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Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

It seemed armor changed a great many things and old habits did die hard. After a little fidgeting, he remembered how he'd seen a strange warrior with a katana carry his own blade, not over his shoulder, but across his back. That warrior had nearly killed him with a unique draw by pulling the blade around the front of his body and spinning, cutting a wide arc around him.

With a weapon chain he Could set up that draw under his shield, and it would lay across his back at a slight angle, And even more, keep those opening protected. On his belt he noticed he had the advantage in the draw at a simple and slightly crouched motion that would let him do it with minimal movement, so he could keep his shield up. It would be good for the close quarters of the city streets.

Another way was his own shoulder draw, but it wasn't for his sword. It was for his axe. If he set the axe's head into a catch on the back of his armor, the handle would stick up behind him, he could reach straight up, and draw by bringing the heavy weapon straight back down in a full blow.

The last option was to keep them both on his belt, one left, and one right, and that gave him the option to draw both weapons at the same time quickly, or draw his sword and only have to raise one arm to retrieve his shield. He could see now why those who wore plate trained so often. They had more things to learn then those who wore lighter armor.

Helping Agatha, and Vila, everyone went to bed and Ichiro woke up to the sound of motion around the temple, Vila sitting on the edge of the window and being glittery. Loran was here a little while ago. Said to tell you to meet him in the yard with your gear. she said, smiling.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

When Ichiro woke up the next morning, having been thinking of various ways to wear his weapons and carry his shield the night before as he lay in bed, he got up and noticed Vila in the window, staring out. "Good morning little one. Are you feeling alright today?" Ichiro said to her, raising up and going over to the washbasin to splash some water in his face.

After he'd splashed his face, he nodded to Vila and went to get his things. "Come along then Vila, let's see what we can do to help," Ichiro said, scooping Vila up and planting her on his head, before heading out to collect his gear, carrying his axe along with him.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Taking his axe, they met Loran in the training yard with Vila seeming none the worse for wear. All the paladins were there, Even Agatha, though unlike the others, she wasn't banging around at other people, instead she was actually teaching Loran how to use a cutlass but coaching him on the unique ways that weapon was meant to work.

Seeing Ichiro however, they stopped and smiled. Agatha stood up with a crutch, lightly dressed with bandages visible under her shirt, but the wound seemed closed and she was healing well.

Good Morning! she said brightly, while Loran continued to practice with the cutlass with the Twins, who were busy smacking him around with sticks. Loran was indeed, about his own size without all that armor on, though Ichiro could see the scars on his neck and arms now. Bite marks, human... or something that was once human. Save the one on the left side of his neck, where two larger puncture marks led him to believe vampire attack

The Twins were also seen wearing pistols. Ichiro! Good! I got our marching orders. You and I are going up north into the hills. It's all abandoned city districts. You see, everything from the harbor to the mountains is developed, like you saw on the map. But the northernmost districts were lost some time ago to undead. WE claim them back, then the younger acolytes cleanse. We're clearing Lost District 13 today. he said, handing the cutlass back to Agatha who grinned at him. You're a shite pirate Loran. Good fighter but you're too nice. she said, the Twins laughing at that while he Shrugged in response. Ichiro, we'll eat on the way, we'll be gone all day. So! Hope you're ready for some proper fighting. It's a different kind of hunt then you're used to. he said, grinning.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Heading outside where the others were, Ichiro found them all training from the looks of it, with Agatha showing Loran how to use a cutlass it seemed. "Morning to you all as well. I've never used a cutlass before, but I've had one in the arena used against me before. Some guy supposed to be a pirate or some damn thing," Ichiro said, looking at the cutlass and smirking. "Are you feeling alright Agatha? It wouldn't do, to burst your wound back open," Ichiro asked Agatha.

"I see... well, I'm ready to go whenever you are," Ichiro said before Agatha called Loran a shite pirate, which made him chuckle. "Says the one who was practically smitten by the Demon Fiddler before we met him last night," Ichiro said, smirking at her as he threw a teasing jab her way, nodding to Loran about eating on the way
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

O lad, if the Pirate was fighting in the Arena, then he wasn't any good. Good pirates stay on the seas. And fight in packs, a cutlass will cut deeper then a longsword. she pointed out, sticking out her tongue. That is of course, if they don't use it to block, and just shoot you in the chest. she added thoughtfully, the twins nodded while Loran got his armor on and they headed out.

