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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

"These can't all be from him," Revalli said, having watched Kaiyi's actions without interrupting them despite her curiosity. It was just... Thirteen bodies? Some were too old, too incomplete and too deteriorated for them to have been recent. "Lets get back," the elven mage continued, dismissing her elementals once the grave was sealed and heading back towards the town.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Heading back the found the angry crowed being dispersed by Vera who seemed to have suffered a black eye. Nearby the offender sat his pitchfork broken in twain. Seeing Revalli and Kaiyi approach she heaved a sigh. "Please tell me you've solved this. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep these people in line." Looking to the man on the ground she helped him up and sent him on his way with a kick to his backside. "I don't know how they found out or got the idea in their heads, but they all think he killed several other people over the years. Personally I don't buy it. He is such a sniveling wretch." If they asked Vera would point them upstairs where they would find Jensen tied to a chair while Samuel eyed him with disgust.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Lets talk upstairs," Revalli said immediately, scowling at the man who had apparently attacked Vera, eyes crackling with energy. "They may be right, we found a lot of bodies in the lake, some of them old," she said once they were in private, pointedly not looking at the bound perpetrator. "It is a lake, so it's hardly impossible that some of them may have just drowned on their own, but... Well, it's not impossible that he has more than one victim. I don't know for certain how many obviously, and this is only conjecture unless we want to summon up their spirits, but there were a lot of bodies out there... At least thirteen of them."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Th-thirteen!" At this Samuel looked up a dark scowl on his face before turning his attention back to the man sniveling in the chair. "Jensen how many people have you killed?" The man whimpered some more unwilling to speak. Samuel sighed and stood up and walked close to the man. "Jensen..... this is your chance to cleanse your soul of your guilt." The man looked up at Samuel and for a moment just a moment Revalli caught a glimpse of absolute hatred in Jensen's eyes. Still it faded quickly and the sniveling whimpering man returned.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli nodded and then stood back. She didn't miss the sudden burst of hate, but this part wasn't for her to do. She was an outsider here, and Samuel was as close as it got to the law, so she simply let him handle the prisoner.
Re: ranger Test Thread

While Revalli was content to let Samuel handle this Kaiyi spoke up. "Lord Samurai the man should be punished soon. The small charm I placed to appease the spirits will fade in the hour." Samuel raised his eyebrow at the unfamiliar term before nodding at the girl. "I don't like this it seems rushed... but I cannot have rampaging ghosts terrorize this town. These people have suffered enough. It is clear however that you did kill at lest one of those woman, after all vengeful spirits always know who killed them.. or so I've heard in tales." Samuel looked at the man and began to speak with Vera while Kaiyi stepped out leaving Revalli there. She could feel something dark in the room but it wasn't spirit from the mill.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Feeling something dark, Revalli looked around, releasing a soft flash of magic that sought out anything unusual that might be in the room.

(Detect Magic, level 2 arcane spell.)
Re: ranger Test Thread

As her magic took hold Revalli noted that strong magic emanated from outside which was more than likely Kaiyi. Samuel seemed to have some magic item on his body as well though it was small. Vala however seemed to bright with magic. Turning her gaze however to Jensen she detected no magic items on his person but in a similar if darker, more tainted way his soul shown like Vala.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli frowned, but let her spell fade. It was no curse being cast, merely Jensen's malice, meaning that Samuel and Vala could handle it. "Forgive me, but... This is your business. I'll be out and about if you need me, but I think if he is dealt with promptly the danger will pass, and the spirits will be able to rest," Revalli said softly, excusing herself if permitted and heading out of the room containing the captured murderer.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Heading out of the Inn Revalli noted several figures milling about and looking at the direction the inn. They were people she had seen around town and part of the mob that had formed. Thankfully they didn't seem armed though they did talk amongest themselves. Kaiyi was nearby as well jotting down some strange symbols on paper. From the look of it there was many pages of similar symbols. While Revalli did not know the meaning of the symbols she had seen them before in her fathers oldest books.

