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Re: Rift Touched

You pull back with a loud slurp and giggle as you spread your legs and dip two fingers into your honeypot, gathering up some of Lula’s seed and licking it down as you look out at the crowd that hasn’t dissipated yet now that the action’s over. Helena chuckles and does the same with the juices on her body, drinking them down with her wine as she gives the crowd sultry looks and winks. “Gods, you two are something else” Lula says with an amused laugh as she gathers some of yours and Helena’s fluids from her face and licks it up with a moan. “You’re one to talk miss succubus~” you respond with a playful nudge before you turn to the blue eyed beauty and look her in the eyes sweetly. “Thank you, Helena, this was really, really fun. This feels great – if there’s anything I can do for you in the future, just let me know” you say as you grasp her right hand with both of your own. Helena actually blushes a little when she looks at you and smiles “Anytime, babe; it’s kind of what I do so there’s no need to waste that kindness of yours on me”. You give Helena a hard look and say “It’s not a waste; you’re beautiful, fun, sexy, and every bit deserving as anyone else. You got that?” Helena blinks a few times in astonishment before she shakes her head and laughs “Alright, alright, I guess I am if you say so. Geez, babe, you’re a little scary when you get like that”. You giggle and lean towards Helena’s pale face and lick some juices from her before planting a kiss on her cheek “Only when I need to be. That might be the side of me that comes out when I’m with the children at the orphanage, actually. By the way…if you ever want to do this again~…” you finish by giving the lavender haired alcoholic a suggestive look and a wink.

“Fuck. Yes. This was the best lay I’ve had in a good long while besides, well, the tentacle pod; the things you can do with that mouth are amazing, babe” Helena says with a huge grin on her face as she takes another swig of wine. Lula wraps her arm around your dirty waist and laughs “I remember hearing about that from my sister. You actually spent an entire week in that thing? I only went in for a few hours. Granted, I think I could last a few days since I’m a succubus, but an entire week?” “You spent a week in a tentacle pod? Nonstop? How was it?” you ask Helena with a look of astonishment. Helena laughs and says “It was fan-fucking-tastic. Best sex of my life, and since those things provide nutrients to their ‘victims’ I could have theoretically stayed in there forever. By the time I got out I was a slobbering, sex crazed mess; it was beautiful. It had completely broken my mind, and it took a few weeks just to get back to normal…somewhat; I’m a lot nastier and naughtier now then I was before then, and it feels so fucking good and right”. Holy crap…she used to not be as nasty and naughty? Wow you think before she adds “If you’re interested in going in one of those things then I guarantee you’ll have the time of your life, but for a first timer like you, since you’re already a bit of a nympho, I would recommend two maybe three hours tops in that thing, but again it’s your choice. Oh, before I forget, babe, I know you’ve been seeing Carth and getting some training in – if you ever want some hand-to-hand training then come see me; I don’t like to brag often, but my skills are better than his since, well, I’m a monk after all”.

You peck Helena on her cheek and smile “I’ll keep that in mind” – Lula pulls you back to her and plants a kiss on your lips, which you moan appreciatively at as you wrap your arms around her neck. When she breaks the kiss she looks at you lovingly and says “Honey, you’re so great and wonderful”. “Yeah you are; there’s something about you, besides the obvious, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I’m around you, babe. You’re smokin’ hot, a beast in the sack, and a serene, playful, and kind soul. If I was the type to get hitched I wouldn’t mind it being with you, but I’m not because, well, I love sex too much. But, if you ever get a little group together then count me in!” Helena says as she wraps her arms around your waist from behind and kisses the back of your head. Images of you, Helena, Leena, Lula, Delilah, Astraea, Xillia, and others run through your head all together in a giant orgy; you grin but are pulled from your thoughts when you hear a familiar voice.

“Well, well what do we have here, dear?” Leena says as she moves in front of you three “You’ve made quite the mess of things, haven’t you?” Leena points at the floor in the middle of the temple, which is covered in Lula’s seed and all three of your female juices. You grin, but Helena is the first to speak “Hey, boss lady, this was my fault. Sorry about that”. You’re about to speak up and say that you had a hand in it as well, so that Helena doesn’t take the full blame, but Lula puts a hand on your shoulder and smiles while shaking her head. You’re confused, but quickly understand when Leena next speaks “Oh really? You’ve been a naughty little slut again, haven’t you?” “Yes, Mistress Leena, I’ve been a very naughty slut. Slut needs to be punished…maybe you can tie Slut up and pound her tight butt with your big, delicious cock and paddle my naughty pussy? Please, Mistress, Slut needs to be punished so badly for being such a bad girl” Helena says in a sultry, mock apologetic tone as she gets on her knees and presses herself up against Leena’s legs and nuzzling them. “Mmm, I think you might be right, Slut. But I think everyone should see what a bad girl you’ve been; Mistress will have to take you to the park and do this so that you’ll learn” Leena says hungrily as she strokes Helena’s lavender hair. Helena moans happily and says “Whatever Mistress thinks is best for this dirty slut”. Leena chuckles before bending down and scooping Helena up into her arms; she turns to you and Lula and says “The slime room is ready for you dear…Domina, what happened to your skin; it’s a beautiful milky white and so lustrous and soft looking". You give Leena a knowing grin and say "I took a bath...my 'special' bath~". Leena chuckles and shakes her head before directing her attention to Lula "That's so naughty, dear...I maybe next time I'll give you a bath myself? Sister, would you kindly show our dear Colette the way? I'm going to be...preoccupied for a while” before she carries Helena up the stairs, who’s nuzzling Leena’s bosom and giggling up a storm.

You turn to Lula with a horny look “Wow, I think I’m really starting to like her…a lot”. “I know exactly what you mean, honey. Come on, let’s go…um, hand me that rag could you? I think we should clean ourselves off a little bit” Lula says before pointing to one of the two enchanted rags on the floor; you chuckle and hand her a rag while taking one yourself and cleaning up – you take care to make a show of cleaning yourself off, which gets Lula and those around you a little bothered - before following the re-robed Lula into the lower chambers of the temple with a sexy sway to your hips, and giving the temple goers a treat as you wink, blow kisses, and cup your breasts as you walk which creates more than a few accidents along the way You follow Lula while sucking on your finger suggestively and moaning, especially when you reach around and pull at the plug to your anal beads. Lula, who has been noticing your actions as you walk, clears her throat and says “Um, baby, could you not do that? It’s…distracting”. You chuckle and walk up behind Lula and grab her large bosom before snaking your right hand down to her throbbing erection “Oh really? Are you getting a little hot and bothered, Lula?” you say in a breathy, provocative voice from behind her. “I-it’s that door over there” Lula says in a slightly strained, barely controlled voice while pointing to a door on the left-hand corner of the room. You laugh lightly as you lean up and kiss the back of Lula’s head and walk to the door, swaying your hips deliciously; when you reach the door you look back at Lula, who’s watching you intently, and you throw your head back in a very pleasured moan as you pull the anal beads from your pucker and let them drop to the floor.

You give Lula a last suggestive look and a wink as you spank your milky white, plump bottom and spread your cheeks, which even from this distance you can see Lula’s cock twitch. You laugh and turn towards the door and walk through it.

“Lequis, Domina…I don’t care who, just please give me the strength…” Lula says after you’ve walked through the door as she pulls her robes off and starts to masturbate.


When you step through the door, you’re met with a very odd sight; instead of the usual chambers that the other lower rooms of the temple seem to have, this one is instead closer to a cave. A cave with a small waterfall that flows form a hole in the wall, a stream that runs from the bottom of the waterfall to the other side of the room which leads to another hole in the wall, rocks, and foliage growing everywhere. The second thing you notice is that the air itself tingles with magical energy, and the third thing – which makes you smile – is that there are dozens of simple slimes in various sizes and colors moving about the room. You enter your aura sight and when the world bleeds away your vision is assaulted with glow threads, pulsing colors, and dim fissures, and the air itself is rife with threads as far as you can see. It’s so overwhelming that you can barely pick anything out, however, one sight does catch your eye; you see a clear-ish pulsing further in the room. Intrigued, you make your way further in the room and carefully step over and around the slimes in the room, which have started to congregate towards you and rub up against you as they ripple playfully.

You giggle as you bend down and rub a few of the slimes, and you can’t help but let out an “aww” when you see a very small red slime rub up against your foot and making it tingle pleasurably. “Hey there you little cutey” you say as you reach down and scoop the cute little slime up and hold it to your bosom, which makes it ripple happily as you press it against your body and rub your face on it. “Aww, you’re just a small fry stuck with all these big ones. You must be awful lonely, huh? Here, you can stick with me – now, let’s go find out what this strange clear aura is, hmm?” you say to the little red slime, which ripples fiercely against you and snuggles against your breasts. You wade your way through the multitudes of slimes that have congregated near you as you make your way towards the clear auric pulsing, and when you reach you have no idea what to think. You look down and see that that pulsing is coming from a clear looking slime, but inside the slime is a rock that looks to be slightly bigger than your fist. The rock itself is swirling inside the slime and has a fiercely clear-ish pulsing coming from it; you exit your aura sight and see that the rock is a black-brown color with cracks in it that give off a dim glow of light.

“That’s odd…why do you look like that, hmm? You must be different from the others here, huh you adorable little slime” you say as you kneel down and rub your hand tenderly over the clear slime. You see it ripple gently under your touch and almost recoil, but it stops and instead presses itself into your hand and starts to engulf it. You feel a pleasurable tingling in your hand as the slimes body engulfs it, and you also feel a pleasurable tingling in your breasts and legs as the little slime engulfs your bosom and other slimes around you start to engulf you. You giggle as the gelatinous feeling amorphous creatures roll and slide over your form, rippling happily and joyfully as they do so. “Aww, you guys are so cute and playful. How many people come down here to take care of you and play with you, hmm? Not enough it seems; that’s why I’m here~” you say cheerfully to the mass of multicolored slimes and as you swish your hands through their bodies and press yourself against the group, which sends wonderful ripples through the lot of them. The clear slime pulls back off your hand and seems to…watch you, if that’s even possible, as the other slimes work themselves on you.

You moan as pleasurable jolts work to moisten your cleft as the slime on your breasts starts to massage them, and as you feel slimy tentacles pressing against your pussy and rosebud. “Here, let me help you with that~” you say with a pleasured moan as you reach down and spread your pussy and cheeks with your hands, allowing the slimes easier access to your erogenous zones. You let out a little gasp as two slimy tentacles enter either of your bottom holes and start to burrow inside you. “Mmm, this feels so nice~. Does it feel go for you, too? Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, so you’re all mine~” you say with a moan as you run your hands along the two slimes that are inside you and the one massaging your breasts, causing them to ripple. Mmm, I should get one or two of these for myself. This is so nice and relaxing~ you think as your skin starts to tingle in pleasure from being in contact with the magical slimes, as well as inside your molding vagina and tight behind. You giggle and rock your hips a little as the two slimes start to thrust inside you, your pussy molding to the slimy tentacle inside you with each motion; you say little praises to the slimes and rub against them, which they seem to enjoy as they increase their efforts and press themselves into you and as the pleasure they feel is transferred to your body and vice versa. You’re drawn from your work, however, when you hear a girlish laughter sound nearby.

You look around, but see only the slimes…and then you hear it again, followed by a voice. “You’re very kind and playful with us, thank you. You’re right, there haven’t been as many visits from others as we would like; we love physical contact and positive emotions, and the more we get the better we feel” the voice sounds out nearby. You look around, confused, before you speak out yourself “Not to be rude, but where are you? And who are you?” “Oh, how rude of me; I always seem to forget that you fleshy creatures identify and each other and communicate better with a face. Allow me to introduce myself” the voice sounds out before you yelp a little in surprise as the clear slime with the rock in it starts to morph and shape itself into…you, or a clear and gelatinous version of you with a magical rock heart floating inside it. “I am like my kin that you see around you, but different. I am what you would call a true slime and those here have named me Meredith. I suppose I can be considered a disciple of Domina as I was formed here in this place underneath the temple many years ago, although I have never officially been inducted as such. It was Domina’s power that created me, however, so those at the temple have accepted me as a…messenger, I suppose, since I can sometimes hear the voice of Domina, just like the one called Leena”.

Despite the oddness of talking to, well, yourself, you find that the idea of someone that’s not the head of a temple being able to communicate with a deity very odd and exciting. “You talk with a goddess? That’s incredible, Meredith! Excuse me, I haven’t introduced myself yet despite the…awkward situation; my name is Colette and it’s a pleasure to meet you, Meredith” you say with a sheepish smile and, thankfully, the slimes inside you have stopped moving, and instead ripple when you thank them and rub your hands over them. Meredith laughs gently and says “It is…interesting, yes. It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Colette; I have heard good things about you from Domina”. Your eyes go a little wide and you cock an eyebrow “A goddess has been talking to you…about me? What does she say?” “Not much” the slimy doppelganger says “Only that you are kind and that you can be trusted. She doesn’t say much to be honest, but when she does I’m always willing to listen and sometimes talk back with her if she wants. The mind of a goddess is strange, but similar to that of a mortal in some ways. Even with all the souls of her followers that enter her domain when they leave their mortal coil she must be lonely sometimes, but that’s just what I think. As a slime I’m prone to loneliness unless I’m surrounded by more of my kind or unless I’m in contact with a good person like yourself”’.

Weird that a goddess would take an interest in me, but I guess I am in one of her temples and going through trials of a sort. Still, at least I’m not on her bad side!

Meredith moves towards you, which is a bit disconcerting to see yourself but without any legs as the lower half of the slime girl is mostly amorphous, and reaches out with your, her, hands and engulfs them in your own while looking you in the eyes. “I can already see that you mean us no harm and that you are kind and loving. Please, lie down and let us enjoy ourselves together and share our experiences with one another” the clear slime says to you sweetly as she starts to engulf your body over the other slimes, making your skin feel relaxed and full of tingling pleasure. You sigh contentedly as the clear slime pushes you down onto your back and into a group of more gelatinous slimes that start to engulf your torso and head, leaving your eyes, nose, and mouth free. You moan deeply in pleasure as the slimes ripple and start to massage your breasts, half-elf ears, vagina, anus, clit, and your whole body while gently working their way inside your lower holes. You gasp as the slime in your molding vagina spreads open your cervix and enters your womb as it continues to thrust, and as the one in your butt goes deeper and deeper as it thrusts, sending wonderful jolts of toe-curling pleasure through you as you feel more and more relaxed. You also feel the pleasure that the slimes feel which is different than your own, but still just as pleasurable as your bodies mold together on a basic physical level.

“It feels so nice to be with you, Colette” the slimy copy of you says as she looks into your eyes with a smile “the pleasure you feel is wonderful and different from our own…but very exciting and wondrous to experience”. You smile softly as gentle warm pleasure rolls over you and as you relax further “Yeah, it’s so strange what you feel, but it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experience before. It’s very nice and gentle” you admit as the slimes around you ripple and press themselves against and into you gently. You moan deeply and let out a small gasp of pleasure as you reach your peak and orgasm, though unlike the intense and powerful orgasms you’re used to this one is different. It’s like being in a bath tub full of warm water, except that water is the ocean and you’re lying on the beach as the gentle tide rolls in and washes over your body – your pleasure transfers to the slimes and they all ripple violently as they feel your pleasure, and as some of them absorb your juices which in turn transfers over to you in a strong and unique pleasure. When you come down from your orgasm you lie still and just let the gentle, tingly pleasure and relaxation wash over you.

Meredith above you ripples violently and looks at you lovingly and says “That was very incredible, Colette. Your essence is strong and full of nourishment, and very delicious to taste. I want to connect with you even more, Colette, but the process can be unnerving for a creature of flesh. Do you trust me?” You look at Meredith, you, but you can’t really make out anything that would give a normal person’s intentions or emotions away. However, you don’t sense any ill intent…in fact; Meredith seems to be kind and gentle and has been quite forthcoming with you thus far so you nod. “I trust you, Meredith, but could you tell me what’s going to happen first?” you ask more out of curiosity then fear or doubt. “Of course” your doppelganger says with glee “True Slimes such as myself are not only capable of melding with their partners on a physical level, but also an emotional one as well which I’m sure you’re aware of. To do that requires me to, well, wrap around your body entirely…and inside you as well. Which means I’ll need to be inside your ears, your anus, your vagina, and your mouth and nose. Don’t worry, you won’t suffocate and I won’t hurt you and I would also like it if you held my core”. “That does sound a bit…unnerving, I admit. But why do you want me to hold your core? Aren’t you afraid of it being damaged? I don’t want to accidentally hurt you either” you ask with trepidation.

Meredith seems to blush – is that what you look like when you blush? – but you can’t tell because she has no real skin tone other than clear. “I-It’s just that I like to feel…close to the people I’m with. I love to read and whenever someone comes down here I usually ask them for a book if they can get one for me. I particularly like romance novels and the idea of giving your heart to someone is so lovely, and since my core is technically my heart and brain I like to imagine that I’m…giving the people I’m with my heart, body, and mind” the clear slime admits with embarrassment. You give Meredith a catty grin and say “Aww, that’s so adorable! Of course I’ll hold your core, and I’ll take good care of it, too” you lean up and kiss the gelatinous woman – a very interesting experience as you feel tingly pleasure on your lips -, which causes her to moan and ripple euphorically, which transfers to the other slimes and back to you. When you pull back you watch the clear slime woman expectantly, and after a few moments she smiles and nods her understanding before she gets to work.

The form she holds of you melts, which is quite the shock and very disconcerting, as she starts to fully engulf your body. The slimes buried in your holes and even the little cutey withdraws and pulls back as they seem to observe and ripple delightfully at the turn of events. Meredith’s gelatinous form engulfs your feet, legs, and torso completely up to your neck which sends wonderful pleasurable tingles and a wave of relaxation as the two of you share your pleasure. You reach out and grab Meredith’s core and hug it to your bosom lovingly, which makes Meredith shudder and ripple happily before you hear her speak from on you “Oh thank you…the closeness feels so nice. When I’m inside you how big do you want me to be?” You grin lewdly and say “The bigger the better~” The slime laughs gently before you gasp in pleasure as a tentacle slime enters your anus and vagina that are about as thick as Leena’s member. “Oh yeah keep going; don’t stop moving, Meredith. It feels so good and I want it so badly” you say huskily as you pull Meredith’s core closer to your chest and as the slime moves deeper and deeper into your molding pussy and your stretched cherry. You feel wonderful pleasure and tingles that relax your muscles as the slime in your vagina fills it up and even goes passed your cervix and into your womb, filling your womb up completely. You curl your toes at the strange pleasure and sensation of being so wonderfully stretched and full as the feedback from Meredith enters your senses.
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Re: Rift Touched

The slime tentacle in your butt, however, goes further passed what is normally possibly and enters previously untouched areas inside you, which makes you feel very strangely full and euphoric is you start to feel wonderful pleasurable tingles and…clean? “M-Meredith, what are you doing?” you ask as you feel the pleasure rocket you towards your peak and you do your best to fight it down. “Cleaning you; I’m using my magic to purge your body of impurities and toxins and ridding your body of waste by breaking it down and converting it into pure magical energy. It’s also necessary for me to reach to the deepest parts of you to establish a good connection” Meredith explains calmly. Oh…that’s nice, I guess. I don’t think I should have asked though…me and my stupid curiosity you think as you feel warm and tingly in your tummy, anus, and vagina along with your skin. You eventually feel the movement stop, and just in time too since you were on the cusp of orgasm and you only just barely managed to avert it thanks to your training, before Meredith again speaks to you. “Alright, love, this is it. Are you ready to take the next step?” the slime asks you as she ripples happily against you. You gently stroke Meredith’s core while engulfed in her slimy form and say with a smile “I’m ready; don’t hold back on me”. Meredith ripples a moment before the slime starts to move up your neck and around your face and engulf your head.

When she has your face fully engulfed you hold your breath and start to panic out of instinct, but you’re calmed when you feel the slime gently massage your face and say “Breathe, Colette; I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise”. You calm down a moment and tentatively draw in air through your nose…and are both surprised and greatly relieved to find that you can still breathe normally. This is too weird…and really nice actually you think as almost your entire body, both inside and out, feel wonderful tingling pleasure from the contact with Meredith’s magical body, even if the thought of seeing through the clear body while “inside” it and breathing normally are still odd. The sensation of pleasure and oddness further intensifies when you open your mouth, and you feel the slime start to enter your ears, nose, and mouth making them feel all tingly and nice too. This goes on until you feel completely and utterly engulfed, both inside and out, by Meredith…and then something odd happens; you feel…different, somehow. Like there are two sets of thoughts and feelings inside you; the things you feel, and someone else’s. You feel your own fiery, dominant, yet sweet and serene set of emotions and then you feel a calm, gleeful, somewhat lonely yet fulfilled set of emotions course through you on top of feeling your own pleasure and another’s. Then it dawns on you; I’m feeling exactly what Meredith is feeling, and she’s feeling what I’m feeling you think as wonder and excitement course through you, which feeds over to Meredith and you feel her elation and hopefulness at your understanding of the situation.

“We’re connected on an emotional as well as physical level, Colette. We can feel each other’s pleasure and emotions…it’s incredibly intimate being connected with someone like this, and I’m so happy at what I feel from you” the slime says to you, and you feel her happiness wash over you, which fills you full of wonder that transfers over to the slime girl. You gasp in pleasure as she starts to massage all your erogenous zones and as she moves the slime tentacles inside your wet love tunnel and rosebud. Meredith also gasps in pleasure as she feels the intense pleasure you feel due to your oversensitive body, and at your need to for release and for the slim girl; Meredith likewise transfers her unique pleasure to you and her need for physical contact with your body, and it turns into a never ending cycle of pleasure and emotions as the slime picks up the pace. “This is – AHN! – i-incredible! S-so go-mmmm-od!” you say between pleasured and awed breaths while holding Meredith’s magical core tightly and protectively as waves of emotion mingle with your own. “Yes y-you’re so amazing, C-Colette! S-so much p-pleasure and s-so close to you!” the amorphous intelligence responds as she continues to work at massaging, thrusting, and rippling happily in your embrace, and you in hers. You both last another fifteen seconds of this before your bum and canal clamp down hard on the slime tentacles inside you and your pussy floods a torrent of juices into the amorphous clear body, which causes Meredith to let out a wonderful howl of pleasure as she vibrates frantically and absorbs your juices, your pleasure, and your blissful emotions which she transfers to you.

You both take a few moments to recuperate before Meredith slowly withdraws herself entirely from you; you let her core go a little disappointed, but extremely satisfied and grateful at having the experience. When Meredith is fully drawn from you she says “That was an amazing experience, Colette. Thank you so much for sharing yourself with me like that”. You smile and sit up on your butt and hug the true slime and say “It was extraordinary for me as well, Meredith. I should be thanking you; I’ve never felt something so…so enlightening before. To literally be connected as one with someone, there’s no equal. Not to mention you really know how to give it to me good~”. Meredith giggles and ripples at your words before she says a little shyly “Actually, some of the books I’ve read are a little…rough and descriptive in their romance. I was wondering if, maybe you’d want to help me…re-enact some of those scenes?” You give the nerdy, naughty slime girl a lewd grin and you stick a finger into your mouth and suck on it provocatively as you moan. “Mmm, you want to do me rough is that it? You want to make me moan and call your name out as you pound into me?” you say lewdly and with a glint in your eyes. The clear slime woman retakes your form and nods shyly as she forms a large, clear cock around her pelvic region which sends wonderful tingles and arousal through you.

So that’s what I would look like with a cock, huh? Not bad… you think with a smirk before all the other slimes in the room morph out some slimy tentacles and wave them about while ripple. You laugh at the scene “You all want to have some fun, too?” – “They do, not all of them of course, but they want to feel close to you as well” Meredith responds with a smile. “Meredith, whatever you do don’t change your form; stay as solid as possible throughout the entire time okay?” you say with a playful smile running across your lips. You, the clear one, nods and you scoot forward a little bit and push her onto her back and eliciting a little surprised yelp from the slime girl. You quickly get down to business as you giggle and you bring your mouth to the clear cock and start to suck on it noisily and swirl your tongue around it as you look your doppelganger in the eyes. “Oh Meredith your cock is so big and it makes my mouth feel all tingly and relaxed, I can’t get enough of it!” you say as you pull back and start to jack it a little while giving her a lewd and hungry grin. She looks at you in awe and bliss as you give her clear cock a few more sucks, pulling off only to mount it and start riding her a moment later as you look her in the eye and howl in bliss. You gasp in pleasure as you feel a slimy tentacle start to enter your bottom, and you turn your head to see a suspiciously familiar blue slime working its way inside you.

This is going to be fun~ you think before the real fun really starts…


You giggle as the red slime from earlier snuggles into your bosom while you trace a finger over Meredith’s clear breasts and stomach as she assumes your form; all the other slimes in the room huddle around you or partly engulf you as they ripple lovingly and massage your skin and muscles of tension. “So, did I fulfill you’re every fantasy; was it just as good as you imagined it in your books?” you say in a breathy tone as you bask in the bliss of many, many multiple orgasms. “So much better, Colette; nothing could compare. I’m surprised that you still have energy, since most fleshy creatures would have collapsed after having been with fifteen slimes, including myself” Meredith chirps in awe and affection. You giggle before you speak “I’m glad it was as good for you as it was for me. As for my energy, well…I’ve had a lot of practice, and all of you are so gentle and you never went more than one time with me which helped out a lot. I am a little tired and sore from all the fun, but I might have a few more rounds in me~”. “Oh no I think we’d all rather just cuddle and be close to you…actually, let’s get you up” Meredith says with a laugh before she speaks to the slimes around her. “W-whoa, hey now where are we going?” you say in surprise as a few of the slimes band together and lift you up, carrying you off somewhere on your slimy throne. “To the water” Meredith explains as she rolls and morphs along the ground “It’s more than just water; it has healing and rejuvenating properties to it. Soak in it for a little while and drink it’s water and you’ll feel good as new in no time”. You enter your aura sight and indeed the water is magical as it lights up with clear pulsing magic.