Loran didn't seem too keen on talking, probably thinking about the job ahead, but as they got nearer nearly 3 hours of walking later, he started to speak up.

If I remember the report accurately, this area should be pretty light, but they move around in groups. So... eyes open, no shouting. he said, Vila nodding vigorously on top of Ichiro's head, looking appropriately terrified.

I'll work a blessing to dispel the miasma that caused this. But until we kill the necromancer responsible, it will continue and persist. This is the 2nd one this year and he's converted almost 8 districts. It's disgusting. he spat, pointing at the surrounding mountainlines that were still faded into the distance. He's hiding up there somewhere... We've opened a contract but haven't gotten a reply... he added, seeming disappointed. The buildings were getting more and more dilapidated and down trodden. Some boarded up, others simply smashed into. The entire place stank of death and Loran started to pray as they walked, a light glow washing through the air dispelling some poison of magical origin that had caused this. The streets seemed narrower here, they'd passed the palacial district quite awhile ago, and were heading into abandoned cityscape. It would dawn on Ichiro as they walked, that the whole of Garellia was a circle rather then the crescent that the map had shown. At least a 3rd of the country had been lost to undead. Yet another barrier to travel north through the mountains and a sign of a far more serious problem then even the one in the harbor.

No wonder the people were so xenophobic... they were under siege from creatures they didn't understand and couldn't kill in normal ways.

He doubted aid could even come from his home country through the mountains to fight this kind of threat without incurring huge losses just trying to get there.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Well he was only dressed like one, I don't know if he really was one or not to be honest," Ichiro said with a shrug, winking at Agatha before looking to Loran and nodding, helping the man get his armor on before heading on out, collecting some bacon and a piece or two of toast, and sharing the bacon with Vila as they walked.

Ichiro didn't really chat too much with Loran, as the man seemed lost in thought, or was focusing as best he could on the task ahead. When they approached the area they were heading for, Ichiro nodded when Loran told him no shouting, and drew his sword and shield up. "It looks like... putrid filth from the sewers honestly. And... helluva bad time to be an okami. This stench is pretty horrible, though... the smells in the bowels of the arena area got pretty bad in the summer time, so you kind of got used to terrible smells after a while," Ichiro said softly, looking around cautiously and making sure they didn't get the drop against them.

"Has Garellia not tried to contact one of the neighboring countries for help against these undead? Surely one of them has paladins, clerics, and the like, that could help handle these foul creatures with a concentrated effort. I mean sure with the mountains and whatnot being here, it would make it all tougher, but not impossible surely," Ichiro asked curiously, looking over his shoulder every now and then to keep an eye out behind them, while Vila stayed on her perch on his head to keep an eye out.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Itchy, I'm gonna fly up, be careful. Vila muttered, buzzing up into the air above them and watching carefully for them. We did, twice. And both times it ended in absolute disaster. The first time, our allies did try to come down through the mountains. Reports of Revenants were all that were left from a handful of scouts. Everyone else in a full company had been slain in the night. Gods Help us if we meet one Ichiro... Pelor save us. he muttered, before getting back on track as he checked a corner and looked down a crossroads.

The other time it was a new mercenary contract, but they angered the storm priestesses by trying to ransack a temple. They raped 2 priestesses before anyone knew something was wrong. Not a single one of them survived, their bodies were displayed publically, hanging from the lighthouse temples until nothing but bone remained. 200 men. Terra and her friend Tabitha were the victims... It would not be wise to mention this to her, she Will kill you Ichiro. he whispered, as if afraid the priestess was nearby, before slipping around the corner. Vila up above was flitting about, before zipping back down to Ichiro's head. Something is on the upper floor of that house on the right. It's not moving much but it's there. she said to him, pointing at a balcony window.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"You be careful too little one, I don't know what I would do if you were to get hurt on me," Ichiro told Vila, before looking over at Loran. "My gods, sounds like they were incredibly unprepared for passing through the mountains then, or weren't expecting something in particular that helped to destroy them," Ichiro said about the first attempt at cleaning up this area.

