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Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

No, he hasn't. a voice called from behind Ichiro, before a bullet slashed through the side of the bystander's head. An old man who was dead before he hit the ground.

Turning, Ichiro would see an okami, his tail and ears black, and his eyes slitted as he aimed a second pistol at Ichiro while people all around screamed and started running in every direction, the second pistol turning to kill another human, a woman as she fled. He didn't need to reload after every shot.

His next shot buzzed so close to Ichiro's ear he could feel the breeze and actual pain from the snap as he lost some fur. It really is cathartic you know, Shooting these fools down like animals like they did to us. They'll even pay me to do it for them. Why don't you run along "Champion" before I add you to the bodycount. Don't really want to shoot a brother, but I'm gonna... he said, still aiming the other pistol as he shot down another person. His pistols were... Odd, compared to the flint and wheel locks Ichiro was used to seeing. The weapons themselves were long, and made of a dull metal, and whenever he pulled the trigger, a crystal backing flashed before the gunshot sounded, while a wheel set in the center of the weapon turned. Maybe a foot long in total, they were etched in runes from Ichiro's homeland and burned with every bullet he fired. Wilding Shaman magics fused into the weapons. He'd been away from home a little too long it seemed, because his people had figured out something insane. Or perhaps it was just this one man. Behind the heavy long coat he wore, across his back, was a leather bundle, and familiar crystal bullets hung from his belt, his neck, and his chest, while much longer ones, the ones he recognized from Kuna's collection of shinies, hung from only his right wrist, the back of each one carefully wrapped in paper.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Before Ichiro got an answer from the innocent bystander, the poor man was shot. Ichiro immediately turned as the okami shot another innocent bystander, this one a woman who was trying to get to safety. Ichiro stared the other okami man down, narrowing his eyes as he stared back. "Why don't you go back to our homeland, instead of bringing dishonor to our people by being an assassin for hire and shooting innocent people that have done you no harm," Ichiro said, wondering if the bastard would actually let him leave if he went. "You really don't understand what you've unleashed by shooting that girl, do you," he added, shaking his head a bit, turning to leave after finishing.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Assassin? You know our people better then that Boy. There are no Assassins, no kings, only Hunters, and Prey. He answered smoothly, firing again, a man's horse cut down and it's rider killed by the fall. And that girl? That was no Girl, Child. She's a Vessel, as long as she stays seperate, as long as I can manage that much, her threat to the world will pass. If she destroys the entire country here. well... No great loss is it. Or did you Enjoy your time in chains, collared like a Dog. he said, mouth curling to remove intentionally sharpened teeth.

A Demon, or a Shadow, or even a God will take her body and destroy her in the process, and then we'll have something far worse then 'That Girl' on the loose in the world. I wont allow it. When The Masked Ones informed the Spirit Walkers of the threat, I Gladly accepted the task. I will kill her 1000 times if I have to to keep her from rebuilding herself, and to keep another from taking her body. You will not get in the way. he continued, Vila staying well hidden in Ichiro's hair.

She's nothing special, I'm sure she and her lover feel otherwise. But she's an Evil that has been created before, and put down, Before. A special body with special powers against the laws of nature with a special soul to keep it alive, until it's purpose is finally realized. So Decide Pup, will you continue breathing, and walk away, or will you stand there and die. I admire you either way, you've earned your teeth, but to me you are still a child. Another gunshot rang out. How he was shooting without even Looking, and scoring hit after hit was beyond Ichiro as he looked into his amber eyes. But it seemed he'd exhausted his other pistol, because he put it on his belt to hang with the bullets, the bullets that shined like the teeth of a tiger as they hung from his body.

