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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
Reputation score
I have been wondering what this was. I guess it might not be a bad idea to throw my hat in at this point.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
I still may be interested, what are you planning on changing with the system?

In all honesty it's a complete overhaul. Removing the entire level system, everything will be a pre-set including PC's. Altering how some of the combat works, character skills have been reworked (some of them), foes are being reworked, removed a ton of unneeded drop items which changes the loot tables to favor map pieces and rejuvination potions dropping more frequently, etc.

Once I'm finished I'll be posting here again with an outline of what got changed for this, then updating threads that are waiting on me to post. I'll also send PM's out when ready to go again to see if you folks want to continue off the old chars, or start new ones.

@shortbus - Awesome, I'll send you a PM when I'm starting back up so you can take a look at the correct character sheets and all to build your character.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Vision System Removed - I may re-work this later on, however with all the other changes thus far, it'll take too long to do and delay restarting this any further.

Removed the level system - This was too time consuming of a feature, and thus removed. All characters and foes will have set stats, however certain shrines can increase the Player and NPC stats.

Altered/Removed/Created new skills for each character class, too many to list here. See the updated character sheets thread. Note: The actual descriptions of the classes MIGHT be changing, however as they aren't critical to character creation or running the game, this can be done later on. An example is the Chantress skill Mantra of Speed now is an always on passive (when not being raped) and does not need to be cast. Necromancers also no longer have their Golem Pet.

Stopping enemy foe attacks - This has been altered dramatically. When you or your companion are being raped, you CAN try to stop the attack of MOST foes (there are some exceptions). However, if there is more than one foe free to attack the other, then they will not have the option to try and stop the attack on their friend as the risk is too high. Once it's down to only one free foe, they can try, however there is a small chance they can be countered and stopped, and thus raped.

Drop System Changed - Removed a bunch of items from the drop table that will no longer be needed with the new setup. Items Removed are: Normal and Full Potions (Replaced permanently with Full Rejuvination which affects both HP and MP.), Mervan Handgun, Magnum and associated ammo and removed normal Rejuvination Potions.

Now the drop table will have the following items, each with an increased chance to drop: Full Rejuvination Potion, KL Lowering Potion, Map Piece, One Use Item and of course, Nothing.

Item Carry Limit change - You can now carry up to 2 of each kind of one use item.

Changed the De-buff for reaching KL 2 - Level 2: Your body becomes more open to giving up your seed or getting seeded. Pregnancy rolls now are -2 to trigger. IE: You have a roll of 6+ on D15 meaning you would get pregnant or give up your seed with a roll of 6 or greater normally. Now it

would trigger at 4+. Note: KL De-Buffs STACK with each ensuing level.

Emeny Changes - All enemies (including traps) have had their stats increased to match the changes to the game. Additionally, there can now be up to 3 enemies that spawn PER character in your party in normal fights. This is currently experimental and may get changed later. Corrupted Class type enemies now also have SOME of the skills your player characters have, only geared towards raping you or your friends. Additionally, each one comes with a unique skill called 'Death Burst.' This skill is a buff on these types of foes that if they are one of the first foes to be targeted and killed in a fight, there is a 50% chance they will unleash an explosion of power that will stun you and your friends for up to 4 turns, opening you up to being raped. With a 2 person party and 3 spawns per person, this would trigger if this foe was between the 1st and 3rd to die. If later, the buff doesn't activate.

Encounter System Change - Empty rooms have now been removed from the table, meaning EVERY ROOM will now have something worth doing in, IE: A shrine, trap or enemy encounter. This will speed things up and eliminate the need for empty posts that just add time.

Enemy Patrols - This only comes in to play now if caught by a trap and held for more than 2 turns, OR if you HAD to wait for anything, IE: Trying to remove parasite before moving on, Chantress replicating items or waiting for pregnancies to end. Otherwise once all objectives have been met and completed, characters will automatically move on. Also, when moving on from one 'zone' to the next, your stats will automatically go to full, AND all skill cooldowns will immediately reset to ready state.

Life Draining Attacks - When used against you, a foe will drain 10% of the pleasure they did to you from your HP AND MP. They will gain 3x the amount of pleasure dealt back into their own life bar. Note that this ONLY happens when you orgasm.