"I would never speak of it and or make light of it Loran, you needn't worry about that. Besides, it's her business, so I wouldn't bring it up around her unless she wished to tell me in any case," Ichiro said, promising that he wouldn't speak to Terra about her rape.

When Vila returned to them, Ichiro nodded to her and looked to Loran, as if waiting for his decision on what to do here, before he followed along and prepared for what would likely be a fight.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

It's not that Ichiro... Revenants are That dangerous... Undead Intelligent spirits of vengeance possessing all the skills and memories of their life... They Exist to Kill. Loran said softly, following Vila up towards the house she'd marked, We kill it quickly, we kill it quietly. Our real goal is just to create a safezone so the acolytes can cleanse the area, if they do, most of the undead here will simply rot without worry, and the city can reclaim the block. he said, heading into the house.

The house itself, a small, tucked in townhouse, showed dust, and more then that, incredibly damage to the sitting room area. There was a large hole smashed into one wall, and a pair of skeletons, one huddled in a mess against the same wall, the other laying against the opposite wall, as if a human had been thrown and died there. Only the ribs were all shattered, like they'd been crushed in.

Small paintings and children's toys littered the floor along with the normal candelabras, dishes... Whatever had happened here had been sudden, and incredibly violent. A drow long knife, long rusted to uselessness was laying next to the bodies, along with a curved dagger, but the only bloodstains, or smell were against the body against the far wall, the one smashed through the chest.

A sense of rot and decay filled the entire house no matter where Ichiro extended his senses and Vila had actually hidden inside his armor, unable to stomach it.

Loran seemed impervious, and continued onwards, heading for the stairs. As ichiro moved to follow, a stuffed bear rolled away from his foot. 2 adult bodies, tons of toys, no child remains anywhere. Maybe they'd escaped. The idea they'd lived through whatever had happened here filled him with some small sense of comfort.

Up the stairs, quietly, well, quietly as they could, Loran opened the door, and froze. He was standing in front of Ichiro, so Ichiro couldn't see why, until Loran was forced back very slowly from the door, the glint of a long, curved blade held firmly under his throat while a feminine voice full of pain and incredulous rage rumbled through the door. It held a musical quality despite the hurt buried in it but the weapon remained very steady. Calm down miss, please calm down. Loran said, holding his hands up. I can't drop my sword in this cursed place...

Don't say another word unless I ask you a fucking question. she hissed, holding her position around the side of the door, shielded firmly by the wall, what looked to be a naginata, and Loran. Are you alone.


Whoever else is out there, step behind Him so I can see you. What are you doing in Her house. Or out here At all, these blocks are full of Undead. she hissed, an angry whisper, more at their trespass into this house, and upon her solitude, then anything else it seemed.

She warned me about Paladins... Get out before it comes back. I wont be responsible...
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Well... we'll just have to kill them first then. Depending on how many there are. You lead, I'll follow," Ichiro whispered back, nodding to Loran and edging his way into the building very slowly.

As Ichiro followed Loran inside, he looked around, at the devastation to the building, and the sheer amount of dust that was inside. Seeing the skeletons didn't bother Ichiro really, though he did hope that they didn't find any children's skeletons and that they had managed to get out before this attack had happened. "This feels like something out of a nightmare Loran... it's... pretty devastating," Ichiro whispered as they crept through the building, keeping a close eye out in every direction as they walked.

It was hard moving quietly up stairs in full plate armor, but Ichiro and Loran did their best as they did, and after a minute or two they'd gotten up there and as Loran went for the door they were heading for, Ichiro nodded to him and turned a bit to keep an eye out behind them, and turned around to look past Loran to look in that direction. When Loran opened the door up and the long bladed spear pressed under his neck, Ichiro glanced over and raised an eyebrow. When the woman said for Ichiro to step out, he did so, though he kept his shield and sword in hand.

