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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Vorhan silently withdrew a Zat from under his clothing, nodding that he was ready.

"Then let us begin."

The gate was dialed, and soon enough Ian found himself stepping through to Atlantis.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The gate whooshed open, and in short order Vanessa and Ian stepped back into the gate room. Julia was already there to greet them when they arrived.

"Good to see all went well, welcome back, both of you."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Good ta be home," Ian replies with a bit of a nod. "Ah'd like a word with ya, once I get Nessa settled. Doc ordered bedrest, so ya make sure she keeps to it, a'ite?"

Might not make Vanessa very happy, but Ian was pretty determined to follow Samantha's advice. Problem was, he had himself going in a couple of different directions. One thing at a time, though, no matter how much he wanted to get back to the city.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Of course, I'll be around here for a bit still."

Vanessa walked out with Ian, blinking a few times.

"Boy, she wasn't kidding about my gonna start feeling drowsy and want to sleep. Guess it's all this and the last few months catching up to me now. Anyway, I take it you aren't staying for long?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Let's get ya to y'room, then." Ian will continue to offer Vanessa support, especially if she's getting drowsy. At her question, he gets a bit of a sheepish smile. "Found out some things that Ah gotta pass on ta the othahs. And there's somethin' in Atlantis Ah gotta check inta. Ah won't be long, Nessa, don't ya worry. Least, Ah hope," he adds with a chuckle. "'Sides, you'll be sleepin' it off anyway. Won't even know Ah'm gone."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

She smiled softly.

"I wish I was awake enough to go with you, I'd love to actually see the city and be able to appreciate it as myself. Maybe we can take a vacation there when I'm awake again?"

By now they had reached her quarters, and she was half into bed already, blinking to stay awake just a little bit longer.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Sounds like an idea ta me. Ya certainly deserve a vacation after all'a this."

He sees her to her bed, making sure her shoes are off, at the very least, and that she's tucked in. "Ah'll be beck before ya know it, Nessa," he murmurs, hand skimming lightly over her hair.

Waiting until she's relaxed into at least the beginnings of sleep, he'll show himself out and then make his way back to Julia, intent on making a brief report before making the request to be sent back to the city. He'll mention encountering another one of the anomalies, encountering Alana, and then bring up the Klarnell, that being something he feels needs addressed before he takes off again.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

It didn't take long for Vanessa to be out like a light, she literally smiled at him, closed her eyes and was practically asleep before her eyes even finished closing.

Quietly leaving her quarters, it wasn't long until he spotted Julia. When she saw him, she motioned him over, walking towards him as well.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Glancing back at the woman with a faint smile, Ian slips out and upon spotting Julia, heads over to her. "Got some intel ta add about that anomaly we ran inta while we were bookin' from Nirrti's place." And he will proceed to give her a short version of what he discovered in his brief conversation with Alana. He'll avoid mentioning that she was an Ancient, if he can, or at the very least not naming her, doing that small bit to help protect her identity. "Ah'm fixin' ta head beck ta Atlantis and see if Ah can't dig up what she left f'me. And fill the othahs in."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia frowned at the mention of the Klarnell, and seemed to smile just a hint when he mentioned Atlantis and heading back. It was obvious to Ian that she had a fair idea the woman he'd met was an ancient, for there really was no other explanation, but she said nothing in regards to that.

"I don't like the sounds of these Klarnell one bit. Anything that can do that and give the ancients themselves such a serious problem is bad news. Ian, you should get going as quickly as possible, we got a message from Vorhan just a few minutes ago. Siphon is preparing to fly the city to another planet, he's concerned the wraith may send more ships to make a run at Atlantis. If you go now, you might be able to get through before they jump to hyper-space. If the city jumps though, we're cut off from them until they drop out and the gate network updates. I hope you find good news Ian, good luck."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Best get m'arse in geah, then." He sighs. "Let Nessa know when she wakes up, then, will ya?" He looks a little upset at the fact that he's going to be leaving her, but he knows she understands duty and while he might not be officially enlisted, these are his friends.

Not wanting to waste much more time, he'll head to the gate room to be sent back to the city whenever they're ready to give him the means to head out.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded.

