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Questions from a new H-game player


New member
Sep 17, 2019
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Hi, as someone new to erogames and ULMF-type forums, I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on how most people find and play H-games.
I've seen a lot of places to find games (DLsite, mega downloads, forums such as ULMF/F95zone, and other questionable sites) so is there a "common" place to find games, or are they just scattered about?
I've read and seen that there are a lot more Japanese games than English translations, so to play the games do people use the Japanese versions with translation software, or do people usually wait for English releases?

Obligatory "first post." Sorry if I'm asking redundant questions, if there are any links to the answers I'm looking for, I'll gladly read up there and remove this post.
For the most part, Japanese developers release their products on DLSite. They have an English version of DLSite, but it is up to the developer to release it on that side as well. Credit cards from the West are sometimes known to not work with the Japanese DLSite for various reasons. However, this is where the vast majority of H-games exist.

Western developers are a little more scattered. Some release on the English DLSite, some are still being built, and therefore can only be found as Patreon reward, some may be on itch.io. There have been attempts to create a platform for H-games for the western consumer, but nothing has really truly taken off. Obviously, though, it's a lot easier to find where to find the game because it's in English, so this lack of a centralized location isn't that much of an issue.

Usually, you can find games by keeping up with DLSite, following developers' twitters and seeing when they retweet other devs' products, and being on forums like this one.

Also keep in mind that asking for a download link for a game is a bannable offense on this forum. So just be cognizant of the rules of wherever you are.
A first post should be made in the introduction thread but whatever ^^
Just remember to read the forum rules threads ;)

Know, there more and more English translation. Some crappy (MTL = Machine translation. Broadly, copy all the game text => past in google transaltor. Copy translation, paste in the game)
Fans translator are active, but it take time -more and more get converted by the dev into official translation).
Dlsite got it's own translating team but you never know what work is going to get translated. And more translating groupe are getting into active bussiness (check steam for exemple). But I won't get into a list.
Usually, unless the translating groupe working with the Japanese developer mention some simulcast release or specific date close to the Japanese release, an official translation can be made more than a dozen year after the original release. Which mean it's really up to you - and the info you get, if you want to wait (oh, and of course, buying the japanse game will get more money to the dev than the translation - of course the translator take their share ^^)

As for game, if you want to buy them, you got a few site :
Japanese sites =>

(renamed FANZA a few month ago, but peoples still call it DMM) - do note that depending on your IP, you can acces the japanese or english version of DMM (not the same product on sale)
(mostly for big VN / ADV games), but I don't think it sell outside of japan

you can also get info on , the Dlsite backed japanese H game patreon

For game in english,
You got the (not that most game are there in japanese, but at least it's much easier to buy from english DLsite than Japanse Dlsite (ie maniax) with westerner card. But not all dev put their work on the english dl site).
You also got a few big selling site :
- they sell mostly ADV / VN with some other game
- a bit like Mangagamer but with a different game catalogue
got some game on sale, although it's main focus is on-line free H game made to bankrupt you through paying gatch :p
More than a few translated work are sold on steam if you want to check and don't mind your friend knowing how much of a perv you are (kidding, you'll just have to make another account just for H stuff).

If you want to get game using... other way, you can check this forum (mostly rpg (maker) game, as well as sidescroller and a few slg).
There that up and going, but unless you got what you want in torrent, be prepared to get a work in multiple file on (paying) filehost (or take 3 days through free acount for a work).
And for torrent, there the cat ~ ~

A few uploader on multiple site have their own blog where you can get their stuff but I won't go into that...

A few extra link that can be usefull :
(know a VNDB) - a site referencing visual novel as well as adv, slg and some rpg game. You got lot of basic info (different versions, japanese name - Kanji and Romanji - english name...).
If you're looking for h-anime, 2 active sites :

And a (full of ads, mind your anti ads / AV)

If you look for save files, 2 big site :

(long time standing site in japanese) - it should have all the major VN / ADV game plus lot of other
(Some peoples prefer / work also with )
And one specialized in

If you can read it (or are ready to use translating tool), can provide lot of work and extra dlc.

PS : can't remember (didn't found it was forbidden after a quick check) if I'm allowed to share the links, but if I'm wrong feel free to edit / delete my post
Bryanis did a marvelous job to summary all ressource for H stuff, I just want to add wich is in for the most part in english and have almost all non english game release since something like 2013 (torrent and DDL in multiple part).

Plus wich is a japanese website with walkthrought/strat for almost all RPG/SLG game in the japanese market (you'll need chrome and google trad to barely understand a thing tho).

Edit: : Usefull to translate game in other language and wich is an OCR, it allow you to take a srenshot of a part of your screen, search for japanse text and translate it in english (doesn't work to well if the text is not in a regular font)
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