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Re: Rift Touched

I voted it so she had more to loose when she inevitably gets defeated
Re: Rift Touched

I didn't, I voted C3 again for some more back door action
Re: Rift Touched

Because Lula's a better option to lose it to, especially knowing how kind and gentle she is and will likely be with her knowing it's her first time. And with the way things have played out with Lula thus far, it feels more natural for her to be willing/want to do it now than it did before, when it would have felt more like we were doing it as 'repayment' for her kindness.
Re: Rift Touched

Just feels too fast. Even if we got to know her a bit leaping to taking her maidenhood is a big step maybe after a few more days i'd change my tune but as is? Its too fast.
Re: Rift Touched

Fair enough. That was just my opinion on the matter, so I voted accordingly.
Re: Rift Touched

Fair enough. That was just my opinion on the matter, so I voted accordingly.

*shrugs* I respect the choice just found it weird you guys hopped on my smut wagon it was weird.

C3(2) and C1(2)... we have 1 person who is undecided for C1.
And A2 won out by every vote...
Re: Rift Touched

I tend to agree with bloodshifter. I don't mind doing more with Lula, but we should get to know that penis a bit. We've made our PC a bit of a case of two worlds.

That being said, A2. C4. L.
Re: Rift Touched

I like what Tentacular suggests but having a three-way tie is lame. So,
A2, C1.

If anyone changes their vote for C4, I'll swing to that direction.

Edit: A2, C4 it is!
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Re: Rift Touched


A2, C4

With this the votes should be locked.

Still want to add this to it if possible with you guys.
-X Clean up
--Zsleep Naked
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Re: Rift Touched

My goodness, the discussions you all have are great! Okay so here’s the results of the last vote, though I don’t think it’s much of a surprise, honestly.

A2 won by a landslide with C4 taking the lead at the end as well as X and Z to clean up afterwards and sleep naked.

For future reference on sex acts, if enough votes are chosen for any type of sex act then multiple acts will take place excluding vaginal, since there’s so much debate on it I will only include it if it gets the highest amount of votes.

There’s also something I’ve been mulling over and thought I should bring it up with you all. I’ve been thinking about adding scenarios that take place between actions i.e. votes are chosen to go to the capital building and on the way there a woman gets robbed. During such a point I would end the current action and present a new round of voting which I’ll call “Quick Decisions” where either the first vote or the first two highest voted will have the new scenario play out. I was wondering what you guys think of it, if I should do it or leave it out, etc. Let me know what you think and I’ll either add it or leave it out altogether, with your suggestions of course.


8:42 pm

You contemplate getting out of bed and trying to steal the painting from Loter, but ultimately decide against it. You took a job and were paid handsomely for it, and the painting is very well done all things considered. You think Lula might be right; that it’s not such a bad thing if everyone were to admire your body.

Besides you think Loter seemed really happy with what he made. I couldn’t take that away from him just because I’m afraid of a little admiration. Not to mention I could deny that it’s me entirely; who would believe that me, a small town girl that nobody knows, would be the woman in the painting?

You yawn lightly, a telltale sign that your body is getting ready for sleep. However, you find that you’re still slightly aroused – probably from Lula’s sensual dance earlier – and you find your mind lingering on naughty things. You glance at Lula, who’s currently cuddled up against your shoulder, her eyes closed and a contented smile on her face, before letting your eyes sink down to her crotch. You remember earlier in the day she had a bulge in her dress, and you also remember Lula saying she could grow a penis if she wanted. You lick your lips hungrily at the thought of her having a penis before you settle your eyes on her face, deep in thought.

I’ve never seen a penis firsthand before – would she mind showing me it? She did say that she prefers having one, but I don’t want to overstep my bounds and upset her, or have her think I’m using her. you bite your bottom lip in thought before sighing. Well, here goes nothing!

“H-hey, Lula? Can I ask you something? Feel free to say no if it’s asking too much” you say nervously.

“Hmm? Of course you can ask me. What is it, Colette?” Lula responds dreamily, snuggling into your shoulder a little more.

