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Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Agatha gains +3 to defensive rolls due to her heavy plate and training/shield
Ichiro gains +2 to all Offensive rolls due to his years as a gladiator, and using his favored weapon.
Foes are Mortal, so no bonus from Pelor.
Vila continues to be fitshaced.

12+2 vs 12+1 14v13 Hit
19 vs 7+1
Both assassins are de-healthed by 1.
16+1 vs 6 Ichiro is struck. Vila's Blessing, Poison is nullified.
10+1 11 vs 10+3 13 Agatha tanks that shit like a boss.

?/? both struck once.
Agatha 5/5
Ichiro 3/4 (In my setting Armor is translated into a defensive bonus, AND additional FP. So. He might be tough as fuck, but he's still easier to down then Agatha. )

Both figures were fast, as fast as Ichiro and that was impressive to the unarmored champion as the figure twisted away to avoid all but a vicious cut on his shoulder, splitting the cloak to reveal chainmail beneath, and blood. He'd scored flesh with the blow, but the counter came fast and lashed across his cheek.

Whatever ichor had been on the blade didn't take however and the battle continued as Agatha turned a blow only to shield slam the assassin into the wall, working hard on her end to keep Ichiro's battle and hers seperate.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Seeing how fast the two were moving around, Ichiro was quite impressed considering. his axe sliced the guy's cloak open to reveal his chainmail coat he was wearing underneath, and Ichiro chuckled. He knew he'd hit the guy too thanks to the blood on him and Ichiro's axe. "Poison? Really? Even more of a chicken shit than I thought," Ichiro asked the guy, raising an eyebrow at his foe as he wiped the blood from his cheek and felt the poison from the guy's blade not take, thanks to Vila, or Agatha, one of the two.

Ichiro switched to a quick fighter's stance, similar to his foe's, and waited for the guy to attack again, hoping Vila was ready to help blind him with some light in his eyes, where Ichiro would grab the guy's wrist and slam the hilt of his axe into his face, before swinging again and burying the blade in the guy's head.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

10+2 vs 7 Hit again, Grapple looking for combo. (Be warned, Enemies can do this as well)
Combo Attempt DC 15
Nat 20 o_O
Welp, that's one down
13 vs 14 Agatha is teh miss
Nat 20 vs 17+3 Unnatural 20. Agatha is still struck and poisoned.
Ichiro is teh hero? 7 vs 17 NOPE!
Shadowman tries to escapay
13 vs 12 and 5. He DOES escapay o.o; Smokebombs OP.

Ichiro waited, and seized the man as he struck again, slamming his weapon into his face and cracking the mask, before savagely throwing him to the ground and cleaving his skull, the assassin unable to make use of his mobility when he had been thrown and dying silently.

Agatha was having far less luck however as she battled, her own sword gouging a scratch into the wall and throwing sparks as her own combatant leapt over her shoulders and slammed his knife through the gap in her armor, making her howl in pain, before turning and slashing again. Both Agatha, And Ichiro were unable to land a blow on him either as he backflipped to his fallen comrade and slammed a handful of pellets into the stone, smoke exploding around him only to reveal that he had gone, and with the body of his fellow, leaving only the bloodstain of Ichiro's kill.

Agatha had fallen to a knee, and was cursing even as she held a hand over the wound, praying as she dropped her sword, and yanked a golden sundisc out from around her neck, the symbol glowing as she dealt with the injury, and the poison. But the wound wouldn't heal, and the poison would not be cleansed, her face pale and drawn.

Back to the temple... Maybe an hour. Perhaps less. she muttered to Ichiro, struggling and failing to get her sword back into it's scabbard, her arm falling limp.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro's plan worked, and when he grabbed the guy, he managed to twist his wrist and fling him to the ground before slamming his axe down and cleaving into his head. Immediately after taking the assassin down, Ichiro moved to help Agatha, and swung his axe at the bastard, but he wasn't in time to prevent Agatha being stabbed by their foe. Ichiro swung again to try and chase the bastard off, and he did so, disappearing with his dead comrade as he used a smoke bomb to disappear.

"Come Agatha... stay with me!" Ichiro said, giving her face a light slap to focus her, before hauling her up over his left shoulder and taking off back to the temple, sheathing her sword and hooking her shield back to her armor, and carrying his axe in his right hand as he took off as fast as possible to the temple.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

ROLLS! not the best o.o;; But passed, barely.

