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Re: Rift Touched

A2: Dominant (normal) Plus, Bondage Submissive Plus, Give Pleasure Plus, Receive Pleasure Plus, Serve Other, Be Served, Foreplay, Pleasure Denial, Roleplay (Master/Slave, Cat Maid/Owner), oral plus, anal plus, vaginal plus, breast play plus, one-on-one, threesome, foursome, bukkake, exhibitionism, public sex, voyeurism, bondage (will have more complex rope play), glory hole (oral), spanking, Clothing (Sports bra and panties, naked, sundress, skintight bodysuit, maid outfit), dildo (might be enchanted…), blindfold, anal beads, leash and collar, gag (ball), stocks, wooden horse, strap-on, arm sleeve, leg sleeve, full body harness, women, tentacle beasts, futanari, slimes, community serve, orphanage mother, stealth training: lock pick proficiency and dexterity training, combat training: dual wielding specialization and pleasure resistance training, magic training: mental fortitude and blood magic, milk and cum diet, cum bather, and Bloodshifter’s scenes since they are requested. If anyone has any specific scenes they want done then feel free to do so!

So…sorry about how long this update took. I had a busy week and had to deal with family and birthdays and alcohol. Nothing bad – it was fun – just time consuming is all. But I’m back and I have an update! Woo!

You finish looking over the contents of the parchment while still in the nude and smirk before turning to Leena and pointing to the things on the list, and offering a few “suggestions” as well which causes both the succubus sisters to chuckle and shake their head in amusement. “Really, Colette, a cum bath? I think you might be addicted…and where does this energy of yours come from? We’re succubi after all and I think you might put even us to shame at times!” Leena says with a laugh as she reaches out and rubs your left leg tenderly. You smile and place your hand over hers “Mmm, well I guess I got my energy and tastes from the best now didn’t I? Thank you, Leena, and you too Lula, for everything you’ve done. Now, I seem to have some energy left in me; I’d like to go back to the orphanage and see about helping feed and clothe those in need”. Both the sisters chuckle at first, but give you tender and caring looks with their red eyes as you continue to speak before Leena pulls back and stands up. “I have preparations to make; you two have fun” the purple, spaded-tail succubus says before she moves to the door, stopping only to look back at her little sister and giving a slightly mischievous wink before walking out.

Well…that couldn’t have been good. Whatever they have planned I’m sure it’s going to be related to something very sexual…and probably involving me. Hmm, I can’t wait to see what they have in store~ you think with a grin before moving to the center chest and opening it. As you take out your sheer thong and half-cup bra Lula moves to the door and opens it before turning to you and saying “I’ll meet up with you at the orphanage. I’m going to the temple of Lequis to talk to Nilas and inform him that there will be two more helping out. See you there, honey~”. Lula blows you a kiss and winks at you before striding out the door and closing it softly behind her. You smile and continue putting your undergarments on before moving to the armoire and slipping on the tight fitting sundress and flats. You flick your fiery red hair back behind you and run your hands along your sides, relishing in how the dress fits your body, especially around your now plump behind; you go to the vanity mirror and turn around, flicking your dress up to admire how your thong rides up on your bubble butt and frames it invitingly. You smirk and move to the door and open it before closing it behind you – you’re about to make your way downstairs when you hear a mewling, frustrated whimper sound off to your right.

You look down the hall and see the familiar black hair and yellow and black fur of Razasha – you also see that she has one hand on the wall and her legs are very shaky which concerns you greatly. “Razasha! Are you alright?” you yell out full of concern as the catgirl tries to make her way down the hall away from you. When you reach the catgirl you help hold her up by placing her free arm over your shoulder and you look at her full of concern; she looks back at you with hazy eyes as she whimpers before she throws both her arms around your neck and holds you closely. She starts to rut against your leg and you can feel an obvious erection pressing against you from her robes as you hold her tightly. “Razasha, what’s wrong? Did you drink an aphrodisiac? Are you ill? Please, tell me so I can go get help” you bombard the suffering woman with questions, clearly concerned for her well-being. However, you’re a little shocked, and a little aroused and tingly, at what you hear from the catgirl “P-please, Colette, h-help me. I-it’s that t-time; I-I’ve gone into h-heat. I c-can’t last m-much longer or I’ll g-go crazy…p-please, help me”. Razasha continues to rut against your leg feverishly as she holds you tightly and starts to take big whiffs of your scent as she pulls your hair to her nose.

You smile and stroke her hair “I understand; leave it to me and I’ll make you feel better” you say before gently pushing the sexually charged woman from you, which causes her to whimper, before you continue to push her up against the wall. I can’t get my dress dirty…looks like I’ll be using my mouth you think as more and more tingles course through you as you drop to your knees in front of the catgirl. You smirk at the obvious tent in the robe and give it a light tap, causing Razasha to whimper loudly and nearly buckle, before you reach down and flip the robe up and scoot forward so that you can crawl underneath. When you’re underneath the feline’s robes you come face to face with her dripping pink hairless slit and her six inch bumpy pink cock that throbs every few seconds and smile mischievously. “Wow that looks painful~” you say with a smile; you smirk and feel tingles as you blow air onto the throbbing member, causing it to twitch and Razasha to gasp and grab your head from over her robes. “P-please, Colette, I-I-I can’t t-take much more” the futa feline pleads to you. You lean forward and plant a kiss on the glans and say sweetly “Sorry…sit back and relax. I promise to make you feel good” and with that you open your mouth and engulf the head as you reach out with your left hand and start to jerk the member.

You suck on the head and swirl your tongue along the teardrop opening and around the crown before moving deeper down the bumpy tool; you moan and make slurping noises as you bob your head and jerk with your hand, and as Razasha whimpers and gasps in pleasure as she guides your head. Mmm, she tastes good; her skin is so smooth and those bumps feel really nice… you think as you moan and continue to move deeper and deeper, running your tongue along the bottom of her bumpy shaft until you feel her twitch a few times, indicating her impending release. “O-oh yes, Colette, oh my gods y-you’re so good at thi-AHN!” the yellow catgirl starts to say before she grabs your head and thrusts forward; she cries out in ecstasy as you release your left hand and let her plunge her cock into your throat before she releases a torrent of her thick and sticky seed. Time to make you feel even better~…and try something new you think as you drink down her semen; you purse your lips and suck on her tightly while moaning deeply, sending vibrations down her shaft as you start to bob your head quickly while vacuum sucking her…and then you try ‘something new’ and gather up some of your magic and direct it to your mouth, releasing tiny bursts of magical energy that stimulate her bumpy shaft. “O-oh dear GODS WHA-?! AAAAHHHN!” Razasha starts to say yet again in shock as you bring her incredible pleasure; she holds your head tightly from over her robes and starts to thrust into your willing mouth as she continues to cum; you continue sucking and releasing tiny bursts of magic that extend her orgasm while milking her for all she’s worth.

After about fifteen seconds of non-stop sucking and working your tongue and magic – quite literally - Razasha finally stops climaxing. She pants and holds your head tightly against her groin as the last few spurts escape her member, which you swallow down with a moan. As her cock softens in your mouth you slowly withdraw, sucking up any remaining juices before releasing her with a pop and moving out from underneath her robes with a full belly of her cum. When you’re out from underneath you look around and notice that a crowd has gathered, all with lewd grins and hungry looks that make you smirk – you get off your knees and place your arms around Razasha’s waist as she pants, and to steady her. “Did that do the trick?” you say in a husky, tender voice; the female feline continues to pant for breath and gasp as little aftershocks of pleasure wash over her. “T-thank you so much for that, Colette; you’re amazing. I-it felt like I was going to go i-insane before you showed up. Stupid c-cat’s heat” the black haired catgirl says as she finally catches her breath and hugs you tight before cursing lightly. “Is there anything I can do for you to make up for this?” she continues, causing you to grin and giggle as you feel tingles.

You hike up the hem of your dress so that your thong, ass, and crotch are exposed before grabbing the catgirl’s hands and placing them on your plump cheeks. “Grab my ass, play with it, spank me, and kiss me” you say in a sultry, sweet voice before pressing your plump, glossy red lips against her own. She makes a muffled sound of surprise before moaning and opening her mouth, allowing you to twine your tongue against her rough cat tongue – you release tiny bursts of magic as you dominate her mouth, giving you both increased pleasure and surprising Razasha briefly. You both kiss as she grabs both your cheeks in her hands and kneads them, before spanking them with enough force to leave a red hand print and make a loud smacking noise, but not enough to cause pain. You moan both at the kiss and the attention that your rump is receiving, and after a few moments you break the kiss and pull back with a smile, pulling your hand between you both to gather the strand of saliva before drinking it down with a moan. With both her hands still massaging your behind you say with a smile “There you go you repaid the debt”. Razasha looks at you with confusion in her eyes “That’s it?” “That’s it” you reply tenderly and with a grin before continuing “And if you ever get those urges again just come find me and I’ll take care of you”.

Razasha looks into your eyes before smiling shyly and nodding, bring her nose to your hair and inhaling your scent deeply. “You’re such a kind, caring person you know that? Thank you” she says softly. You chuckle and stroke her hair “You forgot the slutty part, but thank you for the compliment. There is something you could do for me, if it’s not out of the way; could you go to the capital building and tell an Amazonia woman by the name of Hera thank you for her invitations, but that for the moment I would like to not have so many people in one bed, and to stop by anytime so that I may see her again. Now, I should get going; I promised the children at the orphanage that I would come by and I don’t intend to let them down. You take care”. You peck Razasha on the lips one last time before she lets you go and lets your sundress fall down as she nods her understanding to your request; you put a sway to your hips and look over your shoulder at the catgirl and the crowd as you start to feel arousal creeping up on you as well as tingles, blowing a kiss and giving them a wink then making your way downstairs, out the door, and towards the orphanage as you lick your lips, savoring the slightly salty taste of spunk in your mouth. You also start to idly wonder at the increased craving for sex evident by how “empty” you feel.


You knock on the door a few times and wait for Penelope to answer, and when she does she gives you a big smile and pulls you into a hug with a laugh. “Colette, it’s so good to see you again! The children can’t stop asking about you and when you’ll be back. I can’t blame them; you’ve been a wonderful help, an excellent role model, and a wonderful person to be around. Please, come in, come in!” the black haired half-elf says jovially while practically pulling you inside in her excitement, which you laugh at as you cross the threshold into the orphanage. You turn to the pale skinned half-elf woman with a bright smile “I’m glad to be back and see them all. I think they’ve all stolen my heart – sneaky Aliwen, inquisitive Keila, fierce Madison, adorable and bright Relub, and all the other children. I was actually wondering if I could help out in a more meaningful way. You know, like cooking, cleaning, teaching, those sorts of things just to make it easier for you and them”. Penelope’s lip quivers a little and she looks a bit misty eyed before she reigns herself in with a sniffle “You don’t know how much that means to hear. Of course, of course you can. I think we’ll have the children involved as well so that they can spend more time with you, and it’ll be good for them to be more active. Let me get the children then I’ll show you to the kitchen where we’ll make supper, and maybe some milk and cookies since it’s such a special occasion”.

You perk up a little at the mention of milk and smile brightly as Penelope gives a smile of her own before going towards the back to fetch the children. When the children see you they go crazy with joy and surround you, asking you questions, holding onto your dress, hugging you, and clinging to you. You end up with Aliwen on your shoulders playing with your hair, Relub in your arms, and Keila and Madison following behind you closely as Penelope leads you to the kitchen. Over the next few hours you help make milk and cookies with the children – you have a few glasses of milk yourself – along with supper. Lula shows up during supper and helps out while laughing at your predicament of having the children surround you every chance they can get. You also continue the lessons from the day before, play outside in the backyard, and even help feed and put to bed the infants that are located in another part of the orphanage. As before when you and Lula leave all the children whine and beg you to stay and again you make sure to hug and kiss each and every one of them before wishing them well and heading off. Instead of heading back to the temple, however, Lula leads you to another part of the slums.

“Followers and disciples of Lequis frequently provide food, clothing, and money to those in need when we can. Some of it we buy ourselves, but most of it is provided through donations” Lula explains as she smiles and hums walking next to you “and you’re of course welcome to help with that”. You keep stride with Lula, your hands behind your back as you smile and say “Of course I want to help! People are suffering and in need; what kind of person would I be if I didn’t help out?” You look around and notice that both you and Lula are getting many appraising and lustful looks, which makes you smirk before Lula’s happy laugh draws you from such thoughts. “That’s the right attitude to have! And I am personally glad to have you here – alright, we’re almost there” Lula says as she wraps an arm about your waist and your white and pink sundress; you smile and wrap your arm around her waist as you continue walking the street. You round a corner and come to one of the many alleys of the slums, but a different sight awaits you; you see about half a dozen men and women wearing the white tightfitting robes of Lequis, and beside them are six large crates full of blankets, clothing, and food. Of course there are many people in the alley’s in makeshift homes or lying on the ground, who get up and make their way over to the disciples and accept the goods while giving their sincere thanks – a few look on the verge of tears and emaciated, both of which make you incredibly sad and incredibly angry at the same time.

You do recognize one of the priestesses, however, as her petite figure, red hair, and brown eyes catch your attention. “Trish!” you yell a little excitedly and walk up to the new priestess – thanks to you – who looks your way in confusion before her face brightens up. “Colette! I had heard we were going to have another coming to help, but I didn’t know it was you! Last I heard you were at the temple of Domina trying to find your true heart. Thank you again for helping me achieve the status of priestess so that I may better serve our loving goddess” the red haired priestess says with a smile and a deep bow. When she finishes you give her a sweet look and hug her “None of that, Trish, we’re friends as far as I’m concerned. It was my pleasure – in more ways than one – to help you out. I’m just glad you’re happy and you’re doing your best for others”. You yelp a little in surprise, as does Trish, when you both are hugged together into a large bosom – Lula pipes up merrily soon after “Mmm, maybe we need to have an encore performance of when you two first met…and this time I won’t sit on the sidelines. Trish blushes a little but you chuckle “That sounds like a great idea, but if it comes to that that then I’ll be the one in charge. Got that?” Trish’s eyes widen and she looks floored as Lula laughs and responds with a toothy smile “Oh really? I think someone needs to be bent over my lap an-“ She’s interrupted, however, when Trish speaks up “Not to be rude, Sister Lula and Colette, but maybe we should focus on the task at hand?”

You take a look at the two dozen or so people down just this one alley and remember that there are countless others scattered about. “Yes, you’re right. These people need help and we’re the only ones out here helping. Let’s get to work” you say seriously as you look out at the scene before you; you turn to Lula and give her a wink before moving from her grasp and heading for one of the six large containers and grabbing a few blankets. You head to where you know many of the weary and scared children will be, huddled next to their siblings and parents, and start handing out the clean fabrics before heading back and gathering some food and returning. You meet a lot of people and get to talking with them, their stories breaking your heart; children who’ve lost their parents to disease, bandits, or other tragedies. Men and women who’ve lost work and been unable to find other sources of income, those who got too old for the orphanage and were unlucky, drunks, cripples, the mentally handicapped, and so on. You continue to pass out food and clothing with a heavy heart until, finally, everything has been passed out giving the homeless much needed relief; you’re thanked vigorously by the many people, especially for taking the time to talk and listen to them.

Once everything’s finished a few of the priests and priestesses start to glow with magical power before releasing it, directing their blasts at the crates. The crates shrink down to something that can be carried more easily by hand, revealing that they were enchanted, and they pick the crates up and carry them down the street and back to the temple of Lequis after a few more words of thanks. You and Lula bid Trish farewell and a pleasant day before talking to a few of those you just helped for a while longer before heading back to the temple of Domina


When you both cross the threshold you have a fire in your eyes and in your heart and you move with purpose towards the staircase, intending to get better dressed so that you can train again today instead of waiting for tomorrow. “Whoa, whoa, whoa slow down, baby. What’s wrong, and why are you in such a hurry?” Lula says from a ways behind you, having to jog to catch up to you as you’re already halfway up the stairs. “I’m going back down to train with Carth, Delilah, and Astraea. People shouldn’t live like that, and if I’m going to be able to help then I need to be stronger” you reply without breaking your stride as you ascend the stairs. I’ve been having dreams about rifts too. I think if I come into contact with some then I might get stronger…such as the one in the sewers. That, and I want to deal with Arlandus just in case Nyx’s plan, whatever it may be, doesn’t work when he gets here in half a week you think before you turn the knob to Leena’s room and walk through the door, with the purple succubus nowhere in sight. “Hold it right there” Lula says behind you before she puts her hands on your shoulders and forcibly turns you around to face her “You’re plenty strong and I don’t think might will fix this, baby. Even if it could, when was the last time you’ve eaten? You need to sit down and think it through; as you are now you would hurt yourself and wear yourself out. Just take some time to relax and get something in you before making any quick decisions”.

Lula looks you seriously in the eyes before getting a lewd smirk and saying “Speaking of getting something in you…I have just the thing”. She lets go off your shoulders and grabs at her robe, pulling it over her head and throwing it across the room onto the floor next to the vanity; she cups her large bosom and thrusts it out to your face. Your anger melts and you can help but laugh “Well, when you put it that way how can I refuse?” you finish by pull up and tossing your own dress, along with your flats and undergarments before grabbing Lula’s hand and leading her to the chairs, the tingles and arousal spiking in you causing your slit to moisten. You put a little sway to your hips and, when Lula’s in front of one of the large, red cushioned chairs you push her onto it and straddle her lap, rubbing your cleft against her soft member and moaning as you look her in the eyes. “Remember when I said these were mine? Don’t get any ideas thinking they’re not~” you whisper hotly into her ear with a smirk before dipping your head and pulling her left nipple into your mouth and sucking; you suck hard as you purse your lips, rolling your tongue around the areola and flicking the nipple until you are gifted a thick, sweet, creamy milk that makes you moan in happiness as it washes over your tongue.

“Oh really…we’ll see about that now won’t we, honey~?” Lula says as she wraps her arms around you and grabs your plump butt cheeks, kneading them in her hands as you drink down her wonderful milk. You gasp a little around her nipple as you continue to drink and rut against her hardening cock when your blue lover raises her right hand and brings it down on your left cheek. You giggle as she massages the area before spanking you again – you pull back from drinking and say with a smirk “I guess you get to spank a bad girl after all”. “Oh no you’re a good girl – a very good girl – but that cute behind of yours is so nice and spankable that I just couldn’t resist. You don’t like it?” Lula responds. You laugh and wiggle your bottom on her now hard dick and against her hands “Mmm, no I love it. Spank this good girl, and that’s an order” you wink and go back to sucking and grinding, causing Lula to laugh and shake her head. “An order, is it? Oh baby I’m going to have so much fun later…” the red-eyed beauty says before spanking you again as you drink her, causing you to moan, especially when her spaded tail wraps itself around your left leg lovingly.

When you’ve had your fill you gently release her dark blue nipple and give it a lick before dismounting from her, tingles and arousal making you feel wonderful. Even though you’d like nothing more than to be fucked by Lula as your mound leaks and glistens, you’re feeling devious and want to dominate Lula as tingles course through you and so you leave her unsatisfied as you make your way to the armoire. You sway your hips and as you open the armoire you hear Lula clear her throat; you look back and smirk at her while bending over to give her a good view of your posterior. “Forgetting something, honey?” Lula says with a cocked eyebrow as she stands, aiming her impressively long and thick tool at you as she makes her way to you. You laugh as you spot a sports bra and hot pants exactly the same as Delilah had you wear, which makes you wonder, before you turn your head and say “No, I don’t think so. I’m full and feeling great; thank you for the meal. I should really get to training”.
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Re: Rift Touched

You slip the bra on and, with some effort, manage to get in the hot pants before you feel Lula’s hands on your waist and her cock under your slit; you look down and see it poking out from between your legs. “You cheeky, slutty girl. Oh, you’ll pay for this one, baby~” Lula whispers huskily into your ear before planting a kiss on the back of your head. You moan and lean against her bosom as tingles and arousal work their magic and say softly “I can’t wait, Lula. I know you won’t disappoint…don’t keep me waiting too long~”. You pull yourself forward and turn around to mash yourself up against her breast and kiss her with your glossy red lips with a contented moan. When you pull back you give her a wink before you bound out the door, slide down the railing with energy, and make your way to Carth’s room to train.

“Soon, baby, soon…” Lula says to herself after you’ve left with her hands on her hips and a devil’s grin on her face.


You make it to Carth’s room and greet him with a friendly smile, which he returns before getting out the vibrating and detachable balls while you grab a wooden short sword and dagger. You manage to get two of the balls placed on your ears, on your nipples, one on your pucker and one on your vagina before you get to work sparring with Carth. Throughout the training you actually manage to land a few blows on the master at arms Carth as your skill in dual wielding improves, and you also only manage to orgasm once which never interferes with your sword play. Along with the tingles and pleasure you feel that you could stave off pleasure to prevent yourself from orgasming if you wanted to for long amounts of time thanks to your training, and you also feel that you could reasonably hold your own in a fight if you used two weapons at once. You thank Carth and give the brownish-orange colored weapon master a bow and a hug before departing. You think of heading next to Delilah’s, but a thought enters your mind that sends delicious tingles through you and makes you very aroused. You decide to head back to your current room and see if the thing you’re after is ready.

You open the door and see Lula and Leena giggling as they sit in the red chairs with a paper with writing on the table. When you enter they both look up and stop snickering, but have huge smiles on their face as Leena grabs the parchment and stuffs it inside her robes. “Yes, dear, is there something you need?” Leena asks innocently. Alright, something’s up; those two have been acting strange all day with their looks and the things they’ve said you think as you cross your arms and glare at the two. They stare back innocently and with smiles which goes on for a little while before you sigh and shake your head in amusement “I see I won’t get any answers out of you two. Oh well…anyways, I was wondering if you have my special ‘bath’ ready for me?” Leena has a suggestive look on her face before nodding and saying “Indeed I do; please, follow me, dear”. You undress and put the bra and hot pants back in the armoire while putting your boots back in the center chest and taking out your bodysuit. You see Leena at the door before opening it, gesturing for you to follow as she smiles; you don’t bother putting anything on just yet and follow Leena’s lead with Lula right behind you.

Leena takes a left as soon as she leaves the room and so you continue following behind her while completely naked, which earns you more than a few looks from the temple residents that send tingles down your spine and arousal in your nethers, until you reach the end of the hall. She turns around while grasping the doorknob and says in a mock posh tone “I present to you your bath fair lady” before she turns the knob and opens the door. You walk through the threshold and are immediately hit with the lovely smell of cum – both male and female – before you see that you’re in a large bath area with a single bath cut into the floor. The bath is, as the smell indicates, full of thick cum that covers the entire length of the bath. “Gods the smell is intense” Lula says behind you with a laugh. “I know…it’s great isn’t it?” you reply while looking over your shoulder and winking at the blue and purple succubi before tossing your bodysuit to the side on the tile. You sway your hips as intense tingles and arousal eat at you, and when you reach the edge of the floor bath you dip your toe in to test the temperature.

“Mmm, nice and warm, and it smells so good my mouth is watering” you say softly while grinning before you slowly lower yourself into the thick, creamy goop - after you remove your choker and hand it to Lula of course. You continue to lower yourself while sighing contentedly until you’re able to rest your arms along the edge and the cum comes to just above your breasts. “You are such a dirty slut, Colette. Gods that is so incredibly hot…” you hear Leena say quietly behind you. Oh, you haven’t seen dirty yet~ you think mischievously as you feel tingles at the thought; you wade out to the center of the bath and, while looking at the two sisters with a grin, you hold your breath and dunk your head under the cum completely. You hold yourself underneath for a few seconds before rising and breathing in – you look at the sisters as you moan and rub the sticky, slimy stuff into your hair, your face, your breasts, and your tummy. You top off your performance by cupping your hands and gathering up a large amount in them and bringing it to your mouth and drinking down the thick, slimy, salty and bittersweet substance with a moan. “Oh, it feels so good and it tastes wonderful~ Ahh, so good. It’s so thick, slimy, and smelly I can’t get enough of it. It’s in my hair, on my face, in my nose and mouth, all of my boobs and tummy. I love how it gets in all my crevices and feels so thick and stringy~” you say to the two, who have slightly shocked and highly aroused expressions of their faces.

Indeed you are completely covered; there isn’t a centimeter of your body that isn’t covered white in cum besides your emerald eyes. You wade over to one of the edges of the bath and sit down on the bench; you face Lula and Leena and see that they have wide eyes, hungry looks, and that their robes are pitching some very impressive tents that make you smile. You spread your legs underneath the cum as you sit and, with your right hand, you dip three fingers inside your snatch and use your thumb to rub your clit. Your altered vagina molds to your fingers as you masturbate yourself and push more and more warm cum inside you; you moan and whimper in pleasure as you bring yourself higher and higher to that wonderful peak until after a few more seconds you throw your head back and cry your bliss. Your love tunnel clamps down even more on your fingers as it floods juices and sucks in the cum as you continue to jill yourself and extend your orgasm. You slow your fingers and thumb to bring yourself down, and with a satisfied smile you say “Now that was dirty. Want to join me?”

Lula is the first to break herself from her daze as she shakes her head and clears her throat – “N-no – excuse me – No, that’s quite alright, baby. I’d rather watch you”. “R-right, what my sister said. Wow, dear, I had no idea you were really this raunchy” Leena says as she clears her own throat. You chuckle at their shock and say with a smirk “Enough to put a succubus to shame?” Leena grins and replies “Enough to put even a succubus to shame”. You giggle and lick your glossy lips of the salty goo before raising your right leg above the top of the bath and rubbing the cum into the skin of your leg and feet – you bring your hand to your mouth and lick it clean of the thick semen, relishing the salty, slimy taste and texture as it washes over your tongue and slides down your throat. When you finish you put your hand right back under to dirty it again before you make your way to the other end of the bath where the purple succubus and her blue sister are watching with rapt attention. You put your knees on the bench and your hands on the edge and smile “This is really nice, thank you both. To show my thanks if you toss those robes and get on your knees I’ll show you something new I learned to do with my mouth~” you finish by bringing a cum covered finger to your mouth and sucking on it, drinking the cum down with a moan. You almost burst out laughing as both Lula and Leena scramble to get their robes thrown off them; they both manage to toss their robes off and hit their knees before you at the same time.