“You said you could grow one when you wanted right? A p-penis, I mean and well, I’ve been thinking and was wondering if you could maybe…let me see your, um, your p-penis, please?” you finish, blushing a little at what you’re asking.

You watch Lula for a reaction and become nervous as she seems to stop breathing, which causes you to think you crossed a line you shouldn’t have, before you yelp in surprise as Lula springs up onto her knees and stares straight into your eyes with a smile that goes from ear to ear, and with a fiery glint in her red eyes. Lula then proceeds to crawl her way off the bed before standing up straight at the foot of the bed, never taking her eyes off you the entire time.

“Watch” is all Lula says, pointing down to her nethers while placing her left hand just above her clit.

What happens next completely catches you off guard; you see Lula’s hand glow a feint light blue color, similar to the color of her skin, before she starts massaging the smooth skin above her mound. The glow in her hand seems to subside for a moment before lighting up intensely, at which point Lula pushes into her skin and seems to grab it tightly…and then she pulls on it!

“AAARGH!” Lula screams out, in mixed pain and seemingly pleasure as the skin she pulls on starts to take on a phallic shape as Lula continues to pull. Finally, after about ten more seconds, Lula stops pulling and trembles in ecstasy while catching her breath for a few moments, before standing up straight and proud. You look in awe at what you see before you; above Lula’s mound stands a fully erect, seven and on-half inches long light blue penis that’s almost as thick as your wrist. Without thinking you crawl closer towards the edge of the bed, your eyes locked onto the new member jutting from above Lula’s mound, and stare at it in wonder, your face mere inches from the bulbous head.

Lula’s giggling, however, snaps you back to reality and causes you to blush and look up into her eyes. “You seem awfully curious about this little fella. First time seeing a penis, hmm?” Lula asks in a sultry tone. You can only nod in response, which only seems to make Lula smile a little wider, before you look back at the thick member and lick your lips hungrily.

“Oh my, you look hungry. Have I done some to turn you on a little?” Lula coyly asks, putting a finger to her lip in a mock gesture of thought. You blush while looking up and narrowing your eyes a bit, to which she laughs heartily at.

“Would you like to have a little taste, dearie?” Lula asks, to which you blush an even deeper shade of red before nodding. “Here, go ahead; I’ll tell you what to do, honey. First lick the head…good, now lick along the bottom of the shaft…oh, yes that’s very good! Now, put the head into your mouth and suck lightly – mind your teeth – and swirl your tongue around the head lightly, focusing on the underside with your tongue as you suck…mmm, oh yes, oh that’s a good girl, you’re good at this!” Lula moans and coos under your ministrations as she guides you and praises you as you follow her directions, which causes you to blush.

For your part you continue to do as Lula instructs; licking the mushroom head of her penis, tasting a dollop of pre-cum – which, while a bit salty, you don’t object to the taste of – before sliding your tongue down and back again along the shaft, before finally opening your mouth and fully engulfing the crown of Lula’s member, taking care not to bite down, sucking on it and flicking your tongue along the tear-drop opening and swirling it around the glans and bobbing your head slightly. Feeling emboldened by Lula’s praises and reactions and wanting to please her further as she did to you, you move your wavy brown mane out of your face and behind your ears before reaching out and grabbing Lula’s firm bottom with both hands and pulling her closer in an attempt to swallow down more of her thick shaft. Your attempts are only partially successful; you take Lula by surprise with your action and, while still bobbing your head, you manage to swallow about half of the member down before your gag reflex kicks in, causing you to gag and choke and threatening to make you vomit. Frustrated, you try again only to be met with the same results before Lula puts a hand on your head and gently pushes you off.

“Colette, wait, you can’t do that just yet; you’re not ready and you’ll only hurt yourself if you try” Lula chides in a gentle tone.

You pant and blush and take a few moments to collect yourself before speaking “Yeah, I know, I know. I just remember how you said you prefer having this” you say while pointing at Lula’s saliva covered penis before continuing “and you made me feel so good earlier, I don’t know I just felt like I needed to do something to please you is all”.

