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Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

ICHIRO MOVE! Praetor bellowed, one half second too late as a spirit, the spirit of Mifyza glowing and incorporeal rushed him from the undead horde, smashing his fist... Harmlessly through his cheek, throwing Luna out of his body with a powerful crash, before slamming his reformed hand up into Ichiro's chest, stopping his heart, and Vila's, for several long moments. I give you Back what was Stolen... he Hissed, before he turned his gaze to Praetor, and smiled as the Anti-Paladin raised the skull and banished him to the eternal and terrible wanderings he had promised Luna and Sehanine he would go to.

Ichiro however was having a much harder time of things. His heart had literally been stopped, something destroyed in him, something that had grown over the years obliterated in an instant by the Shaman's last touch as Mifyza made good on his promise.

Ichiro was Forced to shift, the blood rising in his body while Vila screamed and cried in obvious pain as the link with the Sprite was severed cleanly, her chest opening as she struggled just to stay alive, the other Paladins rushing to his side, but too late, as the first shifting since his capture took him along with the bloodlust as he gazed up at the massive figure of a full Blood Moon high in the air of the night, and immediately waded into the horde, laying absolute death and judgement with his blade, the power of Pelor still singing in his blood while he shifted fully, his body going feral to the literal extreme as bones cracked and reformed, as his eyes slitted and the world around him became sharper to every since, faster, stronger, more violent, as he reconsecrated, and then obliterated, every undead that came within his reach, his blade Shattering with the power within it as he went back into the fray regardless with fist, and tooth, and claw.... By the time Praetor had gotten to him, that Agatha had held him and Loran had forced him down, the lust was fading, and over an hour had passed.

His chest hurt, but Vila was clinging tightly to Agatha's shirt, her wound healed, but her chest and back scarred badly while Loran and Agatha held him down, Praetor chanting to bring him out of his bloodlust and his rage. The battle was over, the undead were fleeing now under the combined assault of the remaining paladins, and the Blue Falcons, a mercenary troupe he was familiar with working with expert efficiency. No No no! Ichiro! Come back to me. Come on God damnit! Agatha shouted, Vila not thinking it safe, and still in shock from the severing of their bond, too weak to move from her perch with Praetor.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Hearing Praetor's voice, Ichiro tried to dive to the side, but wasn't quick enough as Mifyza, or his spirit rather, punched him right in the face, knocking Luna out of his body. Feeling his heart stop as his chest was punched, Ichiro's eyes widened as the paladins ran to his side, while Vila was hurting incredibly badly. Ichiro felt his feral shifted form coming out, and he couldn't stop it, no matter how hard he tried, his eyes changing as well, and then... he charged blindly into the horde of undead.

Ichiro slashed and hacked his way through the horde, cleaving a bloody swathe through them, and taking down ghoul after ghoul, and zombie, skeleton... any and every undead that came his way. He felt more like a werewolf than an okami now, and he swung his sword until his blade broken, where he hurled the hilt with the remainder of the blade, through another, where he began hacking at them with his claws, ripping their limbs and throats out with his teeth, and shattered their bones with his great strength as he punched them.


When his fury ended, and his mind started to come back to him, Ichiro saw Loran and Agatha both atop him. Looking up at them, as Praetor started to bring him out of his bloodlust/rage, Ichiro sighed, and clamped his eyes shut for a few moments, shaking his head a bit and trying to clear his mind. "I... w-what happened?" Ichiro groaned, when he was able to.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

ITCHY!! Vila cried out, when he spoke, slamming into his chest passed Agatha while the others had formed a circle around him, Praetor holding the holy zone up just by fucking standing there, while the souls of the undead slain around them were swallowed by the skull he carried, his sword dripping with clotted blood and gore, the others likewise baring wounds and bloodied armor and blades. They'd fought hard to keep up with him.

You lost yourself Boy, that Wolfkin did something to you. Praetor said, Agatha yanking him up into a tight hug. You went crazy with the bloodrage... none of us could get to you, you wouldn't stop... she said, seeming shaken by what she'd seen. And indeed, his feral form had been far closer to that of a lycanthrope then normal, it had nearly mirrored Mifyza's own. A shamanic shift, a cry back to the old people when to shift meant to become the beast. It was a nearly lost art, to go that far. And the blood moon still shone with it's dark and baleful light above. Smaller now, more distant. There was no sign of Luna, or any of the others. Only the humans, and the diminishing horde.

Everyone Up and Home. Myself and the Twins will clean up. Loran shouted with authority, proving himself the Knight Marshal of this temple while Praetor nodded and led the way back to the horses.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro reached out and caught Vila with one hand, if he could, hugging her against his chest, which was aching badly. "He... I just went... crazy. I could feel myself going into my shifted form... but more... feral. And I, don't feel Vila's presence anymore," Ichiro said, groaning softly as Agatha pulled him into a hug, where he returned it with the hand not holding Vila.

