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Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Some of both, actually," Flaqus told her, casting a grin at her. "Most people don't even think to ask. You're clever. Generally you can tell who's who and what's what by whether it has a few moving parts. Don't climb the trees with thick vines," he cautioned, winking, "or you might find your perch is a little more invasive than you expected it to be!"

They had arrived at the cavern's depot (or equivalent thereof!) where a wattle and daub structure had been built. A strange-looking creature -- a daemon, obviously -- was hanging from the eaves of the building, but as Flaqus and Pheonix approached, it unfolded to reveal a multitude of long, strangely jointed limbs jutting from a relatively slim torso.

~You're up early, Flaqus.~ Pheonix heard a whisper, though it didn't seem to come anywhere. It was more as if she'd had a fleeting thought in the back of her mind.

The man, however, replied, "don't worry, Syu, I'm not trying to raid your dried fish again. Not this time, anyways," he made a face and got a light smack for it. "Ow! Hey now. Professionalism while you're on the job!"

~You're one to talk, monkey-man. What do you want?~ The spidery daemon did a small dance to turn itself so that its front faced Pheonix. ~Who's this?~

"Syu, meet Pheonix. Pheonix, Syu is in charge of our stores during the night-cycle -- there are three shifts, so you may not find him here all the time. Pheonix was just approved a new member of the cavern... Nest seems very pleased with her. Mind taking those rations?"

The daemon, bowing to Pheonix, reached up with a pair of hands to slip the bulk of the food -- leaving the second collection of chocolate behind -- and deftly untied it to inventory the package's contents. It gave a quiet but physical whistle, then returned its attention to the woman. ~Wow, you've earned your keep, then. Come by any time if you need anything, all you need to do is ask. It's a pleasure meeting you.~
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Thanks, although Nest might should take some credit for me getting those so quickly. A pleasure to meet you, as well, and I'll remember that once I've gotten settled down. Pheonix says with a smile, before turning back to Flaqus and letting Syu get back to whatever he was doing, Um, on that note, the Bonder clutch is next, right?
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

~Trust Nest,~ the grey and silver furred, spidery daemon sounded good-naturedly fed up with the cavern's patron. ~If she's not spawning little clones, she's after your kind with a vengeance. Oh well, she keeps me occupied.~ The daemon seemed to shrug with all of its limbs as the two humans moved off, skittering into the depot with Pheonix's bundle clutched to its little body.

Flaqus had taken the woman along the third tier, instead of heading back for the ramps. "The clutch," he told her, grinning the same way that Ozen had when she'd first mentioned this cavern to Pheonix. It was the kind of grin that meant trouble. "You're going to have a busy day today, if one of them choose you."

As they walked along, more trees sprouted up along the path, closing in as they went. Soon the path hooked to the left, disappearing into the face of the tier above it. Inside was lit so dimly that one could barely make out silhouettes, especially as the path turned again and the light filtering in from the main cavern faded away. Keeping his voice low, Flaqus whispered, "the nests are reserved for daemons that don't outbreed... Falia doesn't seem interested in clones, like what Nest sometimes creates, so she lets them be. Gotta say that I'm glad humans aren't treated the same way. Here we are." They found themselves in a sunken room, bracken piled thick. At the moment, Pheonix couldn't see anything that looked like hatchlings, though she could spot a pile of shell detritus towards the center of the poorly lit room.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Um, I see shells, but where are they? Quetz says as she starts to wade out into the room. Well, if they are anything like Nest, I might should at least provide something to attract them. She adds as she opens and tucks away the flaps of fabric over her breasts and genitals leaving her privates open to the air.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

It was a good thing that the entire cavern was warm enough to admit such behavior... Pheonix might have felt a breeze, but at least it was a warm one! Flaqus, amused by her assumption, covered a chortle. "That's one way to do it," he told her, casting her body a discreet glance. His bond stuck one tip in his ear again, probably teasing him for copping a glance to begin with.

The redhead found her mind invaded by several vague impressions at once -- mostly curiosity of different flavors, but also foggy visions of two strange bipeds outlined by light, their forms broken up by the shape of a forest of twig-like bedding. She was getting a bit of a mental probe -- more than one mind indiscreetly pressing mentally up against her and distracting her with a flood of somewhat disorienting sensations and images. At the same time, three forearm-length black shapes slithered to the front of the underbrush. She could feel that they wanted to go further, though all three only poked their featureless heads out warily, bobbing a little as they looked Pheonix and Flaqus over more thoroughly. Flaqus bond seemed quite interested, poking its head far out over the man's shoulder, perhaps in silent communication with the hatchlings.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Slightly confused at first, Pheonix blinks a few times in confusion. Then, upon seeing the movement of shapes, she slowly moves closer and kneels near them so as not to look as large or threatening. She then offers out her hands slowly for the shapes to inspect. At the same time she starts speaking to them gently, Hey there. You can come out, I won't hurt you. Just come over here and take a look if you want. Although she didn't know if they understood her, she hoped they could at least read the general meaning of what she was saying from her mind.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

The first of the little daemons was the most bold -- it slipped out of the brush and up to her hands, touching its nose tip to her outstretched fingers. At the contact, Pheonix felt a solidification of sensations from the ones that were floating around inside of her skull. So the images and feelings were definitely linked to each individual daemon!