Lula smiles at your words before kneeling down and licking her drying juices from your face and kissing you deeply, to which you moan in response and lean into. After a few moments of wrestling tongues, Lula breaks the kiss and leans back before speaking “You are just the most precious thing, aren’t you? I’m so glad you want to make me feel good, which you do by the way, but hurting yourself won’t make me happy”.

“Alright, I won’t force it. Um, you couldn’t possibly make that monster dangling between your legs any smaller, could you?” you respond, before cracking a slight grin at your question.

Lula only laughs at your question, pecking you on the forehead before responding “Unfortunately, I can’t. Once it’s made it can’t be altered, and at the time the size was important for some very…specific purposes” Lula finishes, lowering her voice and casting her eyes down, her face contorting in pain and…self-loathing?

You’re about to ask your blue lover what she means by “specific purposes”, but she seems to sense your question and cuts you off by placing a finger on your lips.

“Not now; in the future perhaps, but I can’t talk about it just yet. Please understand – it was a bad time in my life and someday I may talk about it, but not right now, okay?” the horned blue beauty asks of you, all hints of playfulness and desire gone from her features and voice. You nod in response, concerned but not wanting to press the matter until Lula is ready.

“Thank you” Lula says before planting another kiss on your lip. The blue succubus seems to pause as she withdraws from the shared kiss as a devilish grin crosses her lips and her eyes light up, making you just a little nervous.

“W-what? What’s with that look? What are you planning?” you ask warily, backing up towards the headboard of the bed.

“Oh, nothing~, I just thought of a wonderful way of getting past your gag reflex. Oh, I’m such a genius and I’m sure you’ll absolutely love it!” Lula proclaims, eyeing you hungrily all the while.

I do not like the sound of that! And she’s got that evil little look in her eyes. I think it’s time to call it quits before something happens. you think anxiously.

“Haha, well would you look at the time! I think it’s time to go to bed, don’t you? Boy, I’m pooped – say, Lula, aren’t you tired as well? Let’s go to bed, come on” you say while offering a drawn out yawn while stretching your arms, hoping Lula will take the bait.

Lula puts her hands on her hips and clicks her tongue before speaking “Oh, I don’t think so, dear; I’ve just had a brilliant idea and you’re not getting out of it. Now, ready or not here I come!” the lusty succubus finishes before pouncing on you, causing you to yelp. You struggle against Lula as she grabs you, trying to escape her strong grasp to no avail. You continue to squirm in the blue woman’s grip - that is until she starts to tickle you; she starts to tickle your sides, your legs, and the bottoms of your feet causing you to laugh hysterically and gasp for breath. Every time you try to pull away Lula pulls you right back in and tickles you even more until you feel like you’re going to wet yourself.

“Do you give?” Lula asks in a playful voice, currently tickling the bottoms of your feet as you buck and squirm in gasping laughs. You nod in response, which doesn’t seem to satisfy your tickling tormenter.

“Hmm, what was that? I don’t think I heard you…Oh you want me to tickle you more? Well why didn’t you say so!” Lula says with mock surprise before redoubling her efforts, drawing more gasps and laughs as she moves higher to attack your sides.

“I-huh-give, I give, I give, alright! Just-heheahaha- stop tickling, hmph, me!” you finally manage to shout out between gasps and pants for breath. Lula smiles at her victory, and tickles the bottom of your foot one last time for good measure, before bouncing off the bed and returning to her previous spot at the foot of the large four poster bed. Lula pats the covers in front of her, signaling for you to come over to her position. You raise your eyebrow before huffing and making your way to the spot the blue haired woman indicated.

“Good girl! See that wasn’t so bad was it?” Lula speaks to you like a child, to which you glare at her for and causing her to chuckle.

“Alright, alright I’m sorry. Okay, I’ll need you to lay flat on your back and lean your head back off the edge of the bed. No arguments now or it’s another round of tickling!” Lula says while placing both of her light blue hands up in front of her, not unlike a cat, just for emphasis. You cock your eyebrow at the strange request, but shrug as you do as you’ve been asked; lying flat on your back and scooting towards the edge of the bed until your head dangles off the edge of the bed.

