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Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

No, you're crazy, and I'm scared. I can hear the queen calling us all together and I can't answer her. It's like I've been cut away from my family... I want to help her, and this crazy woman inside me, and you. But i can't help everyone and I can't leave your side. If you weren't here with me I'd be all alone... she muttered, flopping down into his hands and looking up at him, looking as sad and pathetic as Ichiro had ever seen her, her little wings fluttering softly and her tail curled up around her waist as she hugged it.

I wanna go home and be with Bri... I was just trying to help and now we're both in this crazy mess. It's not fair ichiro.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro looked sadly down at Vila and scooped her up in a little hug, as best he could do without hurting her. "I know little one, and I'm scared too, that I'll lose you, the first one to look at me with something more than disgust or hate in this place. And I know we can't help everyone. So we'll manage our time better. First we'll help this... Luna, then we'll make sure that those two little animals are safe and sound and find Giselle to see if she can help them. And after we do that, then we'll go to see the fairy queen... I promise, and Brittney. I know that this isn't fair, but we'll manage I'm sure. Believe me, if anyone knows about life not being fair, it's me," Ichiro told Vila as he hugged her, leaning down and kissing her on the top of her little head.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Vila just shivered against Ichiro, and then snuggled up back in his hair, yawning tiredly. Ichiro as well was exhausted, sore from the run, the ride, the close calls. Sleep was calling to him.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro couldn't help but feel bad for Vila, and she would see a tear leak down his cheek as he kissed her on her little head again. "I love you Vila. Please don't be sad okay, I don't like seeing you sad," Ichiro said softly before closing his eyes and gently laying Vila down to rest in his lap as he let sleep take him for now.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro found out he was more entangled in this mess then he knew. Thanks to Sola and whatever insight she'd gained, because she was sharing something with him now as he slept.

He was in a dark void, nothing to see, nothing to do, even his voice was stolen, but he could feel energies twisting all around him, and then starbursts of color took shape at random intervals.

No one spoke to him, nothing reached out, but then something caught his attention. Glowing flames about the size of his fist were taking shape in front of him. Two white, one yellow, one blue, one light blue, two black, one red, one a seeming rainbow, one green, and the last was grey, the flames all bouncing and bobbing around. The black flames played together, seeming to twist and spin around eachother, happy that way. Ichiro able to sense the disposition of the flames as they moved around him now, while one white and the yellow flame stayed above them all, looking down, one excited, one peaceful. light blue always seemed to be in pain, but the other white flame was always at it's side, comforting and supporting it, reminding it of good things. Reasons to hope. Red, and Rainbow, and Grey sat in the center of them all, flailing about playfully, grey less so then others, it spent all it's time flailing at it's two partners, chasing them about, keeping them in check. Green and dark blue didn't comfort eachother, but instead seemed to constantly and gently steer eachother into a harmonious dance. and they did this for several long seconds, Ichiro able to see the interplay between them all. If there was a slight misstep in the flames somewhere, the others would guide them back, Grey having the largest hand in this, but Yellow and White above helping in the process of this grand dance.

And then they burst into sparks, and 3 women stood before Ichiro, they looked identicle. Each had silvery white hair, and glowing eyes, lines twisting down their flesh flashing with the colors of the flames. But he could sense the differences.

The one in the center was whole, as it was meant to be, and Ichiro senses a complex but loving soul, balanced and made whole by the love it shared for it's other home, for the people in it's life, and the urge not to better the world, but simply to live her life.

The ones on the side however.... something was wrong with them.

On the right stood a complete woman, but the grey flame was missing. She stood like a puppet, her eyes lacking a soul, her power lacking luster, her entire existence purged of emotion, a dangerous slave and weapon in someone elses hands. He could see the world burning in her eyes.

The one on the left possessed will, but Light blue, one of the Black flames, and Green were gone. It was just the happy ones, and Ichiro felt that while she would live, while her life would go on, have her children, be with her love, that her motivation had been slain. She had no drive to learn or grow, she stagnated, the bright and happy drive that had pushed the dance had died and she would spend eternity simply wondering why the world was wrong, but never having the drive to change it.

Pain is what makes us strong Ichiro Suzuka. Pain is what makes you strong. Remember your lessons, hold your pain close. And stand proud. Sola said, standing behind him.

She made no plee for help, or even suggested that he do so. She simply wished for him to be the man she had sensed he could be. To let the pain in his life make him stronger instead of undermine his confidence and cripple him forever, like the woman on the left had become. You called me strong. See that strength in yourself. she said in passing, before Ichiro woke up.

