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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ariana recovered, giving Julia a slight nod. "Well, I don't really have anywhere to be. Don't see a problem with staying around here until things are sorted. I'm pretty sure Ksavir didn't have this planned when he invited me through the gate, however. There must be some sort of defenses active on the ship, right? Did his note include a password, or something?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian will happily distract Cassie with talk of the city, telling her that while his trip through was fairly brief, they are planning on going back once it's feasible. As for her going along, he, of course, doesn't see a problem with it but, as he puts it, "Ultimately, not up ta me, but Ah'll put in a good word for ya." He's careful to avoid talking about the Asgard and that whole situation while they're sitting together in the mess hall. "City's a big place. Likely we're goin' ta need some extra hands."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia shook her head.

"None that would have been activated around a station like this, and as far as a password I doubt it. The ship is probably on standby mode and waiting for the presence of an activator crystal. Which we happen to have a few of here, since we've recovered a few of their ships for them in recent years. Here, take this one if you want to have a look around, and you can keep that one. All I ask is that you make certain if you are going to be captured by anyone hostile you destroy it by smashing it before you are taken. I doubt that'll happen, but one can never be too careful."

She handed her a thin crystal that was almost black.

Cassie nodded.

"I don't think Julia will mind my going, I've been helping them analyze some of the stuff we've recovered on the other outposts we found. We also have determined something else. Well, I figured it out but I never would have if the others involved hadn't given me a chance, so I'm giving them credit too, it's deserved. Anyway, we discovered there was, at one point, an outpost on Earth too. Now we already knew about the weapons platform in Antarctica, but if I've translated things right, there's another outpost somewhere near that platform. There also should, somewhere down there, be a Stargate. It's going to take some time though to locate where it is with all that ice though, and to get to it. I uh ... I heard something about you folks finding a living Ancient in Atlantis? Is that actually true?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ari nodded, taking the crystal and slipping it into a pocket with her training... thing. "Sounds simple enough, irreperable destruction on a personal scale is something I can manage." She said with a chuckle. "Think Ksavir left a door open, then? I'll need launch permission for my ship to get there, if you can manage that. We wont head anywhere further than where it sits now, at least till you have all you need from it on your own end. It'll probably take me that long to figure out how to fly the thing, anyways."

If there was nothing else Julia needed, the pair left, headed for the hangar. "You're aware I'm perfectly capable of piloting the Asgard ship." Alberik commented once they were in the hall. "I know." She answered, shrugging. "Doesn't mean I don't want behind the yoke myself."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded.

"Good luck to you then, hopefully you can find something that will benefit you. I'll pass the word along to the proper channels so you can launch when ready."

By the time Ariana had reached her ship, she already had a communication waiting for her saying she was clear to launch whenever.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Well, from what I know of the ships, the engines alone should make my search infinitely faster." She replied before she left.

Once the pair reached the ship, Ariana noticed the message. "Can you plug yourself back in?" She asked. Alberik shook his head. "Not as yet. Won't take long to construct an addition, however. For now, I can route the power from my core into the other systems on the ship, should be a general improvement across the board." He explained, leaning across the pilot seat to do just that, as well as type on the nav console. "The Asgard ship is marked."

Ariana slipped past him and into the seat. "Been a long time since there were two bodies in this ship. Feels strange, after so long." She commented, sending a transmission to the station that they were ready to leave, powering up the engines. Alberik remained silent, taking a seat in the empty space behind the pilot's chair. The woman handled flight, slipping out of Peltas Station's bay and towards the Asgard ship.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Head ta new places and discovah new things," Ian says in almost a mutter as Cassie speaks of the outpost in Antarctica. "Couldn't've posted it somewhere nice. Like Fiji. Or the Virgin Islands. Ah well. Gonna take time ta find the place, like. Give me time ta dig the long undahweah out of storage." He'll escort the girls toward the dining hall, intent on getting the three of them something to eat before the next crisis. "Ah'm a little sketchy on that, since Ah wasn't there all that long, but yeah. She'd been in suspension for yeahs. Pickin' up on things right quick, though. But she's hangin' around Siphon and Sho, so God only knows what sort of bad habits she's goin' ta pick up," he says with a grin.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Cassie chuckled.