More healing water just like back at the temple of Lequis? Very handy to have…mmm, the temple of Lequis. Maybe I should go back and have some more fun with Trish?

The slimes bring you to the cool, refreshing water; you soak in it for a little while and drink the delicious liquids and, while it’s not cum or milk, you do feel rejuvenated and all the soreness and tension in your body melts away like it was never there to begin with. Afterwards, you spend some more time talking with Meredith and playing with the slimes before you wish them well. You wave back at the slimes, who bring up some of their gelatinous tentacles and wave back; Meredith remains in your form and waves back at you with a bright smile on her face. You wink and blow a kiss before opening and walking through the door into the torch lit main chamber.

She likes books does she? Hmm, I still have that book – oh what’s it called…? Unlocking the Secrets of Magic I think it is? Yeah, that’s the one! Maybe I can give it to her some time if I never decide to read it, or when I finish it? She seems like the inquisitive type that loves to read anything and everything, so I’m sure she would love it!

You’re drawn from your thoughts, however, when you see a very large white puddle in the middle of the room. “What the-? What the heck is that? Is…is that semen? Why is ther-“ you start to say aloud before it dawns on you and you burst out laughing as you grip your sides. Oh no I teased Lula too badly and she couldn’t take it! Mmm, I’ll have to tease her about that later on, and maybe get her to deposit her seed somewhere better~ you think as you continue to laugh as you grin a little naughtily with a fire in your eyes. When you finish you rub the tears from your eyes and chuckle a little bit as you suck on your finger and sway your hips as you make your way to Carth’s room. You open the door and move inside and are greeted with the sight of Carth training in his pants with a tower shield in one hand and a wooden axe in the other. His victim: a poor training dummy that takes many swipes of the wooden axe and a few bashes from the shield. You smile to see the diligent incubus training away to keep his skills sharp – for what you don’t know – before you walk over to where he’s training to continue your lessons once again. You act like a big tease the entire time you’re with Carth, which works to your advantage as you’re able to throw him off a few times during training.

This time you have the beads on your ears, breasts, on your pucker, on your labia, and on your clit and as you train it takes every ounce of your fortitude to remain in control. You’ve gotten better at dual wielding and you manage to land quite a few blows on Carth with your wooden weapons, while also suffering a few orgasms in the process but, thanks to your previous training and your growing sexual stamina, you’re able to fight passed it and continue on with your training for the entire duration. “You are like a goddess on the field of battle, Colette! Your body is perfection and your skills in wielding two weapons at once are masterful, as is your resistance! I am afraid I can teach you no more in these departments; you will have to learn more on your own. But please, do not hesitate to seek me out if you require my services further – you are an excellent pupil and one I am proud, and very pleased, to teach” Carth says with a crooked, suggestive grin on his face as he eyes your naked body. You chuckle and cup your breasts while spreading your legs to give him a better view, and as you wink at him. His eyes go wide and he clears his throat a little as he shifts his pants as his erection becomes fully noticeable. You saunter up to Carth with a sway and a husky look and, when you reach him, you say “The pleasure’s been all mine, Carth. Thank you for helping me these last few days, truly I appreciate it, and I may take you up on that offer” before you peck him on the cheek and wink at him before you make your way for the door.

When you make it to the main chamber you see Razasha waiting for you and holding your bodysuit in her hands. You smile and stick a finger in your mouth to suck as you sashay sexily over to the catgirl and you watch as her eyes go wide when she drinks in your softer, lighter skin and as you give her a sultry look. You stop in front of the catgirl and loop and arm around her waist to pull her into a quick kiss on her lips, which elicits a moan from you and a purr from her. “What brings you down here, Zasha?” you ask in a breathy tone as you gaze into her feline eyes. “I-I brought you your bodysuit since I know you like to wear it when you train” Razasha stammers out as she clears her throat. You smile and thank Razasha as you plant a kiss on her furry cheek; you take the bodysuit from her and make a show of putting it on for the feline. When the bodysuits magic molds to you to show off your body in all its glory you catch Razasha staring at you, so you smile and decide to tease her a bit more. “See something you like? Could it be this?” you say as you turn around and spank your ass and spreading it for her “Or these?” you say again as you turn to face her and lean forward while cupping and fondling your breasts. Your actions send wonderful tingles and arousal through you, especially when Razasha’s eyes go wide and you see an erection tenting in her robes. “U-um b-both…” the disciple says with a hungry look in her eyes as she eyes your body.

You chuckle lightly and grab Razasha’s face and pull her into your bosom and say “Then have some fun~. I won’t mind one bit~”. The catgirl purrs loudly against your breasts and a wide smile crosses her lips as she pulls back and reaches out for your melons; you moan when you feel her touch and as her massaging makes your breasts feel oh so good. “That’s it, Zasha, right there; play with my breasts. I love it when you roll them and mash them together” you say to Razasha in a breathless voice and as you stick a finger in your mouth and suck on it suggestively while moaning. Razasha purrs even louder and focuses all her energy on your breasts before she stops and reaches around to get a nice handful of your bubble butt, making you giggle as you pull her face back into your globes. “Feel better?” you ask the catgirl with a grin – she only purrs even louder and nods into your chest. “Good” you say as you stroke the catgirl’s hair – before long you both tear away from each other and bid each other farewell. You’re quite sure Razasha is going to go “relieve” herself as you make your way towards Delilah’s training chamber.


You enter the darkly chamber and make your way to the maze area from prior knowledge – you can feel Delilah’s eyes on you as soon as you entered, so you decide to give her a little show. You grin as you sway your hips and stick a finger in your mouth before removing it and caressing down your body, taking care to cup your breasts and butt as you work your way down, then back up ending with your hands in your hair and tangling your red mane. When you reach the entrance to the maze as if on cue a spank lands on your right cheek and hands dart at your breasts. You moan and lean back as the hands lightly brush over your sensitive nipples and you feel a mouth sucking on the side of your neck. “Darling, don’t you know it’s not wise to tempt a vampire?” Delilah says in an almost growling voice as she snakes her left hand for your breast down to your mound, causing you to moan and moisten. You bite your bottom lip and grin “I guess I like living dangerously, and it’s hard not to tempt such a beautiful and wonderful woman such as yourself”. You feel Delilah smile behind you and kiss the back of your head “That’s so sweet, darling…thank you. Mmm, but the way you’re acting makes me think that you’re eager to get on your knees like a good girl and eat me out~”.

Mmm, I definitely wouldn’t mind that…but I think today is the day I take control away from you, dear Delilah~ you think as you grin. “We’ll see now won’t we? Can we start out with lock picking then move on to sneaking, Delilah?” you ask with a grin, formulating a plan that you hope will work against the vampire. “Of course, darling; please, follow me…or maybe I should just tell you so I can get a get look of those legs and that delicious ass of yours, hmm?” the white haired woman says. You grin and grind your bottom against Delilah’s crotch and moan “Just point the way, Delilah, and I promise to give you a very good view”. You hear Delilah laugh as she wraps her arms around your neck, pointing you in the direction that you were at the day before. “You’re acting like such a slut today…did something special happen that I’m not aware of?” your amber eyed friend asks with a grin. “Helena happened” is all you say before you pull away, turning around to face the vampire as you suck on your finger suggestively and winking. “Helena…? Oh….oh sweet merciful goddess yes….” Delilah says first in confusion, then when it dawns on her she smiles very, very widely and eyes you like a wolf would eye its prey. You feel wonderful tingles and a burning arousal as Delilah looks at you – you wink once more before turning around and, with a sway to your hips, you saunter off in the direction of the chests with Delilah hot on your heels.

You do the same as you did the day before and work on the four chests that are meant for beginners and intermediates, however, the more difficult locks still elude you and you break many picks trying to open them. You feel confident in your growing abilities and think that you’re getting the hang of the more difficult locks. All the while you make sure to bend over and give Delilah a good view of your plump bottom, and when you move you make sure to pose suggestively and display your breasts to her. Delilah seems to enjoy your shows and you always catch her eying you, more so than usual, and when she walks over to instruct you she always seems to have a hand massaging your rump and a finger poking your bum, which you thoroughly enjoy. After a little while longer of picking locks you go over to the maze, eagerly awaiting the start of the hide-and-go-seek game you and Delilah have had before. Delilah gives you the signal to begin, and so you get to work with the utmost confidence in your abilities. You dive through vents, climb ladders, hide in makeshift rooms, block doors with furniture then dive out of windows, everything you can think of as you sneak about. You even partly take of your bodysuit and dip your hand into your honeypot to gather up some of your juices and smear it along the ground and walls to throw your scent off. You have a few close encounters as you can hear Delilah moving and sneaking and hunting for you, but you always manage to stay one step ahead.

Your hard works pays off as you count down the last few seconds “…3…2…1…0” you say with a wide smile on your face. Just as you finish, Delilah pops through a window into the room you were hiding in with a glint in her eyes “Found you, darling – oh, someone looks ready to be led around like a cut little pet~”. You grin widely and tap your wrist “It seems you’re a second too late, Delilah. That means you’re mine for the remainder of my time here~”. Delilah gives you a confused look and it looks like she’s deep in thought…and then it dawns on her. She shakes her head and chuckles “Seems you’re right, darling. You won fair and square…very nice work by the way. You’ve come a long way since your first day; I’m proud of you, Colette”. “Thank you so much Delilah, it means a great deal to hear that coming from you” you say as you stand up from the couch you were lounging on just a few moments ago as you start to remove your bodysuit. “I think it’s time for my reward~. Off with the leather, Delilah~” you say playfully and with a grin as you drop the bodysuit to the ground, revealing your luminous milky white skin to Delilah. Delilah’s eyes go wide and her jaw hits the ground as she drinks you in “Goodness me darling…your skin is the picture of perfect. How – did you take more baths? By Domina it looks so wonderful and soft”. You nod with a smile “Uh huh, I took more baths. My hair’s a lot smoother and silkier, too. But now your dawdling; off with those clothes and eat me out~” you finish with a great big grin as you plop back down on the couch and spread your legs and your lips – which are already slick with arousal - with your fingers.
Re: Rift Touched

“Mmm, maybe this won’t be so bad after all…” Delilah says with a lewd grin as she licks her lips, eying your pussy like it’s a delicious morsel. She pulls off her boots and tosses them behind her, followed by her leather armor, then a blouse underneath, then the trousers, and last but not least her black lacey brassiere and panties until the only thing she’s wearing is her pale birthday suit. You moan as you gaze into the glassy amber eyes of this beautiful vampire, and you drink in her C-cup breasts, her white hair, and her pale form that probably hasn’t seen sunlight in centuries. Delilah bites her bottom lip in anticipation as she saunters over to you, dropping to her knees as she reaches the couch. She presses her nose against your slit and you moan and tangle your hands in her white hair as she smells you. “That’s it, Delilah, smell me. I’m wet and hot and horny just for you. I need that beautiful tongue sliding across me” you say in a sultry tone as you look down into her eyes, and as she looks back. Delilah takes another big whiff and sighs deeply “You smell so good, darling. It’s making my mouth water just thinking about it”. She raises up just slightly to kiss your clit, which makes you shudder wonderfully, before the vampire woman grabs both your legs and dives into your extremely wet and ready canal. “Oh yes! Eat my slutty cunt out! Mmm, that’s so good Delilah! AHN!” you gasp and how in pleasure as you press Delilah’s face into your quivering snatch – Delilah for her part licks and flicks up your slit to your rock hard nub before she opens her mouth and sucks on your labia and probes her tongue into your tight and welcoming tunnel.

Your praises and words spur Delilah on as she licks, sucks, and probes your needy twat with her cold tongue and mouth. You moan and gasp in pleasure as you feel yourself rising ever closer, but using your masterful discipline to stave off your orgasms and just enjoy the sensations of being eaten out by the vampire. “Here it comes! AAAAAHHHN!” you scream out in bliss as you let yourself slip over the edge into total ecstasy as Delilah works your oversensitive cleft; you pull Delilah’s mouth away and mash her face up against your convulsing and squirting slit as you unload a geyser of juices onto her face. When you come down you release Delilah’s face and sigh happily at your wonderful release – Delilah looks up at you with a fire in her eyes as her face is coated with your juices. She smiles and moves up to straddle you and pull you into a kiss that you happily press into as you taste yourself in the vampire’s cold mouth. Delilah sticks her tongue far into your mouth, and you moan as you pull back and suck on it before diving back in and releasing tiny bursts of magic that both surprises and delights Delilah as the experience is intensified. “So, what shall you have me do now, darling?” Delilah says after she pulls away from you and looks you lovingly in the eyes.

“What would you like to do my lovely vampire?” you say in a husky voice as Delilah wraps her arms around your neck and strokes your fiery red hair, planting feather light kisses on your lips every so often. “Me? – Gods, so soft and beautiful and delicious – aren’t I your bitch now~?” Delilah says as she runs her hands over your skin, through your hair and licks and kisses your face and lips. You cup Delilah’s face and look at her serenely in the eyes and say “You’re no one’s ‘bitch’, Delilah, least of all mine. You’re my friend and a wonderful lover, and I enjoy your company and the games we play. I’m still going to try and get you on your knees of course, but I expect you to do the same~”. Delilah’s features soften considerably and she plants another kiss on your lips before she gets off the couch on scoops you up into her arms. “You’re an angel, Colette…a heavenly angel. I’d love nothing more than to tie you up and have my way with you, darling” the vampire says sweetly and hotly. You wrap your arms around Delilah’s neck and kiss her – you giggle as you pull back and say as a passion lights up your eyes “I love it when you tie me up. I promise to be a good and obedient slut for you…and I promise to love every minute of it~” Delilah gives you a hungry look and bares her fangs at you, which only makes you more aroused and tingly as she carries you off out of the maze and towards her bondage equipment.

Delilah brings you to her bondage corner and gets you set up in a latex harness that’s similar to the leather harness you wore before; it has many, many open spaces to reveal skin and it exposes your crotch and anus as it loops around, while also having slots that hold and draw attention to your exposed breasts. You’re also fitted with a leg sleeve and set on your knees while a rope is tied around your sleeved feet and up to a metal bar above you, which has metal stands holding it up on either end and prevents you from bringing your legs down. Next, Delilah takes your wrists and ties ropes to them before tying the ends to the corners of the metal bar so your arms are splayed out like an eagle. The last thing Delilah does, and what makes you very happy, is she produces a very large bumpy dildo and inserts it into your anus. You find that it’s enchanted after she activates it with her magic, causing it to vibrate at a high frequency that takes you by surprise and makes you gasp in wonderful bliss.

G-Gods I love this s-so much! Ahn, this toy up my b-butt feels sooooo nice! I-I also think that I m-might know exactly what D-Delilah wants in a b-bondage submissive l-like me… you think as you feel great tingles, arousal, and pleasure – which you try to stave off using your superior discipline – while you kneel down in front of the naked vampire, who examines every inch of you with a smile. “Is your slave p-pleasing to you, Mistress?” you say in total reverent submission as you smile lovingly up at Delilah. You see a desire and a passion that you’ve never seen before light up on Delilah’s face, and as she speaks you can tell that she’s trying to hold back her lust and desire. “Worship me, Slave” Delilah says in a hungry growl as she extends her foot out to you; you smile and flick your tongue out to lick her dainty, cold and pale toes before leaning forward and sucking parts of her foot into your mouth and sucking on them while working your tongue. You moan and smile as you do so, looking into Delilah’s eyes and seeing the desire and the need rising with every passing second. She withdraws her foot and you bite your bottom lip and groan…until she walks up to you and presses her crotch against your face. “Don’t lick, Slave…not yet. I want your mouth on me” Delilah says in a much louder tone, and you can see and hear her panting in wanton need.

You do as she says and open your mouth to engulf her puffy lips and her cold, delicious pussy – you look up into Delilah’s amber eyes and you smile and moan deeply as your own arousal reaches dizzying heights. “Don’t take your eyes off me, Slave, and blink once for yes and twice for no. Now tell me…are you my slave?” Delilah says as she holds you by your silky soft red hair and massages your scalp; you moan in pleasure as the vibrator continues to stir up your anus and blink once. Delilah smiles and continues “Do you want to worship my body? Is my body delicious and intoxicating to you? Do you want to please me and drink from me?” – again you moan and blink once. Delilah’s eyes burn and her cold, refreshing juices ooze into your mouth and it takes all your willpower not to start licking and sucking in order to drink down her tasty offering. “Good…now drink, and do not cum. If you be a good slave and please me thoroughly then I shall reward you” Delilah says as she continues to tangle in your hair; you smile brightly and moan deeply in pleasure as you work to stave off your own pleasure. You dive into Delilah’s liberally wet cunt with wild abandon; you moan deeply and send vibrations into her as you suck extremely hard and probe your tongue inside, causing Delilah to gasp and grab your head with her other hand and mash you against her as you work. You suck on her labia and drink down her delicious, slightly cold cum as it flows into your working mouth and onto your probing tongue; you moan and savor the taste, keeping Delilah on the edge just to hear her pleasured gasps and moans, and to continue drinking from her.

“Oh y-yes! AHN GODS YES! Keep going, Slave! Y-your s-s-soOOOO good at this!” Delilah says as she gasps pleasurably and starts to rock her hips against you. You look Delilah in the eyes and smile as you continue to masterfully work on her slit…and then you release the buildup of magic in tiny bursts within your mouth and on your tongue. The bursts hyper stimulate Delilah’s cunt, both inside and out, and you make sure to suck on her clit every so often as you continue to lap at her bittersweet treat. “F-F-F-F-FUUAAAAAGHH!!!’ Delilah screams her passions to the ceiling as her pussy floods your face and into your mouth; you moan happily and giggle as you drink down her tasty, bittersweet juices and as it squirts out onto your face and drenches you with it. You keep up the pressure, extending Delilah’s orgasm and nearly causing her to buckle under the intense pleasure as you feel her legs shaking and as she throws her head back and arches her back. After twelve seconds of non-stop orgasmic bliss for the white haired vampire, she lets go of your head, much to your frustration as you were enjoying drinking from her, and she stumbles back slightly as she catches her breath. “D-Domina…” Delilah says as she catches her breath – you look Delilah sweetly in the eyes and smile weakly as you feel your resistances faltering and your need for release is extremely high. “M-Mistress, did your slave please you? P-please, drink your slave’s blood, Mistress. Slave l-loves your taste so much and w-wants to be rewarded w-with a bite” you say as you try to hold it together as the furiously vibrating dildo inside your pucker makes it so damn hard to not just topple over.

And maybe w-with that bite I’ll f-finally cum!

“Gods help me…oh darling, oh darling you’re so sweet and so…just no words can describe you” Delilah says with a soft face and a warm smile as she kneels before you and licks up her juices from your face and kisses you lovingly all over. You moan in pleasure and happiness as Delilah showers you with affection before she pulls back and looks you in the eyes and says “Thank you, my little angel…” before she leans into your neck. The next thing you know you feel two small pricks on your neck, and then your world lights up in wonderful, beautiful fireworks of rapture. You convulse in orgasm and your eyes roll back into your head as Delilah drinks from you, and as your ass and pussy clamp down and your tunnel squirts juices onto the floor below you. After a few moments you come down, but pant for breath as the great climax subsides and washes over you. “There, there…I’ve got you” Delilah says soothingly, before you feel the dildo stop and removed from you, which sends a shuddering mini-orgasm through you as you moan, followed by the arm sleeve and the ropes. “I’ll be right back, darling…just stay there for now” Delilah says again as she sets you softly on the ground as you twitch and smile happily while nodding. You close your eyes and just bask in the pleasure until, maybe a minute later, you open them as you feel Delilah pick you up. You snuggle into Delilah’s bosom and wrap your arms around her neck as she carries you, earning a lovely giggle from her lips.

Thanks to your incredible stamina you recover quickly as Delilah sits you both down on a large cushioned chair in the dark chamber. Delilah moves a lock of red hair out of your face and leans and kisses you on the lips, making you smile as you kiss back. “Gods…it’s like you knew exactly what I wanted, darling. You’re so good and I just can’t explain it; the more I’m with you the more I’m attracted to you and desire you. You fulfill my every fantasy…” Delilah says in a quiet voice as she smiles from ear to ear. You bite your lip as tingles overtake you and a mischievous idea pops into your head. You shift in Delilah’s grasp so that your plump behind is over her knee. “Not every fantasy…yet~. Slave is still in Mistress’ harness and therefore Slave still wants to please her Mistress. Slave wants to be spanked by Mistress and have her skin red from Mistress’ affection~” you say playfully while looking over your shoulder at Delilah and winking as you suck on your finger on moan. Delilah smiles and leans down to plant a kiss on your practically bare bottom and says “You remembered…and you’re right; my naughty little slave does need to be shown my affection. Count them and thank me, Slave”. Delilah raises her hand and comes down on your ass with a loud spank, but not painful – just enough to leave your skin tingly and a little red.

You moan and say “One. Thank you, Mistress” before another lands on your plump rear “Two. Thank you, Mistress”. This goes on until you reach fifteen, at which point your bubbley bottom is red and tingly, but not sore or painful thanks to Delilah’s expert touch. She then gets you up and takes off the harness…and when she does you press her onto the couch, straddle her legs, and press yourself into a deep kiss with her. You both moan as you take control and work your tongue deeper into Delilah’s mouth while you cup her face in your hands. After a while you break the kiss and pant for breath as you look the vampire in her amber eyes with fire and mischievousness, a broad grin plastering your face. “That was fun, and you have such a tasty pussy~” you say sweetly to Delilah, who laughs and adds “Very fun, and you, my darling, have a very delectable mouth”. You both stay like this for a few minutes longer before you both go to gather your things and, when you’re in your bodysuit, you give Delilah a hug and a kiss before walking with a sway towards the door. You make sure to tease the vampire as you suck on your finger, moan, and spank and spread your ass as you walk has the wonderful effect of making the vampire shift her legs. You chuckle as you leave the dark chamber and out into the main chamber of the lower levels.


You exit the room and head for Astraea’s room but another, familiar, nude person is already at the door about to open it and she’s covered in cum – not cum bath covered, but like someone sprayed a few loads on her. “Helena! What are you doing here?” you yell out at the woman, who turns and smiles as she takes a drink from the wine bottle she’s holding. With a sway to your hips you walk up to the cum covered woman with a lewd grin as she finishes her drink and plays with one of her pierced nipples with a moan. “Hey, babe, I just got back from my fun with Leena. The boss lady knows how to really give it to me; fucked me in all my holes and gave me a nice bath to top it all off…course I loved every second of it and played it up for her. I was just headed for dear old Astraea to have another lay to finish off the night. Nice getup by the way; really fucking hot” Helena says as she scoops a dollop of semen from her skin and drinks it down, shivering in pleasure as she does so. You laugh and do the same while giving her a naughty look “Funny, I just got done with Delilah and was headed for some magic training”. “Delilah, huh? That vamp knows her way around a rope like the best of ‘em. Oh, the things that woman can do with some rope, a whip, and a damn sexy body are something else. But you said you’re going to get some training from Astraea, eh? Well, let’s not keep the joyful old girl waiting, eh?” Helena says with a smirk.

“I agree…but first, I’m a little hungry~” you say with a lewd grin as you eye Helena’s pierced breasts. She sees your look and gets the hint as she smiles and leans forward while pushing her breasts together with her arms. “All yours, babe – damn, I wish you had some milk makers of your own, then I could get a fix” the lavender slightly muscular woman says with a grin. You stick your tongue out at her and laugh before leaning down to her left breasts and taking it into your mouth; you flick your tongue across the piercing and across the areola as you suck. Helena moans appreciatively and says “Yeah…that feels nice, babe. Keep sucking and – ahhh, here it comes~”. As if on cue you’re rewarded with thick, warm, and creamy sweet milk that you drink down as you moan happily. You continue to drink down the wonderful and creamy substance until you quench your thirst. Afterwards, you pull back off of Helena and peck her on the lips – Helena opens the door to Astraea’s room and bows down while extending her arm. You laugh and, as you walk passed her into the chamber, you give a sharp spank to her rear and wink at her. She laughs and walks through the door as she takes another drink of her wine.

“Wait” you say to Helena as you put your right hand out and stop her from moving, making sure you grope her left tit as you do so. You scan the room, top to bottom, but are unable to find any sign of Astraea at all. “What are-?” Helena starts to say but you quickly cut her off – “Shh…she’s not going to get me this time” you say as you continue to scan the area as you and Helena move further into the room, though you’re much more cautious. Your alertness is broken, however, when you hear the door to the chamber open and in walks Astraea. When she sees you two she bursts into a fit of giggles and rushes over to you both and grabs the two of you into a tentacley hug. “My two favoritest slutty girls in the whole wide world, teehee~. Sorry I wasn’t here when you showed up; I was tending to my ‘special’ room just in case~. Mmm, I can guess why you’re both here; sweetie, you must be here for training…and maybe some naughty things, teehee~. And you, miss slutacular, are probably looking for a nice little romp…even though it looks like you already had one~” Astraea says in her usual speedy and bubbly self that makes you and Helena laugh and hug her back, though Helena takes care not to spill her wine in the process.

‘Yes, you’re right about that, Astraea…maybe on both accounts~. But what are you going to do, Helena, unless you want to take part in the training?” you say as you giggle and embrace the wonderful white tentacle lord before directing your attention to the drunken monk beside you. “Nah, I’ll sit back and watch, babe. Magic’s not really my thing; the last time I tried to handle magic I was completely smashed, ended up burning half of a bar down, and nearly blew off half my damn head. Fuck doing that ever again; I’ll stick to using my fists and legs if some stupid twat needs a good ass kicking” Helena explains as she gently handles her wine. You shake your head before more tingles jolt through you and you lean forward, grab Helena’s face, and press a deep and passionate kiss into her. You work your glossy lips over her own pink and glossy smoochers as you stick your tongue inside her and moan deeply. She moans back and accepts the kiss, especially when you release tiny magical bursts inside your mouth and on your tongue that drives you both wild with pleasure and arousal, though more so with Helena due to her altered throat. You pull back and Helena groans in frustration and she voices that frustration “Fucking hells, babe, don’t stop! That felt fantastic; if your tongue was longer I’m sure it’d be better than having a nice fat cock down my throat!” You bite your bottom lip and wink “Then stick around and you might have that and so much more~’, you suck on your finger noisily and moan before mashing your breasts with your arms tantalizingly to the blue eyed woman.