Agatha managed to push herself to her feet whilehe resituated her gear, and started to take off, but all that armor was heavy and while Ichiro was strong, Agatha certainly wasn't a soft flower, her own muscle and athletic bulk making her even more so as he set off for the temple. 20 minutes in she'd passed out, 40 her breathing was labored and she was obviously in pain, despite being unconcsious as the poison continued to tear through her body.

As he crashed through the temple doors and into the main hall, rushing towards the altar, there was Praetor, reading again, preaching to no one but himself... And when he saw them, he snapped his book shut and charged towards them, his robe flowing around him like clouds as he helped lay Agatha down on a pew and started to work away her armor. There was a prayer already on his lips, but it stalled when he saw the wound, ragged, deep, and oozing thick green ichor.

Of all the hells. This horrible shit again. Cmon girl, you're tougher then this. Hold on. he hissed, reaching into his robe to pull a silver flask and poured shining water on the wound. It bubbled and spat angrily, pulling more of that viscous substance from her blood literally while he prayed and dusted it in what smelled of stone and sulfur.

Wake the others, bring them here. She'll be fine with me. he told Ichiro, Vila awake enough now to flop down onto Agatha, rubbing her face. Nuh uh. Nooo no no. no dying. Not allowed. she said, worried, pushing on her cheek. Still drunk but worried about her friend.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Moving as quickly as he possibly could, Ichiro carried Agatha onward to the temple, and when she'd passed out, he knew that it would become even tougher to carry her because she was dead weight, and with all her armor on, it wouldn't be easy. After another few minutes when he heard her breathing coming on shorter more ragged breaths, Ichiro began to grow very worried and feared he wouldn't make it back in time. Seeing the temple coming up, Ichiro picked up into a full sprint and slammed his shoulder into the door, knocking it open and looking around quickly.

"She was poisoned by assassins, masked, as we returned from the harbor," Ichiro said to Praetor. "What is this poison?" Ichiro asked as he brought Agatha over and set her down where Praetor directed him to.

Once he had been told to go and get the others, Ichiro rushed to Loran's room first, as it was next to his own, and he thumped the door twice before calling in to get his attention and quickly told him what was going on, and Praetor said to wake the others, before he moved to the other nearby rooms and did the same.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

What color were the masks. Praetor asked as he focused on the healing. It seemed the wound would not close at all until the poison had been physically pulled from her blood and the older healing woman was already stomping her way across the temple. Seeing Agatha, she scowled darkly and moved forward. Creeping Venom. It's not even poison... It's a fungus that grows rapidly when it's exposed to Blood, Clogs he veins, stops the heart. Makes healing Impossible as it destroys the newly made flesh. she hissed at him, her voice a harsh whisper, not because she was angry, but it was all the sound she could muster in her old bones.

She reached into her habit and drew out a blade, slitting Agatha's wrist open and dropping the blade as she rested Agatha's limb in her lap, her eyes shining crimson as blood rushed up into the air, back towards Praetor, tinged green, the substance clinging and clawing futilely at the air as she seperated it, and Praetor guided it back into her body. The process seemed... incredibly intense for such a small wound.

No help for this without the old magics, the darker ways... Blood Calling, and Cleansing. she hissed softly, her eyes continuing to shine as she worked and Ichiro did as he was bade, fetching the others.

Loran moved immediately to the chapel while Ichiro moved about, soon assembling everyone in a mad rush to stand before Praetor, the Nun, and Agatha who was.... doing better it seemed, though the pile of dead fungal mass on the ground was growing larger as they extracted still more... But the wound was starting to close again. She'd live.

Vila was the one killing the mold, sitting on it and letting it burn underneath her, looking like the center of a small smokeless campfire while the others all waited patiently.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"It all happened so fast, but I saw that they were crimson masks. I couldn't mistake them for anything but that," Ichiro told Praetor before rushing out to get the others.

Before Ichiro left, he saw the old nun return and listened to what she had to say before he left, worry coursing through him for Agatha, and even more about what this turn of events meant. It didn't take him too long with Loran's help to get everyone, and they soon returned quickly to watch as Agatha's wound was slowly closing and the fungal mass on the ground growing a bit more. It was a putrid looking thing, and Ichiro spat in disgust at it.

"So... what organization wears crimson masks?" Ichiro asked curiously as they stood around while Agatha was being healed.
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Amaranthine. So... the two rivals are finally at eachother's throats. Come with me, and tell me everything that happened while you were gone. She'll be fine, please. I need to know what warranted this attack. Praetor said, before turning to the old woman.