"Ian, you have to remember at the time the Ancients would have built that outpost, Antarctica would have been a tropical paradise. We are talking millions and millions of years ago, I think you folks called that super continent thing Pangea? Oh my, hanging with those two, yeah she'll probably pick up something oddball then."

Ariana encountered no difficulties with getting her ship over to the Asgard ship, in fact the cargo bay for it seemed to open for her, like it was automated, or maybe Alberik had sent some kind of signal out? Whatever the case, it looked like she could board with no issues.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ariana frowned slightly as the cargo bay opened. "That you?" She asked.

"Standard greeting codes. Most of the ship's defenses seem powered down, Ksavir must have figured it was safe enough empty this close to a friendly station." Alberik explained.

"Huh. Alright then. Good thing to know we won't be vaporized then." She finished, setting her fighter down in the bay. The pair stepped out, the woman letting out a low whistle as she looked around. "All this, just because they decided we may need to upgrade that chassis of yours."

"Or create one for yourself. But yes, it seems quite out of character for them, from what I understand." Alberik agreed, motioning towards the upper decks, and the control room. Ariana shrugged, and they continued.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"And all the snow that's built up since," comes out in a mutter. "Oddball's one way ta put it. Attitude's another. Well, let's grab a bite and Nessa and me can fill ya in on what we saw while we were there and ya can decide if ya still want ta go."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Cassie nodded, and the group set off for the food areas of the station. Fortunately, the Alverans seemed to eat similar to humans and made practically the same meals, although both Vanessa and Cassie secretly thought the Alverans were a little better at it than their own people were.

They soon had gotten their food, Vanessa going with some steak while Cassie got some kind of marinated chicken. The two women exchanged talk for a bit, Vanessa telling her what little she did remember of the city, careful for some reason to avoid telling Cassie about Nirrti. It might seem strange to Ian, since she never withheld things like that, and he could only guess she knew something about the two that would upset Cassie if she brought the name up, or something made her feel awkward about it. Finally the two finished, and Vanessa turned to Ian, smiling.

"Your turn! You saw more of the city than I did."

It didn't take long for Ariana and Alberik to reach the control deck, which seemed empty without an Asgard being there. There were plenty of consoles, but only one of them fit the description Julia had mentioned for the activator. Once the ship was activated, Alberik got a download of information from the ship's core, seemingly info not related to what he already knew. Amongst that was a short excerpt from what might have been a personal log.

The day has come that we have realized the likelyhood of our survival is not great. After much debate with the high council, the decision to leave at least something of our existence behind, in the form of our knowledge and research, with the Alverans was made. We'll erase everything else unless the Clavarak Suits somehow provide the answer we need. Due to this project taking up so much time, the groundwork has already been set for our gift, as we can't be certain this will even work.

It glazed over a few other areas until he discovered an entry regarding them.

Yesterday commander Thor came across a human aboard an older ship, one we believe may have come from the now quiet Slitarus sector of the Milky Way. Thor didn't spend too much time with her before dropping her off with the Alverans, but he became aware of a sentient lifeform aboard her ship, residing in electronic form. Humans might refer to him as an AI, but Thor believed he was much more than that. Given the construction of the suits, and their nature, a decision was made to reach out to the two of them in the hopes Alberik, the aforementioned friend of Ariana, the human, might agree to help test the suits out. If it works and we're able to grant him the freedom any lifeform should have, we may be able to unlock the final door to solving our own mystery. If it does not work, then we must resign ourselves in the knowledge everything possible has been tried, and our time simply is up. Therefore when the tests are complete, should this fail, we'll have our legacy ready to deliver. I personally will escort it back to the Alverans, and we will begin the final countdown. Should it work, the two of them will ultimately be considered as a new cornerstone in our civilization, as the people who helped stave off our extinction.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian opts for chicken as well, with a side of some sort of vegetable. He'll sit quietly, listening to the two of them banter back and forth about the city. When it comes to Vanessa's omission of facts, Ian couldn't blame her. Who'd want to admit the main reason you got a tour of the city was because a goa'uld was running around in your skin? Not likely something he'd bring up, either, so he doesn't see fit to question, even with a look, and lets the matter drop.

