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Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

There were several people here, humans and daemons both: she could spot a pair of humans and a daemon that looked like a miniature version of an earth dragon (with some tweaks here and there) near the supply depot, speaking with a somewhat older looking human woman, exchanging items.

A few humans were sitting on a perch that overlooked the tier below, chatting idly and enjoying the warmth of the artificial evening.

Single passersby also saw Pheonix, greeting her briefly on their way to other places, or casting smiles at Shale's location, amused.

Pheonix's Pleasure: 7/27 (Puttified: 4/4)
Shale's Pleasure: 7/12 (Healthy Drive: 8/11, Too Sensitive: 4/5, Invigorated: 4/5, Fatigue: 4/4)
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Deciding to go for it, Pheonix approached the group on the ledge and asks out loud; Uh, excuse me, but could I ask one of you to tell me where I could get a bath?
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Depends on what kind of bath you're looking for," the darker-skinned of the two women told her, as the five broke conversation.

"There are a few pools up on the first tier," one of the men added, looking her up and down and deciding that she was probably talking about a simple, cleansing wash, "and a few separate hotsprings not attached to the main lagoon down on the fifth."

The other woman, noticing Shale peeking out from above the flap in Pheonix's not-exactly-new-anymore mesh suit, cast a smile up. "Cute guy," she complimented.

Pheonix's Pleasure: 6/27
Shale's Pleasure: 6/12 (Healthy Drive: 9/11, Too Sensitive: 5/5, Invigorated: 5/5)
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Thanks, we were on the fourth tier with a tree recently, so we need a bit of a cleaning. She says in response to the directions, before responding to the comment about Shale, Yeah, the slleply little fellow is kind of cute. He's Shale, we bonded early this morning.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"That'd explain why he's still able to fit there," the second woman nodded -- another blonde, she had doe-wide brown eyes. "Lucky you!" whether that was directed toward Pheonix or Shale was unclear.

"We were just talking about the jungle," the olive-skinned man who'd helped her out spoke again, "it looked... more peaceful than usual." He and his friends chuckled. "That was you?"

"Most people don't come out of there unless someone else drags them out. Those daemons are a little too rough, some nights," another man ventured.

Pheonix's Pleasure: 5/27
Shale's Pleasure: 5/12 (Healthy Drive: 10/11)
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Ozen and I went up there to get Flaqus out, and Ozen and I just ended up staying. Haven't seen those two sense I got out, but the whole thing was fun, overall. What do you mean, though, about the whole forest? Are they all connected? I was only with one tree. Pheonix says, curious as to why the whole forest would be calmer.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Ozen's up on the first tier," one of them volunteered, "she looks like she walked a mile straight up. Haven't seen ol' Flaq, though!"

Several of them shrugged, uncertain, though the dusky skinned man 'hmmm'd. "Wouldn't have happened to be in the middle of a big clearing?" he asked, brows raised, a somewhat incredulous look on his face.

Pheonix's Pleasure: 4/27
Shale's Pleasure: 4/12 (Healthy Drive: 11/11)
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

I'll say hi to Ozen when I go up to 1st tier to take a bath then. Pheonix replies at the mention of Ozen's location. Thinking a bit she then responds to the question. The tree did seem to be a little different and in a somewhat clear area. It seemed a little broader, but not quite as tall.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

The man whistled. "And you're still standing, huh? That'd be the Mothertree, most likely. No one knows what its real name is, just that it kind of sprouted first. Nest said the rest of the trees are her children... probably the same way your guy," he nodded at Shale, "is hers. Little too vigorous for me. Flaqus went in there by himself?" he asked, sounding a little incredulous.

"Flaqus and Spur are idiots," the blonde woman put in, "dare devils, too."

"Still, he should have known better."

"Probably a dare, then," the blonde surmised, rolling her eyes. "Lucky you to have saved him... if he ended up making it out at all. He's probably a dried up husk somewhere under a fern by now. It happens, y'know."

Pheonix's Pleasure: 3/27
Shale's Pleasure: 3/12
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

I'm sure he got out all right, I'll just ask Ozen when if I see her. Oh, thanks for the info on the baths. Pheonix says, ready to head up to clean off.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Nodding in respect (and perhaps a little awe,) the group returned to their own conversation.