Lula nods in satisfaction before leaning down and whispering into your ear “Very good, now open those pretty pink lips of yours so I can fuck that beautiful mouth. I promise to make it feel good” she finishes by licking your ear, causing you to blush and sending strong jolts down your body and moistening your nethers. You comply with Lula’s request and open your full, pink lips as far as they will go while Lula lines up her thick member with your mouth. The busty blue woman then leans her cock to the entrance of your mouth, teasing your lips and smearing pre-cum along the outside of your mouth in a slow circle, before finally slowly pushing her thick member into your mouth and stopping just before the point where you start to gag.

Lula then pushes forward, causing you to gag. She stops and, to your surprise, reaches down to your head with both her hands and starts to sensually massage and tweak your half-elf ears – causing you to moan around the cock in your mouth and sending jolts down to your toes and pussy, quickly rising your passions. Lula then pulls back and stops caressing you ears, which you groan in frustration, before she pushes back just a little further into your mouth and resuming her caresses and, just like before, strong shockwaves of pleasure ripple through you from your sensitive ears and landing between your legs. Each time Lula does this, going a little further while tweaking your sensitive ears and rising you to your peak and drawing muffled moans from your mouth, until finally your chin touches Lula’s tummy and your nose is up against her clit with your throat showing a slight bulge where Lula’s cock rests.

Lula withdraws her large cock just enough to allow you to breathe and says “See, no more gag reflex. I told you having more pleasure opens the door to more possibilities” and, to emphasize the point, Lula doesn’t caress your ears as she pushes her dick into your throat until your chin again bumps into her stomach.

Gee, wonderful. Now I can have my face fucked without gagging. Thanks so much for helping me discover my potential, Lula! you think sarcastically while mentally laughing.

However, Lula seems to read your thoughts when a moment later playfully slaps your cheek and says “Hey, I saw that! You were thinking something cheeky just now, weren’t you? As punishment, I think I should test out your new skill, wouldn’t you agree? Don’t forget to suck~”

Test out my new skill? Don’t forget to suck? What’s she talking ab- your thoughts are suddenly cut off as Lula pulls her cock almost all the way out of your mouth before thrusting all the way back in, bottoming out in your throat.

“Mmmmppphhhh?!” is all you can manage to sputter out around Lula’s cock as she starts to pump into your mouth, shocked at the sudden turn of events. Remembering Lula’s words, you start to suck and attempt to swirl your tongue and lick along the length of the succubae’s thick, blue cock as she starts to pound your face. Your shock quickly turns to muffled moans of pleasure as Lula resumes caressing and tweaking at your sensitive ears, causing you to buck a little in pleasure as you feel yourself reaching that cliff of ecstasy.

Lula’s thrusting becomes harder and faster, as does her caresses of your ears, which cause her big, light blue breasts to jiggle from the force. Likewise your own breasts, proudly facing the ceiling, start to bounce from the force of Lula’s thrusts into your moist tunnel. You take short, pleasure filled breathes through your nose every time Lula pulls back far enough to not block any air, as you sputter from time to time, leaving messy trails of saliva that escape your mouth and run down your cheeks and into your hair and eyes. The pleasure you’ve been receiving from your ears, meanwhile, has quickly put you on the cusp of orgasm and, desperate to topple over, you reach down with both your hands to your drenched slit and begin to furiously rub your clit with one set of fingers, and with the other on your opposite hand you slip two fingers into your sopping cunt and thrust in and out, searching for that special spot on the top of your moist walls.

