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Rescue Sera

Re: Rescue Sera

Lin redirected her attention to Vina as a ripping noise piecered her ears.
She aimmed at the distracted dog's head and fired one bullet.
(Aimed head shot.)
Re: Rescue Sera

Vina struggles against the dog "you bastard, you will pay for that!" she shouts as she feels her pants get ripped from her body, her smooth well sculpted legs now revealed to their full extent in the night, she was glad it was a warm day and even in the night that it was still warm, despite cooling down abit with the dog mounted on her Vina began getting hot under the collar, she was beggining to realise what the dog was doing and redoubled her efforts to stand against the dog using the strength in her legs.
Re: Rescue Sera

(It's still day time. If it's night time, and you're out in the middle of the street, survival is not an outcome.)

(Lin attacks, aimed head shot)

Lin's shot was very good!

With one shot, the dog's brains were splattered all over the street as it fell off of Vina.

(Meredith asks Stacy for help)

Stacy blinks for a second, then closes her eyes, deep in concentration.

The dog on top of Meredith suddenly stopped all movement, as Meredith crawled her way out of it's grip.
Re: Rescue Sera

(( my bad ))

Her trousers were a mess, a pile of torn rags beyond saving, her top now covered in dog blood and brains she was unsure whether she'd ever wear that again either the smell was disgusting as she got up she took her top off unable to tolerate its foul oude she held it at a distance dropping it, she then looked to the dog frozen still she grabs her bat confused what was going no was the a dead stiff or a paralysed stiff, either way these dogs had just ruined a perfectly good set of clothing, with that she then attacks the paralysed dog with her bat.
Re: Rescue Sera

The blonde, while still on her knees, hacks at the dog's neck in anger. She wasn't about to be violated for a second time.


"Damned beast!"
Re: Rescue Sera

Lin turned again, and aimmed for another head shot to put this fight to an end.
Re: Rescue Sera

(Vina attacks)

Vina ran right up to the dog, and smacked it with her bat, sending it a few feet through the air as it fell to the ground, dead.

(All enemies have been defeated.)
Re: Rescue Sera

Lin stayed still and silent, trying to detect if any other monsters were nearby.
Re: Rescue Sera

Vina walked up to the dead dog she knocked flying, kicking it while it was down


"I liked those pants damnit!"

After a few fierce kicks she calmed down and then checked that the rest of the group was ok including the woman they had put down and left on the ground.

"we got what we came for lets get out of here"

Pickng up Sera again she waits for help to carry her the rest of the distance hopefully soon enough they would be back in the snipers cover fire range.
Re: Rescue Sera

Meredith wordlessly aided in lifting Sera for she had been unable to accomplish much during the fight. She smiled for two entire people in the group came to help her. She wished that she had better luck in the fight but it was all over now.
Re: Rescue Sera

As Lin and the two girls carrying Sera reach the doors of the hotel after many minutes of stressful carrying, they are quickly welcomed back as a couple of women who were assumed to be doctors took Sera, and carried her up the stairs.

(Sera has been saved, and has been treated for her pregnancy. She will wake up completely fine, tomorrow.)

With their successful rescue attempt, Lin, Meredith, and a naked Vina are back inside the safety of the hotel.