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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

"Of course you can pet it!" Revalli stated brightly at the girl's question, mentally urging the rabbit with antlers that she'd summoned to be cooperative. "Really? You're talking to Faye now are you?" the elf added curiously after the girl's admission, making light of her seemingly imaginary friend. Opting to humor her, she added; "I know all kinds of weird things! You pick up a lot of stuff when you're learning magic."
Re: ranger Test Thread

The little girl nearly lunged onto the rabbit but quickly started to pet the spirit creature. "Yeah she tells me secretes and keeps me safe!" The little girl was completely absorbed with the rabbit until Revalli mentioned magic again. "Oh Faye uses magic to!" The little girl looked up and put her hands over her mouth a look of surprise and worry on her face. "Oh no I shouldn't have told you that!" Like a bolt of lighting the little girl ran off away from Revalli and into the woods yelling. "DON"T BE MAD FAYE IM SORRY!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Really? What kind of-" Revalli began, but was cut off as the girl flinched suddenly and began to speak as if her imaginary friend was angry at her. When she shot up and ran off into the woods, Revalli was ready for her, and summoned more vines to grab the girl before she could get far. "Hey, those woods are dangerous!" she said flatly, following after the girl at a jog and then stopping when she was standing over her. Giving her a brief glare, Revalli then demanded; "Alright, firstly, what's your name girl? And secondly, why are you so afraid of your friend Faye? Is she mean to you?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

The girl didn't get far before Revalli had her bound in vines once more. "Hey let go meanie! Your mean just like Faye said you would be!" The little girl ignored the question about her name but got upset when Revalli asked if Faye was mean to her. "No Faye is my friend and she keeps me safe and is only ever nice to me. No one is supposed to know she can use magic." The little girl struggled against the vines binding her but it was clear she was no match for them. "Please let me go I have to go say Im sorry."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Calm down! I'm not going to hurt you," Revalli stated flatly, not at all used to dealing with children. Kneeling down in front of the girl, she said; "Why can't anyone ever know that she uses magic? This is very important, if there's a magic user that wants to remain secretive they could be very dangerous!" Revalli deliberately avoided thinking about the fact that she and her family had been doing the exact same thing for a while already, and had most definitely indulged in some dubious magical practices as well. That was neither here nor there.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli's tone did little to relax the girl who struggled against the vines more. "Because all the big people are mean to Faye just because she liked to play jokes on them! Please let me go I have to say Im sorry."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"....Big people? Is she a fairy? A sprite?" Revalli asked curiously, eying the girl suspiciously.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Sadly the girl didn't answer but started to cry quietly in between sobs Revalli could make out. "Shes gonna be so made at me. She'll never want to see me again nor be my friend anymore." The crying got louder and the tears fell freely...
Re: ranger Test Thread

Annoyed and fairly terrible with children, Revalli had to fight to keep her temper from getting the better of her. Erasing the scowl from her expression, she reached out and gently brushed away some of the girl's tears and said; "You hush now! What kind of friend would she be if she abandoned you for this? I'm sure she'll get over it just fine. You just take me to her so that I can make sure that she's not a bad person that's been lying to you, and then I'll forget all about this. You won't get into any trouble, I promise."
Re: ranger Test Thread

The girl cried a little more but Revalli some how managed to calm her somewhat. With that out of the way she was free to make her request about seeing Faye. The little girl hesitated a moment before nodding at Revalli. Once she let the girl go it became a somber walk further into the woods. Any questions Revalli had the girl didn't answer sulking a little like a punished child but after what seemed a half hour or so Rikke saw a vine covered building with a low wall come into view. The structure looked to be a small house with a single floor. A small fire was alight in the house if the smoke from the chimney was an indication. The low wall was about waist high which was good for keeping animals in or out but was in need of repair. A small gate its door long fallen to the ground was the easiest way pass the wall. A small garden was out front various vegetables growing undisturbed. As Revalli got closer she could clearly see the low wall had colorful mushrooms growing around its perimeter. However that strange sight wasn't the only thing that caught her eye. Two stone slabs with weathered writing lay just outside the ring. "Faye is inside making soup......"
Re: ranger Test Thread

The small home was very strange, even to Revalli's eyes, but in truth she reminded herself that she shouldn't have been surprised. When the as yet unnamed girl stopped and told her that Faye was in the house, the elf nodded seriously and said; "Thank you for being patient with me. I hope you understand that I'm just trying to make sure that you're okay!"

That said, Revalli reminded herself that the little girl wasn't the only one in danger. While it didn't seem to be a place of evil, Revalli knew that even the fey could be mischeivous, and she wasn't interested in giving her virginity to some nymph or goatman just for trespassing on their property. That in mind, she enacted some magical preparation before stepping up to the house. Before she could knock, however, she remembered the stone slabs with writing on them that had been sitting outside of the ring of the house. Thinking that it might be better to examine those first, Revalli moved to do exactly that.