“Oh yes, oh gods yes. So good, oh baby you’re so good at this; so tight, so warm, so wet. Yes, keep sucking my cock with those full, beautiful, tight lips. Uhn, you like this don’t you, I can - Ahn – tell by how you’re moaning. You love having your ears tweaked don’t you, you naughty girl! Do it, use your fingers and fuck yourself – rrgh- YES! Almost there, almost there, almost AAAAHHHH” Lula starts to ramble out and praise you – or is it dirty talk? – before her pace quickens and becomes feverish and desperate. You feel her cock starting to twitch and pulse around your mouth, indicating her impending orgasm. You double the pace of your moving fingers as you feel your dam burst.

You tighten the muscles in your legs and stomach as you feel your pussy contract like a vice around your fingers and from the attention to your ears, sending a rapid river of your juices down your canal and soaking your hands and the covers of the bed. Your vision goes white as you see stars and your eyes roll back into your head, bucking and moaning loudly onto Lula’s cock which is still twitching and leaking copious amounts of pre-cum into your mouth. The intense vibrations from your pleasured moans finally send Lula hurtling over her threshold as she grabs your head tightly and thrusts deeply into your mouth and erupting a thick, salty torrent of her cum directly down your throat and into your stomach. She spurts three thick loads as she withdraws her cock, spurting two larger, thick loads into your mouth before withdrawing and jerking her cock a few times before another two thick loads project onto your face, neck, and breasts.

You swallow down as much of the thick semen as you can as you suffer pleasurable aftershocks from your intense orgasm; you take one large gulp before swishing your tongue around inside your mouth to gather up the rest and taking another gulp, moaning as you taste Lula’s seed and feel it slowly slide down your throat. Despite your efforts some still slips out the sides of your mouth and slides down your face and into your hair. You take a few moments and tremble as you weather the last of your aftershocks before pulling yourself up on shaky arms and turning yourself around to face Lula. Through half-closed eyes you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror across from you and see yourself in the reflection; you’re body naked, your hair a bedraggled mess and covered in saliva and thick semen, your chin, lips, nose, cheeks, and forehead are completely plastered with Lula’s seed as is your neck and bosom.

I’m a complete mess right now. I need a bath is all you think before Lula steps in front of you, her slowly shrinking organ in front of your face.

“Could you lick it clean, please honey?” Lula says, looking down at you into your eyes with an apologetic smile.

You return her smile with one of your own and nod before you lean forward and engulf the succubae’s soft tool completely and begin to suck and lick along the glans and shaft, gathering up any remaining seed and swallowing it down while Lula coos praises to you and moans. Finished, you let Lula’s cock slip from your mouth with a slurp before you look up into Lula’s red eyes.

“That’s a good look for you; all covered in my seed and juices and basking in the afterglow of passion” Lula teases you with a smirk, which causes you to blush and stick your tongue out at her before you laugh a little. Lula leans down closer to your body and whispers with a grin “Here, let me help you with that” before she grabs your face and starts licking her seed off your face and moaning. When she’s gathered enough of her seed she pulls you into a deep, sloppy, cum filled kiss with you as she battles your tongue with her own and causing you to swallow a fair amount of your combined fluids along with her cum. She sometimes does this, or gathers dollops of cum with her finger and devours it herself or she feeds it to you until most of the mess on your face, neck, and breasts is gone.

“Well, that was an experience” you laugh before continuing “I really need a bath right now, care to join me?”

“I thought you’d never ask” your well-endowed lover responds happily, moving towards the bathroom and turning on the water.

After a few minutes the tub is filled with comfortably hot water and you and Lula share a rather cramped bath, with more than a few playful gropes, squeezes, and splashes of water. Once both of you finish you step out of the tub, dry off, and head towards the bed and slip under the covers naked, figuring there’s no shame considering the night you’ve already had with Lula. You and Lula cuddle up against each other; your head pressed up against Lula’s large bust while she holds you tightly, her tail wrapping around both your legs. She kisses the top of your head and you sigh contentedly as you drift off into pleasant dreams.


7:00 am

You rouse from your lovely dreams with a yawn and a stretch and open your eyes to find Lula’s beautiful red eyes staring back at you whilst she strokes your hair lovingly, drawing a soft moan from your lips.

“What?” you chirp, to which Lula only smiles.

