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Re: Rift Touched

You continue to lick and suck on Delilah before you again engulf her puffy lips, stick your tongue inside her, suck hard and moan deeply before releasing your special magical bursts inside your mouth and along your tongue. The effect is almost immediate as Delilah screams and echoes throughout the chamber her passionate release; she mashes your face against her slit as she squirts and floods into your mouth, which you happily drink up with a moan as you get her cold, tasty treat. You continue to work your mouth and tongue as you watch Delilah throw her head back, arch her back, and buck her hips as she twitches and cums in your mouth and all over your face. When you finally let up, slowly, and bring Delilah down from her incredible heights she pants for breath and looks down at you, eyes glazed over with lust as she smiles and strokes your red hair lovingly. “T-That was so g-good, Slave. Now, share with the o-others~” the white haired pretty vampire says to you, making you moan and smile before you give her slit a light and tender kiss before moving back and directing your attention to Laewinn. You give Laewinn, Phi, and Helena incredible, earthshattering orgasms which they cry and scream their release to the ceiling as it echoes all throughout the dark chamber loudly. When you finish Delilah picks you up and puts you over her knee, spanking you and making you thank her ten times before she has the other three women get ten spanks in, which you thank them for especially when they rub your sopping cunt and make the slime ripple inside you, and when they tug on the stopper to the anal beads. You finally receive your release when Helena coaxes out the slime and puts it on your breasts, making it suck and massage them, drawing your milk out as Helena eats you out to a wonderful, long awaited climax.

You moan and lick your cum covered lips of juices – your face, breasts, and tummy are coated from the excessive amount of girl cum you managed to liberate from the three – as you snuggle into Delilah’s bosom, who is currently holding you in her arms and stroking your red hair after having just removed your arm sleeve. “That was amazing, Colette” the elven woman beside you says with a dreamy sigh and a smile – “I’ve never felt so good in my life” Phi agrees with an equally contented sigh as she leans back on the armrest. “Fuck me sideways…I could go for about ten more of those, babe” Helena says as she leans over the top of the chair and smiles down at you before taking a drink of her wine, which is nearly gone at this point. Delilah smiles and leans down to give you a light and tender kiss, which you accept as you both moan and giggle into before she pulls back. “Darling…oh darling that was so much fun~” she says with a look of affection in her eyes – you sit up a little and wrap your arms around her neck and say “There’s still one more thing Slave can do for her mistress~” before you bare your neck to her. Delilah smiles and a moment later your world lights up in bright lights as you’re overcome with an intense orgasm, clamping down around the slime that you got back inside you and shooting your juices into it while likewise spraying milk all over Delilah’s body, which also leaks down your breasts and tummy. You throw your head back and cry out in passion as you continue to orgasm, and as Delilah drinks your precious lifeblood willingly given to her.


You fully pull on your bodysuit as you leave Delilah’s chamber with Helena beside you, and the slime rippling fiercely inside your pussy from all the magical essence it’s absorbed today so far. “Wow that was so amazing. We should do that again sometime~” you say with a happy sigh to Helena. “Shit, babe, whatever you decide to do I’m with you one-hundred percent. This is the most fun I’ve had in a while, and trust me I have a lot of fun every day” the blue eyed woman says with a laugh before she empties the last of her bottle into her mouth. “Hey, see that torch up there?” Helena says with a smirk as she points to a torch on the opposite side of the room, high up in the chamber. “Yeah, why?” you say as you look to where she points – “I bet you I can knock it out with this bottle with only a single kick” she says full of confidence. You cock an eyebrow at her before smiling “You’re on, Helena! If I win then you have to eat me out, and if you win then I’ll guess I’ll have no choice but to lick you up~”. Helena looks at you once, smiles, and says “No way in all the hells I’m losing that bet. Deal!” before the nude monk tosses the bottle up into the air. You watch the bottle sail high up into the air, then back down…and then your jaw hits the floor as you watch Helena jump up a few feet and perform a high full roundhouse kick that sends the bottle sailing at lightning speed through the air. You watch as the bottle reaches high up to the torch in the chamber and knock it clean off its stand, extinguishing it and the bottle, which oddly didn’t break, falls to the chamber floor with two clanks.

“How – that – that was incredible, Helena! Say, why didn’t your bottle break?” you say in astonishment. Helena chuckles before she responds with a coy grin “Enchanted, babe; see, I can get a bit rowdy at times and break things. Now, usually that’s all fine and dandy, but when things get broken usually I’m the one paying for it and cleaning it up. And sometimes I might get in a bar room brawl and break a bottle or two, and there’s nothing I hate more than wasting good booze. So, I had the city alchemist shop owner…Jazra I think his name is, anyways I had him enchant about a dozen or so wine bottles that can withstand a lot of punishment. I refill them all the time with the little brewery I have set up down here. If you ever want a taste just let me know, but I’ll warn you now that it’s nice and strong. Now…I think it’s time I got some of that lip service you mentioned~”. Helena grins lewdly and points down to her pierced clit and glistening mound, making you laugh and shake your head before you walk up, give her a passionate kiss, then drop to your knees and quickly eat Helena out and bring her to orgasm with your skillful mouth and tongue, drinking down some of her juices and letting the rest splash across your face to mix with the rest from earlier. You moan and lick your lips as you rise, fondling and massaging your breasts as you do so before you grope Helena’s and play with them, much to her amusement as she does the same to yours, before you both make your way to Astraea’s room as you continue to massage your large breasts through the latex, entering only after Helena retrieves her empty enchanted wine bottle.

When you enter Astraea’s room you see the white tentacle lord immediately as she’s idling in the middle of the chamber with her large eye closed. You smirk and motion for Helena to be quiet as you quietly make your way to the seemingly sleeping tentacle beast. When you’re right up on her, and when you’re sure she hasn’t noticed you yet, you wrap your arms around her core and kiss her closed eye with a giggle. “Mmm, hey sweetie pie~” you hear in your mind as you pull back and Astraea opens her eyelid. You see that Astraea seems a bit…sluggish, which concerns you and you ask sweetly “Astraea, are you alright?” – Helena walks up beside you and sets her bottle down and says “Yeah, what’s up? You look like you’ve had a long day”. “Oh it’s nothing, sweethearts. Just a special little something I’ve been working on for Colette, teehee~. It has left me a bit drained, I admit, but it’s nothing to be concerned about” Astraea says into yours and Helena’s minds. You frown at Astraea before you reach around and tug at the magical seam binding your bodysuit before you shrug it off – “Here, take some energy from me. I think you’ll like it~” you say serenely, but with a bit of a smirk as you cup your large, milky white DD’s as you move closer to Astraea. “Teeheehee~, you got your boobies altered! My, oh, my they’re so big and perky and they look so delicious on that flawless skin of yours~. Mmm, don’t mind if I do~” Astraea says into your mind before she reaches out with two tentacles and opens their ends before latching onto your breasts. You moan as you feel the feelers rubbing and massaging around your areola and nipple as you feel them suck for a little while until you feel a relief of pressure that makes you sigh contentedly as your milk leaves your breasts and enters the sucking tentacles. Astraea shakes a little violently and you hear her moan deeply into your mind as she continues to suckle from your teats, making you gasp a little as the slime inside you ripples happily and makes your vagina work to alter its shape around it.

When she finishes she pulls her tentacles off of you and raises one to your face and rubs it affectionately; you bring your hands to the tentacle and rub it in return before planting a kiss on it. “Better?” you ask with a sweet smile – “Much better, sweetie, thank you~. Oh, you taste so sweet and delicious!” Astraea responds with a fit of giggles in your mind. Helena laughs and shakes her head before she finds a spot in the chamber and plops herself down, fondling her breasts and playing with herself as you and Astraea get to work. The first thing you want to work on is learning more about magic crystals, specifically your yellow lightning magic crystal. Astraea goes over to one of her chests and produces said crystal and hands it to you before telling you to shoot it at her once she puts her shield up. Once Astraea’s ready you begin training and loose lightning bolts at her, which dissipate harmlessly against her magical shield. You continue on for a little while until you run out of charges and expend some of your MR, which Astraea hands you a magic potion to regain. Afterwards, you get to training on learning blood magic; you enter your meditative posture and focus on your blood rather than your magical reserves, and you can feel yourself moving closer as you begin to tap into your very body. You feel yourself inching ever closer…and then you feel “something” that you’ve never felt before so you reach for it. When you do you gasp in shock as you feel your body open up to you like you’ve never felt before; you stand up and tap into the power again. Astraea sense the change in you and she produces the yellow magic crystal again and hands it to you.

“Use it” is all she says as you take the yellow crystal from her – you focus on the yellow crystal, then on your blood, and you aim out into the chamber and release a lightning bolt. Instead of your blood running cold from using magical reserves, you instead feel…weaker than you did before. Not like you’re fatigued, and you feel no pain, it’s just that you feel like you’ve just had a very strenuous workout. “That’s enough, Colette” Astraea says into your mind as she snatches the yellow crystal from you then casts a healing spell on you, which leaves you feel better and healthier. “What was that, Astraea? I expected to feel pain or…something. Not that” you ask the tentacle lord in confusion. “That’s one of the dangers of blood magic, Colette. You don’t feel pain or fatigue; instead, you feel weak. It’s a subtle and insidious thing, blood magic, but what you just did put a strain on your body. If you did it again you would have felt even weaker, but you would have still been able to perform on a physical and mental level. Eventually your body would reach its limit…and then your heart would stop. If you ever decide to use blood magic then please only use it if you absolutely need to, and make sure you have healing potions or charges in a gold crystal to heal yourself afterwards. Treat it the same as if you were hurt in battle, and don’t let the power get the better of you” Astraea explains calmly and seriously as she looks you in your eyes. “I understand, Astraea, thank you” you say as you smile and nod your understanding. “Good~” Astraea chirps into your head before adding with a following gesture with her tentacles “Now follow me you two~! It’s time to show you what I’ve been working on~”. You laugh and pick up your bodysuit, putting it on and following behind Astraea as Helena gets up and picks up her bottle and follows suit.


“What is this place?” you ask in awe and curiosity as you step foot in another chamber that Astraea led you and Helena in. The room itself is dimly lit and quite humid…and also completely covered in some sort of red-purple fleshy material that makes little squishing noises whenever you walk. “A damn fun one, that’s what” Helena says beside you with a smirk, which earns her a light spank on the bottom from Astraea. “You better keep quiet or else, little missy~!” Astraea says into your minds with a playful tone and a giggle that makes Helena laugh and put her hands over her mouth to show that she understands. Another interesting feature of the room, and one you don’t think is “native” to the chamber, is that there seems to be a large number of slimes…in fact, you get the sinking feeling that all the slimes from yesterday might be in here! “Astraea…are those the slimes from the cavern chamber that I was in yesterday?” you ask in curiosity, and your question is answered in the form of a giggle before you hear Astraea echo in your mind “That they are, sweet cheeks! You wanted slimes, and they really wanted you, so I talked to that cutie Meredith and she agreed to help me out~. Speaking of which, she should be along shortly…now, be sure to take off that sexy outfit you have on and remove your cute toy and slime~”. Astraea waves her tentacles around happily as you hear giggles in your mind before she moves deeper into the chamber and disappears into the darkness further beyond. You give Helena a curious look, but she keeps tight lipped and looks away from you with a smirk; you chuckle and shake your head as you remove the bodysuit and toss it on the ground at your feet before moaning as you remove the large anal beads. When the eighth large bead is out of you, you groan at not being filled and you very reluctantly toss it next to your bodysuit.

Oh man! This better be worth it! Now my ass feels so empty… you think disheartened at the turn of events, especially when you reach down to your mound with your right hand and coax the red slime out of you. It rolls and morphs onto your hand, rippling as it engulfs it before you bring it to your breasts, which it happily engulfs as it ripples and makes your breasts tingly and relaxed. You sigh in pleasure…and then you see a familiar clear slime with a glowing rock inside it rolling and morphing over to you. “Meredith! It’s so nice to see you!” you yell out as you watch the clear slime, currently in her amorphous form, morph and roll towards you – you notice that, inside her, she’s engulfing two small pink vials that makes you curious. When she reaches in front of you she starts to take on a humanoid shape and, when she finishes, you find yourself looking at clear true slime that looks like both you…and Helena. “Damn, Mer, that’s quite something. Guess I’d know what mine and Colette’s kid would look like if one of us had a cock and knocked the other up” Helena says beside you as she looks over the new form Meredith took with appreciation and desire. She has your wavy hair, Helena’s DD breasts, your half-elf ears and lips, Helena’s nose, cheeks, and eyes. It’s strange to say the least, but quite interesting and beautiful to look at. You don’t linger on it long when Meredith speaks “Colette and Helena, it’s so good to see you both! I always enjoy your company, Helena; you’re so tender and wild with us, it makes me and the others feel so alive and happy. And you, Colette, are just as fun and exciting to be around, and your kindness and warm heart fills us with happiness and makes us feel so loved. Now, we get to help make you both feel good! Isn’t it wonderful?”

As she speaks and ripples a little bit the other slimes in the area that you can see also ripple and start to move closer to you, Helena, and Meredith as you stand. You and Helena smile, but you notice the pink liquid in the vials floating inside Meredith and ask “What’s in the vials, Meredith, and why do you have them?” you finish by pointing at the two vials floating inside Meredith’s gelatinous, slimy body next to her glowing magical core. “Oh! Goodness, I almost forgot! Here, these are for you. Take them when we begin. Astraea said that you would know when we begin and that these are aphrodisiacs of some kind. She recommended that you drink all of it” Meredith chirps out innocently and happily as you watch the vials move inside her before being fed to her “hands” as she extends them out to you and your lavender haired friend. You smile and thank Meredith, as does Helena, when you take your vial – a few moments later your eyes go wide when the chamber starts to rumble. “W-What’s that? Is it an earthquake?” you ask as the rumbling in the chamber intensifies – “No…just wait and see, babe~” Helena says beside you, completely unperturbed at what is happening. You look to Meredith and see that she is likewise unfazed, so you relax a little before your mouth hits the floor. Once the rumbling stops you look around and, out from the very walls itself in nearly every direction, shoot dozens…hundreds of white tentacles of various lengths. Everywhere you look in the fleshy, humid chamber you see tentacles on the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling, and they’re all wriggling about. The slimes seem to like them as they ripple closely to them and start to engulf a few, and the tentacles don’t seem to mind as they poke and rub the playful creatures.

