What's new

As prices keep going up development keeps slowing.
Gambino and I have both been forced to put in extra hours
and take more clients just to keep our heads above water.

This week I'm going to merge all open branches of the Renfield project.
Then we'll begin the actual release schedule.
We'll start with a simple character creator and animation playback scene.
After that will come some simple combat and adventure mode debug rooms.

If anyone has been watching the Twitch streams/VODs lately you'll have
an idea what I have in mind for the first RF multiplayer implementation.
In the strategy game we've been playing each chatter can make a squad.
The squads can be directed manually via simple commands but also have fallback AI behavior.

They also persist even when the player isn't in attendance, essentially
reverting to NPCs until the player returns and reassumes control.
So when you fire up the Old Inn scene in Renfield you'll be by yourself with the character you made.
Then you can populate it with NPCs from your roster of characters.

As players visit your peer-to-peer network they'll spawn in the inn and save themselves to a guest folder.
You can interact with them in real time but those characters will persist until you boot them.
Characters will also track all sorts of data for cumulative "training" over time.
Dynamic pregnancy will also be fast-tracked.

The screenshot is from a game called Samurai Vandalism showing all the factors I plan for the game to monitor.
People familiar will that genre of RPGMaker game have a good idea of all the info tracked even without a translation.

6/12 - Got all the project files back from Gambino. Just need to fix a few glaring issues and then I'll release the pre-Alpha test client.
6/14 - Having me finish code written by Gambino is like having an Ork repair technology made by Eldar. Nevertheless I've managed to complete the wearable-conforming code.
6/16 - Looking over G's animation studio rig system. Repositioning the anchors.
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