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Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

She is incapable of forgetting. You to, would break. become what she is, or it would destroy you. She will not speak with anyone who has not shared a fraction of her suffering. Luna answered, sighing while Vila clung to his chest in the hug, before scrambling up onto his head and hugging him that way so she didn't go squish.

And this is good news, provided Giselle isn't slain. I will tend Sola, Kina and Kuna have left to find our Will. They are tiring of things without her. She continued, stroking Sola's hair gently and looking back at the tunnel.

Let me know when you are ready to leave, I will place you back at the base of this cliff, and you can be on your way. Though it's obvious you need time to recover. she finished, leaning back and looking up at the sky.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"I... I guess you're right about that. If I'd had to endure any more just to meet her, I may have turned back, if that were possible," Ichiro said, sighing as he sat there, letting Vila climb onto his head to hug him. "Luna... I... where can I find Giselle? And... would she even listen to me now? And would Cosimo for that matter? Assuming you keep Sola here and no longer in Vila," Ichiro then asked Luna, looking up at her, closing his eyes to rest and likely falling asleep as soon as she'd spoken, because he was weary after all that... very weary.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Giselle is currently located in the third eastern tower along the coast with our body, and Gale. she answered, before Ichiro fell asleep. he experienced no dreams, no nightmares, only a slight pressure along his scalp as he woke back up under the light of the full moon. Sola was awake now with Luna, and had started a fire near him. Vila had fallen asleep as well curled up in his shirt pocket, sleeping peacefully, none the wiser to exactly what Ichiro had seen. Best if she didn't know.

Giselle has not moved from her location in 18 hours. Hecate has joined them. I do not know why. Luna said, updating him seemlessly while doomcat had returned and was curled up in his lap. The terrier was nowhere to be found.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro nodded just before sleep took him, where blissfully he had no dreams, good or bad. It was just a deep refreshing sleep. When he woke again, he sighed softly, and noticed the fire nearby, and opened his eyes to see that Sola was awake now. He noticed Vila was asleep in his shirt pocket, and decided that he would never tell her about the nightmarish tortures he'd been put through, witnessing what had happened to her.

"Hecate... wasn't she the one that you told me about Sola? The one that was just so hungry or something like that and could only feel at peace when eating something?" Ichiro asked after yawning, and scooting over closer to the fire and warming his hands.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Yes. Hecate is honestly a kind soul. She's something of our bodies powersource if I had to give her shard it's official purpose. She draws in energy. But it has nowhere to go, what she's consuming, and the seperation is causing her pain. Sola said, sighing but seeming better, and quick to smile at Vila warmly.

While she might be kind she is still dangerous and she'll fulfill her purpose, which is to consume, before anything else. I'm surprised she was ousted from our body but what can you do? she continued, shrugging.

Her lap was full of orange peels.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"I see, she sounds... well, interesting, if not a bit dangerous. But if you say she's really kind at heart, then maybe we can reason with her, if Giselle hasn't already," Ichiro said, looking hopeful that they might have already gotten one of the more dangerous ones on their side, if she was with Giselle already.

Then Ichiro saw the orange peelings, and his eyes went wide. "Wait... you all love oranges, right? All of your pieces I mean. Huh, oranges then... oranges are the key to Hecate's heart right now. She has to consume, right, so let's give her something to consume... there's nearly two hundred pounds worth of oranges in that bag, so why not put them to good use," Ichiro said, the idea suddenly occurring to him.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Sola laughed at that, which was odd but it was so bright and honest. Being reunited with luna seemed to have done wonders to calm her down and get her back to what Ichiro had to assume was her usual self. She'd probably lose her mind with joy, that's certainly true. And 200 pounds? Holy hells Giselle overpacked. Or she packed just enough, hard to tell with oranges. she said, still laughing at the idea of bribing Hecate with a bazillion and a half oranges.

well, Kalt seems to be waiting. so whatever deal you struck, you should get to it. After a good meal and some real sleep. Not just a nap. So cook, and then get a full night in, and then Luna will pop you back on the ground. More worried about what Kina and Kuna are plotting.... I can't even fucking tell but Kina's become very attached to a Banjo she's found. she said, looking off in the distance and pouting. I wanna banjo...
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"W-Wait, you didn't know Giselle had packed all of those oranges then? But... isn't she your lover or something?" Ichiro asked, unable to help but laugh a bit as Sola did, seeing that she seemed to be cheered up quite a bit since they arrived there with Luna, which made him cheer up as well. "And yes, a real meal, with more than just oranges, sounds very good. I got that deer meat, which I have a sneaking suspicion the cat caused to the poor thing to trip and break its neck, but I'm not complaining any, and we got plenty of the meat to share with you two as well," he went on to say, moving over to the horse to retrieve several pieces of the deer meat to cook for them all, and setting it to cook.

