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princess escape


Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
Reputation score

just learning how to use rpg maker vx, here's what i've done today...i might have to nerf that last guard that keeps getting me into a spy soldier since i cant find a way to get past them all ^^;

no h content until i've got the gamplay sorted but i've allready looked into how to include cg cutscenes ^^ and i'm using a variable that changes to an id number of whatever hit me last when hp hits 0 to show different game over scenes

planned levels

Castle, garden maze, through a villiage, forest with slimes and tentacles, and a cave system with demons and a final boss which would consist of dodging both of their attacks while setting them up to hit each other.

anyone who wants to test this out let me know and i'll see if mediafire will let me upload things (it never has before)
Re: princess escape

If it doesn't you can always use sendspace. At least...that's what I use....
Re: princess escape

i've tweaked that near impossible second room now ^^ and added a few events...castle level's not fully done yet but you can look around...gathering the will help unlock a game over (albeit a stupid one)

but yeah upping to sendspace now

stuff fixed since uploading
the castle door doesnt send you into a wall (THE 2 EXIT BLOCKS TO THE RIGHT WORK BEFORE)
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Re: princess escape

when this is finished i'll be posting it to dlsite to make a bit of money ^^