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ACT [Professor Eguchi] パンミミのトレジャーハント (RJ424899)


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score

Screenshot (122).png

A very short game from the same developer that made

Features a new main character and a different gameplay style (previous game was a maze top down hack and slash game... in very general terms). This game features a bunny witch girl fighting slimes. It plays a lot more like a turret defense game. You shoot magic balls at enemies who will fire slime balls at you. You can shoot the slime balls or jump over them to avoid taking damage. Your shots deplete magic which must be replaced charging your magic back up. Hold the fire button to aim and release to shoot (think yoshi's island in terms of aiming), your shots are mildly affected by gravity.. If you take a hit, your character's animated sprite on the right side of the screen will change reflecting how badly the slimes have you (at 1 hp you will basically be at the getting raped phase). There is a rainbow star that can be shot to heal you back to full health. In addition hitting things will charge your super meter which will enable you to enter super mode where all you shots no longer arc and instead fire straight. You also have unlimited magic to fire your shots. Scenes are unlocked on defeat.

Shift- Hold to aim, release to fire.
Up- Jump
Down - Charge magic
Spacebar- activate super
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