“Did you know you like to suck on things when you sleep? It’s adorable” Lula responds before pointing to her right teat, which is covered in saliva. You blush and shake your head as she continues to stroke your hair.

You look passed your blue lover and over to the two large chests next to the armoire and wonder what’s inside them. Lula follows your gaze before looking back at you with that same mischievous little grin you’ve come to know so well in the last few hours.

“Want to see what’s inside?”

You nod in the affirmative, bringing Lula to a rise and slipping out of the bed as she saunters towards her two containers, a little spring in her step and a sway in her hips which you find very hard to draw your eyes away from. She says a few hushes words and her hands glow with an aqua light before two small beams launch from her hands and hit their marks. The chests fly open and slam against the wall they’re leaning on, but oddly enough don’t leave any marks.

Enchanted chests and enchanted walls. Either Yulag had something to do with this or Lula did. you think idly as Lula reaches into both her chests and produces some interesting items to which you cock an eyebrow at.

Lula pulls out an odd assortment of items: manacles, steel bars with leather straps, a whip, paddles, odd looking glass plugs of various shapes and sizes, glass objects that look oddly phallic shaped, clamps, thin metal needles, little metal rings with some that have bells on them, rope, a collar with a leash attached to it, a series of small metal balls attached to a thin metal wire, and other odds and ends that you have no idea why she would have. Lula sees your confusion and walks up to you holding the collar and leash – when she reaches her side of the bed she climbs on and crawls towards you and quickly slips the collar around your neck before kissing you, much to your confusion.

After breaking the kiss Lula leans in and whispers huskily into your ear “Sometimes I like to tie my partners up, maybe I spank them if they’ve been naughty. I also take my pets on walks with toys inside them in cute little dresses with nothing underneath. Sometimes I pierce them or whip them, and I always make them beg for more. I have to be at the temple of Lequis today, but I still have time to play if you want before I go, or maybe we can do this later tonight, hmm dear?”

You shudder – whether in fear or anticipation you don’t know – at Lula’s lust filled words.

Do I really want to do this right now or at all for that matter? I still have things I can do around the city, but Lula’s been so good to me I think I can trust her if I do decide to do some of these things with her…can’t I?

7:03 am
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Re: Rift Touched


For these choices if you choose to continue to have sex (in the morning) with Lula then feel free to choose other options to do around the city afterwards.

A. Continue to play with Lula, but without her toys or exotic methods (Feel free to choose multiple).
A1. Vaginal Sex (With penis, hymen tears)
A2. Vaginal Sex (Without penis, hymen intact)
A3. Anal Sex (With penis)
A4. Oral Sex (With penis)
A5. Oral Sex (Without penis)
A6. Specialized Sex (tit job, hand jobs, any kinks you have, etc.)

B. Continue to play with Lula, but with her toys and exotic methods (feel free to choose multiple)
B1. Go on a “walk” with a cute little dress on and a toy inside you (Lula will lead you around the city with a leash while you have anal beads or butt plug in you)
B2 .Go on a “walk” but without a dress and a toy inside you (same as B1 but naked)
B3. Be bound by rope and fucked vaginally (penis only, hymen tears)
B4. Be bound by rope and fucked anally (penis only)
B5. Be bound by rope and fucked orally (penis only)
B6. Be “clamped” (clamps on breasts)
B7. Be fucked with dildo (Ass only, vaginal when hymen is torn)
B8. Be whipped and paddled
B9. Be shackled and put in spreader bar and be fucked vaginally (with penis, hymen tears)
B10. Be shackled and put in spreader bar and fucked anally (with penis or toys)
B11. Be shackle and put in spreader bar and fucked orally (with penis)
B12. Be pierced with metal needles and have rings or bells put in place (specify to pierce breasts, clit, hood, labia, tongue, nose, or ears. Choose with metal rings or bells. Can choose multiple)
B13. Think of some other bondage kink that you want and I’ll write it up!