“Oh my it looks like a tie~” you say with a mischievous smile as you eye the purple, eight inch, wrist thick behemoth and it’s only very slightly smaller blue sister. Hmm, I think I’ll tease Lula some more and see how far I can push her~ you think as electric tingles zap through you. You bring your seed covered finger to your red lips, smearing some cum on them, and look deep in thought before you smile and say “I think Leena should go first since she’s the oldest, don’t you agree Lula?” “She has a point, Sister. I am the eldest and therefore I should obviously be first” Leena teases with a giant grin and a wink. “Oh ho ho, just you wait baby. You’re just digging your hole even deeper~” Lula warns playfully while her sister moves closer and lines up her cock with your open mouth. You give Lula a smile and a wink before you lean forward and take half of Leena’s cock into your mouth; you swirl your tongue around the head and shaft as you start to suck noisily and bob your head. Leena moans and grabs your cum covered head as she looks you in the eyes and starts to thrust “By Domina I could never get tired of this mouth of yours – Ahn, yes right there”. You moan as you take her thick cock all the way down your throat, stretching it wonderfully as your nose hits her stomach – you purse your lips and moan deeply to suction her and send vibrations that reverberate down her cock, making her gasp and hold you tighter.

“Dear fucking gods this is incredible. I-I’m going to blow soon” Leena says between very pleasured gasps; you figure it’s time for the final blow and so you gather up your magic and direct it to the inside of your mouth…and then you release tiny bursts of magical energy that stimulate Leena’s cock as you vacuum suck her and work your tongue. “WHAT THE FU-?! OOOH SHI-!” Leena yells loudly before she screams in absolute bliss and shoots a very thick, creamy loud from her cock; however, the pleasure is intense for her and she starts to fuck your face like a pussy as she continues to cum and ramble unintelligibly in pleasure. You close your eyes and moan as you continue to suck her cock and drink her cum, working your tongue along her tool, and releasing magical bursts in your mouth that stimulate every centimeter of her member. She fucks your mouth for about ten seconds until she’s completely spent; she’s the one that has to pull back from your mouth, which makes a popping sound, as she leans back on her hands and pants for breath. “Pardon my language, but holy fucking shit that was the best blowjob of my life! D-dear, where did you learn to do that? Sister, you need to try this; you haven’t lived until you have” Leena asks you through labored gasps of air before turning to her sister, who looks absolutely shocked at her sister’s reaction.

You roll the last of your purple lover’s spooge in your mouth before swallowing it down with a moan. You lean forward and lick Leena’s softening member clean, causing it to twitch slightly and eliciting a pleasured moan from the succubus, and then giggling and shrugging as you lick your lips. “I’m very glad you liked it. As for where I learned it…it was actually Razasha. She went into heat and I decided to ‘help’ her, and since I’d been using my mouth so much thanks to you two I figured it would be interesting to see what would happen…and so here we are” you explain with a grin as you look from Leena’s rapturous face to Lula’s shocked, aroused, and excited one. “Well, I think Razasha’s mind was probably blown just as much as mine” Leena says before chuckling and standing u[ and shaky legs while Lula takes her place and positions her cock in front of your face, giving you a smile and a slightly pleading look. Alright, enough teasing for Lula; there’s no need to be cruel to her after all you think as you look into her eyes and give her a sweet smiling.

When she scoots a little closer to you, you kiss the head of her dick before engulfing it and working your tongue underneath and around it while sucking lightly. You bob your head deeper and deeper, moaning, sucking, and licking as more and more of the blue cock enters your mouth and goes down your throat. “Oh, baby, your mouth is so good. Mmm, don’t stop sucking” Lula coos at you as she grasps your messy hair and starts to lightly thrust just as her sister did before. Just as you did with Leena a few moments ago when you take her full length you purse your lips and suck hard while moaning deeply, causing Lula to moan and pick up the pace of her thrusts as you bob your head. “Oh yeah-AHN!- that’s goOOOD! Almost there, almost there…” Lula starts to chant as she looks you in the eyes. You smile as you continue to blow her noisily, and then you gather your magics in your mouth and release them, creating tiny magical bursts that stimulate the entire length of her cock as you suck and work your tongue along her shaft. “D-DEAR GODS WHAT IS TH-AAAHHHHHN!” Lula screams and throws her head back in wonderful release as she slams her cock down your throat, shooting her spunk directly into your stomach as you continue to use your magic and considerable oral skills. After a few seconds Lula pulls back…and thrusts frantically seeking more pleasure from your mouth; you moan and close your eyes as your mouth is again used like your love tunnel until finally Lula withdraws and falls flat on her back.

You drink the last remnants of her seed down and lean forward to lick her clean as well, causing your blue succubus to buck slightly and gasp in pleasure. “B-baby…I don’t know what to say; that was just too incredible. You were right sister; that was the best blowjob of my life and I think I can die happy now, mmm~” Lula says as she lies on her back and pants for breath. You kneel down on the bench in the bath and laugh “Glad to be of service…but why would you want to die when you can get another, hmm. Wow…I’m really full after that; I won’t need to eat or drink anything for a little while”. Both the sisters laugh and nod before Leena saunters to her sister and kneels down to say “Since she made us feel so good, don’t you think we should give her a little show?” “I couldn’t agree more sister” Lula responds with a lewd grin before pulling Leena down and kissing her. Leena responds in kind by pressing herself into the kiss and wrapping her tail around her sisters leg, which Lula does the same until she giggles and grabs Leena before flipping them both so that Leena’s on her back and Lula is above her. Lula smirks and says “I think it’s time for me to be on top, don’t you think sister?” Leena gives her a mischievous looks and responds “I think I’ll allow it just this once little sister”. “Allow, hmm? If that’s how you want to look at it” Lula responds with a smirk as she leans down and kisses her elder sister as she lines her cock up with her soaking love tunnel.

Leena wraps her legs around her sister as Lula plunges her cock into her sopping hole to the base, causing her to moan deeply as the two continue to battle tongues. When Lula pulls back she places her hands on either side of Leena’s head and looks her in the eyes lovingly before she starts to thrust, her sister puts her right hand on her sister’s ass and with her left she starts jerking her member. “You’re so tight and wet big sister. I love you so much” Lula says softly to Leena as she picks of the pace of her thrusting as she moans in pleasure; Leena offers her own moans and replies just as breathy “I love you too, little sister. Oh, you’re so big I love it when you pound my pussy”. As Lula leans down again to kiss her incestuous sibling, you stare on in extreme arousal and have been tweaking your nipples and rubbing your clit furiously at the scene and bringing yourself higher and higher to release. After fifteen more seconds of the sister’s fucking Lula and Leena scream out in pleasure; Lula plunges her cock to the base and releases her thick cum deep inside her sister as Leena clamps down and floods all over the blue cock, as her own purple member twitches and releases a torrent of her seed that splatters her belly and large breasts. You were able to stave off your orgasm, thanks to the training you’ve been working on, and cum a moment later as you moan and gasp in wonderful bliss in your pool of cum.

The two horned sisters pant slightly and kiss before Lula gets to work licking off her sister’s seed from her tummy and breasts. Leena grabs her sister’s dark blue hair and says lovingly “Trying to get me pregnant, sister?” Lula chuckles “Mmm, maybe…but I’d rather put a baby inside her instead” Lula finishes and looks at you tenderly, as does Leena. You blush lightly and watch as they walk up to you; Lula leans down and pecks you on your messy forehead, licking the cum off and saying “Colette, I-, we-…how long do you intend to spend in there?” Lula starts to say, but casts her eyes to the side and bites her bottom lip before continuing – Leena puts her hand on her sisters shoulder and smiles tenderly, albeit a bit sadly. You wonder what she was about to say, and what the look meant, but smile sweetly back at her before bringing your hands up and rubbing the juices into your skin some more. “Hmm…a little while longer, I think. I love the smell and feel of it” you say and wink; Lula and Leena chuckle and shake their heads in amusement before wishing you well and gathering up their robes and your choker and leaving you to lounge in the bath fully of thick, creamy cum.

You dunk your head a few more times and rub it into your hair, scalp, face, breasts, arms, legs, torso, butt, and feet as you continue to bath. You also get a little “thirsty” the longer you bath and, despite the amount you’ve drunk already, you get a few handfuls of cum and drink it down to satisfy your urge. When your satisfied that you’re thoroughly covered in cum, both in looks and scent, you get out of the large tub and go to pick up your bodysuit, but stop as you notice a mirror in the room. You smile and saunter up to the mirror to get a good look at yourself; you’re completely and utterly drenched in cum from head to toe and dripping it onto the floor. So covered, in fact, that you’re sure no one would be able to tell the color of your skin or hair – you also smell like you just took a bath in cum…which you did. The sight of you completely drenched causes great tingles and arousal in you, and you can’t help but moan and caress your body, rubbing the cum in further and smearing it.

“Now that’s a cum slut…” you say softly as you bring a finger to your drenched pink folds and lightly start to masturbate to your reflection. You moan and start to hump your finger before stopping, not wanting to go over the edge just yet, and picking up your bodysuit and putting it on. When it molds to your body perfectly to show your ass, breasts, nipples, and pussy in clear view the inside starts to clean you off, however, the outside gets cum on it that drips from your face and hair. You smile and head out of the bathing room, down the hall and stairs and headed for the lower levels as cum drips off of you and onto the floor, and as you leave little cum-footprints on the floor. You get many, many lewd looks and a few suggestive name callings as you walk the halls and head for Delilah’s chamber, feeling tingles and arousal nipping at you. Before long you reach Delilah’s chamber and you make your way towards the labyrinth with purpose and a smile on your face.

When you reach the front of the maze you hear Delilah’s voice ring out “Colette? I didn’t expect you back again today…but if you want to continue training then I’ll be happy to-…what’s that smell?” You giggle, especially when you hear Delilah next speak “By Domina you’re…you’re covered in the stuff! Oh my gosh you smell like an absolute slut, and you look like one too. You know, I’m sure if you went and worked for Madame Deidra you would make a lot of gold…and be very popular no doubt” Delilah finishes with a hearty chuckle. You yelp when you feel a hand spank your ass before grabbing a handful of your plump cheeks. “Oh, I would pay good money for to use this ass and that mouth” Delilah whispers hotly into your ear, causing you to shiver with desire. You smirk and reply “Oh really? Then I guess I should start charging you a fee from now on shouldn’t I? I’ll start with demanding payment for all the times you’ve already used my ass and mouth~”. Delilah laughs loudly and grabs your waist as you turn to face her with a grin “Aren’t you forgetting that you’re my harem girl, hmm? I get to use this slutty body whenever I want~. So, what do you want to work on today, darling?” You tell the white haired vampire your interest in lock picking and in continuing your dexterity training, to which she smiles before you begin the lessons on dexterity that you were exposed to yesterday.

Delilah has you stretch and contort into various positions to work on your flexibility, before you work on your nimbleness and perception. After the training you feel as if you are indeed more nimble, flexible, and have a sharper eye; as a test you try to arch your back, and succeed in doing so , making a bridge as you bend backwards. You also manage to do a complete split with your legs, before you stand up and raise your leg over your head, which you do to give the amber eyed beauty training you a very good view of your pussy through the latex. “I think that concludes the training…and I must say I never get tired of seeing that body of yours. Even more so no since you can bend in oh so many wonderful positions~. Now, onto the lock picks” Delilah says with a smirk as she walks up behind you and fondles your boobs, causing you to moan before she chuckles and leads you to another area of the chamber. The new area in the dark room has a series of chests lying on the ground; Delilah hands you a few lock picks before pointing to the chest on the far left, middle left, middle right, and far right.

“From left to right are three chests each with a varying degree of difficulty. This is to gauge your abilities as from the far left to far right the difficulty ranges from a novice left lock to master level lock. Please, try your best darling” Delilah explains. You smile at Delilah and nod “I will, thank you Delilah…and thank you for being such an excellent and wonderful teacher and friend to me these last few days. It means a lot to me”. Delilah’s features soften and she smiles tenderly at you “You’re very welcome, darling. It’s been…very, very nice to get to know you. You’re a beautiful, wonderful, kind young woman and I will miss you when you leave”. Delilah then wipes the cum from your lips and inserts the covered fingers into your mouth for you to suck, which you do with a moan, before she presses her lips against yours and kisses you passionately. You press into the kiss and groan when she pulls back “You’ve showed me – a vampire, a kindness that most others would never dream of giving. For that, you have my deepest thanks…now, before I turn all mushy on you let’s get back to training!” You laugh and nod before getting to work on the chests before you.

You manage to unlock the first to chests on the left, but are unable to open the harder locks of the middle and far right chests, which gives Delilah an indication of your lock picking skills. She then unlocks the remaining two chests and then relocks each one, setting them to the skill level of the middle left and middle right chests to improve your skills and give you an idea on how to open more complex locks. You manage to open the middle left difficulty chests with some effort, but break many picks in the process of trying to open the middle right level chests, though Delilah encourages you and instructs you all the while. Though you don’t manage to open the more difficult locked chests after repeated attempts, you feel that you’ve gained valuable knowledge to the workings of different types of locks. When Delilah signals for you to stop she takes back the picks and relocks each of the chests before turning back to you.
Re: Rift Touched

“That was very good, Colette. I see you have some skills when it comes to picking locks. Maybe in a few more sessions, if you return, then we’ll be able to get some of the harder ones open, hmm?” Delilah says to you with enthusiasm. “Yes, thank you. I really felt like I was learning something new. That one lock at the beginning though…the one on the far right? That one completely stumped me; it was far too difficult for me, at least where I am now” you reply with a serene smile Delilah laughs before gesturing you to follow her, which you do, as she talks “Yes, that one is what I like to call a master lock. You would have to be extremely skilled and knowledgeable about different types of locks if you ever hoped to open one of those. Now…I think it’s time I had some fun with my harem girl~”. You shiver in anticipation as you feel tingly and aroused, especially when you’re brought to a “special” area of Delilah’s chamber that has a multitude of bondage gear. She walks up to a chest and opens it, producing red rope, a ball gag, a strap-on, and a leg sleeve that make you giddy with anticipation. “Now, take off that pretty little suit you’re wearing and come over here you sexy slut” Delilah says in a breathy, lust filled voice that makes you all the more excited.

Gods yes…I’ve been feeling horny for a while now. I need a good lay… you think as you reach around and open the magical seam to the enchanted bodysuit. When you remove it you place it on the floor and saunter up to the sexy vampire with a very suggestive look. “Tell me…did you bathe in cum like I think you did?” Delilah asks with amusement, to which you nod and smile. “I thought so you dirty girl~. I would suggest you keep doing it…it does wonders for your skin. Your skin was already delicious to begin with, but I think with all the ‘fluids’ you’ve been drenched in since you got here is making your skin smoother, lighter, and even more radiant. Why, I think if you continue to be a dirty girl, darling, then your skin would be smooth as a babies…and be an even lighter tone and would even glow a little” Delilah says with a smirk as she runs her hand over your naked, smooth tummy which was cleaned, along with your arms and legs, thanks to the inside of your bodysuit. “I know you don’t want to, since you love being all sticky, but I’ll need to clean you off for this” Delilah continues as she goes back and produces one of the enchanted rags, handing it to you. You chuckle and offer thanks as you wipe your head, hands, and feet down to remove all the remaining cum before handing the rag back to Delilah, who tosses it expertly into the still open chest. “Good girl…now hold still while I get you ready. Now…spread your legs and arms behind your back” the pretty white haired woman says to you.

You comply and spread your legs and place your arms behind your back as you watch Delilah places all the items, excluding the rope, on the ground. She gets to work on tying you with rope in a full harness, tying your arms behind your back and leaving a space around your vagina as the rope parts your bubble butt and goes up to your neck. When she finishes Delilah asks sweetly and seriously as she holds your hips and looks you in the eyes “Do you trust me, Colette?”. You smile and lean forward, nuzzling against her shoulder and say huskily as you drip with anticipation “Of course I do, Delilah. I trust you completely”. The vampire kisses your cheek gently and says “Alright…now be a good girl and open your mouth, then get on the floor on your butt~”. You smile and do as she says; she places the ball gag - which is red, has holes in it, and has two leather straps on either side – in your mouth and secures the straps behind your head before you manage to gently sit on your behind. Delilah gestures for you to put your legs out in front of you, which you do and watch as Delilah places the leg sleeve on your legs and binds them together with the straps on it so that you can’t separate them. Next, however, you’re surprised when Delilah moves back to the chest and produces even more rope and returns to you.

“Now, I’m going to tie this piece here to your bound feet and loop it over your neck – not tightly of course – so that you won’t be able to move your legs or head very much” Delilah explains calmly. When you get a picture of what she wants, you look into Delilah’s glassy amber eyes and nod – she gets to work tying a rope around your bound feet before extending the rope out towards your neck and looping it through, forcing you to hunch slightly. When she finishes you tug at your feet and neck and find that you cannot move them. She then moves behind you and ties some of the extra rope she got into the gaps of the harness on your before picking you up, causing you to let out a muffled yelp, and carries you over to a wooden beam with a long plank of wood sticking out from the top that has a large metal loop sticking out from the bottom. She sets you down below the plank and slides the rope attached to your back through the metal loop at the top…and then she starts to gently hoist you into the air, which again causes you to yelp. When you’re in the air at crotch level with Delilah, she ties the excess rope to the rope on your back to hold you in place. You look down and see the ground below you and you start to get just a little apprehensive, and also a little anxious and aroused.

Delilah kneels down and holds out a black blindfold, which makes you shudder in arousal, before she places it around your eyes and tightens it about your head. With your sight robbed you can do nothing but listen and feel as cold lips press against your forehead in a kiss. “You’re so perfect, you know that? So beautiful, so kind, so skilled and strong. You let yourself be tied up – one of my favorite things to do – and be fed off of by me, a vampire! Colette…I don’t know if you feel anything for me but I – I want to let you know that it means so much to me. For a long time after I escaped my terrible existence I struggled with surviving. People don’t trust vampires and with good reason a-and it took me a long time to find this place, and I’ve lived a long time in almost total isolation. Your kindness makes me feel wanted and cared for…like I’m not alone – which I’m not, since I have so many friends here – but you’re special. I…I think I might be falling for you, Colette, and I won’t ever do anything to hurt you”.

Your breathing slows and you feel a knot in your chest as you hear Delilah’s pain…and butterflies as she all but confesses her feelings to you. Lula and Leena said that Delilah talked about me all the time…but I had no idea. Oh, Delilah… you think before you feel cold hands cup your face and another kiss is placed on your forehead…then your cheeks, nose, eyes, and hair. “You don’t need to say anything to me, Colette, and if you don’t feel the same then that’s alright. I just wanted you to know how I felt, and that you’re a very dear friend to me” Delilah whispers into your ear before you feel more kisses trailed over areas of your body where there isn’t rope; over your arms, your back, and on your butt. “The things I want to do to you…” the vampire says softly, and lustfully, behind you as she starts to lightly spin you as you hang in the air “I want to tie you up; I want to spank you, paddle you, whip you, flog you. I want to turn that pretty skin red. I wouldn’t hurt you…never that; no, I want to bring you pleasure. Just enough to be erotic and sexy…and then I would make love to you”. You stop spinning and feel disoriented as Delilah’s voice sounds quietly in your ear, and as saliva dribbles out from the holes of the gag “Do you love being tie up?” Delilah asks, to which you nod – “Am I your mistress, Pet?” she asks again, which sends shivers and stokes the fires of your arousal and tingles even further as you nod and make a muffled moan. “Are you a slut?” she asks again, to which you shiver and nod before she asks one more questions “Are you my submissive slut?” to which you groan in moan again and nod even faster, desperate for release as your juices leak from your cleft.

The next thing you feel is a cockhead – the strap-on most likely from the feel of it – pressed against the entrance to your vagina, which causes you to moan in anticipation. Yes, please gods yes I need it so badly! you think excitedly into your mind, mentally begging Delilah to give you some relief. You moan deeply as you feel your lower lips parting and the toy cock driving itself slowly into your pussy, which molds to the shape of the phallic toy and serves to enhance the pleasure you feel. You quiver in the air and around the toy as Delilah bottoms out…and then spanks your ass causing you to yelp, both in surprise and in pleasure. “Such a nice, plump ass” Delilah says in a sultry tone before she spanks your right cheek, then your left which causes you to moan. Yes…don’t stop! you think before Delilah pulls out to the tip and rams the full length of the toy cock home, penetrating your cervix and sending a light orgasm through you as she spanks your ass yet again. You quake and moan as she picks up the pace of her thrusts, your love tunnel molding with every centimeter of change and clamping down on the toy to seek more pleasure. To prolong your own bliss, you utilize the training from Carth to delay your orgasm and just bask in the warmth of a nice, good fucking as the sound of your moans, Delilah’s spanks on your ass, and the wet sound of sex fill the quite chamber while you dangle in the air.

After a good minute of spanking and screwing you decide to let your resistances falter, and the moment you do the pleasure build-up hits you like a wave and you let out a muffled scream of pleasure. You arch your back as best as you can as your pussy clamps down around the toy, which Delilah never stops thrusting thus enhancing your pleasure and orgasm, as your tunnel releases a torrent of juices that seep out the sides and puddle on the ground. When you finish climaxing you moan and gurgle gasp as you feel the straps to the gag being undone. When the ball gag falls to the ground you open your mouth to get air before the toy, coated in your juices, is thrust inside. You moan as you taste yourself and suck the toy clean from tip to base, and groan when it pulls out. You then feel yourself being lowered gently to the ground – Delilah works on removing the ropes, leg sleeve, and blindfold from you. You blink a few times and stand up on wobbly legs from being bound, and Delilah helps you to your feet. When you see her, you remember her heartfelt words and smile serenely as you lean in and kiss the leather clad vampire passionately on the lips. You both moan as you work your tongues against one another, and when you pull back you hold onto her and whisper “I care, Delilah…”

She looks at you softly before you start to undress her; first her chest armor, then her boots, then her trousers followed by her lacey undergarments. When you look at her pale, naked body you say with a smirk as you feel tingly and aroused “Now feed from me and make love to me…that’s an order” and you pull her to the ground on top of you as you lie on your back. You wrap your legs around her as well as your arms and hands as you bare your neck to her. You gasp as your world lights up when she sinks her teeth into the area where your neck and shoulder meet; you orgasm on the spot and squirt a large amount of your juices onto Delilah’s knee, which is up against your slit, that pool down onto the floor. After your orgasm, and after you calm down, you eat out Delilah and drink down some of her juices while getting the rest all over your face. Afterwards, you both cuddle together and bask in the warm afterglow of great sex. “Thank you” Delilah whispers into your ear and pecks you on the cheek, then licking some of her juices off you. “I should be the one thanking you, Delilah” you reply as you kiss her – you get up and gather your slightly dirty bodysuit and bid Delilah a farewell, and with a very tender hug, before moving on to Astraea’s room.

You enter Astraea’s room expecting a gaggle of giggles and mass of tentacle hugs, but are surprised to see, hear, and feel none of that. Instead, the room seems largely empty as you survey it. “Astraea? Astraea are you here?” you call out into the room as you step inside, trying to spot the white tentacle lord and failing to do so. “Huh…she must not be heeEEEERREEE!” you start to say to yourself, before you scream in surprise and fear as you feel something wrap around your waist and legs and lift you up into the air. When you’re lifted a good ten feet into the air, and screaming all the while, you hear a familiar giggle in your mind before you’re turned around and come face to face with a familiar big blue eye and dark lashes. “Gotcha~! Oh, you should have seen the look on your face! You were all ‘hmm’ then ‘wha-?’ followed by an ‘AAAHHH!’, teehee~ it was priceless!” the white, playful tentacle lord giggles up a storm into your mind. You hang on for dear life as you look at Astraea, the ground, then a rope hanging from the high ceiling that the tentacle lord has a few of her tentacles wrapped around.

Note to self for future reference: Always look up, just in case

“Wow, I almost didn’t hear that. Still, it’s a good idea! Okay, time to go back down~” the playful tentacle speaks into your noggin as she holds you tight and brings you both down to the ground gently. When you’re both on the ground and she releases you, you laugh and plant a kiss on her core “You really did get me, Astraea. That was fun though, thank you. Now, aside from seeing your lovely self I’m here for some more mental training…and something else” you say to the Astraea before you conjure up the word “Blood Magic” into your mind. Astraea stops her joyful wriggling and looks at you seriously “Blood magic is a dangerous art, Colette. It draws from your very life force – your blood – to cast spells, draining your very life proportional to the strength of the spell you’re casting. If you’re not careful it can kill you, and it should only be used in only the direst of situations. Are you sure you want to learn about it?” You look Astraea in her eye and smile lightly while nodding “I do, Astraea. I promise to be careful, but that’s the reason I want to learn it. Who knows what situations I’ll run into in the future where I’ll need to use it and I’m out of magic”. Astraea looks you over, deep in thought a moment before she mind speaks to you “Alright…then let’s get started”.

