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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)


Demon Girl
Mar 30, 2012
Reputation score
So an update from the supposed grave:

I've decided to completely re-do everything with this RP, from the ground on up, which is taking more time than I'd care to admit. However, the end result should be a much smoother system with less mechanics clutter, and more time spent on the actual writing than the dice rolling. Currently I'm in the process of trying to finalize enemy details, as not every enemy previously in the game will be coming back (at least for now!).

The backstory and lore of the RP will be dramatically changing as well, and while elements from the past run throughs WILL be eventually making a come back, they will be altered to fit with the new story line and may not look/run the same.

Just a little snippet to tide you by until I can finish things:

The current idea has the story starting at some point in the future, after humanity has made it out and about into the stars. Players will be part of the Space Marine Corps training program. Each Cadet must undergo a specific training simulation that is a recreation of an event that happened years ago to another Marine Team. That team had been sent to discover why one of Earth's distant outposts stopped transmitting information, and why it wasn't responding to Earth Command. What the team found when they arrived was a sexual nightmare...

You'll take on the role of that team's leader in a simulation designed to prepare you for what you'll face out there. We know the enemy is still out there, but worse ... they know we're out there too, and they're looking for us. The simulation will teach you all we know about the enemy currently,and allow you to prepare yourself, even experience what these creatures can do to you in the flesh should you ever face them.

More will come later.
Seems like you have put in some serious work here. I never played with you, but when you finished your rework, I'll be sure to cut in to give it a try.
Say, do you intend to have some machines in there too? That would be coherent to your new system and super hot... you know like in Hasumi or something like that.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Raptor Jesus here from eons ago. Just letting you know I see your update here. I'll let my circle know when you've done your thing so there isn't just one person acknowledging you here.

Good luck.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Ah big changes to lore alright. Be a shame to leave off what had but after so long guess it is fine.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
There will be a few machines in this one, though most of those likely will come in later 'sequel' installments. I want to see how the new mechanics play out before I add much more than what I already have in play.

So basically, not much else to report as far as the story line goes, nothing really has changed with what was previously posted, really all that was done was mechanics wise and sorting enemy spawns. Speaking of which, I am pleased to say that this is now ready to go. While I have a few stats to slide in for later foes, these can wait until I have a better idea of how the current early game stuff will play out, allowing me to adjust things on the fly if need be, rather than having to re-write great chunks of things.

So, go ahead and start signing up! You can create your character to be pretty much any look etc. You'll be taking on the role (in this part anyway) of a different character, but that doesn't change anything for your part. Further down the line I may add other mechanics, but for now this is going to be a fairly simple layout until I see how this works out.

Once I have at least one person's sheet, I'll start posting within 24 hours or so of seeing it. Happy trails!

Edit: So yeah, forgot to mention there are NO CLASSES anymore. Your sheet should just be simply a name, picture if you like, and maybe a little back story on personality and such, maybe a back story from before they joined the Military.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Name: Luna Crescent
Age: 20
Personality: Luna is a pretty honorable person, though a fairly pragmatic one too. She will normally try and help those in need, thanks to her training, but if she can't see or figure out a way to manage to do so without it causing herself to be killed or captured in the process... or those in her squad, well... you get the idea.

Backstory: Luna joined at 16, lying about her age to do so, which worked with falsified records she managed to obtain. She's fought on several fronts before, and while she doesn't normally like fighting, Luna is very good at it. She tends to try and maintain a distance for fighting, preferring using guns to fight when she can, though she is no slouch when it comes to melee fighting, and knows a good bit of two or three different martial arts for hand to hand fighting. Luna is a captain in rank, and has commanded troop amounts as high as a company before in battle.
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Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Name: Vescin Klaes
Age: 28
Personality: Professional and a little on the ruthless side, Vescin get's the job done as by the books as she can without being inflexible. And if that means bombing the base instead of walking in for no reason, here comes the bombs.

Backstory: Vescin was born into a military family and has long weaned herself on stories of battle and tactical prowess. While no stranger to the grittier aspects of war, she generally is always looking for the cleanest way to end a conflict with safety for those under her command. She's determined to prove herself and to put her efficient plans to the test in this simulation.

Appearence: Under her typical armor, Vescin is 5' 8" with a toned, muscular build and shaved blond hair and green eyes. She keeps herself clean and professional for appearences sake but isn't overly fixated on it beyond what's necessary for her duties and training.