She's a monster, my curses did nothing, the spirits refused, even the gods seemed torn on what to do, my prayers unanswered. These weapons will have to suffice. I am proud of them, a labor of love to better our peoples' lives, but for now they will serve as the tools of an executioner.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"You think that keeping her separated will cause any danger to this world that she poses, to pass? You're a fucking fool if you truly believe that. There are shards of her that would devour you, me, and this entire continent in a heartbeat to get revenge, not just this country. I've seen it, and I've met all of them, and not much in this world has ever truly scared me... save them," Ichiro replied to the crazed okami before him. "When they do catch you, I want to be there when they tear you apart, so that before you draw your final breath, the last thing you'll see is me standing over you, smiling at your idiocy. I hate what they did to me here in this place, I won't deny that. But there are still many innocent people here, that you are killing, bringing dishonor to our people. And if you'd just left her alone to begin with instead of allying yourself with whoever it is you have, then we wouldn't be risking something worse being unleashed on the world in the first place. You're a fool if you think otherwise," he went on to say before urging his horse to trot onward, keeping his shield up and ready to defend just in case, and hoping that since he'd grabbed his big heavier shield he'd used the other day against all those ghouls and whatnot, that it would be enough to block a bullet from that gun, and Ichiro kept his head turned towards the other okami until he either saw the man turn and go though.

He was betting that the bastard would be heading for where Sola, Luna, and Kalt were at, and he wasn't about to let that happen if he could help it. Ichiro was willing to bet that at least. "Vila, how far can you go from me now that Sola's no longer inside of you?" Ichiro whispered to Vila once he was sure that they were out of earshot of an Okami, unless something happened to prevent him from being able to leave, such as a bullet coming at him, in which case he'd roll off the far side of his horse for cover, and would bring his shield up to block and run for better cover, hoping that he'd manage to make it.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

They're on a clock boy. I just have to run that clock out and only this hateful country suffers.... I can live with that. He said with finality as Ichiro left, but Ichiro would find his ears twitching each time he heard another shot ring out...

Once they were out of earshot, Okami Earshot, Vila would flop into his pocket. No I can't. We kept the injury remember? You're stuck with me. she said, looking a little sad. If the shooter was headed for the mountain Ichiro doubted he'd go straight for Sola, he'd probably look for a good place well out of the way to do his work.... kill the humans was just a bonus. But ichiro couldn't ignore what he'd been told either... Was it really alright to help those pieces put themselves back together? How much had he not been told?
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"What a fool, thinking that only Garellia will suffer. He's a fucking idiot is what he is. Kalt showed me what she would do, and it's not pretty one bit. Garellia, and this entire continent will suffer, if not the entire world," Ichiro murmured to Vila after she'd spoke. "And don't worry little one, I was just going to see if you could sneak off, but since you can't, then we'll have to make do," he added, gently patting her head.

"It doesn't matter what he said about them, doing things this way, is far more evil than putting her back together. Nobody is even considering her feelings, and Giselle's... or their unborn children. If even one child dies, it doesn't matter how much good taking this Kylie out of the picture does, it's not worth it. Vila... I promised Kalt, Luna, and Sola, as well as Kina and Kuna, to help put them back together, and I mean to do so. I'm sorry for dragging you into it too, but I just feel if we don't help them, then the consequences for the world will be far worse," Ichiro told Vila with a sigh, deciding to move for the city again, since he now knew where the shooter was, even though he didn't want to let him move at will, and even wanted to kill him. "If we can find that Giselle woman, we'll lead her back up here to kill that son of a bitch once and for all. I can only hope that she can talk Cosimo down from trying to bloody kill me," he went on to say, kicking his horse into a gallop, though not a cruel one like he and Sola had done a couple of evenings before.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Vila sulked a little but soon they were galloping away, and then there was a new problem. It's name was Bluegrass.

listen to this as read. there will be more.

The sound of a banjo and a guitar could be heard from a good distance away along with the crashing wagon wheels... and worse. Groaning. Lotsa groaning. Cackling too. Vila was busy poking herself up on the top of his head as high as she could wondering what the purpose of it all was. Is it a party?