C. Choose not to continue playing with Lula for the morning and head out

D. Go back to the merchant’s district.
D1. Explore the merchant’s district for more shops
D2. Head to the blacksmith
D3. Visit the tailor
D4. Make a stop at the stylist’s

E. Revisit the temple district and go to a temple.
E1. Go to Kramulet’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
E2. Go to Victressia’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
E3. Go to Lequis’ temple (specify what you want to do there)
E4. Go to Dwynvel’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
E5. Go to Yyssbo’s temple (specify what you want to do there)

F. Get out into the noble’s district.
F1. Visit The Noble’s Finery
F2. Visit Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium
F3. Visit The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club
F4. Enter the dome of the permanent rift and check it out
F5. Visit the Capital Building of Kilnhaven

G. Head back out to the red light district
G1. Explore the red light district and what it has to offer
G2. Visit the bordello and figure out what it is
G3. Go back to “Exotic Sway” (get a job as a dancer, enjoy the entertainment. Specify.)
G4. Find and visit the shop that sells items of a “particular nature” Charles spoke of

H. Head off to the slums
H1. Explore the slums a bit
H2. Go to the general shop that also deals in “roguish” merchandise
H3. Visit the inn the slums has

I. Wander and explore the city at random

J. Take the job as a waitress for the slums inn.

K. Take the job to clear out the pests!

L. Clear out the feral goblins outside the city.

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!



-Gold pouch (501 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (0 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Water canteen - empty
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x2)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Emerald Lined Silver Bracelet
-Black Leather Jerkin. Midsection has noticeable tear.
-Brown Leather Trousers. Light blood smear on surface (faded).
Currently Unavailable

Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Light Bomb x1. Full
Satchel #3: Lock pick x1.
Satchel #4: Empty.
Currently unavailable


-Collar with leash attached (held by Lula)


-None at the moment (stowed away)


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR)
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR)
Currently Unavailable


-Wavy brown hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely.
-Collared with leash attached (held by Lula)


Health: Fine
MR: 60/60


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Sex Perks/Passives
Minor sexual experience: You’ve had sex enough times to know how to please yourself and your partner competently and, while you are no expert, you’re confident in your skills. You’re still capable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature, but you’re much more open to them now and are comfortable with your sexuality.

Hymen Intact: You still have your hymen intact.

Anal: You’ve had anal sex before and that’s about it.

Oral: You’re pretty good at giving head and can adequately please most people with your mouth if you put your mind to it.

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpicking: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4

Gained some more sex skills again, though relatively minor it's still a gain nonetheless!
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Re: Rift Touched

Go to bed a preistess for a Blessing
-X.Mention to Lula that we plan to try for a Blessing from Her God any advice she can give us on bedding a Girl from her Order?

I want to put our entire day but I'll see if this vote Flies... Goblin Thing IS on the agenda but I am planning a Night time Raid followed by a Day Strike if the Encampment is small enough.

I don't mind INTERRUPTS so long as its 2 votes for the same thing.

And WHOA I am finding it every hard not to turn our girl into a Sub... T^T dammit all! I can only imagine us walking with beads people wouldn't be able to keep their eyes off us and our swaying steps.

And I think I might just add in Aura Sight every vote when we talk to people we are missing vauvable Knowledge on Mana Flow!
Re: Rift Touched

C, to start off.

No more sex for now, and definitely not any of the B options. Way too soon for most of that stuff (and a few of them I don't want to see done at all). Maybe B3-5 at some point, after a little more from A and maybe losing her virginity, but not in the immediate future.

As for what to do today, I've no real opinion other than the fact that I don't think we have any reason to go back to the Red-Light District or the Slums at all, at least not anytime soon. Pretty much anything else, like visiting the temples, market district, nobles, or taking another one of the jobs would all be sensible choices. Although, as I said, which or how many of those we do, and in what order, doesn't really matter to me.
Re: Rift Touched


I'd like to see B1, followed by E3 (to see what Lula does at the temple), followed by D3.

Alternatively, I'd like to see B1 at the end of the day instead. A1 would happen in the morning instead.

The other sexual options could probably wait a bit until Colette is more experienced.