With that you resume your mental fortitude training, picturing both words and basic images of animals, people, and objects until you’re able to almost keep Astraea out completely, but she still manages to break through. She assures you that another session will most likely improve your mental capabilities…and then you get to training on blood magic. Astraea explains that tapping into your blood is the same as tapping into your magical reserves; instead of focusing on your reserves, you instead must focus on your blood. To start, she has you sit down, close your eyes, and focus on your heartbeat, then your arteries, veins, and capillaries, and finally on the blood that courses through them. She urges you to try and draw energy from your blood; you work on this for a while and you start to feel something stirring in you that feels different from when you tap into your magic. It feels like your tapping into your body, trying to draw out something from deep inside you. You don’t succeed…this time, but you definitely felt something there before Astraea tells you to stop and not try and force it.

You get up and stretch, contorting your body in different positions to work out the kinks in contortionist levels of stretches, giving Astraea a good show of your ass, breasts, and vagina all the while. “You’re very…flexible now~” Astraea observes suggestively as she continues to watch you. You start to feel tingles and arousal again and smirk “Uh huh, and I also learned something very nice that I can do with my mouth~. Want to…test them both out?” Astraea giggles into your head and says “You read my mind you slutty girl! Now, off with the clothes and get those legs behind your head”. You grin lewdly and sit down on the ground and pull your legs close to you…and then you get them behind your head and “lock” them using your feet. “Tada! Delilah’s training really paid off…now, get over here you beautiful, lovely, sweet thing and let’s have some fun” you say with a smirk; Astraea giggles and obliges by lifting you into the air with her tentacles and holding you comfortably as she opens of some of her tentacles and engulfs your ears, breasts, clit, and pussy. She then lines up one tentacle with your mouth, which you open willingly, before she plunges it inside and all the feelers on your erogenous zones start up at once.

You nearly scream in pleasure and you don’t manage to topple over only because of the pleasure resistance training you received; you moan very deeply in pleasure as you quickly work your tongue along the thrusting tentacle and purse your lips to suck hard. You moan to send vibrations down her thick member and when you feel your resistance start to slip at the extreme pleasure you gather up your magic in your mouth and release tiny bursts of magic that stimulate every part of the tentacle member as you continue to suck and it continues to thrust. “Domina what in the bla-AAAAAAHH!” Astraea says into your mind before it turns into a scream of pleasure; immediately she spooges inside your mouth before pulling out and shooting a thick, steady stream of cum onto your face. This time you do scream in pleasure as you topple over and release a torrent of juices into the greedy sucker-feeler at your pussy, and as the feelers work your sensitive spots masterfully; you arch your back into your legs and throw your head back as you gasp and whimper, toppling over and riding the extended wave of bliss until finally, slowly you’re let down as the feelers slow their ministrations. When at last you’re at rest, and panting for breathe, the tentacles gently pull your legs from behind you and gently set you on the ground.

“Colette, I have no idea where you learned to do that…but that was amazing! And let’s not forget how good you taste and charge me up, mmm~. Teehee~” Astraea says into your mind as you pant for breath, smiling all the while. “O-oh that was really good – I’m glad you liked it Astraea…if you want more then just feel free to ask~. And thank you for everything; it means a great deal to me that you are here to help me, and I want to do everything possible to help you and make you feel good. I care about you very much, Astraea” you say to the tentacle beast. You hear and “aww” in your mind before you’re gently lifted up and held in a tentacle hug, which you hug back into with closed eyes and a contented sigh. “I care about you too, honey. You’re so kind, beautiful, and just so loveable. You’re a dear friend and I promise to do what I can do continue to be there for you”. You smile and grab one of the white, wriggling tentacles and plant a plethora of kisses along its head and shaft before kissing around Astraea’s eye. “You mean so much to me Astraea, and hearing you say that makes me feel even better. Please, if you need anything from me then ask and I will do my best for you” you say. You and Astraea say your farewells as you pick up your bodysuit and slip it one before heading for the door and for your room.

You make it back to your room as you get tingly and aroused and see Lula and Leena nowhere in sight, so you slip off your bodysuit and place it in the bathroom since it’s a little dirty before you scoop of the cum from your face and drink it down with a moan. When you’re clean you decide to lounge on the bed; you jump onto the large red and black four poster bed and make your way to the pillows at the headboard. You snuggle into the pillows with a sigh and take a nice cat nap for a little while until the door opens; you feel refreshed after your nap and so you yawn and stretch to see Lula and Leena at the door, eyeing you very, very suggestively. You smirk and feel tingles and a burning arousal that demands satiation and so you spread your legs and spread your pussy and ass invitingly with your hands. “Mmm, I know those looks. I’m ready whenever you two are my beautiful and lovely women~” you say lewdly, causing the sisters to chuckle as they make their way towards you. “Oh no, not after what you’ve done to me, baby~” Lula starts to say – “We have something very specific, and very delicious in mind for you” Leena finishes.

Here it is~ All that teasing and playing with Lula is coming back! She’s so predictable~

Leena goes over to the armoire and opens it before going to the chests and likewise opening them – Lula looks at you and pulls her finger up in a come hither gesture. You feel aroused and tingly all over as you smirk and bounce off the bed, swaying your hips as you make your way to Lula. She reaches into her robe and pulls out your choker and slips it around your neck before pulling out a leashing and attaching it. “Guess who’s going to be a good Kitty for their mistress?” Lula says, sending shivers throughout you as you lean into her bosom and melt in submission. “Kitty will be such a good girl for her mistress. She promises to be a good girl and a good slut to please her wonderful, lovely, beautiful and kind mistress” you say in a breathy voice as you nuzzle into her bosom, feeling right at home being leashed and at Lula’s mercy like this. “Good girl – now we’re going to dress Kitty in a nice, pretty cat-maid uniform. Make sure you always say nyaa~ like a good kitty” Lula says huskily into your ear, causing you to become very aroused. Leena walks up to you with an incredibly skimpy maid outfit, red rope, and a dildo that’s on par with Leena’s member and helps dress you in it
You end up being fit in a black and white tube top apron that goes around your breasts and doesn’t even cover your navel, along with a very short frilly black and white skirt that just barely covers your ass – which means that anyone who looks can clearly see your bubble butt and privates - that has a black cat tail clipped to its back. You’re also wearing a black lacey garter belt with no panties and black sheer stockings attached, and black five inch platform heels. “Underneath” it all you’re wearing a red rope harness with knots on your clit and pussy, but that separate around your ass as they head back up your body. You also are wearing a black cat ears headband in your fiery red hair and, oh yes, a Leena long and thick dildo stuffed inside your pussy that penetrates your cervix as your vaginal walls mold to its shape – you had quite a few close calls and felt a great deal of pleasure when Lula gleefully stuffed it inside you. “And now the final touch~! There…oh you look so good, baby!” Lula says with a clap and a giggle as she places a red ball gag into your mouth with a few holes in it and straps that go around your face to hold it in place. You moan in contentment and deeply pleasure as you shift your legs around the large member stuffing your love tunnel and stretching it widely, and as your altered vagina molds to its shape making you feel incredibly, wonderfully full in your love tunnel as it leaks juices. “Oh, silly me” Lula says with a mischievous smile “I forgot something very important; let me fix that” and with that her right hand glows a dim aqua as she leans down to the dildo and releases magical energy into the toy.

Immediately you shake in a light orgasm and gasp in a muffled tone in both shock and pleasure as the dildo, which you now know is enchanted, starts to ever so slightly vibrate; enough to bring you pleasure, but not enough to really send you toppling over aside from the initial shock. “Perfect! Come, Kitty, and follow Mistress Leena. I’ll be right behind you~” Lula says as she hands the leash over to her elder sister. “That’s right, Kitty, you’ll be following me for now” Leena says as she lightly tugs on the leash while Lula gets behind you and massages your ass…and lightly taps the vibrating dildo, which sends jolts of pleasure through you, but not enough to send you over. You moan in pleasure and then groan in frustration as you cannot feel release when you start to follow Leena out the door, with Lula behind you being a tease and lightly massaging your ass or reaching around and tweaking your nipples and fondle your boobs to send more jolts through you. You make your way downstairs with many eyes on you, followed by suggestive murmurs and a few whistles as you make your way out the temple entrance behind Leena.
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Re: Rift Touched

You walk the darkening streets of the red light district – you get a lot of attention from the way you’re dressed and from the dildo in your pussy as people give you cat calls, where the night life is just starting to emerge as more and more people wearing suggestive uniforms are starting to come out. Part-way through the walk Leena hands the leash to her sister and trades spots behind you, brushing her hand along your bum and tapping the vibrating dildo to bring you tiny bits of pleasure. You groan and leak copious amounts of your juices down your thighs, getting the sheer stockings and platform heels wet and even leaving a little wet trail on the ground as your need for release burns inside you; you find yourself rubbing up against Leena, urging her to go further, but every time you do she pulls back and gives you an innocent smile that makes you whimper in frustration. Before long the clacking of your heels turn to the sound of grass underneath your feet as the three of you reach the park. At this time of the day there are more people at the park…and more of them openly having sex; you look out and feel even more sexually frustrated watching others feel sweet release and pleasure, whereas you only feel a slight vibration in your full and stretched tunnel along with slight touches that do nothing to alleviate your need.

Leena takes the leash back from her sister and gently tugs you to a bench, where all three of you sit down with you on the purple succubus’s knee facing out towards the crowd of fornicators and those that find you extremely alluring and so have gathered about to watch you with lewd expressions that make you feel hot and horny. You start to slide your hands to your breasts, but the sisters stop you and give you sweet, knowing smiles that drive you crazy – you start to rut against Leena’s, but she holds you tightly so that you can’t feel any friction. You whimper in frustration and make cat-like whines as you lean back and rub your red hair and cheek against Leena’s face and shoulder in submission, urging her to please you. She merely pats your head without saying a word, and Lula starts to caress your right leg over the sheer stocking while looking tenderly into your eyes and smiling.

Say something! Do something! Please, I need it so badly…

You groan and suck in some saliva into your mouth, it having started to leak through the balls of the gag and down your chin and neck. This goes on for a while longer, which increases your arousal to no end as the two sisters say nothing as they continue to tease you and caress you until you openly mewl and whimper in annoyance and try to get off, only for them to stop you. Finally, after what seems like an eternity of teasing you, Lula uses the index finger of her left hand to trace your glossy red lips and says quietly “Looks like Kitty is going into heat. Does Kitty want to feel good, hmm?” Oh thank gods finally! you think before mewling and nodding quickly, causing Leena to chuckle and Lula to smile. “We’ll take our Kitty right here and now. You’ll please your Mistress with your nice bosom Mistress Lula gets your tight ass. Is that what you want, Kitty; to please us in front of everybody?” Leena almost growls into your ear with lust, causing you to shiver with desire and nod quickly yet again. “Good” Lula whispers into your ear with barely contained desire “Now be a good kitty and take off your top and show everyone those magnificent, rope bound breasts of yours”. You moan in anticipation and hurriedly grab underneath the black and white tube top and pull it over your head, exposing your ample D-cups to the crowd, which earns quite a few cheers and whistles, before tossing the garment onto the ground next to the bench.

You give the crowd a playful wink and cup your breasts, leaning forward to give the crowd a good view as you release a muffled moan. Leena laughs lightly behind you before she speaks “Be a good kitty and show everyone your cute butt”. You give the crowd a suggestive look before hopping off of Leena’s knee; you turn around and bend over as you place your hands on either of Leena’s legs, giving the crowd a good view of your stuffed, leaking and vibrating twat as well as your plump, toned butt. The crowd really gets into it with the looks and especially when you start to sway your bottom towards them – Lula laughs and leans over to spank your left cheek with her hand. You moan and arch your back, throwing your head and red hair back as the spank sends vibrations to the vibrating dildo and makes you feel a large amount of pleasure, but still not enough to sate your raging inferno of arousal. As the people take in your short, frilly skirt with a tail clipped on and your heavenly, toned legs covered by black sheer stockings and a garter belt along with black platform heels a few start to openly masturbate at your sight which makes you all that much more horny. “I think Kitty deserves a reward” Lula says with a lewd grin as she stands up and pulls her robes and heels off, tossing them into a pile next to your tube top. “Oh, I think you’re right. It’s time for our submissive little kitty to please her mistresses” Leena rumbles at you as she gently pushes you away before standing up and tossing her own red heels and robe into a pile.

Leena cups your face with her right hand and you mewl happily while nuzzling into it, and as she strokes your fiery red mane with her left. “On your knees, Kitty, and spread those legs” Leena coos into your ear; you whimper happily as you drop to your knees and spread your legs, just as your mistress commanded, and you look up into her red eyes deeply with your green emeralds. You reach up to your neck and happily finger the choker and trace the emerald and metal heart as Leena sits back down on the bench in front of you. You shuffle forward and cup both your breasts in your hands, letting some saliva leak out of the gag and onto your breasts to lubricate them before you slide Leena’s eight in monster between them and mash your melons against them. Lula moves behind you and wraps her blue hands around your waist – you moan deeply, then loudly, as Lula’s glans press against your sphincter before slowly parting your pucker as she pushes inside. Leena twines her fingers in your red hair, which prompts you to start giving her a titjob as you start to work your tits in an up and down motion, then an alternating motion while thrusting back into Lula’s thick blue cock as your cherry clamps down on it tightly. You whimper in bliss at finally feeling something inside you as you feel yourself rocket towards the top of your peak to endless pleasure. Lula tightens her hold on your waist before she whispers into your ear “Hold on tight, baby” before kissing it then pulling back to the tip.

She then rams her full length inside you, stretching you wonderfully and sending you hurtling towards orgasm after the denial you’ve received thus far. You are your back and scream in a muffled tone towards the heavens as you finally experience sweet release; your pucker clamps even harder onto the member like a vice as your molded and stuffed pussy clamps down around the toy and floods your tunnel with juices. When you come down you take a few deep breaths and just sit there as you feel wonderfully and tightly stretched in both your lower holes – Lula lightly spanks your tooshy and whispers lightly into your ear “Feel better, baby?” You lean back a little into her face and nuzzle her while nodding, causing your blue and horned lover to chuckle. “Good…now don’t forget to be a good kitty maid and service your mistress” she says as she points her chin to Leena, who smiles down at you and strokes your hair. You nod and smile inwardly as you get back to work using your tits to service your large breasted mistress; Lula gets back to work on fucking your pucker, which you find immensely enjoyable as you moan into the ball gag and thrusts back in time with Lula.

You feel yourself quickly rising to your peak as wonderful jolts of pleasure and tingles course through you, thanks to being so close to Leena, and so you redouble your efforts with working your tits and your thrusts. “Yeah, baby, you’re so good and so tight. Oh I love how you clamp down on my cock like a greedy slut- Oh YES!” Lula coos behind you as she picks up the pace of her thrusts, sending her cock to the base with every motion and making you feel completely full. As you work your boobs expertly on Leena’s cock, and as you feel yourself nearing the edge of your release, you have a stray thought that maybe you could focus your magic inside your bum like with your mouth since you’re quite comfortable and knowledgeable with it. So, you do just that; as Lula thrusts quickly and roughly inside your pucker, and as you work your ample bosom on Leena’s thick purple cock, you focus your magical energy inside your pucker and, when you feel that you’ve got the hang of it, you start releasing tiny magical bursts inside you. The effects are instantaneous; unlike your mouth, the magical bursts make you feel extreme pleasure as jolts wrack your body, and likewise Lula’s cock twitches immediately and releases spunk deep into your ass from the overstimulation. “FUUUUUCK! YOUR ASS TOOOOO-AHHHHHN?!” Lula screams her passion to the sky as she throws her head back and gasps in pleasure, continuing to ram into your pucker at a doubled pace, which enhances your already great pleasure.

You scream into your ball-gag from the pleasure as your pucker clamps down tightly around the pistoning blue cock, and likewise your love tunnel vices around the vibrating toy inside you, sending juices leaking out the entrance to your canal. You don’t stop working your breasts, however, and soon Leena grabs your hair tightly and yells out her pleasure “Fuck yes, work those tits! Yes, yes, yes!” before she too topples over as her cock twitches and releases a thick stream of creamy seed onto your face, breasts, and hair and a little that flies in an arc and lands on Leena’s tummy and legs. Lula finally stops fucking your ass and pulls out to spray some cum onto your bottom and back as more magical bursts go off that, combined with her fucking, send you into another toe curling orgasm as you throw your head back and whimper in pleasure. The blue succubus behind you pants for breath in labored gasps and manages to speak “Dear gods…Leena, she can do it with her ass as well. Gods…I think it might be even better than her mouth, but I can’t tell…” The blue woman then gets up and makes her way to the clothing pile and sifts through her white robe, producing a rag, which she uses to clean her cock off; Leena, however, gently pushes you onto your back as you still suffer wonderful mini-orgasms from the extreme pleasure you felt, making you quake and twich lightly as you whimper.

When you come to, you moan deeply and start to rub the thick, creamy cum that’s on your breasts, hair and face into your skin, especially around your breasts to provide extra lubrication for what will come next. Leena chuckles and presses her cock to your face, which you moan and nuzzle into while breathing in her arousal, and she says “Does Kitty want this big dick inside her next?” You look your well-endowed mistress in the eyes and nod vigorously; Leena laughs and moves down towards your legs and lifts them up and over her shoulders as she lines her thick, purple cock up with your gaping, altered rosebud. You look over to Lula expectantly as she saunters over to you and steps over you so that her beautiful legs and feet are on either side of your tummy; she then lowers herself down so that she’s sitting on you and she positions herself so that her penis is resting between the valley of your globes. “Kitty is just full of wonderful surprises…but we aren’t done yet~” Lula says as you mash your boobs together again, prompting Lula to start thrusting her hips as she places her hands on the ground next to your head. Then next thing you feel is intense pleasure that ripples through you as Leena slams her cock to the base and starts fucking you quickly and furiously, sending you into an instant orgasm that causes you to clamp down like a vice on both your holes. You scream around the gag in wonderful release as your juices pool on the ground while Lula continues to use your breasts; you focus your magic again on your anus and release tiny bursts of magical energy that send you further into the hole of carnal release as your body shakes in an orgasm, before rocketing you into another in multiple orgasms.

“ARGH FU-CKRRGH GODS YES!” Leena roars in absolute ecstasy as the magical bursts stimulate her entire cock, and as your ass clamps down like a vice; she immediately releases her seed deep inside you which, combined with the amount Lula released, starts to swell your stomach a little as she continues to fuck you through her own orgasm, extending your own as you gurgle in pleasure and quake. Lula gasps in her own release as another torrent of her spunk jettisons forth from her teardrop shaped entrance and onto your face, hair, and neck – Leena pulls out and shoots a few spurts onto your legs and ass and pants. “Domina save me; that was incredible. It should be a crime to use that magnificent ass and mouth” Leena says through pants – Lula agrees with her sister “I know, sister, I know. I think she might have surpassed even us when it comes to sex. By Lequis, she should be a priestess at one of our temples…or Dwynvel’s”. Lula gets off your torso as she speaks, but you’re oblivious as you’re literally quaking in wonderful pleasure, leaking juices from both your stuffed pussy and gaping ass as it works to close itself; you whimper-moan around the ball-gag and unconsciously rub the cum into your hair and skin before groping and fondling your breasts and tweaking your nipples, sending jolts of electric pleasure through you.

“And she still wants more…gods I think…I think I really-“ Lula starts to say, but Leena cuts her off “I know sister…I feel the same way. Well, shall we give our kitty cat a few more rounds?” Lula smiles widely and says “Oh yes, sister, I could never say no to that” and then the fun starts all over again. You’re done in the ass twice more and give two more boobjobs to the sisters; one you’re bent over the bench as Lula takes you from behind and ass you give Leena a titfuck, and again as you’re held in the air by the sisters as Leena takes your ass and holds onto your torso while Lula holds onto your arms as she thrusts between your mounds. By the end you’ve lost count of how many times you each have cum, and you’re all a little messy by the end of it, though you’re much messier than Lula and Leena. You twitch on the ground stomach, your cum covered face in the grass and your ass in the air; you idly try to look out as pleasure jolts through you, and see that quite the crowd has formed that’s cheering and whistling, while most others are fucking from watching you and masturbating for the first, second, or even third time. Your stomach is quite distended and full from the sheer volume of Lula and Leena’s cum, some of it leaking out of your gaping anus. You see a pair of purple feet in front of your eyes, so you look up with effort and see Leena holding a black cat tail anal beads, but the beads themselves are huge; you doubt you could fit your full hand around even one of them, and there are five of them to boot!

You shiver slightly and reach around to your bubble butt and spread your cheeks open in submission and understanding; a moment later you whimper in full rapture as the first bead slips into your gaping hole with little resistance, followed by another, then another, all until the last bead is in place. You then feel a rag on you, making you moan slightly, as it starts to rub against your body and clean up all the cum that was spilled on you until you’re relatively clean – you fall onto your side as you continue to catch your breath. You hear a clip behind you, which you assume to be the cat-tail that was clipped to your short, frilly skirt being removed – you lie on your side for a few moments longer before sitting up. You look around and see Lula and Leena watching you as they lie on the grass together, smiling; Lula walks up to you and removes the ball-gag and says “Kitty got her mistresses dirty. She should clean us up, don’t you think?” To emphasize her point she leans back on her hands and splays her body out to show the cum that’s on her feet, legs, and stomach; Leena does the same and they both give you looks full of desire in their red eyes. You smile weakly and nod “Nyaa~ Kitty will be a good girl and drink her mistresses tasty milk and clean them all up nyaa~” before crawling over to first Lula and, while looking her in the eyes, you dip your head down and start lapping at the little amounts of her seed that somehow got on her feet. Then you move higher towards her shin and thighs, maintaining eye contact and smiling as you lick and worship her legs; when you reach her blue cock you engulf her flaccid member and suck lightly while swirling the tip and shaft with your tongue to clean it before moving onto her belly. When you’re finished you give Lula a peck on the cheek before moving onto Leena and giving the purple beauty the same treatment, though you don’t need to clean her cock since she already took care of it with the rag.

You start to get thirst and eye Leena’s cock as your mouth starts to water, but Lula notices and chuckles “No eating in the park, Kitty” and she tugs on your leash lightly as she starts to rise, making you groan. However, you turn your attention towards both their breasts and you are uniquely fascinated by them as you feel all tingly; you speak up “Uhm, Kitty would like to make a request nyaa~. Would the kind mistresses let Kitty play with their big, beautiful breasts, nyaa~?” Both Lula and Leena cock their eyebrows at you and laugh before tugging on the leash and leading you back towards the bench; they sit down and pat the space between them, where you sit. You gasp a little in pleasure as the anal beads jostle inside you, which by the way make you feel more full than nearly anything you’ve experienced thus far which is exacerbated by the amount of cum inside you. When you get in a good spot Lula says “So, our cute little kitty is a pervert, hmm? She likes breasts does she?” You give a toothy grin and respond “Oh, yes nyaa~! Kitty loves breasts! She loves how they look, how they feel, how they taste. Kitty wants to grab and play with them all day long, nyaa~”. Leena in turn laughs “Well, who are we to deny our good girl?” With that both Lula and Leena cup their breasts and press them together before mashing them into your face; you’re all giggles and hands as you press your face into their large bosoms, kneading their breasts and nipples in your hands and fingers, licking them, weighing them, groping and fondling them, kissing and sucking them – though without drawing milk unfortunately – for quite a few minutes.

As you have you’re fun, a few people from the crowd come up to talk to either you or the sisters to inform the three of you that the performance was one of the greatest they’ve ever seen, which really gives a boost to your pride and ego. A few more people stick around to watch you play with their boobs, and sometimes your own, with amusement until you all have had enough; Lula and Leena get dressed, as do you – which essentially means your tube top – and you all gather everything up before heading back to the temple, getting suggestive looks and whistles all the while as you sway your hips from side to side. On the way back, however, you can’t help but giggle and play with your bosom in fascination of the melons on your chest, and you sometimes even sneak a few quick grabs at your succubus lovers, which makes them giggle and chuckle joyfully.


“What has gotten into you all of a sudden?” Lula says with a laugh as the three of you walk through the door, with you still being led by a leash that Lula currently holds. “Mmmphnnn” you say through the gag while pressing yourself against Lula’s back and fondling her breasts from behind, giggling into the gag as you do so.

Boobs are great! Almost as great as sex; gods that was some great sex at the park, and I still want some more! Mmm, boobs and sex~…

Leena laughs and gently pulls you from Lula and says “Be a good kitty and keep your hands to yourself. We’re going to take you somewhere very special now”. You whine and make puppy dog eyes before nodding and placing your hands at your side as Lula continues to lead you about, heading for the lower chambers of the mansion temple. You reach the large, torch lit chamber below and head diagonally to the right to a door on the corner wall. When Lula opens it and gently tugs you inside, you feel intense tingles and arousal biting at you at what you see; inside this room lays nearly every piece of bondage equipment imaginable! Wooden horses, stocks, ropes, sleeves, harnesses, gags, whips, floggers, chains, clamps, piercings, bondage suspension devices for the aerial bondage enthusiast, cuffs, blindfolds, earmuffs, leashes and collars, spreader bars, chastity belts, strap-ons, dildos, anal beads, butt plugs, a large and strange cylindrical device with hoses and pumps coming from it, a large iron maiden without any spikes and a chair inside that has strategically placed dildos on the base, and so much more! Lula tugs on your leash and you follow, though you all stop and giggle when you feel hungry and thirsty before your stomach growls. “Don’t worry my little slave, you’ll be fed soon enough” Leena says as she takes off your kitty ears headband and tosses it aside.