“Muahahahahahaha! Welcome to my lair my new slutty slaves! I hope you like your new home, because I shall keep you here…forever! Muahahahahaha~!!!” you hear the voice of Astraea boom out throughout the chamber that at first takes you off guard. “Always the drama queen” Helena says beside you with a light laugh and a grin. “Hey, I heard that~!” the tentacle’s voice booms out again before a white tentacle bursts forth from the ground in front of Helena and wags playfully in front of her. Helena laughs again and reaches out to caress the tentacle – You, however, are very curious and ask “Astraea…? Where are you, and how are you doing this?” “Oh ho ho! The slave wishes to know all my secrets~…okay, okay. Remember yesterday when I said I was checking my ‘special’ room? Well, this is that room, sweetie – you see all that fleshy stuff on the walls? Well, it’s also inside them walls as well; it’s the perfect environment for me and it’s what all tentacle beasts, such as me, use when creating new habitable lairs. It also allows me to grow things, and as for all the tentacles you see…well, that’s me~. Well, kind of; see, they’re sort of like thralls in a way, except I don’t have mental control over them since I am them. Hmm, maybe that’s not the best way of explaining it…okay, I got it! I said I can grow things, right? Well, I grew extra tentacles and I made them longer as well, and with them I can see inside my lair wherever they may be, but it’s not really true sight but more like…telepathic sight, and wherever you step in my lair I know exactly where you are since the flesh is connected directly to my mind and body. Pretty neat, huh?”.

Really neat! This is incredible! Hmm, I hope I never end up in a bad tentacle lair…because it sounds like if I was I would be in a world of hurt!

“Why thank you, sweetie~! Oops, sorry, force of habit, teehee~. I’ll give you a little teensy hint if you ever find yourself on the wrong end of one of these. Remember that whole perfect habitat thing? Well, since we’re connected to our habitat and we prefer warm, humid, moist areas if you have a means of freezing the ground then do it. The feedback is extremely painful if you can manage to freeze a large enough area and it temporarily disrupts all mental connections. The same can be said for fire; if it gets too hot than the same thing will happen. It won’t kill, but it’ll hurt and make it harder to get a hold of you…of course, if you do end up trapped in one of these then you’ll likely deal with thralls of varying autonomy along with whatever else might be working with or for the baddy~” Astraea explains rather informatively. Despite having your mind read against your will – gotta remember to put up mental barriers as a force of habit – you find this information very useful for future reference. “Now, it’s time to have some fun~. Would you both kindly take your yummy drinks~” Astraea pipes up in another booming echo. You and Helena look at each other, smile, and shrug before popping the tops and downing the contents of the aphrodisiacs. “I’ll take those and dispose of them” Meredith offers as she extends her clear, slimy hands out; you and Helena thank her and give her the vials and watch in wonder as she pulls them into her body and breaks down the cork and vial as she absorbs them. “So, now what?” you ask before giggling fills the chamber – “Now, we wait a little while for the effects to kick in~” Astraea says with a giggle.

“Sounds like fun, babe” Helena says beside you as she puts her hands on her hips and waits. You clasp your hands together behind your back as you wait, humming as you do so and as Meredith takes the red slime from your breasts and sets him down on the ground where the cute slime ripples and rolls around playfully, making you, Meredith, and Helena giggle. “How long does this stuff take to wo- AHHHHHN!?!?!” you start to ask Meredith, and possibly Astraea, until you’re hit with an extremely high level of arousal and your entire body burns with sensitivity and a need for release. You drop to your knees and bring a hand to your pussy, but are stopped when white tentacles erupt from the ground and bind your arms and legs, spreading them outwards – you look to your right and see that the same has happened to Helena, though she looks to be in a slightly better condition than you. “A-A-Astrea, h-how strong w-w-w-w-was t-that p-potion?” you ask between pants of breath and groans of frustration as your need for release reaches infuriating levels; your nethers literally itch with need.
Re: Rift Touched

I-I-I need it s-s-s-o badly! A c-cock, p-pussy, t-toys, anything! Just p-please! you think as you feel your cleft moisten and leak very large amounts of your juices down your legs and onto the fleshy floor below. Your pussy itches and aches, as does your anus, breasts, ears, your entire body is on fire and itching with need that it’s driving you crazy. “Hmm, I think it’s the strongest on the market. Oh, did you two drink all of it? My oh my~, looks like you two will be blithering messes soon of you don’t get some relief~. Why, just a single drop is enough to put the most pious individual in a sex craze, but an entire bottle…wow~” Astraea teases as she firmly holds you and Helena down as you both groan and struggle to get to your nethers to alleviate the painful need. “O-Oh you b-bitch~” Helena says beside you with a smirk as she visibly pants and groans. Meredith watches with some amusement as she moves up to you and plants a gelatinous kiss on your lips, which makes you moan at both the contact and the little flares of pleasure it sends through you. When she pulls back you groan deeply and say “Don’t stop, please don’t stop”. “It will all be better soon, Colette. Do not worry~” the clear, goddess born slime says with a smile before she goes over to Helena and kisses her before pulling back, much to Helena’s chagrin. You feel your arousal peaking even higher at being tied up, and a very large puddle is beginning to form beneath you – “P-Please, Mistress Astraea, please let this slave feel pleasure! S-She promises to be a good girl a-and take all of her mistress’ l-love and h-her gooey, tasty c-cum – AHN!” you plead with Astraea as you realize exactly what she wants. “Y-Yeah, what she s-said” Helena says beside you as her own arousal reaches explosive levels.

You hear a fit of giggles reverberate throughout the chamber, and Meredith smiles and ripples happily, as does the red slime and all the others in the chamber that you can see. “Come, my slimy minions, we have work to do breaking in our new pleasure slaves, teehee~” Astraea giggles happily before you and Helena yelp in surprise as you’re both lifted into the air by the tentacles and set on a pile of slimes, which bind your arms and legs as they transport you further into the chamber. “M-M-Meredith, please I need it s-s-so b-badly” you say as you weakly struggle in the multicolored slime’s gelatinous grip. Meredith gives you a sweet smile before saying “Don’t worry, Colette, you’ll both feel good soon enough. Just wait a little bit longer”. You groan as you try to bring your legs together but, seeing as you can, you instead opt to dry hump the air; you look over to Helena and see that she’s in no better a position, but seems to be holding it together better than you…probably because she has more experience than you. After a little while the slimes morph out around you, setting you and Helena down on the ground…and then the real fun does begin, much to your extreme pleasure and Helena’s. Out from the ground burst dozens of white tentacles around you and Helena that lift you up and bind your arms and legs. Helena’s wrists are brought down to her ankles and bound together with a few tentacles while others hold her up in the air; your legs are spread out on either side of you in a splitting position as your own wrists are brought to your ankles and bound as you’re held. Two phallic tentacles align themselves with your pussy and anus as a third positions itself with your mouth, making you shiver in anticipation and try to flick the tip of the tentacle with your tongue, trying to coax it inside your need holes.

A few smaller tentacles open up to reveal their suckers and feelers as they quickly strike out and latch onto your half-elf ears, your clit, your DD breasts, and your outer lips along the edges, but they don’t give you any release as they hold still which makes you nearly cry in frustration. “M-Mistress Ast-traea, please…S-Slave needs to be f-fucked hard r-right now!” you plead as the burning in your loins and body intensifies to unbearable levels, and the only thing in your mind is relieving the infuriating need you’re feeling by any means possible. “Oh look at this slutty little slave~. She’s so wet and horny…I don’t know if I should. Buuuuut, since she begs so nicely…okay~” Astraea says coyly, her voice echoing throughout the chamber, before she plunges the two very thick phallic tentacles deeply inside you, penetrating your deepest depths in your anus and passed your cervix in your pussy as it molds tightly around the member. You literally scream in bliss as a fierce orgasm rips through you and shatters all rational though; your scream is quickly muffled as the member poised at your mouth plunges itself deeply into your mouth and throat…and then the feelers at your labia, clit, breasts, and ears start to rub and suck at a furious pace. You’re fall down into another orgasm immediately afterwards, spraying your milk into the feelers around your breasts and clamping down the a vice at your anus and pussy, which is flooding generously around the tentacle cock and onto the fleshy floor below. You barely hear Helena’s own screams and sounds of pleasure, but block it out as your own pleasure reaches new heights and you scream around the cock that you instinctively start to suck as you tumble over once more, shivering and quaking violently as a third, then a fourth, then a fifth orgasm rocks over you.

Yes yes yes yes yes! Fuck me more! So good, so gooooOOOOOD! you repeat over and over in your mind as the pleasure washes over you in a nonstop, endless sea of bliss. Your eyes roll back into your head and you arch your back as the sounds of moans and flesh slapping together fill the room, and as your rosebud and love tunnel feel so wonderfully full and stretched that sends powerful electrical jolts coursing through you that force you to curl your toes as you feel them through the layer of flesh separating the two. You moan in absolute ecstasy and receive another toe curling orgasm when you feel warm, sticky, thick spunk fill both your lower holes that makes you feel so good and full before the same tentacle goo spurts down your throat and into your mouth. You greedily and happily drink down the sweet seed as they continue to pump and thrust at a feverish pace inside you as they ejaculate, with the seed in your pussy filling to the brim it leaks out the sides of your lower lips as your stomach starts to distend. After a few more moments, and a few more orgasms later, the tentacles pull out of you with wet slurping noises and you’re quickly held in the air upright as your hands are bound behind your back and your legs are bound at the knees as the wonderful white tentacles aim themselves at your face and body, releasing their seed into your hair, on your face over your right eye that forces you to close it, and all across your breasts, torso, and back. “Slave wants m-more, please, more- AAAGGGHH - MMMPPPH!!” you start to plead before you scream out in pleasure before you’re cut off as three more thick tentacles plunge themselves deeply inside you as the feeler tentacles stimulate your sensitive spots and continue to milk your breasts. You briefly glance over when you hear another set of delighted moans and screams to see Helena, upside down, getting pounded in her own holes and covered in the thick, sweet tentacle spunk. You’re brought to another swift, earthshattering climax with a muffled scream as you clamp down around the two members in your lower holes before being gently set on the ground and covered in the thick white jizz.

You pant for breath while on your back as you wipe the seed from your eye, but the burning sensation in your nethers and body as a whole ceases to be sated, making you wonder just how strong the potion really was and how much sexual stamina and cravings you really have after all this time. You don’t have long to think as Helena, covered in tentacle semen, is gently placed on top of you and mashing your large DD’s against her average DD’s as she pants for air. You look into her icy blue eyes as she looks into your emeralds and you can see that she’s just as turned no by the whole experience as you are, and that she wants…no she needs more before she’ll be sated. You giggle as you lean forward and flick your tongue out, gathering a dollop of cum and drink it down – Helena laughs as she leans down and kisses you, which you both find enjoyable as you press harder into her and work your tongue in her mouth and releasing tiny magical bursts that drive you both wild. However, when you pull back you start to feel…strange, like your mind is getting all fuzzy and you can feel a familiar sensation of something or someone probing into your mind and thoughts. Then it dawns on you – Astraea is probing your mind and trying to mentally befuddle you!

Oh really, Astraea? Well, let’s see how well your training has really been~ you think to Astraea as you throw up magical mental barriers around your mind, focusing on keeping your thoughts and emotions hidden from her. “Oooooo~ we have a naughty, naughty slutty slave~. Trying to keep me out, huh~. I’ve taught you well, but we’ll see how much you can handle, teehee~” Astraea says merrily as you feel her probing pull back, but not stop entirely. You smirk as you battle your will against Astraea’s as Helena watches with obvious confusion, and you feel yourself pushing her back out of your mind, making you smile in triumph. “Babe, what the hells are you doing?” Helena asks quizzically – “Astraea. Battle. Mental. Fighting” you say as you bite your bottom lip in focus as you look at Helena without actually looking at her or paying her much attention. She smiles wickedly and says “Oh…I see. I’ve had her do that to me before, and the things she did to me…gods, it’s sending shivers down my spine just thinking about. Maybe I’ll give her a hand~”. “Wait wha_? AH! H-Helena! Heehee, w-w-what are you d-doinggGGG?! HAHAHA” you say in confusion before that confusion turns to surprise, then laughter as Helena puts her sticky hands to your sides and starts to mercilessly tickle you, making you laugh and gasp as you try to wriggle from her grasp while focusing on keeping Astraea out. ”S-stop! I h-have he- ooooh, I feel funny…why’s my head feel so fuzzy?” you stammer out before you feel your concentration break, allowing Astraea to probe your mind and befuddle you which ends up making you feel very dizzy and strange.

“Thank you for the help, Helena~. Now…what should I do with her..? Ooooo, I know~!” you hear a nice, funny voice say to the pretty lady on top of you as she smiles ever so nicely at you. I know…your name is Slut Slave and you’re a sexy, slutty fuck toy~. The pretty lady in front of you is Big Sister Helena and you love doing whatever she says, especially if it’s really naughty~. You also love being fucked by Mother Astraea and the pretty slime lady called Meredith, but you call her Meri for short~. She’s so nice and you just love to cuddle with her and hug her pretty glowing rock~. Your favorite thing to do is be fucked and drink nice, delicious, gooey cum and play with your favorite slimes and be the bestest slutty fuck toy you can be~ you hear ring out in your mind in that same funny, nice voice that you now know is from Mother Astraea. She’s so nice and lovely, fucking you all the time and letting you drink her tasty cum down whenever you’re hungry or thirsty! How could Slut Slave ever forget her and Big Sister Helena, or the pretty slime lady Meri? You look at Big Sister Helena and smile brightly and say in a giggly voice “Big Sister Helena!” as you hug her and continue on “Oh Big Sister Helena! How do you want to use Slut Slave today? My naughty private parts feel so itchy and hot, but that’s okay because I know Mother Astraea and Meri will fuck me soon and use me like the good fuck toy I am. Oh please Big Sister Helena, won’t you tell me what to do? I love listening to you and being used by you~”. “Astraea you dirty tentacle~” you hear Big Sister Helena say under her breath – she’s so funny isn’t she? – before she adds “I seem to be all sticky Slut Slave; won’t you do your job and clean Big Sister Helena up with your slutty tongue?” Big Sister Helena smiles strangely at you as she gets up off of your slutty body and boobies and looks down at you.

“Start with my feet, Slut Slave, and work your way up. Don’t forget to rub in that nice cum you have on you~” Big Sister Helena says while smiling at you and playing with her sticky naughty bits and her pretty ring on her bud. “Oh of course Big Sis! Slut Slave will be the bestest ever and use her slutty tongue to clean you all up <3. Slut Slave just loves drinking ooey gooey cum~” you say with a giggle as you shift so that you’re on your hands and knees, placing your face over Big Sis Helena’s pretty right foot and licking it all clean. You hear Big Sis moan and you look up into her dazzling blue eyes and smile when you see that she’s feeling good, so you use your tongue to lick up all the tasty cum on her left foot before moving up her legs, rubbing in the gooey, sticky jizz into your body and hair as you go. Big Sister has you stop and suck out all the tasty juices inside her naughty part and tug on her pretty ring as you use your slutty tongue to make her moan and squirt a tasty juice into your mouth before she turns around and has you clean up her plump butt. After that you move up her muscular tummy and her big boobies – but not as big as yours~ - and finally to her face. She kisses you and thanks you for cleaning her with a funny grin on her face that must mean you did a good job. “Fucking shit that was so fucking hot…that was great Col- I mean Slut Slave” Helena praises you, which makes you happy and giggle, before she starts saying something strange before correcting herself. “Thank you Big Sister! I try to be the best slutty fuck toy I can be, teehee~. Oh, Meri!” you say as you plop onto your bubbley booty and look up at Big Sis with a smile before you notice the pretty slime lady that likes to read books.