Of course, now all that Pheonix had to decide was whether a good rinsing was all she needed. The way that the Burrows seemed to work suggested that things like soap and towels would not be left lying out at the baths near the cavern's entrance!
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

I'll have to ask for soap later on, but for now a rinsing will do. Besides rinsing in fresh water is much nicer that cleaning yourself by diving into the ocean. Here I won't be covered in salt. Besides, we can air dry. Pheonix thinks in mental conference with Shale, who has started to feel much better after his rest, although he still seems to want to stay where he currently is. Meanwhile, Pheonix starts walking up to the first tier.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

On her way, she passed several more cavern-dwellers, some nodding greeting to her respectfully, a few pausing to coo over Shale -- his unusual perch seemed to be taken well, though how anyone could tell the black-skinned daemons apart from one another was hard to say. It was funny, that people should feel the need to assume that the redhead was brand new here when she was in fancy, new clothing, and then to cast her respect when she was walking around drenched in sweat and cum and with a daemonet between her breasts!

Then again, this was one of the stranger caverns in the Burrows.

Pheonix eventually made her way to the baths, not needing a lot of help to spot them now that she was looking. A series of trellises, bereft of plant-life at the moment, walled off the baths from the rest of the cavern, though the privacy of them seemed to be gestural at best. Hooks and racks were hung for Pheonix to set anything down that she might be carrying, while several pools were carved into the stone. Water flowed from... somewhere... into each, sending steam gently rising up and over the trellis-wall, before draining through a single channel right up against the cavern-face.

Several people were here already, mostly human at that. Most were scrubbing away or soaking, relaxing... though a pair of men seemed to be getting a little closer in one of the more secluded of the pools. In any case, the water smelled clean, and the mood of this place was a far cry from the predatory intent that seemed to emanate from the jungle down below!

Pheonix's Pleasure: 1/27
Shale's Pleasure: 1/12
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Deciding to see if she could find Ozen before she got in, Pheonix wanders around the baths for a little bit. If she doesn't see Ozen, she'll simply get into the water clothed and use the opportunity to wash her clothing as well.
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Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Ah, there was Ozen in one of the deeper baths, resting with the back of her head the ledge, eyes closed. Her bond was nearby, of course, half in and half out of the water as he coiled sedately on the pool-side.

When Pheonix came to stand above her, the woman cracked one eye open. "There you are," she grinned. "I found Flaqus stumbling around like a drunk but he wasn't making a lot of sense. Looks like you were occupied."
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Yeah, we had some fun with the tree that got Flaqus. What I heard when talking to some people earlier is that it was the 'Mother Tree.' Pheonix says as she starts to strip and get into the bath with Ozen, Shale being forced to abandon his spot and swirl through the water. She passed out near then end, but still managed to orgasm despite that. he transmits as she starts to rinse herself and her suit.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Ozen clucked her tongue, issuing a noise along the lines of 'that explains some things.' "Poor Flaqus. When I found him he looked like he wasn't going to be able to walk again. Spur acted like she was melting. I wondered where he'd come from, though I had my suspicions..."

Ozen watched Pheonix as the redhead got to scrubbing, just for a moment, then Hunt slithered a little further out of the water and over to the wall. Stretched out along the stone path, he looked larger than he did when he was on the dark-skinned woman's shoulders. He returned with a pouch of something curled at the tip of his head... tail... whatever.

"Have some soap flakes," she offered, "not that that thing's going to stay clean for long if you keep up at the rate you have been. Woman, you're a machine," Ozen complimented, grinning. "And here I thought I was the worst for giving in to temptation."
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Thanks, She says, taking the flakes. I can kind of keep up with the whole thing because, although it's a different type of work, I'm somewhat used to pulling long shifts. Also, passing out at the end of each session probably helps... She says, not even slightly embarrassed.
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Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Passing out probably means that you're trying too hard," Ozen suggested, petting Hunt as he slithered mostly back into the water. She wore a somewhat impertinent grin. "Maybe tone back the mind-exploding orgasms? You don't want your bond to pop, do you?" Niggling a finger at Shale, Ozen told him, "I'll bet you were under a lot of stress, getting the feedback from those unconscious moments you mentioned earlier." She was having fun teasing them, even if she had introduced them to the lifestyle!
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

It was fun: she's enthusiastic. Shale replies, this time causing Pheonix to blush slightly. It was one thing to brag about her own exploits, but another altogether for someone else to brag about them.