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Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen waits, catching his breath. He closes his eyes and relaxes, his erection going down more and more. He sighs in relief and with renewed strength, he proceeds to the next room. He sees the Lieutenant Knale sitting in a chair. The lieutenant looks to the naked hero. Her form curvy and busty, her hair purple instead of black, and a lean muscular tummy. She smirks. "Hello, Legend." Sennen raises a brow. "Legend?" The Lieutenant nods. "Yes. You will be the legend that starts the whole race of super Knales, bred from a human. We will be powerful..." Sennen glares, blushing. "Where is the far off kingdom?"

The lieutenant tilts her head. "Oh, that light world island with the princess? I got a map here with me to get there... but we're going to go there to fill her with darkness when we are able to cross the barrier. In the meantime..."

She comes up to Sennen, two other perky busted Knales surrounding Sennen. "I think me and my sisters will have the honor of having Knale offsprings of our own~"

A.) Fight offensively!

B.) Fight dodgingly!

C.) Hardly fight...
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Because Breeding Bad girls Brings Bad luck lets go with Bobby's favored letter B
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Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Phase 1:
The two henchwomen reach for Sennen's arms. He gracefully ducks under, getting a full view of the officer's breasts. He then activates his power, affecting one of the henchwomen! None of the enemies manage to capture Sennen for this phase!

Phase 2:
The officer runs up to charge Sennen then as Sennen was backing up, he hit a wall. The officer gives Sennen a deep kiss, her pale breasts squishing to his un-armored, naked body.

Affection up!

The two others approach, Sennen's ability affecting the one on his left still. They both grab Sennen, rubbing his thighs.

Affection up! (for both)

Phase 3:
The Officer continues to kiss Sennen, blushing as Sennen blushes as well. Her hand pets along his lean back.

Affection up!

One of the henchwomen reaches down and strokes Sennen's member as the Officer continues to kiss him.

The effect from the magic eliminates the left henchwoman!

Status: Semi-hard

A.) Continue to fight offensively, increasing the magic's power.

B.) Struggle while letting the magic do its thing as it is.
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

I guess A
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Phase 1:

Sennen decides to stay binded to the two girls, but using the lack of movement to increase his power. Suddenly, the officer pins Sennen down, pushing herself into his member! The henchwoman feels more effect of the magic surging through her, hoping time hasn't run out yet.

Status: Hard

Phase 2:
The Officer pumps onto Sennen's member, his pale organ strong and stiff as it is massaged by the inner walls of the Knale. She moves up and down, the attraction to her causing his member to come close to cumming. He tries hard to resist, letting the magic continue to surge through the other Knale.

Status: Throbbing

Phase 3:
The officer thrusts harder and harder, quickly causing Sennen to cum inside the busty heirachy. Sennen whimpers as it feels almost all his energy is expended into cumming inside the Officer.

~In the future: A lone statue of a great Knale. Ambiguous if it is just a legend or not.....~

The Officer is impregnated, then gives birth instantly, in the form of a dark energy escaping her body and fleeing the scene. Sennen pants heavily as she looks up the Officer's busty body. The henchwoman disappears with Sennen's magic.

The Officer seems to feel weak. Before the phases become different, the Officer disappears with the magic as well.

Sennen gets up, panting heavily. He looks around, then smiles to himself. He defeated the Knales in this compound. But he has to travel to the other land, where the princess is!

He finds a map behind the desk the Officer was in. He takes the map and reads it. The map has an illustration of a barrier to the kingdom, and 3 areas around this darker land. The forest, the lab, and the mountains. He thinks to himself that these must be where the keys past the barrier is. But what IS this barrier...? He may want to go up there to find out.

A.) The Barrier

B.) The Forest

C.) The Lab

D.) The Mountain
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

After a long, eventless trip, his status is back to normal. Sennen looks to the trees in this lush forest. The iridescent leaves make it seem like it's daylight all day. Which is strange for a deep forest, as it usually is dark, given the trope of the place. Sennen continues forward and looks at a sign. It says "Amazons Only" but above the word Amazons is the word Corrupt, most likely written by a Knale. Sennen thinks about this place as he moves forward. He has to rescue the princess! No matter what cost!

A little further in is a village, and more forest. It would be a great shortcut if he were to cross the Amazonian village. Though it may be very dangerous for his sperm. He weighs his options.

A.) Village (Hard sexy mode.)

B.) Deeper Forest (Easy, less sexy but still nice mode.)
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen decides it is time to storm into the Amazon Village! Surely they can't be turned into Knales. They're too tough, right? He proceeds further and looks at all the huts. In front of Sennen is a very.... sexually powerful Amazonian Knale. She smiles. "....Well well. The boss told us that curious heroes may find themselves where they're normally forbidden from...." She then approaches Sennen. The Amazonian is slow, but has large breasts and a strong hold power. Sennen should be careful.

A.) Attack with magic

B.) Wait til Sennen is caught to use stronger magic.
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen blushes, then attacks! He deals a bit of damage, but the Knale is unflinching. The blonde warrior approaching more and more, Sennen continuing to attack as the Amazon bares her breasts, causing Sennen to stop, looking to them in surprise. The powerful Amazon then captures Sennen. First, she holds her breasts around Sennen's member, using his absolute shock as her hold on him. She moves up..... and down.... slowly~

Status: Hard

A.) Use counter magic!

B.) Try to break free.
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen pants heavily, looking to his member disappeared in the massive softness of the Amazon's breasts. He uses counter magic to do heavy damage to the Amazonian. But that does not make her stop. She pins Sennen down, revealling she has nothing under her warrior's skirt. She then thrusts herself into Sennen's member very powerfully. The Amazon is almost defeated, yet isn't showing it.

Status: Throbbing

A.) Sennen needs to release~~~

B.) Counter magic before he fertilizes her!
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

hurry b!
Re: Reverse Ravage: Quick CYOA

Sennen tenses, trying not to cum inside! He concentrates one last bit of Counter Magic..... just as he orgasms! Luckily, the Amazonian disappears as he releases hard. "HYAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaagh~!!!!!!!!" He pants heavily, glad his member status is reset. He lays there for a while..... then gets up, pulling his shorts back up. He looks around. "I have to be careful. More than one would be impossible.....

Sennen moves out of the hut, then crosses closer. He sees two guards in front of a temple! He hides and looks to the two guards... He has to separate them, or rush in blindly!

A.) Throw a rock in the distance.

B.) Go into "battle" but escape into the temple when freed!