Critical Hit and Counter Attack Changes - Critical hits are now capped at a 20% Chance, except for when a character reaches KL 1, then enemies will have a 25% critical chance against you. Counter attacks are a set 10% Chance.

Shrine Changes:

Shrine of Rejuvination now ONLY removes 10,000 KP which can de-rank your bar. Note: This is triggered as from when the fight started and removes ANY KP you gained during that fight as well, so you will remove 10,000 KP from what you started the fight with AND have gained no KP by the end of it should you have won.

Shrine of Power now permanently raises all your stats (HP, MP and Stamina) by 10 points for each shrine you claim. THis stacks and has no limits. Additionally, it will increase the damage each of your skills does by 10 as well.

Pregnancy Check Change - Now based off a D15 roll.

Boss Fights involving Magical Chair attacks - ONLY in boss fights! When you or your companion are being raped in a Succubus Magical chair in a boss fight, the chair can be attacked and damaged. It has 8,000 HP. Nomrally you can only attack it in much the same way interrupting attacks work, only when it's you and just one free enemy. However, if you have a skill that deals damage to everything, you can in fact damage the chair via those skills.

Removed the Negotiation System as it is too time consuming for now.

Some Succubi will be gaining new, more powerful attacks to use on you. A new thread will be created breaking down these attacks in some detail.

So far this is all that is getting changed. I will be slowly updating the character sheets and installing the new details on the Succubi attacks over the course of this week. Right now my target goal is to have this back up and running some time between Feb 2nd and Feb 9th at the latest, depending on my schedule here. I will update again when the character sheets have been 100% updated so those starting new will have the opportunity to create a character sheet well before this actually starts up again.

Additionally, as time permits, I will update the other threads with information regarding the game mechanics so you all have as close to a full breakdown as possible. This will of course take some time to do, but it isn't critical to have those updated before we start again. Be on the look out for another post from me in this thread in the next week or so to indicate the sign-ups are officially open again.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
OK, all of the character sheets have been updated on the main thread. Go ahead and review them and you can create characters now if you're a new player or want a fresh start instead of continuing on with old ones. I will be sending PM's out later this week as reminders for everyone and to see who is back/still playing/coming in.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Nice, right now reading all to find out the changes.

As i remember i was using some plant girl spirit summoner. Can i use some slightly more hard mode on myself? Like instead have some unknown magic to store items, she have a low capacity to carry them, as she is completely naked. Mostly things than dont affect the rules and dont cause troubles, but if you feel is right maybe with a crit fail she either cant use an item because she drop them or a monster could drink a potion.

If you think is too much problem, i could just do ERP stuff, like how a player made the spirits more lewd as more corruption she earn and similar ERP stuff

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
I'll go ahead and keep Elise where she is, unless you'd like to restart her at the beginning again and stuff with Brianna. I'm okay with either. Let me know on Discord or elsewhere Siphon what, if anything, I'll need to do to update her sheet and stuff.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
@ Mindflayer - That's fine, figured you would want to continue.

@ plmnko - Mechanics wise I'd rather not change anything more than I already have. Trying to run different mechanics by character would increase the chance I accidently bork someone else's game up. However if you want to ERP with the Spirit thing like Zilrax had done that's perfectly fine.

I will be attempting to update the Useful Information and Bestiary Threads later on this wek, in the hopes of starting this back up about this time next week. I had wanted to already be going, but work schedule changed for this week making it impossible. I'll likely be sending out PM's to previous players either tomorrow or Wednesday as well as those who expressed an interest in starting a new character so they have time to create or decide if they want a new game or to continue on.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
OK so things have been busier than anticipated, but I will have a 4 day 'weekend' starting Sunday so we're getting this thing started! Expect sometime Sunday or Monday for PM's to go out and threads that are waiting on me to update to be updated. I will update the Useful info and Bestiary as time allows me to. In the meantime, the final countdown begins!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Cool cool my dude. Looking forward to playing some more. And take your time. No need to rush too much. :3


Jul 26, 2009
Reputation score
I may be interested in having a fresh go at this once I have a chance to look over all the information and remind myself what this is :) Nice to see an old game return though regardless :)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Awesome to hear. Sorry for the delay on posts folks, they decided to toss me a curveball at work. That said, I should have an opportunity early next week as thanks to all this chaos, I'll have a 4 day weekend coming up. If I can't find time to post at least once during that stretch, I may break someone in half, Evil Kryptonian style :p


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Grr ... this has been the week from hell. I've not had any time to really sit down and do anything for this, and I'm back to work tomorrow through Monday. Look for something about Tuesday or Wednesday next week.


