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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

"Mmmm..." Revalli wasn't sure what she ought to say to that grim rationalization, so she simply responded with a wordless murmur and left it at that. The idea of leaving one's home, but be necessity rather than by choice, sounded fairly horrible to the elven sorcerer. Even though she had essentially run away, a part of her had counted on the fact that her parents would accept her back if she opted to return, even if she got an earful for running off like she had.

"What's Endus?" she asked curiously, "another town?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Endus used to be a wondeful city. A independent city state on the border between Badaria, Crolia, and the Anudor. Sadly while it didn't suffer the same fate as other large cities it was completely devistated by the outsider attacks. Now whats left of the Merchant families, wisards guild and the churches fight over the scraps of the ruins trying to rebuild. It wouldn't be so bad if the city wasn't the home of several mercenary companies fueling the fire." Sir Bladeborn sighed and looked sad a moment. "Yes I think here I will move whats left of my house to start a new home away from the politcal strife."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh...." Revalli didn't exactly like the sound of that, but at least it had apparently previously been a nice place. "You and your sister are from there originally then? I didn't take you for... Well, a mercenary, if that's what you actually were. How'd you get all the way out here?" the elf asked curiously, keeping her tone light.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Well yes and no. I was dispatched from the temple of Justice to fetch an artifact they thought resided in the church here. Sadly that wasn't the case. As for the mercenary part thats harder to sort out. Officail Im a member of Protectorate a knightly order assigned to the temple of justice by the Former Lord Mayor of Endus. But with his death and the collapse of a formal goverment I have to take on odd jobs to feed my family and support my house." Sir Bladeborn walked over to where his half sister stood with the children keeping a watchful eye over them. "Vera and a few servents are all thats left of my house and we need a new start. I think this will be the place. I doubt the villigers will mind and until the chaos in Endus is settled I am Leigeless."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Temple of Justice?" Revalli asked curiously after Sir Bladeborn had finished his explanation, "I didn't know anything like that even existed... Were you married before... Well... Everything?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh its sounds far more grand than it is. When the Lord Mayor took over he formed very strict guilds to manage the city. This of course included the myrid of churches. They built the temple of justice." Sir Bladeborn paused a moment almost lost in his own thoughts. "Married no but I did have my heart snatched by a pretty woman before the invasion. Her stage name was Sapphire Sylph. She was a travaling bard. Gods above know what happened to her during the invasion." Frowning slightly the knight soon contiuned on his way. "But that was the past no sense living in it. Hearts mend, scars heal and people move on."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Mmmmm," Revalli replied with a wordless mumble, not sure what she'd been expecting and not sure how she ought to. She wasn't sure how to best continue the conversation from there, and so lapsed into silence for a few moments before asking, "so, you'll be going soon then?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"In a week perhapse. I want to make sure the villagers have gotten some good instruction in defending themselves. But after that I will head back and report my failure to the temple. What of you Lady Stormbirth? What are your plans now?" It looked like Sir Bladeborn and a hopful look in his eyes but seemed rather reserved.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Uhhh.... Me? Uhhh, ohhh, well I didn't... Really have any plans that were set in stone, to tell you the truth!" Revalli replied, stuttering somewhat over her words due to a nervousness that the elven mage couldn't really explain. Her mind hadn't really caught on to the hopeful look in Sir Bladeborn's eye, but her subconscious evidently had. "I don't know really," she continued more smoothly after brushing some dust off of her lap, "I guess I was going to stick around for a while... I left home to see what I could do to help against the orcs, after all, but I'm.... I don't really know what to do beyond this, to be honest."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Sir Bladeborn looked at Revalli evaluating her with a commanders eye. "Thats a noble cause Lady Revalli. Though travaling alone is dangerous. You may want to think of finding a travaling companion for at lest company. I know you have your ... umm magic pets but I know magic has its limits." He smiled at her a warm look in his eyes. "Well then I will tend to dinner. I have a wonderful meal to prepare. See you tonight? I could use some more lively company my sister is well.. my sister and our conversations are getting rather .. predictable." At that moment Vera looked their way and frowned throwing Samuel a dirty look.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Eheh.... That's not a bad idea, but... I'm not really sure who I could ask, to be honest. It's not like I can just go into a tavern and ask," the elven mage replied lightly to the knight's advice. Nodding to his request to be excused, Revalli would glance over at the man's sister, frowning in surprise at the dirty look tossed their way. What was that about? Shrugging, Revalli wouldn't try to go and find out... Yet. For the time being, she would go and see what she could do to help the beleaguered townsfolk in putting their lives back together.
Re: ranger Test Thread

There was much to do. From shoring up roofs to replacing windows. All around her hammer and saw echoed. Every where she went one of the towns people that she had saved greeted her warmly and for the first time she got to see the entire villiage in good light. It was a quaint little town and free of danger she could see why Samuel was considering staying here. Stepping around a corner Revalli saw two people that could use her help. One was a little boy and girl trying to gather up chickens that had escaped from their fenced yard and the other was an older man carrying some water buckets.
Re: ranger Test Thread

It was a busy place, and Revalli could find plenty of places where she might help with manual labor, but that would be a waste of her talents. Returning the greetings of the people who spoke to her just as warmly, Revalli couldn't help but wonder why her parents had chosen to isolate themselves as much as they had before she stumbled across a pair of problems where she might truly render assistance. An old man carrying water in buckets on a rack, likely too heavy for him to use without risking harm, and since that would be solved more quickly she went to that first. Approaching him, she sent a gentle rush of power into his torso, a soft working of magic that would help rejuvenate his body and alleviate fatigue. "Here," the young elf said, "let me help with that!"