Galloping towards the city, the pair soon crested a hill, and their horse bucked them off and with all the luck possible to gather in one spot, Ichiro landed in the seat next to Good Luck Dog Kina, while Bad Luck Cat Kuna was in the back tearing it up on the banjo, the pair currently having a solo duel between Kuna's banjo, and Kina's guitar. There was a violin just... floating, in the back, possessed by demonic forces to play itself. And by demonic forces, it was Kuna's tail doing the most impressive tail acrobatics Ichiro had ever seen, and the tune was changing as Dog scooped up a harmonica that had been in his tina lap and started to blow while Cat just kept playing. A short, stubby little monster with an enormous head and mouth, and a floppy little tail waggling around opened it's mouth as Cat tied a string to the box of crayons around it's neck and truly otherworldly sounds issued from it's mouth and the guitar

the pair using the little monster as a speaker. It meanwhile seemed happy about it, and waved a little hand at them excitedly while Cat started to sing in the manliest fucking voice known to mankind.

The purpose of all this of course, was painfully obvious to Ichiro and Vila the moment they'd crested the hill and been abducted by the two fluffy idiots and their void monster companions. Every Ghoul, Zombie, and other Undead monster in every district the idiot pair had driven this insane wagon through was now Charging after the raucous music and they were charging straight for where Ichiro had seen the shooter. Meanwhile Dog was playing the most impressive harmonica Ichiro had ever heard in his motherfucking life while Cat sang. They're.... they're FUCKING INSANE! Vila cried, hanging on for dear life, cat cackling wildly as she played a wicked guitar solo. GONNA BAG US AN ASSHOLE!!!
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"It's alright little one, we'll figure something out, I know it," Ichiro said, patting her on the head as they rode.

After they got a ways, Ichiro heard... a banjo... and a guitar. He also heard the rolling and crashing of wagon wheels, and when he heard the groaning, he thought the fucking zombie apocalypse had begun. "Not the kind of party we'll like, most likely," Ichiro commented when Vila asked if it was a party they heard.

Reaching the top of a hill, Ichiro felt the horse buck them off, and he yelped as he soared through the air, and landed... right next to Kina and Kuna. "What the fuck is going on?" was all Ichiro could manage to ask, looking curiously between the two as the wagon sped on.

Looking behind them, Ichiro saw... quite literally what one would call a monster, and his eyes widened a bit in fear as he saw the box of crayons around its neck. When it waved though, Ichiro could only assume that it was helping the pair, and found himself smirking of all things, and waving back. "Holy shit, you're going after the shooter aren't you? Well fuck it, I'm in. That bastard needs dying, and I'd love to be there when it happens," Ichiro asked them, turning forward and pulling his shield up a bit. "Oh hey, luckily I had those oranges tied to my belt. Here's one for each of you if you want it," he went on to say, offering both Kina and Kuna an orange, and the little monster looking Hecate too, tossing the one to her.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Hecate happily snapped up an orange but Kina and Kuna refused, jerking a thumb at the back of the wagon. It was full of them, while the little dog changed places with the cat. Kuna hopped into the seat next to Vila and Ichiro with a fucking cello of all things. We raided EVERYTHING for this! AAAAHHHHAhahahahahaha! Hit it Kina! the cat cried, starting to bang a tamborine with her tail while she played the cello, with long low bass notes in what had to be the most hilarious song Ichiro had ever heard. But it suited the pair while Dog started to sing.

The song was hitting it's stride as they tore through the timber fringing the road to see the shooter, who's eyes widened before he snarled and leveled his guns at the wagon, Cat refusing to actually drive, lettin the horses do what they wanted, which was exactly what They wanted, which was to swerve and drive right the fuck on passed him.

Seemed despite being able to hit anything he wanted he couldn't hit fuck all if Kuna the wonder cat was around, and Kina was changing the tune already.

they tore ass into the little settlement Hue Hue hue! Get Fucked Asshole! Kuna yowled as the literal HORDE charged down the road and focusing on the useless gunfire as Hecate started to dance and bang her little hands on a set of big drums under all the oranges and Kina sounded just fucking odd. But she was singing and the name of the game was try to run the asshole down with a bazillion and one zombies, and he was trying to flee the insanity while Cat kicked the reins to Ichiro. Keep on him! I WILL HAVE VENGEANCE!
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Tossing the orange to Hecate, Ichiro smiled as she snatched it up, and tossed her the two he'd gotten out for Kina and Kuna when they basically waved him off that they didn't want or need them. "Kina, Kuna... I love it," Ichiro said to the pair, grinning like a madman as he rode the wagon, while they kept playing their crazy music.

