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Prologue - Clara Jones

Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

It might surprise her that he doesn't get up and follow her until she's at the door, even letting her get outside before he says anything. "I'm not talking about drugs," he states once again, after the door's shut behind him. "I'm talking about our fight. I meant what I said. It was a good match, but ah," he looked to be thinking how to word what he wanted to say again, "makes me wonder how you'd do if I hadn't been holding back."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara stopped and sighed. The only part that confused her about what he told her was the part about holding back. The rest she just assumed he didn't like to call whatever it was a drug. She said to him, "Look, Brick, I don't care what you call it, and what do you mean by holding back?"
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

He can be seen rubbing his hand over his face as she persists on the drug tangent, though the corner of his lip crooks up in a grin. "Just what it sounds like. I didn't want to show you up too badly in front of the other regulars, so I held back. You did pretty good though. Made me wonder how you'd fare if I actually did something that'd make me break a sweat." Yeah, he's definitely smirking now, arms crossed at his chest.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Thinking that he was either bluffing or he was on a drug himself Clara just rolled her eyes at him and said "What the hell are you talking about, Brick?" Brick was alerady strong for a human. She couldn't imagine that he was saying he held back in their fight.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"I'm saying I could have whupped your ass in half the time it took me to take you down at the gym, that's what I'm talking about. Unless you don't believe me." He seemed to tack that last bit on as more of a goad than anything else, since it was already pretty clear that she didn't.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara brought her hand up to her head and rubbed it like she had a headache. After a few seconds she spoke still rubbing her head, "I came here with you because I thought you weren't going to be a fucking jackass about that. I was fucking wrong wasn't I? Fuck this, fuck you, Brick." Turning and walking away she clenched her fists tightly resisting the strong urge she had to just beat up Brick right now probably even kick him in the nuts. She walked to her car ignoring anything Brick had to say.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

He drops his hands to his sides, traces of his grin disappearing. "Well, I wasn't trying to be a jackass about the win, but it's no fun if you have to ask the loser if they want a rematch." He's actually walking after her, likely making it so she can't ignore him. "Thought I'd give you the opportunity to shut me up, but you just wouldn't bite."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(( Ya know you went in a very bad direction if you wanted her to fight him again willingly ))

Clara just kept walking to his car ignoring him. The only reply she gave to Brick was, "Shut the fuck up, Brick. I'm not interested in fighting you anymore." Which was true. She was going to fight this jackass pointlessly because he wanted to get a rise out of her or try to sell her drugs.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

((Well, like he said, he *was* trying to be subtle about it, but it's not his strong suit. And my mind just went in a completely different direction, so let's see how this goes...I also assume you meant walking to "her" car, not his? Unless there's something about Clare you're not telling us.))

Maybe just to get more of a rise out of her, or maybe the boy just didn't know when to quit, but he actually hurried past her and got between her and her car, leaning his back against the driver's side door. That smirk of his had come back.

"So what are you interested in doing with me, then?"
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(( There ya go, and yeah to her car ))

Not holding back her anger anymore Clara yelled at Brick, "You fucking PIECE OF SHIT!" She then aimed a kick to his crotch wanting to get him out of her way quickly and leaving having enough of this jackass for one night.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

((And on that note, I actually have to go to bed after this. Hopefully his banter doesn't stall it out again *laughs*))

"Whoop-ho!" Brick's hands dropped from his chest to grab at her ankle before she had a chance to connect with him. At best, he was going to hold onto her foot and keep her on one leg. If she managed to stay out of his grasp, he'd at least managed to deflect the blow. Even though it kept him at a disadvantage, he actually wasn't moving too far away from her car, keeping it as his back and seeming more on the defensive. "Now that is what I was talking about."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(( Well since this is a fight she's going to lose I don't think this'll matter at all ))

Clara wrenched her ankle free and in her rage she closed the gap between them not caring about his strength. Throwing punches wildly at him she said a word in between each punch, "GET - THE - FUCK - AWAY - FROM - MY - CAR - BITCH."
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Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Given that there really isn't strategy behind her punches at this point, he's either blocking or dodging, though a couple of them connect.


Brick waits for a good moment after she's thrown a punch and ducks under it, coming up about her midsection, meeting it so that he can haul her up and off her feet, his infuriating nature now adding to the fact that Clara is positioned like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. Likely a kicking, punching, swearing sack of potatoes, but a sack of potatoes none-the-less. He grunts when she does hit him, but he seems to be ignoring it for the most part as he starts to hike away from not only her car but the restaurant as well.
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Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Like a violent sack of potatoes she did scream and kick punch and bite anything she could. Screaming insults at Brick and threatening to kill him she didn't think about other things that he could be planning to do with her after all this. After a few minutes of kicking and screaming Brick could hear her panting and feel her struggles losing their momentum. Noticing they were some distance away from the restaurant now she couldn't help but wonder what he did have in mind struggling uselessly against him.

(( It's Clara not Clare ))
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Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

He has a hold on her to carry her, but it's not the least bit lecherous, just to keep her from sliding off and likely kicking her legs more. While she struggles, he just walks along as though he's looking for something, or somewhere. He finally stops walking in front of a store that's currently empty for remodeling. He releases his hold on her legs long enough to pull a phone from his pocket. She can't hear the other end of the conversation, but his is unsettling enough.

"Yeah, it's me. Change of venue. I know," he practically growls the words. "Just get here." He gives the address while walking around to the back.

Barely stopping as he kicks the door inward, he walks in, passing through a crowded back storage area and stops in the store proper, seeming to be taking in the interior. From what Clara can see, it's mostly bare, save a few fixtures lining the walls and a few buckets that look like they might be for plaster. Once they're in the center of the floor, Brick sets her on her feet, though his hands quickly move to her shoulders to keep her in place.

"Not exactly what I had in mind, but it'll do." He backs up, his frame taking on a predatory grace to it that shouldn't seem possible. "Two doors. You get out either one, you walk. No refs, no ring, no time. Just you and me."

((Sorry, you and Sinful are similar. I'll fix. I'm also totally improvising, since I know next to nothing about the layout of Red Deer.))
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara stood her ground for a second staring at Brick wondering if this was just some cruel joke. Still staring at him not making a move she said, "What the fuck is this... You expect me to play some game with you...? who the fuck is involved in this? What are you going to do to me?" She cautiously watched him to see if his body moved in a way that let her know he was about to make a move while she waited for an answer.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

He made no move to get closer to her, though he was shifting his weight from foot to foot and every once and a while his hands ball into fists and then relax.

"Not a game. Consider it an...employment opportunity. Some friends of mine thought you'd do well in our organization and lucky me, I got to recruit you. As for what I'm going to do, well, I thought I'd give you a sporting chance." She can't be sure, the lighting in here isn't all that great, just barely some coming in from streetlights outside, but the more he talks, the more it looks as though his teeth are getting more pronounced, a slight lisp coming at the tail end of his little speech.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara said sarcastically, "All right sounds like fun. I get kidnapped and brought here to be apart of some dumbass game." She ignored what she thought was teeth appearing to be longer thinking it was some trick of the light. As she talked she was backing away slowly trying to get to a door while making sure Brick didn't try anything.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"Not dumb, I assure you." From the shift in his posture, it's plenty clear that if she bolts for the front door, which is also probably locked, given the state of the building, he is going to chase her.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"Whatever." Was the only thing Clara responded to Brick. She weighed the options of just trying to kick down the door to facing Brick. After a few seconds she seemed to have come to a decision as she ran for the door and tried to kick it down when she got to it.