Cast Inner Strength (Level 2 Nature Spell) for more Mind, which also increases Perception, Dodge, and Resistance. Examine ye rocks.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli made her preparations and approached the house only to feel something pushing her back. Looking down her highly attuned sense of magic soon found the reason. The mushrooms that surrounded the wall acted as a living ward. How it kept her out was a question indeed as all the wards she had practiced only prevented spirits or magic from entering. She would have to figure out how to get by this but in the mean time she moved to view the slabs of rock.

As she got closer it became obvious of what they where. Two names adorned the pair of slabs. The names where Jenny Willow and Richard Willow. Her suspicions made clear Revalli stood and looked to the little girl who was playing on the other side of the wall with some small furry animal.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli let out a startled gasp when the barrier pushed her away, but it only took the skilled mage a moment to identify its source once she'd gotten over her surprise. "A barrier?" she mused quietly to herself, but then glanced at the girl who'd crossed the barrier without any trouble and scowled. Moving over to the stone slabs, Revalli realized almost immediately that they were graves, and read the names silently to herself as a sense of foreboding came over her. She had no idea who Jenny and Richard Willow were, but there was someone that she might be able to ask...

"Hey... Uh, sweetie. Did you know anyone named Jenny or Richard? Last name Willow?" Revalli asked, directing her question at the young girl while she strode back to the entrance. This could easily just be a misunderstanding, and Revalli was conscious of that fact, but she was also very uneasy. She nudged lightly against the barrier both with her magic and with her hand, testing it without really trying to break through.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The little girl looked up and let the small furry animal loose before it waddled away. "Thats Mommy and Daddy they fell asleep and never woke up." It was simple and to the point the question remained though who was Faye and how would Revalli get threw this barrier without alerting the occupant of the house. Skilled in magic as she was Revalli soon came to the conclusion that with enough effort she could either push threw to the other side or if she focused her arcane powers she could disrupt the effect long enough for her to slip by. These options however would alert the mage who set it up another option was present though it might take her a little bit to convince the girl to help her threw.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"....How long ago was this? Did anything strange happen just before they, errr, went to sleep? And how did you get in there? There's a barrier that's keeping me out," Revalli said, trying her hardest to remain as calm as possible despite the nervous butterflies rushing through her stomach. Truth be told, the elf was starting to get VERY frightened, but the wellbeing of a child was at stake, and her moral compass was strong enough to keep her rooted to the spot.

Careful examination of the barrier revealed that she could try to break it outright, or perhaps just open a hole that would allow her to slip through, but either option would surely alert whoever had made the barrier. Starting things off in a hostile manner wasn't her style, as she reminded herself vehemently that all of this could be a simple misunderstanding. She was surely doing it because she thought it was truly possible, and not simply to try and stem the fear that was threatening to have her vomiting up the last meal she'd eaten.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"They where really sick but I can't remember how long ago it was. Faye told me who they where." The girl eyed Revalli questioningly clearly not believing that she couldn't get threw the barrier. "Whats a barrier?" Or not knowing one existed at all. "Your a strange woman I'll get Faye." With that the little girl turned around and started skipping to the house.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Faye told you? You mean you didn't know?" Revalli exclaimed. This was all getting very confusing, and the elf was liking it less and less by the second. "Huh? Wait no!" she said, panicking as the girl went for the door into the house. Throwing caution to the wind, Revalli tried to widen the magical barrier enough that she'd be able to slip through.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli Attempts to enter the barrier
49 vs 50 fail

The girl looked over at Revalli as she tried to slip threw the barrier watching as magic sparks flew off her hands and the barrier distorted before rebounding back almost knocking Revalli off her feet. A high strung voice called out from the house. "TIA!" the shout sounded concerned. The girl named Tia turned around to the house. "I'm okay Faye!" Whether Revalli liked it or not she would soon see this Faye for herself that is if she stuck around.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Stumbling back as the barrier rebounded her hasty attempt to tear through it, and the shout issuing from the house caused her to start slightly. Gathering herself, Revalli drew in a deep breath and straightened, mentally preparing herself for the upcoming meeting with Faye. She wasn't sure what to expect despite her imagination's dark conjurings, but she had to be prepared in case she proved as dangerous as Revalli feared.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Readying herself Revalli waited to see the owner of the voice she had heard come into view. Surprisingly a small light came zooming out of the door an zipped around Tia who giggled before it zoomed close to Revalli just stopping on its side of the wall. She was a fairy with that glowed with a soft pink light. The fairy was completely naked with pink hair and small pointed ears and other than her small size, glowing skin and four wings looked to be an ordinary elf woman. "Who are you? Wait... your that witch from the town. Tia!" The little fairy zoomed away from Revalli and right to the little girl apparently scolding the girl though Revalli couldn't hear exactly what she said. After a moment the two turned to Revalli and walked to her staying on her side of the wall once more. "Tia apologies to the woman for tromping her threw the woods and disrupting her day." The little girls lip quivered as any punished child's would. "Sorry Revalli I didn't mean to ruin your day." The small fairy nodded shooed Tia back to the house before turning to Revalli eyes narrowing. "I would be most appreciative if you would not mention this to the towns folk they would hardly understand."