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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli didn't quite brace herself for the oncoming tide well enough to be unmoved, despite her sharp hearing giving her a bit of early warning, and ended up half stumbling backwards as the children group hugged her all at once. She reached out and issued as many pats to the back and head as she could, smiling and giggling afterwards, and her grin didn't fade as the poor little orphans went off about their play.

"It's okay," she said, "it's good to see someone who... Some hope left, despite everything that has happened." Her smile faltered a little, and ultimately faded shortly after Samuel's did, however. "I'm not sure," she replied, "I won't say that I don't think she's dangerous, but... I don't think she's necessarily a danger to us, if that makes any sense. I don't really know much about her or where she might be, but I could try and find her with magic if you're really worried."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"I see..." Samuel nodded thinking a moment. "She seemed upset but I didn't feel any hostile intent. Though I lack magical talents that could sense more. If you think she poses no threat then Ill let her be." Happy with his decision and the mater seemingly dealt with his smile returned. "How was your rest?" Hearing Revalli out he nodded. "I think I will stay here for now and send Vala back to Endus to start the move." Looking away a moment seemingly not wanting to meet Revalli's eyes. "Tell me Lady Revalli do you plan on moving on from this place?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"I slept like the dead," Revalli announced, before realizing the encounter they'd had all too recently and quietly amending; "well, like the resting dead."

She shifted uncomfortably, offering no response to his decision to send Vala to take care of business in a larger town. "Oh... Well, probably. Things have just been so eventful here, I've just kind of been swept p in things, haven't I? If things stabilize around here I may move on... I left home to try and help people deal with the consequences of the war, after all. If I end up hanging around long enough, perhaps I could go with you to Endus?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Samuel smiled at this. "Aye Endus is a marvelous city though..... It is still recovering from the invasion." Leaning back his face changed to one that was deep in thought. "You could go with Vala if your interested. I think things here have calmed down enough. I should stay to make sure the farmers have a better handling of weapons." Jumping to his feet suddenly Samuel grasped Revalli's hand. "Lady Revalli I just remembered there is a gun smith in Endus. He defected from Bardia a few years before the invasion. If you could deliver a letter to him for me that would be excellent." Looking down suddenly at his forward gesture Samuel blushed and let go of Revalli's hands taking on a far more calm manner. "My Lady sorry I just got excited. Of course it is your choice I can easily send the letter with Vala as well."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Eheh... Well, that would surely be wonderful," Revalli said in response to his suggestion that she go with Vala to Endus. She started slightly as he jumped up, and a hint of color appeared in her cheeks as he grasped her hand. What was he doing? Was some dramatic gesture to come? He had asked her to dinner before... Why was she so shaky? The image of the knight naked, when she had accidentally walked in on him, flashed through her mind, and Revalli quickly had to fight to suppress the image as it made her cheeks redden even further.

He was a noble, she the daughter of a family in exile, publicly disgraced. He was human, she an elf, one of a bloodline that prided itself on its elven purity. Their family tree could be traced all the way back to their distant faerie ancestors, unpolluted by humans or orcs unlike so many other elven bloodlines. To think of willingly courting a human, even a noble, would be scandalous, it would get her disowned if they had not already done so given her abrupt departure and unwillingness to engage in their study of chaos magics.


"Oh! They're the ones... Who make those Badarian weapons?" she asked, wanting to be sure. She started again as he backpedaled his request, giving her an out, but she quickly shook her head. "No! No it's not a problem," she said hastily, "I'd be happy to help you out by delivering the letter for you... I'm sure Vala will have her own business to attend to, so any way I can help..." She trailed off, nervous butterflies flitting through her belly, considering something...

"Just so long as I get that dinner you promised me!" she spat out nervously, tension thrumming noticeably beneath her eager bluster, trying to meet Samuel's eyes and mostly failing miserably.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Samuel smiled and relaxed sitting back down with a slight groan still sore from his wounds. "Of course I haven't forgotten. I will prepare it tonight as a farewell dinner. It will take some time to gather enough supplies to head back to Endus so we have the rest of the day to enjoy while Vala sees to the arrangements." Samuel gazed into Revalli's eyes a unmistakable attraction in them. They glittered like luminous Jewels reflecting herself in their pools of color. Out of the corner of her eye she could see his mouth move.

