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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Hmph. South Park is fiction. Wouldn't put it above our assumption - as an equal concept, sure. Doesn't overrule anything, though.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Here's the problem of the Bible: although books in it were written truthfully by actual people, the choice of which books would be allowed INTO the bible, and the editing of the contents of the books that did make the cut, was done by a group of old white fucks at something called the Council of Mycenae, which was also the place where the dates of Christmas and Easter were decided upon, the decision about whether or not Jesus was the son of God (including removing any apostle books that did not portray him as such, including Jesus' own book, the book of Mary Magdalene, and significant chunks of the books of John and Thomas, amongst others (these all resurfaced later).

Therefore, if you ever see a Bible that does not say that it is the "Abridged" version of the Bible, then it's largely untrustworthy and tainted by those with power who wish to keep that power. Those that say "Abridged" are just as tainted, but at least they tell you to your face that it is.

I've read several versions of the Bible over the years, and the simple fact is that Jesus preached to love thy neighbor, and didn't tack on 'unless you're both men/women, in which case don't or you'll go to hell'.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Yeah. As far as I know, he said nothing about religion. He was Jewish, but he didn't cram it down anyone's throat. He just taught people to be nice to each other.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Yeah. As far as I know, he said nothing about religion. He was Jewish, but he didn't cram it down anyone's throat. He just taught people to be nice to each other.

And then some people thought that if they would start a fanclub, then they could get all the money, connections and manpower they needed. And then this fanclubs popularity became so high they could literally start world wars and overthrow kingdoms if they didn't like them. The only problem right with it now is that people keep getting smarter and hence more selfish.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I still don't get how people made a religion worshiping a Jew, following Jewish principles, and yet hate the Jews...

Wait... Did you just say people are smart?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

As much as I would enjoy adding to this particular discussion about Biblical Inaccuracies and Indoctrinated Religious Intolerance, I'm not in the mood to post a 50k word diatribe.

So, I'll abstain and wait for Hettie. Or the next OT topic.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I still don't get how people made a religion worshiping a Jew, following Jewish principles, and yet hate the Jews...

Wait... Did you just say people are smart?

NOPE. I said they are getting smarter, slowly and only a small part of humanity that chooses to think before clinging to the old ways.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

As far as religions go, I think Christianity is fairly boring. The moral teachings are nice, but my understanding is that Jesus didn't say anything someone else hadn't said already. There's only one god, and one that's pretty nondescript: He's supposed to be omnipotent and benevolent and that's pretty much it. He doesn't even do much: Sure, Jesus did some miracles, but healing and providing for basic needs are pretty unimaginative. Bonus points for resurrections(didn't Jesus raise some other guy from death?). Old testament is better, but then it's stolen from the jews.

I think Buddhism and Hinduism are the most interesting of the major religions, but that's probably at least partially because I haven't had any contact with people of said religions. Buddhism because there's no god(atheist religion is, at least for me, somewhat interesting as a concept) and because it seems to actually succeed in encouraging people to be nice(see previous sentence) and Hinduism because there's gods who actually do interesting things in the mythology and because polytheism is just more interesting than monotheism.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

So what would the biblical allegory be for the blue, yellow, green, and large red tentacles?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'd say the high tentacle would be the snake that tempted Eve with the apple (what with it looking like it's coming from a tree).
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

The low snake, or brown one, is the one that caused pain or birth pains you mentioned lol.
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Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

interesting study there pooky. now we can statisticaly proove that girls are more bi-curious than guys.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

As far as religions go, I think Christianity is fairly boring. The moral teachings are nice, but my understanding is that Jesus didn't say anything someone else hadn't said already. There's only one god, and one that's pretty nondescript: He's supposed to be omnipotent and benevolent and that's pretty much it. He doesn't even do much: Sure, Jesus did some miracles, but healing and providing for basic needs are pretty unimaginative. Bonus points for resurrections(didn't Jesus raise some other guy from death?). Old testament is better, but then it's stolen from the jews.

I think Buddhism and Hinduism are the most interesting of the major religions, but that's probably at least partially because I haven't had any contact with people of said religions. Buddhism because there's no god(atheist religion is, at least for me, somewhat interesting as a concept) and because it seems to actually succeed in encouraging people to be nice(see previous sentence) and Hinduism because there's gods who actually do interesting things in the mythology and because polytheism is just more interesting than monotheism.

Nordic and Greek are the most awesome. I mean, in the creation myth in Greek, i think, Zeus, I think, castrates the sky. The Fucking SKY.
And wasn't it in Norse where the Gods were born from the armpit sweat of a frost giant?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I would think the red one would be childbirth pain. Stretchy stretchy...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Nordic and Greek are the most awesome. I mean, in the creation myth in Greek, i think, Zeus, I think, castrates the sky. The Fucking SKY.
And wasn't it in Norse where the Gods were born from the armpit sweat of a frost giant?

They just have the best PR. Finnish mythology is also pretty interesting. The entire universe is born from an egg. There's more to it, but I can barely remember... If you're interested, you can probably find a copy of Kalevala somewhere in the net.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Not a religion. But the best damn concept of the universe I ever read nonetheless.

It's the ending post that made it sink in.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I think religion is something everyone needs to discover for themselves, and not forced into. After being raised Christian I broke away from that faith and ended up finding another spiritual path, a path that felt right to me.

As to the question about a world without religion... well we have very little to base anything off of for that little bit. How do we know we'd be less organized but saner? Just cause we don't agree with the modern church? Many laws and morals of society have been based off of a religion of some form.

Removing religion isn't a surefire way to make the world a better place, just as shoving it forward isn't a good way to make the world better. If we didn't fight and kill each other over religion, we'd just find another silly reason.