You quickly get up and rush towards her, giving her a big hug as you giggle and as she starts to engulf you. “U-Um, there there, F-Fuck Slave” Meri says a little unsure of herself as she engulfs your boobies, legs, butt, and arms as you giggle and hug her. “How can Slut Slave be the best slutty fuck toy for you, Meri? Oh please say you’ll fuck Slut Slave and do naughty things to her! My privates itch and burn and I want it to go away” you say giddily and with a bit of a pout at the end as you look at the pretty slime lady that looks kinda like you and Big Sis. “O-okay, could you g-get on top of m-me? I want you to hold my core while you r-ride me like a lover would…” the cute slime lady says nervously. You smile and giggle before planting a kiss on the slime’s lips that make your glossy red ones all fuzzy and feel good before saying “Of course, silly! Just sit back and let Slut Slave be the best fuck toy for you and I promise I’ll give you lots and lots of love~”. You giggle and press a kiss into Meri as you lean into her, forcing her onto her back as she slowly morphs to gently lay both of you down. Meri engulfs your arms, torso, and legs as you look down on her with a bubbly smile and as you wrap your arms around her glowing core, cradling it lovingly. As Meri shudders you giggle then moan as you feel two large, hard and gelatinous tentacles push inside your lower holes, pushing out and absorbing the gooey tentacle sperm that Mother Astraea gave you when she fucked you so good. You giggle and look Meri in her clear eyes and you start to rock your hips and moan while smiling at her as you feel wonderful pleasure at the stretching of your holes that transfers to Meri, causing her to ripple and transfer her strange pleasure to you. “You feel so good, Meri~. Slut Slave knows you feel good, too~. That makes her so happy – UHN YES!” you cry out in bliss as you pick up the pace of your rocking hips, sending wonderful jolts of electric rapture through every fiber of your being, especially when Meri decides to be a naughty slime and suck the milk from your boobies.

You moan and giggle as you continue to move faster and faster looking Meri in the eyes until something wonderful, strong, and pleasurable builds up and comes to a head before finally bursting and sending you rocketing into a screaming orgasm. Your bliss shoots through Meri and her own strange pleasure washes over you, making you gasp and whimper as you lightly quake and as Meredith ripples violently and gasp in her own slimy, gelatinous “orgasm”. You plop on top of the clear slime lady and snuggle into her slimy, gelatinous bosom as it morphs into the perfect set of pillows around your face. “Thank you for that, C- Slut Slave. You’re a wonderful lover and you fulfill my every fantasy~” Meri says lovingly as she wraps her slimy arms over your; you giggle and snuggle closer and say “Slut Slave loves to be fucked by Meri <3. She’s so nice and cute and makes me feel all tingly and good~”. You notice a few multicolored blobs rippling around you and moving closer and, when you lift your head up a little, you giggle happily and say “Aww, Slut Slave’s slimy friends want to have fun too~? Okay, playing with you is so fun~”. “Count me in, bab- *ehem* Slut Slave. Big Sister Helena wants in on this action” your lavender haired big sister says with a funny smile on her face – you giggle and nod your head as Meri releases you and you and Big Sis jump into the mass of multicolored slimes laughing.


You giggle when you and your big sister finish with the last slime, which just so happens to be your bestest buddy the little cutie red slime as he provides the perfect double dildo for you and your sister to play on. You and your pierced sister kiss and caress each other, with you giggling, before you hear Mother Astraea’s voice ring out “Teeheehee~, that was so sexy and hot you slutty little fuck slave. Did Slut Slave have fun~?” You pull back from your super cool big sister and sit up and say “Mmmhmm, Slut Slave had lots and lots of fun~. Thank you so much Mother Astraea~”. The chamber fills with a burst of happy giggles before Mother Astraea speaks again “Good, good~…now, time to get you back to normal~”. “Normal? But Slut Slave is normal! She’s the bestest, happiest fuck toy that loves to fuck and…and…oh boy, my head feels really weird like I just took one of those putrid teal potions Leena has lying around. What – what happened?” you start to say before you feel funky, like a weight’s been lifted off your mind which felt like it was in a haze…and then it dawns on you when the memories come flashing back. You shudder and grab around your waist in shock, desire, lust “Astraea, you fiendish little tentacle~. That was definitely something else…and not too bad actually~. So, who’s fantasy was that?” you ask Astraea with a smirk on your face as you stand up and put your hands on your hips. “Oooooh it was a bit of all of ours, actually~. I wanted you to be my cute little slut slave and Meredith wanted you to really love being fucked by her. It was Helena that wanted you to call her ‘Big Sister’ and be a giggly airhead that would listen to her every naughty demand~”.

You look to Meredith with a playful glare and move towards her as you carefully maneuver around the many slimes scattered about. She gives you a sheepish look and recoils down into her amorphous slime form, but you have none of it as you stand in front of her and tap your foot while clicking your tongue. “Now, now…none of that, ‘Meri’. Get up here and look at me” you say with a stern look on your face. Meredith retakes her form of a cross between you and Helena and looks down at the ground with a sad look on her face. You give her a stern look before chuckling and sticking a finger into your mouth, sucking on it and moaning suggestively before leaning into her body and grasping her glowing core, making the clear slime ripple and gasp. “That was hot and I loved every second of it…but you don’t need to make me love it, Meri, because I already do~. You’re wonderful and extraordinary and I wouldn’t never love it, okay?” you say sweetly and with a smile on your face as you lean in and plant a tender kiss on her gelatinous lips, making her ripple in your grasp. She nods slowly and with a dazed smile, but you’re not through yet; you release Meredith’s rocky glowing core and look to Helena, who seems to be busy tapping the fleshy floor with keen interest that you aren’t buying for a second. “And you, ‘Big Sister’, don’t think I’m not going to have a word with you either~” you say as you march yourself right on over to where Helena has her back turned to you. She freezes in spot before turning and scratching her nose – the one she had you clean with your mouth – and giving you a sheepish smile. “H-Hey, babe, that was kinda hot wasn’t it? No hard feelings right? I mean, you were really good as a giggly airhead fuck toy…uh, that came out wrong. What I meant was you’re a, um…fuck” she stammers out and takes a few steps back as you approach her with a glare.

“Oh, so I’m a ‘fuck’ now is it?” you ask as you cross your still slightly sticky, cum covered arms across your equally sticky waist while tapping your foot and glaring at the lavender haired woman. “N-No, you’re not a fuck! I mean, you’re a great ‘fuck’ if you know what I mean, but, well…shit, babe, I’m sorry. I guess I got a little carried away” the pierced, blue eyed woman finally stammers out as she hangs her head sullenly. You give her another hard look before laughing “It’s alright, Helena, it was kind of hot, and I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it~. Now, ‘Big Sister’, I think it’s time you gave your little sister a nice, thorough cleaning don’t you think? And make it snappy!” You stomp your left foot down hard and spread your legs a little bit as you give Helena a playful glare and a mischievous smile. Helena shudders and slowly saunters over to you and says as she licks her pink glossy lips “Mmm, well, I’m nothing if not a thoughtful big sister”. When she reaches you she drops to her hands and knees, just as you did for her, and looks up at you and smiles, which you return, before she gets to work cleaning your feet, legs, pussy – which you have her linger on as she brings you to orgasm as you force her mouth against you and squirt your juices into her mouth – before you turn around and have her lick up your plump behind before turning about and having her finish on your torso, breasts, arms, and face. You kiss her when she finishes, dominating her mouth with your tongue and then pulling back and looking her hungrily in the eyes “I wouldn’t mind doing that again, ‘Big Sister’~. But maybe next time you’re the one that’s the giggly airhead~?” Helena smiles and nods before the moments interrupted with Astraea’s giggles as a multitude of tentacles bursts from the walls, which seem to quickly reseal, and she says “Oh, that’s so adorable…but we still have one more item on the agenda~”. A bunch of tentacles then pick you and Helena up and, as you both yelp in surprise as you’re carried off further into the very large chamber, Meredith and the rest of the slimes follow behind you.

After about ten seconds or so of being transferred from tentacle to tentacle in the air both you and Helena are set down in front of two objects. The first is a massive red and purple fleshy sac of some sort that’s suspended in the air and held in place by a dozen fleshy tendrils that hang on the walls, ceiling, and floor. The second is a white pod of some sort, and is quite large with what looks to be some sort of opening at the top that’s currently closed. You don’t have long to linger on what they may be when Astraea’s voice rings out “Welcome, my lovelies, to the center of my lair~. So, what d’ya think of my protective casing, hmm~? Neat isn’t it!” You blink once in confusion before you realize that Astraea is in the giant fleshy sac! “You’re…inside that giant ball of flesh? What is it exactly…and now that I think about it, how can I hear your voice outside of my head?” you ask in awe, which earns a fit of giggles from the tentacle. “This, sweetie, is what any tentacle worth their salt creates when building a lair. It serves as a protective case for us and likewise amplifies our powers so that we can create things quicker, expand faster, and even make our mental powers so strong that we can create sound just from thinking! We can’t do this or create things out of thin air, though, as it requires a lot of energy. Anywho, the reason I brought you here is this wonderful little toy right here~. This, Colette, is a tentacle pod! And as I understand it, you would like to be put inside one you slutty little girl~!”
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Re: Rift Touched

You look to the pod as tingles and arousal wash over you and you find yourself smiling broadly and nodding your head as Helena, already experienced with tentacle pods, speaks up. “Well, don’t keep us waiting! Open that bad boy up!” she says impatiently, apparently quite excited at the prospect as she grins and eyes the pod like a predator eyes prey. Another fit of giggles fills the room before Astraea speaks up, giddiness and joy filling her voice “So impatient to be fucked silly~. Well, since this is your first time here, sweetie, how long would you like to go in, teehee~? One hour is the minimum…or maybe you’d like more~?” You think it over for a moment as you look at Helena before smiling and bringing your hand out in front of you with your index and middle finger out. “Two hours, please and thank you~” you say with a lewd grin – “Two hours it is! Oh this is going to be such fun~” Astraea says with a happy giggle. A second later the top of the pod splits open at the top in four sections that vaguely reminds you of peeling a banana and what’s inside makes your knees weak in anticipation. The inside looks big enough to fit four people inside, and is completely covered in thousands…maybe millions of tiny little feelers and quite a few large wriggling tentacles. Helena doesn’t even give the tentacle pod a second glance before she’s bounding inside; she sits down in the pod and immediately a few tentacles bind her arms and legs to prevent her from escaping…not that she wants to escape mind you. “Come on, babe, don’t keep me waiting~!” she yells at you with a laugh and you can’t help but chuckle as you slowly saunter over to the pod and slip inside sitting across from Helena.

You can’t help but yelp as your arms and legs are quickly bound by some tentacles in the pod…and then it starts to slowly close. “Have fun girls~. Don’t forget to open your mouth~” is the last thing you hear from Astraea before the top closes completely and your met with nothing but darkness. “There’s not much time, babe, so get ready…and don’t freak out. Astraea won’t let anything happen to us so just sit back and enjoy the ride~” you hear Helena say in the darkness before you feel the walls of the pod start to close in around you and encase you! You don’t panic since you know Helena’s right and you just sit back and wait in silence as you feel the walls getting tighter, and tighter, until finally it’s molded to every contour of your body perfectly and comfortably so as not to hurt or kill you. You gasp in shock and pleasure when you feel something very large, bumpy, and thick thrusts into your bum and pushed very deeply inside you that leaves you feeling incredibly stretched and full, much to your delight as you moan. You gasp again and nearly topple over in orgasm as another thick and bumpy object object, probably another tentacle, is thrust into your already wet cunt, stretching your walls as your pussy molds to its shape and leaving you feeling even fuller, especially when it pushes passed your cervix. Then you feel something latch onto your clit and breasts, and you remember what Astraea said and you open your mouth to have a tentacle thrust into your mouth and down your throat which, oddly enough, allows you to breathe somehow as the large member rests firmly in your stretched throat. You can’t help but moan, especially when you feel a thick, gooey substance trickle from the member and into your stomach. When the phallic tentacle pulls back slightly you get a taste of some sweet tasting cum that reminds you of Astraea’s before it lightly thrusts back into your throat, repeating the process every so often as it forces you to swallow down its seed, which you have no problem doing whatsoever.

Helena mentioned something about nutrients before…d-does that mean that tentacle beast cum is nutritious in some way…? B-But it’s starting to make me feel r-really hot and b-bothered. Does i-it have some sort of a-a-aphrodisiac in it? you think as you moan and continue to drink down the tasty seed as your body starts to heat up…and then you make a guttural scream of pleasure around the member as things start to pick up. As if all at once to take you by surprise the two tentacles inside your lower holes start to pump and vibrate furiously in and out of you sending extreme pleasurable jolts through you as the feelers latched onto your clit and breasts star to suck and rub furiously, drawing your milk out of you. The walls themselves start to vibrate, rub, and massage your entire body and you feel more incredible pleasure as the millions of tiny feelers rub every square centimeter of your body, especially over your sensitive half-elf ears. You try to hold the pleasure back and, for a small amount of time, you succeed but are unable to hold it back for more than maybe twenty or thirty seconds before it’s just too much and you topple over into orgasm. You scream around the phallic tentacle in your mouth in absolute bliss as your stuffed pussy and anus clamp down around the two shafts lice vices as your honeypot gushes an endless stream of juices around the tentacle inside you. However, instead of a reprieve the feelers and tentacles seem to speed up around your over-sensitive erogenous zones that extends your orgasm as you scream around the tenta-cock in your mouth, spurting your milk and juices constantly. You briefly wonder how Helena’s faring on her end before you’re throttled into a few multiple orgasms back to back, making your eyes roll back in your head as your body convulses violently in delicious pleasure…and then the tentacle cock in your mouth, rosebud, and love tunnel all erupt in a violent geyser of sweet, sticky thick and warm cum that fills your pussy to the brim, that you swallow greedily, and that your anus accepts as your belly distends and bloats from the content.

And still the relentless assault doesn’t end and you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve reached climax as it all blends together into a seemingly single, endless climax that gets stronger and stronger. A-A-A-A-Astraea h-h-h-o-o-o-w-w-w l-l-l-lo-ong h-h-havvvvee I b-b-beeeEEEEEn he- AAAAAGGGHHHN!!! – h-h-e-ere? you barely manage to think to your tentacle friend as an endless wave of bliss continues to wash over you as you try to arch your back and thrash about while you scream and whimper in total rapture. Teehee~ you sound like you’re having fun~. Let me see…about nine minutes now? Keep up the good work my slutty sweetie~! Only one hour and fifty-one minutes to go~! Astraea’s bubbly voice sounds in your head before you topple over into another wondrous orgasm. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDZZZZZZZZ!!!! you scream into your mind before you can no longer think and time has no meaning to you as you’re fucked and filled full of delicious tentacle cum in a never ending ride of blissful release and, before long, the edges of your vision start to go dark before you slip into an ecstasy filled wonderland of dreams. You only wake briefly every so often to a particularly earthshattering, mind-numbing climax before slipping back to unconsciousness as wonderful heat radiates from your very core. Your dreams are filled with sex, lust, and wonderful release but, if only for the briefest of moments, you feel like a weight was lifted from you and you feel calmer, more at peace and more confident with whom you are.

