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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Hearing her name spoken, Sinnve twists round in her seat to face the voice. A tiny hint of surprise and recoil appearing on her face when she sees Talok, perhaps having forgotten his race. She soon dispels that however, "Uh, well..." She starts, turning her gaze to look to Vern across the table. "Certainly, here." The man speaks, tucking a short rod like item out from a pocket, interacting with it for a second, and handing it towards Sinnve, who then passes to offer it to Talok. A holographic display emanating out from the simple looking device to display various information. Vern meanwhile summons up a few more small interface displays in front of himself, and gesturing at them seems to bring up and navigate through more of the information being shown on Talok's display.

Whilst the engineer does this, Sinnve attempts to answer Talok's other general question. "Pretty much. One moment there was nothing on sensors there, and the next that strange rift had just popped up. And yeah, it didn't stick around for long."

"There we go. I've given that device there access to most of the information you would want. I'm sure you can figure out how to navigate it. I'll start work on collecting and translating the entirety of the relevant data over to the correct format for your computer systems to read, and move it over, so that you can better analyse it using your own tools. It shouldn't take long." The sandy brown haired man elaborates, seeming to actually look quite happy at having been able to help. Vern had been spending much of his time lately on systems to improve compatibility between non Etherian tech and their own. It's always good when things feel like they paid off.

"Hey! There, go back!" Sinnve exclaims with a bit of a enthused grin. Leaning over the table to wave and prod her hand at Verns displays, causing one of the holograpic windows from Talok's device to show a large visual of the T-Rex's face. The golem's arms visible grappling round the creature, and the beasts large eye staring directly at the viewer. "Pretty cool huh? We don't have any animals like that on Etheria." The young pilot comments.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok nodded, sifting through data. He would of course run further tests later, but right now seeing it with his own eyes would suffice. When Sinnve runs it back to show the T-Rex, Talok thought a moment.

"Earth used to be home to them millions of years ago. They eventually died out, the belief is a giant asteroid impact wiped them all out. Which is what makes this even more odd, the planet we were on has no fossil record of anything like them existing there, and it's record goes quite far back. I am beginning to wonder if you saw a variant of a natural wormhole, one that crosses not only space, but time as well. And this sudden spike of energy here?"

He points out a spike where the sensors went nuts only a moment after the reading.

"That is a high magnetic field burst. That's why your sensors went nuts, is basically scrambled the hell out of them. I've never seen such a high blast of magnetic energy though, not when it's effects only lasted a few moments. Wait, what's that sound?"

His last comment being directed at the strange noise her systems had made when the anomaly opened.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"A hole in time..." Vern hums, "Most incredible. If it is such a thing. I must admit to knowing next to nothing in such a field, though there is surely all manner of residue and trace artifacts in that region now."

"I don't know what that sound is. I assumed it was just part of the interference. Started at the same time the anomaly occurred." Sinnve shrugged lounging in her chair.

"I've not run any proper analysis on it yet." Vern adds, cupping his chin and poking at the holograms to bring up some basic acoustic charts and analysis tools on the displays. "What about it?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok thought a moment before answering.

"Started at the same time, and ended at the same time it closed, and was a constant noise the whole time ... I think it might be frequency interference. If I'm right, that sound we are hearing is it's magnetic frequency translated into sound. We saw something similar in sound when the undead attacked the Alveran homeworld a century ago. The portals they used gave off a specific frequency that we could home into and predict, but they were nothing like this. This is definitely a fracture in space and time, and you are right, there should be trace amounts of variktren particles there. Those are present any time there is something to do with time travel, yet based on your readings, I see nothing like that. Clearly though, that creature was from another time, which leaves me with only one possible explanation."

He hesitated a moment and then finished.

"Some natural force out there tore a hole in space and time, something that naturally happens. That is the only way those particles wouldn't exist. Which means ladies and gentlemen, something out there that we know nothing about can cause holes in the fabric of space time to appear at will. The fact that it closed suggests the driving force is inherently unstable and unpredictable, but that also means these things could pop up anywhere, at any time. There seems to be no record of anything like this ever happening amongst even the oldest species, at least not in this galaxy. There are stories of it having happened elsewhere, but they were discounted as nothing more than a myth or distorted stories of some kind of ancient experiment that was abandoned when the ancients returned to this galaxy before ultimately dying off. It would seem there may have been truth to them after all. I believe I will need to contact the Nox about this. They would be able to sense whatever disturbance caused this, at least they should."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Speaking of left behind trace particles and matter, we have a sizeable sample of that great reptiles salivary fluid that was smeared over the golem unit's arm, along with traces of cheek and gum lining. I've had a portion of it sent back for study and dating already." Vern mentions, "I also contacted the relevant people on the station here offering them the rest of the sample matter. It will be interesting to see what comes from it."

"Hmm. Well, never assume that the various species, factions or powers of the universe are sharing everything they know. Even with their own kind." Vern replies to Talok's comment of no existing records, looking fairly deep in thought. "Or that they always had a pen on hand when these events were occurring." Marik adds nonchalantly.