"Eh, Ah wouldn't say too much more. Got to pop back after escortin' Nessa here home. Aftah that, spent the vast majority of mah time in the a'chives. Holographic intahface with voice activation." He leaves out the part about his ascended friend being part of that interface, on the off chance that she's not there when folks show up, not to mention not wanting to blow her cover, especially if she wasn't really supposed to be there. "Plenty big. Prob'ly need a scootah ta get from one end ta the other in good time." He grins. "Or a transportah."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Cassie chuckled slightly.

"I'll be sure to bring that motor-bike Henry tried to give me last month as a gift."

She didn't take long to finish her food, waiting for the two of them to finish before speaking again.

"So, you folks thinking of heading back now? If so, I'll get to packing a few things, I think I might stay there a little while and try to help out."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The pair reached the ship's command center easily enough, Ari finding the proper console and slipping the crystal into the appropriate spot.

The ship immediately hummed to life, Alberik receiving a download from it as soon as it had the power to do so. "I'm receiving logs." He said out loud, already finished reading them before he could voice the words. "I think you should read this." He finished, moving to a console with a holographic display and displaying a translated version for her.

Ariana read in silence, chewing on her lip as she went down the text. "I see." She said gravely. "In a way, I suppose we still are what Ksavir describes. A marker for the end however, instead of one for their rise."

"Unfortunate, but true. I fear our sight would grow sour to their allies, especially appearing in a ship like this. But it can hardly be helped, either. I feel the benefits are considerable, as well." Alberik responded, moving to a different console, the one that handled the transportation beam. Crouching down to move around and change a few of the crystals that were hiding under a panel, he activated the console, which beamed a simple metal staff out of nowhere, standing on it's end. Alberik caught it before it fell, using it to brace himself and curling around it in a pose that Ariana recognized all too well from his old holographic self.

"Could use a robe, but you look a lot more recognizable like that." She commented with a laugh.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Depends. Siphon said somethin' about the gate needin' ta reconfigyah before anyone could come back through. Don't recall how long that takes, but Ah'm all for headin' back. Keep us busy an' out of trouble."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Cassie shrugged.

"Well I think that some Alverans already went through earlier after you folks returned, so the gate should be working. I'll go grab a few things and meet you at the gate in say ten minutes?"

((I'm at a blank for Ari lol))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Meanwhile, the space station's command centre would receive a communication from the vessel Al-Sora still docked with them.

"Station command, this is the Chief Officer aboard the Al-Sora, Olrenn Serrs. Requesting a channel." The message would begin. After being put through to the first relevant channel it would continue. Olrenn's voice and tone was very much that of a straight forward military man. Something of a contrast to the way Ayla presented herself as a Captain.

"I am requesting co-operative information exchange on the status of my Captain, and the away team we dispatched with one of your own personnel. They left some hours ago on a non combat investigative mission. I had expected them back by now. I've just received intel that they proceeded onwards in their investigation and encountered a serious situation, resulting in them fleeing via stargate along with another alliance team, to a world which I've also just received very troubling reports about. Based on the assorted information I'm being presented with here, things are getting quite out of hand. My own superiors are demanding answers, and I am without a Captain. I am setting up a secure data channel to exchange our recent intel with you, and would request the same."

((This is assuming that the world the others emergency gated to was actually the Asgard homeworld as I assumed it to be.

Also, importantly, just in case anything strange did actually happen, would EOS have seen anything else or any unusual things during the teams escape from Varto Six? If anything unexpected happened beyond a Klarnell dying in an explosion and a puddle jumper going through a stargate, Olrenn would know about it by now.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((Yeah, the reason they lived is because that Ascended Being EOS picked up actually interfered. And yes, they did end up gating to the Asgard planet because of that, but the instruments were screwed with what that Ancient did to save them.))

