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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

"I won't let it steal your soul!" Revalli replied flatly, annoyed at the superstitious man's continued fear. "But if you're going to be a coward.... Fine! I'll go and get the grain myself!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"F-F-Fine h-h-heres the k-key. B-But d-don't say I d-didn't warn y-you." Reaching into his pocket the fumbled out a large worn brass key and handed it over to Revalli. "T-The mills at t-the base of the water f-fall." Turning sharply the man wandered off still shaken and blubbering. This left Revalli alone in the street with a few people going about their task but otherwise unaware of the exchange between the her and Jansen.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli took the key, still frowning at the superstitious man's cowardice even as he stormed off. "Wimp," she grunted, before looking towards the direction he'd spoken of. "Well... I'd better tell someone where I'm going," she said, after which she would try to hunt down either Sir Bladeborn or his sister in order to notify them of her intention, after which she would simply go off to the waterfall where the mill supposedly lay.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Indeed Revalli had no idea where this waterfall would be. No doubt any of the townsfolk would be able to inform her and maybe they could tell her more of the events and supposed haunting. First things first though, she needed to find either Vala or Sir Bladeborn. The easiest of the pair was Vala as she was still tending an eye to the orphaned children a task which she actual looked to enjoy a little. She was currently in a rousing game of tag her lith form suprisingly fast in her heavy armor.
Re: ranger Test Thread

For a few moments Revalli would watch Vala at play with the children, waiting until a round had ended while watching her move with surprising grace despite her heavy armor. When it had, Revalli would clear her throat and announce; "Vala.... May I borrow you for a moment please?" Taking the woman aside, Revalli asked; "I've got this key from.... Jensen? Jansen? Some coward, and supposedly there's a grain store... And a ghost, in the mill that it unlocks. Supposedly it's near a waterfall. Do you know where that is? I don't need help checking it out, I just figured I'd tell someone where I was going, and if you can point me in the right direction it'll keep me from having to go and ask someone else."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Stepping aside from the children Vala moved up to Revalli her face slightly flush. "Yes Revalli?" Hearing her out the knight frowned. "Really a haunted mill?" The tone of Vala's voice clearly hinted that she didn't belive in ghosts and while Revalli was experainced enough to know such things can happen she could blame Vala for it. "Well grain stores would do wonders for this town. I wonder why know one mentioned it before to us." Frowning the knight reached into her case and brought out a small roll of parchment. "This is the scouts rough map he made before.. well before he met his end. It should have the mills location. Ill let Sam know where your going just in case. I may not belive in ghosts but their may still be orcs in the woods." Giving Revalli a slight bow Vala gathered up the children and moved on.

Opening the detailed, if rough map Reavlli was soon able to orient herself. It seemed the waterfall Jansen had mentioned was west of the town where a stream poured off a rather strange rock formation. That just left her gathering any supplies she might need before heading out.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Mmmmm, I don't think I'll run into any trouble that I can't handle," Revalli said, examining the map that Vala had produced. "Thank you, I'll try to be back before dinner, and I'll bring back a sample if it all isn't rotten or otherwise unusable," she continued, returning the slight bow before letting Vala head off with the children.

Luckily, reading the map wasn't exactly difficult for her, the elf having learned geography back home before departing. She checked over her conclusions carefully before setting off for the mill. She summoned a spirit cat to precede her, to act as a scout so that she wouldn't run into any trouble, and proceeded carefully in the knowledge that dangers might lie in wait out in the forest.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Once she had the map it was easy to find where she needed to go. After some prep work Revalli let her cat lead the way. For the most part it was easy going though an occasional tree limb blocked the path. No doubt it was the result of the storm a few days ago. Up ahead her cat found no danger and Revalli was soon at the mill.