Shianti, explain the poison, and the right spell to remove it early, or our small order is going to get much smaller. he said, the woman bowing to him and nodding, turning to regard the group while Praetor led Ichiro towards a large office in the back, sparsely furnished but comfortable, sitting at a rosewood desk and gesturing at a seat for Ichiro. Leave Nothing out, the smallest details matter more then you know here. he said, leaning forward and steepling his fingers, piercing Ichiro with his gaze.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"I guess that's who it was. They wanted us dead is all I know, and I killed one of them," Ichiro said before following Praetor to the office he'd went to.

"Well... we headed for the harbor after Boris and Loran left us, and met with that Demon Fiddler pirate person, and then..." Ichiro said, trailing off as he explained everything to Praetor that he could, leaving nothing out save his private talk with Agatha before going to the harbor. "I caved one of their heads in, and almost got the other one before he got away with his friend, and that's when I brought Agatha here," Ichiro said to finish his tale.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Everything is moving, and quickly it seems. Praetor muttered as he regarded his own fingers, flexing them before he reached a solid decision. You will not engage further with Any of them if you can help it. Not unless you are attacked. You were only attacked because you attended the meeting. Those in the White Masks are the Steel Rose. They're called Wraiths when they're out and about like that. Normally you'd never see them. They've done an astounding job of becoming something of a myth and a joke in this city, not because they aren't to be feared or respected, but because the average person would never believe they exist. Have existed here in Garellia longer then the current reigning royal family. Still, those who are desperate, or have been wronged, can seek them out. The prices for their services vary by the job and they reserve the right to refuse for any reason... Those in the Red, the demon masks. The Amaranthine. A religious cult turned Assassin order. They don't turn down any request that can be paid for, and they do it only to further chaos. It is the entirety of their purpose as far as anyone is aware. Though I believe it goes further then that. he explained, sighing heavily again and closing his eyes.

Both groups have never gotten along, they regularly murder eachother, hunt eachother, check and balance eachother. But something has stirred them up as surely as the pirates, and if that was Terra, like you said, the Storm Priestesses. Another group not to be underestimated under any terms. he muttered, before fishing out a map like the one Ichiro had seen earlier. Only this one included the whole of the waterfront out to the open seas.

On the coasts all the way along them every few miles was a Tower, a lighthouse, and each was marked with a bolt of lightning. They have mastered everything there is to master concerning lightning, and electricity. They say they revere Kord and Melora in equal measure, and pray to the union and their children, the storms that protect and grace the port. That when the lightning tears the sky it is those two great beings making love in the skies and showing their love to all who can appreciate it. That's the religious aspect. The magical one is far more realistically grounded. They control the water and the skies here. The Pirates hold the harbor but they can't move without the Priestess' Blessing and permission, the Pirates are Checked by the Temples, the Priestesses are checked by their own rules, and the government request for their continued protection. The government is checked by the assassin order of the Rose, the Rose is checked by the Amaranthine, and the Amaranthine are checked by us. Where they sow chaos, we create order. So we will do what we must in this moment. And stay the hell out of the way, instead enforcing Law, Justice, and the Light here in the city proper, keep the fight from spilling over. Do you understand Ichiro. You will not pursue this without my blessing. Will not draw a blade unless you are attacked first. he said, outlining the areas on the map, and what was controlled by who. The only 2 groups who didn't have clear boundaries were the two assassin guilds. But there was one other mark that he pointed to.

It was a dagger and an open hand. The Candles of Fate. The Thieves Guild, and the Beggars guild both, will be allies in this, if you see shadowy figures about the temples, don't bother them, they're here at my request. Giving us information they are allowed to share, and maybe some they are not. No matter what Ichiro... Not for any reason, do not venture into the sewers. If you do I truly do not expect to see you again, not because I would remove you from this temple, but because I would not expect you to survive the mistake. he said gravely, regarding Ichiro with this piercing eyes.

Go to your fellows, they'll know what is going on. Shianti will have told them everything they need to know. Get yourself to Borus, and armored up. Pick a weapon, a shield if you need one, and start learning the prayers of our order... I don't mean to force you into the role of Paladin, but a Warrior you already are. Through and Through. If it would suit you, I would have you start learning the rights. he said, leaning back and rubbing her forehead. so many clouds hiding the way... Pelor guide us, I beg you. he prayed softly, looking up through the temple roof to the sky beyond.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Agatha named the priestess, Terra. I don't think she'd have any reason to lie about her name or anything. And these assassins, I've heard of both sides before in the arena," Ichiro said, looking over to Praetor as he explained everything.