"Of course. I hope you find what you are looking for."

In short order he was back in the gate room, and after a few moments, the wormhole established, which meant that for the moment, Atlantis was still there. Stepping through, the familiar nothingness swept over him ....
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"So do Ah." He bids her farewell and makes his arrangements. "Nevah really get used ta it," he mutters softly, watching the wormhole shimmering before him. Taking a breath and closing his eyes briefly, he'll step through, hoping things will have gotten under control while he's been gone and he's not walking into a war zone.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian and Ariana stepped through onto Peltas once more, a large contingent of Alverans already in place to head for Atlantis. Vanessa was no where to be seen, but that wasn't surprising since Ian hadn't been gone incredibly long, maybe a couple of hours at most.

Ariana might notice the large gathering of Alverans, and there seemed to be more traffic about than there had been on her first trip, and several different species moved about, clearly not human, but alien races. None that she would recognize unfortunately, but then considering how far out she had gone, it probably wasn't a shocker. It was up to her what she wanted to do now.

((And decision time for you both!))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Well, Ah've gotta date," Ian declares, shouldering his bag. "Ya need me ta point ya somewhere, dahlin'? Least Ah can do b'fore Ah take off."

Sho'll be through with Siphon, if he's not staying in the city. Despite her desire to explore the place, figuring out more about what's going on is more important. Snooping later.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

“I, uhh. I should be fine, unless you know a bar the Asgard hang out in. Thanks.“ Ari replied, following him down the access ramp from the gate.

Once Ian parted ways, she‘s pop on the helmet tucked under her arm, making contact with her ship. [I‘m back.] She said simply.
[Hello again. I've learned a fair amount since you've been gone, there is a significant amount to go through. I should tell you though, I checked their starmaps first, and found no evidence that can lead us back to your homeworld.] Alberik replied quickly, a small picture of his hologram appearing in the corner of her visor. She gave a shrug in response, which likely looked odd to anyone she was passing at the time.
[So we keep looking, then. Anything else of immediate note?]
[The Falcon is badly outmatched here, most ship classes that i have readouts for now are going to be nigh impenetrable to anything we can field, with the exception of the torpedos. She still has an advantage in fighter combat, at least. The weapons on most supremacy fighters are barely a single order of magnitude above their personal weapons, if that. Very inefficient. I would suggest looking into acquiring some upgrades, but most of the cultures seem unwilling to trade technology. I haven't caught up to the current history chronologically yet, so there is perhaps some chance.]
[I've already been told the Asgard keep their tech to themselves, at least. Not sure about any of the other notable ones.}
[Ah. There is one other thing. They aren't quite the same, but there are a few instances of parasitic beings-]
[The Gou'ald, and the Tokra, and Whatever it was that's in Siphon, I know. Unpleasant to find out, but I know now. Patch me into our main comms, Siphon told me I might be able to get training in my particular talents from the Asgard, if I ask nicely.]
[Sounds like you've dealt with that surprise already then, good. Speak when ready, I'll send your message to any Asgard ships in the area.]

Routing through her ships‘ comms, Ariana sent out a broadcast to any Asgard in the area. Once she had made proper contact, she made her request. [I have a request. Siphon tells me your people have experience with mental abilities. It‘s been made painfully clear to me that I could use some training in such, if we can come to an agreement for that. I‘d be in your debt.]
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

That gets a bark of a laugh out of him. "Sorry. Can't say as Ah've evah seen any of 'em blitzed. Good luck, dahlin'." And with that, he'll head off to locate Vanessa.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian didn't need long to find Vanessa, she was still sleeping when he arrived at her quarters, though she didn't stay that way for long. It was only another minute or two before she opened her eyes, smiling at him as he entered.

"How long was I out of it?"

It took a little while, but finally Ariana was able to reach an Asgard ship. The one who answered looked identical to Thor, but his voice was much different.

"Greetings, I am Ksavir of the Asgard. I believe we can arrange something for you to build up your mental defenses, however it will not be easy, nor will it happen quickly. It will take some time, so you must be prepared for that. We may also enlist the help of the Nox to further broaden your capabilities, however it will take some time to get that set up. I see that your current location is Peltas Five, will you be staying there for now?"