And then you dream of rifts…


You feel yourself coming out of a deep, wonderful sleep and your head feels hazy and fuzzy as the world spins around you. You have a sweet, creamy taste on your lips that makes you feel warm and happy, but that’s about the only thing you can sense as the rest of the world is devoid of feeling, sound, and sight. You keep your eyes closed and just lie down, wherever you are, for a long while until things start to slowly make their way back to your senses. First comes your sense of touch, and you feel that you’re lying on your side on something soft and warm, and that two sets of round balls are pressed against the front and back of your head. Next comes your sense of sound and smell; you hear light breathing, almost snoring, coming from in front of and behind you and a wonderful, lovely aroma wafts across your nose. The smell is of passion, sex, lust, cum, arousal, and a hint of natural erotic pheromones that drives you wild and you can feel yourself heating up and your cleft moistening…or you could if you could feel down there at all. Finally, you open your eyes and you see a pair of very large purple breasts pressed against your face and you instantly recognize them as Leena’s, which means Lula must be behind you. You look down towards your crotch and see that your one top of the covers…and completely drenched in cum from head to toe, inside and out. You wonder why you’re like this…and then the memories come flooding back.

You remember being put in the tentacle pod for gods knows how long, then passing out quite a few times, the incredible pleasure…and then finally after what seemed like an eternity the pod opened and you were gently pulled out and set on the floor. You briefly remember Helena being set next to you as you both twitched uncontrollably in pleasure, suffering constant aftershocks as your anus and pussy quiver in delight and as you leak juices and milk down your legs and breasts. You also remember Meredith…Astraea…then Lula, Leena, and Vulgan; you briefly seem to recall Leena mentioning something about feeling a change in you and congratulating you. However, when you and Helena both started to come to you remember every part of your body burning with arousal and desire despite what you had just been through. Astraea mentioned something about lingering effects from whatever was in the pod that made you and Helena like this…and then both you and Helena recovered in a second-wind of lust and desire and pounced the four and the slimes. You and Helena were both giggling incessantly as you fucked and were fucked by Meredith, Astraea, Lula, Leena, and the slimes for what seemed like hours, but in reality was probably closer to thirty minutes or so. You even think you remember Vulgan mounting you at some point before you passed out again.

You groan slightly as you try to move, but find that you just don’t have the strength at the moment…so you do the next best thing. You look at Leena’s nipple and, licking your lips of cum, you latch on and start to suck. You moan lowly and deeply as the warm, thick, sweet and creamy substance washes over your taste buds and into your stomach. You suck and suck…and suck some more until your totally full and you feel yourself regaining some of your strength. You pull back and look up to see Leena yawn and stretch before she smiles, meeting your gaze with affection and…something else that you don’t quite know, but makes you feel very safe and comfortable. “Hey there, dear…or should I say our little nympho? You know that you and Helena can fuck like rabbits? Almost puts us succubi to shame…” the purple, red eyed succubus says to you with a contented sigh as she wraps her tail around your legs. “Mmmhmm, I think I can get used to this~. Fucking all day…fucking all night…by Lequis we have ourselves our own nympho slut that just never stops~! Oh baby…the things you do to me drive me crazy~” you hear Lula say behind you as her arms wrap around your sticky waist. You smile and croak out “T-that was amazing…I think I understand why Helena likes those pods so much. Gods, I could use a good bath right about now, but you’ll have to carry me since I can’t really feel my legs at the moment. Speaking of Helena…where the hells is she?” The sisters chuckle before Lula gently picks you up from behind and moves you both off the bed. You nearly burst out laughing as Lula carries you towards the bathroom; first, you notice that your favorite little red slime is on your breasts and rippling gently, and second you see Helena, passed out on the floor with an empty wine bottle next to her. She’s also covered in cum, just like you, but unlike you her face is on the floor, ass up in the air, and oh yeah she has the arctic-grey wolf-dog Vulgan mounted on her, also fast asleep.

“You know, honey, if my sister and I hadn’t fed from you we probably wouldn’t have been able to stand either. You and your ‘Big Sister’ went a little crazy last night…oh shit just thinking about last night…!” Lula says with a beaming smile and chuckle as she walks to the tub and gently lowers both of you in, you still in her arms. She sets you down on the bench in the tub next to her and starts cleaning you up; you return the gesture as best as you can, but with the feeling in your legs taking its time returning you can only really just sit and wait. A few moments later you see Leena walk in completely nude, carrying Helena in her arms and awake. When she sees you she smiles and croaks “Hey, babe, fun night last night, huh? Fucking-A that was some good shit right there. You know you had a good fuck when you have trouble walking afterwards…or the next day in our case. Why, I don’t even want to drink which must mean it was a great fuck!” You laugh and shake your head, but you also smile knowingly and agree with Helena, even as you do burst out laughing when you see Vulgan trot through the door, wagging his tail and panting with cum splattered on his belly from when he fell asleep on Helena. “Don’t. Even. Think about it” Leena says sternly as she looks at Vulgan, who whines in response and his ears lower. “Don’t give me that. You’ll get a bath after us” Leena adds, and again Vulgan whines as he lies on his below, watching you four plus the slime – which is currently rippling happily and floating on the water like a buoy – clean up. After you’re all done you feel rejuvenated and the feeling in your legs is back, so you elect to clean up the wolf-dog, much to his apparent happiness. Once everyone is clean and dried off you all make your way back to the main room and sit down on the chairs, but only after you find your choker and put it on and giving the heart a little flick.

Leena’s about to start talking, but Lula interrupts her “Blah, blah, blah, congratulations, offers still stand, yada, yada, blessings, something, something, leave at any time. We’ve heard it all before, sister, just go fetch the list will you?” Leena glares at her blue sister, who merely sticks out her tongue playfully. “I should bend you over my knee and spank you for disrespecting your elders” Leena says with a coy grin. “You’d like that wouldn’t you, sister?” Lula says with a playful grin. “So would I” you respond as you raise your hand and grin – “Hell yes” Helena responds with a lick of her lips. The slime on your breasts ripples and Vulgan barks happily beside you on the floor. Leena looks to each of you and shakes her head as she throws her hands up in the air in defeat – she gets up and puts on her robe before leaving the room, returning a few minutes later and handing you the list.

“I think, before I was so rudely interrupted by my little sister” Leena begins as she throws Lula a glare before continuing “that this may be your last day before you’re fully aligned with yourself, dear. Your heart is very, very close to being fully aligned – we’ll see, but I think I may be right. How do you feel?” You let what Leena said sink in before you smile and respond “Good…really good, actually. Better than I ever have”. You smirk as you stick a finger in your mouth and moan and suck suggestively on it, thrusting your slime engulfed jugs out before adding “And naughtier than I ever have~. Say…want to have some fun before I make any other choices~?” You feel yourself moistening and your desire for sex flaring as you think about it, looking Leena over hungrily as you bring your finger from your mouth to your honeypot and rub it a little, gathering up some of your juices before bringing it back to your mouth and moaning as you taste yourself. Helena moans as she brings a hand to her cleft and starts rubbing, and you see both the sisters now have visible erections and are eyeing you with lust in their eyes. Leena, however, clears her throat and squeaks out “M-Maybe afterwards, dear; I feel that this is – dare I say it – more important than sex right now”. You pout a little at Leena before smiling and chuckling, turning your attention to the list as tingles nip at you.

Well, there’s always next time. Now, let’s see what we have here…

Hair Length
- Bald
- Short (pixie cut)
- Short (chin length)
- Shoulder length
- Long (Just above breasts)
- Long (Just passed breasts (current style))
- Extra-long (Small of back)
- Extra-long (Down to butt)
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Haircuts/styles These styles aren’t permanent. Colette can let her hair down or change it on her own.

- Pig Tails (Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Ponytail (current style. Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Bun (Requires Shoulder Length or longer)
- Odango (Requires Short (chin length) or longer)
- Straight
- Wavy (Current Style)
- Curly
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

Hair Color
- Brown
- Dark Brown
- Light Brown
- Blonde
- Platinum Blonde
- Raven Black
- Auburn
- Fiery Red (current hair color)
- Pink
- Purple
- Blue
- Green
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Natural
- Glossy Red (current style)
- Red
- Blue
- Black
- Purple
- Pink
- Green
- Your choice (write something if you want it added)

Nail Polish (Fingers and Toes)
- Natural (current style/color)
- Red
- Pink
- Black
- Purple
- Green
- Blue
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Rift tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Magic Crystal tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Dragon tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Flower tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- Death tattoo (Specify where you want it)
- “Slut” tattoo (Flowing writing) (Specify where you want it)
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)

- Eyeliner
- Eye-shadow
- Shave pubic hair (current)
- Grow pubic hair
- Your Choice (write something if you want it added)
Re: Rift Touched

Choose any and all that you want! Some may be automatically chosen based on Colette’s current Sex Perks/Passives so beware! Colette also doesn’t have to be the center of each i.e. if Dominant, anal, and strap-on are chosen she could possibly take a strap-on to someone else’s bottom and vice versa if Submissive; I will accommodate as many possibilities as are chosen. Also, if you’re squeamish know that I won’t go too hardcore with some of these things such as spanking, candle wax, floggers, etc. so no bleeding or serious pain.

Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal)
- Submissive (Normal)
- Submissive (Normal) Plus (You have shown an interest in being Submissive and in some situations you will be more submissive than normal, allowing others to make decisions for you and even allow other submissive people to dominate you) (You will gain submissive based perks)
- Bondage Submissive
- Give pleasure
- Give pleasure Plus (You like to give others pleasure. So much so that anyone that asks or wants sex from you, you will give them what they want. If this is chosen, while in the temple of Domina wandering about if someone wants you to please them then you will do so. Works well with submissive)
- Receive pleasure
- Receive pleasure Plus (You like to feel pleasure. With this you’ll be able to demand sex from many as you wander the halls of the temple of Domina. Works well with dominant)
- Serve others (Sexual and non-sexual. Can be helping improves other lives or serving the needs of another)
- Be served (Sexual and non-sexual. Can demand the help of others or prefer to help yourself as others serve your needs)
- Masochism
- Sadism
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)
- Pleasure Denial (orgasm denial)
- Role-play (Slave/Master, Pet/Owner, etc., write something in if you have an idea)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Anal
- Vaginal
- Breast Play
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Foursome (Three sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration)
- Fivesome (Four sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration+)
- Gangbang (Many sexual partners on one)
- Group Sex (Sex with other groups of people)
- Orgy (Sex with other groups of people in a large group)
- Bukkake
- Bukkake Plus (You love being covered in cum, whether it’s male, female, tentacle beast, or anything in between. With this every sexual situation will be sticky and messy, leaving you wearing a large amount of the stuff and sometimes your partner will as well)
- Public Sex
- Spanking
- Exhibitionism
- Humiliation (Dirty talk, nicknames, etc.)
- Humiliation Plus (You like being degraded and humiliated, and you like degrading and humiliating others. With this the humiliation will be taken to the next level with extra dirty talk, and be borderline cruel. You’ll also gain a perk(s) relating to be humiliated or humiliating others)
- Voyeurism
- Bondage (Rope, arm sleeves, leg sleeves, bound bodysuits, stocks, etc.)
- Glory Hole (Oral)
- Glory Hole (Vaginal/Anal)
- Piercings (Own category. Can be sexual or non-sexual i.e. piercings as sex play or piercings as jewelry)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Preferred Clothing Types
- Naked
- Clothing (Scant. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Casual. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Conservative. Write something specific if you want)
- Clothing (Exotic/Fetish i.e. maid outfit, cat outfit, school girl, bodysuits, etc. make up your own if you want)
- Your Choice (write something in)

Sex Toys and Objects
- Dildo
- Butt Plug
- Anal Beads
- Leash and Collar
- Gag (Ball and/or Ring gag)
- Ear-muffs/plugs
- Blindfolds
- Clamps
- Stocks
- Wooden Horse
- Candle Wax
- Whips, Floggers and/or Paddles
- Strap-on
- Double dildo
- Arm Sleeve
- Leg Sleeve
- Full Body Harness (Rope and/or clothing)
- Shackles/Manacles
- Aphrodisiacs
- Your Choice (write something in)

Other Sexual Things
- Tentacle Pod (You have shown an interest in being with tentacle beasts and now have the option of undergoing the ultimate in sexual bliss: The Tentacle Pod. You will be inserted into a tentacle beast specialty, which will penetrate every orifice and stimulate your entire body for over an hour. There will be no escape until the allotted time has been completed, and you will be blind and deaf to the world. The only thing you will know is constant, mind-numbing pleasure. Beware; you might come out somewhat…changed as a result. Especially after multiple uses of the tentacle pod)

- Tentacle Roundhouse (You really like tentacle beasts a whole lot. So much so that you want to be taken through the whole tentacle lair ordeal! With this chosen you’ll role-play a captured tentacle slave and be bound and screwed by a tentacle beast in all holes, bathed in cum, drinking their seed, being mentally befuddled, possibly put in a tentacle pod, and so much more!)

- Slime-tastic! (You’ve been with a slime! Slimes are awesome aren’t they? With this, you’ll be thrown – willingly of course – into a room full of cute and cuddly slimes to play with! Naughtily of course, but it’s still fun!)

- Slime-biosis (You think slimes are amazing! If you choose this you’ll have a little slime buddy with you the entire day as your own personal pet! It’ll be around and amaze children, scare off enemies, and when you get into naughty situations it’ll help out!)

- Oral Competition (You’ve attained mastery over giving head and now you want to prove it! You’ll complete in a blowjob competition to prove you’re the best! You’ll blow rows of cocks and lick just as many pussies!)

- Anal Gangbang (Similar to a regular gangbang, but only focusing on your backdoor! You’ve mastered the art of using your anus and now you want to share your gift with everyone! With this you’ll have men, women, tentacles, you name it all lining up to use that wonderful backdoor of yours and nothing else!)

- Vaginal Gangbang (Similar to a regular gangbang, but only focusing on your vagina! You have mastered using your vagina to both give and receive pleasure and now you want to set it through its paces!