"Heh, true... true. Truly a tragedy that we could not of had E.O.S fully honed in on our location during the mission. Not that we could have ever predicted such an occurrence. The Eruditc and Observant Orders will certainly be taking a serious interest in this quite soon I'm sure." Vern muses, mostly to himself and the other Etherians more than Talok, though still speaking openly, before looking back to Talok. "I'm quite curious now, as to whether our own records in Etheria may contain any such anomalies or related occurrences, but I couldn't possibly know myself having not dedicated the research time. I have a colleague in one of the Eruditic Orders back home, which I should be able to talk to about it and request that they share any findings that come about due to this."

The rest of the table having been generally silent during the discussion mostly seemed to have been listening and taking in what they could, but clearly lacked the expertise to make much in the way of valuable commentary. Sinnve does eventually break her lost looking raised eyebrow expression to chime in. "Serious stuff huh. So... who the hell are the Nox?"
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok nodded.

"Please do make that request. If your people have anything at all that will help, it will be appreciated. I'll speak with Julia regarding the samples, we'll compare that to what we know of the prehistoric creatures that roamed Earth. Outwardly, it seems to be the same, however the only way to be absolutely certain is with the DNA sample. As for the Nox ... suffice it to say they are perhaps the oldest species native to this galaxy, at least as old as the Asgard. Long ago they shied away from any violence, simply focusing on more mental capabilities than physical. If threatened, they simply will their attackers to return home, or be elsewhere. They are also capable of reviving the dead within a brief time of death. I've seen them do that several times. They are also very technologically advanced, though they prefer keeping this a secret to most races outside the alliance. Care to meet one?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Certainly." Vern replies simply. "You may keep that display node for now, until I've translated and moved the data to your own systems proper."

"Well they sound decent enough, I guess. Meet one? I dunno, uh... are they here on the station or something?"
Sinnve answers a little uncertainly, taking a glance at her sister for a moment, whom she was used to making all the calls.

Ayla just smiles back softly, sipping some kind of drink they had ordered from the establishment.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok shook his head.

"No, the Nox prefer to remain on their home world unless they absolutely must leave it. Normally a request could be made to have someone sent here, but given what we could be dealing with ... we'd be going through the Stargate to their planet. Their world is seventy thousand light years from here, I think you would like it. Up to you though, you are all welcome to accompany me there. And thank you Vern, that will be most helpful."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Sinnve again glances to Ayla, and then to Ellisia, expecting one of them to have something to say about the group direction, but neither say anything, which Sinnve takes as an approval in it own way. "Well... ok then. I did come out here hoping to see new worlds and stuff, afterall."

"Indeed. This sounds like it could be a worthwhile experience. We would be glad to join you."
Ayla speaks in her soft tones, for the first time since Talok's arrival.

Ellisia then adds an enquiry, "Are there any considerations we should make for this journey Talok? How soon did you intend to leave?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok thought a moment before replying.

"Dress lightly, not as much as you did on the last mission but lightly. This is summer in the part of their planet where the gate is, so it may be humid and warm. We can leave pretty much as soon as you are ready, the Nox don't typically ask for a heads up on incoming arrivals. Let me know when you are ready, and we can depart."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Very well then. We have very little that needs addressing before hand, and shall meet up with you at the gate shortly." Ellisia nods.

"... Summer sounds good." Sinnve idly comments, looking between the group as they all get up from the table. "A fleeting farewell to you then Talok. Or... see you shortly, even." Marik adds as they depart, showing a flicker of uncertainty with the language and phrases, but casually laughing it off and heading out with his comrades.


As told, the Etherians would arrive a short while latter at the stargate chamber/facility. The three knights, wearing their light expedition outfits and armour in grey blue, with backpacks, and Ayla wearing a similar apparel but lacking the armoured sections and in white and grey. Sinnve had apparently insisted in remaining in her dark grey pilots bodysuit despite having had to leave her golem behind. Vern was nowhere to be seen, having opted to stay behind at the ship with his work.

"Pfft... Oplankia doesn't have to be all about fighting. She can be used for... walking, or flying, or looking at things, or... sleeping on? There's plenty of non violent reasons to bring a golem along." Sinnve mutters as she walks along with the group into the room. Ellisia just chuckles and replies, "Well perhaps you can ask the Nox about it, and maybe they'll be happy to let you bring her along next time."

"Oh yeah? Well, maybe I will. So there." Sinnve huffs with arm arms crossed in mock protest. "What do these Nox guys look like then? Lizard people with giant brains or something?"

"I don't know Sin. I've only read very lightly about them. Most of them prefer to live very close to nature though, to the point that they could be mistaken for primitives by the unaware." Ayla answers looking about the place and seeming to admire the gate itself.

