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Requesting information on a game.


Demon Girl
May 16, 2012
Reputation score
Hey everyone. This is Richter again, and I've finally got back to being around a computer for more than two seconds.

Since I've been gone so long, and now am working with a new computer, I was wondering if any progress has come of the Monster girl game. I know there are a lot of monster girl games, so I'll do my best to describe it.

At the beginning, the tutorial, you are at a hero school. After graduating, you are immediatly contacted by your father. From there, you end up getting caught by the monster girls. After that, you are put under a spell and loose your memory. Somehow, you end up in the middle of a human and monstergirl sanctuary.

Without giving any more into it, it was only a demo when I left, and I could only get to a cave with ant girls, and then the game glitched on me.

Anyone know what the full name of the game was, and if the creator got any farther with it? If so, can someone give me the link to the download?
Re: Requesting information on a game.

You're thinking of Monster Girl Unlimited, I believe. I haven't noticed any news about it pop up, (Last I checked, it was insanely buggy...) but it appears that there's a forum ( ) for you to check out if you're interested. It looks like you have to register, though. :p
Re: Requesting information on a game.

Hmmm. Unless they changed things up, this doesn't look like it. I'm thinking it was called Monster Girl Quest. But this one looks good too. I'll definatly check it out. Thanks
Re: Requesting information on a game.

From your description it's definitely Monster Girls Unlimited. The version I have also doesn't go past the ant girls. I haven't checked on it in a while but if I recall correctly the creator joined the military or something and all progress halted.
Re: Requesting information on a game.

Hmmm. Ok then. I'll just have to re-download the demo. Thanks everyone.