However besides the ancient writing that Kaiyi was doing nothing of note was really going on. Hopefully Samuel would resolve the Jensen thing soon. After all such a strong menacing aura could only cause nightmares if left in the vicinity of those sensitive to magic or atune to spirits. Turning her head back to the inn Revalli felt a sudden wash of excitement. Nearby Kaiyi even jerked before turning around quick and yelling in her foreign tongue. From the speed and volume Revalli knew what the intent of her yell was even if her knowledge of her language was sparse. It was a very desperate no. However it was too late as soon as the word was uttered and Revalli caught its meaning they both felt a physical force push them back as a black burning cloud burst threw the inn roof and into the sky. Getting up Revalli tracked it across the sky releasing a few bolts of magic that didn't seem to slow it down.

A moment later Vala slightly charred brought out an unconscious Samuel. The man seemed mostly alright his current predicament explained that he had been struck by debris when... Jensen exploded. "Kaiyi was still fuming and cursing in her own tongue to pay little heed to what the rest of them spoke about. Vala's wounds seemed superficial and would require no healing magic and Samuel would be alright in a moment. Turning her attention to the Inn Revalli found the exploded body of Jensen. Turning away from the gore she found his severed head and Vala's blade. It seemed the duo had tried to execute him.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revall sighed upon sight the few remaining members of the mob, glad that they had more or less dispersed. She eyed Kaiyi and paused, trying to decipher what she was doing, but unfortunately things weren't to go as planned. She felt the power gathering moments before it hit, but by then it was far too late, and despite her shout and a gathering of magic aimed at dispelling the gathering power she couldn't possibly have stopped it. The upper floor practically exploded, knocking Revalli off her feet and stunning her, but she tried to shake it off as quickly as she could and rushed towards the building.

She met Vala at the door, dragging an unconscious Samuel, and she immediately knelt down and examined him with a bit of magic. He wasn't badly hurt, just unconscious, but she channeled a light healing spell into the man before getting back to her feet. "What happened?" she demanded as she looked inside, but the gory remains and the blood on Vala's blade painted a partial picture at least. They must have tried to summarily execute the man, and something had happened... The spirits must have done it. She could think of no other explanation, anyway, but at least maybe now they would find some peace.

A more immediate concern was the turn of her stomach, which caused her to turn and stumble into the side of the inn, trying and ultimately failing to contain her breakfast. She heaved for several moments after expelling her horror and disgust in a fairly visceral manner, her knees shaking and her skin paler than usual, but ultimately she turned back, groaning, and gave Vala a similar healing spell to Samuel with shaking hands. She was too shellshocked to speak at that point, at least for a few moments, and if Vala took Samuel elsewhere she would numbly follow and do little else.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Surprisingly Kaiyi moved quickly to support Revalli as she heaved her stomach making sure the elven woman's hair stayed out of the spray. Offering her a cup of water the girl made sure she was good before stepping into the room herself and not leaving. Though Revalli heard a slight groan of disgust from the woman. Meanwhile villagers had come running up to the group and Samuel was quickly shuffled off to a free house. Once settled and the curious sent away Vala would explain that they had decided to execute Jensen right then and there. Falling to her to do the duty she had brought her blade back when he just started laughing. Stopping a moment she looked at Revalli. "What do you know of possession Revalli? I've only heard of it from the old men at the Temple of Justice in Endus." Hearing Revalli out Vala would nod before speaking again. "I see... Well if the old men at the temple were right then Jensen was possessed by something. When I brought my blade back to do the deed his eyes went solid white and black veins began to show threw his skin. I thought he was up to some dark magic so I swung my blade and then... and then he exploded." Vala shook her head. "I.. I've seen many things.. I.. well.. how.. how do you handle that."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Very little," Revalli replied, "I know that a daemon - a spirit - can force its way into another being's body, if they are strong and the host is weak of will. Often they will just consume the soul of whatever they possess, though that isn't always the case, especially when the daemon itself isn't strong enough to overwhelm the soul completely. But to be able to do that..."

She simply shook her head, though once the crowd was dispersing she touched Vala on the arm, "thank you... For holding my hair." She glanced back towards the room where the... Event... Had happened and blanched. "Are you sure you're alright?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vala smiled and nodded. "Right as rain though I'm sure Ill be sore tomorrow." Checking on Samuel one last time Vala herself began to remove her armor in preparation for sleep. If Revalli stayed she would see Vala had several large tattoos covering her right side. They seemed to be flowers and vines growing and spreading along her body. In the weak light they were hard to see clearly.