Ooo, I’m a slave now am I? Kinky…and what does she mean by fed? Mmm, I hope it means what I think it means~ you think as wonderful tingles and arousal eat at you and make you shiver in anticipation. You don’t have long to think on your situation when Lula saunters up to you with a blindfold and she says “Now, slave, take your clothes off put this on” she finishes by extending her hand out that holds a black blindfold. You shiver and nod before pulling the tube top over your head and tossing it to the ground, followed by the short skirt and platform heels, garter belt, and sheer stockings, leaving you in only the red rope harness, the huge cat tail anal beads, and the very large dildo stuck in your pussy that continues to vibrate lightly, sending pleasure through you and making you leak all over the place. When you’re finished you take the blindfold and place it over your eyes and tighten it around your head which robs you of your sight – you gasp in pleasure, however, when you feel the rope at your crotch moved and the giant dildo removed from your hole, which makes your pussy start to clamp down tightly before it remolds to virginal tightness. You reach forward and grasp whoever is in front of you – probably Lula – and continue to gasp around the gag for breath.
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Re: Rift Touched

“Did that feel good, slave? Here, let me take this off” Lula says to you with a giggle. You next feel hands behind your head, and then the gag removed from your mouth; you massage your jaw for a moment before smiling and leaning forward to kiss Lula’s skin . You break character for a moment as say first to Lula, then turning around and speaking where you think Leena is “Lula, Leena, before we go on I just wanted to say…thank you. Thank you so very much for being there for me and helping me find out who I am. I’m so glad I know you both; you’ve made me so happy these last few days, and you’ve made me feel so good and so many other things that I’ve never experienced before”. You feel two sets of large breasts pressed against the front and back of your head, as well as two spaded tails that wrap around either of your legs, before Leena speaks “Dear, it’s been our pleasure. We…care for you very much and we only want to make you happy. You’ve been a joy to be around and the things we’ve all experienced together are second to none”. “That’s right, baby” Lula interjects “We – I – care for you very much. I’m so very glad that I met you in the inn a few days ago. I knew there was something special about you, and I’m glad to have gotten to know you. Now…let’s make another great memory, hmm slave?” she finishes with a playful, yet somewhat sad, undertone before she pecks the back of your head and tugs on the leash lightly.

You smile and feel your heart warm as you follow wherever Lula is leading you, placing your full trust in the blue, spaded tail succubus. After a few moments Lula whispers into your ear “I’m going to put a small stock on you, baby. Is that alright?” You tingle in arousal and nod before nuzzling into Lula and hugging her “Lula…I trust you and your sister completely. I care about both of you as well. I want this, and I know you would never, ever do anything to hurt me. You two are the greatest friends in the world”. “O-oh, oh baby…” Lula says with a quiver in her voice before she pulls you closer and hugs you. When she pulls back you feel your leash and collar slipped from your neck, followed by a gently push that leans you down and forward. You comply with what Lula is doing to you – you also hear the door to the room reopen followed by the fumbling of equipment and shuffling of feet – and feel your arms and head slipped through something. A moment later it closes and locks around your arms and head; you lean up and find that you can move around, which means the wooden stock you’re in isn’t affixed to the ground. Next, Lula starts to adjusted your rope harness and, after a minute or two, your harness is slightly altered so that the rope parts around your crotch as well as your ass. You yelp in surprise when you feel yourself lifted into the air, moved, then set gently onto your vagina on a smooth, curved piece of wood.

Whatever you were set on isn’t painful, thank the gods, but it does dig into your vagina and sends wonderful jolts of pleasure through your body that make you gasp and moan. You feel a shift on whatever you’re sitting on, followed by the anal beads being pulled out slightly by one beads and a cock placed against your sphincter. “How do you like the wooden horse, slave?” Lula whispers huskily into your ear. You shiver and tingle all over as you respond “Slave loves it Mistress, and she loves your thick, juicy cock pressed against her tight ass”. Lula chuckles, but it’s Leena who speaks next “Everything’s ready sister. Have her wear this”. You hear something move before something similar to a gag is placed around your mouth and tightened around your head, but a quick flick of your tongue reveals that there’s a tube of some sort. You moan, however, when Lula presses her cock into your anus, right behind one of the large beads – “Drink down your meal, slave. Everyone’s pitching in to help feed you~” Lula whispers hotly into your ear. You wonder what she means by that…until you start to hear moans and other sounds of pleasure fill the room, followed by a steady stream of semen, female cum, and sweet, creamy milk fill your mouth. Your tongue explodes in wonder at the delicious taste of the combination of juices, and you greedily start to suck down the steady stream of fluids with a moan; your moan turns to a slight whimper of pleasure as Lula reaches around to massage your breasts and tweak your nipples while grinding her cock slowly, and not very deeply, into your ass. The grinding and fondling presses your sopping cunt against the smooth, curved wood of the wooden horses that also seeks to increase your pleasure.

You feel yourself getting closer, and closer, and closer still to release and when you’re right on the cusp…Lula stops thrusting and stops playing with your breasts. No! Why did she stop? I was so close…so very close… you think in frustration as your wonderful, toe curling release was denied you. “Payback, slave~ Maybe this will teach you to tease me and give my funny potions, hmm slave? Now, drink up your nice, gooey meal because you’re going to be here a while~” Lula whispers into your ear. You try to rut against the wooden horse and thrust back into Lula’s thick cock, but she holds your bound, blindfolded, and stocked form still with her hands on your hips which makes you groan in frustration as you continue to drink down the delicious cum and milk combo that leaks steadily into your mouth from the tube. You sit there in a perpetual state of denial, arousal, and wonder as you’re release is denied, only to be made up for with a delicious helping of milk and cum. You remain this way for you don’t know how long – maybe hours – only feeling release when Lula thrusts just right into you, or when the thrust jostles you and your pussy grinds just right into the horse to give you release, though it’s quickly overshadowed by a need for more intense relief. The sounds of moans do little to quell your arousal, nor does the constant slow, steady stream of milk and cum which you find even more delicious and filling as time goes on since it’s the only thing that isn’t denied to you.

Cum and milk are so good, I love it! I could drink it down all day long…oh the salty, thick taste of semen and the bittersweet taste of girl juice is so intoxicating…gods, I’m so horny right now. I need to be fucked so badly right now – how long have I been here? Please, Lula, please just pull out the toy and ram your thick, wonderful cock up my ass and ravage me… you think as you suck down the juices. At this point you start to get a little sore in your nethers, and groan in discomfort; someone seems to notice and a moment later the tube is removed from over your mouth and you’re lifted into the air and set on the ground, but not before Lula grabs your cheeks and rubs her cock between them before releasing a loud onto your back. You whimper as a tiny, barely satisfying orgasm rips through you when fingers start to stroke your oversensitive half-elf ears and another removes the anal beads from inside you that nearly brings you to your knees. A pair of hands catch you, however, and you hear a series of clicks before the stocks are removed from your arms and head, followed by the blindfold. You keep your eyes closed and slowly open them and blink a few times to let your eyes adjust; the first thing you see is Leena staring back at you in the nude and with a smile on her face – you look to your side and see Lula smiling back at you and holding you up.

“Please” you beg “Please, I-I need it so badly…” you lean against Lula to try and urge her to give you what you need. Lula chuckles and says “Soon…very soon, but not right now”. What? But I need it now! Oh, Lula, I know this is your payback for earlier, but I just won’t stand for this you beautiful tease. I swear if you let your guard down for even a second I promise you I will pounce… you think as wonderful tingles and arousal hit you like a wave, and as you crack a weak yet mischievous smile. You look around the room and see a few people standing about looking very satisfied – both men and women – before you see the cylindrical object you first saw when you entered, filled with cum. You smirk as you realize you were drinking from that for a good long time – your attention is drawn, however, when you see the familiar sights of Delilah, Razasha, Phi, Laewinn, and Astraea all looking at you very lewdly and suggestively and fully nude with glistening clefts or leaking seed from their members, which really isn’t a problem for Astraea since she doesn’t need clothes. They wink and wave at you before turning and leaving the room with a spring in their step…and tentacles; you chuckle and shake your head in amusement.

“Let’s go, baby. I have one more thing in store for you <3” Lula says to you with a wink. You grin darkly and devilishly “Oh, I’m sure you do. I can’t wait” you peck Lula on the cheek as you steady yourself on your feet. When you feel that you can stand on your own Lula hands the leash to Leena, who gives a gentle tug, before you all head off and out the room, up the stairs, and bound for the room you share with the two sisters as you leak a large amount of fluid from your holes. A quick look back at the wooden horse reveals to you a very large puddle of your own juices that formed from the constant stimulation, which makes you a little shocked.


“I’ve got something very, very special for you” Lula says giddily as she turns to you with a big smile when the three of you walk through the door to your room. “Here, let me get these off of you” she continues as she removes your leash and choker, before excitedly fumbling with your rope harness. When everything is off she hands them to Leena, who nods before smiling and taking them and heading out the door. “Leena will get them cleaned up. Oh, this is going to be so good, baby! Follow me” the blue succubus chirps happily to you and grabs your hand. You laugh and allow yourself to be led along…For now, dear Lula. I may have a tummy full of cum, but I’m far from satisfied… Lula leads you to the bathroom and, when you walk through the door, you’re met with a surprising yet adorable sight; sitting on the bathroom floor, though a little on the large side, is a simple icy blue slime. You enter your aura sight and see that it indeed is an ice slime as a blue pulsing radiates from it with underlying red fissures, as well as tiny threads that glow with magical power. “Oh, a simple slime! It’s so cute!” you say as you quickly walk over to the round, yet slightly amorphous, slime; you kneel down and put your hand on the slime and giggle when it’s body ripples for a moment then starts to engulf your hand, making it feel tingly and relaxed.

It’s a little cold to the touch, but nothing that’s uncomfortable; you pull your hand back and press your face against it and give it a little hug, which it seems to like as it ripples again and presses its body into yours. You hear Lula chuckle behind you “Wow, I never knew you were so good with them. Have you run across one before?” While still hugging and now gently caressing the cute, calf sized slime you reply “Mmhmm, back at Veilwood we have a pet slime that the whole town has as a pet. It’s a purple slime and would disappear and reappear all over the place. I would always make a game of trying to find it, and after a while we sorted of bonded. This one’s much bigger, but still just as cute” you say as the slime ripples happily at your touch. It starts to engulf your hands and you giggle as you swish your hands through the slightly cold, gelatinous creature; it squishes against you harder and ripples more, happy at the contact and the positive emotions you’re giving off. “Yes, you’re a good slime aren’t you? Yes you are! You’re a real cutey!” you say in a playful, childlike voice that sends the slime rippling in joy and causing you to giggle as you continue to play with it.

“I’m glad you like them so much” Lula starts to say behind you “Because you’re going to be having so much more fun with it. I’m going to have it eat you right up and take both your cute, toned booty and that tight honeypot of yours while you suck me off~”. You smile wickedly while still rubbing at the slime, making sure you’re back is still turned so that Lula can’t see you. That’s what you think…but I know slimes better than you do I bet~ you think before you hum lightly on the slime and stroke it softly, making it ripple happily as it continues to engulf you. “Hey little guy” you whisper to the slime as you both continue to play with each other “I know you want to play, but mind helping me out? I want to play with Lula too, but I’ll need your help? Mind holding her down for me?” You feel tingly and aroused at the thought of having this cute blue slime help you dominate Lula, and the slime seems to notice your emotions as it stops engulfing you, which is made it to your legs, and ripples in understanding. You giggle and swish your hand through the cold and gelatinous body playfully before you pull back and saunter over to Lula. “I can’t wait…” you whisper into Lula’s ear before you pull her into a kiss, which she happily moans into as she grabs your face and holds you tight. However, you have other plans and you subtly switch your positions as you work your tongue into Lula’s mouth, and when you pull back you strike.

“Change of plans, Lula” you say with a sultry, mischievous tone while grinning; Lula looks at you confusedly before you roughly push Lula back. “Wha-? Hey, what are you doinNNNNGGG?!” Lula starts to say…before she tumbles right into the large blue slime. The blue slime springs forward and engulfs Lula’s legs before working its way up to her hands and arms before it starts to move towards you. “Oh, no…no, no, no, no. Colette, baby, what are you doing? Tell it to stop” Lula pleads with you as she tries to struggle unsuccessfully in the slime’s grasp; when the slime, and Lula, are in front of you the slime morphs and rolls itself to get Lula on her knees. You lean down with a smirk and give Lula a kiss on her lips before saying “And why would I do that, Lula? I thought we were going to have some fun~. Especially after you teased me at the park and downstairs just a little while ago. Leaving me all hot and horny and without a good climax. Thank you so much little guy; you’re a good slime!” finish by praising your slime buddy and stroking its semi-hard gelatinous form, making it ripple happily. The slime morphs itself slightly to extend a gelatinous tentacle out towards you, specifically your nethers, and you watch in anticipation and curiosity at what it does.

You moan deeply and grab the slimy tentacle and push it in further as it enters your vagina, which starts to mold to it, before it expands. “Mmm, oh yes that feels so nice. I think I need to keep you for myself~” you say in a beautiful moan as wonderful jolts of pleasure course through you, sending you higher and higher to release. The slimy tentacle continues to expand and, while cold, is actually quite pleasant due to the gelatinous texture and the pleasurable tingles you feel; you can actually feel the pleasure of the slime as it melds with you, which enhances the experience. When the slimy tentacle penetrates your cervix you lean forward and wrap your arms around Lula as she watches with lustful eyes and you kiss her, battling your tongue with hers as your pussy clamps down around the slimy tool in orgasm. The slime stops working it’s makeshift tentacle and ripples violently in bliss as it absorbs your juices and magical energy; you giggle when you pull back as you gasp in pleasured breaths before speaking to the slime “Like that did you, little guy? You can have as much as you want so long as you help me take this pretty woman right here…and her sister if she shows up <3”. The slime seems to understand you and ripples joyously before doing something strange; the slime retracts it tentacle back into its body…but as it does so it forms its tentacle into the shape of a very large penis before breaking off, leaving your cervix and cunt completely stuffed with a hard, gelatinous penis that shoots out seven inches from your vagina and is almost as thick as Lula’s own member.

You give it a tap and gasp in shock and pleasure as the tingly sensations in your vagina intensify and you’re hit with an extreme amount of pleasure. “G-gods, is this what a penis feels like? Now…what should I do with this I wonder?” you say with a lewd grin before eying Lula, who seems to shift uncomfortably in the slime’s hold. “Spread those legs for me…I’m going in” you say with a mischievous glint in your eyes; the slime obeys and morphs itself so that Lula is floating in the slime’s mass on her back with her legs spread. You move forward and the slime parts itself so that it will allow you better entrance to Lula’s privates and throbbing hard cock, and as you reach your destination Lula’s eyes go wide. “B-baby, where do you think you’re going to put that?” she asks warily as you bypass her glistening cunt and ignore her cock entirely, instead poking the slimy penis against her backdoor. You moan as the contact sends ripples of pleasure that land in your soaked twat and say in a hot and husky voice “Since I have a new toy I thought I would try out your favorite hole and see what all the fuss is about”. You grab Lula’s legs as you slowly press forward into her pucker; you gasp and moan in bliss at the strange, new, and wonderful sensations that work their way down the slime cock and land in your cunt.

“O-oh gods yes! It’s so tight!” you say loudly in bliss as you continue to push into Lula’s blue rosebud – Lula, on the other hand, has her back arched and is gasping loudly in pleasure and says “Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods! It’s so big! I’ve only ever had Leena up me once, and that was a long time ago…AHN SO STRETCHED!” That’s right, how does it feel? Hmm, I’m actually a b-bit – OH YES! – envious right now; I love the way she stretches me when she goes up my butt… You continue to push forward until you bottom out in Lula’s ass, which nearly sets you to climax and Lula moaning pleasurably all the while. Just as you start to pull back you hear the sound of a door opening; you turn around and see Leena staring wide-eyed at you and then to her sister, which makes you smirk. Leena then bursts out laughing as she grabs her sides “You- HAHAHA! – you seem to be in quite the predicament, sister! Did your plan not come together as you had hoped?” “S-shut it, sister! Just get over here and h-help – Oh that’s nice right there – me get control of the situation” Lula says with a little laugh and a few more moans as you slowly pull the slime cock out, earning a few gasps of pleasure from you. “Mmm, I think not sister; I think I’ll join Colette instead” Leena says as she starts to saunter up towards you, Lula, and the slime.

Just a little bit closer…come on, almost there…aaaaand…gotcha! you think as you watch Leena get closer and, when she’s close enough, the slime strikes! “Alright, now where should I – WHAT?! NO! Colette…why you! AHN!” Leena starts to say with a smirk before she’s pulled in by the slime and almost entirely engulfed by the blue, slightly cold amorphous being before the slime hardens some of its insides into tentacles and thrusts inside both Leena’s lower holes. You smile at the development and give Leena a wink before you go to town on Lula’s anus as the slime forms another tentacle inside itself and thrusts into Lula’s cunt. The slime also forms a suction around both their cocks and when you start to pick up the pace of your thrusting, the slime alternates thrusts inside both the sister’s as well as the suction on their cocks. The room is filled with all three of your moans as you move closer and closer to release from the reverberating pleasure of the slime cock that lands in your pussy, and likewise as you do Lula and the slime does them both. When you can take no more you thrust home and, to your surprise and satisfaction, when your tunnel floods in orgasm the slime cock funnels your cum straight into Lula’s anus!

“Oh YES! Feels so GOOD!” you scream at the top of your lungs as Lula’s tight ass brings you to climax, and as you shoot your girl cum into her. Lula and Leena likewise reach their own climaxes and scream their bliss to the ceiling as the slime continues to work on them, sucking down their cum from both their cunts and cocks and rippling happily. You pant for breath and slowly withdraw from Lula, who whimpers as you remove the slime penis, and turn your attention to Leena. “You’re next~” is all you say as you give her a hungry look before you line up the temporary cock with her anus. “N-now dear, think about what you’re doing. I’ve never had something that big up there befo-RRREEEAAAAHHH!” Leena begins to prattle on before you slowly insert your blue icy blue penis inside her bum, stretching her like she’s never been stretched before. You open your mouth in an “O” as the incredible pleasure and pressure feel incredible to you and you say “W-well, there’s a f-f-first time – Oh so tight, gods yes! – for everything…” you both gasp loudly when you bottom out. You give the purple succubus time to adjust to the cock before you repeat the procedure all over again with the happy and helpful slime, thrusting in and out fast and hard as the slime does the same to the two. Before long you reach another orgasm and squirt your cum into the cock, which in turn funnels it into Leena’s pucker.

When you come down from the second incredible orgasm – having staved off many beforehand thanks to your new resistance training – you drop to your knees and whimper as the slime cock loses its hardness and drains out of you. The slime then releases the two sisters as they pant for breath and moves over the blue slime puddle to collect its remnant and snuggle up against you, rippling happily. You giggle and give the cold, gelatinous and very adorable slime a big engulfing hug and kiss which makes it shake in joy. “Thank you, little guy; you were great” you say before the slime withdraws and moves over to a corner of the room to rest itself. You watch with a smile as it morphs and rolls itself to the right corner of the room and plops itself down, rippling and snuggling down happily. You lean back onto your hands as you continue to breath and bask in the afterglow of two wonderful orgasms…that is until you look up and see the blue and purple sisters glaring at you hungrily. You look at them and smile sheepishly before saying “Truce?”

“Not happening” Lula says with a catty grin – “Not even by a longshot” Leena adds with an equal, and somewhat sinister, expression. You think about getting up and running, but you smile and chuckle instead “Ah, well, I suppose that’s to be expected. So…which one of you lovely ladies wants to put it up my butt, hmm?” Your question is answered when Leena picks you up, flips you around, and impales you on her cock to the base as she holds onto your toned bubble butt. “YES! GODS YES!” you scream out in pleasure as Leena’s thick cock stretches you wonderfully and fills you right up, causing you to squirt an excess of juices from your tunnel and onto the ground below. Leena then sits down onto her butt while still holding onto you as you quiver in bliss before Lula gets down onto her knees, spreads your legs, and impales her cock into your pussy all the way passed your cervix. You whimper and scream brokenly as another fierce orgasm rips through you, causing your pucker and love tunnel to clamp down tightly as you gush. Lula looks at you hungrily and with a smile before she grabs your fiery red hair and presses her lips against your glossy red ones in a passionate kiss, which you press into as you wrap your arms and legs around her.
Re: Rift Touched

You feel intense tingles and arousal, and an itch that needs to be scratched – as your pussy molds tightly to Lula’s shape you feel the inside of your vagina and decide to act on something you think you can do. You focus on the muscles inside your vagina…and you start to make them ripple and vibrate, which enhances the pleasure you and Lula both feel as you gasp and moan in bliss. “Gods, Colette! That feels wonderful! Oh, I need you so badly right now” Lula says as she throws her head back in pleasure. “We both need you so badly, Colette” Leena whispers behind you and nibbles on your right half-elf ear, sending jolts of pleasure rippling through you that send you racing towards your heights. Forget holding the pleasure back…I want to feel it all! you think as you let your pleasure resistances falter and you say “I need both of you. Please…don’t keep me waiting”. They definitely don’t keep you waiting as the both withdraw to the tip, before slamming home and sending you hurtling into the dimension of pleasure as you open your mouth in a silent scream of rapture. With what you can manage, you clamp down like a vice on both the members and vibrate your pussy, while also building up magic in your anus and releasing tiny magical bursts to stimulate Leena’s member. Both the sister’s scream in pleasure before they start to pound your senses into oblivion with the pleasure you feel.

After a while you just hang there limply between them, muttering unintelligibly as you continue to climax for the unknownth time, and as Lula and Leena release their own passions inside you again. You briefly remember Leena leaving and coming back with an arm sleeve that she puts on you before you’re lowered onto her cock again, face in her breasts as Lula takes you from behind. Before long you pass out into a world of wonderful pleasure convulsing darkness, and loving every second of it…


You feel yourself rousing from your rest, snuggled between two wonderful feeling orbs and a taste of sweet milk in your mouth. You also feel arms, legs, and tails draped over and around you and holding you protectively, so instead of trying to get up you instead yawn, smile, and snuggle into the embrace without ever opening your eyes.

Oh that felt so wonderful last night. I think I really love sex; I’m starting to have a craving for it…and to do nastier things as well. I also think I might be a little bit addicted to cum and milk, but that’s okay since it tastes so good…and it feels so good to bath in~ Maybe I’ll have more bathes today as well, since Delilah did say it would make my skin smoother, glow brighter, and became a little lighter as well; I know that it would drive the sister’s wild too, teehee~. But what makes my heart soar is to help the children and those in need. Just being with them and knowing that I’m doing something good makes me feel so much better you think as you reflect on yourself…and then you feel intense tingles as a weight is lifted from you. This burden being lifted is greater than the other times, and takes your breath away at how free and liberated you feel. You feel the bed shift and look up to see Leena looking at you with a bright smile as Lula stirs as well.

“I’ve felt it, Colette…I’ve felt a very significant change in you” is all Leena says as she looks at you. Lula, who’s behind you, hugs you closer to her bosom and says “I’m so happy for you, baby. You’ve found yourself…almost. You’re much, much closer than you ever were before; I’m so very happy”. You chuckle and sit up towards the headboard and look at the two beautiful women beside you and say “I couldn’t have done it without you both. I-I know that I can be a little unruly and cheeky at times, but from the bottom of my heart thank you so much. I feel so…so free and confident. Please, if you ever, ever need anything I promise I will do what I can for you, and for everyone here”. “So kind…baby, you don’t owe us anything. And you aren’t unruly…this is who you are, and we love you for your cheekiness” Lula says softly and with a smile as she hugs you. Leena strokes your red hair and says “That’s right, dear; you’re the kindest soul here and everything about you is wonderful. Ev- dear, are you alright? You’re crying”. You give Leena a confused look before you bring your left hand to your face; when you wipe it you notice there is a bit of moisture and so you bring both hands to your eyes and rub them of tears.

“That’s strange; I feel fine. So why am I crying? Funny, isn’t it; I feel great and I’m cry- I…I-I’m” you start to say with a smile before, for whatever reason, you get a lump in your threat and your chest feels tight…and then you let it all out. You cry, nay, you bawl your eyes out as you grab hold of Lula tightly and bury your face into her bosom as you continue to cry loudly. “Baby, baby it’s okay, it’s okay. Shh, we’re right here…” Lula says softly as she hugs you tight and strokes your red hair. Between sobs and hiccups you manage to speak “W-why am I c-crying? I feel fine…g-great in fact. B-better than ever, so why…?” You feel another pair of breasts press against the back of your head as Leena hugs both you and her sister closely, rocking you as you sob. “Finding yourself is difficult, scary, and intense. What you felt was too much for you to absorb at once; this is your body’s natural reaction to cope with that. Just let it all out – we’ll be right here for you” Leena explains softly. You just nod into Lula’s bosom and cry, and cry, and cry for you don’t know how long until after a long while the tears finally subside. You sniffle a few more times and rub into Lula’s big blue breasts before laughing.

Both the sisters pull back and give you confused and concerned looks, so you explain “It’s just funny, is all. One of the best days of my life and the first thing I do is cry. I think I’m fine now, thank you” You offer a beaming and sincere smile to your blue and purple friends to alleviate their concerns, which seems to work as they laugh as well and kiss you. “Now…let’s get into a bath shall we? I feel a bit dirty – oh and not a cum one this time…though I might be up for that later” you say with a lewd grin. You all laugh and get out of bed and head for the tub in the adjoining room, but not before you get your morning milk from them. Partway through the bath Leena gets out early and gets her robe on and leaves, before returning with another sheet of paper that she hands to you as you and Lula dry off.