- Milk and Cum Diet (You love drinking milk and you love the taste of cum. With this you will forego traditional meals and instead drink milk and cum for sustenance for the rest of the day)

- Cum Bather (You love cum so much – the taste, the feel, the smell – that you literally want to bathe in it! With this you’ll take nice cum baths instead of regular ones, meaning you’ll be look and smelling like cum all day. Can specify if you don’t want to bath for certain events)

- Blossoming Love (You’ve been having sex and building relationships with many people since you’ve come here. With this you can profess your love and care to those that you have been with and possibly start a harem…or join one that’s already been made. Possible candidates include: Lula, Leena, Xillia, Penelope, Helena, Meredith, Astraea, Delilah, Phi, Laewinn, Razasha, Hera. Can choose more than one. If chosen interesting things may happen…)

- Sex in the City (You love having sex where others can see you, and you love to show off your body. So much in fact that you want to let the whole city know it! With this you’ll organize an event to bring as many people from all corners of the city to the fountain area and have sex the partners of your choice, either from the crowd or the temple)

- Cum Dump (You love cum. You love tasting it, feeling it, smelling it…you love everything about it! And people have so much of it! With this you’ll offer your body up to the residents of the temple so that they can relieve themselves of all that wonderful cum. You’ll suck and fuck like there’s no tomorrow to get it out of them and in you…or on you!)

- The Boss Lady (You are dominant, there’s no doubt about it. With this you’ll really get to exert your dominance on others. You’ll order and boss people around and have many submissives at your beck and call at all times for both sexual and non-sexual reasons)

- Amazonian Fun (Hera’s not the only Amazon in the city. She’s also escorted by her personal guard of four highly trained, deadly Amazon warriors sworn to defend her with their lives. She also might have told them about the sexy, beautiful, slutty girl you’ve been and their interested might have been piqued. Choose this and you’ll sleep with Hera and her four guards…all at once!)

- Wingman Helena (Helena is the most sexual person you know, and definitely the biggest slut in the temple of Domina. Which means it’s pretty fun to have her around! Choose this and Helena will accompany you wherever you go in the temple and join you in any sexual situation you find yourself in! Double the fun and double the naughty trouble!)

- Fetish Hypnotization (You already have a few fetishes developed already whether it be breasts, cum, milk, something in your mouth, etc. However, there are just too many to choose from! With this you’ll be hypnotized and mentally probed and have fetishes formed in your subconscious) (Use your imagination on this one! Some fetishes could include: latex fetish, foot fetish, slime fetish, piercing fetish, etc. Write in anything you want!)

- Vampire Love (Delilah’s mentioned that there are a few trustworthy vampires in the city, and you’ve already shown that you’re willing to let her feed off of you. If you choose this you’ll spend time with Delilah and the other three vampires doing naughty things…and being fed off of. Not enough to kill or harm you of course, but it might improve your reputation amongst the vampires, and you might learn something about them that will be useful in the future…)

- Delilah’s Bondage Slut (Delilah is the temple bondage dom and she’s taken a liking to you. Heck, you’ve taken a liking to her and being tied up by her! With this you’ll go through her full bondage regimen: you’ll be paddled, whip, spanked, harnessed, strung up in the air, teased, humiliated, you name it! It will only be between you and Delilah, but you’ll have to do what she says when you’re with her. She won’t do anything to hurt you, so no worries there!)

- Delilah’s Bondage Training (Delilah, the temple bondage dom, wants to train you to be the very best bondage submissive you can be! She’ll train you to be meek, obedient, to follow orders and directions, to serve the needs of others, and so much more! But only when you’re in bondage. If chosen certain parchment choices will be automatically chosen)

- Milk Maker Extraordinaire! (With your newly altered breasts you’re able to produce milk, and you want to share it around! You’ll be strapped to a milk machine that will milk your breasts for a little while. What you decide to do with that milk is up to you! You can donate it, sell it, drink it, give it away to someone, or admire it!)

- One Woman Orgy (You love sex very, very much and your stamina is at or nearly at its peak. You want to take part in something only a few can handle…an orgy. Not just any orgy, a one woman orgy! Choosing this means you will take part in an orgy, but you’ll be the center of attention! You’ll have sex with dozens of people all focused on you. Can you handle it? Can you last? Who knows!)

- Penetration Enthusiast (You love to be penetrated…a lot. In fact, you’ve though about being penetrated with more than one member at once! With this you’ll try to take two toys/penises in one hole)

- Fucked Silly (You love sex, and you love to feel good. With this, every sexual encounter will see that you end up fucked completely silly. Slurred speech, increased desire to be fucked, funny faces, strange speech. It might affect your personality a tad bit…)

- Stuffed Full of Vibrators! (You have a fixation with things being inside you, on top of being horny a lot of the time! Choose this and you’ll have your anus and vagina each stuffed with an extra-large, bumpy vibrating dildo the entire day!)

- Boobs are Great! (Boobs are awesome, so why not share them? With this chosen you’ll let people grope and fondle your wonderful melons whenever they want. Whether in the temple or walking the streets, you’ll give the gift that keeps on giving…wonderful breasts!)

- Vulgan’s Loyal Friend (Vulgan is such a loyal and faithful dog, and you want to return the favor! Choose this and Vulgan will be with you wherever you go and participate in whatever you’re doing! This includes both naughty and non-naughty things!)

- Women Only (You’ve been with many women and find that you prefer women. With this chosen you’ll realize that you have no attraction to men – barring other attractions such as tentacle beasts, slimes, beasts, etc. – and become fully lesbian)

- Your Choice (write something in)

Sexual Preferences
- Men
- Women
- Other (tentacle beasts, futanari, slimes, beasts such as canines/dogs, etc.)
- Your Choice (write something in. There’s obvious things I left out, but if you want them then go ahead and write them in)

- Community Service (Help beggars, pass out food, help repair buildings, etc.)

- Community Clean-Up (Help clean up the streets of the slums and make it a better looking place)

- Orphanage Duty (reading to kids, helping maintain orphanage, etc.)

- Orphanage Teacher (Teach the children of the orphanage valuable skills that you’ve learned to help them have a better chance out in the world)

- Orphanage Mother (You help Penelope out with taking care of the children when you go. You help cook meals, feed them, teach them, play with them, and nurture them when you volunteer)

- Stealth Training: Sneak Proficiency (Improve sneak level. May require more than one session depending on sneak level), Lock Pick Proficiency (Improve lockpicking level. May require more than one session depending on lockpicking level), Evasive techniques (Learn to hide and dodge better. Small boost to sneak when hidden and small boost to dodging attacks. May require multiple sessions to learn)Choose up to two.

- Combat Training: Weapon type proficiency (Level up weapons. May require more than one session depending on current weapon level. May only choose one weapon type), Muscle training (Increase muscle to hit harder and carry more weight. May require multiple sessions to learn). Choose up to two. If chosen then Helena Hand-to-Hand Training cannot be chosen.

- Magic Training: Mental Fortitude (Improve MR slightly and resist mental based attacks aimed at mind control or mental befuddlement. Multiple sessions may improve resisting mental powers), Magic Crystal Proficiency (Level up magic crystals. May require more than one session depending on current magic crystal level. May only choose one magic crystal type), Magical Shield (Will be capable of tapping into magical reserves to create a magical shield that absorbs damage similar to ice shield. Each hit on the shield, regardless of damage, drains 20 MR. Lasts indefinitely or until dispelled or broken. Last hit on Magical Shield will not allow damage to bleed through to caster, unlike ice shield. Requires multiple sessions to learn)

- Helena Hand-to-Hand Training: Helena specializes in hand-to-hand combat and her skills are unmatched in this regard. You want her to teach you how to fight better in hand-to-hand combat (Hand-to-Hand will improve faster than with regular combat weapons training) If chosen then combat training cannot be chosen.

- Your Choice (write something in)

A. Stylist Choices
A1. Get more things done, or change what you already have.
A2. Forget the stylist for now. You like the way that you look.

B. Parchment Options (Choose as many as you want)

C. Have some alterations made to your body through the power of alchemy and Domina!
C1. Alter your throat and turn it into a sexual organ capable of feeling pleasure similar to an erogenous zone.

D. Bless Self

E. Bless clothing/armor
E1. Bless undergarments (can bless 1 set of footwear, bra, panties, and garters)
E2. Bless chest clothing (can only bless 1) (Sets can be blessed together, i.e. Skintight bodysuit and hood)
E3. Bless leg clothing (can only bless 1)
E4. Bless robe/coat/cloak (can only bless 1)
E5. Bless chest armor (can only bless 1)
E6. Bless leg armor (can only bless 1)
E7. Bless footwear (can only bless 1 pair)
E8. Bless Gloves (can only bless 1 pair)
E9. Bless headwear (can only bless 1)

F. Bless weapon (can only choose 1. Thrown weapons and projectiles cannot be blessed)

G. You’ve had just about enough of this temple. Leave.
G1. Explore the merchant’s district for more shops
G2. Head to the blacksmith
G3. Make a stop at the stylist’s shop “Perfect Clarity”
G4. Go back to “The Size that Fits” (possibly model for Xillia…or have sex)

H. Visit another temple in the temple district.
H1. Go to Kramulet’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H2. Go to Victressia’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H3. Go to Dwynvel’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H4. Go to Yyssbo’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
H5. Go to Lequis’ temple (specify what you want to do there)

I. Make a stop at the noble district.
I1. Visit The Noble’s Finery
I2. Visit Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium
I3. Visit The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club
I4. Enter the dome of the permanent rift and check it out
I5. Visit the Capital Building of Kilnhaven
I6. Go to Yulag’s inn (Eat, drink, rest, ask for info, visit Lula)
I7. Go back to the notice board and look to see if there are more jobs
I8. Visit Batzi at the Adventurer’s Guild (Specify what you want to do there. Batzi leaves at 6 pm)

J. Go to the red light district
J1. Visit Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure (donate blood, find out what else is there, etc.)
J2. Go back to “Exotic Sway” (get a job as a dancer, enjoy the entertainment. Specify.)
J3. Visit Lover’s Essentials (piercings, bondages gear, sex toys)
J4. Visit the park (Specify what to do there…maybe try and peek on other couples in the bushes?)
J5. Go to Yulag’s and Ungan’s home (Specify what you want to do there)

K. Head off to the slums
K1. Go to the jail in the slums (Specify what you want to do there)
K2. Go back to Chap’s General store (possibly take the job he mentioned)
K3. Visit The Pilgrim’s March inn and pub (eat, get a job, get a room, ask about rumors. Specify)
K4. Visit Penelope’s Home for Youngsters (Specify what to do there. Read to kids, ask about work, donate money, etc.)
K5. Go to the Public Restroom and Bath (Male and Female baths and restrooms. Specify what to do there)
K6. Visit Loan For Your Troubles (Specify what to do there. Get a loan. Inquire about a job)
K7. Prostitute yourself (Clothing will have an effect)
K8. Find beggars in the slums (Give food, water, money, inquire about rumors and info, etc.)

L. Wander and explore the city at random

M. Try to get the job as a waitress at the slums inn

N. Explore the sewers (possibly search for the rift)

O. Go to the farms on the outskirts of town (Specify what you want to do there)

P. Take the job to donate some blood at Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure

Q. Rift Travel (Closest Rift: Noble District – Kilnhaven, Eborthia)
Q1. Use rift to travel to the Rift Plane (Specify what you want to do there. No other rifts are available to be used for travel)

X. Other

Y. Time Skip (Specify where to wait and how many minutes/hours/days/weeks you want to wait. Must have adequate resources to survive i.e. money, food, water, shelter, etc.)

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Backpack: Light Load. Has a fair amount of space left.

Currently Unavailable
-Gold pouch (633 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (0 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Hood (Covers entire head. Has slot in back for hair and slots in front for mouth, nostrils, and eyes. Molds to skin like a second skin. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on hood. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of hood that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones (half-elf ears )) (Partially concealed)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves (enhances MR by 10)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh. Holds 6 knives.
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Black Silk Fabric
- Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Bodysuit (Covers neck, arms to wrists, and legs to ankles. Molds to skin like a second skin, exposing everything as if naked. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on bodysuit. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of bodysuit that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones) (Currently concealed)
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire. Currently concealed)
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots (mostly concealed)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking).
- Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)
- Amazonian Veil Dancing Outfit (Very exposing and very light. Comes with creamy white bra-top, panties, drapes for arms, crotch, and bottom, open toed three inch heeled sandals, and bronze-gold bands to hold drapes in place)

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Currently Unavailable
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1.
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


- Naked!
- Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Pet” engraved on front. Has “Mistress Lula’s Good Girl” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot. Concealed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed. Utility Belt. Left Side. Concealed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh. Concealed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage). Slung across back.
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 1/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR)

Rift Abilities
- Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller and plumper.
-Slightly curved nose
- Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
- Currently Naked besides Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker


Health: Fine
MR: 92/92
Highly Aroused.
Feeling Tingles.
Feeling “right”.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn). Currently not in effect.

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn) Currently not in effect.

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn). Currently not in effect.

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat). Currently not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!). Currently not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield to weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Hera of the Amazons has shown you the dance of her people, which is refered to as a veil dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have a extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched


Whelp last day if we want that event. Thus

Role/Sexual Interests
- Dominant (Normal)
- Submissive (Normal)
- Bondage Submissive
- Give pleasure Plus (You like to give others pleasure. So much so that anyone that asks or wants sex from you, you will give them what they want. If this is chosen, while in the temple of Domina wandering about if someone wants you to please them then you will do so. Works well with submissive)
- Receive pleasure Plus (You like to feel pleasure. With this you’ll be able to demand sex from many as you wander the halls of the temple of Domina. Works well with dominant)
- Serve others (Sexual and non-sexual. Can be helping improves other lives or serving the needs of another)
- Foreplay (kissing, caressing, build-up, etc.)

Sexual Acts/Situations
- Oral
- Anal
- Vaginal
- Breast Play
- One-on-one (Single sexual partner)
- Threesome (Two sexual partners on one. Double Penetration)
- Foursome (Three sexual partners on one. Triple Penetration)
- Orgy (Sex with other groups of people in a large group)
- Bukkake Plus (You love being covered in cum, whether it’s male, female, tentacle beast, or anything in between. With this every sexual situation will be sticky and messy, leaving you wearing a large amount of the stuff and sometimes your partner will as well)
- Spanking
- Exhibitionism
- Humiliation (Dirty talk, nicknames, etc.)
- Voyeurism
- Bondage (Rope, arm sleeves, leg sleeves, bound bodysuits, stocks, etc.)

Preferred Clothing Types
- Naked
- Clothing Casual (Sundress)

Sex Toys and Objects
- Anal Beads
- Gag (Ball and/or Ring gag)
- Ear-muffs/plugs
- Blindfolds
- Clamps
- Stocks
- Wooden Horse
- Candle Wax
- Whips, Floggers and/or Paddles
- Double dildo
- Arm Sleeve
- Leg Sleeve
- Full Body Harness (Rope)
- Shackles/Manacles
- Aphrodisiacs

Other Sexual Things

- Milk and Cum Diet (You love drinking milk and you love the taste of cum. With this you will forego traditional meals and instead drink milk and cum for sustenance for the rest of the day)

-Blossoming Love (You’ve been having sex and building relationships with many people since you’ve come here. With this you can profess your love and care to those that you have been with and possibly start a harem…or join one that’s already been made.)
--Lula, Leena, Helena, Xilla, Delilah, Meredith, and Astraea.

