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Psychology, the thread.

Re: Psychology, the thread.

Kayso.... i need help.

Alright, there's this really attractive guy, sweet, honest, gorgeous eyes, great personality and willing to put up with a lot from people, apparently, and he's very sensitive...

So... I think i really like this guy. And I'm going to visit him in about a month. And... I'm not sure if i should. See... i want to sex him up. But i don't want to ruin the chance that something may develop. And since he IS a sensitive guy I'm worried that he could fall for me and that this would turn out to be nothing but a stupid crush and i don't want to hurt him and...


So... confused, conflicted... muddled. Brain is like... gah.

Halp psych peeps?
Re: Psychology, the thread.



In all seriousness, it depends on how long you've known each other. Is this a 'OMG I only just met him but I love him already!' type of thing, or is this more of a 'well, I've known him for a while, and I'm pretty sure I like him... maybe... no, I do...' type of thing?

(Shortened from a wall-o'-text) Just tell him the truth; that you'd like to go out with him, but you're not sure if it'll be something that lasts. I'm sure he'll be glad to have a g/f to talk to/hang out with/fuck/cuddle with, even if it is only temporary. If you're scared of what would happen if/when you broke it off, then he's not really that great of a guy.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Known him for a while, and when i met him he was having his heart repeatedly crushed into itty bitty peices by the girl he was dating at the time. >.>;;

And i don't know if I really like him or if it's just my desperate need for comfort screaming at me. x.x
Re: Psychology, the thread.

I suggest you tell him what's up. If it is your desperate need for comfort that is making this call then it should settle when you get comforted. If it isn't then you'll know. But you should let him know this before hand, because playing him to figure it out is cold.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

But I don't want to play him.

I act the same way I do with the rest of my friends. You know, cuddles and being all friendly n stuff.

So yeah. D:
Re: Psychology, the thread.

It's only playing him if you act with an ulterior motive. Let him know that you know it's one of those two things and you'd like to see where it goes. Depending on his response, carry on accordingly.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Well... I always try to be honest.

And I have a month to figure myself out anyway too sooooo....
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Well... I always try to be honest.

And I have a month to figure myself out anyway too sooooo....

Are you sure you're out of high-school?
Re: Psychology, the thread.

:p If you want I can post a copy of my driver's license. with my address blurred out of course.

You just can't take subtle insults with a decent outrage, can you?
Re: Psychology, the thread.

apparently not xD

There's still a month before i get to go see him, and I'm not USED to people flirting with me, and he does it constantly so it scrambles me a bit.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Like Newbie and I said, just tell him the truth about what's up and go from there. So long as you're honest with him, there's nothing to feel bad about. If he can't deal with it, that's his problem.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

*nodnod* Rightie.

I can do this.

I hope.

Re: Psychology, the thread.

So... I hope I'm not doing any sort of necromancy here, though I think my issue is quite relevant.

My tentacles have this burning desire to fill up several holes at once, but to be accepted by society, I can't let them win. What should this poor tentacle monster do?
Re: Psychology, the thread.

My tentacles have this burning desire to fill up several holes at once, but to be accepted by society, I can't let them win. What should this poor tentacle monster do?

Buy lots of condoms. I think that's a compromise everyone can win with.