“It’s been three days, so you can request a blessing if you want. If you get a blessing now you can still continue to stay at the temple to move closer to your true heart, but you won’t receive any more blessings” Leena explains before continuing “I’ve also updated the list, and the previous options still stand”. You nod and smile before looking over the list and feeling tingly all over. As you look a question pops into your head and you look up and ask Leena “When I got my other blessings the disciples would tell me what my personal blessing would be. How come you won’t?” Leena chuckles and places a hand on your naked shoulder “Like I said when we first met, the blessings are deeply personal. I won’t know the blessing until it’s already been cast. The only one that will truly know is Domina herself, dear. I assure you that the blessing will be powerful and worthwhile to you, whatever it happens to be”.

Well that’s a pickle. Oh well, it’s probably for the best you think as you return your attention to the list. You stick a finger into your mouth and lightly suck on it as you think. As you do Lula walks out of the bathroom, then back in holding the choker she gifted you. You giggle and take it from her as she hands it to you and give her a kiss as you put it on “Thank you very much, Lula. This thing always manages to get dirty when you two are around”. Lula laughs and shrugs her shoulders “It’s not my fault you like to play dirty, baby”. You stick your tongue out at her and hug her before laughing and turning your attention back to the list once more.

Hair Length
- Bald
- Short (pixie cut)
- Short (chin length)
- Shoulder length
- Long (Just above breasts)
- Long (Just passed breasts (current style))
- Extra-long (Small of back)
- Extra-long (Down to butt)
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Haircuts/styles These styles aren’t permanent. Colette can let her hair down or change it on her own.

- Pig Tails (Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Ponytail (current style. Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Bun (Requires Shoulder Length or longer)
- Odango (Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Straight
- Wavy (Current Style)
- Curly
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Hair Color
- Brown
- Dark Brown
- Light Brown
- Blonde
- Platinum Blonde
- Raven Black
- Auburn
- Fiery Red (current hair color)
- Pink
- Purple
- Blue
- Green
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Natural
- Glossy Red (current style)
- Red
- Blue
- Black
- Purple
- Pink
- Green
- Your choice (write something if you want it added)

Nail Polish (Fingers and Toes)
- Natural (current style/color)
- Red
- Pink
- Black
- Purple
- Green
- Blue
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Rift tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Magic Crystal tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Dragon tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Flower tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Death tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- “Slut” tattoo (Flowing writing) (Specify where you want it)
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Eyeliner
- Eye-shadow
- Shave pubic hair (current)
- Grow pubic hair
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Choose any and all that you want! Some may be automatically chosen based on Colette’s current Sex Perks/Passives so beware! Colette also doesn’t have to be the center of each i.e. if Dominant, anal, and strap-on are chosen she could possibly take a strap-on to someone else’s bottom and vice versa if Submissive; I will accommodate as many possibilities as are chosen. Also, if you’re squeamish know that I won’t go too hardcore with some of these things such as spanking, candle wax, floggers, etc. so no bleeding or serious pain.

Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal)
- Dominant (Normal) Plus (You have shown an interest in being Dominant and in some situations you will be more dominant than normal and try to assert yourself even over other dominant individuals) (You will gain dominant based perks)
- Submissive (Normal)
- Submissive (Normal) Plus (You have shown an interest in being Submissive and in some situations you will be more submissive than normal, allowing others to make decisions for you and even allow other submissive people to dominate you) (You will gain submissive based perks)
- Bondage Submissive
- Bondage Submissive Plus (You have shown an interesting in being the submissive in bondage situations and in some situations you will be extremely submissive and allow other submissives and dominant partners to make decisions for you and put you in more extreme bondage situations) (You will gain bondage submissive based perks)
- Give pleasure
- Give pleasure Plus (You like to give others pleasure. So much so that anyone that asks or wants sex from you, you will give them what they want. If this is chosen, while in the temple of Domina wandering about if someone wants you to please them then you will do so. Works well with submissive)
- Receive pleasure
- Receive pleasure Plus (You like to feel pleasure. With this you’ll be able to demand sex from many as you wander the halls of the temple of Domina. Works well with dominant)
- Serve others (Sexual and non-sexual. Can be helping improves other lives or serving the needs of another)
- Be served (Sexual and non-sexual. Can demand the help of others or prefer to help yourself as others serve your needs)
- Masochism
- Sadism
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)
- Pleasure Denial (orgasm denial)
- Role-play (Slave/Master, Pet/Owner, etc., write something in if you have an idea)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Anal
- Vaginal
- Vaginal Plus (You like sex, and what better way than with the organ designed for it? With this you will gain a perk(s) that allow you to give and receive more pleasure when using your vagina during sex)
- Breast Play
- Breast Play Plus (You’ve been using your melons during sex quite frequently, and why not; breasts are awesome! With this you will gain a perk(s) that will help you give even more pleasure when you use your fun bags!)
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Foursome (Three sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration)
- Fivesome (Four sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration+)
- Gangbang (Many sexual partners on one)
- Group Sex (Sex with other groups of people)
- Orgy (Sex with other groups of people in a large group)
- Bukkake
- Bukkake Plus (You love being covered in cum, whether it’s male, female, tentacle beast, or anything in between. With this every sexual situation will be sticky and messy, leaving you wearing a large amount of the stuff and sometimes your partner will as well)
- Public Sex
- Spanking
- Exhibitionism
- Exhibitionism Plus (You love to show off your body to others in skimpy clothing, and sometimes in nothing at all! With this you will gain a perk(s) related to exposing yourself to others!)
- Humiliation (Dirty talk, nicknames, etc.)
- Humiliation Plus (You like being degraded and humiliated, and you like degrading and humiliating others. With this the humiliation will be taken to the next level with extra dirty talk, and be borderline cruel. You’ll also gain a perk(s) relating to be humiliated or humiliating others)
- Voyeurism
- Bondage (Rope, arm sleeves, leg sleeves, bound bodysuits, stocks, etc.)
- Glory Hole (Oral)
- Glory Hole (Vaginal/Anal)
- Piercings (Own category. Can be sexual or non-sexual i.e. piercings as sex play or piercings as jewelry)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Preferred Clothing Types
- Naked
- Clothing (Scant. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Casual. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Conservative. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Exotic/Fetish i.e. maid outfit, cat outfit, school girl, bodysuits, etc. make up your own if you want)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sex Toys and Objects
- Dildo
- Butt Plug
- Anal Beads
- Leash and Collar
- Gag (Ball and/or Ring gag)
- Ear-muffs/plugs
- Blindfolds
- Clamps
- Stocks
- Wooden Horse
- Candle Wax
- Whips, Floggers and/or Paddles
- Strap-on
- Double dildo
- Arm Sleeve
- Leg Sleeve
- Full Body Harness (Rope and/or clothing)
- Shackles/Manacles
- Aphrodisiacs
- Your Choice (write something in)

Other Sexual Things
- Tentacle Pod (You have shown an interest in being with tentacle beasts and now have the option of undergoing the ultimate in sexual bliss: The Tentacle Pod. You will be inserted into a tentacle beast specialty, which will penetrate every orifice and stimulate your entire body for over an hour. There will be no escape until the allotted time has been completed, and you will be blind and deaf to the world. The only thing you will know is constant, mind-numbing pleasure. Beware; you might come out somewhat…changed as a result. Especially after multiple uses of the tentacle pod)

- Tentacle Roundhouse (You really like tentacle beasts a whole lot. So much so that you want to be taken through the whole tentacle lair ordeal! With this chosen you’ll role-play a captured tentacle slave and be bound and screwed by a tentacle beast in all holes, bathed in cum, drinking their seed, being mentally befuddled, possibly put in a tentacle pod, and so much more!)

- Slime-tastic! (You’ve been with a slime! Slimes are awesome aren’t they? With this, you’ll be thrown – willingly of course – into a room full of cute and cuddly slimes to play with! Naughtily of course, but it’s still fun!)

- Oral Competition (You’ve attained mastery over giving head and now you want to prove it! You’ll complete in a blowjob competition to prove you’re the best! You’ll blow rows of cocks and lick just as many pussies!)

- Anal Gangbang (Similar to a regular gangbang, but only focusing on your backdoor! You’ve mastered the art of using your anus and now you want to share your gift with everyone! With this you’ll have men, women, tentacles, you name it all lining up to use that wonderful backdoor of yours and nothing else!)

- Milk and Cum Diet (You love drinking milk and you love the taste of cum. With this you will forego traditional meals and instead drink milk and cum for sustenance for the rest of the day)

- Cum Bather (You love cum so much – the taste, the feel, the smell – that you literally want to bathe in it! With this you’ll take nice cum baths instead of regular ones, meaning you’ll be look and smelling like cum all day. Can specify if you don’t want to bath for certain events)

- Blossoming Love (You’ve been having sex and building relationships with many people since you’ve come here. With this you can profess your love and care to those that you have been with and possibly start a harem…or join one that’s already been made. Possible candidates include: Lula, Leena, Xillia, Astraea, Delilah, Phi, Laewinn, Razasha, Hera. Can choose more than one. If chosen interesting things may happen…)

- Sex in the City (You love having sex where others can see you, and you love to show off your body. So much in fact that you want to let the whole city know it! With this you’ll organize an event to bring as many people from all corners of the city to the fountain area and have sex the partners of your choice, either from the crowd or the temple)

- Cum Dump (You love cum. You love tasting it, feeling it, smelling it…you love everything about it! And people have so much of it! With this you’ll offer your body up to the residents of the temple so that they can relieve themselves of all that wonderful cum. You’ll suck and fuck like there’s no tomorrow to get it out of them and in you…or on you!)

- Slut Training (You’ve had a lot of sex. You love sex, a lot. Face it, you’re a slut and proud of it! Now, you want to learn how to last and act like a better slut! With this you will be able to last longer during sex before succumbing to exhaustion and you will act sluttier as well! What’s not to like?)

- Vampire Love (Delilah’s mentioned that there are a few trustworthy vampires in the city, and you’ve already shown that you’re willing to let her feed off of you. If you choose this you’ll spend time with Delilah and the other three vampires doing naughty things…and being fed off of. Not enough to kill or harm you of course, but it might improve your reputation amongst the vampires, and you might learn something about them that will be useful in the future…)

- Delilah’s Bondage Slut (Delilah is the temple bondage dom and she’s taken a liking to you. Heck, you’ve taken a liking to her and being tied up by her! With this you’ll go through her full bondage regimen: you’ll be paddled, whip, spanked, harnessed, strung up in the air, teased, humiliated, you name it! It will only be between you and Delilah, but you’ll have to do what she says when you’re with her. She won’t do anything to hurt you, so no worries there!)

- Penetration Enthusiast (You love to be penetrated…a lot. In fact, you’ve though about being penetrated with more than one member at once! With this you’ll try to take two toys/penises in one hole)

- Fucked Silly (You love sex, and you love to feel good. With this, every sexual encounter will see that you end up fucked completely silly. Slurred speech, increased desire to be fucked, funny faces, strange speech. It might affect your personality a tad bit…)

- Boobs are Great! (Boobs are awesome, so why not share them? With this chosen you’ll let people grope and fondle your wonderful melons whenever they want. Whether in the temple or walking the streets, you’ll give the gift that keeps on giving…wonderful breasts!)

- Your Choice (write something in)

Sexual Preferences
- Men
- Women
- Other (tentacle beasts, futanari, slimes, beast sex i.e dogs, wolves, etc, etc.)
- Your Choice (write something in. There’s obvious things I left out, but if you want them then go ahead and write them in)

- Community Service (Help beggars, pass out food, help repair buildings, etc.)

- Community Clean-Up (Help clean up the streets of the slums and make it a better looking place)

- Orphanage Duty (reading to kids, helping maintain orphanage, etc.)

- Orphanage Teacher (Teach the children of the orphanage valuable skills that you’ve learned to help them have a better chance out in the world)

- Orphanage Mother (You help Penelope out with taking care of the children when you go. You help cook meals, feed them, teach them, play with them, and nurture them when you volunteer)

- Stealth Training: Sneak Proficiency (Improve sneak level. May require more than one session depending on sneak level), Lock Pick Proficiency (Improve lockpicking level. May require more than one session depending on lockpicking level), Evasive techniques (Learn to hide and dodge better. Small boost to sneak when hidden and small boost to dodging attacks. May require multiple sessions to learn)Choose up to two.

- Combat Training: Dual Wielding Specialization (Learn to dual wield better. Each session improves perk), Weapon type proficiency (Level up weapons. May require more than one session depending on current weapon level. May only choose one weapon type), Pleasure resistance training (Learn to resist pleasure. More sessions improve pleasure resistance), Muscle training (Increase muscle to hit harder and carry more weight. May require multiple sessions to learn). Choose up to two.

- Magic Training: Mental Fortitude (Improve MR slightly and resist mental based attacks aimed at mind control or mental befuddlement. Multiple sessions may improve resisting mental powers), Magic Crystal Proficiency (Level up magic crystals. May require more than one session depending on current magic crystal level. May only choose one magic crystal type), Blood Magic (Learn to tap into your very lifeblood to draw magic. Can be used even if there are still magical reserves left. Will drain some health to be used as MR. Requires multiple sessions to learn), Magical Shield (Will be capable of tapping into magical reserves to create a magical shield that absorbs damage similar to ice shield. Each hit on the shield, regardless of damage, drains 20 MR. Lasts indefinitely or until dispelled or broken. Last hit on Magical Shield will not allow damage to bleed through to caster, unlike ice shield. Requires multiple sessions to learn)

- Your Choice (write something in)

edit: You'll notice some things are missing...that's because Colette has gained the perk for them and it's no longer necessary to have them around or recent choices lock certain things out. Woo, go Colette!
Last edited:
Re: Rift Touched

A. Stylist Choices
A1. Get more things done, or change what you already have.
A2. Forget the stylist for now. You like the way that you look.

B. Parchment Options (Choose as many as you want)

C. Have some alterations made to your body through the power of alchemy and Domina!
C1. Alter your throat and turn it into a sexual organ capable of feeling pleasure similar to an erogenous zone.
C2. Alter your breasts so that you can lactate when sucked on or during orgasm. Will make bust slightly larger (Go from D-cup to DD-cup).

D. Bless Self

E. Bless clothing/armor
E1. Bless undergarments (can bless 1 set of footwear, bra, panties, and garters)
E2. Bless chest clothing (can only bless 1) (Sets can be blessed together, i.e. Skintight bodysuit and hood)
E3. Bless leg clothing (can only bless 1)
E4. Bless robe/coat/cloak (can only bless 1)
E5. Bless chest armor (can only bless 1)
E6. Bless leg armor (can only bless 1)
E7. Bless footwear (can only bless 1 pair)
E8. Bless Gloves (can only bless 1 pair)
E9. Bless headwear (can only bless 1)

F. Bless weapon (can only choose 1. Thrown weapons and projectiles cannot be blessed)

G. You’ve had just about enough of this temple. Leave.
G1. Explore the merchant’s district for more shops
G2. Head to the blacksmith
G3. Make a stop at the stylist’s shop “Perfect Clarity”
G4. Go back to “The Size that Fits” (possibly model for Xillia…or have sex)

H. Visit another temple in the temple district.
H1. Go to Kramulet’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H2. Go to Victressia’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H3. Go to Dwynvel’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H4. Go to Yyssbo’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H5. Go to Lequis’ temple (specify what you want to do there)

I. Make a stop at the noble district.
I1. Visit The Noble’s Finery
I2. Visit Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium
I3. Visit The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club
I4. Enter the dome of the permanent rift and check it out
I5. Visit the Capital Building of Kilnhaven
I6. Go to Yulag’s inn (Eat, drink, rest, ask for info, visit Lula)
I7. Go back to the notice board and look to see if there are more jobs
I8. Visit Batzi at the Adventurer’s Guild (Specify what you want to do there. Batzi leaves at 6 pm)

J. Go to the red light district
J1. Visit Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure (donate blood, find out what else is there, etc.)
J2. Go back to “Exotic Sway” (get a job as a dancer, enjoy the entertainment. Specify.)
J3. Visit Lover’s Essentials (piercings, bondages gear, sex toys)
J4. Visit the park (Specify what to do there…maybe try and peek on other couples in the bushes?)
J5. Go to Yulag’s and Ungan’s home (Specify what you want to do there)

K. Head off to the slums
K1. Go to the jail in the slums (Specify what you want to do there)
K2. Go back to Chap’s General store (possibly take the job he mentioned)
K3. Visit The Pilgrim’s March inn and pub (eat, get a job, get a room, ask about rumors. Specify)
K4. Visit Penelope’s Home for Youngsters (Specify what to do there. Read to kids, ask about work, donate money, etc.)
K5. Go to the Public Restroom and Bath (Male and Female baths and restrooms. Specify what to do there)
K6. Visit Loan For Your Troubles (Specify what to do there. Get a loan. Inquire about a job)
K7. Prostitute yourself (Clothing will have an effect)
K8. Find beggars in the slums (Give food, water, money, inquire about rumors and info, etc.)

L. Wander and explore the city at random

M. Try to get the job as a waitress at the slums inn

N. Explore the sewers (possibly search for the rift)

O. Go to the farms on the outskirts of town (Specify what you want to do there)

P. Take the job to donate some blood at Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure

Q. Rift Travel (Closest Rift: Noble District – Kilnhaven, Eborthia)
Q1. Use rift to travel to the Rift Plane (Specify what you want to do there. No other rifts are available to be used for travel)

X. Other

Y. Time Skip (Specify where to wait and how many minutes/hours/days/weeks you want to wait. Must have adequate resources to survive i.e. money, food, water, shelter, etc.)

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

There are two types of slimes in the world; there are simple slimes and then there are true slimes. Simple slimes are slimes that don’t have any higher level consciousness, meaning that they are little more than animals, however, given time even simple slimes can understand basic concepts and words. However, most aren’t naturally aggressive or violent – most are actually friendly and docile - and so many keep them as pets as they are very in tune with people’s emotions and great companions, similar to dogs. Simple slimes come in a variety of sizes ranging from the size of cats to the size of bulls. True slimes are a different matter entirely; these slimes are intelligent beings. While still amorphous like simple slimes, they are capable and often prefer to take the form of humanoid races and likewise are capable of speech, emotions, and all mental faculties that an intelligent being would possess. The biggest difference between a simple slime and a true slime, besides intelligence and obvious power, is that true slimes have magical cores that are their “hearts”; if the core is destroyed then the true slime is destroyed. Otherwise, most damage done to a true slime would regenerate.

Whether a slime or true slime, both are magical beings created from the surrounding magic of an area, similar to how rifts create magic crystals. Slimes, however, are formed in spots with higher concentrations of magic, and fewer still are true slimes “born” as extremely high concentrations of magic are required. Like all magical beings, however, slimes need magical energy to survive, but unlike most other magical beings they don’t necessarily need the energy of another to survive. If they can find a spot with sufficient magical energy in the area then they can use the surrounding area and absorb the residual magic into their body. One of the perks that many find in slimes is their penchant for pleasure; they enjoy sex, since when they have sex they “meld” with their partners on a basic physiological level and symbiotically share sensations with their partner so that whatever the slime feels, the partner feels and vice versa. Stronger true slimes are even capable of mentally melding to their partners, allowing them to not only share physical sensations, but also emotional ones as well.
Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Backpack: Light Load. Has a fair amount of space left.

Currently Unavailable
-Gold pouch (633 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (0 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Hood (Covers entire head. Has slot in back for hair and slots in front for mouth, nostrils, and eyes. Molds to skin like a second skin. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on hood. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of hood that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones (half-elf ears )) (Partially concealed)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves (enhances MR by 10)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh. Holds 6 knives.
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Black Silk Fabric
- Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Bodysuit (Covers neck, arms to wrists, and legs to ankles. Molds to skin like a second skin, exposing everything as if naked. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on bodysuit. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of bodysuit that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones) (Currently concealed)
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire. Currently concealed)
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots (mostly concealed)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking).
- Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Currently Unavailable
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1.
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


- Naked!
- Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Pet” engraved on front. Has “Mistress Lula’s Good Girl” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot. Concealed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed. Utility Belt. Left Side. Concealed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh. Concealed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage). Slung across back.
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 1/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR)

Rift Abilities
- Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.


-Thick wavy fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely. (Human Heritage)
-D-Cup breasts (Human Heritage)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Unblemished Radiant Pale White Skin (Elven Heritage)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller and plumper.
-Slightly curved nose
- Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
- Currently Naked besides Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker


Health: Fine
MR: 90/90
Slightly Aroused.
Feeling Tingles.
Feeling “right”.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Journeyman: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an intermediate understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having mildly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic and sometimes mild levels of mental assaults, but anything higher and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn). Currently not in effect.

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn) Currently not in effect.

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn). Currently not in effect.

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat). Currently not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!). Currently not in effect.

Dual Wielding Expert: You have a great amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat, but you will still miss from time to time. You need more practice before you can fight without any issues at all, but at present you won’t have many problems fighting.

Pleasure Resistance Expert: You have learned to resist pleasure at an expert level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under major sexual pleasure. However, the most skilled skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpicking: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Slut Plus: You are a huge slut; you love to have sex a lot. It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you look forward to having sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused much more easily, and think in more sexual ways. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex after a while or when presented with sexual situations.

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Switch- Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating dominant, neutral, and submissive people, and given enough effort you can even dominate truly dominant individuals, but it will be a battle of wills.

Dominant Personality: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be more dominant than those around you at all times, perhaps even a little more forceful or demanding as well.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.

edit: I, uh, had to separate this from the main stats page because, well, I ran out of room lol. Sorry everybody, but Colette's got a lot going on for her!
Re: Rift Touched


Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal) Plus (You have shown an interest in being Dominant and in some situations you will be more dominant than normal and try to assert yourself even over other dominant individuals) (You will gain dominant based perks)
- Bondage Submissive Plus (You have shown an interesting in being the submissive in bondage situations and in some situations you will be extremely submissive and allow other submissives and dominant partners to make decisions for you and put you in more extreme bondage situations) (You will gain bondage submissive based perks)
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Anal
- Vaginal
- Breast Play Plus (You’ve been using your melons during sex quite frequently, and why not; breasts are awesome! With this you will gain a perk(s) that will help you give even more pleasure when you use your fun bags!)
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Bukkake Plus (You love being covered in cum, whether it’s male, female, tentacle beast, or anything in between. With this every sexual situation will be sticky and messy, leaving you wearing a large amount of the stuff and sometimes your partner will as well)
- Public Sex
- Spanking
- Exhibitionism Plus (You love to show off your body to others in skimpy clothing, and sometimes in nothing at all! With this you will gain a perk(s) related to exposing yourself to others!)
- Bondage (Rope, arm sleeves, leg sleeves, bound bodysuits, stocks, etc.)

Preferred Clothing Types
- Naked
--Default while in Room, Combat Training, and following sex till we are cleaned.

- Clothing Casual
-- Default Outside Temple Clothing: Sundress

- Clothing Exotic/Fetish -- Skin Tight Body Suit: For Magic/Stealth Lessons and while out in the Temple. No panties or bras.

Sex Toys and Objects
- Dildo
- Anal Beads
- Double dildo
- Arm Sleeve
- Leg Sleeve
- Full Body Harness (Rope)
- Aphrodisiacs

Other Sexual Things
- Slime-tastic! (You’ve been with a slime! Slimes are awesome aren’t they? With this, you’ll be thrown – willingly of course – into a room full of cute and cuddly slimes to play with! Naughtily of course, but it’s still fun!)

- Milk and Cum Diet (You love drinking milk and you love the taste of cum. With this you will forego traditional meals and instead drink milk and cum for sustenance for the rest of the day)

- Slut Training (You’ve had a lot of sex. You love sex, a lot. Face it, you’re a slut and proud of it! Now, you want to learn how to last and act like a better slut! With this you will be able to last longer during sex before succumbing to exhaustion and you will act sluttier as well! What’s not to like?)

- Boobs are Great! (Boobs are awesome, so why not share them? With this chosen you’ll let people grope and fondle your wonderful melons whenever they want. Whether in the temple or walking the streets, you’ll give the gift that keeps on giving…wonderful breasts!)

Sexual Preferences
- Women
- Futanari
- Slimes
- Tentacle Beast

- Community Clean-Up (Help clean up the streets of the slums and make it a better looking place)

- Orphanage Teacher (Teach the children of the orphanage valuable skills that you’ve learned to help them have a better chance out in the world)

- Stealth Training:
--Sneak Proficiency (Improve sneak level. May require more than one session depending on sneak level)
--Lock Pick Proficiency (Improve lockpicking level. May require more than one session depending on lockpicking level)

- Combat Training:
--Dual Wielding Specialization (Learn to dual wield better. Each session improves perk)
--Pleasure resistance training (Learn to resist pleasure. More sessions improve pleasure resistance)

- Magic Training:
--Mental Fortitude (Improve MR slightly and resist mental based attacks aimed at mind control or mental befuddlement. Multiple sessions may improve resisting mental powers),
--Blood Magic (Learn to tap into your very lifeblood to draw magic. Can be used even if there are still magical reserves left. Will drain some health to be used as MR. Requires multiple sessions to learn)

Okay well now lots of Perks and our first few addictions. Party Member now needed lol.

Likely to pick up C2 Next Day with a Twirl in Tentacle Roundhouse/Pod. But I'm limiting the amount of extra 'activities' because these last few stack and I plan to finish in 3 days anyways so we can drag it out to avoid the modifiers a bit.