The mill itself was a little worn but looked to be in good shape despite its fadded and chipping paint. A large water will spun slowly from the constant flow of water in a fast running river. A small bridge crossed the artifical embankments that held flow gates to alter the waters speed. A little further up Revalli could see the waterfall she had been told about. It seemed to flow from some craggy cliff that jutted unnaturally from the forest. Nearby a unkept gravestone sat. A lonesome memorial for the millers daughter. Looking to the mill itself Revalli found a large door with a larger lock. A smaller door sat to the side which creaked slowly in the wind.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Along the way to the mill (assuming she was going via a road and not a forest path,) Revalli would shift the fallen tree limbs, either by simply dragging them away herself if they were small enough or with conjured bundles of vines or the spirits of bears if they were too large. Once she arrived at the mill with the path cleared, the elven mage examined her surroundings for a minute with a slight smile. The mixture of natural beauty and mechanical ingenuity, bereft of any need for supportive magics, had always been a thing that she held with wonder in the few times that she'd glimpsed them, and now was no different. She didn't allow herself to revel for too long, however, especially once she sighted the lonely tombstone that marked the grave of the miller's daughter.

She walked up to the mill with a steady stride, her spirit cat now at her side while her other summons were dismissed. She would carefully examine the door for signs of sorcery with a simple arcane spell before sliding the key she'd been given into the lock, turning it and pushing her way inside to see what lay beyond.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Reaching the large double doors Revalli could sense no magic upon them or the lock. Though as she touched it the metal seemed far colder than it should have been. Looking back over her shoulder towards the path (think well worn side track rutted from wagon wheels) and to the village. She could see the smoke from the cooking fires waft from the breeze. Her attention however was brought back to the mill as a sudden surge of magical energy came from inside the mill. Stepping back as it spiked Revalli clearly heard a loud thump and a "Oww!" from inside. Her spirit cat growled of course at this but with the unknown person still behind a locked door she was safe for now.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The unnatural coldness of the handle caused Revalli to frown, all too common lines creasing her features as the strange phenomenon briefly caused her to pause. There was no definable explanation for it, for she had detected neither mortal spellwork nor spiritual influence on the door when she'd checked it. That didn't stop her from unlocking it, but when the sudden burst of magic from behind it occurred Revalli leaped back and prepared to raise a defense before the pained outburst gave her pause. Her spirit cat growled, but for the moment Revalli ignored it as she called; "Who's there!? Come out or I blast the door down!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

There was a moment of silence before Revalli heard some noises and some disgruntled muttering in a foriegn language before it adjusted so she could make it out. "Hold your magic I mean you no harm." A moment later the door jiggled and opened slowly. As it creaked ominiously Revalli caught her first glimpse of the woman. She was short even for a human staning about 4'10. She wore a red skirt and a white blouse and Reavlli could see a curved shortblade on her side. That was not her only weapon however as a red colored longbow was drapped over her shoulder. Dark purple hair tied back in a braid seemed to match the woman's purple eyes.

Looking at Revalli a moment the strange woman bowed. "Forgive me for the trespass. I did not mean to intrude on your work. My name is Kaiyi a humble pristess of the Sacred Crane." Raising back up to her umm height the woman smiled at Reavlli revalling slight fangs on the girl. Ravelli could sense some lingering magic on the woman but it was fading fast.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Then open the door!" Revalli called, though the stranger would do just that in short order. To her mild surprise, the stranger was fairly short, a tiny little thing with purple hair. She was armed, but the curved blade hung at her side with her hand nowhere near it and the longbow strung over her shoulder was similarly not to hand. Revalli hesitantly returned her bow, not taking her eyes off of the strange woman.

Fangs? What? "The Sacred Crane?" she asked skeptically, the name not being familiar to her. "What were you doing here?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

The girl quickly returned Revalli's returned bow before speaking to answer her questions. "Yes the Sacred Crane a monastic order to which I belong. It is from my home country. As for what I am doing here, well I assure you it is an event of happen stance. You see I was supposed to be telported to a person of intrest to my order, but it seems they are protected from such magic and I ended up here." The girl looked about and took a few steps forward each one sounding with a *tock* as her wooden sandles hit the wood flooring. "Now Ms?" The girl seemed to wait for Revalli to introduce herself. "If you could tell me where I am that would be most helpful. Besides this place has a stink of a spirit about it."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Teleported huh?" Revalli replied somewhat skeptically. It was a bit far fetched, though not entirely impossible. Whether the strange girl was telling the whole truth or not, however, the elf supposed that it didn't matter. Not immediately anyway. "Crolia," she began, but then frowned. What had the town's name been? She didn't think she'd ever heard it or read it anywhere, having arrived late at night in the midst of a crisis. "I... Am not actually sure precisely where, I've only been here a while and its been a bit hectic. Orc troubles. And, yes, there is supposedly a ghost haunting this mill, though I'm supposed to get the grain out of it to shore up a nearby town's supplies."
Re: ranger Test Thread