Leaving the house Revalli was directed to another free home if she wanted to rest. Given the events of the night it didn't seem like a terrible idea. Though if she wanted she could leave this place and move on.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli failed to realize she'd been dismissed at first, still somewhat out of it after such a trying day, and thus caught herself staring as Vala began to disrobe back in her home. She found herself dazedly wondering what the tattoos were for when she realized she was gawking, blushed, and excused herself. She took off to an empty house, disrobed to her undergarments, and promptly curled up under the covers for sleep.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The next morning Revalli was awakened by a slight knock on her door. Waking she found herself in a small three room abode. The room she was in had a fairly soft mattress and warm thick blanket. It was sparse with no door for privacy. The room attached was the sitting room with some worn but comfy looking chairs as well as a couch nestled around a fireplace. The other room from what she remembered was a conjoined kitchen and dinning area which also held the front door. Once more there was a polite knock at the door and from her position she could barely make out an armored figure standing outside.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Uhhh... Uhhhn," Revalli groaned as noise caused her to awaken. She looked about in a daze, barely conscious as she took in the small abode she had appropriated in the night to rest in. Her head was all fuzzy, but as the second knock came she realized what it signified she reflexively panicked and said; "Uhhh, come in!"

At the same time she hurriedly clambered out of bed, but if the figure opened she would stop in place halfway between her bed and the pile of clothes she'd left on the floor. That left her in nothing but a pair of long socks and panties when whoever was waiting opened the door, leaving nothing to the imagination and her breasts, their rosy tips wrinkled and hard because of the cold, completely exposed. Her face turned crimson and shifted into a mask of horror, and she quickly turned and dove into the cover of the blankets, managing to cover herself but not without bending over in front of whoever had entered as well.

Re: ranger Test Thread

As Revalli scrambled she heard the door creak open. Heavy foot falls echoed out as Revalli made a mad dash back for the blankets exposing her rear to who ever she had invited in. "Revalli are you okay?" Turning the corner Vala entered seeing the mage struggling back under the covers. Looking at Revalli the knight blushed but also had a slight smirk on her face. Turning around the girl looked away and coughed. "Sorry Lady Revalli go ahead get dressed. Though if I may say so you have a cute butt." With that said the air turned kinda stiff and silent before Vala broke it again. "Err well I just wanted to apologize for last night. I didn't mean to just dismiss you like that I was very tired and well... knightly etiquette is still rather knew to me. Also Sam wanted to speak with you about that strange woman. Apparently she didn't come back last night."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Uhhh.... Y-y-yeah, I just, uhhh... Was still sort of asleep when I answered," she answered Vela, relieved at least that it was her and not her brother. She didn't need that awkwardness right now... "Uhhh.... Thanks," she said somewhat uncertainly, blushing at the compliment. There hadn't been many women in her community, indeed there hadn't been many anyone other than her parents... Or anyone, for the majority of the time. The majority had been faeries, supernaturally beautiful or handsome beings of dubious sexual preference, so she had never really had a problem with the idea of women being attracted to other women, but she also hadn't really ever thought about adopting that preference herself.

"Oh, uhhh... It's no problem really. It was a trying day for everyone," she answered as she climbed back into her clothes. She would need to do a wash soon, but it could wait. "Kaiyi? The... Foreign woman? I don't know where she went... But I suppose it doesn't really cost me anything to tell him that in person," she answered, finishing getting dressed and throwing on her cloak. "Do you know where he is right now? I'll just go talk to him right now if that's alright."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vala nodded and would lead Revalli to a small bench on the main street were several of the orphan children played a game. Seeing her approach he spoke to the children quickly and in a hushed tone. With her sensitive ears she picked out the last little bit. ".... go give her a hug." This at least let her brace herself for a small swarm of children to rush her and give her a hug before running off giggling into the town. Samuel was all smile though amused at the minor discomfort he had imposed on her. Though he quickly apologized. "Sorry you looked like you could use a hug." His smile fadded though as his tone took a more serious turn. "I'm sure Vala has told you that Kay.. Ke... Kai... that woman has yet to return. I was hoping to get your thought on the matter. Is she dangerous or should we just let her go?"