Vila was still asleep, but it seemed the stress of the night before had bled away from her, and she stretched and yawned as he woke up, smiling up at him and rubbing her eyes. Morning itchy.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

As sleep overtook him, Ichiro stood in the empty void of his dream realm in his mind for what felt like several minutes, before it burst into color all around him. It was as if somebody had just thrown a few paintball grenades into his mind and the paint was coloring his dream walls or something. Looking about, Ichiro was about to just sit down and sleep when he saw literally nothing around him. That was until he spotted the flames in front of him, and after they started swirling about him, Ichiro looked to each one, and felt the differences in each as he did.

He kept watching the flames dancing about him, until they all burst into sparks and the three women were standing before him... all identical in almost every way. They weren't visible differences, but he felt that there were differences in there. Looking between the women, Ichiro heard Sola's voice and looked around behind him at her. "Mmm, you are strong, Sola. And yes... pain is what makes us strong. I... honestly, have had enough pain to last me a lifetime. And, I take it that these are what could be Kylie, assuming we get some or all of your pieces back together," Ichiro said, glancing back at the three women.

Looking at the women, and then back to Sola, Ichiro came to a decision. He was going to help put this woman back together, especially after seeing the trio. One was a mere puppet of someone that wanted to harness her strength for themselves, one that would bring great harm to the world, and that was something he couldn't allow, not when she could possibly hurt Vila and his friends. Then there was the one that while she was alive and free, and happy, she wasn't... whole, like there was a bit of a void where the rest of her should be, and that was something he wouldn't allow, because to him that was almost a fate worse than death, to have no drive to better ones self. No, if Ichiro could help put this woman back together again, he thought, that maybe it would help him in a way. Just before his dream faded, he nodded to Sola and smiled.

When he woke back up, Ichiro yawned and felt rested at least, thankfully. As soon as Vila had woken up too, Ichiro smiled down at her. "Morning Vila, I don't have any bacon on me unfortunately, but I promise that as soon as I can find some, we'll devour it all," Ichiro said, patting her little head.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Neko neko neko! a voice suddenly called, at the promise of bacon, flopping onto Ichiro's shoulder. We have come to claim your bacon. No, we came to help. the terrier said, tumbling out of the brush near the fence, waving a paw at Vila, who glomped the little dog and sat on her back scratching her ears PUPPY! she cried, the cat just laying across Ichiro's shoulders lazily.

Shootybangbang is a puppyman, just like this puppyman. the cat continued, stretching and yawning. How the Fuck had they kept up with the horses? Unless they didn't sleep. They probably didn't sleep. I AM KAGO TEH BLACK or something I guess. His tail is all bent and crooked though. Where we going?! the cat asked, batting at Ichiro's pointy ears.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

When he heard the voice call out to them, Ichiro did a double take, before looking back over where they had come from, just as the cat flopped onto his shoulder. "Ha, good to see you two are alright. Sola is resting again, I think. Also, I don't guess you two by chance brought any food did you? One thing I really didn't grab a lot of on the way out, because I was kind of... you know, in a hurry," Ichiro said to the two, petting both before being told that the shooter was an okami.

"The shooter is an okami? Gods that's... interesting to say the least," Ichiro replied, looking amazed at this information. "And we're heading up the mountain to find... I think Sola said her name was Luna... if I'm remembering right and didn't forget anything during my sleep," he added.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Smushy, yup. She's in the mountains. So is Hurty though the cat said, tumbling into his lap and wriggling for rubs. If I said Yes to the food, would you scratch my luxuriously fluffy tummy? the cat asked, wriggling it's paws playfully while Vila rode the terrier around in the grass, both derps laughing.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Aye, Sola mentioned that too I think. And, yes I would definitely rub and scratch your tummy in that case, especially if there's bacon, hmhm," Ichiro said, chuckling as he scooped the cat down and put it into his lap, where he scratched his tummy and rubbed it for him, while Vila and the dog derpily played about.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ooooooo yes. So Gooood. In a small bag behind the post you're leaning on. No bacon though. Couldn't find annny the cat yowled, wriggling and squirming as he gave away the mighty secret of fuds.

Derpdog and Spazzfairy continued to play, chasing a grasshopper, the tiny dog leaping like the worlds smallest gazelle after it with all 4 legs, looking rediculous while Vila cried out happily and made it rain sparkles around them.

If we find Smushy maybe we can help Hurty? the cat asked, looking hopeful. We call her hurty cos she hurts most of all. Not others, she hurts herself, over and over again. I'm afraid when she's alone. the cat whined, pawing at Ichiro's hand.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, that's too bad, but the other food I'm very thankful for," Ichiro told the cat, scratching his belly and patting is until the cat was satisfied.