Also would love to hear your guys thoughts on Love Blossoms on the last day(Day 6 hopefully).
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Re: Rift Touched

Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal) Plus

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Vaginal Plus
- Breast Play Plus
- Bukkake Plus
- Exhibitionism Plus

Sex Toys and Objects
- Dildo
- Anal Beads
- Leash and Collar
- Strap-on
- Double dildo

Other Sexual Things
- Tentacle Pod
- Tentacle Roundhouse
- Slime-tastic!
- Milk and Cum Diet
- Cum Bather
- Blossoming Love

Sexual Preferences
- Women
- tentacle beasts, futanari, slimes

- Orphanage Duty
- Orphanage Teacher
- Orphanage Mother
- Stealth Training: Sneak Proficiency, Evasive techniques
- Combat Training: Dual Wielding Specialization, Pleasure resistance training
- Magic Training: Magic Crystal Proficiency, Blood Magic
Re: Rift Touched

Random thought, but could an addition of beast sex (canines, specifically, like dogs/wolves/etc.) be made?

If no one else supports it, that's fine, I've always just been a fan of it and figure that the Dominia temple here is as good as a time and place as any for Colette to think about and experiment with it.
Re: Rift Touched

Random thought, but could an addition of beast sex (canines, specifically, like dogs/wolves/etc.) be made?

If no one else supports it, that's fine, I've always just been a fan of it and figure that the Dominia temple here is as good as a time and place as any for Colette to think about and experiment with it.

Sure, go right ahead! Glad to have you back by the way!

edit: Might have misunderstood what xgkf was saying a bit (sorry if that's the case!) and added a beast sex option in case anyone wants to add that (specified dogs and wolves to start with). Specify if there's a specific type of beast that you want Colette to "engage" with, otherwise I'll default it.
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Re: Rift Touched


B :
Role/Sexual Interests :
Submissive (Normal) Plus, Bondage Submissive Plus, Foreplay, Pleasure Denial,

Sexual Acts/Situations :
Vaginal Plus, Breast Play Plus, One-on-one, Threesome, Bukkake Plus, Bondage (complex),

Preferred Clothing Types :
Naked, Clothing (Scant. Write something specific if you want), Clothing (Casual. Write something specific if you want).

Sex Toys and Objects :
Dildo (enchanted), Butt Plug, Gag, Double dildo, Full Body Harness (rope), Aphrodisiacs.

Other Sexual Things :
Slime-tastic!, Milk and Cum Diet, Cum Bather, Vampire Love, Delilah’s Bondage Slut.

Sexual Preferences :
Women, Other (tentacle beasts, futanari, slimes, etc.).

Non-Sexual :
Orphanage Teacher , Orphanage Mother .

Stealth Training : Lock Pick Proficiency, Sneak Proficiency.
Combat Training : Dual Wielding Specialization, Weapon type proficiency (bow).
Magic Training : Mental Fortitude, Blood Magic.

Also would love to hear your guys thoughts on Love Blossoms on the last day(Day 6 hopefully).
Delilah has my preference for now (maybe Lula too).
Re: Rift Touched

Just re-stating this.

But If current trend for my plan backing continues I would like to see what everyone wants to add to the Love Blossoms bit. We have any named character to choose from and I wish to see what the general concensus is before I begin furiously writing my evil plans out.

And they are fairly sub/dom/watching(sub)/sub messy. As my head canon group fits in with a Tentacle/Succubus as the 'head' of the Harem.
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Re: Rift Touched

Dominant (normal) Plus, Bondage Submissive Plus, Foreplay, oral, anal, vaginal plus, breast play plus, one-on-one, threesome, bukkake plus, public sex, spanking, exhibitionism plus, bondage, clothing type: naked, clothing type: sundress, clothing type: skintight bodysuit, dildo (enchanted), anal beads, double dildo, arm sleeve, leg sleeve, full body harness (rope), aphrodisiacs, slime-tastic!, cum bather, milk and cum diet, slut training, Boobs are Great!, women, futanari, slimes, tentacle beasts, community clean-up, orphanage teacher, orphanage mother, Stealth Training: Sneak Proficiency and Lock-Pick Proficiency, Combat Training: Dual Wielding Specialization and Pleasure Resistance Training, Magic Training: Mental Fortitude and Blood Magic


You’re feeling tingly all over the place and your arousal grows just thinking about all the options. You put your finger back into your mouth and suck on it as you continue to mull over the things you want to choose; when you finish, you remove your finger and use it to point out all the different things to Leena. When you finish with the list you lean in and give Leena a big hug and say softly and sincerely “Thank you so much, Leena…for everything. And you too, Lula; meeting you in that inn was best thing that’s ever happened to me” you turn to Lula and say as you continue to hug the sexy, voluptuous succubus. Leena holds you tightly, as does Lula when she approaches, and you find yourself mashed between their wonderful large breasts and making you sigh happily as you snuggle in. “You’re so very welcome, dear. Now, I should go and make preparations for you. Have fun until then” Leena says before she pulls back and lovingly strokes your luscious, wavy red hair a few times and then turning to leave. Before she does leave, however, you giggle and dart forward, wrapping your arms around her and cupping her large breasts and fondling them.

“Got your boobies~” you say with a giggle as you press your own naked breasts against Leena’s robed back. You massage them and tweak her nipples for a few seconds before pulling back; Leena turns around and gives you a cocked eyebrow and a grin on her face. You give her an innocent smile while placing your hands behind your back and standing properly; she chuckles and shakes her head before leaving. You turn back around and see Lula watching you with amusement, so you decide to have a little fun; you bring your hands to your fiery mane and ruffle it a bit and drape some of your bangs over your left eye and give Lula a hungry, sexy look as you sway your hips walking up to her. When you reach her, you place both your hands on either of her big blue melons and look into her red eyes lovingly; she reaches around you and gropes both your bubble-y cheeks in her hands and massages them while looking into your eyes with a bright smile.

You feel wonderful tingles and a thirst as you press yourself into Lula and say huskily “I’m thirsty”. You slide your left hand down Lula’s stomach, passed her navel and gently grab her cock and start to stroke it: as it starts to harden Lula chuckles and pulls you in tighter and says “Is my baby hungry?” “Mmmhmm, baby is hungry. Baby is also a messy eater, and if you be good and cover me in your sticky goo the first time, then I’ll give you another special mouth treatment, and I’ll even use my special new technique~” you say sweetly to Lula. You feel Lula’s cock twitch a little and her eyes light up a fire “Oh, I think I can do that for you. No way in all the hells I would pass that up”. You chuckle and lean up to kiss your blue lover, using your right hand to stroke one of her horns as her spaded tail wraps around your right leg; “Good” you say with a smile “Because I love doing it for you”. “Really, baby? You’d wrap those beautiful red lips around my cock anytime I want, hmm?” Lula says with a smirk. You chuckle and press your lips against hers again for a moment before pulling back and saying “Only if you’ve been a good girl~”. You lick your lips and drop to your knees in front of Lula, looking her in the eyes and smiling as you pull your hair back and inch closer to her big blue cock.

With your right hand your grasp the blue tool and slowly start to jerk it, and with your left you dip three fingers into your enhanced honeypot and use your thumb to rub at your clit. You close your eyes and moan deeply in pleasure before reopening them and leaning forward to plant a kiss on the head of Lula’s cock. You lick her in the eyes and smile as you open your mouth further and flick your tongue out at her teardrop shaped opening, and then moving closer to engulf the crown of her member. You swirl your tongue around the crown and along the bottom as you lightly suck on it before moving down the shaft a little farther, bobbing your head lightly as you continue to work your hands and mouth. You purse your lips and moan deeply as your nose touches Lula’s stomach and you deep throat her, the stretching in your throat feeling wonderful to you. Lula gasps and moans above you as she twines her fingers in your hair and grasps your head, You continue to slowly jill yourself…until you purse your lips and suck hardly on Lula’s cock while moaning very deeply, sending vibrations down her cock and making it twitch.

“O-oh gods yes! You give the best head, baby!” Lula says loudly above you as you pull your head back, working your tongue and mouth expertly, before bobbing at a quick pace and deep throating Lula with noisy slurping sounds as you continue to bob up and down on her dick. You pick up the pace of your fingers to keep in rhythm with your swirling tongue and sucking mouth, moaning as the intense pleasure from your sensitive privates starts to push you closer and closer to the edge. A few moments later you feel Lula’s cock twitch and, with herculean effort, she manages to pull away and aim her cock towards your face. You open your mouth wide as you look Lula in the eyes and, with a pleasured whimper and a gasp, she shoots three thick, sticky loads onto your tongue, face, breasts, and taut tummy. You drink down the cum that landed on your tongue as you continue to jill yourself until a moment later you hit your sweet spot, causing you to clamp down around your fingers and squirt onto the floor and your hand as you whimper in ecstatic release. You briefly catch your breath and moan with a smile as you slip your fingers from your drenched snatch, causing it to remold itself to virginal tightness.

“Oh yes that was really nice…” you say as you start to rub the cum on your face, breasts, and stomach into your skin. Lula watches in amusement and desire as you rub her seed into your body and says “Gods you’re so hot and good, baby. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, and a total slut”. You chuckle as you finish rubbing Lula’s seed in and licking some of it up and say “Maybe it’s a good thing I decided to try my hand at ‘slut training’, as it was put, then don’t you think so?” Lula’s eyes widen for a moment before she grins and kneels down to kiss you, which you happily accept as you wrap your arms around her. She pulls back and licks some of her juices from your face and says “Oh, baby, that’s wonderful. I can’t wait to see how you turn out. You smile, but cock an eyebrow at what Lula said “How I’ll turn out, eh? Is there something I should know?” Lula’s mouth forms into a cat grin, but she doesn’t say anything so you decided to try and tickle it out of her; you bring your hands to her sides and start to tickle her, making her laugh and giggle as she tries to brush you away. You don’t let up, however, and after a minute of tickling she finally puts her hands up and concedes as she tries to catch her breath.

“Okay, okay, I’ll talk! The ‘instructor’ is probably the most promiscuous person here…maybe the whole city. She’s also a total knock-out – not as much as you, obviously, but still quite the looker – and she’s a complete slut in mind, body, and action. If she’s going to be showing you the ropes, which you have a hang of already, then I can only imagine how much more sexually charged you’ll be. She was a follower of Dwynvel before she became a priestess here, so on top of her wanton sexual ways she’s also quite powerful…and a heavy drinker as well. And she has a temper when she’s been wronged or insulted, which usually results in hefty repair costs and healer expenses, but she’s mellow and wild, in a safe and good way, most of the time. If you’re not careful she might do some really fun, naughty things to you~” Lula explains as she giggles and catches her breath. “She sounds like fun – thank you for the information” you say to Lula with a smile and a tight hug, which she reciprocates. “Not a problem, sweetie…now, I believe you promised me a little something extra?” Lula says with a smirk. You grin and notice that you are rather thirsty, so you push Lula onto her back, stand up, and lower your crotch over Lula’s face as you lean forward towards her blue member in a sixty-nine position. “I guess I did, didn’t I? You don’t mind eating me out while I reward you, do you?” you say as you look over your shoulder.

Lula giggles and grabs your hips and says “Not in the slightest” before she buries her face in your pussy, sucking in your labia and darting her extending tongue into your love tunnel. You gasp in pleasure as Lula’s supernatural tongue enters your snatch, which starts to mold to the invading muscle, and hit all you’re sweet spots; not to be outdone, you turn your attention towards her blue cock and deep throat it in one swift motion before vacuum sucking and releasing magical bursts in your mouth while simultaneously working your own fingers in Lula’s succubus pussy. You both work each other masterfully, but with your skills and special ability you beat Lula to the punch as her cock spurts her thick seed down your throat and into your mouth while her nethers clamp on your fingers and gush a puddle onto the floor. Only a few moments later do you reach wonderful release, moaning around her member as Lula drinks down your delicious and life-giving juices. After you both drink your fill of each other you both decide to bathe, again, before getting dressed – you in your sundress and Lula in her priestess robes – and heading out of you room and for the orphanage.

You make it down the stairs with Lula at your side, her hand firmly on your butt the entire time which makes you tingly and aroused as you flash her a wink, but before you get to the door a familiar person makes their way towards you which makes you smile. “Razasha! How are you doing – well, I hope? I’m so sorry if I put you on the spot yesterday…say, you aren’t going into heat again are you?” you bombard the pretty catgirl with questions as you hug her. Razasha purrs as you hug her, and she reaches around your back to pull you into a hug while trying to be discrete about reaching down to get a feel for your plump behind. You laugh and reach behind you and grab the catgirl’s wandering hands and plant them firmly on your bottom before looking her in the eyes “You don’t need to be shy with me, Razasha. You’re a good friend and if you want a feel then go right ahead”. “I-if you say so, Colette” Razasha says with a shy smile before continuing, though she does get a few good squeezes and spanks before she pulls back that make you moan “I talked to Hera for you yesterday and she said that she understands completely, and that she will take you up on your offer and stop by some time”. “That’s great, thank you!” you respond with a smile, however, your smile turns to a lewd grin when you notice the catgirl eying your breasts from time to time with desire.

You lean forward and cup your breasts in your hands and massaging them lightly “You seem to be a little distracted there; is something wrong? If you can play with them if you want, I won’t mind”. To emphasize your point you shrug off the straps to the sundress and let it fall just passed your breasts, and then you lift up your sheer half-cup so that they are bared to everyone in the hall which sends wonderful tingles through you. Razasha’s eyes go wide and full of desire “Is it really okay, Colette?” You smile and take a step towards her and cup her face with your hand and say sweetly to her “Of course it’s okay, Razasha; you’re a lovely woman, a good friend, and fantastic lover, and someone who is working to help me. Besides, if you won’t then I will~” you finish with a little laugh as you start to fondle your breasts, taking care not to stimulate them too much and get yourself off as little pangs of pleasure go from your breasts, to your toes, and landing in your nethers. “N-no, no I will” Razasha quickly stammers out with a big, adorable smile on her face that makes you chuckle.

The catgirl reaches out with both her hands and cups your perky D-cups and purrs with a literal cat grin as she plays with your bosom. She squeezes them, massages them, rolls them, and even brings her face to them as she continues to have her fun with your melons, making you laugh and moan at the attention. By the time she’s finished having her fun quite the crowd of temple goers has gathered and they’re all watching with lust and amusement as Razasha finishes as she continues to purr; you even spot Phi, Laewinn, and Delilah amongst the crowd grinning from ear to ear. “Oh they’re so nice and soft, and your skin is a beautiful milky white. By Domina, Colette, you’re so beautiful and wonderful…” Razasha purrs dreamily. You chuckle and, deciding to have a bit of fun, you pull Razasha’s face back into your bosom as you hug her and say “Thank you so very much, Razasha. You’re beautiful and wonderful as well and I cherish you”. After a few moments and amusing purrs later Razasha pulls back and nods while smiling brightly; you decide to kiss her lightly on the lips before she leaves.

You look at Lula, who has a wide and lustful grin on her face, then to the crowd of a dozen or so people in the temple all staring at your naked, ample D-cups that sends tingles up and down your spine. You smile and cup your breasts again and hold them out to the crowd and say loudly “Does anybody else want to play with them?” Every single person in the crowd erupts in cheers and a line starts to form; the first person up, since she was the closest, is Lula and she takes her time playing with your fun bags and giving you a wink every now and then which you return. Followed by a few random disciples, then Delilah and her harem – who in fact handle your breasts delicately and tenderly -, then the last until everyone in the crowd has had a turn. Thankfully, you resisted the majority of the pleasure thanks to your discipline; otherwise you would have creamed yourself a long while back. When everyone’s had their fun you put your bra and dress fully back on and give and give the crowd a wink before turning towards the door. Before you walk out, however, you give Lula’s big breasts a few gropes and squeezes out of fascination before stepping through the threshold and out into the red light district. You and Lula head for the slums and the orphanage as you stick your left index finger into your mouth and suck on it.


Gods I wish I had something up my butt right now; it feels so wrong to be so empty. Maybe when I get back I can find a nice set of anal beads to go up there? Wow, listen to myself! Not even a week ago the thought of something going up my butt, or any sex at all, was mortifying to me and now…now I can’t get enough of it! It just feels so good and so right that I almost can’t get enough of it! Oh, look at the way Lula’s breasts jiggle when she walks…so hypnotizing. Argh, get a hold of yourself Colette! You can’t go around grabbing people’s boobs in public…but if I was sneaky enough then maybe…? No, no I need to focus; I’m going to the orphanage to teach the children. Little Aliwen is so sneaky that I’m sure he’ll be a good rogue in the future, or a scout. Relub will probably be glued to books and Madison will be a fine warrior…if she doesn’t stick with Relub that is; I swear every time I see her she’s with him. And Keila will make a fine priestess wherever she may choose to go with her fascination with the gods. I love all those little ones…

You have an inner monologue with yourself as you walk the streets with Lula, sucking on your finger as you do so which you have to force out of your mouth before you turn your attention to the succubus as a question pops into your mind. “Hey, Lula, does Penelope ever take a break and have a little time for herself? Does she have anyone special, a hobby; things like that?” you ask Lula as you walk beside her, your hand around her waist and vice versa. Lula shakes her head and says “No, I’m afraid she devotes all her spare time to the children. They are her world and she does everything for them. I wish she would take a break but there’s just no time – that’s also one of the reasons why I come here all the time, just so that she’s not so overwhelmed. Why do you ask?” “Well” you begin “I was just wondering is all…and maybe I want to give her a break and some time off for herself. A kind and loving soul like her deserves a little time for herself”. You get a little glint in your eye as you think And she’s very pretty; I would love to see that hair let loose and to see what she has hidden underneath that blouse and skirt. Lula looks at you and chuckles “I know that look, honey. Believe me I’ve tried already, and not just because she’s pretty. She’s so tense and tightly wound from all the stress that I thought a little play would do wonders for her, but she turned me down”.

You’re a little disappointed but ask “Does she not like women or sex?” Lula thinks for a moment but shrugs “I’m not sure to be honest. I think the only thing she’s attracted to is helping the children, but maybe…” “Maybe?” you ask – “Maybe you could get some alone time with her, but only if the children are properly attended to. I’ve been going there long enough to know how to care for every child’s needs just as well as her. It’s a long shot, but if you could convince her to leave the children’s care with me then you two could go off. Then you could work your magic on her if it comes to that~” Lula explains. You chuckle at the insinuation but nod your head “Mmm, I think I could do that. It’s worth a shot for her sake; I don’t just want this for me, she needs to feel some pleasure and relaxation. She deserves it…probably more than anyone in this city for what she does for the children” you say. Lula nods in agreement “That she does, baby, that she does. It almost sounds like you admire her”. “I do” you say without skipping a beat “She’s one of the kindest, strongest, and most caring people I’ve ever met and she sacrifices everything for the sake of others. There are not many people that would do that”. “I know one” Lula says, to which you look at her expectantly; she smiles and leans down to peck your forward “you”. You smile at Lula’s words and snuggle a little closer to her as you reach the steps of the orphanage.

You knock on the door and wait a minute or so before Penelope opens the door, her shoulder length black hair done up in a bun and she’s wearing a faded dark blue blouse tucked into a brown ankle length skirt with light blue shoes. You give her a look of desire and admiration before she draws your attention as she speaks “Lula, Colette, welcome back! Please, come in; the children have been eagerly awaiting your next visit, as have I!” You and Lula both smile as you walk through the door and follow Penelope as she leads you to the kitchen where the children are cleaning fresh fruits and vegetables. You and Lula don’t waste any time as you both jump in to help clean, cut and cook the produce, and you insist that Penelope relax as you both work. You finish preparing the meal, which turned out to be salad and chicken soup as you cut up a fowl and put it in a metal pot, and pass out a serving to each of them. Afterwards you play outside with them for a while on the jungle gym, hide-and-seek, wrestling, and playing ball games. Then you bring them to a classroom to continue the lessons that you taught yesterday, taking extra care with showing Madison magic and Aliwen sneaking and lock picking – again without Penelope knowing – along with Keila and Relub as Lula helps with magic and history of the gods. You spend extra time on the lessons and the little training you wiggle in both for their benefit and to wear them down.

By the time you finish all the little ones are yawning and nearly out of energy; you currently have Relub in your arms snuggled against your bosom and Aliwen on your shoulders, leaning on your head drowsily. “He’s so precious” Penelope whispers to you as she leads you, some more children, and Lula, who has a few tired children in her arms, to their beds in another part of the orphanage. “Yes, he is” you agree with a sweet smile as you gaze down at the little sleeping orc, giggling lightly as you watch his little chest rise and fall and as he kicks a little in his sleep. Penelope takes Aliwen from your shoulders, who groans a little at being moved, before she takes him to his bed and sets him down; you do the same with Relub by setting him in his own bed and tucking him in. Lula does the same for those in her arms, and the other children that can still walk all go to their own beds and tuck themselves in...or wait for you, Lula, or Penelope to tuck them in. Madison, however, goes to Relubs bed and tries to get in, but Penelope stops her “Maddy, you have your own bed. Let Relub sleep in peace, child”. Madison pouts a little and says “Please, Mama Pen? What if he needs me? He’s a little cry baby if no ones with him!” Penelope looks like she’s about to argue, but sighs and smiles while shaking her head “Fine, child, but please don’t wake him up. And don’t forget your own nap! You’ll all be up in about an hour; we can’t have you sleeping all day just so you can stay up all night”.
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Re: Rift Touched

Madison beams and hugs Penelope before gently getting herself into Relub’s bed as Penelope tucks her in; she snuggles up behind Relub and closes her eyes as he sucks on his thumb while sleeping. With all the children napping, and will be napping for a little while, you look to Lula expectantly; she smiles and nods to you, so you turn your attention to Penelope. You approach her and put a hand lightly on her shoulder to draw her attention and, when she’s looking at you with those kind hazel eyes, you say “Penelope, can I talk to you in private? Lula can watch the children”. Penelope looks to Lula, who looks back with a reassuring smile, before turning to you and smiling “Of course, Colette, follow me”. You breathe a sigh of relief as Penelope gesture for you to follow her – she leads you up the stairs of the mansion-orphanage to the first door on the right. You step inside and are disheartened to see what looks like a bedroom, albeit a very spartan bedroom void of any real life or personality. Sure there’s a small room for bathing and a chamber pot, a brown sheeted bed that looks like it could barely fit two, a dresser, and an armoire with a mirror beside it. There’s a single window at the top of the room to let in light, but other than that it’s bare-bones.

“Is this your room, Penelope?” you ask the black haired half-elf woman; she nods with a smile and it only makes you more frustrated. The children’s beds and rooms are nicer than this! She gives up everything for them! you think in both admiration and frustration before she speaks with a heartwarming smile “Now, what can I do for you Colette? By the way, thank you for today and the other days as well. It means a lot to me; I may not be old, but these muscles and bones of mine appreciate the extra help”. You gaze into those hazel eyes with serenity and compassion as you step forward and grasp Penelope’s right hand with both of yours. She gives you a quizzical look before you speak “Penelope, I admire you so much for what you do for these wonderful children. You’re kind, beautiful, strong, and you sacrifice everything for them. When was the last time you had time for yourself…or let yourself feel unwind?” Penelope again gives you a confused look before her eyes go a little wide and she smiles lightly as she cups her left hand over both of your hands, “A long time, Colette, but it’s alright; those children are everything to me. While I am deeply flattered, I am sorry that I have to refuse your advances; you’re a very beautiful young woman and I’m sure you’ll find someone right for you…but it can’t be me. I only have time for them”.

You smile and take a small step forward towards the woman “I’m not talking about a relationship, Penelope. We don’t have to be a couple, but I do care about you and I want you to feel good. I want to do everything I can to make you forget about your troubles, at least for a little while”. “O-oh, that’s very…nice of you, Colette, b-but I should really get back to the children” Penelope stammers out with wide eyes and a blush. “Lula can watch the children; you know she can take care of them, at least for a little while” you say with a smile as you continue to gaze into those beautiful hazel eyes with your emerald ones. “I – yes, I suppose she can, but I-I’ve never been with a w-woman before…” the blushing half-elf says as her eyes start to dart from side to side. You give her a compassionate look and gently cup her face “And when was the last time you were with anyone at all, Penelope? Years? Decades? Does it matter if I’m a woman at this point? You wouldn’t have to do anything; just sit back and let me please you…” Penelope blushes even more and, before she can speak, you bring your hands to her half-elf ears and massage them as you lean in and plant a deep and passionate kiss on her lips. The blushing woman makes a muffled sound of surprise, but quickly moans as you bring her pleasure form working her ears and she opens her mouth to accept you. You dart your tongue inside and, to bring her even more pleasure, you gather your magic and release tiny bursts in your mouth as you work your tongue inside her mouth. She opens her eyes widely in surprise and moans deeply as her trembling hands move to your waist and start to gently caress your sides.

You pull back and give her a quick peck on the cheek and say in a husky voice with a coy smile “So…what do you say? Do you want me to bring you pleasure?” “Yes…” Penelope responds in a breathless tone as she slowly opens her eyes to look at you with a deep blush. That’s all you needed to hear; you take a few steps back while looking the black haired half-elf in the eyes and lightly kick your flats off in front of you before shrugging off the straps to your sundress and letting it pool at your feet. “Oh my…so beautiful…” Penelope says with a gasp as she brings her hands to her mouth and soaks in your form, especially your breasts and nethers since you’re wearing your sheer half-cup and sheer thong. You give Penelope a smile and a wink before you remove your bra and drop it at your feet, then turning around, bending over to give Penelope a good view of your bubble butt, and slowly, sensually, sliding your thong down your legs. Thanks to your flexibility, you continue to bend and slide it down to your ankles with ease before stepping over them and turning around to face the plainly dressed and blushing woman. “My goodness you are so beautiful...b-but I d-don’t know if I can do this. I-it’s been so long, and I wouldn’t k-know what to do with a w-woman” she starts to ramble out again; you chuckle and saunter up to her and place your right hand over her heart and look her in the eyes sweetly. “I know, Penelope I know. Just leave everything to me” you say as you take her hand and lead her to her bed after she gives you a hesitant nod.