As they tore ass down the road towards the okami shooter, Ichiro grinned again and thought to himself, "Now who's the one gonna be running you mother fucker," as they drove towards him with a literal army of undead behind them.

"You're damned right I'll keep on his ass," Ichiro replied to Kuna, taking the reins and snapping them around to do as instructed, raising his shield up in one hand to block any bullets coming his way. "VENGEANCE, MOTHER FUCKER!" Ichiro cried as the wagon went towards their target.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Good, cos this song is really hard to play. Kuna answered, jumping into the back of the wagon to grab the guitar again and started to play while they drove.

While it was impossible for the okami to shoot them in the wagon, he could and Had turned the gunfire on the horde and his bullets being made of crystal, they scythed through them in lines. Limited only by his need to reload, he was putting up an incredible fight as he fled. With a burst of black light, he shifted in a literal instant. So he Was a shaman, and he was fast. His story was likely true. Something big was brewing on the other side of the border, something had spooked the hell out of the elders to send him out like this with such an anarchic mission. but he wasn't going down easy as they chased him through the roads.

Cat and Dog swapped places on the vocals and Kina took up the drumming like a little white fluffy god while Cat screamed her lungs out and Hecate made an otherworldly speaker and amplifier for the music that tore through the countryside.

Meanwhile the shooter continued to be a pain as he leapt clean through a granary wall and twisted in the air, flipping and turning twice fully, 10 shots ringing out in a blur and leveling the horde that had almost managed to corner him. When he hit the ground, he tore the package from his back as he holstered his pistols, and started to snap together a complex looking rifle, feeding one of the longer bullets in it as he skidded to a halt at the side of the wagon, looking fully into Ichiro's eyes as they shot passed him before the weapon flashed.

Ichiro had heard quieter Cannons and the blast that shook forth from the barrel of the black rifle ripped a screaming hole, clearing an entire street. But it wasn't nearly enough as thousands more continued to give chase.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro had to applaud his kin, for he was putting up a helluva fighting withdrawal of sorts against the hoard. Seeing him shift around the field told Ichiro all he needed to know, that the man was a shaman of his people. However, whether or not his words had all been true or not remained to be seen. Ichiro was confident that none of his tribe's elders had sent this bastard, and he didn't remember any of the other tribes that used guns like this, so he wasn't sure which of the tribes he was from really.

As they sped towards the bastard, Ichiro saw him flitting around and being just a nuisance and not learning his lesson, and giving up so they could catch him. When he pulled the pieces of the rifle out and snapped them together, Ichiro tilted his head a bit, and watched what sounded like a bigger more badass cannon, blast out past his head. "Holy shit... Cat... you think you could catch one of those?" Ichiro asked curiously as he kept following the bastard.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Hell the fuck no! But I don't have to! WE GOT REINFORCEMENTS! Kuna cried before belting out a song with a guitar piece that was louder then the fucking Cannon shot. Hecate's body was actually vibrating. Meanwhile Ichiro caught sight of something black winged and angry shrieking through the air from the border towards the wagon. Just before a bolt of lightning slammed into it from the direction of the city, slamming what turned out to be a woman into the dirt next to them, a Shard made of lightning and holding a pair of swords kicking off her chest. Shit. So does he. HI MOM! Kuna cried, waving while the lightning woman was joined by Sola smashing through a building to literally fuse with this new arrival, who had tossed her swords out behind her to be snatched up by... The Revenant. He grabbed them and stood next to the now completely solid lightning woman. Except the lightning was golden and she took an unarmed stance while the wagon screeched around as a battle royale started

He spotted a third fight going on as the fey woman, Giselle was thrown through the timber line passed them to roll to her feet, a serpent made of water coiled around her body hissing furiously at something in the treeline. She didn't waste a second in charging back in while The fused shards and the Revenant didn't let up on the woman who Ichiro could see now was garbed with massive black wings and swinging a sword with a blade textured in black feathers and made of a shining black stone.