Julia herself answered and set up the line.

"Understood Olrenn. We sent Siphon and Sho along with an Ancient by the name of Aya by jumper to check in on your captain, but we've not heard back from them either. I'm sending you everything that we know as of now ... Wait, these coordinates you said they gated to ... are you still able to track them? That ... WAS the Asgard planet. The Klarnell, who I'm forwarding what little we know about them to you now, attacked the Asgard. As near as we can tell, they destroyed the entire planet, and wiped out the Asgard. If they went through as that happened ..."

As Ariana looked over schematics, she'd come across a large room on the map that seemed to have been at one time designated for physical training. It was mostly empty now, the room not having much purpose any longer, but it might suit her needs for a training room. It seemed perhaps this ship was much older than it appeared to be from the outside ...
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((Righto then. Cheers.))

"Appreciated. I'm still going through and receiving urgent reports myself as I speak." The officer would reply, preparing files to send over. The work of translating the data format making things take a bit longer. Vern helping with that part of the work from behind the scenes.

"We were able to track their intended destination to the Asgard planet, and confirmed their arrival, briefly picking up their signature there, however then lost it only minutes after. We have since been trying to re-establish tracking. And yes, I have just recently received word about the Asgard, which was of obvious concern regarding this." He says, taking a short pause for breath and to look over his information a second before resuming. "Despite that, we do not believe they have actually perished. Our Knight agents by their nature send off a very clear "ping" upon their death, which we have received none of. There is very little that can prevent this ping occurring or reaching us. Thus so far I am having to assume that they went back through the gate. Unfortunately our tracking can take time to rediscover someone after gating to an unannounced location. I had assumed they would come back here to secure the data unit they retrieved, but so far, negative.

There was also an anomaly of some kind in our readings at the precise moment they escaped Varto. I've only just received the report on it's analysis this moment, but will pass that on to you with the rest anyway."

At this point Julia would begin receiving a steady stream of intel from the Etherian ship. A varied mix of translated personal reports, tracking information, and a timeline of key events, as well as a whole slew of adapted readings from what EOS had collected during the critical part of the situation at the lab. Some in the form of hundreds of pictures and short looping video like segments, some reminiscent of satellite imagery. Others coming in as graphs or even just data sheets of technical numbers. Amoungst it all even the air temperature inside and outside the lab was noted. Luckily the mess of reports did seem to be organised into most and least relevant to Julia's needs, with technical and scientific reports separated into suitable sections. It was not quite the entirety of the information from EOS, but as much as could be effectively put into written or computerised form as translated across quickly enough.

The analysis of the Ascended beings intervention would be included. Giving a strange picture of how space and/or time had been warped to allow their escape. Curious readings of the energies wielded by the ancient accompanied it, though most of it was either incomplete, or noted in Etherian measurements that meant nothing to her. The distortion itself rendering EOS readings of that particular moment only partial, and meaning the different time frames implied didn't quite add up. Another curious part of the readings from EOS that might prove of particular interest, was a full scan of the Klarnell body itself. A detailed skeletal structure, as well as a slightly softer view of general organ density and location. Which piece did what would be up to the stations doctors to try and guess at. Finally a view of it's armour, weapons, and other gear it carried. Density, element types, and which parts were using or contained relevant energy.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia was silent for a long moment as she read over things, slowly nodded.

"An ascended being interfered in things. The Klarnell must really have the attention of the Ascended then, normally this would never have been allowed. That may explain how they managed to gate to a planet that was destroyed already. I'm willing to bet you are right, they are alive. Since they didn't come here, assuming they were able to dial somewhere in this galaxy, and I'm betting they did, you should try looking on the Nox planet, as they had a Nox woman with them. They may have taken her home first. And these scans of the Klarnell itself could be very helpful, thank you. As soon as we have something additional and useful, I'll pass that along."
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