When you both are at the foot of the bed you slowly reach into Penelope’s skirt and, while never breaking eye contact, you pull out her tucked in blouse. You then slowly work at unbuttoning the faded dark blue blouse until your reach the last button at the top; Penelope trembles and whimpers as you slide the garment from her shoulders and help her out of it. You then look her in the eyes and cup her face in both your hands and say serenely “If you want to stop, just tell me right now. I admire you and want to make you feel good, Penelope, but if this is uncomfortable for you then I will stop right here and now”. Penelope looks you in the eyes and her trembling stops; she smiles and places her hands over yours and says “I’m fine, Colette, thank you. It’s just so new to me – being with a woman – and it’s been so long that I just don’t know what I’m doing”. You smile and peck her on the lips, which she moans a little as you pull back, and reach around to unclasp her white cotton bra; when the brassiere drops to the floor and her pale C-cups are bared to you, you lick your glossy red lips and lean down and engulf her left breast in your mouth. She gasps and holds your head tightly as you swirl your tongue around her areola then flicking her nipple with it as you suck lightly on her globe. You gather some of your magic in your mouth and release tiny bursts of magical energy that help stimulate her breast, which causes Penelope to gasp and whimper in pleasure as she holds your head ever tighter as you continue to work. You eventually pull back with a pop and look Penelope in the eyes as you drop to your knees, trailing kisses from her breast and down passed her navel of her pale skin.

You look up at her and see the faintest hints of desire and arousal in her eyes, and also a pink in her cheeks that’s more than just nervousness and embarrassment. You smile and, while locking eyes, you shimmy the skirt down her waist and legs to reveal cotton white panties and smooth, pale hairless legs. You gently lift each foot and remove her brown shoes and cotton white socks until she’s standing in only her cotton panties with a somewhat noticeable damp spot forming at her cleft. “You’re so beautiful, Penelope…” you say in a breathy voice as you bend down to her right foot and plant a kiss on it, which makes her gasp, and then moving up her shin to her knee, then her calf and all the way back up to her lips. You gently kiss her as you reach around and remove the pin in her black hair to let her shoulder length black her fall freely; you press yourself against as you softly plant kisses on her lips, caressing her back, sides, buttocks, and legs sensually as you do so. Penelope pulls back and catches her breath in small pants and says “Y-you’re so good at this. You m-make me feel beautiful and loved…gods I haven’t felt this way in such a long time. Thank you, Colette, oh thank you so, so much…” Penelope hugs you and hangs her head on your shoulder as her breathing quickens and you hear her sniffle.

She’s sacrificed so much and deprived herself for so long...I promise that I’ll show you all the love and caring that you’ve missed for so long, Penelope!

“There there Penelope; you are beautiful and I care about you. What you do here is so important, and I promise I’ll do everything I can for you in the short time we have together” you say as you stroke her black hair and gently massage her left half-elf ear to soothe her. It works as you hear her calm down and sigh contentedly – you pull back and gently guide the pale skinned woman onto the bed and have her move back a little bit so that her legs are dangling off the edge. You then kneel down in front of the bed and bring your hands to the band of her panties and slowly start to pull them down her legs and off her ankles, tossing them in her clothing pile behind you when you finish. She covers her mound with her hands in embarrassment, but you smile and gently place your left hand over hers and look her in the eyes as she blushes. “Nothing bad will happen, Penelope, and there’s nothing to be ashamed off. You’re beautiful, sexy, and you deserve to let yourself feel good” you reassure the tense woman. She continues to stare into your eyes before sighing brokenly and slowly removing her hands to reveal to you her almost hairless, pink cunny that glistens slightly with the evidence of her arousal – there’s only a small patch of black hair above her clit, the same you had before.

It looks so delicious. Gods, I’m so horny right now…but this is about her, not me you think as your own arousal reaches near burning levels and your mouth starts to water at the sight of Penelope’s delicious looking pussy. “Are you ready, Penelope? If you don’t want to do this then there’s still time” you say in a sweet tone to the woman on the bed – Penelope, while still blushing, shakes her head and says “N-no, I’m ready”. You beam a smile at Penelope before you lean forward and give Penelope’s slit a long, slow lick up her length that makes her gasp in both shock and pleasure as her hands reach down and grasp your red hair. Oh, she tastes so good! you think as you lick her yet again, this time taking care to lick and suck on her clit. “Oh gods, yes, right there!” Penelope says as she mashes your face against her cleft. You smile at her growing enthusiasm, so you decide to step it up a notch; you reach up with your right hand and insert three fingers into her leaking snatch and you start to lightly pump as you curl your fingers to hit her sweet spot, you also press your lips against her clit and suck on it while flicking your tongue against her sensitive bud. This earns an even greater response from the black haired woman as she practically screams in bliss “Y-yes yes yes yes!” You go in for the coup-de-grace and vacuum suck on her clit while moaning deeply and flicking your tongue against the nub while simultaneously pumping your curled fingers in quickly and furiously rubbing against her top walls.

The final blow comes when you gather up your magic and release the bursts of energy in your mouth, which all serve to hyper stimulate her clitoris. “AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHH!!!” Penelope screams in rapture as her hips buck, her back arches, and she throws he head back as she gushes an extremely large amount of her juices from her tunnel and onto your hands and chin; she also moves her hands to the sheets of her bed and grabs at them and pulls with all her might as her climax washes through her. You continue to lick, suck, and pump at an ever decreasing pace so as to gently let her come down from her orgasm until only a small trickle of her juices is left and her back hits the bed once more. She twitches a little and gasps for breath as she talks to you “D-dear gods that was incredible. Oh my gods it’s been such a long time since I’ve felt so good…actually, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so good before”. “Good” you say with a smile and in a sultry tone “Because I’m not done yet. You’re still too tense”. “Wha-AAAAUUUUGHH?!” Penelope starts to say before you hoist her legs over your shoulders and dive into her snatch, licking and sucking on her slit greedily. You noisily slurp and lick her juices up as you work her labia and occasionally probe the inside of her sopping cunt, causing Penelope to writhe, whimper, and gasp above you in extreme pleasure as she moves closer to a second release. When she’s at her limit, you engulf her puffy lips and stick your tongue inside, sucking very hard as you moan and probe your tongue, and then releasing your magic inside your mouth to send tiny bursts that stimulate her pussy and the inside of her walls wherever your tongue hits.

“P-PLEASE D-DON”T SHTOP! YESH!” Penelope wails above you in total ecstasy as she squirts and floods juices into your working mouth and on your face. You continue to lick, suck, probe, and release your magic on her and drawing the kind woman into another orgasm, and then another on top of that and causing her body to twitch and convulse wonderfully as she arches her back and neck. She warps her legs around your head and pulls tightly at the covers of her bed as you continue to assault her and extend her orgasm. After drawing one last orgasm from her you cease your ministrations with a last flick of your tongue on her clit, which causes her to whimper blissfully and buck her hips, before moving back and just letting her twitch and bask in the warmth of her release as she pants for air. You set her legs down and begin to massage and rub them as she continues to work to regain herself, which draws a few pleasured moans from her lips. Finally she comes to and sits up slightly to look down at you “B-by the creators t-that was amazing. I-I’ve never felt so good before…ever. I had almost forgotten – almost forgotten what it felt like to be touched”. Penelope starts to pick up her breathing again and you see her eyes getting misty as she suffers little pleasurable aftershocks that cause her to twitch.

You stop massaging her legs and move alongside the bed before mounting it and moving behind Penelope, grabbing her and pulling her into a hug as you wrap your arms around her waist. “It’s alright, Penelope, I’m right here” you say softly and tenderly as you start to rock her back and forth. Penelope grabs your arms and holds them tightly before she lets out a little hiccupping laugh and says “Look at me; I’m a grown woman and I have a young woman comforting me like I’m a little girl”. You chuckle and press Penelope against your bosom and say “There’s nothing wrong with that, Penelope. We all need a little comfort now and again, and we take it where we can get it. I’ve had a lot of rough patches before and found comfort in some unlikely and unusual places. I’m just glad I could do something for you…in fact; I think I can do a little more. Here, lie on your stomach”. Penelope starts to move, but stops when she notices your face and blushes “I’m so sorry. I made a mess of you” You cock an eyebrow, then you notice what she means; you laugh and bring a hand to your face and scoop her juices off and lick them up in front of her while moaning. Penelope just stares at you dumbfounded and her cheeks turn a dark shade of crimson, which makes you laugh again. “You taste so good, Penelope. Thank you for the tasty treat” – “O-oh my…” Penelope says before adding “I, u-uh, s-suppose you want me to r-return the favor?” You smile and shake your head “No, this is all about you, Penelope. Now, lie on your stomach” you repeat again before getting off the bed on watching as Penelope does as you say.

But gods do I need it so badly right now you think as your arousal is at its peak and your pussy leaks your juice down your thighs.

When she’s on her tummy you get on the bed and straddle her back and press your hands against the base of her neck, massaging and rubbing it to work the tension out. “Oh that’s very nice” Penelope moans in satisfaction and pleasure as she rests her head on her arms. You smile and continue to rub and massage at her neck before moving onto her shoulders, then her back, then her sides, butt, legs, and feet until you’re satisfied that you’ve worked most, if not all, of the tension out of her muscles. When you finish you giggle at the little puddle you left on her back from your leaking privates, so you lick it up to clean her off which makes her gasp in shock as your warm tongue runs across her back. “I can’t thank you enough, Colette. If there’s anything I can do for you…” Penelope starts to say, but you shush her when you put a finger to her lips and smile. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. If you ever need a little relief then you need only ask me and I’ll be happy to help. I’m also sure that Lula would be happy to help as well. Promise me that you will? Promise me you won’t deprive yourself of pleasure” you say seriously to the pale half-elf. She smiles and gets off the bed to give you a welcoming hug; you pull back and smile before saying with a grin “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll wash up”. Penelope blushes, but nods before you get up and move to the restroom, shutting the door and sitting on the chamber pot.

I’ll clean up right after I get some relief~ you think as you bring the first three fingers of your right hand to your mouth and sucking on them. After they are slick with saliva you reach behind you and probe your backdoor with them, moaning contentedly as you push them inside. Once they’re inside you bring three fingers to your pussy and plunge them inside while you have a thumb on your clit; you get to work using all three of your fingers to pump your two holes as your rub your clit with your thumb, sending wonderful and intense jolts of pleasure coursing through you. You bite your bottom lip to keep from crying out as you ride your peak higher and higher until you crash, moaning and deeply and gasping as quietly as you can through your wonderful orgasm, and as your juices squirt out around your fingers and into the chamber pot. You breathe a sigh of a relief after having alleviated your arousal for now before getting up and cleaning yourself up properly. When you finish you leave the room and get your clothes back one as Penelope watches with an amused smile as she having already finished redressing. You decide to put a show on for the matron of the orphanage by sensually putting on each article in a sort of reverse strip dance, which makes her blush.

Afterwards you both share a brief kiss and a hug before heading back downstairs, where Lula gives you a knowing grin and you give her a wink and a thumbs up when Penelope isn’t looking. You and Lula give Penelope a final hug and bid her farewell as she takes over watching the children, a noticeable and healthy glow about her as she does so with a bright and happy smile on her face. “How bad was she?” Lula asks semi-playfully – “Bad” you respond “She hadn’t been with someone else for a long, long time. She’s better now, though, and I think she’ll be more receptive to you in the future”. “Oh, baby, that’s great to hear. I didn’t want to say anything, but she looked much better and happier when she came back. You did a very good thing, baby. I think I’ll bring Trish along from now on whenever you don’t go. She loves children and comes on her own when she can. She can watch them while me and Penelope get intimate…when she wants to of course” Lula says with a giggle and a hug as you walk the streets of the slums. You beam with happiness and pride at having helped Penelope in some small way, but your thoughts are interrupted when Lula snaps her fingers. “Oh, I almost forgot; the disciples of Lequis, on top of handing out food and clothing, help to clean up the streets of litter and garbage of the slums to make it a little bit nicer. What do you say, baby? Want to get dirty to make things a little cleaner?” Lula says with a smile. You smirk and say “Well, I am a dirty girl, aren’t I? And I love nothing better than to help make other people’s lives better. So long as I don’t have to go into the sewers then I’m game”. Lula laughs and gives you a playful nudge while you put your finger into your mouth and suck on it as she leads you down the streets of the slums.

Lula brings you to another part of the slums different from yesterday and, though you recognize some of the disciples from the few times you went to the temple of Lequis, you don’t know any of them personally. Still, when you approach with Lula they are warm and inviting and accept you wholeheartedly, which Lula explains is partly due to that being the nature of Lequis and partly because of how you helped Trish reach the status of priestess. You see that the disciples have wooden rods with metal spikes at the end that they use to pick up garbage, as well as wooden crates and bags that they use to store and scoop up the refuse lying about. Amongst the disciples are other people that look like they might be from the slums and other parts of the city helping out to make the streets a bit cleaner. You roll up your metaphorical sleeves and grab a wooden rod lying around and get to work cleaning up.

You spend the next hour or so cleaning up and, while you can’t get everything, you and the others do manage to help get a fair amount of the street you’re on and the next street cleaned of garbage and refuse. You particularly worked twice as hard, motivated to make a better place of living for those here and for the children of the orphanage. You are disappointed that you can’t do much about the cracks in the street, but Lula somewhat assuages your concerns by telling you that the donations given to the temple go to hire architects, landscapers, and carpenters to fix the streets and buildings of the city where the current government of the city fails to do so. You grit your teeth thinking about it, particularly Arlandus as you have no doubt that he’s been dipping into the coffers to fuel his own ambitions and to support fiends such as the feral goblins to attack innocents for his personal gain. You briefly wonder how much more damage he’s done, and if anyone else in the city is involved in such abominable deeds as you make your way back to the temple of Domina with Lula, sucking on your finger while deep in thought.

As you reach the red light district, and only a few meters from the temple’s entrance, an incubus wearing casual clothes with golden grown skin and ashy grey hair approaches you and Lula, though his eyes are mostly on you. You see that behind him are two other men – a half-goblin and a human – along with an orc woman watching the incubus with amused grins and snickering. “Hey there, how can I help you?” you greet the incubus with a friendly smile and with an outstretched hand as Lula watches from beside you with an equally warm smile. The incubus takes your hand gently and shakes it with a beaming smile of his own and says “Just enjoying the sights. I must say you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. No offense to you, of course” directing his attention to you, then quickly to Lula. “None taken – she is very beautiful isn’t she?” Lula says with a grin – you grin yourself as the snickering in the back gets a little louder “Not to be rude, but I can see something’s going on by the way your friends keep glancing over her and giggling like children”. “I guess the cat’s out of the bag then?” the incubus says with a shy smile before adding “Sorry about that. My friends and I know who you are from all the escapades you and your friend have been on. Actually, the entire district knows who you are, Colette”.
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Re: Rift Touched

Your eyes light up and you grin widely and ask “Oh, really now? And what do they say about me?” “Well, they say that you have a body and face like a goddess – which you do I might add – and that you’re a total wanton slut; that you like to be taken in all your holes and, um, covered in semen” the incubus says with a little bit of a blush. You chuckle and scratch your nose “Well…that’s not far off from the truth. That still doesn’t explain what you want with me though”. The incubus fiddles with his fingers a moment before he says “…Well, we know that you and Lula, along with the other succubus, like to play together so we assume you must be a couple or something. A-anyways, most think that we’re out of your league and so my friends dared me to try and convince you to, ehrm, touch your breasts…” You blink and laugh a little, as does Lula, before you say “Really? Wow, I had no idea…sure, go ahead”. “Yeah, like I said out of our league. Sorry to bother yo- come again?” the incubus says with an apologetic smile…before he stops himself and stares at you with an open jaw. You take a step towards the incubus and smile, making sure his friends have a good view, and repeat “Go ahead; get a good feel for them. I don’t mind one bit, but be gentle, okay?” The incubus nods and reaches out with both his hands and gropes and fondles both your D-cups with a slightly dazed and dreamy look on his face.

You moan in pleasure as little jolts course through you, which you work to keep down, and lean forward a little to give him a better feel. You see that the public breast fondling has caused his friends to stop their snickering as their eyes go wide and jaws hit the floor, which makes you smirk; what makes you grin even more and make you a little aroused is that the public spectacle has caused a few people walking the streets to stop and stare with suggestive smiles and glints in their eyes. The incubus continues to fondle your breasts for another ten or so seconds before he clears his throat and withdraws his hands. “So, how much did you win?” you ask with a knowing smile. “Pardon?” the incubus responds with a dreamy and dazed look in his eyes that makes you laugh. “How much? I’m sure money was involved” you respond with a smirk; the incubus gives another sheepish smile and says “Ten gold from each of them, so thirty gold”. “Not bad…should have asked for more though” you say with a wink before turning around and heading for the temple entrance as you and Lula share a giggle, leaving the incubus, his friends, and the little crowd stunned and more than a little aroused as you look back and see a few tents pitched.


“That was fun, and rather bold of you, honey” Lula says with a grin; “Mmm, sure was” you say with a big smile as you and Lula talk…and as you fondle her own large breasts in the middle of the temple. Ah, breasts are so nice, aren’t they? So soft and squishy and fun to hold and rest your head on. Ahh, breasts are so, so nice… you think as you continue to play with Lula’s funbags, which makes her chuckle as you bite your glossy bottom lip and press your face into them. Lula laughs and pushes you off, which makes you pout before you bring your hands to your own breasts and start playing with them. Lula rolls her eyes and shakes her head in amusement before she asks “So, what’s the plan now miss breasts are the best thing since sliced bread?” You laugh yourself before you stop playing with your melons and place a finger between your full lips and suck on it while saying “Hmm, I think I’m going to go take a nice bath and relax a little while”. “I hope you’re taking the bath that I think you’re taking” you hear the voice of Leena say from the stairs as you turn to look “Because I just finished adding a nice helping of milk to it”.


You give Lula a quick hug before turning to Leena and hugging her, and squeezing her breasts, before saying quickly to the two “See you two in a bit” and then darting up the stairs and down the hall towards your cum and milk bathe. When you open the door to the bathroom you get a big whiff of the scent of semen, female ejaculate, and a nice helping of sweet, warm milk before you even see the thick, goopy white substance in the tub. “Oh yeah, that’s a nice smell” you say before you pull off your sundress, undergarments, choker, and shoes and walking up to the bath and into the center of it. You hold your breath and submerge yourself in the warm, thick and potent mixture for fifteen seconds before breaking the surface and taking in air. “Nice and warm; the perfect temperature. Ah, this is so nice…” you say with a contented sigh as you cup your hands together and gather up the cum and milk combo, bringing it to your lips and drinking it down. You giggle a little before lowering yourself so that your mouth is just below the surface, then opening your mouth and gulping down one large mouthful, then two, then five, then ten. After fifteen large, mouth bursting gulps of the delicious salty, sweet, and bittersweet concoction you rise slightly and moan happily. “Damn, that was hot” an unfamiliar voice sounds from the door; you look up and see a gorgeous human female with a wine bottle in her hand standing at the door.

Scratch that, a gorgeous and naked human female with a wine bottle in her hand standing at the door, who is also slightly muscular. She has DD-cup breasts with two ring piercings, stands about three inches taller than you, has thick and straight shoulder length lavender hair, crisp blue eyes, full lips with a glossy pink lipstick on them, a nice plump bottom, pale white skin, and a clean shaven pussy with a ring piercing through her clit, and a ring piercing through her belly button. You smile and say “I’m glad you enjoyed the show, and it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name’s Colette, and what is yours if I may inquire?” The lavender haired woman smiles and takes a nice, big swig of her wine bottle before setting it on the ground and saying “Helena, and the pleasure’s all mine. May I join you, Colette?” You grin lewdly and nod “Of course, the more the merrier”. “Thanks…Gods almighty I love bathing in this stuff, and the taste is incredible” Helena says as she moves with a hypnotic sway towards the pool; she dips a toe in and moans before walking into the pool and submerging herself for a few moments just as you did. When she comes up she’s a white, sticky mess all over and you can’t even tell what her hair and skin color are like she’s so covered. She cups her own hands and brings it to her lips and drinks it down noisily and, when she’s finished, she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue to you – which has a stud piercing – to show you that she drank it all.

Wow, she may be sluttier than me… you think as the tingles and arousal you’ve been feeling since entering the temple start to intensify as you watch her. “Mmm, don’t forget to rub it all in. It does wonders for your skin, and there’s nothing better than smelling like a dirty slut” she says huskily as she brings her hands to her face and starts to erotically rub in the thick and creamy goop. You watch in awe and arousal as she continues to rub it in, that is until you grin lewdly and mimic her actions as you rub the stuff into your own ears, face, hair, and scalp. After a while of you two rubbing the cum into your skin and moaning, Helena says “Here, let me help you with that” and she wades closer to you and places her hands on your breasts and starts to rub. You giggle and do the same to her pierced DD’s, earning moans from both of you as you rub and caress each other. This is way too hot…I’m getting so horny right now I can’t take it! you think before Helena stops her ministrations and cups her breasts “Suck on them, babe. I need it so badly” the gorgeous, cum covered woman says to you. You grin widely and gladly comply as you bring your mouth down to her right breast and engulf it, licking and sucking off the cum until it’s relatively clean. You moan as the last bit of milk and juices slide down your throat before you latch on again, swirling your tongue over her areola and flicking her nipple, while also hitting the ring piercing and lightly tugging on you as you suck.

“Oh yeah, babe, that’s it right there. Don’t stop” Helena moans, which urges you on to continue sucking…and then you’re rewarded with thick, sweet, creamy milk. You’re eyes go wide in shock, but you quickly moan and drink down this human woman’s milk as she holds your head and strokes your sticky hair with her sticky hand. “Yeah, drink it, baby. Oh gods yes that feels amazing, fuck yeah” Helena coos to you as you continue to suck her milk down greedily. You eventually drink her dry and remove your mouth with a pop before turning your attention to her other teat and repeating the process, which causes Helena to quake lightly as an orgasm rocks her when you vacuum suck her and release tiny bursts of magic. “Fuck! Babe, wherever you learned that you need to teach me it. God damn that was good” Helena says to you as she moans. “You lactated, and you’re not a succubus! Does that mean-?” you start to say before the lactating woman cuts you off and says “Yeah, I had my body altered, same as you but a little more. I got my ass altered so I can take bigger dicks up there. Got my twat altered so I’m always tight and a perfect fit for whatever goes up there. As you can see my boobs can get milked and they got bigger. I also had my throat altered so whenever I take a nice, thick cock in it I don’t need to finger fuck myself to get off. I still do it anyways, but hey more pleasure the better”.

You feel aroused and a lewd smile crosses your face and you ask “How does it feel? You’re throat I mean?” “Fucking incredible, babe, simply fucking incredible. You know how it feels to get a nice, juicy dick in your snatch and your clit rubbed at the same time? Feels exactly the same as that. I love getting my throat fucked – I really love getting my throat, cunt, and cherry fucked all at once, and getting milked. Pure. Sexual. Bliss” the woman responds unashamed. You shake your head in amusement before Helena cups your face, shifts your head so that you face her, and kisses you deeply. You moan and open your mouth to accept her tongue and you press yourself into the kiss as bits of cum and milk make their way into both your mouths. As you both moan Helena reaches down to your cunt and inserts three fingers into you, which your vagina starts to mold to them; you moan deeply in pleasure as she starts to pump inside you, so you do the same to her and delight as her vagina molds to your fingers as you curl them and start to jill her. You feel wonderful jolts of pleasure that rocket you towards your peak, so you do your best to resist that pleasure until after a few moments you can take no more and you clamp down like a vice on Helena’s fingers and orgasm onto her fingers. You keep working your fingers, and a few seconds after you come down Helena has her own climax as her love tunnel clamps down on your fingers and she starts to lactate again.

You both twitch and quake in bliss as you continue to kiss; you pull back and gasp “That was great, Helena. This is so erotic, but who are you?” She smirks and brings her face closer to yours and licks a big dollop of cum off your face with a moan before saying “You wanted someone to train you to be a better slut, right Colette? Well, here I am, babe. I don’t think you’ll find a bigger cock-sucking, rug-munching, cum guzzling, dirty slut like me in the whole city. I must say though, we are off to a very good start so far”. You blink a few times “You’re my trainer…and we’ve already started?” She laughs and pats you on the back “Yeah, me, and yeah we’ve already started. We could get a few piercings on you like me, and a tattoo that shows what a good slut you are. I have one above my butt that says ‘open for business’. Then there’s always the other body alterations, if not only to be a better slut but because they feel fucking amazing. Anyways, first order of business is we’re going to stay here and soak for a while. You need to look and smell the part, not to mention get that skin and hair looking and feeling even better than before. Trust me, by the time I’m done with you, you’ll not only be a wet dream walking but a wet dream walking that’s capable of making people blow just by looking and listening to you…if you don’t get on your knees and blow them first that is”.

What have I gotten myself into? you wonder with a smirk as you feel wonderful tingles and arousal nipping at your heels and nethers. “So” you say and as Helena moves behind you and starts to rub and fondle your breasts “How did you end up here?” Helena laughs at your question as she continues to massage your melons and says “Was a monk for a while and a damn good one to boot after I left home. My ‘instructors’ didn’t like my wanton ways and thought I was too focused on physical pleasure and not enough on the spiritual, but they weren’t complaining much when I was riding them or eating them out. Eventually I had to leave the monastery I was at, not because of the sex but because I might have got a little angry when my master called me trash and I sort of punched him through a wall. He lived, but I fucked him up pretty badly and I cost the monastery quite a bit of gold in repairs which prompted me to leave”. “Wow, remind me to never get on your bad side” you say with a slightly nervous laugh before adding “Lula mentioned you were a follower of Dwynvel before you became a disciple here. How did one lead to the other?” “Ah yes, the glorious temple of Dwynvel” Helena says as she moves from your breasts down below the juices to your stomach and legs “See, after I left the monastery I wandered around a bit and eventually stumbled on the temple of Dwynvel up north near the border to Scoleshire. A place where I could drink and fuck to my heart’s content, and without prissy little cunts to tell me it’s wrong or immoral? And I would be rewarded for doing it, and have others like me? I fucking jumped on that faster than flies to feces. I was good at it too and got a few blessings, a few miracles, and a lot of great times. I wanted to spread the word of Dwynvel, and keep getting drunk and laid, so I made a ‘pilgrimage’ going throughout the country fucking, drinking, partying, and beating the hell out of assholes wherever I went”.

