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[PIXEL FACTORY[ parasite in city (RJ123294)

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Re: parasite in city

Looks good by the image, I usually don't download trials so I don't ruin any of the gameplay, but it's hard for this.

You should, it's an awesomely created game with superb quality art. Both the still CGs and the sprites (And sprite animations) are profesionally done.
Re: parasite in city

Doesn't look like it. That's what I'm waiting for.
Re: parasite in city

Had the same thought, but then I realized it was due to the sprite size. They are much larger in sprite size than the typical we see, and without being flash based.
Re: parasite in city

Hrmm...is it just me or does the art style and faux 3d animations remind anybody else of that Alien vs Heroine fighting game. Combat kinda feels a bit like it too...just with the controls not being ridiculous.

If you don't mind me asking, what game are you referring to?
Re: parasite in city

Alien vs heroine...he says it in his post if you'd just read it....

Thats the title of it? My bad, i thought he was just saying the game with the heroine vs alien. No need to be so critical
Re: parasite in city

Well, capitalization..
Re: parasite in city

haha sorry toxic, its just the way he phrased it threw me off. I'm a failure -.-
Re: parasite in city

not many games i find visually interesting that are 3d based like this:eek:
Re: parasite in city


It looks awesome. Tried the demo, and it's awesome. I mean, it gets frustrating as hell, but I'm hoping it's because it's a demo (those damned annoying bugs).
It does have a vibe like Alien vs Heroine but a LOT better.

Btw, there was a way to enjoy that game a lot more. Download 2D Fighting Maker and edit the game. You can make the moves waaaay easier to pull off and give the girl insane amounts of life. It is a tedious process but makes the "game" (it really felt more like a demo than actual game) a lot more enjoyable.
Re: parasite in city

I still hate it when the girl keep on masturbating
And the zombie/flies interupt her
Get up , then again masturbating
And finaly die

Sry bad English
Re: parasite in city

I think a gameplay mechanic is being added for that.
Re: parasite in city

So, out of curiosity because things not always go according to the plan, is the release on schedule (mid-november) or will it be postponed?
Re: parasite in city

So, out of curiosity because things not always go according to the plan, is the release on schedule (mid-november) or will it be postponed?

only postponed on beta

never postponed fullgame
Re: parasite in city




Is that a sample for your next game??
Re: parasite in city

Whatever it is, its great.
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