Helena moans and brings a hand to her glistening love tunnel and says “Mmm, you’re a quick learn. No way in all the hells I’m passing that offer up. I’ll just plant myself down over yonder and watch. Besides, I got some spooge on me that needs to be cleaned up and seeing as I don’t have a rag I guess I’ll have to drink it up”. Helena winks at you as she scoops some spunk from her stomach and slurps it down noisily as she makes her way to the center of the chamber and sits down, drinking down semen and wine in tandem. That was hot you think before turning to Astraea and smiling “Ready to begin whenever you are”. “Alright, let’s start off where we ended yesterday, sweetie pie~” Astraea says in a bubbly voice. You get to training first on your mental fortitude, conjuring up images in your mind and creating mental magical barriers to block out Astraea’s probing until eventually you feel your blood burn with magical power, but not quite as strong as the previous two times that it happened as your experience grows. Then you jump right into learning to use blood magic as you meditate on focusing on your blood to draw magical energy instead of from your reserves. You feel something stronger and a greater sense of being as the energy in your body responds to you…but you don’t quite succeed this time, even with Astraea’s instructions. You feel close though, and you grin devilishly at the realization. However, that concludes your magical training, and with it Helena walks up with that wonderful sway of hers and says “Well, not to be rude but that was a whole lot of boring from where I sat. Nothing but sitting and meditating…and I ran out of wine!”

You laugh as you spot the empty wine bottle where Helena was sitting and shake your head. “Well, I guess it looks like you ran out just in time then” you say with a smirk as you reach around and undo the magic seal binding your bodysuit together and wiggling out of it. Once it hits the floor you bite your lip and turn to Astraea, projecting the images you have in mind for the “fun” you want to have. Astraea giggles furiously and says into your minds “Oh, sweetie that is so naughty! I’ll do it, teehee~”. In a flash both you and Helena are scooped up – Helena yelps in surprise – as the white tentacle beast presses your bodies together so that your slits and boobs are mashed up against each other and that your legs are tangled around your waists. One large tentacle binds both of you together and four tentacles poise themselves at each of your lower holes while others hold you up. One more snakes its way between your bodies and between your breasts until it’s between each of your mouths. “Damn, babe, you have a great imagination. I think I’m going to enjoy the hell out of this one” Helena says with a smirk as she presses her mouth up against the tentacle’s head and wraps her arms around your back. “Mmm, I think I will too~” you say as you press your own mouth up against the crown and place your arms around Helena’s back. You both kiss with the tentacles head partly inside both your mouths before you both pull back and work on sucking and licking along the shaft of the white member.
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Re: Rift Touched

“Ooooo that’s so naughty~! And it feels so nice…time to feel even better~” Astraea says into both your minds before she plunges all four of her tentacles into either of your holes. You gasp and moan in pleasure as Helena whimpers and screams “YES! FUCKING YES!” as you both go back to working on the lone tentacle at your mouths. You can’t help but gasp and whimper in pleasure as the thick members pound passed your cervix inside your tight and form fitting pussy, as well as reaching and stretching wonderfully inside your bum. Apparently neither can Helena as she releases howls and gasps of pleasure of her own. The phallic tentacle between you and Helena starts to wriggle before it plunges itself deeply into your mouth and throat; you moan and suck noisily on the member while swirling your tongue before it leaves your mouth and plunges into Helena’s. Helena gets much more satisfaction out of it then you and she wails in bliss as it goes into her throat and hits her erogenous zone, causing her to quiver visibly in pleasure. This continues on for a little while until you start to vibrate your vaginal walls, clamp down on the member in your anus, and suction suck the phallic tentacle whenever it enters your mouth. Then you release your magical bursts of energy in all three of your holes – Helena must have done something similar because a moment later Astraea practically shrieks into your minds. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!” the tentacle lord screams in absolute rapture as she doubles the speed of her thrusts and orgasms inside you and Helena from below, and at the time she had her tentacle in your mouth so she shoots a thick, sweet load down your throat which you moan blissfully into. You and Helena wail in pleasure as your walls clamp down and flood around the tools inside your altered love tunnels, causing you to arch your backs as your eyes roll into the back of your heads as Astraea keeps pumping into you.

The tentacle from your mouth is removed then plunged into Helena, causing a muffled scream of bliss as it rubs her altered throat, and a moment later you convulse violently in pleasure as your resistances are fully down so you feel the full effects of your oversensitive erogenous zones. Seconds later Helena does the same, and both your stomachs distend from the volume of the cum you’re receiving…and then it ends with a mass of tentacles aimed at both your bodies in a wondrous displaying of jettisoning cum on both your hair, faces, breasts, stomachs, backs, legs, and everywhere else. Afterwards, Astraea gently lowers you both to the ground with Helena on top of you as you both quiver and convulse in bliss. “S-so full and g-good…” you say quietly through the waves of rolling pleasure. “F-fuck yeah…” Helena agrees as she twitches a little. Astraea’s spooge leaks from both your mouths, anuses, and nethers as you both try to catch your breath. Helena is the first to recover as she presses her pink lips against your red ones in a wet, messy kiss as you battle tongues and exchange Astraea’s sweet offering, drinking it down as you continue to moan and rub against each other’s cum covered bodies. Eventually things start to heat up again and before you know it you’re both licking, kissing, and sucking each other all over to gather up the delicious treat, which ends up with you and Helena in a sixty-nine position and squirting all over your faces and into your mouths as you continue to gather up the spunk.

“I don’t think I should let you two go~. You two are the best little sluts I’ve ever had, and you just don’t stop, teehee~” Astraea says into your minds as you both continue to kiss, having gathered up all the cum you could and devoured it, aside from what’s left in your hairs. You feel wonderful tingles as you laugh, but you decide it’s time to get some rest so you give Helena a last peck before standing up and heading over to Astraea to hug her. “It was fun you two, but I’m about ready to call it a night. What are you two going to do?” you say as you stretch and bend somewhat enticingly, showing off your assets as you do so. “I have a few more rounds left in me, so I think I’ll stay here with the multi-dick wonder here, then check on Meredith and hopefully call it a night in a pile of those adorable slimes…with all my holes filled preferably” Helena says as she gets up and stretches as well. You shake your head at this woman’s stamina and, after putting your bodysuit back on, you say your farewells and head out of the room.

You exit the room and start making your way, but a voice from behind catches your attention. “Colette, wait up!” you hear the voice of the silver haired Laewinn call from behind you; you turn around and see Laewinn, accompanied by Phi and Delilah – who has her arms around either of the silver and brown haired women. You see that Laewinn is holding a jar of something that looks very familiar to you and your suspicions are confirmed when Phi speaks. “This is for you, Colette. We were going to give it to you tomorrow, but since we’re here now we’d like to see you drink it. We all ‘pitched in’ to make it for you” the brunette says with a smile. Laewinn hands you the jar and you pop the top and take a whiff of it, and when you do you have a lewd grin on your face. “You all pitched in, huh? you ask with a smirk – “Sure did, darling. Me and the girls here had some fun a little while ago, and we made sure that not a single drop was wasted” Delilah says with a glimmer of desire in her eyes and underlying her voice. You chuckle and, with a wink, you bring the jar full of girl cum to your lips and start to chug it down in front of the trio and moaning all the while. After about ten gulps you finish the delicious fluid “Ahh, that was tasty~. Thanks for the treat, now I think it’s time for me to wind down” you say as you hand the jar back to Laewinn. All three women giggle and snicker, giving you lewd and lustful looks before Delilah speaks up “That sounds like a good idea. Get some rest darling – me and the girls are going to have some more fun in my room”. Delilah gives you a wink before the three make their way to the stairs; you chuckle and follow behind them closely.

You both part ways at the top of the stairs in the main hall, but instead of heading straight for Leena’s room you instead go to the room with the cum bath. You take your bodysuit off and dip inside the warm, goopy bath and dunk your head in before finding a bench in the tub to sit on and just soaking. After a while of soaking Razasha happens to pass by and you ask her if she could get you an enchanted cleaning rag, which she does, and you clean off properly with it – though you do give a show of it and to “thank” the catgirl you give her a very good titfuck and drink down her seed before hugging her and taking your bodysuit and heading for Leena’s room as you massage your breasts sensually. When you enter Leena’s room you grin widely and drop your bodysuit as you see the two lovely succubus sisters holding a wonderful red rope and an arm sleeve, completely nude and smiling at you with throbbing erections that send tingles and arousal up and down your body. When they see you, however, their smiles fade and it’s Leena who pipes up first.

“Oh, dear, you look exhausted; Sister, we can’t do this tonight. Let’s let our dear Colette rest for the night” Leena observes before turning to her blue little sister. “That sounds best – come here, baby, and let’s go to bed. You look like you’ve had a long and tiring day” Lula says sweetly as she approaches you. No way I’m passing this up! you think with a small grin before you speak to the two sisters “Hold your horses you two. I think I have one more go in me for the night, and I mean it. Let’s have some fun to finish the day off~”. “Are you sure, dear? We don’t want to push you too far” Leena says as she walks up to you and places a hand on your shoulder. You give both the sisters suggestive looks before you reach down and lightly grasps either of their erections and start to slowly jerk them. “Oh, I’m sure; I’d like nothing more than to suck on your big, juicy purple cock while your sister pounds my tight pussy with her beautiful blue penis” you say huskily as you press your breasts against Leena and moan as you gaze into her red eyes, which have a growing lust in them. “Well, when you put it that way, baby...” Lula says with a chuckle. Leena clears her throat and manages to smile “Indeed…dear, turn around so we can begin”. You shudder in anticipation and do as the elder and more buxom of the succubus sisters asks.

When you turn around your fitted with the arm sleeve then picked up and led to the bed. You use your flexibility and split your legs while leaning forward so that Leena can tie your ankles to the posts on either side of the large four-poster bed. When that’s finished Leena gets on the bed in front of you and shows you an aphrodisiac bottle; you laugh and open your mouth as she tilts it back and gives you a drop of the strong sex inducer before she aligns her cock with your mouth and Lula presses the head of her cock against your slit…and then the fun begins. You suck and get screwed in your love tunnel until you orgasm once, then the sisters release their passions inside you before switching positions and repeating the process. Afterwards, they take turns on your pussy and anus, cumming inside you many times and bringing you to release just as many, much to your joy and theirs, until you succumb to exhaustion and enter a deep, restful, wet-dream filled sleep…

Early Morning

You feel yourself coming out of your sleep full and refreshed, and you have two wonderfully large and soft pillows mashed against your head. You also realize that you’re suckling on something that rewards you with a thick, creamy, warm and sweet liquid that makes you feel happy and content; you think you may have been suckling on whatever it is all throughout the night since you feel very full, yet you still want more. You’re also aware of having arms and legs draped over you and tails wrapped around and binding your legs protectively and lovingly. However, you moan as you realize that a pair of hands are massaging your breasts, which feel…fuller, somehow before you’re hit with extreme pleasure as something large fills your anus wonderfully and is thrusting lightly in and out of you. You get a similar sensation from your vagina, though this object is larger as your vagina molds to it – you have no time to comprehend what’s going on before you’re hit with a powerful orgasm, causing your love tunnel to clamp down and gush juices and your anus to clamp like a vice. You moan deeply and your eyes roll back into your head as you convulse in rapture from the attention your breasts, anus, and pussy are receiving; the pleasure doesn’t stop as the hands and objects continue to work, extending your orgasm until both your holes are filled with something warm and sticky…and a lot of it, which crashes you into another orgasm before you enter the land of dreams once again.


You feel yourself stirring once more, but this time there’s nothing against you, in you, or that you’re suckling. In fact, you feel really, really good! You feel wonderful tingles as a weight is lifted from your shoulders when you think about caring for others, being kind and compassionate and a good friend to others. You have a fiery personality, a mischievous streak, and a serene and tender heart. You also feel that same sense of rightness when it comes to sex; you absolutely love sex. You feel a craving for it and almost all things of a sexual nature call to you. Others would call you a slut, and a big one at that, but you consider it all good fun. You feel pleasure and you love what you feel, you also love giving that pleasure back in return. There’s nothing wrong with feeling good and making others feel good – you love breasts, and cock, and pussy, and tentacles, and slimes, and milk, and cum, and to be a great big tease! It doesn’t matter whether you’re the dominant or the submissive – though you really do prefer being dominant – you just like to have sex! You can’t get enough of being tied up, though, and when you are a whole new world of sexual bliss awaits with you at its submissive center.

You yawn and stretch as you scratch your head, blinking a few times and looking around while you pull yourself up to the pillows at the head of the bed. The cover of the bed falls below your breasts and you look down…and see that your breasts seem to be a little bit bigger compared to the last time you saw them. No, that can’t be right…can it? you think as you cup your breasts in your hands. They definitely feel heavier than I remember, but not by much…oh my gods they are bigger! You look around and see that the sisters are nowhere to be seen, so you jump out of bed quickly and head for the vanity. You look in the mirror, holding your hands above your head and thrusting your chest out to get a better look at your perky bosom. They are indeed larger than before, perhaps by almost a cup size; you think that they might be considered a DD-cup now, though on the smaller side of a DD which is still bigger than your previous average D-cups that you had before. You fondle and play with them a little while as you giggle at your new, bigger bosom and looking yourself in the mirror as you do so.

“I wonder why they grew? Maybe it has something to do with all the attention they’ve been getting lately? Huh, I thought that was an old wives tale…but I guess it’s true!” you say to yourself before you hear the door open. You look towards the door and see Lula and Leena walking in and, when they spot you, they smile brightly and make their way towards you. Lula’s the first to reach you and she pulls you into a big hug. “Good morning, baby, or should I say good afternoon? You slept so long we thought you might sleep the day away until Leena felt another change in you!” your blue succubus says to you as she continues to hug you. “Another congratulations are in order, dear! That marks four days completed and, as before, all previous options still stand and the list has been updated” Leena adds when she walks up alongside her sister, who only just recently broke her hug. You smile at both of them, but then you give then playful glares as you remember this morning. “You two screwed me first thing when I woke up! Not that I’m complaining, but I think there’s some explaining that needs to be done, don’t you think?”

Both Lula and Leena give you apologetic looks before Lula speaks up “Um, sorry about that, honey. It’s just that, well, when we went to sleep you were suckling on Leena and we were both still inside you. Whenever we tried to, heh, ‘detach’ from you, you would make these cute frustrated noises. So, we ended up falling asleep inside you and it was only until later that we realized we were still…rutting when we woke up. When we realized what we had done you were already quite ‘full’ down there; your tummy was large and the sheets were drenched around your privates. It took a while, but we managed to get you cleaned up and the sheets replaced – we’re really sorry, baby. This has never happened before…can you forgive us?” You give both the sisters a hard look before you smile, giggle, and kiss Lula on the lips before turning and kissing Leena on the lips. “Of course I forgive you, silly succubi! It was just surprising is all; it felt really good and I know you two would never do anything to hurt me. Oh, give me a hug you two” you say with a smile before you pull both the sisters into a big hug, which they appreciate as they let out a sigh of relief. When you pull back you notice that you’re not wearing your choker, so you look around and when you spot it on the table next to the bed you smile. You vault onto the bed, bounce a few times, then bounce off the other end to pick it up and put it on. Once it’s on you flick the metal heart with a tender smile before you walk up to the sisters once more with a sway to your hips.

“By the way…did either of you notice that my breasts got bigger? You wouldn’t have ‘done’ anything to them, would you?” you ask the sisters with a playful questioning look. Both sistesr laugh and put up their hands before Leena says “No, no nothing like that dear. It seems all the extra attention and stimulation your breasts have been getting over the last few days might have stimulated some tissue growth. They look very, very nice by the way”. Leena eyes your bare breasts and your luminous milky white skin with lust and hunger, as does Lula. “Hey you two” you say playfully as you snap your fingers and point to your eyes “Eyes are up here”. You give them both a serious look…before you can’t hold it anymore and you burst out laughing. “Just kidding; look as much as you want, and maybe I’ll even put a show on for you~” you say in a husky voice as you tangle your hands in your hair, then cupping your small DD-cups and thrusting them forward, sticking a finger into your mouth and sucking while moaning. You top it off by twirling around facing the other direction, then looking over your shoulder with a finger still in your mouth as you use your other hand to spank your bubble butt and spreading your cheeks. When you see Lula and Leena starting to get really bothered you wink and laugh before turning around “Mmm, but you only get to look unless I say so; no touching~” you say while leaning forward and wagging your finger.

“What have we done to her?” Lula asks her sister with a nervous, barely contained laugh. “I don’t know, sister, but I think I like it” Leena responds with her own laugh before she hands you the parchment. “If you would be so kind, Colette; you may choose to stay for longer, or to leave and receive a blessing. Or receive a blessing and still stay, on top of the other choices” Leena says once again. You nod and look over the options as you feel tingly, aroused, right at home, and of course as you bite your glossy bottom lip in thought.
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Re: Rift Touched

Hair Length
- Bald
- Short (pixie cut)
- Short (chin length)
- Shoulder length
- Long (Just above breasts)
- Long (Just passed breasts (current style))
- Extra-long (Small of back)
- Extra-long (Down to butt)
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Haircuts/styles These styles aren’t permanent. Colette can let her hair down or change it on her own.

- Pig Tails (Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Ponytail (current style. Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Bun (Requires Shoulder Length or longer)
- Odango (Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Straight
- Wavy (Current Style)
- Curly
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Hair Color
- Brown
- Dark Brown
- Light Brown
- Blonde
- Platinum Blonde
- Raven Black
- Auburn
- Fiery Red (current hair color)
- Pink
- Purple
- Blue
- Green
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Natural
- Glossy Red (current style)
- Red
- Blue
- Black
- Purple
- Pink
- Green
- Your choice (write something if you want it added)

Nail Polish (Fingers and Toes)
- Natural (current style/color)
- Red
- Pink
- Black
- Purple
- Green
- Blue
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Rift tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Magic Crystal tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Dragon tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Flower tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Death tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- “Slut” tattoo (Flowing writing) (Specify where you want it)
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Eyeliner
- Eye-shadow
- Shave pubic hair (current)
- Grow pubic hair
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Choose any and all that you want! Some may be automatically chosen based on Colette’s current Sex Perks/Passives so beware! Colette also doesn’t have to be the center of each i.e. if Dominant, anal, and strap-on are chosen she could possibly take a strap-on to someone else’s bottom and vice versa if Submissive; I will accommodate as many possibilities as are chosen. Also, if you’re squeamish know that I won’t go too hardcore with some of these things such as spanking, candle wax, floggers, etc. so no bleeding or serious pain.

Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal)
- Dominant (Normal) Plus (You have shown an interest in being Dominant and in some situations you will be more dominant than normal and try to assert yourself even over other dominant individuals) (You will gain dominant based perks)
- Submissive (Normal)
- Submissive (Normal) Plus (You have shown an interest in being Submissive and in some situations you will be more submissive than normal, allowing others to make decisions for you and even allow other submissive people to dominate you) (You will gain submissive based perks)
- Bondage Submissive
- Bondage Submissive Plus (You have shown an interesting in being the submissive in bondage situations and in some situations you will be extremely submissive and allow other submissives and dominant partners to make decisions for you and put you in more extreme bondage situations) (You will gain bondage submissive based perks)
- Give pleasure
- Give pleasure Plus (You like to give others pleasure. So much so that anyone that asks or wants sex from you, you will give them what they want. If this is chosen, while in the temple of Domina wandering about if someone wants you to please them then you will do so. Works well with submissive)
- Receive pleasure
- Receive pleasure Plus (You like to feel pleasure. With this you’ll be able to demand sex from many as you wander the halls of the temple of Domina. Works well with dominant)
- Serve others (Sexual and non-sexual. Can be helping improves other lives or serving the needs of another)
- Be served (Sexual and non-sexual. Can demand the help of others or prefer to help yourself as others serve your needs)
- Masochism
- Sadism
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)
- Pleasure Denial (orgasm denial)
- Role-play (Slave/Master, Pet/Owner, etc., write something in if you have an idea)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Anal
- Vaginal
- Vaginal Plus (You like sex, and what better way than with the organ designed for it? With this you will gain a perk(s) that allow you to give and receive more pleasure when using your vagina during sex)
- Breast Play
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Foursome (Three sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration)
- Fivesome (Four sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration+)
- Gangbang (Many sexual partners on one)
- Group Sex (Sex with other groups of people)
- Orgy (Sex with other groups of people in a large group)
- Bukkake
- Bukkake Plus (You love being covered in cum, whether it’s male, female, tentacle beast, or anything in between. With this every sexual situation will be sticky and messy, leaving you wearing a large amount of the stuff and sometimes your partner will as well)
- Public Sex
- Spanking
- Exhibitionism
- Exhibitionism Plus (You love to show off your body to others in skimpy clothing, and sometimes in nothing at all! With this you will gain a perk(s) related to exposing yourself to others!)
- Humiliation (Dirty talk, nicknames, etc.)
- Humiliation Plus (You like being degraded and humiliated, and you like degrading and humiliating others. With this the humiliation will be taken to the next level with extra dirty talk, and be borderline cruel. You’ll also gain a perk(s) relating to be humiliated or humiliating others)
- Voyeurism
- Bondage (Rope, arm sleeves, leg sleeves, bound bodysuits, stocks, etc.)
- Glory Hole (Oral)
- Glory Hole (Vaginal/Anal)
- Piercings (Own category. Can be sexual or non-sexual i.e. piercings as sex play or piercings as jewelry)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Preferred Clothing Types
- Naked
- Clothing (Scant. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Casual. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Conservative. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Exotic/Fetish i.e. maid outfit, cat outfit, school girl, bodysuits, etc. make up your own if you want)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sex Toys and Objects
- Dildo
- Butt Plug
- Anal Beads
- Leash and Collar
- Gag (Ball and/or Ring gag)
- Ear-muffs/plugs
- Blindfolds
- Clamps
- Stocks
- Wooden Horse
- Candle Wax
- Whips, Floggers and/or Paddles
- Strap-on
- Double dildo
- Arm Sleeve
- Leg Sleeve
- Full Body Harness (Rope and/or clothing)
- Shackles/Manacles
- Aphrodisiacs
- Your Choice (write something in)

Other Sexual Things
- Tentacle Pod (You have shown an interest in being with tentacle beasts and now have the option of undergoing the ultimate in sexual bliss: The Tentacle Pod. You will be inserted into a tentacle beast specialty, which will penetrate every orifice and stimulate your entire body for over an hour. There will be no escape until the allotted time has been completed, and you will be blind and deaf to the world. The only thing you will know is constant, mind-numbing pleasure. Beware; you might come out somewhat…changed as a result. Especially after multiple uses of the tentacle pod)

- Tentacle Roundhouse (You really like tentacle beasts a whole lot. So much so that you want to be taken through the whole tentacle lair ordeal! With this chosen you’ll role-play a captured tentacle slave and be bound and screwed by a tentacle beast in all holes, bathed in cum, drinking their seed, being mentally befuddled, possibly put in a tentacle pod, and so much more!)

- Slime-tastic! (You’ve been with a slime! Slimes are awesome aren’t they? With this, you’ll be thrown – willingly of course – into a room full of cute and cuddly slimes to play with! Naughtily of course, but it’s still fun!)

- Slime-biosis (You think slimes are amazing! If you choose this you’ll have a little slime buddy with you the entire day as your own personal pet! It’ll be around and amaze children, scare off enemies, and when you get into naughty situations it’ll help out!)

- Oral Competition (You’ve attained mastery over giving head and now you want to prove it! You’ll complete in a blowjob competition to prove you’re the best! You’ll blow rows of cocks and lick just as many pussies!)

- Anal Gangbang (Similar to a regular gangbang, but only focusing on your backdoor! You’ve mastered the art of using your anus and now you want to share your gift with everyone! With this you’ll have men, women, tentacles, you name it all lining up to use that wonderful backdoor of yours and nothing else!)

- Vaginal Gangbang (Similar to a regular gangbang, but only focusing on your vagina! You have mastered using your vagina to both give and receive pleasure and now you want to set it through its paces!

- Milk and Cum Diet (You love drinking milk and you love the taste of cum. With this you will forego traditional meals and instead drink milk and cum for sustenance for the rest of the day)

- Cum Bather (You love cum so much – the taste, the feel, the smell – that you literally want to bathe in it! With this you’ll take nice cum baths instead of regular ones, meaning you’ll be look and smelling like cum all day. Can specify if you don’t want to bath for certain events)

- Blossoming Love (You’ve been having sex and building relationships with many people since you’ve come here. With this you can profess your love and care to those that you have been with and possibly start a harem…or join one that’s already been made. Possible candidates include: Lula, Leena, Xillia, Penelope, Helena, Meredith, Astraea, Delilah, Phi, Laewinn, Razasha, Hera. Can choose more than one. If chosen interesting things may happen…)

- Sex in the City (You love having sex where others can see you, and you love to show off your body. So much in fact that you want to let the whole city know it! With this you’ll organize an event to bring as many people from all corners of the city to the fountain area and have sex the partners of your choice, either from the crowd or the temple)

- Cum Dump (You love cum. You love tasting it, feeling it, smelling it…you love everything about it! And people have so much of it! With this you’ll offer your body up to the residents of the temple so that they can relieve themselves of all that wonderful cum. You’ll suck and fuck like there’s no tomorrow to get it out of them and in you…or on you!)