"She who? And we can't leave, not yet. Right Loran?" Ichiro asked the young woman curiously, before glancing to Loran to see what he thought about this.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

The woman, as Ichiro came around stiffened when she saw his ears, but her own were long and pointed. Her hair was brown but Ichiro could smell the dye and her ears, despite being visible now, obviously wouldn't be if she removed the two pins currently in her hair. The weapon Was a naginata, and hadn't moved away from Loran. She was dressed in dark leather armor with a discreet line of steel plates, very thin, over her breasts, sternum, and probably down her spine along the back. She seemed incredibly upset and not by them, as well as on edge, worried about whatever she had mentioned coming back.

You'll find you can do exactly what I'm telling you to. Get. Out. This house... You're not welcome in it, I wont have you in it, and neither would She so unless you want to Die, get out. she said softly while the air started to grow cold... unnaturally cold. Soon their breath was fogging and she was looking to the windows, which had started to frost over. You need to leave, right now. I already told you I wont be responsible. she said, moving the weapon away from Loran and backing further into the room while the wind seemed to howl around the house.

Loran seemed Torn. I don't want to intrude... but if she's hunting something unnatural here, I don't want to leave her to that hunt alone. he muttered, stepping back out of sight and moving Ichiro with him with an outstretched arm.

Black wisps had started to rise from the floor and the air was now as cold as if they'd been high in the mountains. Vila finally made herself heard, and she only had one thing to say. Run... Run right now! she cried, zipping out of the armor and pulling hard on Ichiro's hair hard in a panic. They didn't get the chance as something cut clean through the upper floor of the house, vila crying out and crossing her arms, a bright wall of light banishing the portion of what appeared to be a scythe while the upper floor started to crumble around them.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Seeing the woman's long pointed ears, Ichiro stopped for a moment. And elf? Here? Ichiro stared at her for a few long moments and took in her features, smelling the scent of dye coming from the woman, making it obvious that she'd dyed her hair, or at least something of hers. "It's not in me miss, to leave a lady to fight alone," Ichiro commented before Loran said what he did and pulled him along with him.

As soon as Vila cried for them to run, Ichiro was moving, only to be blocked by a massive scythe looking thing that sliced through the house. "Loran... let's get the hell out of this place before we're buried alive. We'll be no help to anyone dead," Ichiro said, looking for a path out and grabbing Loran and moving.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

The sound of crashing timber and breaking class roared over everything else while the air temperature stayed punishingly low, Vila panting hard and having to cling to Ichiro, unable to fly anymore while the pain in their combined chests was enough to make Ichiro scream if he hadn't been far more focused on getting out of the house alive.

He heard the woman scream, but not in pain, or even fear, But rage. GIVE HER BACK!!! There was another explosion of sound but it was a banshee's wail that tore the crumbling wall of the house away completely, throwing something black and vaguely humanoid away while the others made it back to the stairwell and out of the crumbling house.

They could see the woman fighting furiously with her blade, spinning and wheeling about as she blocked long lashing strikes seemingly made of darkness itself, each one heralding a screeching gale of wind that made it sound as if they were in a hurricane. It appeared to be another woman, one made entirely of the stuff of nightmares, that deeper darkness that lurked out of the corner of your eye, that haunted you as a child under the bed, behind the doors where no light ever reached. The only part not made of that deeper shadow were the eyes, shining violet and inhuman as it moved with incredible speed and continued to assault the fey woman standing in the middle of the onslaught, her blade trailing ice wherever it passed and slowing those strikes enough to let her evade, trying desperately to get closer.