What she got was mostly a feeling of adrenaline, uncertainty and excitement, restrained lust picked up out of Pheonix and her clothing-unfastening intentions. Underlying that was the slight sensation of dust and hard, rocky edges... something that couldn't necessarily be explained just now.

With the arrival of the first daemonet, the other two hurried out, not wanting to be beat out! The second and third hurried to butt up against Pheonix's hands, leaving their own impressions -- one gave her the vague impression of pressure and restraint, the other of sharp lines, though neither were distracting in any way. Flaqus excused himself, hurrying out of the chamber with his bond in tow. "I'll be back in a moment, just give them a chance to get used to you," he murmured.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix inexplicably giggles at the thoughts of lust from the first daemonet. Fully sitting down, she spreads her legs and gives the first daemonet a nudge towards her lower lips which were starting to get slightly wet from the shared feelings of lust, Go on you little rascal. I know you want to. I don't mind. She says to it playfully. The other two she simply tries to stroke, rubbing her hands down their backs. If you two want to, I have another hole, and I could always let one of you play around up higher. She says, somewhat turned on by the thoughts of having the multiple creatures playing with her and the interesting new sensations it would bring, especially if all four of them could share what each other felt.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Urged on by Pheonix herself, the first daemonet slithered foreward, seeking shelter by pressing up against the inside of her leg until it found the open patch of bare flesh. Poking around in an exploratory fashion, Pheonix was treated both to the sensation of getting her labia tweaked, as well as the excited curiosity from the bold little black tendril. Deciding that it liked what it felt, it nosed in past her lower lips and registered delight as it felt hot and wet and tight! Though the feeling of having a thick little daemonet urging its way into her cunt was a little less forceful than Pheonix imagined she'd get, returning to a place like the nest, it was still enough to give her reason to groan in pleasure. The daemon's flesh was much like Nest's, smoothly hot and insistent.

The other two, butting up against Pheonix's fingers like eager kittens (and looking rather funny, considering that they had to raise their spines off of the ground like inchworms to do so,) hesitated only a short time before the third one slithered up her outstretched arm. The redhead could feel the sensation of mesh as it might be felt against the daemonet's flesh -- strangely catchy, with plenty of hold to it. A flare of similar excitement flashed into her awareness as it seemed to understand what she was suggesting!

Pheonix's Pleasure: 11/27
Shale's Pleasure: 3/12
Bind's Pleasure: 0/15
Sharp's Pleasure: 0/15
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Lying on her side and propping one leg up, Pheonix exposes her ass fully to the air. Rubbing the second daemonet who was still holding back, she speaks. Come on, little one. It's all right. You can even try the hole in back if you want. She says, quite excited by the strange and pleasurable sensations. She also didn't want the third to feel left out. At the same time, she moves the arm with the crawling daemonet to her breast and nearer to her mouth as well, leaving the latter slightly open in invitation.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

The last of the daemonets, inspecting the human a little further, seemed to discard its earlier tentativeness as it slithered around behind her. As Pheonix felt her anus gently prodded by silky skin, the ambient sensations that she was getting off of the daemonet of tight, enclosed places doubled, and a wash of eager expectation left her laughing -- and gasping, finding that it had pressed past the relaxed orifice and was slithering deeper inside of her.

The boldest daemonet, not to be outdone, squirmed and thrashed into Pheonix's vagina, completely oblivious to what might be considered standard thrusts, trying to fit itself into her entirely. It wasn't quite able to, though all of that squirming and attempted doubling up left the woman gasping again, feeling more full by the moment as the two daemons explored her nether regions.

The last daemonet, reaching her shoulder, took a moment to pose there as if making a point -- and indeed, Pheonix caught the brunt of a wave of musing accomplishment... if around the shoulders was where these bonding daemons usually rested, then it probably thought that it had the lead over its two siblings! Still, the sharp-thoughted daemon regarded Pheonix's open mouth (including her teeth, it would seem, for she got the distinct impression of pearly whites hidden behind her lovely lips) before 'kissing' her as it nosed over her lips, testing.