- The Boss Lady (You are dominant, there’s no doubt about it. With this you’ll really get to exert your dominance on others. You’ll order and boss people around and have many submissives at your beck and call at all times for both sexual and non-sexual reasons)

- Wingman Helena (Helena is the most sexual person you know, and definitely the biggest slut in the temple of Domina. Which means it’s pretty fun to have her around! Choose this and Helena will accompany you wherever you go in the temple and join you in any sexual situation you find yourself in! Double the fun and double the naughty trouble!)

- Fetish Hypnotization (You already have a few fetishes developed already whether it be breasts, cum, milk, something in your mouth, etc. However, there are just too many to choose from! With this you’ll be hypnotized and mentally probed and have fetishes formed in your subconscious) (Use your imagination on this one! Some fetishes could include: latex fetish, foot fetish, slime fetish, piercing fetish, etc. Write in anything you want!)

- Vampire Love (Delilah’s mentioned that there are a few trustworthy vampires in the city, and you’ve already shown that you’re willing to let her feed off of you. If you choose this you’ll spend time with Delilah and the other three vampires doing naughty things…and being fed off of. Not enough to kill or harm you of course, but it might improve your reputation amongst the vampires, and you might learn something about them that will be useful in the future…)

- Delilah’s Bondage Slut (Delilah is the temple bondage dom and she’s taken a liking to you. Heck, you’ve taken a liking to her and being tied up by her! With this you’ll go through her full bondage regimen: you’ll be paddled, whip, spanked, harnessed, strung up in the air, teased, humiliated, you name it! It will only be between you and Delilah, but you’ll have to do what she says when you’re with her. She won’t do anything to hurt you, so no worries there!)

- Delilah’s Bondage Training (Delilah, the temple bondage dom, wants to train you to be the very best bondage submissive you can be! She’ll train you to be meek, obedient, to follow orders and directions, to serve the needs of others, and so much more! But only when you’re in bondage. If chosen certain parchment choices will be automatically chosen)

- One Woman Orgy (You love sex very, very much and your stamina is at or nearly at its peak. You want to take part in something only a few can handle…an orgy. Not just any orgy, a one woman orgy! Choosing this means you will take part in an orgy, but you’ll be the center of attention! You’ll have sex with dozens of people all focused on you. Can you handle it? Can you last? Who knows!)

- Penetration Enthusiast (You love to be penetrated…a lot. In fact, you’ve though about being penetrated with more than one member at once! With this you’ll try to take two toys/penises in one hole)

- Fucked Silly (You love sex, and you love to feel good. With this, every sexual encounter will see that you end up fucked completely silly. Slurred speech, increased desire to be fucked, funny faces, strange speech. It might affect your personality a tad bit…)

- Boobs are Great! (Boobs are awesome, so why not share them? With this chosen you’ll let people grope and fondle your wonderful melons whenever they want. Whether in the temple or walking the streets, you’ll give the gift that keeps on giving…wonderful breasts!)

- Your Choice (write something in)

Sexual Preferences
- Men
- Women
- Other (tentacle beasts, futanari, slimes, etc.)
- Your Choice (write something in. There’s obvious things I left out, but if you want them then go ahead and write them in)

- Community Service (Help beggars, pass out food, help repair buildings, etc.)

- Community Clean-Up (Help clean up the streets of the slums and make it a better looking place)

- Orphanage Duty (reading to kids, helping maintain orphanage, etc.)

- Orphanage Teacher (Teach the children of the orphanage valuable skills that you’ve learned to help them have a better chance out in the world)

- Orphanage Mother (You help Penelope out with taking care of the children when you go. You help cook meals, feed them, teach them, play with them, and nurture them when you volunteer)

- Stealth Training: Sneak Proficiency (Improve sneak level. May require more than one session depending on sneak level), Lock Pick Proficiency (Improve lockpicking level. May require more than one session depending on lockpicking level), Evasive techniques (Learn to hide and dodge better. Small boost to sneak when hidden and small boost to dodging attacks. May require multiple sessions to learn)Choose up to two.

- Combat Training: Weapon type proficiency (Level up weapons. May require more than one session depending on current weapon level. May only choose one weapon type), Muscle training (Increase muscle to hit harder and carry more weight. May require multiple sessions to learn). Choose up to two. If chosen then Helena Hand-to-Hand Training cannot be chosen.

- Magic Training: Mental Fortitude (Improve MR slightly and resist mental based attacks aimed at mind control or mental befuddlement. Multiple sessions may improve resisting mental powers), Magic Crystal Proficiency (Level up magic crystals. May require more than one session depending on current magic crystal level. May only choose one magic crystal type), Blood Magic (Learn to tap into your very lifeblood to draw magic. Can be used even if there are still magical reserves left. Will drain some health to be used as MR. Requires multiple sessions to learn), Magical Shield (Will be capable of tapping into magical reserves to create a magical shield that absorbs damage similar to ice shield. Each hit on the shield, regardless of damage, drains 20 MR. Lasts indefinitely or until dispelled or broken. Last hit on Magical Shield will not allow damage to bleed through to caster, unlike ice shield. Requires multiple sessions to learn)

- Helena Hand-to-Hand Training: Helena specializes in hand-to-hand combat and her skills are unmatched in this regard. You want her to teach you how to fight better in hand-to-hand combat (Hand-to-Hand will improve faster than with regular combat weapons training) If chosen then combat training cannot be chosen.

- Your Choice (write something in)

A. Stylist Choices
A1. Get more things done, or change what you already have.
A2. Forget the stylist for now. You like the way that you look.

B. Parchment Options (Choose as many as you want)

C. Have some alterations made to your body through the power of alchemy and Domina!
C1. Alter your throat and turn it into a sexual organ capable of feeling pleasure similar to an erogenous zone.
C2. Alter your breasts so that you can lactate when sucked on or during orgasm. Will make bust slightly larger (Go from small DD-cup to large DD-cup).

D. Bless Self

E. Bless clothing/armor
E1. Bless undergarments (can bless 1 set of footwear, bra, panties, and garters)
E2. Bless chest clothing (can only bless 1) (Sets can be blessed together, i.e. Skintight bodysuit and hood)
E3. Bless leg clothing (can only bless 1)
E4. Bless robe/coat/cloak (can only bless 1)
E5. Bless chest armor (can only bless 1)
E6. Bless leg armor (can only bless 1)
E7. Bless footwear (can only bless 1 pair)
E8. Bless Gloves (can only bless 1 pair)
E9. Bless headwear (can only bless 1)

F. Bless weapon (can only choose 1. Thrown weapons and projectiles cannot be blessed)

G. You’ve had just about enough of this temple. Leave.
G1. Explore the merchant’s district for more shops
G2. Head to the blacksmith
G3. Make a stop at the stylist’s shop “Perfect Clarity”
G4. Go back to “The Size that Fits” (possibly model for Xillia…or have sex)

H. Visit another temple in the temple district.
H1. Go to Kramulet’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H2. Go to Victressia’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H3. Go to Dwynvel’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H4. Go to Yyssbo’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H5. Go to Lequis’ temple (specify what you want to do there)

I. Make a stop at the noble district.
I1. Visit The Noble’s Finery
I2. Visit Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium
I3. Visit The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club
I4. Enter the dome of the permanent rift and check it out
I5. Visit the Capital Building of Kilnhaven
I6. Go to Yulag’s inn (Eat, drink, rest, ask for info, visit Lula)
I7. Go back to the notice board and look to see if there are more jobs
I8. Visit Batzi at the Adventurer’s Guild (Specify what you want to do there. Batzi leaves at 6 pm)

J. Go to the red light district
J1. Visit Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure (donate blood, find out what else is there, etc.)
J2. Go back to “Exotic Sway” (get a job as a dancer, enjoy the entertainment. Specify.)
J3. Visit Lover’s Essentials (piercings, bondages gear, sex toys)
J4. Visit the park (Specify what to do there…maybe try and peek on other couples in the bushes?)
J5. Go to Yulag’s and Ungan’s home (Specify what you want to do there)

K. Head off to the slums
K1. Go to the jail in the slums (Specify what you want to do there)
K2. Go back to Chap’s General store (possibly take the job he mentioned)
K3. Visit The Pilgrim’s March inn and pub (eat, get a job, get a room, ask about rumors. Specify)
K4. Visit Penelope’s Home for Youngsters (Specify what to do there. Read to kids, ask about work, donate money, etc.)
K5. Go to the Public Restroom and Bath (Male and Female baths and restrooms. Specify what to do there)
K6. Visit Loan For Your Troubles (Specify what to do there. Get a loan. Inquire about a job)
K7. Prostitute yourself (Clothing will have an effect)
K8. Find beggars in the slums (Give food, water, money, inquire about rumors and info, etc.)

L. Wander and explore the city at random

M. Try to get the job as a waitress at the slums inn

N. Explore the sewers (possibly search for the rift)

O. Go to the farms on the outskirts of town (Specify what you want to do there)

P. Take the job to donate some blood at Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure

Q. Rift Travel (Closest Rift: Noble District – Kilnhaven, Eborthia)
Q1. Use rift to travel to the Rift Plane (Specify what you want to do there. No other rifts are available to be used for travel)

X. Other

Y. Time Skip (Specify where to wait and how many minutes/hours/days/weeks you want to wait. Must have adequate resources to survive i.e. money, food, water, shelter, etc.)

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
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Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Backpack: Light Load. Has a fair amount of space left.

Currently Unavailable
-Gold pouch (633 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (0 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Hood (Covers entire head. Has slot in back for hair and slots in front for mouth, nostrils, and eyes. Molds to skin like a second skin. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on hood. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of hood that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones (half-elf ears )) (Partially concealed)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves (enhances MR by 10)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh. Holds 6 knives.
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Black Silk Fabric
- Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Bodysuit (Covers neck, arms to wrists, and legs to ankles. Molds to skin like a second skin, exposing everything as if naked. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on bodysuit. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of bodysuit that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones) (Currently concealed)
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire. Currently concealed)
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots (mostly concealed)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking).
- Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Currently Unavailable
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1.
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


- Naked!
- Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Pet” engraved on front. Has “Mistress Lula’s Good Girl” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot. Concealed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed. Utility Belt. Left Side. Concealed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh. Concealed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage). Slung across back.
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 1/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR)

Rift Abilities
- Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Small DD-Cup breasts (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller and plumper.
-Slightly curved nose
- Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
- Currently Naked besides Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker


Health: Fine
MR: 92/92
Slightly Aroused.
Feeling Tingles.
Feeling “right”.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn). Currently not in effect.

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn) Currently not in effect.

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn). Currently not in effect.

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat). Currently not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!). Currently not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield to weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Slut Plus: You are a huge slut; you love to have sex a lot. It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you look forward to having sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused much more easily, and think in more sexual ways. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex after a while or when presented with sexual situations.

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Switch-Major Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people, but truly dominant individuals will still give you some trouble.

Dominant Personality: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be more dominant than those around you at all times, perhaps even a little more forceful or demanding as well.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched


Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal) Plus (You have shown an interest in being Dominant and in some situations you will be more dominant than normal and try to assert yourself even over other dominant individuals) (You will gain dominant based perks)
- Bondage Submissive Plus (You have shown an interesting in being the submissive in bondage situations and in some situations you will be extremely submissive and allow other submissives and dominant partners to make decisions for you and put you in more extreme bondage situations) (You will gain bondage submissive based perks)
- Receive pleasure
- Serve others (Sexual and non-sexual. Can be helping improves other lives or serving the needs of another)
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)
- Pleasure Denial (orgasm denial)
- Role-play (Slave)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Anal
- Vaginal Plus (You like sex, and what better way than with the organ designed for it? With this you will gain a perk(s) that allow you to give and receive more pleasure when using your vagina during sex)
- Breast Play
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Foursome (Three sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration)
- Bukkake Plus (You love being covered in cum, whether it’s male, female, tentacle beast, or anything in between. With this every sexual situation will be sticky and messy, leaving you wearing a large amount of the stuff and sometimes your partner will as well)
- Spanking
- Exhibitionism Plus (You love to show off your body to others in skimpy clothing, and sometimes in nothing at all! With this you will gain a perk(s) related to exposing yourself to others!)
- Humiliation Plus (You like being degraded and humiliated, and you like degrading and humiliating others. With this the humiliation will be taken to the next level with extra dirty talk, and be borderline cruel. You’ll also gain a perk(s) relating to be humiliated or humiliating others)
- Voyeurism
- Bondage (Rope, arm sleeves, leg sleeves, bound bodysuits, stocks, etc.)

Preferred Clothing Types
- Naked
--Default while in Room, All Training, and following sex till we are cleaned.

- Clothing Casual
-- Default Outside Temple Clothing: Sundress

- Clothing Exotic/Fetish
-- Skin Tight Body Suit: while out in the Temple. No panties or bras.

Sex Toys and Objects
- Anal Beads *to be worn all day except in Tentacle Roundhouse.*
- Gag (Ball and/or Ring gag)
- Blindfolds
- Double dildo
- Arm Sleeve
- Aphrodisiacs

Other Sexual Things
- Tentacle Roundhouse (You really like tentacle beasts a whole lot. So much so that you want to be taken through the whole tentacle lair ordeal! With this chosen you’ll role-play a captured tentacle slave and be bound and screwed by a tentacle beast in all holes, bathed in cum, drinking their seed, being mentally befuddled, possibly put in a tentacle pod, and so much more!)
-- Tentacle Pod (You have shown an interest in being with tentacle beasts and now have the option of undergoing the ultimate in sexual bliss: The Tentacle Pod. You will be inserted into a tentacle beast specialty, which will penetrate every orifice and stimulate your entire body for over an hour. There will be no escape until the allotted time has been completed, and you will be blind and deaf to the world. The only thing you will know is constant, mind-numbing pleasure. Beware; you might come out somewhat…changed as a result. Especially after multiple uses of the tentacle pod)
1 Hour or 2 Hours? that is the question Default is 2 since likely Helena is joining us.

- Slime-tastic! (You’ve been with a slime! Slimes are awesome aren’t they? With this, you’ll be thrown – willingly of course – into a room full of cute and cuddly slimes to play with! Naughtily of course, but it’s still fun!)
-- Slime-biosis (You think slimes are amazing! If you choose this you’ll have a little slime buddy with you the entire day as your own personal pet! It’ll be around and amaze children, scare off enemies, and when you get into naughty situations it’ll help out!)

- Milk and Cum Diet (You love drinking milk and you love the taste of cum. With this you will forego traditional meals and instead drink milk and cum for sustenance for the rest of the day)

- Cum Bather (You love cum so much – the taste, the feel, the smell – that you literally want to bathe in it! With this you’ll take nice cum baths instead of regular ones, meaning you’ll be look and smelling like cum all day. Can specify if you don’t want to bath for certain events)

- The Boss Lady (You are dominant, there’s no doubt about it. With this you’ll really get to exert your dominance on others. You’ll order and boss people around and have many submissives at your beck and call at all times for both sexual and non-sexual reasons)

Reg Dom is already pretty locked in. I can't see a real reason to choose this unless we are thinking to REALLY Dominate others in our travels.

- Wingman Helena (Helena is the most sexual person you know, and definitely the biggest slut in the temple of Domina. Which means it’s pretty fun to have her around! Choose this and Helena will accompany you wherever you go in the temple and join you in any sexual situation you find yourself in! Double the fun and double the naughty trouble!)

- Fetish Hypnotization (You already have a few fetishes developed already whether it be breasts, cum, milk, something in your mouth, etc. However, there are just too many to choose from! With this you’ll be hypnotized and mentally probed and have fetishes formed in your subconscious) (Use your imagination on this one! Some fetishes could include: latex fetish, foot fetish, slime fetish, piercing fetish, etc. Write in anything you want!)

Ehh. If we want basically. I am inclined for NOT picking this as we should *as players* normally choose options that bring Colette into things that we want. Though the image of her simply being attracted to things without knowledge of WHY is funny in a sense.

I have a dark sense of Humor.

- Delilah’s Bondage Slut (Delilah is the temple bondage dom and she’s taken a liking to you. Heck, you’ve taken a liking to her and being tied up by her! With this you’ll go through her full bondage regimen: you’ll be paddled, whip, spanked, harnessed, strung up in the air, teased, humiliated, you name it! It will only be between you and Delilah, but you’ll have to do what she says when you’re with her. She won’t do anything to hurt you, so no worries there!)
-- Delilah’s Bondage Training (Delilah, the temple bondage dom, wants to train you to be the very best bondage submissive you can be! She’ll train you to be meek, obedient, to follow orders and directions, to serve the needs of others, and so much more! But only when you’re in bondage. If chosen certain parchment choices will be automatically chosen)


well the Bondage sixth sense perk is nice and there is more to BSPlus. I am all for it but *mumbles stupid stacks* it cant be done today. besides the fact Roundhouse may just take the entire day by the end of that even Colette should be wiped out.

- Boobs are Great! (Boobs are awesome, so why not share them? With this chosen you’ll let people grope and fondle your wonderful melons whenever they want. Whether in the temple or walking the streets, you’ll give the gift that keeps on giving…wonderful breasts!)

Sexual Preferences
- Women
- Futanari
- Tentacle Beasts
- Slimes


- Orphanage Teacher (Teach the children of the orphanage valuable skills that you’ve learned to help them have a better chance out in the world)

- Orphanage Mother (You help Penelope out with taking care of the children when you go. You help cook meals, feed them, teach them, play with them, and nurture them when you volunteer)

- Stealth Training:
-- Lock Pick Proficiency (Improve lockpicking level. May require more than one session depending on lockpicking level)
-- Evasive techniques (Learn to hide and dodge better. Small boost to sneak when hidden and small boost to dodging attacks. May require multiple sessions to learn)Choose up to two.

- Magic Training:
-- Magic Crystal Proficiency (Level up magic crystals. May require more than one session depending on current magic crystal level. May only choose one magic crystal type)
-- Blood Magic (Learn to tap into your very lifeblood to draw magic. Can be used even if there are still magical reserves left. Will drain some health to be used as MR. Requires multiple sessions to learn)

- Helena Hand-to-Hand Training: Helena specializes in hand-to-hand combat and her skills are unmatched in this regard. You want her to teach you how to fight better in hand-to-hand combat (Hand-to-Hand will improve faster than with regular combat weapons training) If chosen then combat training cannot be chosen.

Reasons for Hand to Hand.
Why Hand to Hand? in the rare case where we are captured and all our phat loot is taken I want to be able to kick ass without relying on a rusty fork/spoon... unless we can train in that.
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Re: Rift Touched

Most likely the same as Bloodshifter

I waste my time to type/copy half way and then see that his almost the same as I choose
Re: Rift Touched

Basically 3rding Bloodshifter's votes again to make things easier, although I would like to add in my own vote to include beast-loving (with a dog/canine) this time into the happenings.
Re: Rift Touched

I follow Xg: following Blood's list and adding the beast-loving (with a dog/canine).
Re: Rift Touched

A2 and C2.

B :
Role/Sexual Interests :
Submissive (Normal) Plus, Bondage Submissive Plus, Foreplay, Pleasure Denial,

Sexual Acts/Situations :
Vaginal Plus, Breast play, One-on-one, Threesome, Foursome, Bukkake Plus, Bondage (full body and string nipples to clit), Humiliation Plus.

Preferred Clothing Types :
Naked, Clothing (Scant), Clothing Casual (outside the temple).

Sex Toys and Objects :
Dildo, Leash and Collar, Anal beads, Gag, Double dildo, Full Body Harness (rope), Aphrodisiacs, Suction Cup.

Other Sexual Things :
Tentacle Roundhouse/pod, Milk and Cum Diet, Cum Bather, Vampire Love.

Sexual Preferences :
Women/futanari mainly then Other (tentacle beasts, slimes, etc.).

Non-Sexual :
Orphanage Teacher , Orphanage Mother .

Stealth Training : Lock Pick Proficiency, Sneak Proficiency.
Combat Training : Weapon type proficiency (bow).
Magic Training : Magical Shield , Blood Magic.
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Re: Rift Touched

Wanted to let you guys know that an update might be a little delayed. I am working on it, but it's slow going since a lot of things are happening on my end that I need to take care of.
Re: Rift Touched

D, C2, G I've honestly gotten tired of the temple of dom so from now on I'll vote to leave and continue the story. if theres still more then one day left before we have to take down the politician then I would go find the rift in the sewers or or do some sidequests.

Although I really like the Slime biosis idea, I've actually had a fantasy for several years of a girl having a pet slime that can hide inside her during the day.
Re: Rift Touched

A2, C2, Dominant (normal) Plus, Bondage Submissive Plus, Receive Pleasure, Serve others, Foreplay, Pleasure Denial, Role-play (slave), oral, anal, vaginal plus, breast play, one-on-one, threesome, foursome, bukkake plus, spanking, exhibitionism plus, humiliation plus, voyeurism, bondage (full body and string nipples to clit), naked clothing preference, casual clothing preference (sundress), scant clothing preference (bodysuit), anal beads (worn all day), gag (ball and/or ring gag), blindfolds, double dildo, arm sleeve, aphrodisiacs, tentacle roundhouse, tentacle pod, slime-tastic!, slime-biosis, milk and cum diet, cum bather, wingman Helena, Boobs are Great!, Women, Futanari, Tentacle Beasts, Slimes, Beasts (Dog/Canine), Orphanage Teacher, Orphanage Mother, Stealth Training: Lock Pick Proficiency and Evasive Techniques, Magic Training: Magic Crystal Proficiency and Blood Magic, Helena Hand-to-Hand Training

Super sorry for the late post everyone; things got crazy that demanded my attention. Hopefully the size of this update will make up for it, so without further delay…enjoy!

You look over the list and feel tingly all over the place, and then you look down at your breasts and more tingles run through you. I think it’s time you think to yourself with a smile before you turn the list over so that Lula and Leena can see before you start to point things out on the list and explain some of the other things on the list. When you finish that explanation you decide that it’s time to move onto your next one; you grin as you cup your small DD-cups and thrust them out a bit to the two sisters. “I also want to have these altered. Helena seems like she really enjoys hers, and I think its high time I had mine altered, don’t you think~?” you say with a lewd grin and a wink. ’That…can most definitely be arranged” Leena says with a bright, naughty smile and a glint in her eyes before she continues “I’ll go get the potions”. “And I’ll go get Helena! She’s going to love this~” Lula says with a giggle before she hugs you, kisses your forehead, then turning and heading out the door with her sister right behind here. You laugh and shake your head as you suck on your finger before looking at your small DD’s and fondling them. “You two are going to get much bigger~. Hmm…maybe I won’t need to play with anyone else’s boobs from now on…? Nah, what am I thinking? It’ll just mean more fun all around~!” you say to yourself as you bite your bottom lip.

You look over at the three chests and a wonderfully naughty idea pops into your head that makes you feel very tingly and aroused, so with a sway you walk over to the chests and pop the first and the third open. You sift through both of them until you find what you’re looking for, pulling out some large anal beads that you can barely get your fist around. Mmm, these will do very nicely. I can’t stand not having my butt filled…maybe I should ask Leena if I can keep these when I’m done at the temple~? you think as you bring the first bead to your mouth and start licking it liberally and moaning as you do so. You repeat this until all eight beads have been generously coated with your saliva, and you bring the first bead to your tight pucker. “In you go~; mmm, yeah that feels amazing. Gods, I wish my ass was filled all the time~” you say in bliss as you moan and slip the first bead of the toy into your rosebud, followed by another, and another, until every bead of the toy is inside you when the looped stopper bumps against your bum. You finger the looped toy and moan wonderfully as you allow tiny jolts of pleasure to course through you, wetting your already moist slit even further. “I feel so full and good…it’s so lovely” you say blissfully as you start to knead your cheeks and rub your tummy, which feels delightfully full. You turn back to the bed and bound onto it, plopping yourself on your plump bottom – which makes you feel more pleasure as it jostles the toy inside you – and waiting for the return of the sisters as you suck on your finger suggestively, even now fully utilizing what you learned from Helena as it seems so right and natural to do as you fantasize about the many possibilities larger breasts will bring you. You do expect things to get hot and heavy, though, so you take off your choker and put it back on the table just to be safe.

It doesn’t take long until the door to the room opens once more and Lula, Leena, Helena, and two other creatures enter – one of which makes you confused while the other makes you giddy with joy. In Helena’s arms, up against the lavender haired woman’s bosom, is the cute little red slime from yesterday that you found so adorable and loveable, currently rippling and hugging Helena’s average DD’s happily. However, the second and more confusing thing that follows behind Helena is a majestic and beautiful looking large wolf-dog. The wolf-dog’s beauty takes your breath away as you gaze into its piercing yellowish eyes, which hold deep intelligence, and look upon its beautiful and shaggy gray and arctic white coat. The wolf-dog itself looks to be about twice as big as you weight wise as even under its beautiful coat you can tell there’s power in its legs and shoulders. All three of the women are smiling mischievously and lewdly at you as they approach, though Leena does take care to set down a teal, white, and magenta colored potion on the table beside the large bed. The wolf-dog itself seems to know just where it should be…or maybe it goes where it wants? Either way it sits on its hind legs in the middle of the room in front of the door and behind the three women and slime in Helena’s arms and looks around the room as its tail wags behind it.

“So are you ready to begin, dear?” Leena asks you with a sweet smile – Helena adds with a giggle “Yeah, babe, I can’t wait to suck on your new tits and get me some milk. I haven’t had my fixed today and it’s really eating at me”. “Really? I would have expected a hungry cock slut like you to have blown at least half the temple by now” you say with a lewd grin and a wink. Helena narrows her blue eyes at you and smiles “As a matter of fact I think I might have, babe, but I haven’t had any milk yet. But I’m sure you’ll be getting your daily dose of fucking here shortly…with me there of course. Thanks for wanting me by you, babe; it means a lot to me. If I’m, uh, being totally honest with you I, well…fuck it. I don’t know what it is about you, but I love being near you if that makes any sense” Helena blurts out a little embarrassed. You smile and gently get off the bed and make your way to Helena, standing in front of her and looking at her lovingly in the eyes. You cup her face with both your hands and kiss her softly, drawing a moan from both of you, before pulling back. “I like being near you too, Helena. You’re raunchy, blunt, honest, sexy, strong, and you have a good heart. Same goes for all of you” you say to Helena serenely and sincerely before turning to Lula and Leena, making them smile. You giggle, though, as the red slime ripples very happily in Helena’s bosom before it makes its way onto your arm, rolling and morphing until it rests on your bosom where it ripples and snuggles in. “Little perv; you like it there don’t you~? That’s okay, I like you there too~. Mmm, and it feels so nice to have you there making me feel tingly and relaxed” you tease the slime playfully as you poke the gelatinous form, sending it rippling even more. However, you notice that the wolf-dog has been watching you with rapt attention as it wags its tail, remaining silent the entire time without so much as a peep from its snout.