"......alli? Lady Revalli? Are you okay? I was just asking what type of meat would you like?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Ahh... G-g-good," Revalli muttered, trailing off in fantasies of a classical courtship for a moment. "Hrm? Oh, uhhhmm... I'm afraid that your tastes would likely be more refined than my own. I wouldn't want to stress the town's larders, so really anything would do," she said with a wide smile.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Ahh I see well I will ask one of the hunters to bring in some wild game. It will be a surprise even for me." Samuel smiled a little returning the warmth of her own. "Lady Revalli I...." Sadly Samuel never got to finish as the gaggle of children swarmed him again carrying all manner of lizards, frogs, and other critters. Nearby Vala laughed at her brothers plight as he turned pale with a rather large spider was shown to him. Revalli of course could save the man or go about her day.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Aha, that would be acceptable!" Revalli said cheerfully, before looking serious again as Samuel seemed about to say something of import. Unfortunately, the returning gaggle of children cut him off before whatever he wanted to say, and Revalli giggled along with Vala while he was swamped and covered in various small creatures the kids had caught from the woods.

No stranger to such wild things, Revalli gently snatched up the spider, whispering peacefully to it and then setting it on a nearby tree branch. "Now now, you shouldn't do things like that!" Revalli berated playfully, "such creatures can be dangerous, and are no less worthy of respect than you or I! How would you like it if some giant plucked you from your home just to hurl you at somebody else?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

At the mention of giants almost all of the children turned to Revalli and began to bombard her with questions. "Are giants real? Have you seen one? Are they smelly? Is it true that the giant crescent in the sky is a giants toenail? Once more the children surrounded Revalli asking questions and pulling on her robes. Thankfully Samuel spoke up. "Children children leave Lady Revalli a lone she is a very important and busy woman. If you want a story about giants I can tell you a few. But you have to promise to sit still and save your questions till the story is over okay."

Thankfully this seemed to pacify the children as they all sat down and Samuel began to tell a story about Doofus the giant who tried to touch the stars. If Revalli listened in it was clear that Samuel was making it up as he went along. Logical inconsistencies ran through out the tale but it seemed to keep the kids in awe. Meanwhile Vala was silently motioning to her to come along, but it didn't seem urgent.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Her efforts to rescue Samuel from the bombardment of vermin and educate the children proved unsuccessful, and when they rounded on her and bombarded her with questions Revalli found herself completely overwhelmed. Still, they had left the knight alone, and he was quick enough on the rescue. She grinned along with a portion of his makeshift tale, but before she could hear the end noticed Vala hovering in the background beckoning to her.

Excusing herself with a silent curtsy, Revalli went over to her, wondering what the town might need next.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Giving her curtsy the knight smiled and gave her a wink before making some rather loud sound effects that made several of the children jump a little. Meeting up with Vala the half elf woman smiled at her. "He always was good at making up stories." Grinning she turned her attention to Revalli. "So I overheard what my idiot brother conned you into, and I want to make sure your okay with it. After all its going to be a fairly long trek to Endus. How are your riding skills? One of the knights had a good horse that would be fit for your size. It shouldn't be too much to handle. After all if want to make good time will have to ride."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... I've... Never actually ridden a horse before," Revalli admitted, "I usually just... Walk. I suppose that won't be an option this time, will it?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Really?" Vala seemed a little taken a back. "Well no worries I can teach you the basics today. Come on Ill show you the horse you will be riding." Leading on Vala left the town proper to its outskirts where a small ranch sat. From the looks of it the place had been used for cows not horses but the knights made do with what they had. In the corral sat several horses all fairly similar in size and shape though a few smaller one's stood apart from the rest. Whistling a large horse in full kit wandered up to Vala. He was brown with a large white patch on the front of his face and around his hooves. "This is Sugar my mount. She's a warhorse and a bit much for a beginner to handle. However you should get used to the presence of the animal just so your not nervous. I don't think you'll have to much of an issue. Okay Ill go get your mount. Hes the black one over there. Im not sure if he has a name. I never asked Willis about it." With that Vala jumped the fence and headed for the black horse leaving Sugar with her. Looking over the animal Revalli could tell it was well trained and seemed to be of good temperament. Her coat was well grooved and the cover of brown sugar. Though the size of the beast was immense. If she had to guess the horse was about 72in at the shoulder. Its hooves massive to support its weight could easily crush any bone in her body.
Re: ranger Test Thread


Following Vala, when confronted with her mount Revalli approached it cautiously, reaching out a hand to pat the great war beast on the head. "Hello... Sugar," she muttered in a comforting voice. "Okay!" she added, running her hand over the warhorse's coat while Vala went to go pick out the mount she was to use, admiring its coat.