It was at this point that Flaqus returned, a pile of thick blankets in his arms. "It's just me," he let Pheonix know as he approached, keeping his voice low. when he caught sight of her laying on her side on the bare floor, gasping and bucking, he flushed and chuckled, "looks like I'm just a little late. Hold on," he had approached the bracken and laid the blanket out nearby the prostrate woman. "If you want it," he told her, watching the goings-on with acute interest. "Would you rather I leave?" he asked, well aware that he was probably interrupting her in the middle of some very strange sex.

Pheonix's Pleasure: 19/27
Shale's Pleasure: 8/12
Bind's Pleasure: 7/15
Sharp's Pleasure: 0/15
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Vaguely noticing Flaqus's return, Pheonix uses her free arm to move herself onto the blanket, Oh, lowering the amount of mess. She says sofetly, before she starts kissing and licking Sharp. In between kisses and licks she also manages to murmur out, You can stay if you want, back home on the ship having spectators was unavoidable. Still, I don't really have much of a place for you to join in so you're probably out of luck there. She then moves one hand to start stroking sharp while sending the other to stroke the exposed ends of the two daemonets inside of her, enjoying the feelings she shared with all three.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Flaqus chuckled, telling her quietly, "wasn't expecting to join in, you are preoccupied. Still, you're probably getting their senses mixed all together. I'll be here if you find yourself out of your depth. Bonding can be... something." He retreated from her and settled himself down against the cave wall, smiling smugly and letting her do what she did best!

The daemonet that felt sharp in her mind jolted as her tongue came out for the first time, apparently surprised that it existed. She got a loud sensation, not quite a thought, that rang 'like me?' Hooked, the daemonet followed her tongue into her mouth, only secondarily realizing how pleasurable having her lips close around it felt. The sharpness in her mind fizzled into surprise and eager lust, and the daemonet quested around her molars and played with her tongue, squirming happily against her lips.

The other two daemons were enjoying themselves just as thoroughly, the dusty-minded one leaving Pheonix with a sudden spike of overwhelming lust, followed by a wave of shock and confusion -- it had never experienced that before! Pheonix found herself vaulted towards her own orgasm as the daemonets squirmed in ass and vagina, with Shale's sensations adding to her own pleasure. Bucking into the air, keeping the daemonets firmly in place with her hand, Pheonix was nearly done her first shuddering orgasm when another sensation of breath-stopping bliss exploded second-hand -- the daemonet that was exploring her behind had just experienced its own first!

Finding herself floating on post-orgasmic endorphins, the woman had only a moment of relative spite before the first, bold daemonet began to squirm again, its free tail lashing beyond her lower lips as it expressed its wordless enjoyment at the contractions that had rolled through her cunt moments earlier.

Pheonix's Pleasure: 27/27 (New status: Hit the Spot: +2 to the aim stat for the next three to five turns.)
Shale's Pleasure: 17/12 (New status: Still Horny: Pleasure threshold begins again with +10.)
Bind's Pleasure: 15/15 (New status: Sex Fog: -2 to the brains stat for the next 5 turns.)
Sharp's Pleasure: 7/15

((You may choose Pheonix's bond after it's had its first orgasm, so at the moment, if you'd prefer Shale or Bind, both are available. Going to have to work for Sharp if you want that one, though!))
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

No longer paying attention to Flaqus, Pheonix starts giving off moaning cries around the daemonet in her mouth. Then, in an attempt to get it to orgasm as well, she starts increasing her efferots on it by sucking it and playing with it using her tongue. Her upper hand still stroking it's exposed parts. Down below the continued lust she was picking up from the other two drives her to try and contract her vagina and ass to give a tighter sensation. She is determined to use the little daemons to springboard herself to another orgasm.

(I'm currently planning of Shale, but I'll wait to set if any of them get the 'fuck buddy' condition and go with one if it gets that.)
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Surprised by that loud, muffled moan all around it, the sharp-minded daemonet initially tried to squirm out of Pheonix's mouth and away, a flash of fright slicing across Pheonix's otherwise good vibes... but with her hand gently restraining it, and the overwhelmingly pleasant sensations of tongue, lips and enclosing fist leaving it pulsing and hot, the snake-like creature settled immediately and quested further into the back of her mouth as if to explore where the sound had come from... not to mention that it enjoyed getting sucked on quite a lot!

It seemed that with the volleying rounds of orgasmic endorphins only a moment before, Shale was overcome with another, only slightly quieter second orgasm, thrashing in Pheonix's vagina as it thoroughly delighted in lost control. At this rate, it seemed as though Pheonix could just keep coming in a cycle as each of them gave way to waves of pleasure! Moaning again as the second-hand orgasm left her hips rolling uncontrollably, Pheonix would find that the loud (and sticky/wet, she'd get in an impression from Sharp) noise didn't deter the daemon in her mouth any longer.