“It was a whole bundle of fun, but I still felt like something was missing. I had seen a few temples dedicated to Domina throughout the land and heard how they help people ‘find themselves’ and finally I decided ‘what the hell, why not’? I popped into this temple and asked Leena if she would help me out. I think I surprised here, and everyone here, when I decided to do everything. And I mean everything; I’ve been a bondage dominant and submissive, I’ve had waxed poured on me and vice versa, I’ve been put in a tentacle pod multiple times – let me tell you it’s fucking incredible what those things can do – and been with all manner of creatures, been the dominant and submissive, you name it. After a week I still didn’t want to leave and eventually I was offered to be a priestess here and ‘train’ others like me…or at least similar to me that expressed an interest. And here I am and here you are, the rest is history as they say” Helena finishes as she rubs your shoulders and the back of your neck, eliciting a pleasured and appreciative moan from you. “I’ve never been with a half-elf before either, and I heard that you are quite sensitive for whatever reason. You’re very lucky; I would give up drinking if it meant having a much more sensitive body” Helena whispers huskily into your ear before giving it a lick, which earns a pleasured gasp from you, before she starts to suck on your ear for a few seconds then withdrawing. You groan in frustration as the pleasure stops, which earns a chuckle from Helena.

She brings a finger to your mouth from behind, which you moan and eagerly suck on to sate your oral fixation. “Good girl, suck on it like it was a cock. The first thing you need to learn is that your every action should be sexual, erotic, and overt. Every part of your being is meant for sex, and your actions should reflect that. Heh, listen to me giving you instructions that I was taught were the wrong path in life” Helena says as you suck on her dirty finger; you swirl the digit in your mouth and suck on it while moaning. As you continue to suck on the digit Lula walks in holding a large dildo with straps and large anal beads; when she sees you she has a very lewd grin on her face. She sets the two toys down by the edge of the tub and winks at you. “Thanks, Lu” Helena says as she inserts two more fingers into your mouth, which you suck on and work your tongue over while moaning and looking Lula in the eyes. “Mmm, not a problem, Helena. Anything to help make my baby a cuter, sexier slut” Lula replies and with a glint in her eyes before walking out of the room to leave you and Helena to your business. “Sit there and soak, babe. I’ll go get your toys” Helena says as she removes her fingers and wades over to the toys; when she gets back she hands you the anal beads, which have eight balls and each one you can barely fit your fist over similar to the cat tail one. “You work on getting those up your butt, babe, while I work on getting this stuffed inside your pussy” the cum covered woman says in a breathy tone.

Finally…I was feeling so empty without something up my butt you think as you reach behind you and position the first bead with your derriere underneath the bath. You moan in pleasure as you push the first bead passed your sphincter, and as Helena pushes the dildo inside your quickly molding pussy. You beat down the pleasure as you push another bead in and then another as Helena pokes the dildo, which has some nice bumps on it and is about Lula’s size and thickness, against your cervix and makes you gasp. You moan as you feel her lightly rub your engorged clit, and gasp in wonderful bliss as a tiny orgasm rocks you when she quickly thrusts the toy passed your cervix and into your womb. She holds you tightly as she straps the toy to your legs, which prompts you to quickly finish the last bead being stuffed into your ass; when you finish and the stopper plug is up against your bum you moan wonderfully at being so full, and tingles and arousal work through you like a gentle warm wave. “Love having things inside you, huh? Especially up that magnificent ass of yours? Don’t hold back with me; tell me everything” Helena inquires with a lustful undertone.

“Mmmhmm, I love it so much; not only does it feel amazing, it also feels so right especially when it’s up my butt. I feel like something should always be there, and I can think better when something’s up there as well just like when something’s in my mouth” you admit as you moan and put a finger into your mouth, sucking on it and rolling your tongue around it like it was a cock. “That’s what I like to hear~” Helena says with a cum covered smile; you both lounge and soak in the milk and cum bath, dunking each other and rubbing each other from time to time and occasionally drinking the stuff up as you soak in the smell and taste. You both spend a good long while in the tub – you’re not sure exactly how long – but Helena eventually stops rubbing and massaging your breasts, which you take up fondling after she’s done, and she gets out as she drips all over the tile floor. “Alright, babe, I think it’s time we got out. I know you want to stay in longer, ‘cause I know I do, but I got a lot of things to teach you by gods you’re a quick and eager learner”. “Fine” you pout before smiling and wading over to the edge of the tub and hoisting yourself up and out of the goopy bathtub, dripping just as much and moaning as you feel the dildo and anal beads inside you filling you up delightfully. “Show me your best cat walk, Colette. Sway those hips and smile like you want to fuck something. Use me as your target” Helena says to you.

You cock an eyebrow “I feel like I’m back at home training to be a guard” you say with a laugh. “Heh, sorry, but trust me it’ll help you. When you can learn to be a sexy, teasing slut every second of the day then you’ll have all the dick and pussy fawning all over you that you won’t know to do with all of it” the dripping woman explains with a grin as she goes over to her wine bottle and picks it up. You giggle and shrug before sticking your finger back into your mouth and sucking on it suggestively; you give Helena your best come hither look and smile lewdly as you sway your hips while walking towards her. “Nice, nice…very good, but you could do better. Your sway is too tame; you really need to sway those hips and show me that you want me. Try again, but this time walking away from me and show me that scrumptious behind you have like you want me to see it” Helena says as she takes a swig of her wine while watching you and gently rubbing her clit. You shrug and smile before repeating the process, this time walking away from Helena to the other side of the bathroom as you drip cum and put more of an emphasis on your sway. She has you repeat it again, and again, and again, and a few more times after that until you feel like you’ve perfected that walk and it comes as seconds nature to you.

“Mmm, yeah baby that’s the stuff right there. Gods I want to fuck you so badly right now when you look at me like that and move those beautiful legs of yours” Helena says as she continues to rub her clit and eye you hungrily, which sends wonderful arousal and tingles through you and makes you beam with pride as a wide smile cracks across your cum covered lips, which you lick to gather some up and moan as you drink it down. “With that you’ll be teasing everyone you walk by. Gods, this is so much fucking fun!” Helena says with a lewd grin before she adds “Alright, same smile but cup your beautiful breasts and lean towards me giving me that look. Oh, before I forget; always have fun, Colette. This isn’t just about being a slut; it’s about being yourself and having fun doing it, alright? Domina knows I enjoy it”. You smile at her sincerity, even if she is a bit crude, and say “I will, Helena, thank you. I’m having a lot of fun right now, and I love teasing people…and I love having sex just as much as you”. To emphasize your point you saunter up to Helena with that perfect sway you’ve mastered and reach around to grab her buttocks and plant a forceful kiss on her cum covered lips. Helena moans and wraps her arms around your neck as you both battle tongues – which you find wonderful as your tongue brushes against her piercing - and exchange juices in your mouth, moaning as you do so and as the anal beads and dildo stuffed into your holes rub together pleasurably. You pull back and, with a mischievous grin, you lean down and lick a mouthful of cum off of her neck with a moan before taking a few steps back.
Re: Rift Touched

You cup your breasts and lean forward whilst giving Helena a very suggestive look and smile, which she seems to appreciate as she cums and lactates right before your eyes as she rubs her clit furiously. “Gods that was so good. Colette, you are a total goddess. You’re so fucking hot and sexy it blows my mind…now, let’s keep going shall we?” Helena says as she catches her breath and takes another swig of her wine. You shake your head in amusement before you try again as you cup your breast and give her a sultry look; she then has you turn around and look over your shoulder with a finger in your mouth and your other hand spreading your ass and pussy, then she has you on all fours and has you crawl erotically towards her and away from her with suggestive looks and sways. She has you repeat these over and over again until you think you’ve got the hang of the “I’m a sexy knockout and I know it and I want to fuck you” look, movement, and actions. “Damn you’re a quick learner, babe. You’ll be causing men and women alike to cream themselves before you ever have a chance to touch them. Alright, I think it’s time we got cleaned up; the spunk is starting to dry and once that happens it’s a bitch to get out…and I’m out of wine” Helena says as she pushes herself off the walk she was leaning on and takes a last swig of her wine bottle; she gestures for you to follow her as she walks out the door. You smile and chuckle at her crude and endearing behavior, and as wonderful tingles wash over you as you step out naked in your head-to-toe coating of cum.

You sway your hips provocatively, which seems to have become like second nature to you, as you suck on your finger suggestively with a moan and a smile. You both get a lot of lewd and lustful looks as you walk down the upper hall of the temple naked and covered in cum, and you return those looks with winks, smiles, cupping your breasts, and spanking your swaying bottom and spreading your cheek slightly as you walk and drip cum onto the floor and leave cum-prints as you walk. You almost burst out laughing when you see clear erections, gaping jaws, and one unlucky fellow run into a wall and fall flat on his back as he stares at you in awe, lust, and disbelief. You make it to the other side of the hall and take a right and two doors down on your left you enter what must be Helena’s room. “Damn, you had them going there, babe!” Helena says with a laugh and a sultry wink as she makes her way to the armoire on the side of the room, which is suspiciously similar to Leena’s room. She opens the armoire and produces a few toys, which she tosses on the bed, a wine bottle, and an enchanted cleaning rag. “Now” Helena says with a smirk “We can clean ourselves up the easy way or the slutty way. Take your pick”.

You bring a hand to your left breast and tweak your nipples as you moan pleasurably and say “Mmm, do I even need to ask? The slutty way sounds like fun~”. Helena’s smile brightens as she saunters up to her bed before turning to face you – “First things first, babe: tell me what you think of cock. It’s taste, it’s smell, how it feels inside your holes, what it makes you feel when you want it or think about it. Then tell me what you want to do to them” Helena says with a playful tone. You give the pierced woman a confused look but shrug and smile while licking your lips “Let’s see…cock is great; I love it. I love the soft texture and slightly salty taste of semen and pre-cum in my mouth and how it fills me up, especially when it’s down my throat. I love the musky smell of arousal when it’s near my nose so I can get a big whiff which makes my head all fuzzy. I love how it stretches my butt when it’s inside me and how it makes me feel full and complete, and I love how when it’s in my pussy it stirs up my insides and goes past my cervix and reaches all the right places. When I think about it or want it…I usually got hot and bothered and imagine myself sucking and licking it, or mashing it between my breasts, and up my butt and pussy and cumming all over and inside me”.

“Good, good, now what about pussy?” Helena asks with all seriousness that takes you off guard. “Well, much the same really’ I love how it tastes and I love licking and playing with it. The smell is intoxicating and the taste is like heaven. I love having my mouth on it and my fingers inside it and hearing my partner reach climax. I love drinking down the juices it gives me and sucking on the puffy lips and clit. When I think about it I think about diving in and gorging on it like a delicious treat, because that’s what it is to me” you explain in all honestly. “That’s really fucking hot, Colette, and good too. Think that way whenever you think about cock and pussy, and make sure that you talk dirty. There’s a reason for it; physical pleasure is all well and good, but the other half is mental and ego. Talk dirty to your partner, tell them how good you’re feeling, tell them what you want to do to them. When you’re getting fucked up the ass explain what’s happening and talk dirty and tell your partner how good it feels while you moan and beg for more. It will give them an ego boost and make them work that much harder, which I’m sure you will have noticed with other sexual partners. People love to know that they’re doing something good; see, being a slut is fun, but it’s not just about you, babe, it’s also about your partner. It works both ways; if you bring them pleasure then you’ll be brought pleasure in return, and if you get inside their head then you can make them give you even more pleasure, or you can take it away completely. Half the battle is skill and the other half is psychological, and it really only works if you’re being honest about it, which is why I’m so good at it; because I love every fucking second of being a slut” Helena explains to you like she’s teaching a student, which strikes you as odd.

“So basically…enjoy sex, talk dirty, and act like a total slut and it will spur my partner on, is that it?” you say a little skeptically. “Exactly; just enjoy it, talk dirty, and act like a total slut. Sounds simple, but it’s got to be done right. Trust me, I’ve been at this for a long ass time. People love to know that they’re doing good, especially when it comes to sex and hells, I love telling them that they’re doing good. Hell, I fucking love sex as it is and I love it when my partner gets inside my head and talks dirty and tells me what a champ I am at licking snatch or bouncing off dick. Be careful about assfucks that think they can treat you like trash, though; fuckers like that deserve to have their teeth kicked in for that shit. I may be a slut and love getting fucked, but that doesn’t mean I’m garbage, and neither are you, babe”. Helena says with gusto and pride. You chuckle a little and say “I take it you have experience with people like that?” “You bet I do…actually there was this one guy in Lumin a while back that I was with for a little while; nothing serious, he was just a good fuck and a friend I had just made, or so I thought. Seemed like an alright sort, but while I was bouncing my ass off his dick he goes off and tells me what a worthless tramp I am and that all I’m good for is for him and his friends to get off on. Called me trash, worthless, and all manner of nasty things…so, I kicked his ass. I broke the pansy ass’s arm and shoved a bottle up his ass, after I threw him through a table of course. Oh, and I might have knocked about half his teeth out, too” Helena explains while scratching her nose, reminiscing on her past sexcapade

Holy cow this woman’s a terror! I kind of like her, though~. She’s sexy, brutally honest, and a force to be reckoned with…gods she’s making me all hot and bothered!

You lick your lips, suck on your finger, and eye the sexy cum-covered lavender woman hungrily and ask “So, ‘teacher’ what’s the rule on clothing, hmm~?” Helena laughs and gives you an equally hungry look “The less the better, babe. Naked is preferable, but really anything will suffice. In my opinion, something really scant should do the trick; show off a lot of skin, but have just enough covered to leave people wanting more. You know what they say, that less is more? Fucking hells enough talk; let’s get out to the main hall. You and mean are going to ‘clean up’”. Helena grabs two enchanted cleaning rags, a double dildo, and pops the top of her wine bottle and takes a nice big swig before setting it on the ground. She saunters up to you with a sway to her and wraps and arm about your waist; you do the same and, with a sway of your own, you both make your way out of her room, around the corner, down the hall, and down the stairs with many, many eyes following you hungrily as you’re both still covered in cum. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, and you have dozens of eyes on you with smirks, cat calls, and whistles, Helena has a naughty grin on her face as she leans forward and licks your face and drinks down some cum.

Mmm, so that’s what she means by “cleaning up”, huh? Oh yes, that’s really naughty and sexy…count me in~!

You giggle and grab hold of Helena before you lean forward and lick some cum off of her face. She laughs and darts forward to lick some off your collarbone, and the cycle continues for many, many long and sexy minutes as you work on licking the cum off of each other. You both get lick and drink down the milk and cum combo from your faces, necks, arms, breasts, stomach, pussy’s, legs, ass, and feet as you end up on the floor licking on moaning, much to everyone else’s delight as a few people start to moan as they masturbate. You and Helena kiss deeply and passionately, groping and caressing each other as you do so before you both pull back and Helena reaches down to the straps at the dildo stuffed inside your love tunnel and undoes them. “Remember what we talked about, babe” the almost clean lavender haired woman whispers to you before she grabs the end of the dildo and pulls it out to the tip, earning a squeal of pleasure from you as she brings her mouth to your clit and sucks and licks it, the studded piercing providing a wonderful and interesting sensation against your nub. You grab her head as you whimper and moan in pleasure as she works your engorged clit and thrusts the dildo in and out of you. “Oh yes, baby, that’s so good! Stir up my pussy more, do it! Oh gods YES that’s so good, Helena! Don’t stop, oh please don’t stop baby you’re so good!” you say over and over again as you twine your hands in her still dirty hair; Helena continues to suck and lick your clit as she pumps the big dildo into and out of your sopping and leaking pussy, earning more words of encouragement and pleasured moans that spur her on to work faster and harder.

Before long you mash Helena’s face and mouth against your clit and scream in bliss as you climax onto the toy stuffed inside you, you’re pussy leaking juices out of the corners of your honeypot and onto the floor as it gushes. When you come down Helena is already at your mouth and is forcing her tongue into your mouth as she pulls the dildo from your drench and twitching canal; you moan and accept the kiss before pressing into it and pulling Helena closer to your body and mashing both your breasts against each other. After a little while Helena pulls away from you and brings the dildo to your mouth; you smirk and take it and moan as you lick up the juices before she hands you a rag and says with a smirk “Let’s clean ourselves up properly now, babe”. You laugh and nod “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I don’t think our tongues will be able to get everything~”. With that you both work on methodically and sensually scrubbing each other down of any remaining cum on your skin and hair, getting a few quick gropes, kisses, and squeezes for good measure, until you’re both thoroughly cleaned from head to. “Good gods almighty…”Helena says quietly as she reaches out with her hand towards the skin on your stomach; you look around and see everyone else staring at you in awe and, surprisingly, fading lust the makes way for admiration. “What? Is there something on me? What’s wrong?” you ask Helena, then a few people of the crowd. Helena rubs your stomach, then reaches up to your hair and twines her fingers through it “So soft and milky, it practically glows…”

You grab Helena’s hand and look her calmly in the eyes and ask “What’s wrong, Helena?” Helena, however, gives you a small smile and shakes her head “Nothing, it’s just that I’ve never seen anything like this before. Usually it takes longer to happen, but your body seems to have absorbed the fluids faster than most. Your hair is so soft and full, and your skin is a beautiful, glowing milky white that it’s absolutely mesmerizing. I couldn’t see it before underneath all that spunk, but by the gods you’re divinity…that hair and those eyes and that skin, it’s surreal…” Helena explains as she works one hand in your hair and another over your skin. You give her a confused look before you look down at yourself, and you nearly gasp in surprise to see that your skin is indeed an almost glowing, unblemished milky white; you touch your stomach to find that it is also much softer than it was before and, when you bring your hands to your fiery mane, you also find that it’s also much softer, like silk, in your hands. You continue to explore your new skin until you a movement catches your attention out of the corner of your eye; you look up and see Lula watching you halfway up the stairs with lust and appraisal…and a very obvious erection in her robes that makes you grin and lick your red, glossy lips.

Mmm, Lula’s big blue cock is just what I need right now~. And with those beads still up my butt it’ll be a nice, tight fit you think as you saunter up to the foot of the stairs with an erotic sway. You give Lula a very suggestive look as you put a finger into your mouth and suck on it naughtily, moaning as you do so. With your other hand you motion for Lula to get down the stairs; you see her gulp a little and smile as she reaches the bottom of the stairs in record time. When she does you reach down with your left hand and gently massage her cock through her robes while looking her in the eyes and sucking on your right index finger. “Lula” you say in a breathy, intentionally needy voice “Oh please, Lula, I need your beautiful big blue penis inside my pussy. Please, give it to me; it’s so thick and hits all the right places”. You mash your breasts up against Lula and moan while slowly humping yourself against her. “O-of course, baby, I won’t deny you” Lula says a little shakily, which makes you grin; Lula gently pushes you back and nearly tears her robe off in anticipation, which makes you tingly all over and a wide smile breaks on your face as you gaze upon Lula’s naked form, and especially as you eye her cock and glistening cleft. You stroke her cock a few times before dropping to your knees and looking up into Lula’s eyes with a smile as your mouth starts to water.

Gods it’s so big and juicy and the things it can do to me are making my head spin. Oh, this is going to be so good~

You lean forward and kiss the tip while looking the succubus in her red eyes “It’s so beautiful, Lula, I love it so much. It taste sho –schlpp – goodsh andsh feelsh sho –sschlllppshh- nische” you say before you start to engulf the blue tool and suck on it noisily while working your tongue along the head and shaft, both for your benefit and Lula’s. “Oh, baby, don’t stop! It feels sOO G-goo-AHN!-d!” Lula coos as she grabs your silky soft red hair and starts guiding your head along her shaft, sucking noisily yet not putting your more advanced skills to use. You smile and gently pull back off Lula’s member with a pop and, while slowly jerking and licking her tool and looking Lula in the eyes, you say “I want it inside me, Lula. I need to feel that beautiful blue cock pounding my pussy. I need to feel you spraying my insides white with your thick, creamy cock milk. It makes me feel so good, Lula; won’t you make me feel good?” Lula’s cock twitches a few times as you continue to work and at your words, and you see a burning inferno of passion and desire engulf Lula’s eyes as she glares hungrily at you. You quickly stand up and gently push Lula onto the ground so that she’s lying on her back – you barely notice the people around you watching with undivided attention – as you position yourself over Lula’s cock. You look Lula in the eyes and smile wickedly as you cup your breasts and play with them while moaning before you reach down and spread your puffy lower lips and slowly lower yourself down onto Lula’s member. You moan deeply in pleasure as you continue to lower yourself down on Lula’s cock, and as your pussy molds around her shaft like a perfect fitting glove - she reaches behind you and grabs your ass while looping a finger through the hooped plug of your anal beads.

When her cock bumps against the entrance to your womb you smile and say “Oh gods yes, Lula! I need that cock inside my womb so badly; I love it when you stir me up inside there so much!” “Gods, baby, you’re so incredible! Mmm, I love how your pussy grips me so tightly” Lula moans below you as her cock twitches a few times; you grin and start to work the muscles of your altered vagina and vibrate them a little…and then a wonderful idea pops inside your head. You focus on your glistening honeypot and gather your magical energy inside, before releasing tiny bursts of magical energy inside your vagina; you scream in bliss and throw your head back as Lula does the same. “GEE-AAAAHHHN!!” Lula yells her passion to everyone in the temple as the unexpected pleasure rocks both of you; your magical, vibrating pussy clamps down and floods around Lula’s cock, and likewise Lula thrusts up fiercely, penetrating into your womb and releasing a thick, warm, heavy loads inside you that make you shudder in wonderful rapture. You both come down panting, but Lula yelps in surprise and pleasure and buck her hips before you hear Helena chuckle behind you. “Sorry, Lu, but that was fucking hot as hell. Mmm, fuck that’s the spot right there – I hope you don’t mind another horny slut butting in” Helena says; you giggle and look behind you to see that she’s stuffed the double dildo she brought inside her altered cunt and likewise has it stuffed inside Lula’s love tunnel. “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind at all, Helena. Do you, Lula?” you say in a sultry tone as you run your hands through your hair before cupping your breasts and massaging them sensually while looking at Lula hungrily.

“Baby, when you put it that way I wouldn’t care if you said we we’re going to walk through all the planes of the hells the answer would still be the same: hells no I don’t mind!” Lula says in a playful, yet somewhat serious tone as she winks. You giggle, then gasp, as Helena reaches around and gropes your breasts and starts to tweak your nipples. “Mmm, next lesson, babe. If you’re gonna be a sex crazed slut then you should learn how to last while getting a good fuck. We’ll take as long as we need until you learn this very important lesson” the lavender haired knockout behind you says. “Yes ma’am – oh that’s good, Helena, keep rolling my nipples just like that; so good! Mmm, now, let’s have some fun~” you respond before you start to bounce on Lula’s blue tool inside you, earning a moan and gasp of pleasure from you both. Helena gasps as she starts to thrust her hips on the double dildo, which translates into pleasure for Lula, who pulls out a bead from your pucker then thrusts it back inside you, which sends incredible pangs of pleasure coursing through you. “Yes, yes, Lula, yes! Oh your cock is so good; keep thrusting and don’t stop screwing me! Mmm, gods spank me, Lula and work keep working those beads! Rrrgghh yes, Helena, don’t stop; feels so wonderful!” you babble out to your succubus and human lovers; Lula giggles and, on top of pulling the beads and thrusting them back inside, she spanks your ass every time you come down on her member as Helena thrusts on the toy inside them. You all go on for a few more moments before you reach climax as you throw your head back and arch your back; seconds later Lula cums inside you again as she screams in bliss, followed by Helena.

“Honey, you’re just too incredible. First your mouth, then your butt, now your cute pussy; it’s too much, baby. And you’re so much sluttier now, and your skin and hair. Gods, it’s like every time I see you, you keep blowing my mind all over again” Lula says as she pants for air. You giggle and lean down, planting a kiss on Lula’s lips with a moan “That’s not the only thing I love blowing~” you whisper into Lula’s ear. “By Lequis…” your spaded tailed lover says as her cock twitches back to life inside you, making you chuckle happily. “Mmm, holy hells that was good” Helena says behind you before she spanks your bottom “Done already, babe?” You smirk and straighten yourself and look over your shoulder at the pierced slut “Not by a long shot” you say with a devilish grin and a glint in your eyes. The crowd of people around you – the ones that haven’t spent themselves all over the temple floor that is – cheer and holler at your words, and at getting another sexy show, which sends tingles through you and spurs on your arousal. Lula next takes you from behind as you utilize your flexibility to reach down and grab your ankles, and while Helena takes the double dildo and works herself and Lula from behind. Then you and Helena use the double dildo on each other while giving Lula a double blowjob, followed by you being taken by Lula missionary style as you eat Helena out above you. After all this, and as all three of you are sticky messes, you and your lovers sit on the steps of the temple recuperating; you’re sitting to the left of Lula and drinking from her while she strokes your red hair and while Helena sits beside you and is drinking her wine, which she got after going back to her room.