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[request] ghost house 1 and 2

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Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

If you open up the second flash file in Media Player Classic, you can get past the brown screen thing. It seems that the first flash links to the second and goes past the brown.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't specific enough. I was using the .exe I just mean it would fuck up mid game. It would play just fine for a while but it was always glitch up in different places. I don't know what problems you'd experience with the tgh2x file.

yeah it does that, mostly when you take too long fucking the girl, it'll fuck up with you.....
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

What's strange is I always got passed the girl no problem. I was always going through the game real fast, but it would just go brown between rooms and things like that, or not allow me to do something I normally should be able to.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

Why do the links always die before I get there. Oh well.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

Finally managed to download it :D
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

ok guys lets let it be the guy is really pissed and stopped his work on other projects and blames ulmf though i am sure most would pay if he made it simpler i know i would and honestly i feel bad for opening the flood gates when i posted this thread
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

lol don't back down once you start it, you must go all the way
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

haha, he let you know that personally?

Me? I'd blame the fact he charges for quality.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

ok guys lets let it be the guy is really pissed and stopped his work on other projects and blames ulmf though i am sure most would pay if he made it simpler i know i would and honestly i feel bad for opening the flood gates when i posted this thread

Amen to that, though based on his site he is paranoid that minors get their hands on his software and cannot fully blame him. Thing is if he uses paypal that has a build in age check as far as I know.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

So he's a pornmaker with morals? That's the bullshit I'm hearing? At least I hope it's bullshit, cuz the reasoning is retarded and I don't want to imagine him as that stupid
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

Well since the creator is probably browsing the thread so he can delete links i'll give him some feedback.

I wasn't impressed by TGH1 way back when I played it. But after playing this new version its WAY better an more expansive. To be honest I would not mind paying for it but you have to stop being so stubborn with the distribution method. Put it on DLsite or something if you want money. Granted you have done a pretty good job of stopping it from getting out up until now but if more people find out about it I suspect you wont be able to anymore.

So seriously just put it on DLsite. But before you do first you need to make the House easier to navigate. Put arrows on the edges that tell where it leads for you click. Also remove the possibility of getting stuck since in some situations it seems like you can screw yourself. Make those improvements an put it on a website I can trust to buy from an I at least would buy it.

The flash animation is not bad at all certainly better than that Swissmade guy. An the extreme content its great an would certainly have a niche fanbase. So yeah conclusion is you have talent but you expect too much of people with mailing ID cards or whatever. I hope you consider to keep working on it an sell it in better way an not worry so much about the Piracy.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

Maybe he lives in a country that is strict with certain laws, and the punishments for such laws are extreme?

He is sounding a bit cranky lately, with the comments I'm catching over at HF.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

I'm fine with his morals..
it creates color to the increasingly monochromatic world..

but i'm pretty sure one should't expect to live from a porn game..

since a persons tendency to pay for something to fap for is low due to various rational reasons.. (paying for temporary gratification could give you guilt, or some other negative emotion(like feeling ripped-off)) aside from the tendency of a person to buy, being someone with high morals himself should know of the big percentage of people who wouldn't go far for porn due to morals..
a person would also foresee that he would not be at ease for buying a porn game(some things about the prerequisites of playing porn, and etiquette.(and thus not even think about it)

I know porn takes a lot of time, since it is such a meticulous subject faced with the complete set of perceptions(aka, theres a myriad spectrum of criticisms)..
but he shouldn't think so much about what others would feel from the game he makes, not when its taking too much of thinking thats supposed to be for himself. .


and that those who are willing to step into the feast of ecstasy are gonna be determined as psychopaths to find ways of relieving the what is now almost unrelievable and would even delve into forbidden archives to satisfy his lust. Including breaking through locked doors

this post is quite unrefined, due to the laziness emanating from the fact i get that it would not really benefit me, i might edit it better later on.

if you read this, thanks for reading my brain droolings and know that i cannot be held liable for any reactions that may come from it. .
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Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

Well since the creator is probably browsing the thread so he can delete links i'll give him some feedback.

I wasn't impressed by TGH1 way back when I played it. But after playing this new version its WAY better an more expansive. To be honest I would not mind paying for it but you have to stop being so stubborn with the distribution method. Put it on DLsite or something if you want money. Granted you have done a pretty good job of stopping it from getting out up until now but if more people find out about it I suspect you wont be able to anymore.

So seriously just put it on DLsite. But before you do first you need to make the House easier to navigate. Put arrows on the edges that tell where it leads for you click. Also remove the possibility of getting stuck since in some situations it seems like you can screw yourself. Make those improvements an put it on a website I can trust to buy from an I at least would buy it.

The flash animation is not bad at all certainly better than that Swissmade guy. An the extreme content its great an would certainly have a niche fanbase. So yeah conclusion is you have talent but you expect too much of people with mailing ID cards or whatever. I hope you consider to keep working on it an sell it in better way an not worry so much about the Piracy.

He mentioned in his guestbook that he can't use upload sites due to his country's laws to distribute that kind of material.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

His games aren't bad, but compared to like VH for example ...

Sure that's a rpg maker game, but it's free, better and updates far more frequently with additional stuff then he does.

But like everyone said, get a paypal thingy goin, and more people would donate.

But tbh if it's porn, at some point someone will always get his hands on it/hack it/whatever, ALWAYS, so for patient people everything is for free on teh interwebs
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

Not just porn, everything is free on the net, even your mothers!:eek:

If you take out of the equation the bills from having a connection and electricity to make it work, of course.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

I say about the same thing every time nearfatal comes up; He should be making porn flash because he wants to. He should not be doing this to eat.

I'd like to defend a struggling artist, be some moral upstanding citizen.. but all I'm seeing is greed. I dont see any other plausible motive, given how rarely he updates and how few projects he's actually completed. Fact is that there's better for free, made by people that want to make flash games, and those are the people I'm going to give a shit about and consider giving money to.

When you are your entire marketing scheme (and staff) you have to seem like someone people want to know, and this paranoid, leery, link-snitching guy is not. It'd be better if he folded up shop, I think. A fresh start would be good for him, and I wouldnt have to hear about him throwing a fit anymore.

I wouldnt care if this was his career, tbh.
It just seems to me you have to be an asshole to demand compensation for your hobbies, and it bothers me that people would defend that.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

He mentioned in his guestbook that he can't use upload sites due to his country's laws to distribute that kind of material.

Well that is unfortunate if its true. Surprised there exists such a silly law though. In what backwards country is uploading porn animation to a paysite such a big problem that they had to outlaw it? lol

Seems like he could get someone else to upload it where it isn't illegal.
Re: [request] ghost house 1 and 2

Germany isn't backward country. At least I think so. It was pretty surprising to me too to learn that they have such a restriction on porn industry.
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