-Slime-Biosis (You think slimes are amazing! If you choose this you’ll have a little slime buddy with you the entire day as your own personal pet! It’ll be around and amaze children, scare off enemies, and when you get into naughty situations it’ll help out!)

- Wingman Helena (Helena is the most sexual person you know, and definitely the biggest slut in the temple of Domina. Which means it’s pretty fun to have her around! Choose this and Helena will accompany you wherever you go in the temple and join you in any sexual situation

- Delilah’s Bondage Training (Delilah, the temple bondage dom, wants to train you to be the very best bondage submissive you can be! She’ll train you to be meek, obedient, to follow orders and directions, to serve the needs of others, and so much more! But only when you’re in bondage. If chosen certain parchment choices will be automatically chosen)

- Milk Maker Extraordinaire! (With your newly altered breasts you’re able to produce milk, and you want to share it around! You’ll be strapped to a milk machine that will milk your breasts for a little while. What you decide to do with that milk is up to you! You can donate it, sell it, drink it, give it away to someone, or admire it!)

Sexual Preferences
- Futanari
- Women
- Tentacles
- Slimes

- Orphanage Teacher (Teach the children of the orphanage valuable skills that you’ve learned to help them have a better chance out in the world)

- Orphanage Mother (You help Penelope out with taking care of the children when you go. You help cook meals, feed them, teach them, play with them, and nurture them when you volunteer)

- Stealth Training:
--Lock Pick Proficiency (Improve lockpicking level. May require more than one session depending on lockpicking level)
--Evasive techniques (Learn to hide and dodge better. Small boost to sneak when hidden and small boost to dodging attacks. May require multiple sessions to learn.)

- Magic Training:
--Mental Fortitude (Improve MR slightly and resist mental based attacks aimed at mind control or mental befuddlement. Multiple sessions may improve resisting mental powers),
--Magic Crystal Proficiency lighting. (Level up magic crystals. May require more than one session depending on current magic crystal level. May only choose one magic crystal type.)

- Helena Hand-to-Hand Training: Helena specializes in hand-to-hand combat and her skills are unmatched in this regard. You want her to teach you how to fight better in hand-to-hand combat (Hand-to-Hand will improve faster than with regular combat weapons training) If chosen then combat training cannot be chosen.

So this is last day after tonight we'd get super blessing and will participate in the Killing of the Dastardly Noble.

On that note I am finishing up a write in for the love blossoms orgy. Of which almost EVERY thing chosen will be used barring the Milk event and Training. Yea I spent some time on it and getting feedback from Greater will post that once I am done.
Last edited:
Re: Rift Touched


B :
Role/Sexual Interests :
Submissive (Normal) Plus, Give pleasure Plus, Bondage Submissive, Foreplay, Pleasure Denial,

Sexual Acts/Situations :
Oral, Anal, Vaginal, Breast play, One-on-one, Threesome, Foursome, Bukkake Plus, Bondage, Humiliation, piercings (Similar to the choker style, nipples rings with hearts dangling and clit ring with a clochette dangling).

Preferred Clothing Types :
Naked, Clothing (Scant), Clothing Casual (outside the temple).

Sex Toys and Objects :
Dildo, Leash and Collar, Anal beads, Butt Plug, Gag, Double dildo,
Wooden Horse, Full Body Harness (rope), Shackles/Manacles.

Other Sexual Things :
Women Only, Blossoming Love (Dellilah, Lula), Vampire Love, Delilah’s Bondage Training/Delilah’s Bondage Slut, Milk Maker Extraordinaire, Milk and Cum Diet.

Sexual Preferences :
Women/futanari mainly then Other (tentacle beasts, slimes, etc.).

Non-Sexual :
Orphanage Teacher, Orphanage Mother.

Stealth Training : Lock Pick Proficiency, Evasive techniques.
Combat Training : Weapon type proficiency (bow).
Magic Training : Magical Shield , Mental Fortitude.
Re: Rift Touched

2nding Bloodshifter mostly, only adding "Vulgan" to the "Blossoming Love" list and "Canines" to the "Sexual Preferences" list, and another scene or more with Vulgan under "Sexual Acts/Situations".
Re: Rift Touched

Okay then without much further fanfare. A fairly good framework of our last day.
Love Blossoms Orgy
Order of informing to join said party.

Lula, Leena, Meredith, and Helena

-Lula, Leena, Helena, and Meredith
Colette is about to give back the scroll when she bites the upper part of her lip. Springing into Lula giving her a hug she moves back from the surprised Succubus and addresses all three. (Spiel I can't find the right words so I'll leave it to Great47) Ending with asking if they'd accept her Love. (Reaction to our declaration.) after they calm down she kisses both succubi fiercely when she moves to Helena the Monk is already in action barreling past the startled Sisters and knocking both (Colette and Helena) onto the bed she vigorously attempts to introduce her tongue to our tonsils. Disengaging from said activity Helena gives her answer. Meredith comes in looking for the Little Red Slime and we attempt to Glomp her failing as she in shock becomes a blob again. spouting apologies we tell Meredith about our 'budding' feelings for her. in which she then glomps us and succeeds.

(Moves on to Orphanage Schedule with Lula and Helena.)

We go in for training but the moment we move into the Door we are swept up in Tentacles and whirled about while Astraea repeats 'Yes yes yes yes yes'. We promise to keep our mimd shielded in future meetings. Continues Training.

Helena and Delilah Training. Catch Delilah after the training and ask if you can meet up with her in a bit. Shower get cleaned up for Xillia BUT visit the Delilah to ask them if they would accept her feelings Delilah accepts. Delilah is of course smiling promising Dark and Evil things.

Now Colette goes to Xillia feeling like she should be scared. Few minutes before closing greeting Xillia with a hug and a kiss unless she is busy then Colette waits till she is done with the store. If Xillia does accept Colette huggles the crap out of Xillia (Dom Influence) seeing the time decides to get Xillia's confidence up a bit for what she has in mind. They take turns modeling clothing each time dipping into more risque wear at some point Colette asks Xillia to try on the Skintight suit *came in her skintight* Colette asks if Xillia has any black high heels to fit Xillia. Taking a set of Red Heels herself she walks up to Xillia briefly activating the suit and turning it off enough to get Xillia's "lusty" face out. Colette runs her hands up and down Xillia's form nibbling her ear telling her how good she looks baring herself to the world her face looking like Sin, her lithe body in motion no one part attracting too much attention from the rest. *Colette pulses the suit again* Smiling Colette asks if Xillia will consent to being walked like this to the Temple along side Colette. *Who is in only Heels and a Red Slime two piece bikini. Her boots are being left at Xillia's Shop for now.* Walking the rest of the way to the temple while we are right in front of her (Colette has a nice ass who wouldn't want ro stare?). Colette wanting to embarrass thw shy tailor further activates the suit long enough to get Xillia to orgasm and quickly captures her lips to pull the woman into a passionate kiss.

Colette and Xillia enters the Temple and finds Lula and Meredith(and likely smilimg and blushing) waiting for them the two take them to the Prepped Bondage Room of which Delilah and Astraea are having a discussion which Colette comes in at the end of which.

-What occurs next is Colette begins Delilah's Bondage Training *With Help of Astraea* (While Xillia is shuffled off to be prettied up for the main course. By Leena and Lula) Helena joins in the Training while Meredith and the Red Slime are off in a corner Meredith seems to be speaking with the slime. That continues for a bit until Lula and Leena enter (Lula talks with Meredith at which both Slimes roll away.)

Pairing as of the start of the part.
(Astraea x Helena and Delilah x Colette) squeezing in Women Lover.

--Seeing new (Toys err..) Volunteers Delilah ropes(Figuratively and Literally) the Sisters into the Training Leena helps Helena and Lula with Colette. Out of which a Competition between Delilah and Astraea develops on who can please their group best. Meredith and a red faced Xillia walk in Meredith receives a telepathic message from Astraea to Bond with Colette.

Pairings at end of this part.
(Delilah x Colette(Meredith) x Lula and Helena x Astraea x Leena and Xillia(Red Slime))

---Acting on Colette's desires grows her a slime cock of which Helena decides she HAS to have in her bringing Leena with her Colette Penetrates her. Astraea seeing that Delilah's side "won" and proceeds to take off the brakes and goes all out. Xillia is 'encouraged' by Astraea and the Slime in her to take Colette's Ass as Lula is in Colette's Vagina Helena has her Cock and Delilah is currently "receiving" her reward from Astraea Leena is in Helena's Pussy and sitting on Lula's face of which Lula is eating out Leena's Pussy. Astraea has Tentacles in all of Lula's, Delilah's, and Xillia's with Leena's Ass while milking
Colette, Helena, Lula, and Leena and feeding it to everyone but Delilah with Cum through a Feeder Tentacle to keep it up for a while.

(Fades out due to exhaustion. Milk Maker Scene and Cum and Milk diet.)

Pairings as of end of scene. Or who is in who.
((Colette[Fucking Helena's Ass] x Lula[Col's Pussy eating out Leena's Pussy] x Leena[Helena's Pussy] x Delilah[No one] x Xillia[Col's Ass] x Helena[No one] x Meredith[Bound to Colette] x Red Slime[Bound to Xillia] x Astraea[Delilah's, Lula's, Xillia's all 3. Leena's Ass and Mouth. Col's Mouth]))

----Wakes up Xillia is nursing on her breasts Meredith, Helena, and Astraea are STILL at it having woken up earlier then Colette. Delilah is stuck and bound between Lula and Leena being Magical they really have been at it since before Helena monopolized Astraea and Meredith (Seeing Colette awake they put down the Delilah and moves toward Colette and a now half awake Xillia.)

Beginning of scene pairings
(Helena[Meredith] x Astraea and Lula x Delilah x Leena and Colette x Xillia[Red Slime])

-----They proceed to double team Colette continue for a bit till Lula moves off to show Xillia still sporting Red Slime as a cock and with Leena and Lula does all 3 of her holes Helena with Meredith joins in on Lula's ass and Astraea helps herself to the rest but Xillia(low stamina). Ends in white Shower by Astraea.

Mix of Cum and Milk.

Who is doing Who.
(Colette[No one] x Xillia[Col's Pussy] x Lula[Col's Ass] x Leena[Col's Mouth] x Delilah[no one] x Meredith[Bound to Helena] x Helena[Lula's Ass] x Red Slime[Bound to Xillia] x Astraea [Lula's Pussy and Mouth. Helena's, Leena's Pussy, Mouth, and Ass])
------They all eventually wake with Xillia on Colette Lula to her left Helena following her. Leena to her right with Delilah behind her. Meredith under everyone having cleaned everyone. Red Slime is on Colette's bosom.

That is that. Mind you its my plan setup and Great47 has already seen it and may alter it. But yea it'll be there mostly.

If you find errors or want do something like add a scene post if you get even a minority it may be added.
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Re: Rift Touched

^Work Vulgan into about half of those as well. Which don't matter to me, just whatever feels right at the time as you're writing them.
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Re: Rift Touched

I'll avoid saying too much and just say that I'm opposed to further beast sex.

I also would be more selective with who we say we are in love with. The only characters I like enough too keep around permanently in some fashion are Lula, Leena, Helena, and and the red slime pet, maybe the slime girl. But thats less important.
Re: Rift Touched

Blossoming Love (You’ve been having sex and building relationships with many people since you’ve come here. With this you can profess your love and care to those that you have been with and possibly start a harem…or join one that’s already been made.)

Nothing to limited to Love.

But it is the most votes for it.
Re: Rift Touched

I'm followin' Blood' like... Almost all the time. Although, like Xgfk, I'd like to try again the canine sex.

But well: will Colette one day or another get back on quests? Smut is fuckin' great but quests are funny sometimes.
Re: Rift Touched

I'm followin' Blood' like... Almost all the time. Although, like Xgfk, I'd like to try again the canine sex.

But well: will Colette one day or another get back on quests? Smut is fuckin' great but quests are funny sometimes.

This is the last day after this we will move to kill the guy who hired the Gobbies.
Re: Rift Touched

A2, dominant (normal), submissive (normal), bondage submissive, give pleasure plus, receive pleasure plus, serve others, foreplay, oral anal, vagina, breast play, one-on-one, threesome, foursome, orgy, bukkake plus, spanking, exhibitionism, humiliation, voyeurism, bondage, piercings (Nipple studs and nightshade99’s hearts), naked clothing preference, sundress: Casual clothing preference, skintight bodysuit: scant clothing preference, anal beads, gags, ear-muffs/plugs, blindfolds, clamps, stocks, wooden horse, candle wax, whips, floggers, paddles, double dildo, arm sleeve, leg sleeve, fully body harness (rope), shackles/manacles, aphrodisiacs, milk and cum diet, blossoming love (Lula, Leena, Delilah, Meredith, Astraea, Xillia, Helena, Vulgan), slime-biosis, wingman Helena, Delilah’s Bondage Training, Milk Maker Extraordinaire!, futanari, women, tentacles, slimes, canines (Vulgan), orphanage teacher, orphanage mother, Stealth Training: lock pick proficiency and evasive techniques, Magic Training: mental fortitude and magic crystal proficiency, Helena Hand-to-Hand training. Also, based on certain parchment choices a few choices will be automatically chosen.

Alright, so here’s the next update. If you’re reading this part first then I’ll let you know now that there are no choices yet at the end of the post. I finished this up and am working on the next part which will have the grand finale! I hope you enjoy this part and as always thanks for reading!


You smile and give the parchment in your hands a final glance before casting your eyes up and looking from Lula, Leena, and then Helena beside you, and you smile warmly and serenely at them as you feel the strings at your heart tug. You bite your lips as you stand up and slide the parchment along the table that separates you and Lula as you stand up and make your way around the table to where Lula is sitting, gazing into her red eyes with love and affection. “Baby, what’s up – hey, what are you doing?” Lula starts to say as she watches you with a cocked eyebrow, that is until she’s surprised when you jump on her and straddle her lap and pull her into a deep hug, even as you rub your moist slit along her blue shaft and coat it with your juices. You pull back slightly and plant a few light kisses on her cheek and lips before looking her in the eyes with love and saying “Lula…meeting you in that inn was one of the best days of my life. You’ve brought me nothing but happiness and joy, even if it was embarrassing at first…that goes for all of you”. You look over at Leena and Helena, throwing them lovingly and warm smiles before turning back to Lula and pressing your forehead against hers and rubbing your nose against her small nose. Lula giggles and hugs you tightly “Aww, that’s so sweet of you to say, baby. It’s what we’ve always wanted to do, and you’ve brought us no end of happiness as well so it all…it all worked out” Lula flashes you a smile that you find somewhat…sad.