Once he'd gotten the food, Ichiro got a bit out for himself, and then the others, as he listened to the cat speak about Smushy and Hurty. "I'm hoping that we can help them both, yes. And then the others as well," Ichiro said, petting the cat with one hand as he nibbled at his food with the other. "Vila, pup, do you two want something to eat?" he called over to the bouncing duo.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Fuds! Noms! the cried in squeaky unison, bounding over to Ichiro as he opened the sack, the cat twitching in his lap.

It was all fucking oranges.


At least oranges were good, and the others weren't complaining as they attacked the fruit. And annoyingly, the sack seemed to be bottomless. The fucking cat had a bag of holding. And it was full of oranges. WHY!? WHY THE FUCK WAS A BAG OF HOLDING FULL OF ORANGES!

Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Oranges huh... well... at least they'll keep us from dehydrating as well as going hungry," Ichiro said, hoping for more than just oranges, but taking what he could get.

Ichiro pulled out a good half a dozen oranges for himself, and two or three for Vila and the rest each, and he helped them peel the things too. "So... where did you find all of these?" Ichiro asked curiously, unsure if he really wanted to know the real answer here.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Nice lady. Our Nice lady, no one elses. Just ours. Brought them ALLLL the way across the ocean for us. But she forgot them in all the trouble so we took them. Omnomnomoranges are the best. the dog cried, flopping onto one and biting, while Vila copied the dog and did the same.

The cat was a little cleaner, pulling them into wedges with her paws, before eating them. she's the best, always cares about us. All of us. No one better. the dog said between sloppy bites. She's got some crazy powers now though, did you see the water thing? Totally saw the water thing. Talk about wrecked, holy crap.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, indeed these are good oranges. So your lady? Would that be Giselle?" Ichiro said, devouring his first orange, and then the second not long after that.

"Your lady sounds like a very sweet and kind person. I hope that we can put you back together again, because now, I would genuinely like to meet you both under better conditions," Ichiro told them as he nommed on his third orange, biting off the peeling and spitting it out to get at the fruit's interior.

Once they had eaten their fill, Ichiro checked around for his horse, and if it was still there, he would go over to it and make sure it was okay, before gathering their things, tying the bag of oranges to his belt so they didn't lose them, and mounting up after pulling the two animals up onto the thing with them, and setting off for where Luna was at.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Yush Cat's bad with names. The dog said, wriggling around until it was comfy on the saddle. Cat crawled into a saddlebag, and stuck it's head out, and Vila rode on top of Ichiro.

I dunno....... We put together makes a Kylie and Kylie is pretty intense. Friendly though. and HOOOOORNY. Freak in the sheet and the streets, girl likes to party. So does Itchy. Ha, your nickname is Itchy/ itchyscratchy? Does you have flees? they said, the dog turning it's head and looking sad for Ichiro's flee problem. the Horse gave literally zero fucks about anything and starting clopping it's way at the mountain thing because the 4 noisy things on it wouldn't shut up until it got there.

**Where did my life go wrong...** it silently thought to itself.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro chuckled as they spoke of Kylie, and shook his head softly as the cat said his nickname. "Yes, Vila has taken to calling me Itchy. And no, as far as I know, I don't have fleas," Ichiro said, chuckling softly as they went, and he pulled another orange out and peeled it, sharing it with the others as they rode.

Ichiro didn't drive the poor horse anywhere near as hard as the day before, letting it go at a leisurely pace today, as they weren't in any immediate danger or anything. "So... how long have you lot been separated?" Ichiro asked the cat and dog curiously as the horse trotted along.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

6 days 14 hours 22 minutes and.... 45 seconds. the cat answered quickly, Dog nodding and nomming orange slice. Oranges best fuds.

Vila seemed to be trying to puzzle things out and wondering why her brain hurt whenever she tried to think too hard, giving up and just staying flopped on dog @.@?

Could be worse, we could be going to find Hurty instead of Smushy. Hurty is reaaally mad. You should meet her so you can see how mad! When you try and help I suppose you'll meet her wont you. never mind. Don't be mean though. She does mean better then you. the cat said, the dog flopping it's head up and down seriously and very quickly.

Gotta play nice with hurty or she'll turn you into a dogsicle. I got better.... you wont.

She's got supa pointy ears to. we has no idea why.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"You know it to be that? Exactly that? Damn, I should keep one of you around for a clock to tell the time for me," Ichiro asked, looking a little amazed that the cat knew it to be exactly that.

"I have no reason to be mean to her though really. But yes, I will meet her soon enough I suppose, most likely," Ichiro said as he glanced down at the cat. "Will she listen to reason at least?" Ichiro then asked, looking hopeful about that.