You sway over to the canine and kneel down in front of it, offering your hand to the beast without getting too close. The dog’s ears perk up and it tilts its head at you as you kneel down and extend your hand – it gets off its hind legs and tentatively leans forward to sniff your hand. You watch as it sniffs all along your hand, rubbing its cold nose along your milky white skin causing you to chuckle lightly, and after a few moments it barks happily at you, licks your hand, and rubs its snout and head under your palm as its tail wags back and forth . “There’s a good doggy! Yes you are, yes you are! Oh come here you adorable, majestic beast~” you say with a laugh as you rub the dog’s head with one hand, then both, before scratching and pulling it closer to stroke and pet it’s shaggy fur. The wolf-dog barks again and readily accepts your advances as it licks your face with its long, warm tongue along your nose, cheeks, and lips. You laugh playfully and continue to scratch and rub the beast as it continues to lick you, which also seems to send positive emotions to the slime which produces a violent, happy ripple from it every so often on your bosom. “What’s your name you big beastie? Oh yes you like that down you? You like it when I rub your belly~?” you say to the dog as it prostrates itself on its back for you, and you seize the opportunity to rub the dog’s belly which it thoroughly enjoys as it pants and wags its tail.

“His name is Vulgan, and he’s a mixed breed between an arctic wolf far to the north and… something else that we don’t quite know. We aren’t quite sure, but it’s other parent must have been quite large as well and most certainly domesticated since Vulgan here can seems quite friendly around people…most of the time” Leena explains as she comes up behind you and kneels down to scratch under Vulgan’s chin. “What do you mean ‘most of the time’?” you ask Leena as you continue to rub Vulgan’s belly, making him roll around for you to hit better spots. You feel a hand spank your ass before it goes to the plug to your anal beads, gently pulling on it and poking it, sending jolts of pleasure through you and making you moan. “You dirty little slut~” Lua says beside you with a smile before Helena says “He’s got a, uh, sense of sorts for people. Basically, if you’re a fucking prick then he won’t like you and try to fuck you up, if you’re a halfway decent person than he seems to tolerate you or even like you. Guess we know which you are, babe”. Vulgan gets up and starts licking your face, and you scratch around his ears and snout while laughing “You’re a good boy, aren’t you? Oh yes you are!” Vulgan withdraws and parks before rubbing his head against yours then leaning it down and resting his snout on your legs. “So” you say while turning to Leena “Why is this strong looking boy here anyways?”

The trio look at each other knowingly and with a grin before Lula speaks up “Well, Vulgan here is…different from most animals. When Leena acquired him, he was in bad shape; she had to nurse him back to full strength, as it looked like he was used in dog fights…many dog fights. He had missing patches of fur, scars everywhere, and was hostile to almost anyone that was near him”. You look down sadly at Vulgan, and you feel intense anger than anyone would abuse such a beautiful, friendly, loyal creature like this as you lean down and gently kiss the top of his head, making him huff a little in contentment. “Also, he seems to have a…’attraction’ to women” Lula continues with a grin, and you cock your eyebrow at her. “Well, you expressed that you might be interested in this, and while we don’t know what happened to him exactly while he was not with us, he must have been used as a tool for sex for those with interesting tastes. Or maybe he was held captive by bandits of some sort and used to torture women, or maybe he was just born this way, who knows?” Lula finishes explaining as she strokes Vulgan’s fur. Your eyes go a little wide, but you smirk and feel tingles and aroused at the thought, even though Vulgan is an animal. “Have any of you ever…done it with him?” you ask the three curiously. Helena’s the first to speak up “Course, babe! Vulgan here, on top of being a loyal and kickass alpha, is a great fuck! Better than most of the men I’ve been with, that’s for fucking sure” when she finishes both Lula and Leena raise their hands slowly and nod while smiling.

Well that doesn’t surprise me one bit. Oh Helena, you dirty woman~…seems I’ll be just as dirty in a little bit here too~ you think with a smirk as you bring a finger to your mouth and suck on it suggestively while moaning, thinking about Helena and Vulgan copulating…and what it would feel like inside you. “You dirty, slutty girl! You were just thinking about being screwed by our dear Vulgan weren’t you~?” Lula says with a giggle as she watches you. You nod your head and say “Mmm, oh yeah Lula. I’m interested to see how good he really is~”. Leena laughs and shakes her head “Dear, you’re on the path to be one of the biggest sluts I’ve ever known. You make a succubus proud – let’s get those breasts worked on first before we go anywhere else”. Your eyes light up and you feel all tingly as you nod vigorously with a lewd grin, heading for the bed and plopping down as you wait for the process to start. Leena explains the process to you again, but this time you don’t need to have a pill of some sort inserted in your body. Instead, you drink the teal potion, which you absolutely hate, before you start to feel dizzying and hazy – Lula moves behind you and cradles you as Helena strokes your red hair and takes the slime from you and setting it on the bed beside you. Both of them coo at you and comfort you as your mind and body relax completely. Then, Leena applies the magenta potion to your breasts, quite generously in fact, before she starts chanting her miracles in a distorted voice and you wait a few minutes before you feel your breasts start to feel tingly…and then Leena releases her miracles on you in brilliant flashes of light, which jumpstarts the process and your breasts start to swell.

You watch in your dazed and relaxed state as your breasts, over the course of a few minutes, slowly start to expand. You feel your skin and muscles strain every so often before your body adjusts to the added muscle and fatty tissues your body is creating, thanks to both the alchemical potions and Leena’s Domina gained miracles. The experience itself isn’t uncomfortable; it’s actually quite pleasurable thanks to the aphrodisiac-like qualities in the magenta potion. You find yourself arching your back and moaning while in Lula’s embrace…and then you feel something that you’ve never felt before. Your breasts feel strangely full, and like there’s a pressure on them that’s about to escape…and then it does. “Ooooh yeeeeeeeesshhh…i-it feelsh shoooo goooood…”you say in a dazed moan as you watch your now large DD breasts start to leak thick, creamy white milk. The pressure relief is almost orgasmic, but not quite enough to set you over the edge in your incredibly horny state. You start to bring your hands to your breasts, but are stopped when Lula sets you down onto your back and stops your hands. “Don’t worry, baby, we’ll make you feel good. Just relax and enjoy yourself” Lula looks into your eyes and says while smiling so sweetly at you, making you feel good all over. “That’s right, babe; we’ll make you feel good…and I’ll get the first taste of your milk~” Helena says beside you with a moan as she lowers her mouth to your left tit. Lula giggles and does the same to your right before the duo latch onto either of your nipples and start to suck gently.

You moan deeply and arch your back as you grasp Lula’s dark blue hair, occasionally stroking her horns, and Helena’s lavender locks as you feel incredible pleasure from having your newly acquired milk released into their eager suckling mouths. You feel yourself rising your peak very quickly and manage a low gasp as you feel your legs spread and a deft tongue on your slit. You look farther down and see Leena at your glistening cleft, working her tongue along your labia and probing the inside of your changing and molding vagina as it works to the shape of her tongue, allowing her to hit all your sweet spots at once. You don’t last long and, with a low whimper of pleasure and light arch of your back, your love tunnel clamps down around Leena’s probing tongue and gushes a large amount of your girl juices into her greedy mouth. The experience is intensified greatly as when you reach your release your breasts jettison a large amount of your milk into Helena’s and Lula’s mouths. You continues to cum and moan deeply, as do the three women at your cunt and breasts as they get a tastes of your delicious offerings. After a little while you come down and breathe heavily while the three of them pull away…only for the little red slime buddy to roll along and engulf your bosom, mimicking a sucking-like feeling and drawing more milk from you that it quickly absorbs, causing it to ripple happily as you moan and descend into the depths of bliss once more.

“Energetic and opportunistic little fella…I like that. Damn, makes me want to get one of my own…maybe I can convince one that next time I’m down there to come with me” Helena says with a chuckle as she gently takes the slime from your breasts, causing you to groan lowly as your pleasure is denied. “Sho closhe…sho good; I love it sho much” you say groggily, causing the three to chuckle. “Welcome to our own exclusive milk club, baby! I’m glad you like it, and I must say you have a really nice pair of knockers on you now! Not to say they weren’t nice before, but now they’re bigger than before” Lula says to you with a giggle as she moves behind you and pulls you into a cradling hug, drawing a light but happy chuckle from your lips. “Shit, don’t remind me. She’s bigger than me now!” Helena says as the slime snuggles into her breasts once more and ripples. “Alright, dear, I think it’s time you drank the last potion” Leena finally says with a chuckle before she goes over to the tables, grabs and uncorks the white potion, and brings it to your lips. When you finish drinking it you feel yourself coming to from your stupor, and when the effects are finally burned away you look down at your new, bigger breasts and giggle up a storm as you start to play with them.

“That was amazing! So that’s what you three feel like when your fed from! Oh that was so nice. What did I taste like? Did I taste good~?” you ramble out before moaning as you tweak your nipples while looking Lula in the eyes. “Oh yes, baby, you did~…actually, you tasted very good. Better than Leena and Helena; your milk wasn’t as thick, but it definitely is thirst quenching and it has that same feeling of being supercharged when I drink it~” Lula says to you with a bright smile and a hug. “Hells yeah, babe. I think I should strap you up to the machine downstairs and milk you all day long. Hah, might be able to sell your milk for a pretty penny too” Helena adds with a laugh. Leena eyes your breasts hungrily and licks her lips - you lick your own glossy lips and stick a finger in your mouth, sucking on it as you thrust your new large lactating capable DD-cups out at her. “Want a taste, Leena? All you have to do is say ‘please’. Say ‘please, Colette, I want to suck on your big tits and drink your milk” you say with a raunchy grin on your face. “Oh, we’re playing that game again are we, dear?” Leena says with a coy grin before she crawls closer to you, alongside Lula and says in a quiet voice “Please, Colette, I want to suck on your big tits and drink your milk…may I suck on you slutty, dirty tits?” “Slutty, dirty tits, eh? I like it~. You may, Leena, and I hope you enjoy yourself…because I know I will~” you respond with a lewd grin as you cup your big breasts and thrust them out towards Leena’s mouth.

Leena moans and, while looking you in the eyes, she places her mouth over your right globe and starts to suckle. “Oh my gods that’s just so damn good. I love having being milked like this~” you moan out as Leena sucks on your breast, sending that same feeling of relief and extreme pleasure that you swish down as milk leaves your tit and is greedily drunk down in numerous gulps by Leena. You arch your back ever so slightly as Leena continues to suckle from you, moaning deeply and grabbing your other breasts, massaging it and groping it much to your satisfaction. You manage to stave off your orgasm as Leena removes her mouth from your teat with a popping sound and, while looking you in the eyes and moaning deeply, the purple succubus says “Mmm, baby you taste so good. You two were right; she’s sweet and thirst quenching and I feel like I don’t need to feed for days”. You fondle your breasts and giggle as you do so before a naughty idea pops into your head, and you look to the three women “You three have given me so much pleasure, I think it’s only fair I return the favor, don’t you? Lie back and the bed so I can give my new big breasts a test run~…that’s an order you three. Sorry, Helena, but I guess you’ll just have to settle for my mouth only”. “Colette, babe, that’s no fucking problem at all. I’d dip my hand in lava if it meant getting head from you” Helena responds in total seriousness as she lies back on the bed.

When all three women are against the back of the bed and stroking, or jilling in Helena’s case, themselves slowly and eyeing you hungrily, you decide it’s time to begin…much to your satisfaction. You move to the blue succubus first, dipping low and crawling towards her provocatively and, upon reaching her blue penis, you grip it and say while slowly stroking it “Gods…this naughty dick is responsible for turning me into such a dirty, sex crazy slut…though I guess – no, I know now that this is who I am at heart. As thanks, I’m going to mash you between my new big tits and suck you off so good and drink down your wonderful, tasty cum~”. And you do just that; you kiss the crown of Lula’s big blue cock before you mash it between your cleavage and open your mouth to let a little bit of your saliva dribble between your two large orbs. Once Lula’s cock is amply lubricated you look her in her red eyes and wink before you grab both your boobs in your hands and start to stroke her gently as you lower your mouth to the tip of her cock and engulf it. You moan as the blue member touches your tongue, which you swirl around the tip and suck on it lightly and noisily. Lula moans pleasurably and reaches down to twine her fingers in your red hair.
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Re: Rift Touched

“Gods, baby, your mouth is so good and your new tits feel great. You want it don’t you? You want my thick semen down your throat don’t you? Such a dirty slut” Lula says in pleasured moans as you continue to stroke her tool between your breasts and inch your way down her shaft, moaning and increasing the pressure of your sucking all the while. “Of course she does” Leena adds with a smirk as she continues to slowly jerk herself “she’s a cock hungry slut. She feels right at home with a nice, juicy penis inside her holes”. “Rrrgh, fucking sluts like that should be on their knees sucking dick all day” Helena growls in anticipation. You feel tingly and aroused by their words and redouble your efforts; you stroke faster and suck harder and deeper while working your tongue along the bottom shaft, occasionally coming up to speak. “Yesh – schlpp – I lovesh cock sho musch! I wantsh to drink all yoursh delicioushshhh cum – sssscchhllppp – down” you say between sucks, moans, and strokes. You decide it’s time to get your treat, and so you suction suck Lula’s cock, moan deeply, and release magical bursts in your mouth and along your tongue to further stimulate her member. “AAAAGGGGGHHH FFFFUUUU-!” Lula screams as she tears her hands away from your head and grips the sheets instead, pulling at them and thrusting her hips to receive more of your overwhelming pleasure you offer. A moment later you’re rewarded with a thick load of her spunk as it shoots in your mouth and to the back of your throat.

You drink down the tasty juices as it comes while continuing to suck and stroke, and then you remove your mouth and jerk your breasts a little faster causing Lula’s seed to fly up and hit you in the face and coating it along with your breasts. When you finish you smile as you rest Lula’s spent and slightly leaking member between your sticky white breasts. You flick your tongue out at the teardrop shaped hole and gather up some of the leaking seed and moaning as you lap at it, causing Lula to gasp out and buck slightly. When you finish, and with Lula’s cock still mashed between your big new breasts, you look her in the eyes and smile before you bring a hand to your face and breasts, gathering up some of the seed and drinking that down with a moan as well. “L-Lequis grant me strength…no matter how many times I feel it or see it, it’s just as good as the last time” Lula says while panting for breath and eyeing you lustfully. You giggle as you continue to clean yourself and, when most of the spooge is cleaned, you move onto Leena next. You repeat the process with the elder purple succubus, drinking and being coated with her seed and cleaning yourself after giving her the best tit and blowjob combo she’s ever had. Lastly, and who is very frustrated – and many “fucks”, “yeah’s”, and “shit shit shit’s” – you bring Helena to climax as you suck on her puffy lips and probe your tongue into her molding vagina. You drink down Helena’s juices and bring her down gently before you quickly lean forward over her body and plop down, mashing your now larger breasts against her average DD’s and pinning the slime between the two – lucky little fella – as you kiss her and urge her to clean your face, which she does quite happily as she licks your cheeks, nose, lips, and forehead of cum. Afterwards you snuggle between Helena and Leena with the slime now having transferred to your breasts, rippling and squirming happily as you continue to kiss the lavender haired woman, sharing the seed and saliva between you two, while Leena strokes your sides and tugging on the plug inside you with Lula stroking her sister beside her.

“Mmm, that was fun~. I think I’m going to have a lot more fun with my new breasts…especially since I can be milked now~” you say with a moan as you withdraw from your kissing session with Helena. Helena chuckles and eyes your slime covered boobs mischievously before she reaches down and starts fondling them through the slime, who ripples once more as it engulfs the alcoholic woman’s hands. You moan and giggle yourself before you reach over and fondle Helena’s own breasts, tugging at the nipple rings every so often and drawing more moans from the woman. Things start to heat up as Leena rubs your bottom and tugs at the anal beads inside you while Helena handles your breasts, and before long Lula shifts on the bed and grabs your right leg, hoisting it over her shoulder as she aligns her cock with your entrance. You greatly anticipate what comes next as Leena starts to remove the beads and Helena hoists herself up and positions her wet slit with your mouth and…you hear a whining noise from the foot of the bed. All four of you stop what you’re doing and look at the bed to see Vulgan resting his head on the bed and whining as he looks at you all with puppy dog eyes. Despite being incredibly horny you can’t help but laugh – the others laugh as well and Leena reinserts the beads into your bum, drawing a moan from you, and Lula sets your leg down as she gets off the bed and heads for the chairs with her sister alongside her.

Helen hops off the bed as well and stands next to it as you provocatively crawl over to the end of the bed, giving Vulgan a suggestive look with a lewd grin. “Feeling left out, huh~? Sorry about that…say, want to have some fun of our own?” you say to the yellow eyed wolf-dog sweetly. Vulgan seems to understand you, a sign of his intelligence, as he barks happily and his tail wags furiously behind him. You laugh at the canine and say “Well, alright then! This should be interesting…and exciting! Oh, I’m getting really horny just thinking about it~…” you finish by sucking on your finger suggestively and dismounting from the bed. You get on your knees and rub and pet Vulgan’s snout and head, causing him to pant and lick your face happily and earning playful laughs from you. Hmm, alright how is it that dogs do it? I think I need to get on my hands and knees so that he can mount me from behind… you think as tingles and arousal work their way into you – you move closer to the center of the room as Lula, Leena, and Helena watch and you get on your hands and knees, dipping your shoulders a bit to give easier access to the beast. You lick your glossy lips and give the three women a wink, who gives you lewd grins and chuckle as they watch and masturbate themselves. “Come on big boy, show me what you’ve got~” you say to Vulgan as he circles you once before bringing his nose to your wet and ready cleft. You gasp lightly as his cold nose rests on your slit as he sniffs in your arousal, and then you gasp even louder in pleasure as you feel his tongue lap once on your slit.

However, Vulgan doesn’t stop there as he laps again, and again, and again like your juices and pussy are a tasting treat. “O-oh gods yes! That tongue is s-so – AHN! – so good!” you say between gasps of pleasure as the sounds of your bliss and moans, along with the very audible sound of Vulgan lapping and drinking from you, fill the room. His long dog tongue hits all the right places as it rubs the length of your slit starting from your clit. You push your bubble butt out towards Vulgan to encourage him further and it works…for a time until he pulls back, making you groan in frustration. “Hey, why’d you stooOOOOOP?!” you begin to ask before Vulgan mounts you, drawing your legs in and locking them with his front legs as he rests his torso on your back. The real shock comes when he thrusts his large member, though not quite as long or thick as Lula, to the base and bumps against your cervix. With Vulgan deep inside you and resting on your back, he starts to howl in pleasure as he starts to thrust quickly and vigorously inside you, sending wonderful pleasure that quickly brings you to your heights. “Gods yes! Yes yes yes yes! S-so good, I love it so much – w-what’s this…?” you wail in pleasure as Vulgan’s continued thrusting sends you hurtling to the peak of your summit…and then you feel your pussy begin to mold around something else along Vulgan’s penis as it works its way along the shaft.

“Oh shit that’s fucking hot! Nnnngh, that’s right Vulgan you fuck that little slut! You love doggy dick don’t you? Oh fuck! - looks like his knot’s kicked in, babe, which means the real fun starts! Fuck I need your mouth on my, please gods I’m so fucking wet and horny!” Helena yells out between pleasured moans and whimpers as she jills herself, before quickly moving over to you and lying down in front of you. She scoots forward so that her slit is under where your mouth is; you look at the tasty, glistening pussy and lower your head as you gasp and engulf her puffy lips and stick your tongue into her pussy, which molds itself to your tongue and allows you to hit all her best spots. You moan deeply in pleasure as you lick, probe, and suck in and on Helena’s labia and pussy while Vulgan’s thrusts become erratic and fevered…and then the slime on your breasts stops rippling for a moment before it starts to suction on your breasts, sending powerful pleasurable jolts through you as it draws milk from your large bosom. You whimper and moan as you continue to work Helena’s pussy, making her moan and shout profanities as she leans back and enjoys the ride, and then a moment later Vulgan releases his seed inside you as he thrusts and snarls in pleasure before raising his snout and howling his triumph. You feel your tunnel flood with his sticky white seed…and then it keeps going, and going, and going.

G-Gods, not that I’m complaining, but where does he kEEEEP all of it? you think before a naughty idea enters your mind. You do your magic on Helena, suction sucking her pussy and releasing magical bursts to send her over the edge, then you vibrate the muscles of your vaginal walls and release tiny magical bursts in your love tunnel and along Vulgan’s knotted tool. Vulgan yelps a little before his snarling and howling increases dramatically, as does his thrusting – Helena yells her own passionate release and mashes your face against her cunt as she squirts and floods into your mouth, making you moan deeply in pleasure and satisfaction as you drink her down. You’ve had about enough of holding your own pleasure back and, as Helena pulls back to catch her breath, you let out a wail of bliss and ecstasy as you let your floodgates open and sending all that built-up pleasure rushing over you like a tidal wave. You squirt a generous amount of milk into wonderful suctioning red slime at your breasts, and your canal clamps down tightly, as does your ass around the beads, and floods juices over Vulgan’s still ejaculating cock and sending juices squirting out around the edges of your love tunnel. “FUCK YES!” you scream as you throw your head back with your mouth open in an “O” and, with a final thrust and spurt of seed, Vulgan howls victoriously before slumping lightly onto your back. You cum for a few seconds longer and twitch a little in pleasure before saying lightly “That was so, so great…”.

Vulgan leans over your shoulder and licks your half-elf ear, sending tiny jolts of pleasure through you and causing you to giggle, before he starts rocking you both. You don’t understand at first, but go along with it until you’re both rocked onto your sides with Vulgan’s knotted penis still inside you. The wolf-dog continues to lick your ear, neck, and shoulder lovingly and possessively as you both lie there and you, for your part, sit there and pant a little as you recover. “Looks like you’re his new bitch, baby” you hear Lula say with a giggle from her seat. You laugh and respond “That’s right, Lula, I am his bitch now. I’m the alpha bitch, so I get first dibs and all you other pack betas answer to me~”. “Mmm, just wait until we get the rope, dear. I think you’ll be singing a different tune then” you hear Leena say with a hearty chuckle. “I don’t give a flying fuck who’s where or what’s involved. That was fucking awesome, and as long as I get laid I don’t care!” Helena says as she leans against the bed before adding “Hmm…I need a drink. Be right back”. Helena gives you a wink as you lie on your side, fully recovered now thanks to your stamina, as you wait for the panting and spent Vulgan to release you once his knot recedes from within your glove-like love tunnel. Helena leaves and returns a minute later with a wine bottle, which she takes a few swigs, as you wait another ten or so minutes before the grey-arctic haired beasts knot recedes fully and he releases you. You laugh as you sit up and poke the slime at your breasts, causing it to ripple even more in joy, before Vulgan attacks your face with a relentless assault of licks and huffs while wagging its tail, and as your pussy leaks his seed.

“You’re a good, good boy Vulgan! So very good!” you say in a fit of laughs before the half-breed relents and lets you stand. You dip a finger into your snatch and gather up a dollop of his seed, bringing it to your mouth and moaning as you suck on your cum covered finger. “Not bad~” you say while looking at the two succubus sisters, who have spent themselves all over their torsos in masturbation you notice. You giggle and shake your head before heading for the restroom, intent on taking a bath and relieving yourself, and turning to the three women and giving them suggestive smiles that spur them to action. You set the slime down as you enter the tub with your three lovely ladies and clean off, though you do mount Leena and Lula one after another during your cleanup session and you have Helena eat you out. Once you’re finally clean and the others are out of the room you decide to dry off and relieve yourself before going back into the main room and heading for the armoire. You pull out the sundress and flats, then your sheer thong and half-bra – when you put it all on you relish the sight and feel of your larger breasts straining the material slightly, and as your thong pushes on the stopper to your anal beads. You look to Lula, who’s already dressed, before looking to the red slime on the floor; you saunter over to it with a smile and pick it up and holding it to your chest before moving to the table and picking up and putting on your choker. You’re about to leave when you hear Helena clear her throat and set her wine bottle down, which concerns you since it’s not empty, and a whine from Vulgan before he nuzzles against your leg and looks up at you.

“I take it you two want to come~?” you say playfully as you pet Vulgan on the head and look to Helena. Vulgan barks and Helena says “Yeah…if you two don’t mind that is. I’m not great with kids, but, well, I would still like to help out”. “What are you talking about, Helena? You’re great with kids! Penelope tells me they see you as a cool big sister whenever you go! Come on, you can come with us. As for Vulgan…well, as long as he promises to behave” Lula says with a bright smile to both Helena and Vulgan. “I would love to have you along, Helena! And you…you’re a good boy aren’t you? I know the kids will just love you…and you too you adorable little slime” you say first to Helena while smiling serenely, then to Vulgan – who licks you and barks as he wags his tail – and then finally to the slime and rubbing it, sending it rippling with delight. Helena nods and beams at you before heading for the door and opening it – a minute later Helena comes back dressed in black leather boots, brown cloth pants, and a baggy blue-green blouse on. You cock an eyebrow at the long lavender haired woman and she shrugs and says “Don’t get me wrong, babe, I like the sundress you got on. Dresses, skirts, and frilly shit really ain’t my style is all. Crap, gotta watch my language around the kids”. “Darn right you do, Helena!” you say with a laugh. Lula, Helena, and a naked Leena all laugh before you, Lula, Helena, Vulgan, and the little red slime now on your right arm leave the room so that Leena can prepare the rest of the activities for the day.