((A note: The database that Alberik has available to him would explain what happened and why the Asgard appear the way they do now.))

Siphon, Sho and Aya stepped through the gate and into Peltas Five. As Sho had predicted, Aya was an instant hit, drawing a fair amount of attention. She seemed alright with it though, perhaps thankful for all the living beings around her after having been alone for so long.

Siphon took the time to fill Julia in on things he'd left out, and must have told her about Aya likely being his wife, because Sho could see the other woman stop and blink several times in surprise. She wasn't sure how long they talked for, or how many different topics they talked about, but at a certain point she heard Siphon mention about speaking with the Nox about the anomalies, and she saw Julia nod, and heard the reply.

"Yes, Talok already went to speak with the Nox about them actually, they encountered an anomaly on Nirrti's planet, had what seemed to be a T-Rex come through it. They contacted us a while ago and said they were heading to a set of gate coordinates that was supposed to house one of Janus's labs. They went with Lyra, but they haven't checked in since then."

Siphon frowned slightly.

"It could be that something in the lab would jam the stones from calling out, Janus was paranoid like that. We should probably go check on them ourselves if we can't raise them on the stones. Oh, you already tried that? Well then that makes it kind of a moot point then. Wait, the facility is on a planet with a dying star? Oh joy, we should probably send a probe through before we step foot, daytime could be pretty hot, and I don't even want to think about how cold it could be at night."

Julia nodded.

"A probe is being prepared now, if it's too cold you can take a jumper, but you have a go."

Siphon nodded one final time, then walked back over to Sho.

"How much did you hear, and are you ready to head out? Possibly by jumper?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Not that Ian would just barge into Vanessa's quarters. What might likely help her come around is the knock before he does. When he sees her open her eyes, his smile grows, though there's a touch of softness in it. "Hey there, dahlin'." He makes a show of thinking and doing calculations, adding in little tick-flicks of his fingers. "Let's see...four. Add in for the...And then...carry the two. Plus the..." Here he makes a 'crossing gesture' with two of his fingers. "Oh, not really more than a day," he concludes with a grin, fully expecting to have to dodge something.

Despite Aya's delight, Sho will act as a bit of a buffer, should she need it, so the Ancient doesn't get overwhelmed by admirers. She does observe Siphon's conversation with Julia but she doesn't eavesdrop. The look on her face shows just how enthusiastic she is about being crammed into a jumper, which is usually how she refers to having to use one. "Not much. Fill me in? And I should be, unless you tell me we're heading somewhere I need to pack for." Presuming he does, she listens to the recounting of the situation with the T-Rex, expressing about as much, if not more, disbelief about the situation as Ian had when he'd heard about the encounter with the thing. "Then again, given where we wound up, I wouldn't be surprised. Come to think of it, the," she pauses, "archivist back in Atlantis mentioned something about one, too. I think that's how she came to know about Ian. This bears looking into, but I'm getting a few more things from my room before we head out. I'm not getting stuck in the past without chocolate." She 'jabs' a finger at him before a "I'll be back. Warm up the engines and I should be back by the time the damn thing's ready to go."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon half snorted.

"I have no intention of willingly going through another one of those. Not today anyway. No we'll be heading to a planet where Janus had a lab apparently, but the problem is it's star is dying. If it's night already, the temperatures alone would kill us within a few minutes without protection, and we can't risk taking warm gear with us if it's day time still. The jumper will allow us to survive if it gets ugly. Chances are you're right, the archivist as you called her probably came through one. Given Ian came back immediately after seeing the Tokra, I'd bet that the Tokra planet in this time period is where that anomaly ended up leading to. Oh and Sho ..."

He trailed off for a moment, considering how to word things. Finally he spoke again.

"Make sure you bring your zat with you. After that little anomaly encounter, I don't want the three of us going unarmed. I'll get a spare for Aya, she seems alright now, but I don't want to see her try to use her abilities and knock herself out by doing it if it can be avoided. I doubt we have anything to worry about but ... it's kind of tough to figure that out now when you could have something from your past suddenly appear and wanting to eat you. Or future. Gah, this shit sucks."
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