"As for Kalt... her deal was if Giselle or your children die, or she's reunited in Idris's embrace or something like that. We have until then to find the rest of you as far as I can tell. And the next time I come out here, assuming you don't come back with us, I'll try and bring you a banjo, for the help you gave me through Vila. A small reward I know, but hey, I'm trying," Ichiro told Sola as he got the deer meat cooking, and wondering if they had anything else other than that and oranges that they could eat.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

I have no need of a banjo... Sola said, tilting her head, Vila was also confused. More, I'm worried what Kina, The Cat, plans to do with one. She's found a Guitar now as well. What in all the hells. Sola muttered, glancing off to the west.

Always assume Kina and Kuna are plotting. As for your meal, Luna brought up some firewood earlier. And she crushed the ones following you. I'm not sure if You're familiar with this mask, but we are. Amaranthine. Seems they're trying to capture us. Here at the very least anyone around Luna and Kalt are safe. I pity the fools really. she said, tossing a crimson mask with a leering face on it onto the small burning fire and gesturing at a pile of wood.

Vila meanwhile had started to dig through the saddlebags, tossing useless shit aside before she found a horsebrush and went about calming the so far seemingly incredibly docile animal, making it nicker softly and hold still for the brushings while Ichiro was free to cook something.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Oh, well I wasn't sure if you wanted one or what honestly. And I will always assume that they're plotting something then," Ichiro said before Sola showed him the Amaranthine masks. "Mmm, I hadn't noticed them following me honestly. I should really keep a closer eye out around me then if they're following me. One of them stabbed Agatha with a strange fungal type of poison or something," he went on to say, staring at the mask as the meat cooked.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

They are not very nice people. Was all she had to say about Agatha being stabbed, while Ichiro went about cooking something that wasn't oranges.

The deer was delicious, and satisfying, and taking the sunkylie up on her advice and getting some real rest did seem like the smart play. Meanwhile Sola seemed to be continuing to watch Kina and Kuna. Ichiro had finally figured out that Kuna was the cat, and Kina was the dog. Or was it the other way around, or would they change their names back and forth just to fuck with him.

OH CMON! WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY NEED WITH A VIOLIN AND A WAGON!? she suddenly cried out, Luna sitting up in a mild panic and shaking her hair out of her face, staring with Sola.

They starting a fucking country band or something? she muttered, Sola just tilting her head and shrugging. She rightfully had no fucking idea.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"I can tell that much by the simple fact that they tried to kill me. Though, granted, several others have tried to kill me too, Cosimo included," Ichiro said, shrugging a bit as he thought about it.

After eating the cooked deer meat, Ichiro decided that he did need sleep, real sleep, and took Sola and Luna up on their advice on grabbing some. While he lay there trying to go to sleep however, he heard Sola just cry out and jumped up with axe in hand. He looked around at her and Luna, before glancing around to find Kina and Kuna, "I thought he wanted a banjo?" Ichiro asked the two women softly, before laying back to go get some sleep.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Going back to sleep, Ichiro was haunted with nightmares of a banjo playing cat riding a wagon. It was terrifying.

Waking up, Vila and Sola were playing... what appeared to be tic tac toe, while Luna was talking quietly with Kalt of all people, who had left her little frozen sanctuary it seemed specifically to speak with Luna.

She was gesturing at Ichiro angrily but Luna was just placating her, holding up her hands and ushering her back inside. Kalt was soon yanked into a tight hug and the insane elf like monster cracked for a minute and started to cry, Luna taking her back down the tunnel while Sola watched them go, sighing.

You should probably head out. She's getting restless with you here, thinks you didn't take anything she told you seriously. That you don't respect her. Sola said, Vila looking a little sad before zipping up into ichiro's hair.