In a desperate move to land a strike, she used a spear in a way Ichiro had never seen before, striking down with all her might and letting it recoil up, catching it on it's bounce and letting it spin around her thigh as she kicked out, actually strike the creature while the spinning blade likewise scored a hit across it's shoulder before she caught it back up. Other figures were entering the battle now, cloaked figures in white masks trying hard to just contain the thing let alone kill it, and the noise was attracting the undead. Everyone ignored the two paladins, save the ghouls now charging up the streets towards them, 50 at least and pounding towards them, wearing rags, baring seeping, old wounds, smelling of decay and death and howling with hunger. Loran turned immediately, ignoring the spectacle of the fey woman and raising his shield and sword, squaring up in the street. Buy them time, it's all we can do. he said, getting ready while Vila was hiding somewhere up in Ichiro's hair.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

The cold was bitter against Ichiro's skin, but he was more adamant than to let this frigid air bother him that much. He'd survived for who knew how many winters in poor conditions. As the shrieks and sounds of battle continued to ring and wail around them, Ichiro kept moving out of the crumbling house, dragging Loran with him. He wasn't going to die here, Ichiro told himself. He barely noticed the form of what could only be described as literal darkness, being thrown around by the pointy eared woman, who was obviously far stronger than he'd originally thought.

Ichiro was lost watching the two fighting for a few moments until h heard the roaring behind him and turned with Loran to see the ghouls coming towards them. "Very well... let us do at least this much for them. I don't have any holy powers Loran, so if you can, pelt them with everything you can manage on their way in," Ichiro said, narrowing his eyes and preparing for a big fight. "Little one, help me burn them to ash," Ichiro muttered to Vila.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Dont have much left... fight hard itchy. Vila said, Loran nodding and starting to pray even as the first fell upon them.

rolling lots at once. so... keep up

All ghouls get a -10 to hit for not possessing weapons or knowledge of thicker armor. Both Loran and Ichiro gain increased damage. as such, running horde rolls.

Horde 109
Ichiro 18+3=21
Loran 7+3=10

Ichiro takes no FP for number, neither does Loran.

Such attacks, much slaughter.
Ichiro 5 LOL Nope.
Loran 17. Hayup.
combined rolls is 21/5 is 4 and change. 4 Z's dead.
47 remain.

Ichiro and Loran stood abreast in the street, creating a target and something of a wall while Ichiro's weapons started to glow softly with what little energy Vila had left and Loran raised his shield and struck the ground, the bell note ringing through the street to cause cracks, spiderwebbing along the ground and glowing with holy light as the undead came crashing into them.

Both men, strong and well protected avoided taking any real damage, but the sight and sound of broken bones, and jagged fingers clawing and tearing, as well as failed bites was unnerving. It was a horrifying experience to face a charge like this and Ichiro's counterattacks suffered. He might have survived alot, but he'd never fought something on this scale.

Loran however was unphased and was using Ichiro as cover while he cut down 4 creatures in quick succession, slowly, very slowly, giving a little ground to bring more of them into the blessed area he had created, burning their flesh, and stopping them from rising up once more once they'd been slain.

Even the god awful stench was banished and he could feel Vila rubbing his head. It's scary, don't give up. Never give up Itchy. she said to him, her voice a whisper above the melee.

But it continued.

Horde 121
Ichiro 8
Loran 5
Both Paladins take 1 FP of damage.
Loran 5/6
Ichiro 5/6
8 and 6. neither paladin manages a counter attack this time.
Horde 177
Ichiro 6
Loran 16 so 9 and 19
Ichiro takes 1 FP of damage
Ichiro 4/6
Loran 5/6
Ichiro 10 hit
Loran 18 kaboom
8 more undead fall.
39 remain.

The sheer weight of them was oppresive, it was nightmarish while the sounds of fevered battle sounded behind them only making the chaos they faced worse and both Paladins felt themselves jostled and struck hard even through the armor, but they held the line, buying the others time. Ichiro could taste blood in his mouth, probably split his lip on his helmet and his muscled burned to keep the shield up. Loran likewise had been struck as they held and fought and neither man managed to counter this time, having to take refuge behind armor and shield and spell as they held on.

Another nasty push against their 2 man chokepoint wall, and Ichiro felt a hard blow cuff his head, ringing his ears while something once a woman screamed and clawed, shaking his morale but they both pushed forward hard, and started laying into the corpses, pushed too far now to be frozen by indecision as blades started to properly swing and bodies started to fall, both paladins felling 4, 8 falling in total now as they properly began to peel flesh from bone, Ichiro's blessed weapons burning flesh like paper while Loran's seemed to always strike with a white light that repelled and pushed, each blow from his sword seeming to glide through what it touched, flesh and bone alike, slamming his shield in an opening to renew the consecrated area on the ground.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Always little one, always," Ichiro replied when she told him she didn't have much left and to fight hard.

