilvia and her crew before Julia, Sivok, several security guards from the looks of things and one other person who didn't quite seem to belong made their appearance. Of note was the light armor type clothing they wore, save for the new guy and Sivok. Also, except for those two, they carried what appeared to be energy pistols of some kind.

Sivok appeared unarmed, but after having seen he and his people in action, Syilvia could probably assume the Draque didn't need a weapon so long as he could become invisible. Who else knew what they were capable of that they had't shown yet.

The new guy, who was introduced as Varik of the Tokra, seemed a tall, youngish man, but his young appearance seemed to be a mask over what Syilvia got the distinct impression was a very powerful, older mind from the way he had introduced himself.

Finally, Julia spoke.

"You have already met me, again welcome to Peltas Five. As I mentioned before, Sivok has brought me up to speed on your situation, and if you are willing, there is something I would like to show to you. It would be beneficial to know if it exists where you come from."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

“I‘m not entirely sure. Are you asking that question in some form of officicial capacity, or just as a kindness?“ Ariana asked, offering a friendly smile. “I was pretty effectively delivered here by Thor of the Asgard. I believe 8mm to find whoever is in charge of the expedition to Atlantis. I would also like to find a way to get a lump sum download of any non-sensitive history and knowledge to my ship, i have a companion there waiting to set up our end of the download. Can you help with any of that?“
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Syilvia and her team greeted Sivok, Julia, Varik, and the other guards that came to welcome them. With a gracious nod, Syilvia complied with Julia's desire to show them something.

"Of course. If we can be of any help, we'll certainly try," Syilvia said. As Syilvia spoke, Syri, Ariette, and Sena were poised and looking like professional soldiers. Obviously they wanted to make a good impression on these people.

"Well, shall we then?" Syilvia said, motioning to Julia and Sivok with a friendly smile.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The young man regarded Ariana for a moment, then half shrugged.

"A bit of both I suppose, I'm authorized to help to a certain extent, but there are some things I can't do without talking to my superiors first. I can get things set up myself for the download you requested, that is something we see a lot of. As for Atlantis ..."

He paused, thinking this over, perhaps because he wasn't sure exactly how to proceed. Finally he spoke.

"Well, Siphon was the expedition leader, but they already went through. You'd probably have to talk with Julia about getting in touch with him if you are looking for him, but right now she's a bit busy with some other guests. For now, if you would like to get started on the download, I can help you get that set up?"

Nodding, Julia led them through a series of corridors, until finally they came to a large room. Entering, Julia indicated for them to enter.

Upon entering they discovered a gigantic room, one that was filled with various controls, but more importantly, a large circular ring in the back of the room. Said ring was about twenty five feet across, and seemed to be a perfect circle. It looked to be made from some sort of metal, but the defining features were locking systems, and an inner ring that seemed capable of moving. The inner ring also seemed to have symbols on them.

Julia let them look for a long moment, then asked, "this is what is known as a Stargate. Varik suggested that we see if anything like this exists where you come from."
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