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RPG [ポンズラボ / Pon's Lab] ポケットギャルハンター / Pocket Girl Hunter (RJ123427)

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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

If DLsite didn't take it then DMM isn't likely to take it either.
He'd have to go with melonbooks DL, or that one other super obscure place where I managed to buy the missing Code:Aya novels.
Either way the two most popular options are out of the window.
This game was dead on arrival, sadly.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

If this game never gets released I'll probably find reggie and turn him into a real purple pikmin.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I bought this game its available here only Japanese credit cards though, and I want to post it but I don't know should I wait and let him get some sales or what you guys think?
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I bought this game its available here only Japanese credit cards though, and I want to post it but I don't know should I wait and let him get some sales or what you guys think?

Wait a few days, then release it.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Alright I'll release it on Monday the 31th
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I appreciate where the mods are coming from saying wait till a good chunk of sales hit. Its only right, theres enough hentai out there to help the wait.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter


But gotta go do a university lab first *fp* so far for playing it first.
("But I am opening the exe before you!" - my own stupidity at its best)
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Damn, if only I had a japanese credit card, I'd buy this game in an instant.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I've got some great news.
The game is being sold in one other shop and this shop doesn't have a region restriction.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I've got some great news.
The game is being sold in one other shop and this shop doesn't have a region restriction.

Thank based melon books.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I can share it here right I mean I don't want to get the forum in trouble with Nintendo or something?
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I wouldn't say that Gamefreak has exclusive rights to monster training / battling JRPGS as there have been others released by other developers over the year that though are not indentical to pokemon has things in common simply do to the fact you train / raise and battle monsters. Dragon Warrior Monster series also has you naming, training, leveling and grinding monsters up how about the robopon series games ?
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I doubt nintendo gives a fuck. They haven't shown any signs of caring about the millions of ripoffs on the smartphone app stores. It's just dlsite making their own judgment.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

i guess they have better to do with theyr financial problems that care about a little dev group
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

i guess they have better to do with theyr financial problems that care about a little dev group

Don't exactly think sueing random people will help their already poor publicity and with the financial problems the WII U is causing them no amount of nickle and diming small time developers would make up for that.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I can share it here right I mean I don't want to get the forum in trouble with Nintendo or something?

If I still remember the law about this, I think its legal unless the file in question is directly hosted here (Attachments). If its hosted by some other file-hosting site, then that file-hosting site would be in trouble.

Not so sure though.
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