You look out at the bustle of the temple and smile when you see the familiar yellow and black spotted form of Razasha below; you hand Helena the red slime before you quickly and quietly make your way down the stairs. Razasha walks down the hallway to the left of the staircase, but not quickly which gives you time to catch up and place your hands over her eyes and making her yelp in surprise. “Haha, I got you~” you say to the surprised catgirl as she turns around before you stick a finger into your mouth and suck on it lewdly while thrusting your large DD-cups out at her. “Oh by Domina…you had them altered didn’t you? They’re so big…and plump…and juicy…” Razasha says as she stares wide-eyed and lustfully at your bosom. You shake your head and laugh before you shake the straps to your sundress off, lowering your dress down passed your breasts and pulling up your sheer half-cup so that the catgirl can get a good look of your knockers in all their glory. You moan and take a step towards Razasha and say in a husky voice “Go ahead and touch them…and feel free to suck on them, too~”. Razasha nods slowly and her mouth gapes a little when she reaches out and gropes your two big breasts, purring all the while. “That’s it, Razasha, fondle my breasts. Gods you’re so good at this – I love it when you play with my breasts. Suck on them, won’t you~?” you say in a low, sultry tone as the bipedal feline female gropes, fondles, massages, and mashes your breasts as her purring continues. She lowers her face and mouth to your left teat and engulfs it; you moan in pleasure and hold her head close to your bosom as she continues to suck before she’s rewarded with your sweet and creamy milk.

Razasha’s eyes pop open bright and wide when she tastes your milk, and her purring reaches new heights as she sucks on your tit forcefully, earning more pleasured moans from you as wonderful jolts work through you and land in your moistening cleft. When she drinks her fill she pulls back with a pop; you grab her hands and plant them on your behind as you mash your lips against hers in a forceful kiss. “So” you say in a hushed and hot tone as you break the kiss and look Razasha in her hazel “Did I taste good~?” Razasha purrs more and nods with a smile “So very delicious, Colette; the best I have ever had, thank you”. You peck her on the lips a few more times as she squeezes your plump behind before gently withdrawing and, upon seeing the crowd of people that have gathered, you moan and mash your breasts together while thrusting them outwards towards the group. “Anyone else want a feel…or a taste~?” you say coyly and with a suggestive grin on your face; the response is immediate as the little over a dozen people gathered all line up. You have your breasts gently massaged, fondled, groped, and molested along with a few sucking on them and drinking your milk down, which you find this new sensation to be oddly pleasurable as it sends both jolts of pleasurable to your toes and pussy and relieves some pressure from your breasts that’s oddly satisfying. After everyone’s had their fun you return to your group and take the red slime from Helena while smiling at her, then at Lula, before you pull them close to you; you mash the back of your head against Lula’s head sized melons as you fondle Helena’s DD’s through her shirt.

“Geez, babe, you really like breasts don’t you? Ah, who am I to talk; I love them too!” the slightly muscular, slutty woman says with a laugh before she handles your boobs the same as you’re handling hers. Lula simply laughs and strokes your silky smooth red hair and watches as the red slime ripples happily on your right arm and Vulgan’s tail wags furiously as he rubs up against all three pairs of your legs. “Alright, I think we should go before this gets out of hand…again. I’m already horny…” you say with a laugh before heading for the temple entrance and, upon opening it, you walk out with the slime on your arm followed by Lula, Helena, and Vulgan right behind you. You walk the streets of the red light district getting appreciative, lustful, and sometimes odd looks directed at both your body and the company you keep.


“I’m a little surprised at you, Helena. On a few things, actually; I’m surprised to see you wearing clothing, or at least something decent. I’m also surprised that you go to the orphanage…or that Penelope would let you in” you say with a playful smile and a laugh as you lead the group through the slums towards the orphanage. “And what the fu-…’fudge’ is that supposed to mean?” Helena says behind you with obvious irritation that makes you smile inwardly “I can act and dress respectably when I need to…and this is just my casual stuff! Usually, if I was going anywhere, I’d be in my monk gear since it’s better suited for my fighting style. I just prefer not too…and I happen to be great with kids!” Lula laughs as she nudges Helena “Mmm, I think I prefer you without clothes. Hmm, say…didn’t you say you were the daughter of nobles to me once?” You stop dead in your tracks and turn around to face Helena with a cocked eyebrow – Helena groans and nods before she explains “Yeah, my ‘parents’ are nobles, but that title doesn’t befit the likes of them or most other so called ‘nobles’. They’re more concerned with their status, money, power, and control over others to give a rats ass about anything or anyone else. Fuck. Them. They wanted to marry me off to some fat fucking pig of a merchant who has every business and guard in his back pocket. Thought it would give them ‘prestige’ or some such bullshit. Meanwhile they’re off kiss ass and backstabbing others…or whatever the fuck else just so that they can get what they want”. When Helen finishes venting, her anger evident, you and Lula walk up to her and give her a hug, causing the gelatinous creature to ripple and as Vulgan rubs his snout against Helena’s leg and whines. Helena laughs and says “Sorry, didn’t mean to lay that all on you. Thinking of my parents just riles me up is all”.
Re: Rift Touched

You smile and nod at the monk before continuing on your way to the orphanage. When you reach the orphanage you knock and wait a little while before Penelope answers, and when she does she gets the shock of her life. She first smiles brightly at you and Lula, then at Helena when she sees here, but when she sees the red slime and especially Vulgan she yelps in surprise and hides behind the door. “Wha-wha-what is that? And why is there a wolf here?!” the black-haired half-elf says loudly and in fear as she points to the red slime squirming on your arm and then at Vulgan, who lowers his ears and whines. “It’s alright, Penelope. This is a slime; don’t worry, they’re harmless and actually quite fun to have around. This is Vulgan, and he’s only half-wolf. He’s very friendly…see, watch” you explain to Penelope with a chuckle before you poke the slime, making it ripple happily, then extending your left hand out to Vulgan and petting him, which he leans into and rubs your hand. Penelope tentatively opens the door and reaches out for Vulgan’s snout with a shaky hand and Vulgan, noticing the tension, remains perfectly still and allows Penelope to rub his snout and head. Penelope smiles and, gaining courage, she comes a little outside and rubs Vulgan’s ears, scratches under his chin, and pets his head before turning to you and poking the slime on your arm, giggling when it ripples. Vulgan rubs his face against her skirt covered legs in a show of affection, making Penelope smile and breathe a sigh of relief.

“Sorry about that…Colette, did your, um, bust get bigger?” Penelope says with a shy smile before she looks at your chest and blushes. You smirk and thrust your boobs out at her and say with a smile “Why, yes I did, Penelope. They can also lactate, too…and no, I’m not pregnant”. Penelope’s eyes widen and her mouth gapes before she looks at Helena and then it dawns on her “The temple of Domina…you had yourself altered, didn’t you?” “Mmmhmm, I did…and not just my breasts~. But that’s not the reason why we’re here, Penelope; we’re here to help you take care of the little ones for a little while” you say with a smile as you bring a finger to your mouth and suck on it…then you remove it when you remember where you are. Penelope shakes her head and smiles before she opens the door wide for all of you to enter. Penelope then leads you to a room where the children were learning about Eborthia’s history…and all hell breaks loose. Of course they’re happy to see Mama Lula and Colette, as well as Big Sis Helena, but when they get a hold of the red slime and Vulgan is when things really get interesting. The kids, Relub and Madison especially, absolutely love the red slime; they poke it’s gelatinous and amorphous body, roll it in their hands and arms, and laugh and giggle as it engulfs some of their tiny hands and feet. The slime really seems to enjoy the attention as it hardly ever stops moving and rippling.

Vulgan, on the other hand, gets a lot of attention as well especially from Keila and Aliwen who both get on his back and pet his shaggy arctic gray fur. Thankfully, Vulgan maintains composure as some of the other children pull on his tail and ears, or when they pull down on his snout and plant little kisses on his head. It takes some time for the children to calm down, but eventually you, Lula, and Helena can get to teaching the children. You teach them all the same things as before, especially to Aliwen – Helena seems to have the same idea with Madison as you spy her teaching the human girl fighting techniques while Lula handles Relub and Keila, yet you all manage to give every child the attention they deserve. Afterwards, you and your group plus the children go to the kitchen and make sweet rolls and cookies – you smirk knowingly when you see Penelope, a heavy blush on her face, go up to Lula and whisper to the blue succubus. They leave for about thirty minutes and when they come back they both have very satisfied looks on their faces; Penelope especially seems to have some difficulty walking on her shoulder length hair is let down, and you also spy that she’s a little flustered. Next you go outside and play with the kids, which Helena enjoys as she wrestles with some of the kids, though most of them focus their attention on your furry companion and the red slime, which they don’t seem to mind the attention one bit. You even find a use for your altered breasts, more than the obvious, as Penelope leads you to the infant section of the orphanage where you, Lula, and Helena breast feed the half-dozen babies your milk. Between feedings and the wonderful feeling of being milked, Penelope explains that the babies are adopted at a better ‘ratio’ compared to those that are older, since they’re easier to manage – she also explains that most of the babies here are left on her doorstep.

It’s sad, but you take comfort knowing that at least Penelope or someone else will eventually look after these children. Before long a few hours have flown by and you leave the orphanage with your blue succubus, wolf-dog, red slime, and monk and bid Penelope and the children a farewell as you head back for the temple of Domina. You all walk through the slums and then the red light district, getting those same looks of appraisal and lust along with odd looks based on the makeup of your little group. Lula, being the naughty succubus that she is wraps her left arm around your waist and slides down to poke at the stopper sticking out of your bum while Helena at your left wraps her right arm around your waist and grabs your right tit. You grin lewdly as you wrap either of your arms about the two women’s waists and grope Helena’s left breast while your right hand gets Lula’s right boob.


You all enter the temple and head up the stairs, though you, Helena, and the red slime on your arm head to the right for the cum bath while Lula, who gives you and Helena a lewd grin, takes Vulgan and heads into Leena’s room, but not before you give Lula your choker for safekeeping. When you and Helena enter the room you both laugh and toss your clothes off into a pile and, when you both approach the tub and Helena’s not looking, you push her into the goopy tub and make it splash a little. When Helena surfaces she takes a big breath and, while giving you a cum covered glare, says “You sneaky bitch~” – you shrug your shoulders and laugh “Rogue, Helena~” before you jump in yourself. You land next to Helena and splash some of the cum in her already covered face, though you see none of this as you hold your breath and become fully submerged in the spunk bath. You hold your breath for a moment before you rise and get some air back in your lungs as you face Helena and smile wickedly. “You’re such a cum guzzling slut” Helena says with a semen stained smile as she massages the juices and milk into her skin and hair. You laugh and do the same, though you do finger the end of your anal beads, as you say “I guess I am…but then what does that make you? Last I checked you’re the one in charge of training, so I guess that makes you queen slut”. Helena laughs and shakes her head before you wade over to her pull her into a kiss, which you both moan into especially when you release your magic inside your mouth and along your tongue.

When you pull back you grin lewdly and lick your lips, drinking the cum around them, as you take Helena’s hand and lead her to the edge of the tub. You pull yourself out of the tub slightly and, while on the edge, you spread your legs and give the blue eyed beauty a suggestive look. “You’re going to eat me out right here and now you filthy rug munching slut” you say with a moan as you tweak your nipples, before you see your red slime moving closer to you and rippling; you pick up the adorable and handy creature and place him against your bosom. The red slime suctions against your breasts, creating a wonderful sense of relief and pleasure as it draws you milk from you and absorbs it into his amorphous body, rippling happily all the while. Helena, meanwhile, lowers her face to your tight and messy slit and gives it a whiff. “Mmm, smells like wet and horny bitch…my favorite~” Helena says with a chuckle as she looks up into your eyes lovingly. You give Helena a sweet look before you growl out lustfully which sends tingles and more burning arousal through you “I am a wet and horny bitch…now eat. Me. Out”. Helena chuckles and bites her glossy pink bottom lip before she dives in, first with a long and slow lick from the bottom of your cleft to your rock hard clit, then she dives right in and starts lapping at your slick mound while using the fingers of her right hand to furiously rub your clit.

You moan and gasp in pleasure as you say “Fuck yes! You’re so good, Helena! Y-You – Ahn – eat pussy like a champ! YES YES YES! This is where you belong you dirty little cunt slut! Agh, rub my clit and suck on those puffy lips! YES!” You ramble all this out as you twine your sticky fingers in Helena’s lavender, cum stained hair and press her into your slit. She moans and is spurred by your words, doubling the speed of her licking, sucking, probing, and jilling of your pussy. You continue to moan, especially as the slime continues to suction and massage your breasts and drawing more of your milk out until finally you let your dam burst and your pussy clamps down just as Helena’s tongue hit your sweet spot when it molded to her shape. You throw your head back and wail to the ceiling as you squirt and gush into Helena’s still working mouth; she moans as she drinks you down and the slime on your breasts ripples happily as your orgasm induces you to lactate even more, which the greedy little creature absorbs rather happily. “Mmm, that was really nice~” you say with a moan and gasp as Helena gives you a last lick before she pulls herself out of the tub – you smile and bring Helena’s face to yours with your left hand and you mash your glossy red lips against hers in a passionate kiss. When you pull back with a moan you coax the amorphous and adorable creature onto your left arm before reaching for Helena’s bosom, allowing it to snuggle into her pierced breasts. She gives you a confused look, then a knowing and anticipatory grin as you lower yourself into the tub in front of her and spread her legs wide open; you look up at her and wink as you say “My turn…just sit back and relax~” before you dive in.

You give Helena’s cunt a long lick, drinking down the cum slathered on her as you go, before you latch onto her clit and suck hard while moaning, occasionally tugging the ring piercing on her nub. Helena gasps, especially when you insert three fingers into her pussy as it molds around them constantly as you pump into her, and grabs your head. “Shit that’s so fucking good! Fu-AHN-ck! YES, FUCK YES! Fucking work on that fucking clit you beautiful fucking slut! Rrrrgghh fuck!” Helena growls out at you in pure pleasure as you continue to thrust and suck suction suck on her clit. You look up into her eyes and smile when you see the pure lust, desire, and affection evident in her icy blue eyes and so you work twice as fast – you also see that the slime is working just as hard on her breasts and is drawing milk from her DD’s as well, which quickly disappears as the slime absorbs it. After a few moments more of jilling, moaning, and sucking you release tiny bursts of magic that you’ve built up into your mouth and, with a rapturous scream, Helena mashes you mouth against her pierced clit as her walls clamp down hard on your still working fingers and she releases a flood of juices that coat your face and the edge of the tub, trickling down into the tub and mixing with the rest of the combined juices. You bring her down before rising and while smiling mischievously at her as you move closer to the edge; you push her gently onto her back and mount her, mashing your breasts together and against the slime as you kiss once more. You’re interrupted, however, when you hear someone clear their throat behind you; you and Helena look towards the door to see Lula grinning lustfully at the two of you.

“If I didn’t have more self-control I swear by all the gods I would be fucking both your brains out right now~” Lula says with a giggle before she adds “Anyways there’s someone here to see you, babe. If you would be so kind as to clean up – and I’ll leave however you decide to clean up entirely up to you – and join me in our room…” Lula leaves the statement open as she smiles once more before turning around and walking back down the hall and into Leena’s room. You turn back to face Helena as she faces you then, as if on the same frequency, you both look between your cleavage at the red slime and giggle. You both work on licking each other up with the “help” of the red slime as it rolls and morphs over both your bodies and absorbs whatever juices you and Helena are unable to get until you’re both relatively clean. “Hmm, I think it would be best if we used the rags now…just to be safe” you say with a smirk as you get up and go to grab two enchanted rags – “Yeah, I guess you’re right, babe” Helena says with a sigh before adding “But there’s no reason we can’t make it a sexy cleanup~”. You quickly agree as you hand the monk a rag as you both get to work on cleaning each other off very, very slowly and sensually – Helena also pays special attention to the stopper between your plump cheeks as she cleans it, occasionally pulling on it to “clean” it better. When you’re both finished you pick up your clothes and move the slime to your left arm as Helena does the same with her own clothes before you head for your room while Helena heads for hers.

When you open the door you toss your clothes on the ground when you see the welcome sight of a tall dark bronze skinned warrior with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, but is dressed in an interesting cream and brown colored toga that covers her large breasts down just passed her knees and wearing a pair of sandals. “Hera! It’s so good to see you again! How are you?” you say happily as you sway yourself over to the Amazon, sucking on your finger suggestively and moaning as you eye the woman with obvious desire. Hera’s eyes widen as she takes in your form, and you can see the beginnings of an erection forming from her toga as her eyes land on your breasts and slightly wet cleft. You stop in front of the seven foot tall woman and she reaches out with her right hand and cups your face, rubbing it gently which makes you moan as you bring a hand to hers and hold it. “Do you like some of the ‘changes’? My skin is lighter, softer, and smoother than before. My hair’s also smoother, and as you can see I have bigger breasts, which can be milked now, and a bigger butt” you say as you bring Hera’s hand down to your large DD-cup breasts then to your bubble butt as you move closer to her, which she gives a squeeze that makes you laugh. “I’m also more flexible~” you say with a lewd grin and in a husky voice as you pull back slightly, raising your left leg up and over your head completely straight as you hold it there with your left hand for a few moments before bringing it down. “And” you continue “I’ve learned some new things with my mouth, vagina, and anus…want to give them a try~?” you finish in a suggestive and alluring tone as you press yourself against Hera and moan while looking up into her brown eyes, which have a furious burning lust in them that makes you tingly and aroused.

I think I’ve effectively got her hot and bothered…and she hasn’t even said a word yet~

Hera, however, miraculously reigns in her desires and clears her throat, though she does hold you tight with her right arm and squeezes your plumper rump a few times as the slime on your arm ripples, which startles the Amazon woman for a moment before she chuckles. “I-It is good to see you as well, Colette. I may…oblige to your generous, ehem, offer. Please, may we sit and talk – I also have brought you a gift that I would very much like to have you wear very much. Especially given the…changes your body has undergone” Hera says while trying to keep a clear head even as her throbbing erection pokes your belly as she speaks to you and points to the bed, revealing a very elaborate and skimpy looking outfit. “I understand you have an affinity for dancing, Colette. This is what the dancers of my people wear, and I would very much like to teach you a traditional dance of my people, if it pleases you” the Amazonian woman explains. “Of course I would, Hera! Thank you so much for this; I just love dancing! You’re a very kind and thoughtful woman, Hera. I’m sure you make your people proud every day” you say in happiness and joy as you hug the warrior woman. “You are too kind, Colette. Please, if you will” Hera says with a beaming smile as she gestures to the articles of clothing on the bed. You gently pull away from the tall woman and turn to look at the garments with admiration before you realize that a certain someone is missing from the room. You turn to Lula, who’s sitting on one of the red cushioned chairs and has been watching you the entire time with an amused smile, and ask “Lula, where’s Vulgan? I saw him come in here with you”. Lula laughs and points to at the large bed, specifically underneath the bed and is if on cue you hear shuffling underneath the bed before an arctic gray furry head pops out from underneath and looks up at you. Vulgan barks happily before he huffs and pants – you hear his tail wagging furiously underneath the bed, which makes you laugh, before the wolf-dog shuffles out from underneath the bed and heads over to sit beside Lula, who rubs and pets his head as he watches you and Hera with curiosity as he pants.

You laugh and shake your head before turning your attention back to the dancer’s outfit on the bed, placing the slime on the bed so it doesn’t get in the way. It’s made of a very fine and soft material, most likely a very high quality silk, and the craftsmanship bears a striking resemblance to something Xillia would make, which makes you smile as you run your hands over it. You get to dressing yourself and, when you’re finished, you saunter with a sway to your hips over to the vanity to take yourself in. The outfit is a creamy white color and very skimpy, but tastefully so; it consists of white silk panties with a bronze-gold band, a white silk bra-top that strains against your bosom and has a circle slit between your cleavage to show some skin, which also has a bronze-gold band. The bra top itself also wraps around your back and comes up and around your neck with a pair of strings that come down to the top band of the bra-top which hold it in place. Around your biceps and held in place by bronze armlets are two long white silk cloths that drape down to your feet when your arms are at your side, which either one has a small bronze chain with a bronze ring attached meant to go around either of your ring fingers – when you raise your arms higher then they come down to below your knees which you assume means that, when dancing in this, you’ll have your arms moving most of the time in flourishing movements. Around your waist, held in place by a bronze belt, are two long white silk pieces of cloth that drape over your crotch in the front and your butt in the back down to your ankles, but leaving the sides of your legs almost completely exposed. Again, you assume this means you’ll be performing pirouettes and flourishing movements, since the drapes are clearly meant to be a part of the dance and meant to draw the eyes of those watching. Last, but not least, you’re wearing open-toed three inch heeled sandals that are, you guessed it, a bronze-gold color with a built in toe-ring slot where your big toe is.

You look yourself over on the front and back, noting that the outfit leaves a lot of skin exposed; your taut tummy is entirely exposed, as is some cleavage in the center of the bra-top. Besides the silk cloth that drapes over your arms, front, and back you’re toned arms, toned legs, back, and feet are almost entirely exposed. However, you don’t get the sense that it’s distasteful; in fact, it’s rather delicious and elegant in its simplistic design, meant to draw the eyes to the drapes and body of the individual. Based on what Hera is wearing and what you’re currently wearing you assume that her culture is far more lax when it comes to exposing one’s body, and perhaps they may even encourage it…which isn’t a bad thought if Hera’s muscular and powerful body is the norm. You bring your hands to your red hair and ruffle it so that your hair flows freely behind your back, with a few strands going down your front passed your breasts. You do a little twirl before looking back at Hera, Lula, and Vulgan as you place your hands on your hips and smile and say “So, how do I look?” Hera and Lula only gawk at you with wide eyes and open mouths, however, Vulgan wags his tail and pants before barking approvingly as the slime on the bed rolls and ripples in approval and joy, making you giggle. “Well at least someone approves” you say with a suggestive smirk as you stick a finger in your mouth and suck on it. Lula is the first to speak, though she clears her throat first “It’s…it’s very…gods you look incredible, baby. There’s no other words for it; you’re practically glowing in that outfit. By Lequis that outfit was made for you, no question”. “I cannot disagree, Colette” Hera says in a reverent tone “For another to wear that outfit would be a crime against the gods. On you it is nothing less than perfection”. “Oh please, I’m sure it would look beautiful on either of you as well. Thank you, though” you say with a bright smile as you do an exaggerated bow, which also has the ulterior motive of showing Hera and Lula a nice view of your cleavage, which is straining the fabric of the bra-top.
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Re: Rift Touched

You turn to the door when you hear it opening and, sure enough, in pops Helena carrying a wine bottle while fully nude. She tips the bottle back and takes a drink before the first thing she sees is you…and she nearly spits the wine out. “Fucking hells! Babe, where the fuck did you get that? You look gods damn incredible in it! Holy shit I almost lost my wine and nearly went blind there…” Helena says as she coughs a little, having had some wine go down the wrong pipe. She continues to gawk at you before her attention turns to Helena and she gets a lewd grin on her face “Well, well…what do we have here? I had heard that an Amazon was in the temple a few days ago and hot damn here she is in all her sexy glory. Hey there tall, dark, and beautiful. What’s your name?” Helena provocatively sashays over to Hera in the nude and wraps an arm around her waist, licking her pink lips as she moans against Hera. You have a lewd grin and sway over to Hera while sucking your finger suggestively, pressing your large bosom against Hera’s covered stomach and looking her in the eyes. “Her name is Hera…and she has a very large penis” you say hotly and with a knowing smile as Hera’s erection is nearly throbbing now as both you and Helena press yourselves against her and moan. Hera gently pushes you both off and looks a little…flustered and bothered as she clears her throat to speak “I-Indeed. My name is Hera and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance…” “Helena” the blue eyed monk says in a breathy voice. “Helena” the warrior woman repeats with a somewhat strained smile that hints at the burning lust she must be feeling “Before your arrival I was going to teach Colette an ancient Amazon dance. Would you care to stay and watch?” Helena gently pulls back with a moan and says “Would I ever” before she saunters over to the red chair next to Lula and takes a seat, spreading her legs and taking a drink of wine as she does so.

Hera looks at Helena wide eyed, which makes you laugh, before she turns back to you and gestures for you to step back and watch as she performs. You take a few steps back to give the muscular woman room to maneuver and watch attentively as Hera performs the dance as best she can. The tall and muscular woman strikes a pose by placing her hands above her head and keeping her legs straight before she twirls around and moves her arms and hands as if she were holding an invisible cloth. She moves her hips and twirls her legs likewise as if she had invisible pieces of fabric on them as she brings her hands in a flourishing motion in front of her body, then over her head, then around to her back moving both low and high. She bends her knees and leans out while moving her arms and hands around her body, then pulls back and does the same though this time she kicks out her right leg and twirls. She moves around in a small circle as she does this, bringing her arms above her head and twirling, slowly lowering and extending her arms and hands as she twirls and throwing her head and hair back and to the sides. She continues on like this for a minute or two and you can’t help but admire Hera’s beauty, strength, and grace and you can’t help but notice the elegance and grace of the dance…as well as how erotic it is. Hera finishes by kneeling down on her right knee, lowering her head, and splaying her arms extended outward at her sides. You can’t help but smile and clap, and neither can Lula or Helena, at Hera’s performance even if it was a bit odd to see such a powerfully built woman dance, and you think it might have been awkward for her too since she clearly wasn’t practiced, nonetheless it was still beautiful and with grace.

