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question to lovers of rpgmaker games


Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
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Now...I have a solid concept for my next game and it's a huge undertaking...so i'm getting cold feet to some regards, and i recalled one of my first fantasies growing up...

so i was wondering what people would think of rpg maker being used to create a more linear story? with only one path and a few off path different endings?

in short I want to do another short game, the setting is this.

deep in a forest lives a race of female humanoid creatures (foxgirls), who, acting upon their instincts turn human girls into them via sex... in contrast to the usual forced sex tropes...they do it out of desire to cause happiness...

other key characteristics include the lack of verbal language, the foxgirl race can't speak and go into heat regularily after reaching adult hood...
though (for obvious reasons) they do not attack people under a certain age (exactly 18 years old to the second.)
oh and they can reproduce with other girls but love is involved in that.

the story follows a girl who has grown up sneaking off into the forest to play with one of the younger ones who hasnt yet reached adult hood...
it's a sweet romance story.

hmmm... there are other things too...there is a male version of the species too that are a lot more forceful in their endeavors (so fox girls and wolfboys)

I havent thought of much gameplay wise but i might use my clothing damage system from princess escape for certain areas...perhaps every now and then the character has to escape from raids by the more malicious wolfboys... hmmm

Re: question to lovers of rpgmaker games

The trend of popular rpg maker games if you noticed, are games that have a ton of mini events that are scattered throughout the world. If you see Virgin Island or Magicka, the main story isn't the attraction of the game but all the random side events that people go out of their way to find. This is probably why these games take so long to make because it takes a lot of time to plant and make new events everywhere. I liked Magicka's way of making multiple endings because you actually do different things like going to a different place to fight someone else instead of just having different numbers in your h stat. I never cared a lot about multiple events because they were usually the whole different numbers thing.

I know you said a short game so obviously it would be a simple linear game with very few off-to-the-side events and most of the scenes would be correlated with the story.

TLDR The trend seems to be that people like all the small events scattered throughout the world that need to be found kind of like achievements.
Re: question to lovers of rpgmaker games

As for me, I like linear stories and events\scenes\achievements\items\etc. scattered around the game that can be collected.

I don't like two things though:
1. When there is an event\item that you can miss if you wait too long to search for it. For example, a scene that you could have seem the first time you visit a city if you had did something, but you can't see it later if you miss this change.

2. Multiple endings and the "OR" word, especially when they're based on many small choices you have to make during the game. For example "You can have the girl A OR the girl B. You can't have both of them. You'll need to play the entire game twice for that."

Like I said I like the "collecting" idea, but I hate when the collection is incomplete and there is nothing I can do about unless start the game again form the beginning.
Re: question to lovers of rpgmaker games

As for me, I like linear stories and events\scenes\achievements\items\etc. scattered around the game that can be collected.

I don't like two things though:
1. When there is an event\item that you can miss if you wait too long to search for it. For example, a scene that you could have seem the first time you visit a city if you had did something, but you can't see it later if you miss this change.

2. Multiple endings and the "OR" word, especially when they're based on many small choices you have to make during the game. For example "You can have the girl A OR the girl B. You can't have both of them. You'll need to play the entire game twice for that."

Like I said I like the "collecting" idea, but I hate when the collection is incomplete and there is nothing I can do about unless start the game again form the beginning.

well if i do this small story there wont be much need to level...as the mc is just an ordinary girl :), the way the idea is forming is kinda like shattered memories where suddenly danger happens and you have to run like hell :), and as for routes there seems to be two ideas for me atm

still a few unique gameovers will be in there :)

oh be prepared for a slow start to this game...since the mc will be underage at the start, but not by the time anything sex related can happen :)
Re: question to lovers of rpgmaker games

Also if there is GOR, have a way to commit suicide.
I don't like when you can completely miss an event like the guy before said.
I feel like the gameplay and fighting should be easy since that's not the main focus. People don't like cockblocks.
Re: question to lovers of rpgmaker games

Harem is appearing to be more linear but the story is involving. Linear works if it has a great story.
Re: question to lovers of rpgmaker games

"Also if there is GOR, have a way to commit suicide."
Yes, cool advice about GOR games.

By the way, I don't like those games where you need to lose to see a CG, but if you lose you need to start the level from the beginning (usually ir happens in plataform games only). I reach a boss and I think: "Okay... should I lose and open a CG or should I win this one?". Doesn't apply to RPG Maker games anyway, since we can usually save the game anywhere, anytime.
Re: question to lovers of rpgmaker games

"Also if there is GOR, have a way to commit suicide."
Yes, cool advice about GOR games.

By the way, I don't like those games where you need to lose to see a CG, but if you lose you need to start the level from the beginning (usually ir happens in plataform games only). I reach a boss and I think: "Okay... should I lose and open a CG or should I win this one?". Doesn't apply to RPG Maker games anyway, since we can usually save the game anywhere, anytime.

There's a few games that does this, but some games if you lose to a boss it throws you right before the boss. No needing to save, no redoing the whole dungeon. Just go in, lose, get CG, try again, kill.
Re: question to lovers of rpgmaker games

There's a few games that does this, but some games if you lose to a boss it throws you right before the boss. No needing to save, no redoing the whole dungeon. Just go in, lose, get CG, try again, kill.

I'll be using save points to prevent unwinnable situations, but i made mistakes in princess escape...the arena shouldve had a savepoint so the very difficult slime minigame would have been easier to retry...

i think i will focus more on puzzle gameplay than rpg fighting in this one

te other project is massive though...9 different worlds to balance out and design...
Re: question to lovers of rpgmaker games

now i think about it this game might be quite dull if it's just scripted sections of running away from wolfboys... so im thinking of adding a time and hunger system... youd have to do things like fishing and gathering food and cooking and things :)

someone will have to teach me how to...wait hang on its easy to add new stats never mind :)

now i think about it this game bears a few similarities to harvest moon...though i dont think i'll be doing anything with planting flowers :)
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Re: question to lovers of rpgmaker games

i love most of the english rpg games. only harem is exceptional. i didn't actually couldn't finish the boss in the tower. one time i finished that boss but my pc get hanged up. so no save then some good man in this forums share his saves and helped me. i leave that game only for that reason. otherwise i loved to play harem. :D

please give some option to get items. and don't just make a small games. i can play a rpg game for more than 60 hours. just don't leave the game and update it in future. i love the milf town rpgs the most.