Shooties all yours Itchy! We can't stay! nice ladies in trouble! Kuna called, before Kuna and Kina hopped onto the back of the little monster, playing a new song and charging after the woman, leaving Ichiro to deal with the shaman, while Ichiro remembered the move Loran had used to create a zone. If he could limit the shooter to that consecrated zone, he could force a close range fight...
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Awesome... but, what's that?" Ichiro replied when Kuna cried that they had reinforcements, as he noticed the black winged creature above them.

Before it arrived at their position though, a bolt of lightning, like, a literal goddamn bolt of lightning, struck the bitch right out of the sky and slammed her into the ground next to the wagon. "What in all the nine hells have you gotten yourself into Ichiro?" Ichiro asked himself, as Kuna cried out to the black winged woman, that apparently was their mother.

As all these crazy things happened, Ichiro saw Sola soar through the fray and merge with the lightning shard of Kylie, which was beautiful to behold, to say the least. Then Giselle was thrown through the treeline nearby, a strange watery serpent coiled around her, as she landed, before she got back up and jumped back in at whoever, or whatever, she was fighting. "Aw fuck Kuna, fine... looks like I'm probably gonna get killed today," Ichiro muttered to the cat before he, the dog, and Hecate all hopped off. "Little one, stay hidden for now, I don't want him to hit you if I can help it," he added to Vila as he snapped the reins again and urged the horses straight at the okami shooter as he remembered what Loran had done before, and sighed softly, nodding to himself, and then up at the sky.

When he got close enough with the wagon, Ichiro jumped off and landed with his shield up, and his sword drawn, where he performed the divine ritual, consecrating the area around himself and the other okami. "Pelor, grant me strength. The ancient spirits my people worship didn't help me in my times of need before, so I hope that you will," Ichiro murmured softly as he prepared for battle.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Talk about hurting a girls feelings... A voice called in answer to his prayer before he leapt, Luna landing next to him in the consecrated zone before Ichiro felt his body burn with cleansing light as the shard let him touch the moon, by sliding into his body easily. He felt Alive, incredibly Alive, the howls of his ancestors ringing in his ears as the moon rested in his soul with him and the power of the sun burned a ring into the ground with a flash. Ichiro's body burned with harsh white lines and the earth around them crushed down into a perfectly flat, level arena while the shaman stared in utter disbelief.

What is this! What! I CANNOT LET THEM REFORM! Don't do this! he howled, most of his ammunition exhausted it seemed. It couldn't be easy to make. But as for tricks up the shamans sleaves, he'd reached into his coat to withdraw 5 slender silver tubes about as long as his hand, holding them between his fingers as he looked around at the screaming, groaning, snarling horde that had swarmed over the area, unable to reach the pair.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

As Ichiro muttered his prayer, he heard the voice behind him, and he glanced back at who spoke, and saw Luna. "Sorry Luna. Wait... Luna... moon.... Sehanine?" Ichiro replied to Luna as he landed and slammed his shield down onto the ground beneath him, signaling the creation of the sanctified zone around him.

"Too late pal, looks like it's been decided. You say she's evil. You've not even given her a chance, none of you have. You just blindly went through trying to kill her. So to me, you're no different than the vile slavers that brought me to this place. You kill innocents by the dozens, don't care what kind of havoc you cause in the process. And for what? Because someone told you to? Because they were scared that she might do something bad? If you are looking for the truly evil, the truly guilty, you need look only in a mirror," Ichiro said as he looked up at his kin, his own skin burning brightly with white lines. "Forgive me ancestors... I know I may be bringing you shame, but I must do what I feel is right. I hope you understand," he then muttered quietly under his breath.

Ichiro circled around the shaman, keeping his shield raised as he crouched slightly to do so, his sword in hand, and ready to fight. He didn't know if he could win this fight, but he wasn't backing down now. What he'd said to the shaman, he truly believed it, that nobody had even given this, Kylie, a chance to show what she was, or could be. They just blindly tried to kill her because they were scared, and he knew all to well about fear, about what it could do to a person, Kalt had shown him that with her visions, and the fear of losing Vila made his heart hurt so badly that he almost gave up entirely.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Words will not reach you. Tul la grana Mak! Siryno Cotor Detalla! he howled, the sound of his voice burning in Ichiro's ears, and then his soul as the Shaman cursed him to some purpose, before turning all of his purpose to Fleeing. He did not want to fight Ichiro it seemed, not for any reason, his devotion to their own kind and people ran deep, as it must for any Shaman of Any Tribe.