Was she really that bad? Vila asked him quietly, while Sola went in with Luna. And the mysterious force that had gotten them up here started to put them back down at the base of the mountain, the horse taking it a little better this time.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

The dream of the banjo playing cat riding a wagon was quite terrifying, though at the same time, quite hilarious. After he woke up, Ichiro groaned a bit and held his head, which felt like it weighed a bit more than it had the previous night. He noticed Vila and Sola playing tic tac toe, and that Luna was talking to... Kalt. Ichiro immediately tensed, fearing that she'd gone back on her word from the night before, until she was hugged by Luna and led back inside. Ichiro gave a relieved sigh before Sola spoke.

"Well... let her know for me that I do indeed respect her, and fear her. For good reason. But that even I need rest, after what I had to go through just to speak with her and all. And I do take what all she said seriously... very seriously," Ichiro said, before grabbing something to drink, a couple of oranges from the stash, and any leftover deer meat that was cooked last night, after they got back down when the strange force set them back on the ground at the base of the mountain again.

"Yeah, no offense to her, but she was. I'm glad you didn't go in with me Vila. I... you shouldn't have to ever see what was in there," Ichiro said, munching on one of his oranges. "And I doubt that we can go back to the temple. It's far too dangerous now, and I doubt that they would want me back after the other night. So, I guess we need to find Giselle," Ichiro went on to say, sighing softly as he lamented that he'd likely lost the trust of the temple now, and wouldn't be able to stay there any longer.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Pffft, who knows. Agatha would take you back... again.... and again... if she ever managed to pull herself off you that is. Vila said, chuckling impishly while she nibbled an orange herself.

Squirming around, Ichiro was gifted with another tiny Vila hug, before she went about batting at the Horses ears. So... were are we going? she asked, curiously?
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, well, I would hope so. That... was quite nice. And it had been years since I last... well, you know," Ichiro said, chuckling as he returned the hug in a way that didn't crush Vila. "And now, back to the city I guess. We'll never know if they'll take us back or not until we go there. And we also need to find Giselle," he went on to say, looking more cheered up after Vila hugged him.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Heading back into the city proper instead of the outlying farm community, Ichiro is a little surprised to find a good many people around, working the fields now with a great deal more people then necessary. They must of evacuated most of the people during all the nightborne chaos he'd been having to live through. It wasn't surprising. They turn and some actually recognize him, waving, some even cheering.

There were plenty who refused to acknowledge him but he could imagine it could be far worse. He was still wearing the torc and for once? Glad he was, it was his proof that he'd earned his place here.... Not had it handed to him, not something born into, no, he'd taken it over the bodies of 70 other fights, several monsters, and the river of blood he'd shed to take it.

A short branch of timber hides him from the masses and his nose picks up the smell he'd noticed after the gunshots again, but being unable to pin it down all he knows is the shooter is nearby. He'd have to decide if he followed his nose, and tried to track down the shooter now, or leave him to his business. No one he could think of was gonna get the drop on the 3 shards he'd left on their mountain rise, and Giselle was at the temple.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Riding back to the city, Ichiro looks around and is actually a bit surprised at the sight of so many farmers tending the fields. This was far more than there needed to be, that much was obvious. As he rode onward, Ichiro saw some actually recognized him, and so he waved back when they waved to him. "Wow, I didn't expect many to remember me to be honest, after what's happened the last few days," Ichiro said to Vila as he rode onward.

Touching the torc, Ichiro was indeed glad he had it. As he rode, he smelled... the shooter, or at least the powder he'd used, and knew he had a choice, of whether or not to track the bastard down, or go find Giselle. "Vila... what do you think? Go find that shooter? It might bring us a lot of trouble if we do. But, we could get the drop on the bastard and save Giselle the trouble, and it may even get Cosimo to stop being angry with us too," Ichiro muttered to Vila as they rode, slowing down a bit to prepare to look around for said trail.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Kina and Kuna said he's an okami like you though right? If you can smell him can't he smell you? Vila pointed out while she looked around through the trees. While that wasn't necessarily true, if the wind shifted it Would be. it was up to him if he followed the scent or not, or continued onwards.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, probably yeah, if I had to guess. Though, there's the chance that he may be unable to thanks to the smell of that gun he's using. He could of course be asleep too, which would make catching him that much easier," Ichiro admitted, however he looked hopeful, and a little eager almost, to go for it.

Ichiro looked around to one of the few that had been waving to him and trotted the horse over. "Sir, have you by chance seen another okami like myself around these parts? Somewhere nearby? If not, do you know who might have?" Ichiro asked.