With that, Ichiro readied himself to go at it with this horde of undead beasts. He'd never fought the undead before, though he'd heard rumors from the guards of the arena about their tangles with some before. Seeing his weapons beginning to glow with Vila's energies, Ichiro smiled to himself and thought, "I will not lose here, not today. I've won fifty battles so far, no, fifty one if you count last night with Agatha. I won't lose now, I refuse to lose," Ichiro said in his head to himself.

As the horde closed in, Ichiro was thankful he'd worn the platemail now and decided that he'd keep it for now, unless he had a mission that required a bit more stealth. The sheer fact that the undead horde was coming at him though seemed to have given him quite a stir inside that he'd never known about and caused his blows to miss as they came at him. Then Vila was helping him yet again, easing his mind and relaxing him a bit, as he began to feel her power washing over him.

"Never will I give up little one," Ichiro grunted, planting his feet and standing against the tide a little better now.

After a couple of more blows against him, Ichiro tasted blood in his mouth, but spat it out and continued to fight, swinging his blade around and cleaving through a total of four different ones with his blessed blade while Loran took down four also, while the screeching woman like thing behind them kept screeching. Ichiro raised his shield with Loran and bashed it forward to push as many of the horde back as possible to give them some breathing room, while he swung again and hacked limbs and heads off as best he could to keep clearing the path, not once bothering to look back at the pointy eared woman while she fought her foe.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Horde always has initiative cos it's a horde. So.
46. lol
no damage, 2 fall in the attack. 37 remain.
Ichiro nat 1
loran covers, 9+3 12. Ichiro is actually uninjured, 1 zombitch falls
Horde 199/200 Both paladins suffer damage.
Ichiro 16. 4 slain.
Loran nat 20. 8 slain.
13 slain total, breathing room created, 1 round without an attack for the horde.
Ichiro 14
Loran 18
8 more fall. 19 slain.
18 remain.
Ichiro 3/6
Loran 4/6

Ichiro had a feeling of what death at these creatures hands would feel like as he tried to push forward with his shield, only to stumble on the gore and find his head firmly grabbed, teeth inches away from taking a solid bite out of his face or neck, before Loran decapitated the thing cleanly and hauled the wolfkin back onto his feet. But the enraged and hungry push back against them for the mistake was ferocious and neither man managed to get back entirely unscathed, Loran actually losing a gauntlet and Ichiro losing his sword as it got lodged in a creatures chest.

Their own counterattack though was a thing of legend as Loran screamed the final words to a prayer he'd been singing the entire battle and slammed the pommel of his sword against his breast plate, a brilliant flash of light immediately disintigrating 8 of the creatures while Ichiro had time to snap up his Axe and rush forward, both Paladins now a frenzy in the diminishing wave of undead as blades and shields twisted and struck, Neither man backing down.

They'd thinned the group considerably but there were still almost 20 of them, and only 2 men. They weren't out of this yet, and a white masked body slamming into the cobbles, cleanly cut in two told them the other group was having problems as well.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Stumbling on one of the dead bodies remains, Ichiro came very close to getting a hunk bitten out of his face, but thanks to Loran, the thing was dead... again. Once back on his feet, Ichiro stabbed his sword into one of them, where it was yanked from his hand as the horde kept pressing forward against them, while Loran it looked like had lost a gauntlet. Ichiro reached over his shoulder as Loran finished a prayer and slammed his chest with the hilt of his sword, and the bright blinding flash of holy light incinerated eight of the creatures. Even as the undead were burning away, Ichiro swung his axe and cleaved his way through several of them along with Loran.

