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Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Not yet but he will one day I'm sure...."

Is all Jocelyn hears before she falls into her daily sleep.


A short while after the sun has dropped below the horizon Jocelyn wakes in the cellar. Through the small bit of light that comes from the open trap door she can see the others must already be up above.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn woke from her daytime sleep feeling somewhat levelheaded, taking a look around with what little light was in the room and finding she must have been the last one to awaken. She sighed a bit, wondering ho much later she had slept than everyone else, and made her way to the trap door, listening to make sure she didn't disturb anything up there before opening it fully and walking up.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Walking up to the room above she sees Urchin sitting in a corner with his back to her bent over something. A squeaking sound like that of a rat can be heard from his direction. The room appears just as it had the night before and Rebekah seems to have left already as she said she probably would.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn smiles as she fully exits the cellar and sees urchin off in the corner, seemingly talking to himself. "Good morning." She said cheerily. "Who are you talking to?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Urchin's head twists around slowly to look back at Jocelyn with what she believes to be his smile. A couple drops of blood escape his mouth as he answers her, the squeaking seems to have stopped.

"Urchin is just um, um, just feeding. If Jocelyn feels hungry Urchin can call another um, rat."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The look Jocelyn gives in response most likely points to her not actually feeling hungry, though she does her best to hide her thoughts on the matter. "Oh! Umm... No thanks, I never could... Quite... So, did Rebekah tell you how long she may be?" She asked, trying to change the subject.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Urchin wipes his mouth on his sleeve and tucks something into the rags that make up his clothing as he stands up from the corner. If he does understand how Jocelyn feels about feeding on rat blood he doesn't show it as he answers.

"No, Urchin get up just before Jocelyn did. So he not see Rebekah before she left. Rebekah have no problem waking up because she so good. Jocelyn want to come with Urchin to see chest or want to wait?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn thinks on that for a moment. "I think we may as well go see that chest. We'd have to get it afterwards anyways, may as well save time." She answers finally, giving a nod to herself as reassurance.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Okays come on then. It not really that far from here. So it shouldn't take long."

Urchin heads out the door and leads Jocelyn along a similar path through the alleys behind the docks as he had the previous night. When they get to the docks though he looks over the edge and points out the spot to Jocelyn. A small cave entrance can be seen under one of the piers.

"Chest in there. Urchin thinks it is old smugglers cave. Used to hide there before Rebekah took him in."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn peeks over the edge of the pier at the cave entrance underneath. "Is there... Anything else, in there?" She asked warily.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Urchin never notice anything else in cave but rats and chest. Though I guess something could have moved in since Urchin left." He answers as he cups his hands around his eyes to try and stare into the blackness of the cave.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn does much the same thing, staring into the blackness. "You're going to come with me, right?" She asked slowly.

Whether or not Urchin cared to come with, she would eventually sigh, steel herself, and head down and into the dark of the cave.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

There seems to be a bit of a blue-green glow from further in the cave but Jocelyn can't tell what it's from. Urchin nods his to say that he'll be coming with and even takes the lead to show her the easiest way to get across the slippery rocks.

The cave is just big enough that Jocelyn doesn't have to crawl though she can't stand up completely. The walls of the cave are covered with some kind of moss which gives off the glow she could see from the entrance, making it easy for them to see inside. Urchin points to the back of the cave where a large metal chest sits on the uneven floor.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn carefully picks her way along the rocks, following urchin. She takes a note of the odd glowing moss, but didn't really see it harming anything, so she left it alone. "That's the one there?" She asked urchin as they made it up to the chest. "Has it moved since you last saw it? Does it open?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Nope still in same spot as before. It opens though it was empty when Urchin looked. It be heavy but Urchin should be able to move it still. Is big enough for what Jocelyn need."

The chest looks very well-made though it is a bit rusty from being in the cave for so long. It even looks like it might have been jeweled though anything of value has been pried out of it. The inside is empty though it should be able to store plenty of food.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Okay, yeah, this will do just fine. You said you can lift it on your on?" Jocelyn said, looking the chest over.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Urchin be really strong so it not be problem. Might need little help to get onto rocks near entrance. It be kind of slippery there."

Urchin answers as he starts dragging the chest towards the cave entrance. He has no problem in dragging the chest despite it's weight it seems. Though he still stops at the entrance to figure out the best way to get it down to the rocks, as the rocks are a few steps lower than the entrance.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Um, yeah, okay..." Jocelyn replies, doing her best to help Urchin.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Urchin lets Jocelyn go out of the cave first so that he can help her lower the chest down to the rocks below. They get it lowered to the rocks but before Urchin can climb down, Jocelyn hears someone clear their throat behind her.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn whirls around to face whoever had made the sound, nearly slipping on the rocks as she startled. "Oh! Uh..." She said slowly...
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