Jungle Girl
Jan 1, 2015
Reputation score
I know my way around writing smut, but I haven't participated in a game yet. If sign-ups are still open, I'd be interested to join.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
So yeah, just wanted to check in and assure everyone that I am not dead or anything, but I HAVE been utterly swamped with work and massive OT Hours due to this whole COVID Outbreak. For those that don't know, I work I.T in one of the Major Hospitals in the New York City area, so we're technically front line employees. To say the least, we have been getting hit with a lot of calls for equipment service, and unfortunately, it's down to just two or three of us right now due to everyone else in our department exhibiting COVID Symptoms.

So, sadly, for the time being, this is back on hold. Once this crisis is over, or we can start getting our people back in as they recover, I'm definitely looking to start this up again, but for now, I just don't have the time to do so and maintain properly my own health at the same time. I apologize for those who were looking to have started by now or continuing.

Once things settle down though, I intend to ring this back in with a bang. Until then, stay safe everyone.


Jungle Girl
Jan 1, 2015
Reputation score
So yeah, just wanted to check in and assure everyone that I am not dead or anything, but I HAVE been utterly swamped with work and massive OT Hours due to this whole COVID Outbreak. For those that don't know, I work I.T in one of the Major Hospitals in the New York City area, so we're technically front line employees. To say the least, we have been getting hit with a lot of calls for equipment service, and unfortunately, it's down to just two or three of us right now due to everyone else in our department exhibiting COVID Symptoms.

So, sadly, for the time being, this is back on hold. Once this crisis is over, or we can start getting our people back in as they recover, I'm definitely looking to start this up again, but for now, I just don't have the time to do so and maintain properly my own health at the same time. I apologize for those who were looking to have started by now or continuing.

Once things settle down though, I intend to ring this back in with a bang. Until then, stay safe everyone.
No worries mate, hats off to you for working so hard. Stay safe.


Sep 12, 2013
Reputation score
I don't have any experience participating in a game like this or with writing smut but I've read a lot of the posts for this game and it seems like a lot of fun. If you aren't opposed to dealing with a noob I would love to make a character and give it a shot when all the crazy calms down and you are back up and running.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score
Ill also throw my hat in for interest in when things calm down. Thanks for your work and be safe while this all goes down!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
So an update from the supposed grave:

I've decided to completely re-do everything with this RP, from the ground on up, which is taking more time than I'd care to admit. However, the end result should be a much smoother system with less mechanics clutter, and more time spent on the actual writing than the dice rolling. Currently I'm in the process of trying to finalize enemy details, as not every enemy previously in the game will be coming back (at least for now!).

The backstory and lore of the RP will be dramatically changing as well, and while elements from the past run throughs WILL be eventually making a come back, they will be altered to fit with the new story line and may not look/run the same.

Just a little snippet to tide you by until I can finish things:

The current idea has the story starting at some point in the future, after humanity has made it out and about into the stars. Players will be part of the Space Marine Corps training program. Each Cadet must undergo a specific training simulation that is a recreation of an event that happened years ago to another Marine Team. That team had been sent to discover why one of Earth's distant outposts stopped transmitting information, and why it wasn't responding to Earth Command. What the team found when they arrived was a sexual nightmare...

You'll take on the role of that team's leader in a simulation designed to prepare you for what you'll face out there. We know the enemy is still out there, but worse ... they know we're out there too, and they're looking for us. The simulation will teach you all we know about the enemy currently,and allow you to prepare yourself, even experience what these creatures can do to you in the flesh should you ever face them.

More will come later.