“That was so graceful and elegant, Hera! I can’t wait to try it out!” you say as you walk up to Hera as she stands and you beam at her. Hera smiles and bows before moving out of the way to give you room to perform. With your natural talent for dancing once is all you need to mimic Hera and then some as you fully understand what the dance truly requires, and so you begin by crossing your legs, keeping your body straight, tilting your head down and to the side as you raise your arms above your head and cross your wrists…and then you begin. You twirl once before moving in as many directions as you can in the limited space, and with the eyes on you and the anal beads inside you increasing your arousal you begin to perform at an incredible pace. You kick your left leg out high above your head as you twirl high, then bend your right knee lowly and bring your left leg down as you bring your arms close to your body then quickly shoot them out again as you end the twirl. You shake your hips and caress your body as you twirl, giving the three women lustful and wanting looks as the silk drapes on your arms and waist twirl about, exposing your legs and panties, as well as the visible damp spot that’s begun to form as a result. You continue until, with a final flourish, you kneel down on your right knee, bow your head, and extend you arms outwards in front of Hera before you look up and smile while breathing roughly and quickly for breath. You look up at Hera and see her staring at you with wide eyes…and a clearly visible erection – you look passed Hera to Lula and Helena and see that the blue succubus has an erection tenting in her robe while Helena is openly moaning as she masturbates, tugging on her clit ring as she dips three fingers into her honeypot.

I’m horny as all the hells right now…screw it; it’s time to have some fun~

With a lewd smile and, while never taking your emerald eyes of Hera’s brown ones, you reach for the bottom of her toga and slowly, sensually lift it up until you expose Hera’s fully erect, throbbing cock and balls since she obviously isn’t wearing any undergarments. “Hera” you say in a breathy voice and a moan as you bring your mouth to her sac and engulf it as you slowly jerk her piping hot rod with your left hand. You swirl her orbs in your mouth with your tongue and suck on them lightly while moaning, looking Hera in the eyes before you gently release them and smile and say “Hera, I want you inside me. I need it so badly…I need to feel your big, beautiful cock pumping into my pussy. I need to feel your balls bouncing off my ass, and I need to feel your warm, sticky seed coating my insides so badly”. To emphasize your point you open your mouth and engulf the Amazon’s cock halfway down her shaft, swirling your tongue along the underside and sucking lightly, yet noisily as you moan and look the women in the eyes. “Tristram…Gods…” Hera gasps out in pleasure as she grabs hold of your red hair and guides your mouth. You bob your head and continue to suck lightly until your nose hits Hera’s muscled stomach, and you hold and moan brokenly – your intent not to cause her to reach climax, but to bring Hera incredible pleasure so she’s more…pliable to your wants. When you pull back off of Hera’s cock with a slurping noise and speak next, you know you’ve succeeded when you see a look of pure uncontained lust in Hera’s eyes. “So, will you give it to me Hera?” you ask as you stick a finger in your mouth and moan while thrusting your barely covered breasts out.

Hera slowly nods in her lust addled state, and you smile widely as you stand up and gently push on Hera. “Good” you say in a hot and heavy tone “Undress and lie on your back” – you turn to Lula and Helena and smirk as you bring your hand up and finger wave the two over before you start to carefully undress and toss your gift onto the bed. Lula and Hera disrobe quicker than you could bat and eye, and Hera quickly sits down on her butt as Lula and Helena scamper over quickly, though Helena does take the time to grab the red slime, who ripples in happiness, as she comes over and hands it to you. You giggle and put the adorable slime where it belongs…which is on your breasts of course; it ripples as its gelatinous body engulfs your large melons, sending tingling pleasure surging through you as your globes feel relax and blissful. The only one absent from the fun is Vulgan, but he seems content with just watching as he positions himself in front of you all and sits down, panting and wagging his tail as he cocks his head curiously. “Naughty boy~. Now, where were we? Ah, yes, I was just about to mount you~” you say as you look from Vulgan then to Hera with a lewd grin; you position yourself over Hera’s cock facing away from her and, while spreading your puffy and slick lower lips, you slowly lower yourself down. “Mmm, yes that feels so good, Hera. Your cock is so big and it hits all the right places” you moan deeply and in pleasure as Hera’s cock slips passed your lower lips and into your pussy, which completely engulfs it and begins to mold to the tools’ shape like a perfect, tight fitting glove as it moves deeper inside you. When it bumps against your cervix you moan as you slowly rise up a bit…then slam down onto her cock with a pleasured squeal as her cockhead thrusts into your womb

Hera, meanwhile, has been moaning and mumbling incoherently in pleasure, and lets out a loud gasp as you slam down on her and have her pierce your cervix. You turn to your left and see Lula’s blue cock pointing at you; you look up and smile before you open your mouth and engulf the tip of her cock, swirling it in your mouth and moaning as you suck hard and noisily as you bob your head, and as Lula’s blue hand guides you on her member. You moan and gasp around Lula’s rod when Hera pulls your legs back and begins to thrust into your vagina deeply, picking up pace with every thrust – Helena busies herself by licking and sucking on your clit and licking Hera’s cock on every outward thrust, slick with your juices, as she jills herself. Even the slime busies himself on sucking your milk out of your breasts and, coupled with the attention to your pussy and clit, you can’t help but squeal in delight around Lula’s member as intense jolts of pleasure course through you. You redouble your efforts on Lula’s cock, deep throating her shaft and picking up the pace as you suction suck on her while likewise vibrating the walls of your pussy that drive Hera wild as she starts yelling in her native tongue while increasing the ferocity of her thrusts which would send your large boobs jiggling, but don’t as the slime holds them in place. You all go on like this for half a minute longer before you decide enough is enough and, as you let you resistances fall and wash over into orgasm, you release tiny bursts of magic in your mouth and vagina to hyper stimulate Lula’s and Hera’s cocks.

As you scream brokenly around Lula’s cock, which is currently in the back of your throat, your pussy clamps down hard around Hera’s member and floods juices around her cock and around the edges to your entrance while your breasts shoot out a large amount of milk, which the slime happily absorbs as it ripples and shares its pleasure with you, and vice versa. Lula and Hera both scream in pleasure as Lula grabs your head and forces you down on her cock, which you don’t mind one bit as you moan and continue to suck on her tool while releasing magic to coax more of her seed out of her and into your greedy belly. Hera, however, is completely taken aback by this strange new experience as you vibrate the walls of your pussy and release magical bursts inside it; she cums, and she cums hard as she screams loud and deep in pleasure as she continues to thrust and dump her load inside your womb and love tunnel. A moment later you hear and see Helena reach orgasm with a cry of pleasure as she creams the ground below her honeypot and working fingers, but you have no time to do much of anything as Lula pulls out of your mouth with a pop and aims her still streaming cock at your face and shoots a few more thick loads onto your face, hair, the slime, and your tummy. However, Hera doesn’t stop her thrusting and you scream “YES! YES! KEEP GOING! DON’T STOP! FUCK ME HARDER!” as she extends your orgasm as you lean back and take the pounding with passionate gasps and moans of rapture. Hera surprises you when she still doesn’t stop, the warm semen flooding your canal seeps out the edges of your pussy and onto the floor below. After four more heavy ejaculations, Hera finally lets up and pulls out of you, coating your already used and drenched love tunnel with more seed as well as your belly and the slime, who happily sucks up your still spurting milk and the offered seed.

“T-Tristram that was the m-most incredible thing I’ve ev- AHG?!” Hera begins to say as she lies back on her back and pants for breath…until you quickly dismount her that is and engulf her penis, sucking on it and swirling your tongue all around the edges. You smile and moan before you moan very deeply and suck very hard on Hera’s member as you bob…and then you give her another go of your magical mouth special, releasing tiny bursts inside your mouth. “AAAAAAHHHHHNNN!!!!” Hera screams as she grips your head and forces you down, making you deep throat her cock; you greedily suck down her seed as you continue to send Hera over the edge until finally you ease up and let the Amazon come down somewhat gently. When she pants for breathe and her arms go semi-limp you pull off her member with a pop and say “Mmm, that was delicious~, and look…you’re all clean now~”. Hera just looks at you with astonishment and affection, so you smirk and give her a she as you kneel in front of her prone form and gather up some of hers and Lula’s seed from your face and start to lick your fingers one by one quite noisily and while moaning. You suck each digit of the tasty treat before you dip your hand down to your very full and leaking love tunnel to gather up some more and drink it down. “Gods help me…” is all the dark skinned warrior says as she continues to watch you.

“Gods help us all” Lula says with a laugh as she sits down beside Hera and watches you with amusement, which turns even wider as Helena crawls up next to you and gathers some off of you and drinks it down. “Hey, that’s mine~” you say playfully before you grab Helena’s face and pull her into a kiss, sharing her saliva and the combined seed and mashing your breasts together, which makes the slime very happy indeed as it sucks Helena’s milk as well as yours. After you two have your fun, and a good while later, you all decide to clean up in the bath, though you do spend a great deal of time on Hera’s lap as she cleans you and holds you tightly while Helena and Lula wash themselves. The slime just sits at the edge of the tub and morphs and rolls around while rippling happily, drunk off the pleasure, emotions, and great deals of magical energy it absorbed, especially from you. Vulgan even enters the bathroom and watches happily as you all bathe, but, and much to your amusement, he outright avoids getting near the tub and the water. When you all finish cleaning and drying yourselves, and while still in the nude, you go to the main room and sit in the chairs; you and Helena take the black chairs while Hera and Lula take the red, and of course Vulgan is between you and Helena while you had the bright idea to put the slime inside your pussy, which it seems to like as it ripples every so often and causes your pussy to continually mold to it. You wriggle your plump rump on the chair and moan as it stimulates the anal beads inside you before you speak with a bright smile.

“It was so wonderful seeing you again, Hera! In more ways than one of course~. Thank you so much for teaching me that dance and for the gift; it’s beautiful!” you say while beaming at Hera and sucking on your finger suggestively, and with your legs spread in the chair that stirs both Lula and Hera as their cocks twitch back to life slightly. Hera tries her best to focus on your eyes as she clears her throat and says with a smile “The pleasure is all mine, Colette. Leena informed me of your affinity to dance, and your affection to the one called Xillia. Her craftsmanship is very substantial. I foresee myself purchasing many things from her in the future, and I of course will send some of her products back home. She may be very busy in the future if my predictions are correct”. You smile and get up, walking over to Hera and straddling her lap and kissing her deeply on the lips. Hera moans and wraps her arms around you as you press yourself into her lips and bosom, battling your tongues. You pull back and smile before saying sweetly “That’s so very kind of you, Hera” then kissing her on the lips a few more times. “It is nothing; her work is good and good work deserves reward. I understand that you are a nurse mother, Colette. You…volunteer is it? Whatever the meaning, I am to understand you care for children without parents. A most noble and kindhearted endeavor, Colette. If any are deserving of praise it would be you” the woman says earnestly as she looks into your eyes. “I don’t do it alone; I have Lula and Helena, and Trish, and others as well. We all do what we can for the children, for Penelope, and for those that need it” you explain passionately and with fire in your eyes. Hera chuckles and accepts your answer as you return to your spot and, for a time, you all chat and enjoy each other’s company before you, Helena, and the slime leave the room, but not before you grab your bodysuit and put it on, relishing how it exposes the stopper to your anal beads and puts pressure on it. It also enhances your nice bubble butt and your new breasts, and the slime seems to enjoy it as well as it ripples happily and snuggly inside your love tunnel, sending little jolts of pleasure through you as it continually morphs and changes shape, making your walls do the same around it as you notice Helena grabs her wine.

You head down the stairs behind a nude Helena – which serves to give you a good view of her nice behind and the tattoo that says “Open for Business” in flowing writing -, with many eyes on you eyeing you lustfully and slinging humiliating and crude words at you that make you tingly and aroused as you walk, and you go out of your way to wink at them, thrust out your tits, spank your latexed bottom and spread your cheeks, and give them all hungry and suggestive looks that cause more than a few accidents along the way. You make your way down the stairs to the lower chambers and into Carth’s training room, but before you enter you grin and give the lavender haired woman’s rump a firm spank before quickly darting your hands around her and groping her DD’s and tugging on her nipple rings. “Ah yeah…don’t fucking stop” Helena moans as you pull her tighter into your embrace against your bosom and continue to grope, fondle, and tug on her breasts and nipples while grinning wickedly. Just before things really start to heat up you stop, walk passed Helena and giving her a mischievous look, and opening then walking through the door to Carth’s room. Behind you, you hear Helena say something along the lines of “What the fuck?”, “Bullshit”, and “Get back here!” and you smile evilly as she walks through the door shortly after you do and glaring at you with a playful smile. You see Carth training and wonder how this will work, but Helena breaks the ice as she yells “Yo, Carth! I’m gonna teach Colette her some hand-to-hand if you don’t mind?” Carth, who was in the middle of training with a wooden war hammer and wearing nothing but some brown cloth pants and leather boots, looks over his shoulder and, upon seeing both of your nude or basically nude forms, he smiles and nods with a wave as he drops the wooden hammer and eyes both of you lustfully.

You chuckle and decide to really give Carth a good show when you reach behind you and undo the enchanted seam of your bodysuit before removing it and tossing it to the ground as you follow the pierced woman to a few training dummies. “Alright, cupcake, let’s get to it” Helena says with a smirk as she turns to you “I’ll be teaching you how to use that sexy, slutty body of yours how to fight with your hands and feet. You’ve got some muscle on you, which is good, but I think you’re fighting style will have to be focused on quick, precise blows rather than brute force which is what I prefer. You’re in luck though, babe, because I just so happen to be quite adaptable so I can teach you what you need to know. If you had more muscle on you then this is what I would be showing you how to do”. Helena turns to one of the solid wood training dummies and takes a low stance as she sets her wine down, extends her right fist out to the dummy as she pulls back her left, then she thrusts out with her left and hits the wooden dummy square in center mass. Your eyes go wide and your jaw hits the floor when the wooden dummy quite literally explodes out in a spray of wooden splinters; when the show’s over you look and see that there’s nothing left of the dummy and instead the ground and walls behind it are peppered with wooden shards and splinters. “But” Helena says as she flicks her hair back before moving onto the solid wooden dummy beside the one she just decimated “Since you’re more of an agile fighter then this is what I’ll be teaching you. This style is geared more towards practical and defensive fighting – what I mean by that is nothing flashy or over the top - and quick, precise strikes using both the hands and feet. The goal is to get in and get out quickly, leaving as little room for counterattack as possible and, while I prefer not to use weapons, if you have any hand-to-hand weaponry like a cestus or something then it shouldn’t interfere with the style”.
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Re: Rift Touched

Helena takes a different stance this time; she straightens out before placing her right leg in front of her with a slightly bent knee, and her left slightly behind her and similarly bent. She turns her body to the side a little as she holds out her right hand in a slightly open palm, with her left slightly closer to her body in the same manner as her right. “Notice my stance” Helena says seriously, and you make sure you pay close attention as you watch the nude woman, though for different reasons “Keep your hands open to deflect any blows that come at you. The goal is not to stop the attack, but rather to lead them away from you and strike out with the quickest, most effective strike. This can be with your free hand, elbow, knee, or kick, and you bend your knees slightly to allow for such movement, or to quickly move out of the way if need be”. Helena demonstrates by jabbing out at the wooden dummy with lightning speed using her right hand, followed by an elbow, then a left jab, and then she jumps back slightly before jumping forward and landing on her left foot while raising her right leg in a high kick to the dummy’s head before quickly falling back again. You watch in astonishment as Helena performs each move with lightning quickness and pinpoint accuracy, and every time she connects a blow to the head, torso, or groin of the dummy…and you can’t help but notice her breasts jiggle enticingly with every blow. “Also” Helena says as she smiles and turns to you, drawing you from your naughty thoughts “A few other things you should know before we begin. First, is that you should always aim for the soft parts when fighting. For instance, in most humanoid type beings such as humans, elves, even succubi, oni, and incubi aim for the throat, sternum, solar plexus – that’s just below the sternum if you don’t know – knees, the forehead with an open palm, the temples, kidneys, and the groin to name a few. They’re soft or vital areas that are easily exploited during a fight, and an enemy that’s dazed, has the wind knocked out of them, is on their knees or back, or can’t breathe is an easily defeated enemy”.

Helena continues as she points to the different parts of her naked body in all seriousness, and you have to focus not to linger to long on her naughty bits. “Secondly, you should try, if at all possible, to not attack and instead use your environment to aid you” Helena explains before she continues when she sees you cocking your eyebrow “I know I said the style I’ll teach you will involve quick strikes and help with defense, but for those that don’t have proper training, and sometimes even those that do, hitting someone is very painful. You can hurt yourself badly, maybe even break bones, when you hit or kick someone. So, along with aiming for the vital areas and soft parts, if at all possible you should dodge and grapple as well, throwing your enemy into a wall, a chair…a table, whatever works, babe. Here, let me demonstrate. Carth, get that sexy hunk of man meat over here and help me out!” Helena yells to the goat tailed incubus, who’s been watching Helena and you very, very attentively. “Of course, Helena, it would be my pleasure” Carth says with a grin and a bow before walking up to Helena and dropping into an offensive stance that screams “brawler” as he brings his fists up. Helena drops into the stance she showed you before and waits for Carth to make the first move.

The incubus moves almost as quick as Helena and throws a right hook, but Helena expertly counters it by reaching out with her left hand and pushes Carth’s blow aside before striking out with her right hand, curled into a fist, aimed right for the brownish-orange man’s throat. She stops just before she connects, but Carth seems unfazed and simply smiles before she positions herself in front of the training dummy. Carth strikes out again, this time with a left jab and Helena reacts again, this time by moving to the right and grabbing Carth’s arm and guiding – practically throwing – Carth into the wooden dummy. Carth again seems unfazed and you now can tell that both were holding back as the incubus laughs and pats himself down, unhurt at all as he turns around and smiles at Helena, who chuckles and returns the smile, before again the two fall into their respective stances. That’s when things start to get a little…serious, at least from where you’re standing and watching. The two really go at it, and you never take your eyes off the action as Carth reigns a whirlwind of fists at Helena, landing some glancing blows, and as Helena guides most of the blows or dodges the attack and returns the blow with an elbow to the nose, a kick to the sternum, a knee to the stomach, or a fist to the solar plexus, as well as another run in with a wooden dummy. Helena receives her fair share of damage to be sure; she takes a nasty left hook to her side that probably connected with a kidney, a blow to her stomach, and a glancing blow against the side of her head. However, it’s clear that Helena has the upper-hand in the little sparring match since Carth takes far more blows and fails to connect most, which attests to Helena’s prowess in hand-to-hand combat.

After a little while the two finish and, while Helena looks a little banged up, Carth looks like hell and is grabbing his side…and then he laughs…and then Helena laughs before she spots one of his chests scattered about the chamber and opens it, producing two healing potions. She drinks the first then tosses the second to Carth, who catches it easily and pops the top to drink the contents down. In moments both the fighter’s wounds disappear and heal, and Carth bows to Helena, who returns the bow, and says “It’s always a pleasure and an honor to spar with you, Helena. I learn something every time we fight”. Helena beams at Carth and says “No problem, stud. Next time we do this you should use one of your weapons, then it’ll be an even better fight”, Helena then walks up to Carth giving him a very suggestive look and whispers something into his ear that causes him to smile and nod before he walks over to the chest Helena opened in puts back the empty bottle before closing the chest and sitting on it as he continues to watch you and Helena both. You smirk at him before turning to Helena and saying “That was pretty intense…so, when do we start?” Helena laughs as she walks up to you “Right now…though I think for now we’ll start you off on the wooden dummies, babe. And don’t hit them too hard just yet! You’re liable to break your hands and feet if you do that”. You nod and get to training with Helena over the course of the next two hours.

Helena has you practice on the training dummies using the stance she showed you, aiming at the “vital” areas first with quick strikes using hands, fists, elbows, knees, legs, and feet. Thanks to the pleasure resistance training Carth gave you, you’re able to focus properly even with the slime moving and rippling inside your love tunnel, and the large anal beads inside your bum. However, you can’t help but notice your breasts are more…jiggly than before, thanks to their increased size. Eventually, Helena has you spar with her, but not on the level that her and Carth went at it – you’re also surprised that she hasn’t taken a single drink of wine the entire time! By the end of it you’re bruised, tired, but feeling very confident in yourself and Helena’s teachings and you feel yourself improving greatly under her tutelage. “Fuck, babe, you’re a quick learner! You still have a ways to go, but shit you’d make a pretty damn good monk. Here, drink these” Helena says before she goes over to the chest Carth was sitting on, who moves and opens it and hands Helena two more healing potions and two stamina potions. She walks over to you and hands you the green and red potions as she downs her own. You pop the tops and drink down the two liquids and you feel your aches, bruises, and fatigue leaving you and making you feel energized and in full health. “Thanks, Helena, you’re a very good teacher! Who would have guessed that under that slutty exterior…and interior…lies a warrior!” you say with a smirk as you stick a finger into your mouth and suck on it suggestively. Helena licks her glossy pink lips and moans “Mmm, well what can I say, babe? I’m an all-around woman…and now it’s time for me to repay Carth for breaking his stuff and kicking his ass. You just sit there and watch, babe~”. Helena then turns around and saunters up to Carth with a sway and a hungry look, who you notice has a visible erection in his pants as he works on removing his boots and tossing them behind him.

Oh yeah, now this is my kind of sparring match~ you think as you sit on your butt and coax the red slime out of your pussy and onto your breasts, where it happily starts to suction and pull out your milk, sending wonderful jolts of pleasure through you that transfers to the slime and vice versa. With your right hand you stick three fingers into your honeypot and curl them as you pump and your vagina molds to them, and with your thumb you rub your hard clit. You then lie down and arch your back and, with your left hand, you reach around and grab the stopper to your anal beads and pull them out a short distance before thrusting them back inside, sending more pleasure through your derrière and landing in your leaking mound as you moan and whimper. “Yes, gods yes that feel so good!” you say as you watch Helena drop to her knees in front of Carth and pull down his cloth pants, revealing he wears no underwear as his large cock, probably just a tad smaller than Lula’s, springs free . Helena giggles as she slowly starts to jerk the member and lightly suck on his brownish-orange sac, pulling back to say “I fucking love your cock you stud. I can’t wait to have it fucking my throat and dumping all that thick, creamy cum into my belly~”. Helena wastes no time as she opens her mouth and engulfs Carth’s head and more than halfway down his long shaft and moans blissfully as it reaches her throat and stimulates it; Carth moans in bliss and grabs Helena’s lavender hair and twines his fingers in it, guiding her deeper as she bobs her head and sucking noisily on the big incubus dick, moaning brokenly all the while. “Aaah, yeah, you’re incredible at this, Helena. So good…fuck yeah, choke on my cock” Carth says as he closes his eyes and moans while thrusting his hips. Helena’s only too happy to oblige as she speeds up her bobbing and sucking and, about thirty seconds later, Carth moans deeply in rapture and thrusts his hips forward, forcing his cock into Helena’s eager throat as he dumps his load directly into her stomach. Helena squeals around Carth’s cock and you watch has she twitches and squirts a river of her juices onto the floor from the pleasure she felt in her altered throat without ever touching her snatch.

That’s so damn hot! It looked like it felt really good, too~

Helena moans and continues to suck before she pulls back off of Carth’s cock and aims it at her face and open mouth, smiling up at him as she jerks him and earning her a few more thick spurts on her face, pierced tongue, and pierced tits. You watch the two attentively as you continue to work your lower holes and as the slime works your breasts, doing your best to hold back the constant overflow of pleasure you’re giving yourself as your voyeuristic tendencies are being met. Helena looks over to you and smirks before she returns her attention to Carth and leans up, gathering some of the cum off her face and drinking it down with a moan before whispering into his ear once more. Carth grins and nods before Helena jumps on Carth and wraps her legs around his waist – Carth holds Helena’s bottom and pierces her pussy with his cock, making them both cry out in pleasure, as you watch Carth carry Helena to one of the larger wooden dummies and press Helena’s back against it before he starts fucking her in earnest. Helena wraps her arms around Carth’s shoulders as he pumps into her drenched and molding cunt and yells out in bliss “YES! YES! FUCK FUCK FUCK! HARDER! FASTER! FUCK ME YOU STUD, FUCK ME LIKE THE SLUT I AM!” “Gods damned slut! You’re so tight…every single time!” Carth yells back ferociously as he presses himself against Helena, and Helena’s back against the training dummy while pumping faster and harder. You watch in extreme arousal as you near the edge of your peak, your fingers, thumb, and left hand working furiously on rubbing, pumping, and pulling while the slime continues to work on your breasts. You don’t have to wait long when you see and hear both Carth and Helena reach simultaneous climax; Helena throws her head back and wails in rapture while Carth thrusts himself balls deep inside the monk’s pussy and releases his load. “GODS – AHHHHN!” you scream your own release that echoes with the other two’s own sounds of climax as your molding pussy clamps down hard on your fingers while your ass vice grips around the anal beads…and then you squirt and gush your love juices all over your fingers and the floor beneath you while your breasts shoot out milk in generous amounts, which the red slime of course happily absorbs as it ripples violently.

“Gods” you say as you pant, and you can see that both Helena and Carth are spent as well…well, maybe not “spent”, but definitely catching their breaths and basking in the afterglow. Carth gently sets Helena on her feet, who leans back on the wooden dummy for support as Carth stands up straight. You chuckle and rub the slime on your breasts, which ripples happily once more, before standing up and stretching. “That was really, really hot~” you say with a moan as you coax the slime back into your love tunnel, where it happily retreats into and causing you to gasp in pleasure as it fills you up with its gelatinous body once more. “Mmm, fuck yes it was…felt really good too. Wait a moment…I think I might have left some tasty treats behind~” Helena agrees before she notices that there’s some of Carth’s seed on his chest from when he pressed up against Helena. Helena moans and leans into Carth’s chest and starts lapping up the seed for a few seconds until it’s all gone before look at you and gesturing for the door. You smile and nod then walk over to your bodysuit and put it on – you see Helena give Carth a quick peck on the cheek, which makes him smile and chuckle, before you both walk out of the chamber and Helena takes a swig of her wine that she picked back up.