"Where are the others? The... shards of that, Kylie woman. And the woman we helped the other day, Loran, that Giselle?" Ichiro asked, groaning again as he raised up to look around for Mifyza's weaponry, hoping to collect it all before they left, so that nobody else got it. "And Vila, are you okay?" Ichiro asked the sprite, looking down at her worriedly.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

No Idea. praetor grumbled. Ichiro had strayed Far from his initial spot during his bloodbath, and the weapons were gone. Someone else had scooped them up. No shards, no blackwinged angels, no monsters, wagons, or music. The entire mountain plain was silent and Agatha bullied him up into her saddle before mounting behind him and snapping the reins.

I really don't much give a fuck. Don't get me wrong, I liked the little dog, but all this fucking grief over them? And the temple in fucking Ruins. Fuck em all, the shards and that pointy eared bitch Praetor saved. There's a fucking Demon smashing around the capitol district, we don't have Time for their bullshit. Agatha spat, tired, angry, overcome with worry for Ichiro, and with her home nearly destroyed by Kina, Kuna, and Ichor earlier, before all of this.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Looking around, Ichiro found no sign of the shaman's weapons, nor Giselle, shards of Kylie... none of those other ones, and his body ached all over. He nodded to Praetor, when the old man spoke, panting a bit still, and accepted Agatha's help to get up into the saddle. "W-We'll need those shards help, and Giselle's, to stop that demon, most likely. I've just got this feeling that we will," Ichiro told Agatha, after she spoke. "The main reason all of this is happening, is because those shards were unjustly taken from their host, Kylie. If we don't help them put her back together... then far greater destruction is on the way... I've seen it. I... I'll explain more when we get back, and when we're somewhere more private, just... trust me on that," he added so she, Praetor, and Loran all could hear.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Loran was back mopping up the battle with the others, Praetor however snorted. Demons. We don't need anyone's help to stop a Demon, we Kill it, same as with anything else that defiles this place, That's OUR job. Besides, I'm unsure EXACTLY what to do here. The amount of people killed in this, Innocent people, is numbering in the thousands by now. This insane baiting of the undead probably Saved just as many by drawing them away from the western refugee settlements and districts in droves, and we put down several thousand by the end. You alone killed nearly 700 if I had to make a guess given your pace of murder. The Pirates however are fighting in the harbor and spreading out, most of the kingsguard is slain, and there's talk of a fucking army on the other side of the mountains if the Blue Falcon's intel was good. We have too many problems Ichiro. It's an Fey Army. he said, his voice soft, but impossibly hard.

All the people Itchy... they're packed up against the mountains... they've never been more vulnerable... There's a ton of them, most of them have trained in the army for at least a year, but Itchy... that's not very much... They're all trapped between this army and all the Undead in the districts! Vila said, suddenly panicking.. You've got the right of it Sprite. They could slaughter 80% of the population even outnumbered 100 to 1. And all the armories are back in the city. Training wont do much good without weapons. The mercenary groups are blockaded either out in the harbor, or trying to reform out here. But with the palace in ruins, there's no one to Pay them... Agatha said darkly
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Listening to Praetor, Ichiro's expression grew darker. He hadn't known all of this, and he definitely didn't want those innocent people to die if he could help it. But he also remembered what Kalt had told and showed him. If they didn't help Giselle and Kylie, he knew that Kalt would do far more than what was already happening, and then there'd be no way to stop it really, because of the sheer power she had. As Vila and Agatha both continued where Praetor left off, Ichiro felt more than out of his league here now, and knew that they needed to do something, but what that was, he didn't know really.

"I... I understand, I think, Vila. But, what Kalt showed me back on the mountainside... the power she has... I know that it's far greater than any demon that might be attacking the city. And she's balanced on the edge of a blade, mind wise, I fear. If she is unleashed, she can destroy Garellia, and its population, entirely, and probably more. That's why I said what I did, before," Ichiro said, his body aching all over.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Praetor froze at his words, Everyone did. Explain Ichiro... clearly. What are you talking about, Who is Kalt.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"I... *sigh*... would be more comfortable talking of it in private, but I don't really have much a choice I don't think," Ichiro said, sighing softly before looking to Praetor, and Agatha, and then up to Vila.