Ichiro looked over to the map when Praetor got to that part and began outlining the areas in which the order apparently controlled, and the ones that he should steer clear of and whatnot. "I didn't plan on drawing my blade unless I was attacked first anyway. Though I already told Loran this, if I see someone trying to force someone else into slavery, I may not be able to restrain myself. I hope you can understand my position on that, Praetor. And I don't mind learning the rites and whatnot, as I already know a few of the basic prayers, though they hold no true power I'd wager... not yet anyway," Ichiro told Praetor after he was finished, looking up to the high priest and bowing his head as a show of respect before heading out to find Boris and Loran to get himself some gear picked out and fitted, before getting some sleep, knowing he'd have a big and fun filled day come morning.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

What we plan and what happens are rarely the same thing Ichiro. I'm an old man, I've seen more then you think. he said, grinning as Ichiro went off.

Borus was quick to nod, but wouldn't leave Agatha's side until Loran smacked him upside his helmeted head with a clang and sent him off, the giant of a man taking Ichiro to the armor immediately and getting out a tape measure.

Before too long he had an entire set of padding, plate, chain, and leather set out. Take what you want. But I promise the Plate is easier to move in then the chain. It's just harder to make, and more expensive. It's why so many young bloods think that Chainmail is lighter, or easier. Chainmail hangs off your shoulders alone, all of it's weight. Where as the plate is strapped into place individually onto each limb. There's leather as well. And then the Actual middleground, that isn't that shit ring, which for your information wont stop a slender blade like those cowards in the shadows use, is Scale, Scale performs reasonably well. it's up to you. He said, laying everything out.

There was also a collection of weapons, shields, and the like sitting about on the walls.

The armor options are
Plate +2 to defensive rolls, +2 to FP Penalties to acrobatic manuevers, swimming, and jumping. Full body
Scale +1 to Defensive rolls +1 to FP no penalties to movement, Penalties to Swimming. Full body
Ring +1 to Defensive rolls. Penalties to all manuevers, (( ringmail really is garbage. It was given to infantry to save money and metal )) Chest Only
Leather +1 to FP +1 bonus to Combo rolls. Penalties versus ranged combat, +1 bonus to stealth Full Body
Paladin Kite Shield +1 to Defensive rolls. Cover allowed against ranged attacks.
Greatsword 2Handed
Hand Ax
Great Ax 2Handed
Maul (Great Hammer) 2Handed
Great Fists. Hand to Hand Gauntlets designed for Grapples and Punching.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro nodded to Praetor before heading out, idly wondering what Loran and Boris would try and suggest to him in terms of gear. After he returned to the main chamber and spoke to Loran and Boris, Ichiro was also a little reluctant to leave Agatha's side until she was awake again and whatnot, but he decided that it would do her more honor to try and prepare rather than do nothing. After they headed to the fitting rooms and whatnot, Ichiro listened to Boris telling him the differences and whatnot, before he finally decided.

"I'll take the scale mail for now, a shield, and a longsword. If you have any good sturdy spears too, then I'd like one of those, with the sword and Loran's axe he gave me as my backups," Ichiro said, looking at the items he'd chosen, and picking out a good one of the swords and shields.
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

No, we don't use spears. Only experts use them for open fighting and they're complete garbage for undead unless you've got something with a long and heavy blade. Nor are you walking out of here with an arsenal. There's a rule here, if you can't carry all your gear at the same time, you have too much gear. Borus, with a U, said. Because there was a U in his name, and he was more Irish then fucking Russian.

Ichiro took up the scale armor, it was still heavy, and looking at the heavier weapons, would Cave the second it took a real hit, but it was a damned sight better then leather. It was primarily a leather suit with the scale stitched in, it was hot, it was unpadded, but it was light. So he'd better be used to catching hits on his shield.

Only spears you'll find here at all anyways are Longpikes, which are 12 foot long, and harpoons on some of the pirate ships. he continued, scratching his head. Unless you're hoping to go back to the colliseum for their goofy shit. And They don't like you very much. he mused, now that Ichiro was geared up.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Ah, well I won't bother with a spear then. They have their uses though," Ichiro replied with a shrug as he took his scaled armor and looked it over.

Ichiro tried his new armor on to see if it fit properly, and where he may need to get it stretched some at. Once he'd gotten it on, he moved around a bit in it and stretched about, getting the feel for it and moving around a bit. "Heh, no, they don't really like me very much there I'd wager. Well... the crowd did, and some of the other arena fighters seemed to like me alright," Ichiro said, looking over at the plate mail now and figuring that he ought to try a suit of it on too to see how it felt compared to the scale. "You all seem to move well enough in it, so might as well try some right," he then said to Borus as he got out of the scale and started trying on the plate.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

The platemail took Borus' help to put on, donning it either a slow job, so he'd be wearing it all day, a safety in it's own right, or needing help to put on quickly. The heavy padding went on first, then the armor itself, which was strapped over his limbs and joints. And yes, while he felt heavier, he had no issues moving and the weight was spread evenly across his entire body. It'd take far heavier blows. Like a crossbow quarrel skipping off the solid metal with Agatha. he'd seen crossbow bolts tear lesser armor to pieces.