Laying a hand onto the middle of the old man's back, the elf worked a second spell, another minor one that would restore some of the old man's vim and vigor, powerful enough to allow him to bear his burden without harming himself. "Don't overexert yourself," she cautioned, "the spell will help you carry those, but don't try to do more than that. It's only temporary." It was a common problem and one of the reasons that such magics weren't regularly used in manual labor; people who felt stronger tended to exceed their body's capabilities when enchanted with them, and when the strengthening spells were lifted they would at best ache for days after and at worst their joints would fail or their bones crack. Revalli knew this, and would watch the old man for a moment to make sure that he didn't overdo himself.

When she was satisfied with that, the elf would move on to the children who were rounding up lost chickens, strolling up to them and saying; "Oi, what's this now? Where have they run off to?" Working yet another pair of minor spells, Revalli would confront the chickens one by one and order them back to their pen, grabbing them only if it were absolutely necessary. She knew that such creatures could scratch, and figured that an authoritative tone would be enough to get such simple, domesticated creatures to obey.

The spells specifically are Nature's Breath, Inner Strength, and Commune with Beasts all from Nature, plus Locate from Arcane.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The older man greeted Revalli warmly. He was probably edging around his 40s and Revalli was kind of surprised that he hadn't been killed with the rest of the older folk. Still such blessing where not to be doubted. Casting her spells the man looked a little worried at first but once the reknewed vigor and energy filled him he smiled. "Such a kinda lass I bet your morther and father be proud." Listing to the warning about the boon being tempoary the man nodded. "I see thak you again lass. I will try not to over exert myself then." Smiling and waving once more the man lifted his burnder far more easily and walked away.

With the old man taken care of Revalli turned her attention to the chickens. The boy and girl had managed to get about half into the yard with the other half being the most stubborn or difficult to reach. Her comment did bring a giggle from the girl and boy though who kept working. For the most part the chickens where stunned that she spoke to them and thoughs that didn't blindly obey where soon scooped up by the two children. This left just one rather annoying bird who managed to get ontop of a barn. Speaking to the creature got a rather rude responce. "Mine they are not taking them. I won't go they need me." The little girl walked up to Revalli. "Oh don't worry about Jenny up there shes just a mean old bird and no one can get her down. Thank you for the help though." The little girl hugged Revalli before letting go. "Your pretty." Giggling the girl ran off as her brother called out to her.

With that taken care of Reavlli could do what she wished. Looking about it seemed most of the work was breaking for a small lunch or to just get out of the heat of the day.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"I can get her down," Revalli replied, frowning up at the rude old chicken. The mage would ponder summoning a bunch of mobile vines in order to drag the bird down, but when the little girl hugged her she decided to let it pass. Allowing her speech spell to fade, she quirked an eyebrow at her compliment before going to the others to see how they were on food, wondering if the orcs had left them without supplies.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Indeed the lunches Revalli saw where rather meager but everyone had something. It seemed lean times where ahead for the people but with a bountiful forest things could still work out for them. Her trip around the village revealed much the same for everyone untill she happened apon a couple of men discussing something. One was fairly tall and rugged looking while another was rather short but stocky. Revalli didn't recall seeing them as part of the prisoners. The man they where talking to was rather average. Short mopish brown hair and height. He was shaken slightly as the other two spoke.

"Look we need the grain stored at the mill."

"I don't think so that place is haunted by the millers daughter."

"Jansen do you really belive in ghosts."

"Im just telling ya that place is haunted."

"But we need the grain stored up there."

"Not doing it."

"Jansen your the only one with the gods forsaken key. I don't care if that place is haunted. YOU will go up there and YOU will get the grain."

The other two men left leaving the one that seemed afraid to go standing in the road chewing his lower lip.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Excuse me," Revalli said to the frightened man once the other two had wandered off, "what makes you think that the mill is... Haunted?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

As soon as Revalli addressed the man he screamed like a frightened girl. However as he spun away breathing fast he visible calmed upon seeing someone of the living sort. "I-Ive seen her ghostly apperance. I knew her for many years it has to be her there is no other explanation." The man gulped as he paled remembering something and spoke with out the mage prompting him to. "It was last winter and she was ice skateing on the frozen stream. S-She f-f-fell threw the ice and drown. It was a sad day for the entire town. Soon after her family lefti leaving the mill to my care and for awhile everything was good. But after the harvest this year I saw her wandering around the mill. She was all bluish and see threw. I ran for my life and havn't been up there sense."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli jumped back at the man's frightened scream, startled in turn by his terrified reaction, but once he turned around and calmed down the elf stood more solidly and listened to his story. "Huh," she replied once he'd finished, surprised at the simplicity of his tale. Maybe he was leaving something out? The elf was far too magically inclined to not believe that ghosts were real, of course, but she wasn't sure if she quite believed this man.

"You might have only seen a faerie," she said bracingly, "and if it makes you feel better, I could go with you."
Re: ranger Test Thread

The man shook his head almost violently. "N-no way Im not going up there its haunted! Im not going to have some crazy spirt steal my soul!" The man took a step back from Revalli. Clearly he was either a fool or highly superstitious. Than again Revalli felt something off about this as well. Either way the man didn't seem like he would follow Revalli anywhere.