Greeting whatever staff would be attending the gate, they proceed to seek out Talok.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Moments after their arrival, Talok arrived in his normal clothing still. Evidently temperature changes didn't bother him much, or he simply refused to admit it. Either way, he nodded to the others as he came in, picking up on the last snippets of their conversation.

"The Nox appear very much like humans, though their clothing and hair reflect their forest surroundings, and Ayla is quite right, if you don't know anything about them, you'd think they were a primitive forest dwelling species. Let me just dial the gate here."

The gate began it's dialing sequence, and shortly after the wormhole established, the vortex whooshing out before pulling back in and stabilizing. After a moment, Talok stepped forward and nodded.

"Alright, we're good to go. Shall we?"

((Will make a thread for the Nox Planet a bit later, food calls to me))
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((Double post ftw! Sue me lol.))

Some time later, Ian heard a chime on his door, followed by Julia's voice.

"Ian, we need to talk, now."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

It wasn't like Julia to just pop in for a visit, not to mention that tone of hers sounded pretty urgent.

"Yeah, c'mon in." Of course, when she gets the door open, he's about halfway there to greet her. "What's goin' on?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia had an almost embarassed look on her face when she spoke, but it was both her words and her tone that hit hard.

"I just went with Vorhan of the Tokra to visit Vanessa, he wanted to check in on her given her experiences with Nirrti. When we got there, the door was open completely, and no one inside, but it had been trashed like someone left in a hurry after looking for something. I scanned the station for her translocater beacon ... she's not on the station anymore Ian. Also, it seems two pistol weapons are missing from the armory, but no one took them and there is no security footage showing a person removing them, however there is footage of two weapons simply levitating and then vanishing. Vorhan and I don't believe this and Vanessa vanishing are a coincidence ... Vorhan thinks we missed it somehow, which gives me pause but ... Ian I'm sorry but ... we think somehow Nirrti slipped past is. We think Nirrti is inside Vanessa, and may be on her way or already have gone through the gate after Siphon. One of the other survivors mentioned overhearing Nirrti saying something about a three phase plan to create the ultimate unstoppable host, and that it required genetic samples from a mutated host, Siphon, and something else further down the line involving manipulation of an unborn child."

The look in her eyes said it all, she was really mad, but more at herself it seemed for failing to anticipate such a move.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian remains still as Vanessa is talking, although behind him, she can see objects in his room begin to move of their own volition, mostly gear for an extended trip and, from the look of a few other items that were heading into the bag, one where he expected trouble.

"A'ite. Nessa knew where Siphon was headed. 'As the gate been used?" And given the manipulation she explained, it might be entirely possible that the girl managed to slip through with the group that had Siphon and Sho through to the underwater city. "Get me somethin' that'll let me get in touch with either Siphon or the other group as soon as Ah'm through th' gate. Doesn't much mattah if Ah tip Nirrti off as Ah warn them away from her, but Ah'd prefer not ta, if that's possible."

As soon as he's finished speaking, he reaches out and the handle of a backpack settles into his hand, which he than swings onto his shoulder. "Let's not give her any more time, aye?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded.

"You'll be taking a touch stone with you. We sent backup in earlier before we knew of her vanishing, chances are she slipped through with some form of cloaking device when they went. When you get there, try to contact Jacobs, he's leading the small contingent we sent. You should also know that you could be walking into a shitstorm of problems, when we sent Jacobs in we were unable to establish contact with Siphon. We don't know if that means the Wraith are there and they had issues or not, so be prepared for anything. I'd normally come with you myself under the circumstances however ... the Vorian outpost that was attacked earlier ... many of them have fallen ill suddenly, their bodies are shutting down. We think the hive that attacked them may have used some kind of bio-weapon on them, I don't think I need to tell you how nasty that could turn out to be. Vorhan will accompany you as well, if you'll have him. He'll be able to sense Nirrti if she's around the area since essentially they are the same species, just with different ideals."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"No issues there," he says of having Vorhan with him. "And where Siphon is involved, Ah always expect the worst case scenario." He shoots her a wink and a bit of a crooked grin. "Lead the way."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded, walking with him to the gate room, where a very tall man turned and greeted Ian. His voice was clearly that of the symbiote speaking.

"Greetings, I am Vorhan of the Tokra. I've been brought up to speed on the likely situation, I have with me this case which contains several items needed to safely extract Nirrti from your friend. It is unlikely she will go quietly, so we may need to use ... restraining or stun blast force to subdue her. I assure you, I will do everything I can to make the extraction as quick and painless for your friend as I can. Unfortunately, as I am sure you know, Nirrti is not likely to cooperate and make things easy. If you have any questions, please ask them now before we go. Once there, I suspect we won't have much time to move."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"If ya need her stunned, get me a zat before we go, then, aye? I can handle the immobile paht, but the unconscious bit, that's a little trickier without bonkin' Nessa hard on the head. Other than that, fairly sure Ah'm up ta speed."

Provided he gets what he needs, Ian's ready to head through the gate with the Tokra.
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