"You are a pretty thing, aren't you? And strong too," she whispered, but not in any tongue of men. The horse would understand her, and though its intelligence was no less rudimentary than if she'd spoken to it in Crolian it would at least understand her meaning a bit better, and she would understand if it responded. When her own horse was led over, Revalli gave Sugar one last pat before moving to it, examining the charcoal black horse and gently running a hand over its fur.

If the beast seemed calm, she would lean in and nuzzle lightly against its neck, and whispered; "Hello... What is your name?" Having rarely encountered horses and never having had cause to speak to one before, Revalli wasn't sure if they had naming conventions. She knew wolves did, and all species of cats she'd encountered had expressed great pride in their self awarded titles, but that didn't mean that horses were the same. "Who rode them before?" she asked Vala, switching smoothly back to Crolian despite her ongoing spell. The magic would last a few minutes before fading, but didn't impede her ability to talk normally in any way despite the tales she'd heard of people who were forever forced to speak in the tongues of beasts should they use the magic too much.

(Cast Commune with Beasts to speak to animals. Is a level 3 Nature spell.)
Re: ranger Test Thread

Sugar seemed to appreciate Revalli's praises as she grunted in approval even resting her head on Revalli's shoulder a moment. As the other horse approached Rikke could tell it that the beast seemed sad. As she asked she could catch Vala raising an eyebrow at her mostly out of curiosity. Still she did get a reply if a little hesitant. "My heard named me Night but my friend called me Shadow though he is gone now." Turning her attention to Vala she ask who had ridden Night before. Thinking a moment Vala spoke up. "Ah yes that was Willis a good man its a shame the Orcs caught him outside of town." Vala cast her eyes down not wanting to share more about the poor man's fate. Anyway the two smaller ones belong to our scout Willis and Squire Geof. Neither one survived." Vala looked over and pointed to a very large black stallion that was even larger than Sugar. "Thats Daemon my brothers warhorse it has a temperament to match his name. I would stay away." Even Night echoed Vala's assessment of the black horse.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli patted the somber horse comfortingly, "I'm sorry... Would you rather I call you Shadow, or Night?" When she asked Vala who had ridden her new mount before, she frowned and nodded. "I think I'll be fine with keeping away from the bigger one... It's too bad about those men, I'm very sorry to hear that."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vala nodded in somber agreement while she gathered the necessary items for Revalli. During which Night spoke to her more. "You may call me Night your the only two legs that has ever spoken to me." A moment later Vala came up holding a saddle. Patting Night on the neck Vala explained how the horse kit went on and showed Revalli how to put it on as to not hurt the horse. She repeated the steps several times to make sure Revalli got it before showing how to get on and helping her do the same. "Ya know when you get better at this Ill teach how to ride bareback! Just something about having such a powerful beast underneath you... its exhilarating.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Alright then... Night is is," she said, before carefully following Vala's instructions. She made sure that she knew how to do everything properly, looking to the horse's reactions as much as her mentor's instructions when determining whether or not Night was dealing with any discomfort. When it was over, she smirked at Vala following her suggestion, "oh really? Well, I suppose that could be... Interesting. I think I'll stick with the saddle for right now though."

With the horse saddled, Revalli would learn to mount it without aid, pushing off Vala if she tried to help at first. Then she would try to command the beast, as much following Vala's instructions regarding its previously learned instructions as simply commanding it by speech. She could worry about teaching it her own set of commands later, if she found anything she thought important lacking, but for now simply did as Vala told her while getting used to riding.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vala nodded approvingly "Your almost a natural. Well now that your on lets go over some basic riding commands. For the most part they are not verbal. For example you can use your knees to guide your horse when moving at a normal pace. To get him to move though just give a very light kick more of a tap with your heels. Some use spurs but I find them a cruel thing. Come one give it a try Ill be here just in case."

After awhile and with her own form of communication with Night Revalli learned to guide him with little effort getting near endless praise from Vala on how she handled the creature. Of course Revalli had a few skills that Vala wasn't privy too and this let her speak with Night on a more intimate level. "Well Revalli how do you feel about a quick ride around the village?"

Revealli gains 10xp for the events leading up too and chapter completion.