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Re: Hate Thread

Well I'm not that old either, I only remember Pat Paulsen from Night Patrol. Basically your typical cop schlock movie with him, the Unknown Comic, and Linda Blair. But to keep on topic, I hate the fact that you couldn't make a Mel Brooks movie these days, especially one like Blazing Saddles.
Re: Hate Thread

Taggart: I got it! I got it!
Hedley Lamarr: You do?
Taggart: We'll work up a Number 6 on 'em.
Hedley Lamarr: [frowns] "Number 6"? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one.
Taggart: we go a-ridin' into town, a-whompin' and a-whumpin' every livin' thing that moves within an inch of its life. Except the women folks, of course.
Hedley Lamarr: You spare the women?
Taggart: Naw, we rape the shit out of them at the Number Six Dance later on.
Hedley Lamarr: Marvelous!
Re: Hate Thread

I'm hating all these American politicians right now. They're giving the nation a bad name, which is a disgusting misrepresentation of all my American friends who... you know... have a fucking brain.

Too late: all the world knows/thinks that all the American are fuckin' idiots.

Anyway: I hate every politicians... Only the Icelandish people are smart as they kicked all this scum brotherhood -and their bankers too.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh boy, there always has to be one doesn't there?
Re: Hate Thread

I know this is going to sound stupid, but I really wish you would all vote Obama... Because as it stands now, a lot of the smart, educated and well informed people won't be voting. So that means Romney might get in charge. And that is even worse than Obama... (Also, yes, there is a backhanded slap in here...)

Or, better yet. Let's all get a third party candidate in the running and vote for them.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that Snoop 'pussy' sings a song for the new Tekken game.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate getting into a game, and watching the mod of a server berate a guy for being useless and rude to others, then as soon as I start getting harassed because I'm female, he shuts up and lets it happen.

The rules clearly state in the server: "Abusive players will be banned" and "No racist or sexist behaviour"

So when he breaks the rules, he gets away with it because I'm female, and that's perfectly fine because it's fun to watch? Not the first time things like this have happened. I've gotten banned from servers before because I would tell someone harassing me to "fuck off". The reason? "Foul language, which is against server policy." A friend told me the guy harassing me got to stay and play.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I find a game I've been looking for ages, only to find out that the download link is Megaupload, FML.

I hate getting into a game, and watching the mod of a server berate a guy for being useless and rude to others, then as soon as I start getting harassed because I'm female, he shuts up and lets it happen.

The rules clearly state in the server: "Abusive players will be banned" and "No racist or sexist behaviour"

So when he breaks the rules, he gets away with it because I'm female, and that's perfectly fine because it's fun to watch? Not the first time things like this have happened. I've gotten banned from servers before because I would tell someone harassing me to "fuck off". The reason? "Foul language, which is against server policy." A friend told me the guy harassing me got to stay and play.

That's just fucking bullshit.. Private servers?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when I have a great idea for dinner that fails my expectations utterly upon completion.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate getting into a game, and watching the mod of a server berate a guy for being useless and rude to others, then as soon as I start getting harassed because I'm female, he shuts up and lets it happen.

The rules clearly state in the server: "Abusive players will be banned" and "No racist or sexist behaviour"

So when he breaks the rules, he gets away with it because I'm female, and that's perfectly fine because it's fun to watch? Not the first time things like this have happened. I've gotten banned from servers before because I would tell someone harassing me to "fuck off". The reason? "Foul language, which is against server policy." A friend told me the guy harassing me got to stay and play.

Report the mod to another mod? And this, btw, is why I prefer to play strictly with friends or solo. Other people can really suck at times.
Re: Hate Thread

Eh, I can't even remember what server I was on. I just jumped into one, so I can't even think to go back and report them. Oh well, I know they all got killed as soon as I left, because I was keeping them all alive.
Re: Hate Thread

Eh, I can't even remember what server I was on. I just jumped into one, so I can't even think to go back and report them. Oh well, I know they all got killed as soon as I left, because I was keeping them all alive.
Isn't it how it always works? Their poor ego isn't inflated with someone showing superior skills, so they gain up on them. It's just a shame when the ones in power are idiots too.
Re: Hate Thread

I HATE guys who complain about my "poor engrish" every time I write a long post: I'm italian for fuck sake! I am entitled to make some minor mistake in a goddamn post! It's not writing a mother fucking essay, it's writing a post! And most of the time I write a post I do it quickly, on a whim, from my damn old portable (which has a really horrible keyboard)! And, most-of-bloody-all, why do you even care? Are you english teachers or something? Do you have to go and decrease my reputation points just to complain about it? GET A LIFE!

I do feel better now.

other things that I hate: idiots.
Idiots who turn left all of a sudden without the turn signal.
Idiots that honk at you because you respect speed limits.
Idiots who think that, just because they have a vagina, not agreeing with theme makes you a "dirty chauvinist pig" (porco di un maschilista schifoso in my language).
Idiots that like to be part of the problem and don't as much as lift a finger while you bust your ass trying to look for a solution.
Idiots who like to scratch the painting of cars with their keys, writing messages like "surprise" or "next color should be red" (the first one happened to me, the second to a friend of mine, who agrees with me in saying that if we ever catch that asshole he won't walk for a month).
Idiots who thinks that "been nice" and "been weak" are the same.
Idiots that keep you waiting for an hour at the counter because they're chatting with the mother of the sister of the nephew of the friend of whoever-the-fuck-cares instead of doing their job.
Idiots who come to a birthday party, don't bring a gift for the birthday person, eat they fill at the restaurant and, when it's time to pay for the bill, suddenly vanish without leaving a trace.
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Re: Hate Thread

There are more than a few non-native English speakers here who write nearly-perfect English, and mistake-ridden text is fucking annoying to read. Also, it's like a dozen clicks to get a spellchecker.
Re: Hate Thread

There are more than a few non-native English speakers here who write nearly-perfect English, and mistake-ridden text is fucking annoying to read. Also, it's like a dozen clicks to get a spellchecker.
My dear friend, I do have spellchecker, but is set on "italian", and as I said if I write a post on a whim I usually don't spend the time to set it on "english".
Also, why is it so fucking annoying? A little annoying, I can accept. It means you're a precise guy, who dislike bad grammar. But fucking annoying? Isn't that a bit extreme?
I can accept if people tell me "Watch your grammar" or "you have a really bad spelling", but the last nice guy who decreased my reputation left this message:

"Learn how to fucking spell correctly retard."

Am I wrong to hate that kind of numbskulls?

p.s. I just checked my profile, and i found out i lost another point in reputation with the message "I hate idiots that don't use perfect English."
Let me answer: I don't give a fuck i ame guing tu intentiomaly mess upp my grummar foor a wek jast tu piss yu off! Heppy now, FàQQR?
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