Just as you exit Carth’s room you and Helena both see Leena stepping out of Astraea’s room. “Leena! Where have you been all this time?” you yell out across the chamber and wave – Leena sees you and waves back and you see her smile as you and Helena approach the purple succubus. “I’ve been helping to prepare some ‘things’…and no I won’t elaborate. You’ll just have to find out on your own~” Leena says with a coy grin and a wink. You cock an eyebrow at Leena before smiling; you moan and press your latex covered body against Leena’s suggestively and look up into her red eyes. “Really? You won’t tell ever for me?” you say while smiling sweetly and giving Leena your best puppy dog eyes. You see Leena’s eyes flare up in lust, but she chuckles and says “Nice try, dear, but this is something you can’t make me spill. You’ll find out soon enough, though”. “Tough luck, babe, though I think I can guess what’s going on” Helena says with a laugh as she walks up behind you and pats you on the back. “You too, Helena? Well, then I guess I’m stuck aren’t I? If I could guess…it would probably be something raunchy and naughty, am I right?” you say with a mock expression of shock on your face as you look to Helena before giggling and speaking your mind. Both Helena and Leena look up and to the right with mischievous smiles before laughing. “It is good very good to see you though, dear. I hope you have been enjoying your day. Have fun the rest of your day – I’m going to see what my sister has been up to” Leena says with a smile as she hugs you, one you return in earnest as you pull Helena into the hug. Before Leena goes, though, you do give her very large breasts a nice firm squeeze, making her laugh, before you head for Delilah’s room with Helena hot on your heels as Leena heads back upstairs.

Mmm…I’m getting thirsty. I haven’t had my meals in a little while… you think as you enter the dark chamber…and as you eye Helena’s breasts hungrily as your mouth gets thirsty. You wait for Helena to take another drink of her wine and, when she lowers her bottle, you giggle, wrap your right arm around her waist, look her in the eyes lovingly and peck her on the lips, then you lower your face and mouth to her left pierced teat and start to suck. Helena seems thoroughly confused, but appreciative, for a moment before she moans and holds your head closer with her left hand “Mmm…go right ahead, babe. In fact, I haven’t had my fix yet either – I’ve had plenty of thick, creamy spunk but no milk”. You smile as you tug on the ring piercing before returning to swirling and flicking your tongue around the areola and over her pierced nipple as you suck and draw out her creamy, sweet warm milk and drink it down while moaning. Good gods above I love breast milk…wow, that sounded really bad, but it’s true! It’s so warm and filling, and tastes so creamy and sweet you think as you continue to suckle on Helena’s DD breast, releasing her left to and licking up any excess milk before moving onto her right. When you finish you moan and swallow the last bit down before removing your bodysuit and cupping your large DD’s and thrusting them out while smiling at the slutty woman. “Here you go; take as much as you want~” you say as you gently fondle your melons while moaning.

“Fuck…I’d be a gods damned fool of I turned this down. Don’t mind if I do” Helena says as she leans down to your right nipple and engulfs it, looking you in the eyes with a smile and affection as she swirls her tongue over your nipple and sucks on it. “That’s it, Helena, that’s it right there. Oh yes…I love being milked so much. It feels so wonderful” you say in a breathy voice as you gently throw your head back as powerful pleasurable jolts tingle through your breasts and land in your cleft, and as a feeling of released pressure at having your breasts milked washes over you as you feel yourself spray into Helena’s mouth. Helena continues to suckle for a few moments before releasing and switching to repeat the process, making you moan in wonderful pleasure as you hold back your near bursting dam, The pierced and tattooed woman releases your other nipple and flicks it before saying “Oh shit, babe, you taste so fucking sweet. It’s so damn good; I could drink it all day and night”. You smile sweetly at Helena and pull her into a quick kiss before a familiar chuckle reverberates throughout the darkened room. “You two sluts really know how to get a girl worked up, don’t you darlings?” Delilah’s voice resounds throughout the room. A moment later a hand spanks yours and Helena’s asses before you feel three fingers in your cunt from behind, causing you to moan. Helena moans as well, which means she must be getting the same treatment. You look beside you and see that Delilah is grinning from ear to ear as she fingers you both and looks Helena over then you. When she sees your new big breasts, she grins even wider.

“Darling, you got your breasts pumped up! That must mean you can be milked now…oh you’re such a good slutty girl~” the glassy amber eyed vampire says as she looks at your breasts. You giggle and put a finger in your mouth and moan suggestively as you thrust your breasts out at Delilah. “Want a taste~? I’ve been told I taste very, very sweet~” you say with a lewd grin and in a husky voice. “Sorry, darling, but milk really isn’t for me. But, I can agree that you taste oh so sweet…” Delilah says as she leans into your neck and sucks on it lightly, only gently poking your skin with her fangs and making you moan and shiver in arousal and anticipation. Delilah stops when she feels the slime inside your pussy ripple around, and she pulls back and laughs before saying “A slime too, darling? You are a slutty, naughty little girl~. And as for you…~” Delilah turns her attention to Helena and kisses her passionately on the lips, which Helena accepts with a moan as she allows the vampire to work her tongue inside her mouth. Delilah pulls back and looks Helena in the eyes before leaning in to whisper into the icy blued eyed woman’s ears. Whatever Delilah says to Helena must be good, because Helena’s eyes get that familiar spark of lust that you know and she smiles brightly and nods. When Delilah turns to you and smiles, you know it has to deal with you and you feel tingly and aroused before you grab Delilah’s face out of impulse and kiss her deeply on the lips with your glossy red ones as you moan. Delilah seems surprised, but only for a moment as she moans and brings both her arms around your neck and presses into the kiss…which makes you press back harder and release tiny magical bursts in your mouth and along your tongue that make the kiss that much better.

When you pull back with a gasp you say in a sultry tone “I can’t wait~, but maybe we should get to training first, hmm?” Delilah laughs and nods before she gestures you to the chests for lock-picking once more. You get to work as Delilah watches and instructs you, and as Helena watches and drinks as she sits on the ground with crossed legs. You break many picks as you try to open the expert level chest, having no problems with the beginner and journeyman levels, and finally at long last you succeed in opening it. Delilah congratulates you as she relocks the chests and has you go again, this time you open all but the master lock which still is too difficult for you, but you’re beginning to see how it works. “Holy moly I can’t believe I actually cracked that lock!” you exclaim joyfully as you hand back whatever picks are left to Delilah before putting a finger in your mouth and sucking on it loudly while smiling at Delilah. “Darling…you really need to stop doing that or I’ll have no choice but to snatch you up and have my way with you~” Delilah says with lust in her eyes as you continue to tease her before she chuckles and adds “But yes, you are doing extremely well…curiously well, in fact. Not to say you aren’t capable, darling, but the rate at which you’ve been learning is astounding. You have a quick mind it seems – now, let me teach you about evasive techniques”. “You’ve already got the right idea when it comes to sneaking when you scattered your scent everywhere to throw me off. I’ll teach you better methods of scattering your scent when sneaking as well as how to cover up your scent. I’ll also show you some very handy tricks that will help you avoid taking hits, darling” Delilah says with a smile as she reaches out with her right hand and flicks your left nipple, making you moan appreciatively before she gestures you to follow her.
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Re: Rift Touched

You follow Delilah to where the maze is in the dark chamber while Helena stays put and continues to drink and more than likely play with herself as she waits. When you reach the entrance to the maze you ask Delilah “So, what do I need to do, Delilah?” Delilah smiles and turns to you “Well, my cute little slut, the first thing you need to know is how to properly evade someone like me when being hunted. You had the right idea by applying your ‘smell’ around, but that only really works if you’re in a particular area and you’ve already been discovered. Generally, doing that is meant to throw off predators – whether they be vampire, werewolf, or some other predator with a keen sense of smell – to give you an opportunity to strike. As a rule of thumb its best to not have your particular scent detected at all, which means you need to cover it up somehow”. Delilah continues with her explanation as she walks beside you and looks a finger through the looped stopper to your anal beads and tugs on it, making you moan and smile as you wrap your arm around her waist and look her in her amber eyes. “That usually means getting dirty – and not the kind you’re used to~ - which means if you’re in a forest then you rub dirt and local flora on you. Particularly useful if for instance you’re trying to stalk a buck…or a werewolf, which have keen senses of smell and sight – werewolves in particular have very good noses and almost as good eyesight as a vampire. Vampires, on the other hand, have better eyesight and night vision than werewolves, but poorer noses and prefer to make their homes in large underground cave networks or abandoned forts, castles, and temples if they haven’t already set up a place in a town or city”.

“If it’s a cave then you find any algae, fungi, or whatever else is inhabiting the cave and cover yourself in it, even if it’s feces or urine” Delilah explains, and you give her a disgusted look at the thought of covering yourself in waste which makes her laugh. “I’m serious, Colette; vampires are not to be taken lightly, neither are werewolves, but the difference is most werewolves don’t care about control, power, or bloodlust the way vampires do. Werewolves, unless they’re rabid or rogue, generally stick to themselves and are actually quite peaceful and pleasant to deal with if a bit antisocial, but that’s just because they prefer to stick with their own packs. And always, always, always stay out of sight; if a vampire can’t smell you then you’re fine, but even if you’re in shadows it won’t be enough due to our enhanced vision, same with a wolf. You have to be out of their direct line of sight if you hope to stand a chance. If you have a purple magic crystal, and are skilled enough in using it, then you really needn’t worry too much since it does have magical effects of enshrouding you completely. Oh, before I forget, it’s also important to make sure that if you’re outside that you’re scent inside being blown in the direction of potential prey…or predators” Delilah explains as she rubs and massages your bubble butt. “Last, but not least, when sneaking you should always be aware of how much sound you make. This goes without saying, but if you make noise then you make yourself known to whatever you’re trying to sneak from. Sneaking on soft grass or stone isn’t all that difficult, but sneaking on ground with twigs, branches, dried leaves, broken glass, and other objects will prove more difficult. I’ll be sure to show you how to properly distribute your weight when sneaking on such surfaces, and then we’ll move on how to properly move while in combat to avoid being struck, and what to look for when someone or something attacks you”.

When Delilah finishes she gives you a spank on the rump that makes you moan, both at being spanked and as the slime inside you ripples happily, before she opens the door to the maze and gestures for you to follow her, which you do with a sway as you suck on your finger, and she leads you to an area of the maze you recognize. It’s a long hallway with branching intersections, but unlike how you remembered it, it is currently covered in dried leaves, twigs, and other crunchy but not painful objects. Delilah demonstrates how to move and adjust your weight as she sneaks over the long pile of objects before she has you go at it. You practice doing this for a little while as the flora and other objects crunch under your bare feet and, little by little, you start to get the hang of it as Delilah helps you correct your mistakes. Thankfully, she doesn’t have you smear anything on you, but she does leave for a little while before coming back with various objects such as pines, mushrooms, and other objects that could be used to mask ones scent. Next, she shows you proper stances, similar to what Helena showed you earlier, on how to quickly avoid enemy attacks. She also helps you identify, or as she calls it “reading”, when someone is about to make an attack via slight shifts in positions and muscle movements, twitches of wrist or fingers, redistribution of body weight, and more. Again, you pick up on what she’s teaching you, but by the end you still don’t feel like you can properly replicate what she’s taught you, but it is starting to sink in.

“Very good, darling, I can tell you’re starting to catch on. Maybe in another session you’ll have learned something, hmm?” Delilah says with a smile as you both walk out of the maze, Delilah’s fingers in your molding and very wet cunt as she fingers you. You moan in ecstasy, both from Delilah’s working fingers inside you and the slime as it molds around and ripples appreciatively as Delilah prods it. Argh, I can’t take it anymore; I need some release, and now! you think as you quickly turn to the white haired vampire, push her up against the wall of the maze beside its entrance, and you mash your large DD’s against Delilah’s leather clad bosom and press your glossy red lips against hers in a forceful, needy kiss as your arousal burns fiercely inside you, and as your pussy leaks a considerable amount of juices. Delilah makes a muffled sound of surprise at the surprise attack and brings her hands up to you, but you anticipate her action and grab her wrists and pin them to the wall on either side of her. Given Delilah’s vampiric strength she could easily overcome your effort, but she chooses not to and instead moans as you release tiny bursts of magic into your mouth and along your tongue, enhancing the pleasure and experience of the kiss. You pull back before attacking Delilah’s neck, kissing and sucking on it while saying between gasps of air “I – mmph – need you so –ssschhlpp – badly right now. I need to – mmm – feel your lips on my pussy. I need to stick my – pphhmmpph – tongue inside your delicious snatch. I need you to tie – mmpphh – me up and fuck me like a horny little slut. Gods, you’re so wonderful and fantastic…”. Delilah growls in extreme lust and desire as she tears her arms free and scoops you up, giving you one of the hungriest looks of pure, unfiltered lust you’ve ever seen before she darts forward and carries you back to where Helena was at.

When you both near where you last saw Helena, by the four chests and other equipment, you hear the sounds of pleasured moans and gasps, as well as Helena’s voice that screams out “Fucking hells, yes! Lick my cootch with that amazing elven tongue!” Delilah chuckles, which sounds more like a roar of lust, and says “Looks like Phi and Laewinn stumbled upon Helena after they finished setting up my equipment...and Helena couldn’t pass up an opportunity to get a nice fuck in. I can’t say I blame her, especially with a delectable morsel such as yourself in my arms. Oh darling, once I get you all tied up we’re going to have such fun~”. You shiver in anticipation and tingle all over at the thought – you and Delilah arrive just in time to witness the silver-haired elf bring Helena to a toe curling climax as she has her face buried in the icy blue eyed woman’s snatch while Phi is suckling from her right teat. Delilah sets you down just as the red slime inside you ripples and makes you moan – “Phi, Laewiin, would you two be peaches and help me? I’ll need string, a chain – you two know the one~ - two pairs of rope, two arm sleeves, and two blindfolds”. “Of course, Delilah” Phi says as she unlatches from Helena’s teat with a smile before heading off to Delilah’s “play corner”, Laewinn follows soon after as she drinks down the last of Helena’s juices. “Mmm, fuck she knows how to give good head” Helena says as she moans and stands up for adding “But fuck me, that’s a lot of equipment. Sounds like someone’s going to have a good fucking time! I hope to gods I’m involved~”.

Delilah chuckles and gestures for you and Helena to follow her as she heads in the direction where her two harem girls and friends headed off to. You giggle and follow behind Delilah as Helena move alongside you as you sway your hips and your breasts jiggle enticingly, but not before picking up her wine bottle which is half empty at this point and taking another drink. When you arrive you find that your bodysuit is lying on the ground beside a large cushioned chair, and that Phi and Laewinn have brought out the requested items and have them scattered on the floor. You both continue to follow the vampire as your arousal builds until you all stop in front of the assorted toys and Delilah turns to you and Helena with a hungry smile, baring her fangs a little. “We’re all going to have such fun in a short while, darlings. Now, hold still and do exactly as I and the girls say~” Delilah says with a chuckle before she picks up a long red rope. Delilah, Phi, and Laewinn fit you and Helena in a rope body harness, leaving your vagina exposed while pressing the stopper to the anal beads inside you with rope that covers it as it loops up to your neck. Helena receives the same treatment, but her anus is left unexposed. Next, Phi and Laewinn fit a very tightfitting three-piece metal chain that goes through either of Helena’s nipple ring piercings while the third goes through her clit ring piercing. Phi gives the taut chain a gentle tug, causing Helena to moan appreciatively as it pulls on her nipples and clit. Delilah smirks at you as she takes a thin and short beige string and ties it around your left nipple, then to your right before she takes another string, this one longer than the lost, and ties it to the length between your breasts then around your rock hard nub before she too gives the string a gentle tug, making you gasp in pleasure as it tugs on your rock hard nipples and clit.

Afterwards, you and Helena are fitted with arm sleeves behind your back, ring gags on your mouths, and blindfolds over your eyes. You feel hands gently lowering you down onto your knees, then gently pushing you onto your butt before urging you to scoot forward. You feel yourself bump into another pair of legs, Helena’s you assume, and you get the idea of what Delilah and the others are going for. Helena seems to know as well when you bring your left leg under her right and your right leg over her left, causing your completely slick pussy to rub up against Helena’s equally wet twat. You moan in pleasure before you hear Delilah’s voice say soothingly and sweetly “Don’t move you two; I have a few more things to add. Don’t be frightened, nothing bad will happen I promise”. You and Helena remain perfectly still as you feel hands gently caress up your right leg before you feel rope on your right ankle, and then a hand pulling your left ankle closer and tying them together so that you’re locked around Helena. The same must be happening to your bondage sister as you feel her legs close tighter around you – next, you feel hands on your back push you closer forward towards your bound buddy…and then you feel something tied around the string that goes down to your clit. After whatever is finished you try to pull back slightly…only to gasp brokenly and moan in pleasure, as does Helena, when the string connecting your nipples and clit are tugged on and, since Helena made sounds of pleasure, you can only surmise that your string and Helena’s chains have been tied together, meaning that if you move too far apart then it tugs on your nipples and clit!

So. Fucking. Hot you think as you feel your arousal reach greater heights, moaning as wonderful pleasure washes over you which only intensifies when the slime inside you starts to react strangely. It ripples violently a few times before it starts to expand…and harden…and take on a phallic shape that makes you throw your head back and moan in bliss, especially since the movement tugs on your nipples and clit and likewise makes Helena do the same. After the red slime inside you is nice and hard and thick, it starts to slowly creep out of your molding vagina and into Helena’s cleft! Helena moans and twitches slightly, which tugs on the connecting wire and tugs on both your nipples and buds as the gelatinous, thick red slime parts Helena’s lower lips and enters into her deeply, settling down once it reaches halfway inside both of you. “Oh my…looks like our little friend wants in on the fun too~. Hmm…a slime double dildo. That’s quite ingenious of the little slime – you two filthy sluts must be rubbing off on it~” you hear Delilah say before you hear Phi and Laewinn giggle. “Now, me and my two lovely girls are going to play while we watch you two pleasure yourselves. Have fun~” Delilah says with a chuckle before you’re met with silence, followed by blissful moans and whimpers a short distance away from you in the direction of the large cushioned chair. Not wanting to be denied your release any longer, and seemingly neither does Helena, you both get to work on thrusting your hips, your pussies meeting without every thrust along the red double dildo slime which starts to ripple and vibrate to enhance the pleasure.

You and Helena moan in wonderful ecstasy as the tugging on your nipples and clit, the vibrating and shared pleasure of the slime, your anal beads jostling inside you, and the overwhelmingly erotic situation causes intense pleasurable jolts arcing through you and your friend. You throw caution to the wind and start thrusting harder and faster as your gagged mouth and lolling tongue leak saliva onto your breasts lewdly and shamefully, but you don’t care and neither does Helena as you both seek greater heights of pleasure. You hold back your climax as best as you can, wanting to build up the pleasure before releasing it in a torrential wave of hazy, wonderful orgasms. As you quickly build your peak and moan you lean your head forward until you feel you’re close to Helena’s mouth and you flick out your tongue, and manage to lick along her own lolling and salivating muscle. Helena moans even deeper and whimpers wonderfully as she leans in and you two flick and lick your tongues, swallowing down your own and each other’s saliva as you bounce along the hardened slime and you’re both tugged on your nipples and clit. You squeal in delight at the eroticism of the situation, how humiliating and lewd it is…and how so fucking hot it’s making you feel, especially when you hear Delilah, Phi, and Laewinn crying out and moaning their own bliss not a too far distance away.

Fuck! So close! Just a little bit more and I c-can let it – AHN! – all g-go! YES YES YES! you scream into your mind as you outwardly moan and gasp brokenly from the stimulation and, with a few more thrusts between you and Helena, you both topple over at the same time. You clamp down on the red slime dildo hard, as does Helena, and the shared pleasure enhances your climax as you flood and squirt a river of juices onto the slime, which it greedily absorbs as it ripples quite violently from the dual juices. You throw your head back and arch your back, as does Helena, and the wire connecting you two pulls taught and tugs on both your clits and nipples, making the experience that much more delicious and worthwhile. A few moments later you hear Delilah cry out in rapture, followed by a very deep moan and another cry of release as the trio reach their own orgasm one after the other. You pant brokenly for air as you let saliva leak from your mouth and onto your body from your lolling tongue – you feel Helena lean forward and nuzzle against your shoulder affectionately as she moans. You likewise moan and rest your chin on her soft lavender hair and just sit there as the slime continues to ripple, albeit at a slower pace until it stops entirely while maintaining its hardened phallic shape. After a little while you hear Delilah say close to you both in a quiet voice “That was perfect, darlings, simply perfect. You two are the most perfect sluts a vampire could ask for~. Hold still”. You both keep still as Delilah asked and after a few moments your ankles are untied, you’re released from Helena’s chain, and your ring gag is remove.

The slime retreats back inside you, making you moan, and when your blindfold is removed you blink a few times to let your eyes adjust before you see Delilah’s pale naked body, then Phi’s, Laewinn’s, and finally Helena’s knockout form. Helena, however, is totally untied whereas you still are bound in rope and have an arm sleeve around your arms behind your back. Helena smirks and bend down, grabbing hold of the string still connected to your clit and nipples and gently tugs on it, sending wonderful pleasure jolting up and down your body and landing in your nethers, which continue to leak juices and are absolutely drenched in readiness. “Babe…you’re so fucking hot, you know that? Gods, you’re the best; I could be with you all day every day and never get tired of you…” Helena says with affection as she kneels down and kisses you lightly on the lips, which you accept with a moan as you suck on Helena’s tongue. When Helena pulls back you groan before Delilah scoops you up in her arms and gives you a look of pure adoration that makes you feel loved and cared for, so you snuggle into her bosom as she carries you over to her chair. She sits you down on your knees and takes a seat in the large chair, with Laewinn and Phi sitting on the armrests as Delilah holds them while Helena stands next to Phi on your left, all of them giving you loving looks that are equally saturated with brimming desire. “Be a good slut and clean your mistress’ feet. Then clean you’re better’s feet like a good slut slave” Delilah says as she looks at you with a lewd grin as she holds her left pale foot out to you.

Something clicks inside you, and you realize that whenever you’re tied up you’re extremely happy…and, on top of being high aroused, more sexually enduring, and knowing exactly what your dominant partners want, you also realize that you operate best when you have control taken away from you. You realize that, in order to enhance your own pleasure and the pleasure of others, you need to relinquish your control when you’re bound; whatever they want, you want. You smile sweetly and shift forward as you look into Delilah’s eyes and say “Yes, Mistress, this dirty, slutty slave would love to please her mistress. She loves to please her mistress so, so much; she is yours to command as you wish, mistress. Completely and utterly – whatever mistress does, Slave will enjoy it~”. You lean down and kiss Delilah’s foot as you look her in the eyes while smiling, and you can tell you pushed her buttons as her pussy is slick and her eyes are almost feral. You shudder as you start to lick the top of the vampire’s slightly cold foot slowly, sensually, and without ever breaking eye contact. You moan, both in pleasure as the slime ripples inside you and jostles the beads slightly, and for Delilah as you move down to lick each of her toes, stopping to suck on her big toe before moving to the underside of her foot. “Tastesh sho good~” you moan out as you finish licking the bottom before moving to suck on her foot with all her toes in your mouth, releasing your magic inside your mouth and along your tongue that makes Delilah gasp lightly as it seems to be pleasurable for her.

“Fucking…fuck, babe…” Helena says quietly as she moans and slowly starts to rub her clit with her left thumb, inserting three fingers into her sopping snatch. You smile and moan as you pull back and Delilah raises her other foot, having you repeat the process on her other foot gleefully. By the end of it you see that Delilah is breathing hard – But she did say to do the others first…but I’m sure you can hold on, Delilah~ you think mischievously as you look to Laewinn on your right, giving her a sweet yet wanting look. She smiles and takes the hint as she extends her right foot out and you kiss the top before licking, nibbling, and sucking on it just as you did with Delilah’s before releasing magical bursts that make the silver haired elf gasp before you move onto her other foot. You do the same again with Phi before moving onto Helena, looking her in the eyes and seeing that she must really need some satisfaction. You smile sweetly outwardly, but inwardly you have a wicked grin as you deny her satisfaction and bend down to kiss her feet as she stands, licking the tops and nibbling and sucking on her toes while releasing tiny bursts of magic that make her say “Shit…babe…you’re so fucking hot and amazing” as she continues to slowly work herself.

You’re not the only one that needs some relief, Helena. Gods…I’m so damn horny right now I think I might go crazy if I don’t get…something…anything soon!

“Has Slave pleased Mistress? Slave is yours to command mistress” you say with a smile as you move and place your head between Delilah’s legs, nuzzling against her thighs as you look at her and moan. As you nuzzle your face and fiery red hair against Delilah you kiss her inner thighs reverently as you move closer and closer to her dripping slit. When you reach Delilah’s cold, leaking cunt you look up into her eyes and see a tempest of desire reflected back that’s barely contained; you smile and look back at her cleft as your mouth waters before pressing your nose against it and breathing in her arousal deeply. You moan as you breathe in her arousal, which makes your head fuzzy and further wets your vagina even with the slime rippling inside you and doing a good job of it already. Delilah places both her hands on your head and twines her fingers in your red hair and growls while looking hungrily at you “Put those slutty red lips on my snatch and eat me out, Slave”. You need no further encouragement; you dive into Delilah’s cold, delicious, leaking pussy and lap quickly at her labia and along the length of her slit to her clit before engulfing her puffy lips with your mouth and sucking on them hard while moaning and probing your tongue inside her. “YES! Ahn, oooooOOOOH D-DOMINA! I l-looOOVE that t-tongue! T-This is where you – OH YES! – belong you s-slut! On y-your kneeEEES pleasing m-me! YES!” Delilah cries out in bliss as she presses your face against her forcefully. “Mishtress – sscchllpp – tastshes sho good! Her – mmpphhhmm – juiceshesh are sho delicshioush” you say between loud slurps and licks as you continue to suck and probe your tongue inside Delilah, occasionally withdrawing to suck on her rock hard bead.