But it was heavier then the scale. The benefits were he noticed full well that very very little of him was left open to attack. Only slender gaps in the armor afforded possible entries.

It was up to him in the end and Borus pointed out something. If your size wasn't similar to Loran's, it would be impossible to have you a suit of plate that fit reasonably well any time before 2 weeks. But you are, so enjoy your luck if you decide to wear it. Remember, you take your gear with you, wherever you go, whatever you're doing. If not, it rests in here. Teaches you the weight, makes sure they are light in your hand when you need them. You always know where they are. he said, hefting the enormous solid metal Maul down into his hands, and letting it rest between his feet, the head sounding like a church bell as it struck the stone.

Once it was over, Ichiro could choose which armor he wanted and leave it on his body, Borus leading him back to the chapel where Loran was waiting. Agatha was sitting up, rubbing her head, her side healed along with her wrist and smiling when she saw Ichiro. Hero of the Hour. Thank you Itchy. she said sincerely, smiling at him. Vila was in her hair, when she'd moved he wasn't sure but she waved at him, still drunk as a fucking skunk. I Knows how to picksh em! she said, nodding.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

With Borus's help to get the platemail on, Ichiro looked around as he stretched in the stuff, doing his best to find all of the little gaps and stuff that he'd need to protect, and finding most of them in the joints. "Hmm... the scale is lighter by far, but it's a full suit, where this is distributed all over properly, so while it is heavier, it doesn't quite feel as heavy as I thought it would. Hrm... I'll use the plate here when we go out tomorrow instead of the scale, try it out and see how good I can move in it," Ichiro said, changing his earlier decision and keeping the platemail for now and taking a good shield and sword, and fixing up the sword over his shoulder, and keeping the axe Loran gave him on his hip.

"Well... how do I look? I've never worn platemail before, so I hope I don't look stupid," Ichiro said, before heading back with Borus to the chapel.

Finding Agatha sitting up now, Ichiro smiled with a look of relief on his face and moved towards her. "It was nothing Agatha, you'd have done the same for me I know," Ichiro told her, and then he looked to Vila. "And you little one, don't you want to come back to me little one, and my head?" Ichiro asked Vila, smirking at her and scooping her up to put back on his head unless she wished to stay with Agatha for the moment.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Borus popped an eyebrow at Ichiro when he set the sword up on his shoulder for a draw, and pointed something out.

The largest gaps in his armor, were behind the knees, and under his arms, and if he had to reach for his shield, and his sword, he'd have to raise both and open himself wide for an attack that would bypass all that armor entirely. Much like Agatha had just had happen. And nearly died because of it. Rather then say anything he simply shrugged.

Picking up his hammer, he moved on. Agatha grinned as he took Vila back, who was doing the childish hand thing again for Up. Once there, she'd curl up in his hair and go back to sleep. You look fine. Shiny. Though the wagging tail behind you is pretty hilarious in all that armor. And I definitely wouldn't have. You look too heavy for me to carry. I'd have said a prayer and been very sad. she said, sticking out her tongue. Still a bit pale, but alright. With his help she'd get her stuff back to her room and call it a night, leaving Ichiro to do the same. Everyone else was likewise headed to bed.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro looked to the position for the sword, remembering that he had worn a sword there many times in the arena, and that he was now... not in the arena anymore. Old habits die hard, Ichiro thought, before he rolled his eyes at himself, and then shifted it to his left hip for now.

"Come on little one, up you get to Itchy's head," Ichiro said to Vila before looking back to Agatha and sticking his tongue out right back. "Ha ha, laugh it up Agatha. And fine, you'd have dragged me," he then told Agatha with a smirk before he helped her to stand and then gave her a shoulder to lean on and helping her back to her room, before going to his with Vila after getting his armor and stuff off, though he'd keep his axe with him in the bedroom just in case.

"Vila... we need to be ready tomorrow... I certainly hope that you won't have a bad hangover in the morning," Ichiro told Vila, smiling at her as he scooped her off his head, and fixing up an extra pillow on the floor with an extra blanket for Vila to sleep on, so he didn't roll over in the night and squish her on accident.