Ichiro launched into a quick, but detailed explanation of what Kalt had showed him, and told him, though he left out the part he'd seen of Vila being tortured like she had been, shuddering as he thought of it. "That other okami, it's because of him shooting Kylie, that her form has shattered into several shards. The one at the temple, the one that was inside of Vila, both of them were shards of Kylie. As was the one that went into my body while I fought that other okami," Ichiro said, sighing again as he looked up at the sky.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Praetor listened, everyone did, before Agatha threw her hands up and started stomping back to the temple, Praetor rubbing his forehead in open annoyance and frustration. So we're all fucked. FUCK IT! I need to sleep! He bellowed. I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS BULLSHIT! he continued, ranting on the way back to the temple before stomping his way back through the smashed and trampled building towards his quarters and slamming the door, which fell comically to the floor. Agatha meanwhile made a beeline for the bath-house, dragging Ichiro behind her.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro has expected them to flip out, but hadn't expected Praetor to flip that much out. Ichiro couldn't help but grin a bit as Praetor slammed his door to his room shut, which fell down after they made it back to the temple. He didn't laugh though, and yelped slightly as Agatha dragged him to the bathhouse, following along without complaint. "I'm sorry Agatha," was really all Ichiro could say at that moment, Agatha, hoping that she wasn't angry with him.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Uh huh. fuckin right you are, losing your mind like that. Not gonna lie Itchy, that was some scary shit. Vila nodding vigorously Yea! Scary! I almost died! she squeaked, before Agatha pivoted her foot and threw Ichiro bodily into the water of the bathhouse. God damn already dead people. You smell like a dead rat. I'm sure I'm no better. she grumbled while Vila zipped around, blowing bubbles. Agatha stripped down as well and sank into the water, starting to rid herself of the gore of the battle, her armor clanking heavily to the floor.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"I... I know it was some scary shit. How do you think I feel about losing my mind like that. I felt... feral. Like... a werewolf or something. You two were the main things I was worrying about," Ichiro said, before yelping as Agatha shoved him into the bathwater with her foot.

Ichiro sputtered and righted himself in the water, looking around as Agatha stripped down, and feeling himself aroused by the sight of her. He shook his head clear for the moment though, figuring that she wouldn't want to, especially in the bath where anyone might come in on them. "Well, you look beautiful, as always. I think," Ichiro said to Agatha, sinking down into the water until just his head from just below his mouth up, was above the water.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Agatha glared at Ichiro and the moment she'd managed to clean herself she pulled her hair back. You've got 5 seconds to grab my hair and shove me against the side of the bath for a hard fuck, or I'm gonna kick your ass Wolf Boy. Almost died today. she said clearly, standing there with her hair held in a ponytail in her left hand, and her right hand firmly on her hip.
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro cleaned himself off as good as he could, while Agatha did the same, and as soon as she said what she did, Ichiro grinned and stood up suddenly, her shaft already half hard just from the sight of Agatha's lovely nude form before him in the bath. Grinning as he stood up, staring at Agatha, Ichiro moved over to her, grabbed her hips with both hands and scooped her up, pressing her back against the wall of the bath and kissed her furiously, while grinding her shaft against her slit.

"Is this better, Agatha?" Ichiro asked curiously, breaking their kiss and looking a little smug as he held her.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Gasping as she was scooped up and pressed against the side of the battle, she snorted in amusement. Hmph, good thing you came to us instead of the army, you're bad with directions. she groaned, rolling her own hips. Why the fuck are you still talking. she growled, her hands on his shoulders.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro needed no more urging than that, and took his shaft in hand, pressed it against her folds, and thrust into her, not stopping until he was hilt deep inside of her. "I think I'm okay with directions myself. I mean I found this lovely tunnel here," Ichiro said, grinning softly before pulling Agatha into another deep kiss before she could respond.

Within moments, he pulled back out and hefted her legs up with both arms, hooking his wrists under her knees to immobilize her, then he slammed back inside, a look of desire in his eyes. Ichiro didn't slow his thrusts any at all, knocking away at her wildly, like a beast almost.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Agatha shuddered and squirmed as he pushed inside, clenching around him beautifully, moaning into his mouth as he kissed her again, which was good cos it looked like she was going to bite him for getting the last word in.

Gasping loudly as he slid back out, she squirmed as Ichiro pinned her legs, before crying out as he thrust back in, starting to fuck her hard against the bath wall, Agatha squirming and writhing in her place against the wall, getting dominated like she'd wanted as he fucked her like a beast, more then willing to take the pounding.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro couldn't help but grin as he smooched Agatha, the water splashing around them as he began knocking away at her. He kept up their kiss for now, his tongue entwining with hers and swirling around in her mouth as he dominated her for the time being. He wasn't sure when, or if, any of the others would come in for a bath soon, but at this point, Ichiro didn't care, and just kept pounding Agatha. Ichiro held Agatha against the bath wall and didn't let her go, dragging her left leg up over his shoulder and getting a handful of her hair with his right hand and holding her for their kiss.

Finally, he broke their kiss, and bit her neck, sucking lightly, but hard enough to leave his mark, and he was sure that she was about to cum soon, just from the way she was squirming and squeezing him. "Already about to pop, Agatha?" Ichiro asked while knocking away with wild abandon, barely giving her the chance to catch her breath after the furious kissing they'd done.