As Ichiro took the defensive, the Shaman looked for a way out, the tubes in his hands glinting between his claws, before he made his first attempt at getting away from Ichiro.
1 vs 19 Ichiro wont let him go

Tucking to the side, he came up and pressed his thumb to the base of the tube, a bullet cracking out into Ichiro's shield, but something had gone wrong, and the tube detonated as well, setting off the others and completely severing his hand. He showed no pain or reaction however, hissing out the words to a spell as he leveled the 2 remaining silver tubes in his right hand at Ichiro
Ichiro 2+5 vs 15+3 ((Showing you the modifiers this one time :p )) Miss.
8 vs 19 Also Miss.

Ichiro ducked in to try and land a blow himself, the Shaman dancing around him easily while his bloody stump hissed and burned, cauterizing while he ignored the pain and missed Ichiro with another of the tubes, this time Ichiro having to dodge twice as the initial shot was just a cover, the tube itself propelled through the shield entirely and nearly clipping his side.

More bell notes rang out, while Ichiro heard Knight Marshal Loran crying out, looking for him in the horde along with all the others, Agatha and Praetor front lining powerfully, scything through any ghouls that made it through the area Praetor was creating with presence alone.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro raised an eyebrow as the okami shaman cursed at him, unsure of what he was trying to do really, even though he felt a slight burning deep inside. Ichiro moved a bit to keep his foe from getting away, and raised his shield just in time to block a bullet coming at me. When he looked back around his shield, Ichiro saw that the okami shaman had blown his hand literally off, and was quite a gruesome sight.

"Jeez, doesn't want to give up does he," Ichiro muttered to himself, when he saw the two silver tubes pointed at him.

Ichiro moved in, hoping to maybe knock the things out of his foe's hand, and he ducked and swung his blade, missing, as one of the silver tubes shot out towards him. The tube pierced his shield, and Ichiro nearly let go in fright at the sheer power of the thing. He barely had time to register that Praetor, Agatha, and Loran were there, as he moved in again to try and hit his kin, aiming to try and give a good slash to the shaman's leg to keep him from moving as quickly. Ichiro hated the fact that he was fighting another okami here, but, he had no choice... he would not back down, not now.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

1 vs 15 Miss.
6 vs 15. He can't escape.

Ichiro missed badly, and nearly fell into the horde while the Shaman reached out to... Catch his shirt and pull him back from the snarling masses. Saving him, but unable to see a way out, he tore the leather from his weapon belts, letting it all fall as he held on to Ichiro, staring deep into his eyes with his own Feral, Amber orbs. You'll Know your Treason come the full rise. Lady Moon, I go not to meet you in the great pack. But Ashamed of your complicity. I Will wander Alone, Eternal. he said, the spirit in Ichiro flinching at those words, before he said his very last words. I Am Mifyza, Speaker of the Stones he said only for Ichiro, only for his Kin, before willingly hurling himself into the snarling masses. Torn apart before Ichiro's eyes, and he stared at Ichiro even as the light faded from his vision, in complete silence.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Swinging, Ichiro missed with his strike, and ended up stumbling past a bit and nearly fell out of his sanctified zone into the undead just outside. Ichiro was quite surprised when the shaman grabbed his shirt from just under his armor and pulled him back in. It was quite odd, Ichiro thought to himself, why his foe would save his life there, when he could easily have let him go, and likely have gotten away.

"My treason? I don't understand how fighting for one's beliefs are treason," Ichiro muttered, frowning as the shaman spoke.

Then, the shaman spoke his name, and Ichiro gasped as Mifyza flung himself back, and tried to grab him, only to miss. Ichiro didn't turn away, giving his kin at least that respect, before falling to one knee, panting like mad. "Why did he do that I wonder. He could have easily killed me, and despite what I'd said, I doubt I would have taken any pleasure in killing him," Ichiro muttered to himself.