Though the last daemonet seemed a little sluggish to regain itself, Pheonix hands tickled it back into action. Bind had pushed itself partways into her ass, though after finding that the most pleasurable place for it was at her constrictive anus, the slim, black snake-like creature had hooked its exposed back end between her legs so that it in turn could thrust itself back and forth against the tightly gripping muscle. Though it might feel a little awkward, at the same time, Bind's mounting pleasure only mingled with Pheonix's own, leaving her gropingly close to a second orgasm already! No wonder Flaqus had tried to warn her!

Pheonix's Pleasure: 25/27 (Hit the Spot: 1/3)
Shale's Pleasure: 15/12 (New status: Fuckbuddy: The NPC becomes an ally, following the PC and obeying most wishes unless given reason otherwise.)
Bind's Pleasure: 7/15 (Sex Fog: 1/5)
Sharp's Pleasure: 13/15

((Oh man, you totally called it! If you want to see if any other daemons gain the same status, feel free to wait. When you've made your final decision, let me know what gender you want her bond(s?!) to be -- I've been reserving that for you to decide!))
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Unable to fully control herself any longer with the waves of orgasm, Pheonix starts bucking her hips with every thrust she feels. She begins to desperately suck and lick the daemonet in her mouth while trying to further tighten her holes to increase the sensations of the smaller creatures.

(I'll probably stick with Shale and assign him to be male as a sort of foil for Pheonix)
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Her desperation traveled across the tentative links that the daemonets were forming with her, and that, combined with with the way that she was bearing down on Sharp, had the daemon rippling all up and down its length, mounting sparks of pleasure finally shattering into a full-blown orgasm as it squirmed in her hand, mouth and throat.

By this point, the two daemonets in her lower orifices had lost sight of pleasuring Pheonix, being just as firmly entrenched in seeking more of what they'd recently discovered in their earlier orgasms. That purposeful, frenzied pumping and squirming, accompanied by the borrowed sensations of being clenched tight around (and just how good that felt, at least from the daemonets' point of view) had the redhead coming again even harder than the last time. Even as she came, the daemonets were still frantically moving around inside of her and against her hand, hoping to finish themselves off as they felt her growing (never the less happy) weariness leaving her a little less receptive.

Pheonix's Pleasure: 30/27 (Hit the Spot: 2/3 New Status: Fucked Silly: -2 to the aim stat for the next 3 turns -- canceling out 'Hit the Spot' for one turn.)
Shale's Pleasure: 10/12 (Fuckbuddy)
Bind's Pleasure: 14/15 (Sex Fog: 2/5)
Sharp's Pleasure: 19/15 (New Status: Puttified: -2 to the agility stat for the next 3 turns)

((Once this is done, I'll PM you with more info. The bond will become your character to control after this point, and I'll have to figure out some stats modifiers so that if one's getting action (or hurt, for that matter), it affects the other character!))
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Moaning again, Pheonix arcs her back in pleasure while her eyes start to role back in her head. Both her vagina and ass pressing as tight as they can in automatic reflex as her whole body tightens. She would probably pass out soon, but in the mean time her hands and body work on autopilot to try and get both herself and the daemonets off one more time.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Good Goddesses, but she was determined! Even through the lazy haze that tugged at the edges of her mind, Pheonix was able to enjoy the second and third orgasm (respectively) of Bind and Shale as the daemonets came in slow, shuddering succession. The two of them, reveling in shared pleasure, seemed to realized that she was still trying hard to evoke one more of the strangely thrilling sensations, so they went to work for her benefit now, reserving their haphazard thrusting to conserve their own energy.

Sharp, feeling lazy after its first slow orgasm, had slipped out of Pheonix's mouth and had coiled partways about her arm, butting through her curled fingers slowly but with intense, burning hot intention. Though Pheonix might feel it begin to ripple up and down its length again, Sharp was containing itself in wait for the woman, purposefully entwining its own delicious heat with her frantic energy and the reverberating echoes of its siblings.

Pheonix's Pleasure: 21/27 (Hit the Spot: 3/3 Fucked Silly: 1/3)
Shale's Pleasure: 14/12 (Fuckbuddy; New Status: Healthy Drive: +2 to the body stat for the next 5 turns.)
Bind's Pleasure: 17/15 (Sex Fog: 2/5; New Status: Invigorated: +2 to all stats for the next 3 turns.)
Sharp's Pleasure: 14/15 (Puttified 1/3)
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Rubbing Sharp in response to its butting, Pheonix is more focused on her own needs as she starts shuddering up to her finale. By this time, her anus and vagina were frantically convulsing as she tried to squeeze out one last orgasm. She could feel herself on the edge and automatically moved the hand that had been stroking the two daemonets inside of her to her clit, rubbing it with disparate abandon.