The girl's eye twitched as Revalli passed on introducing herself but it was only momentary. "Crolia?" woman paused a moment her eyes looking up as she thought. "Oh the barbaric kingdoms of the northmen!" Kaiyi as she called herself seemed far to pleased at her remembered fact. "You must be one of the barbarian woman. That explains why you didn't intorduce yourself like a proper person. Its okay I forgive you." Visibly relaxing the girl looked around a bit before heading out of the door. "Excuse me Lady Barbarian I must head to Bardia. Thats where my target is." She would step out and look over the place before heading for the rutted trail into town unless of course Revalli stopped her. "Oh yes there is a spirit in there. I wouldn't worry to much she seems harmless."
Re: ranger Test Thread

If it weren't for the sheer strangeness of the encounter, Revalli would probably have scowled harshly at the woman. No, she hadn't deigned to give her name, and when the woman revealed herself as Badarian, or at least seemingly heading for Badaria since she had no idea what Bardia might be, the venomous hate that rose in her throat prevented her from speaking further. She stepped aside and let the woman go past, staring at her with a fairly blank expression until she was out of sight, pondering all the while whether it was worth it to incinerate the stranger. Was she Badarian? Revalli hadn't noticed an accent, but she had been speaking Crolian instead of the Southern tongue, perhaps because she had heard Revalli speaking such first as the elf thought further.

Abandoning thoughts of the stranger, Revalli shook her head once she was out of sight and turned to walk into the mill, looking to locate the grain. She didn't need to worry about the ghost unless it tried to bother her, at which point she would deal with things as they came. Her goal was the grain, and first she needed to make sure that it was suitable to eat before she tried to figure out how to move it to the town.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli entered paying no mind to the strange woman who had passed her by. Entering the mill she found it rather warm considering the cool weather as of late and in strange contrast to the fridged metal of the door handle. A dull thunk of wood echoed as the wheel outside thudded against its break leaving the place for the most part devoid of noise. A small manual lift with several sacks of grain sat resting the ground the pully silent as small particles floated in the air. Two large grain silo's sat to the left of the door resting on stone blocks to keep moisture and rodents away. These extended up to the secound floor where undoubtly they where filled. A flight of stairs at the back of the main room lead up to the secound floor. To her right and on a slight step up sat what looked like an office of some sort. Revalli could see a desk and bookself threw the dirty glass. More importantly however was the grain. Heading over Reavlli was able to pull some from the silo and found it to be in a good state. It seemed the town would have at lest bread for the winter once they got the place up and running.

Standing up from her investigation Revalli heard a soft crying from upstairs quickly followed by dust raining down from above as foot steps echoed in a run heading for the stairs.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli breathed a sigh of relief as she found the grain in an edible state, ensuring that the town would have one more source of food for the coming winter. The atmosphere of the place was strange, it was too warm and in too good repair for an abandoned place, and for a moment she considered checking through the office before a sudden noise from above alerted her to motion upstairs. She mentally directed her spirit cat to go for the stairs the moment she determined the direction of the foot steps, and as it rushed she quickly said; "Catch... But do not kill! Don't even hurt!"

If it was Tia again.... But what if it wasn't? This was all just irritatingly strange, and Revalli was getting tired and confused by the numerous strange happenings that kept cropping up around this town. Would it ever end? Regardless, she went after her cat towards the stairs, though if the foot steps headed for some other direction she would need to figure out some other way to head them off.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The spirit animal undetured by the strange happenings quicky traversed the stairs. Once more Revalli heard crying as the footsteps ran abover her again knocking dust loose with their rapid thumps. A sudden chill wind brushed over head causing Revalli to shutter slightly. Her cat on the other hand quickly acended the stairs and saw nothing. No prey not even a rodent. If Revalli looked through her sevents eyes she would see the two silo's as well as more sacks of grain. These looked and smelled moldy as if they had been exposed to water. Several moist footprints could be seen though they quickly began to evaporate off the wood floor.
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