Leena walks up and puts a hand on your shoulder and says “That’s right, dear; we’ve all strived to make you happy. It’s what we’ve wanted all along for you” she throws you a smile that seems very sincere and warms your heart, but it too seems a little sad and devoid of joy that makes you feel crestfallen. “Yeah, babe…we care ‘bout you and you’ve kind of grown on me a little…” Helena says with a sincere smile, but again it’s missing something that you’ve seen the last few days, though you have seen Lula and Leena give you those smiles before…and then it dawns on you. You wrap your arms around Lula’s head and kiss her once more before pulling back and saying “What I’m trying to say, you silly women, is that…I love you. All of you. And Meredith, and Delilah, and Xillia, and Astraea, and even Vulgan here. You all make me feel on top of the world, like when I’m with you everything will be alright and I can do anything when I’m with you. If you all weren’t with me then…I don’t know if I would be okay; you all make me so happy…eh, and I guess the sex is pretty good too~”. You give Lula a deliberately cheeky grin that makes her laugh, but when she finishes she looks at you with misty eyes and you notice the others look misty eyed as well. “Oh, baby, I-I’m so glad you said that…I’ve b-been meaning to tell you for a little – little while now…but I just didn’t know how you would react. There’s just something about you that makes my heart sing when I’m near you, when you smile, when you talk…everything you do is so, so beautiful to me that makes me love you so much” Lula says between sniffles and a smile that is filled with love and warmth.

You smile and the slime on your breasts ripples joyously at the occasion, making you giggle a little as you lean in and kiss Lula before looking at Leena and Helena with hopeful eyes. “I love you, too, Leena, Helena. You’re so much like your sister and you make me so euphorically happy and complete…do you love me back? And you, Helena, are the raunchiest, one of the most beautiful and strong women I know and I can’t help but admire and long for you” you say as you bring Leena’s hand to your face and nuzzle it, looking her in her piercing red eyes before turning your gaze to Helena’s boundlessly blue orbs. “Oh, dear, of course…of course I accept your love! As my little sister said; there’s just something about you that I can’t help but feel attracted to and…you’ve made me happy these last few days. I haven’t felt this way in a very long time and it’s been hard not saying anything. So yes, a thousand times yes!” Leena professes with a warm smile as she bends down and kisses you on the lips, stroking your cheek loving that makes you moan in happiness and contentment. “We also don’t mind sharing you, my love~. My sister and I also have quite a few things in mind for you, and we have very healthy sexual appetites~. Should you ever need a home, my doors are always open for you…in fact, dear, I would like it if you and my dear sister would live here from now on? I understand you intend to travel…but should you ever find yourself in the city, would you stay here with me?” Leena continues with a hopeful smile. You kiss your purple succubus on the lips fiercely and nod as Lula agrees with her own nod, pulling you into a tongue battle that makes your soul weep in joy as you take turns battling mouths with your two beautiful, perfect lovers. You pant for air and smile as you pull back from Lula after your most recent session of lip smooching and smile as you flick the heart to your choker “I will always be your good girl, Lula. Now and forever <3”.

You then look to Helena and see that she’s smiling and fidgeting with her hands that you find adorable – you get off of Lula’s lap, which is soaked in your juices, and head over to Helena as the red slime on your breasts continues to ripple and as Vulgan barks happily, and as his tail wags fiercely as he watches you. “So” you say in a hushed, sweet tone to the slutty woman you love “Will you accept my heart, Big Sister? I love you and I can’t ever change that. I know we’ve only just met, but I think I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with you along with my beautiful succubi and, hopefully, the others as well” you finish by placing your hands around your human lover’s waist and kissing her tenderly on her beautiful glossy pink lips that makes your heart soar and sing. When you pull back you look into Helena’s soul windows and give her an expectant look…before you release a yelp in surprise as Helena’s look turns from tender to hungry and she grabs you and, with a grunt, lifts you up into her arms and charges towards the bed with you. You laugh when she tosses you onto the red and black covers and jumps on top of you, mashing her breasts against your slime covered ones with either of her hands next to your head. You giggle and wrap your legs around her waist just as she mashes her mouth against yours and sticks her tongue deep into your mouth; you moan and do the same as you release tiny magical bursts into your mouth and along your tongue to stimulate the action a hundredfold. “I…can’t…promise…I’ll only…sleep with…you. Fuck…yes…I love…you…so much…Colette” Helena says between brief pullbacks for air before descending back onto your glossy red lips with passion and fire – “That’s…alright…Helena…I love you…for who…you…are. I…promise…I’ll probably…be…right beside…you…if…you do” you confess with love and equal passion between those brief reprieves for air. Your attention is momentarily diverted when you hear giggles from Lula and laughs from Leena as they bounce on the bed beside you, though you do notice that Leena has shed her robe.

Leena grabs Helena’s face away and mashes her lips in a fierce kiss as Lula leans down and sticks her tongue in your mouth, making you moan and press back as you suck and battle with your lover’s muscle. Lula and Leena pull away and switch places; Leena presses her mouth against yours while Lula and Helena passionately kiss until, finally, things settle down between all of you. Helena remains atop you with Leena to your right, caressing your arms and legs, and Lula to your left doing the same as the press themselves closer, draping their arms, legs, and tails over yours and Helena’s bodies. “There’s so many things I want to do with you, honey. So many fantasies I want to fulfill~” Lula says with a giggle and a quick peck to your cheek – “Mmm, oh yes indeed. So many things we both want to do with you…and to you, dear~” Leena says beside you as she brings a hand to your red hair and pets you lovingly. “Fuck yes, I’ll never get tired of you, babe. ‘Twas with thee that mine heart soared henceforth towards the heavens and doth eclipsed the sun, so bright is mine merriment and love for thee that thine gods in their domains bow in reverence and supplication. Thou art the heart and soul of mine joy, oh beautiful maiden, come hither and pray will thee fulfill mine fantasy? Oh fair maiden thy will be done for the day is nigh whence I shant do thine bidding, for thou is mine world, mine heart, body, and soul and thy joy is mine, thy sadness is mirrored in in my heart of hearts, for thou is mine world over oh maiden fair’” Helena says with love as she nuzzles her nose against yours, and then starts to recite poetry to you in a very eloquent and melodious voice that is quite unlike what you’ve seen of her. When she finishes she smiles shyly at you as you gape in awe at her perfect recitation of a very famous and old scene of poetry. “That was…beautiful, Helena. I had no idea that you knew poetry, or even liked it” you say honestly as you’re still a bit in shock, and deeply touched at Helena for sharing that part of her with you.

Helena blushes a little and says shyly “Yeah, well, like I told you before; I was raised to be a prim and proper lady as a noble which meant I had to learn proper etiquette, social graces, and the fine arts. You know, playing ‘elegant’ instruments, reading and reciting poetry, philosophy, that kinda crap. Fucking hated it, but I guess no matter how hard I try I can’t escape all that bullshit”. You smile and lean forward, giving Helena a tender and loving kiss before pulling back and saying “I’m so sorry, Helena, I never knew how much pain you were really in. I would love to get to know you better, and I’m always willing to listen if you’re willing to talk. That goes for you two as well…and I promise to fulfill every fantasy you’ve ever had, but only if you promise to fulfill mine~” you finish by licking your lips and winking at the three women, who giggle and snuggle up to you which makes the slime between yours and Helena’s bosom ripple and Vulgan barks happily as he puts his snout on the edge of the bed. You remember something Lula said earlier when you had first met, specifically when you were inquiring about how she obtained her penis. You figure now is as good a time to ask as any so you turn to Lula and ask “So…is now a good time to ask how you got your wonderful penis? If you don’t mind that is?” Lula’s smile fades considerably, and in fact she has a dark and depressed look on her face; you turn to Leena and see that her eyes are downcast and she has an even graver visage plastering her face. “Hey, whoa, it’s alright. You don’t have to tell me, my loves, if it’s painful” you begin to say – you see Lula look to her sister and nod, Leena returning the action as they both move to the head of the bed and gesture for you to follow. Both you and Helena look worried and confused, but nonetheless she gets off you and you move in between the two as Helena takes the red slime and rests her head on your taut tummy.

“You remember when I told you about clawing my way out of the hells?” Lula begins – “And apparently omitting me from the story” Leena says playfully. “Yes, that’s the one” Lula says with a chuck as she strokes your hair before returning to her story “Well, there’s a reason it’s called the hells. The hells, no matter what level or plane, are almost universally terrifying and gruesome. The plane that we come from was no different, perhaps even more awful than most. Let me begin by saying that we, and most demons and devils that you’ll meet in Eborthia, are only a very small portion of ‘good’ beings from the hells…or at least those that haven’t been fully corrupted by the atrocities that take place there. Only the strongest survive there, and only the strongest of the strong thrive, and to become strong one must do…’things’ in order to survive”. Lula explains with a quiver of her lips before Leena interjects “The society is built around the concept of the strong rule and the weak die, but since we are technically immortal then the weak become playthings for the strong, and where we were born that concept was hammered into us from birth…literally. Even from a young age we were beaten, tortured, raped…and killed”. Your eyes go wide and you feel ill, especially at hearing that they were killed “What?! You were killed?! How are you still here then?!” you yell out. “Like my sister said, baby, we’re technically immortal. Though since we’re unbound we can be killed, but we can’t die from natural causes because we’re magical. What happens to an unbound is, when we are killed, our spirit is free to enter another realm such as the domain of a god or goddess like any other. But a bound being will instead be reborn to their original plane, thus they can never truly die, whether they are on this plane of existence…or in a hell plane. Thus, we were killed many, many times only to be reborn to endure the endless cycle of pain once more. Being a succubus is…difficult in the hells, because we are built for sex and in the twisted minds of most demons they can be very creative with how they achieve their sexual satisfaction”.

“Unlike here where most beings have parents, we never knew our ‘parents’; our parents must not have been of very high status, because we were never given a modicum of decency or respect. We were slaves in every sense of the word, and to be used as our masters and mistresses saw fit. Even when we were just little girls we were beaten, abused, raped, killed…I can still remember the skin being torn from my flesh as I was raped to death in front of Lula, which happened on more than one occasion over and over and over again” Leena continues with tears in her eyes when Lula bites her lips and closes her eyes, holding back tears. “Eventually” she continues with a crack in her voice and as she and her blue sister holds you tightly “We reached adulthood, and then things changed. There were of course others that were tortured with us, both young and old, and we were given a choice: either we torture, rape, and kill or we suffer the same fate we’ve been living, but only a thousand times worse for the rest of eternity”. “I still remember when that vile bitch handed me her favorite barbed whip. ‘It’s either you, my favorite little trash, or them’ she said as I stared at the people I grew up with, who suffered right alongside me all my life. Gods…I was still a girl, but I didn’t even hesitate. I didn’t even fucking hesitate…” Lula says with tears in her eyes as she chokes and coughs. You use your left hand to grab Lula’s and squeeze tightly, doing the same with Leena with your right as you feel physically ill and you have tears of your own – Helena has her eyes closed and seems to be fighting her own tears. “I got off easy” Lula finally says after a little while “I know that. It could have been much worse…and it’s all thanks to you sister. You protected me from the worst of it…and you’ve never told me what you’ve done to help me, Sister”.

“And I never will, Sister” Leena says quickly “But, yes, we became the monsters we knew and feared all our lives. As for the penises, well, one can’t be a very effective monster rapist without large, intimidating cocks now can she? The breasts are natural, for the most part, given our succubus nature, but the cocks…well; those are rewarded by powerful demons. The crueler and eviler you were, the bigger the dick she, our mistress, would give us and we were very cruel and evil. Her favorites in fact – the things we did to survive…words can’t even describe. Monstrous would be the closest, but that doesn’t even scratch the surface…and ours aren’t the biggest, believe it or not. There were other girls that our mistress had that sported ten inches, twelve inches, fourteen inches; we were small fry compared to them, but we were moving up in the ranks quickly”. Lula takes over when Leena can’t continue and sits there with a pained look on her face “We were quickly becoming the new ‘favorite’ for the vile bitch and we were given more privileges and freedoms. After a while we were given free rein to come and go as we pleased from her domain, but only for a short time since we were still her property. She had us searching for weak spots in our realm that led to this world. They’re like rifts, blinking in and out of existence, but they are much rarer and completely invisible. They do last for longer periods of time, though, and can be used to cross over here – they’re usually used to capture mortals and bring them back to be played with”. “Yes” Leena interjects to give Lula a chance to breathe “There are also portals that are used to enter this plane, but the only problem is, is that they require incredible amounts of energy on both planes. The last time it was attempted was nearly one thousand years ago when Xavier Swartherton tried to summon the archdevil of one of the lower planes and bind him to his will. Folly…no one can control an archdevil. Still, he sacrificed hundreds on his end, but likely the archdevil sacrificed thousands on his own end when he discovered what was happening since, usually, when a mage summons a demon or devil it’s completely random unless you know the name of the one you want summoned. I don’t know how he did it, but he discovered the creature’s name. Anyways, we found one of these weak spots and took our chances’.

“The rest you already know, baby; we both wandered the landed for a while. We were very cautious, obviously, and it took us a long time before we ever even talked to someone since all we had known was pain, suffering, and violence our entire lives. We knew mortals summoned our kind since one time a woman we knew was summoned and she never returned. We didn’t know what to make of it at the time, but we now know she was most likely summoned by a mage and had her connection severed from the plane, unbinding her spirit from the evil place” Lula says, much more in control of herself and even a bit happier. “We eventually stumbled upon a kindly man who just so happened to be a follower of Kramulet and a very powerful mage. We pleaded with him to remove our bonds and he did. I remember crying for a week straight at how happy I was and the rest…well, we wanted to live. Really live life, and without the pain and suffering; we went all over the place drinking, fucking, partying, and just having a grand old time for a long time. The rest is history; we wound up in a temple of Domina in the north east, found out about who we really are, and came down here doing what we love for a long time…and then you show up here a few days ago and you make me and my little sister feel more alive than we’ve ever felt. We love you, Colette…do you still love us now that you know who we are and what we’ve done?” Leena takes over and finishes the story her sister began with the tears drying.