"Go back to the abyss you fiends!" Ichiro roared as he swung his axe again, slamming his shield into one to force them back again as he hacked through another, and then kicked a third, keeping them pushed back as much as possible to give Loran time to follow up.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Tactics Shifted to Vanguard Rearguard. Ichiro loses his defensive bonus to rolls, it is given to Loran's Offensive rolls instead.

Horde 76, no damage.
Ichiro 9 no kills.
Loran follows up since that's the point
2+3 5 no good. all the bleh
Horde 95 no damage
Ichiro 3
Loran 4+3 7 The fuck man?
Horde 186 Ichiro and Loran take 1 FP
Ichiro 2/6
Loran 3/6
ichiro 8
Loran 18+3=21 6 slain.
13 remain
Horde 151 ichiro and loran 1 FP
Ichiro 1/6
Loran 2/6
Ichiro 13 4 slain
Loran 14+3=18 6 slain
3 remain
standard rolls now cos cleanup
Loran swaps with Ichiro on the front
Z1 1 dead
Z2 9
Z3 9
Loran 20 dead
Ichiro 4 miss
Z3 6
Ichiro 13

They seemed locked in a stalemate now as the reduced numbers gave the creatures more opportunities to swarm and both men were taking damage, having to rally hard again as ichiro took the front to give Loran better opportunities to further thin the horde out.

And it worked well once that stalemate had been broken, but not before Ichiro had taken some serious wounds, his body battered under the armor and feeling the fatigue of such a drawn out fight.

It was paying off though as Loran cleaved through them every time he got the chance, soon leaving only 3 to claw and bite which were quickly brought down.

Both men were panting with the exertion, adrenaline fading fast, but the streets were filled with silence.

As neither paladin was downed, a special condition has been unlocked.

Turning, Ichiro would have just enough time to see the black creature standing over the woman, who'd finally fallen it seemed, her fellows all slain or down, her arm raised to strike the final blow against the unconsious woman. But before she could, Vila... howled. As He would had his own rage been triggered, and she shot forward to plant herself on the woman's chest, tiny tufted ears poking through her hair, eyes feral while she snarled and a bushy little blonde tail lashed around behind her, crouching like an animal against the woman.

The shadow actually faltered at Vila's appearance, seeming confused before clutching it's head as if in pain. A harsh note on a violin rent the air asunder around them however as a familiar figure stalked out of the shadows of one of the buildings, another familiar face just behind him. Terra and Cosimo. Cosimo had actually raised his fiddle and was starting to play a dirge, the long lilting notes of a funeral sounding in the air followed by the tapping bell steps of the nude Priestess who was carrying a staff now, carved entirely of bone and covered in glowing white hot runes as she started to strike the ground in time with the music.

The music was more then just music as well it seemed as blue wisps of fire started to form in the air, the creature roaring at them both, before disappating like a dread fog, it's scream following it.

We're not getting anywhere this way Terra. You want the paladins or the girl. he asked her, Terra sighing. We should be grateful the rats haven't shown up already, take her underground, I'll deal with the fallout. I have a better public face then you. she sighed, Cosimo nodding and moving for the woman and Vila, who had collapsed completely, the pirate reaching down towards Ichiro's tiny fey friend.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

It was a vicious melee between Ichiro and Loran, against the undead horde swarming towards them, threatening to overwhelm them completely now. Ichiro took the wounds with grunts of pain, but never did he back down, never did he stop fighting, and never, did he give up. Loran backed him up and together they'd managed to whittle their numbers down to three, before Loran finished them all off with three quick sword strikes.

Looking back, Ichiro saw the pointy eared woman had fallen, and the shadowy creature was about to finish her off, before Vila howled with rage, that Ichiro hadn't seen before. As Vila took off, Ichiro was right behind her, moving to her aid as quickly as possible. As Ichiro was on his way up, the creature faltered and fled, while Cosimo and Terra came out of nowhere. Ichiro didn't really care why they were there, his eyes were only for Vila, and he rushed to get to her as Cosimo reached down for her. "Vila! Are you alright little one?" Ichiro called out, moving up and taking Vila from Cosimo if he could, and cradling her in both hands after putting his axe and shield both away, and forgetting all the pain in favor of worry for his little friend.