You nod your head vigorously as tears trickle down your cheeks and say “Of course! I love you both, nothing will change that! You two are not monsters! I had no idea awful your lives were, and I understand completely; you did what you had to do, because you really didn’t have a choice. If you didn’t do what you did then we wouldn’t be here, now – you both deserve happiness, and if I can make you happy then I’ll do my best for you…that goes for you too, Helena! And even you, boy” “Thanks, babe…it means the world to me. Fuck, every time I hear it I still don’t get used to it” Helena says with a smile as she pets the rippling red slime and snuggles closer to your breasts – Vulgan barks happily at the end of the bed and pants happily as his tail wags. “You’re so kind to me, baby…you’re too good for me” Lula says as she sniffles and presses your head against her large boobs, making you smile and snuggle into them – “Your heart is so pure and golden, dear. Thank you so much my fiery fox” Leena says as she scoots closer and mashes her larger melons against you. “Fiery fox?” you say with a giggle “I like it~” you finish with another giggle as Helena scoots closer to you and lies her head down on your own large DD”s – you all lay like this for a long time, just cuddling and enjoying the warmth and closeness of both your bodies and your hearts as you feel the love in the room, making you feel safer and more cared for than any time in your life save when you’re with your family. This is my family now. Hmm, I wonder how I’ll break the news to my folks? I’m sure Uncle William will be in tears of laughter…actually, I know he will. He’ll have a lot of fun knowing I wrangled up so many beautiful women~. My mom and dad on the other hand…that might take some explaining. They’ve never really pressured me one way or another, but they have dropped hints about grandchildren before…and Lula and Leena do have penises and have mentioned that I can become pregnant from them…Well, that’s thinking far in the future so who knows? I mean, I haven’t even thought of children! I’m still young and have the world to see and things to do, but with these two? It doesn’t sound too bad actually…
Re: Rift Touched

After a little while you tentatively ask “What about others? Like Carth, or other succubi, incubi, or other beings from the hells?” Lula answers as she strokes your fiery red hair in a gentle tone “There are of course other demons and devils, but by far the kindest you’ll ever meet are the succubi and incubi. Our spheres revolve around sex which really isn’t all that bad to be honest, but I guess I’m a bit biased~. There are those that are born with wrath in their hearts, or pride, or greed, envy…these creatures are all above the succubi and incubi, which are born with lust, and thus far not to be trusted. We succubi and incubi only care about sex; we’re not interested in flaying someone or stealing everything they have or proving that we’re better and more entitled. We just want some good sex, which means we’re generally the most docile and ‘kind’ of our kind which means we’re abused more often by the others. Our mistress wasn’t a succubus, instead she was a creature born with wrath in her heart. She had terrible clawed hands and feet, spikes sticking out of her shoulders, head, knees, and elbows, and she had skin as tough as steel. She also loved fighting, pain, suffering, and violence. As for others…if they don’t make it out of the hells by themselves, which really isn’t a feasible option all things considered, then generally they are summoned”. Leena takes over as she runs her hand over your cheek “Any powerful mage can summon a being from the hells and bind them to their will for a time. However, it takes a particularly strong magister to break the arcane bonds that bind our spirits to a hell plane; miracles won’t work, only pure arcane magic will suffice. It is fortunate we met a follower of Kramulet, because we later learned that the temple of Kramulet often performs summonings. However, as we explained before most summonings are random, so unless you know who you want to summon and their name, then it’s a gamble. Generally, if they don’t summon a succubus or incubus then they banish the being back to their plane of hell because they would wreak havoc. But, if a succubus or incubus is summoned then they have their connection broken to their plane of hell and become unbound, but only if they prove that they aren’t a threat. Carth was a lucky one; he was summoned when he was only an infant many years ago, so he never knew the horrors of the hells. That happens to a lot of us around here; most summoned are unbound at a young age before they understand the terrible things that go on or before they are corrupted – if we were summoned back then, then I have no doubt we would have been banished back…”.

They seem really down; maybe I shouldn’t have asked them. But, that’s not who they are! They’re kind, caring, compassionate, loving…everything I love about them! Actually, I think I know just how to cheer them up…~ you think with a smile as you gentle push Helena from you and wriggle loose from the sister’s grip. You look back at their confused faces and wink before bouncing off the bed, Vulgan right behind you, and heading for the armoire. You open it and lean inside, giving the women a good view of your plump bottom and glistening pussy – you laugh as Vulgan sticks his head in the armoire and starts sniffing everything as if trying to help. You find what you’re looking for; you grab two pieces of pink silk string and grab your hair and twirl it on the left side of your head before wrapping it and tying it, then repeating the process on your right side until you have a pair of long pigtails. You use your hands to flick any stray hairs behind your pointy half-elf ears before turning around and facing the three women, a finger in your mouth that you suck suggestively on and moan. You sway over to the bed and sensually get atop it and provocatively crawl towards the three, who all have wide eyes with lust written on their faces. You stop in front of Helena and kiss her deeply on the lips before pulling back and saying “I love you, Big Sis; you make me feel all warm and fuzzy and itchy down there~” you finish with a wink before crawling next to Lula. “Fuck…I like where this is going~” you hear Helena say as you dip your head down to Lula’s knee and trace kisses up her leg, on her cock, up her tummy and breasts, finally landing on her lips. You look deeply into those beautiful, compassionate red eyes and smile as you speak sweetly “I’ve been a bad girl, mommy~. I think I should be punished…don’t you think~?” Lula’s eyes flash with lust and desire as her mouth gapes open, and it takes a nudge and chuckle from Leena and Helena clearing her throat to bring her back to reality.

Lula cracks a broad smile and says “O-Of course, baby…but first I think our little girl needs some yummy milk in her tummy” she finishes by patting her lap, and you can’t help but eye her throbbing blue cock hungrily. You bite your bottom lip and crawl over Lula’s lap and gently set yourself down over her cock, grinding along its shaft and moaning as you spread your juices all over her lap. She chuckles and gently puts a hand on your head and pushes you down to her breasts, which you eagerly latch onto her right breast and start to suck and flick your tongue along the nipple and areola until you’re rewarded with her thick, creamy, warm, and sweet milk that makes you moan and feel oh so good. You continue to drink and moan, losing yourself in the moment of creamy bliss until you feel a hand on your left shoulder; you glance over as you drink and see Leena cupping her larger bosom. “I know momma Lula’s milk is good, but won’t you have some of papa Leena’s?” you lovely purple succubus says in a husky voice that makes you shiver in anticipation. You pull back with a pop from Lula’s teat and give it a final lick before you lean down and, while looking your beautiful lover in her deep red eyes and smiling, you latch onto her left breast and start licking and sucking on it until you’re rewarded with her much thicker milk. You moan in deep bliss as you drink from your lover as you continue to grind your hips and moist slit against Lula’s cock, which is positively coated with your juices at this point…until you feel a tap on your back. You pull back and give Leena a quick, loving kiss before you turn your head and see Helena smiling wantonly at you with the red slime on her arm rippling like there’s no tomorrow.

“Won’t you give your big sister some loving, babe?” the lavender haired monk says as she licks her lips and thrusts her breasts out to you. “Mmm, my lucky day~; all the breasts I could ever want right on front of me~” you say with a moan and a giggle as you turn around on Lula’s lap to face Helena before you lean down and bring both her pierced breasts together. You mash her breasts together and bring your mouth to both her nipples and manage to engulf them both as you suck and flick your tongue against them, moaning as you do so and as her milk flows freely into your mouth which you happily and greedily drink down, feeling a deep need being fulfilled as you drink from your lover. “Fuck…the feels so nice. Tug on my rings, babe, please I need to feel them being pulled by your teeth. Ahn, yes!” Helena says in a sultry, needy voice and you comply as you continue to suck on her tits as you bring your teeth down gently on her nipples and piercings, tugging them slightly as you drink your fill. “Now it’s time for your punishment for being such a naughty, bad girl~. Be a good girl and assume the position…face down and ass up~” Lula whispers with barely contained desire in her voice. You shudder in desire and anticipation and, after releasing Helena’s nipples, you crawl to a slightly empty spot of the bed and thrust your bubble butt out while burying your face in the covers. You turn your head ever so slightly to look over your shoulder when you feel a hand gently massage and knead your buttocks, and you see Lula performing the action with both lust and love on her face. “I love you so much, Colette; I love every part of you. You’re so perfect in every way possible; you’re kind, sexy, strong, smart, brave, a goddess between the sheets…Lequis, I love you so much…” Lula says reverently before she leans down and plants a kiss on either one of your cheeks…and then she brings a hand down on your left cheek. You yelp a little as she spanks you, but only from surprise since the blow itself didn’t hurt.

“Such a naughty girl~, showing off your body, sucking cock, licking pussy, taking baths full of cum~” Lula says coyly behind you as she spanks your bottom again on the other cheek, and you can’t help but moan at the treatment as your pussy starts to leak even more juices down your thighs. You feel something gelatinous at your breasts between spanks, which Leena has gotten in on, and see that the red slime has engulfed your breasts and continues to ripple and shake happily which makes you giggle between moans. A moment later you feel a gentle tug on your pigtails and you lift your head slightly and smile when you see Helena looking down at you with uncontrollable desire, spreading her legs before you and urging you on. “Big Sister really needs a good licking with those perfect lips right about now~” she says in a growl – you moan, both in desire and pleasure, as your two succubus lovers massage your butt and pussy and as you dip your head down and see Helena’s sopping cunt before you. You bring your nose right to the slit and breathe deeply, moaning in extreme arousal as you smell your monk’s own arousal and need which makes your head dizzy. You open your mouth and run your tongue from the bottom of her slit to her clit slowly and sensually as you look Helena in the eyes and smile, savoring both the taste of the one you love and her reaction as she moans and starts tweaking her pierced nipples. “Good girl, lick your big sister’s pussy all up~” Lula says behind you as she rubs along your slit as Leena pokes at your backdoor with three of her fingers. You moan and continue to lick Helena’s slit, occasionally dipping your tongue inside her molding pussy and sucking on her puffy lower lips and clit. “Yeah, yeah, yeah! Right there, Colette, right there! Fuck – AHN~” Helena growls as she handles your pigtails to force you down more on her leaking twat as you eat her out until she screams in rapture when you suck on her puffy lips, stick your tongue deep inside her, and release your magical bursts inside your mouth and along her tongue and send her careening towards climax.

She wails above you and squirts a large amount of her love juices directly into your mouth, which you greedily drink up with a moan as you continue to suck and probe her love tunnel before you pull back once she comes down from her heights as she massages your hair. You groan a little when Lula and Leena pull their fingers away from your holes, but you focus on Helena and smile at her with your face coated in her passion. “Mmm, I love the way you taste so much, Big Sis~” you say in a hot breath as you lean forward to the panting Helena and kiss her passionately on the lips, sharing her delicious juices with her. She moans as you grab her face and push into the kiss, prompting her to wrap her arms around your neck and press her bosom against yours and mashing against the slime and making it ripple. “Fuck” Helena says with a gasp for air “I love you so gods damn much, babe…Colette. Being with you makes me feel like whatever’s been missing in my life was filled with you”. You flash a bright, happy smile at Helena and feel touched that she would say something so sweet, and you bring your nose to hers and laugh. “I feel the same way, Helena…with all of you” you say sincerely and lovingly, but you have your attention diverted when you feel and see a blue and purple hand on your left and right shoulders, respectively, followed by Lula’s voice. “Don’t think you can just ignore us, sweetheart~” Lula say in a melodious voice as she licks your left ear, sending wonderful jolts of pleasure through you – “That’s right, my love…you’ve fallen in love with us and we’ve fallen in love with you. That means that as long as you’re with us you’ll be our little fuck toy. We’ll be sure to give you lots and lots of loving~” Leena says opposite Lula and as she licks your other ear, making you moan. You grin mischievously as you bring your hands over and reach for either of their large bosoms as you watch Helena crawl off the bed and over to one of the chairs to get a better view. You get a handful of succubus breasts and squeeze them playfully as you giggle and fondle them.

“I think I can live with that~. As long as I get a handful of these puppies every day and some milk and your gooey, tasty semen then I think I’ll be happy as can be…speaking of which, I am a bit hungry right now~” you say with a devilish smile as she remove your hands and bring them lower to your lover’s large blue and purple cocks, stroking them gently and basking in the heat they let off in your grasp. You get a brief glance of Helena as she moans and jills herself watching you with Vulgan at her side panting and sitting on his hind legs as he wags his tail and watches. Then Leena’s purple, sexy body enters your vision and you look up a little just in time as her hand cups your chin and she brings her mouth to yours in a love filled kiss. You moan and work your tongue into Leena’s mouth as she does the same for yours, and as Lula’s three fingers enter your snatch and make it mold around them as she pumps lightly inside you. When Leena pulls back she looks you in the eyes with an intensity that makes you shiver in delight and says hungrily “You are ours my love; we’ll never let you go, and we’ll never let anything bad happen to you” – “That’s right” Lula says with an equally hungry tone “Everyone you love would do anything for you, baby. Our hearts and our bodies are yours…” “Ahn! Fucking yes! That’s right, babe! You brought us together, you made us feel things we’ve never felt before, and you give us hope for life. No fucking way we’d let anything happen to you” Helena says between gasps and moans of bliss as she works her fingers into her snatch and rubs her clit. You offer a somewhat shy, serene smile as you feel your heart singing from their words and you can’t help but reach out and hug Leena and bury your face in her bosom. You snuggle into her for a few moments before pulling back and looking into her dazzling red eyes and saying “That means the world to me, Leena…let me return the favor for you~”. You push her back a little and plant a trail of kisses from her neck down to her cock, giving the large purple member extra special care as you gently stroke it and plant licks and kisses along the shaft and on the crown.

“That feels so good, my love. I’m so glad you chose that glossy red color for your lips; it really does bring out your eyes, and it looks really nice to see when my cock disappears into that cocksucker’s mouth of yours” Leena says with a deep, needy moan from the center of her being as she pets your red hair and pushes you closer to her crotch, making your head dizzy and increasing your already raging arousal from her scent. “Gods, you taste and smell so good~. I could suck on your cock all day long…mmm, it’s so big and juicy and it makes my head spin~” you say reverently as you continue to kiss, lick, and nuzzle against Leena’s big purple shaft, and of course moaning as the little slime continues to ripple on your breasts and lightly suction from you, drawing your milk from you as it quickly absorbs it and the magics inside. You gasp and moan deeply as you feel your pussy being slowly parted by a big cock and as you feel a thumb in your bum; you briefly glance over your shoulder and see Lula smiling down at you as she slowly pushes inside your vagina, which molds to fit Lula’s big blue cock like a glove and sending wonderful pleasure surging all over your body. “By Lequis I love being inside you, honey. I could spend all day right here inside your warm, wet hole~” Lula says with a contented sigh as she bumps against your cervix before lightly thrusting passed your barrier, making you gasp in pleasure as your toes curl in a mini orgasm, making you clamp down hard around your lover’s pleasure rod. You giggle as you regain your composure and say with a glint in your eyes “I wouldn’t mind that, but I don’t think you could handle me to be honest. I mean I’m only a half-elf and you two succubi can barely keep up with me…or am I wrong~?” “She doubts our abilities as a succubus, dear sister. We can’t let her off easily for that” Leena says with an evil smile as she gazes down at you – “We should show or lovely little girl what it means to lay with one of our kind~. Hold on tight, baby, because you’re in for a wild ride <3” Lula says with a giggle before your taunting has the desired effect.

Leena literally growls above you and grabs your pigtails and forcefully, but gently, presses your glossy red lips against the head of her purple, beautiful cock. You get the feeling Lula wasn’t joking or holding any punches back, so you smile and open your mouth as you steady yourself with your hands. Leena slowly pushes her cock into your wet, willing mouth and you can’t help but moan as her girth fills your mouth and stretches your throat until your nose bumps against her stomach. Even as your air supply is cut off you can’t help but noisily suck on her cock and work your tongue along her shaft as you moan – Leena chuckles and her spaded tail whips around her and caresses your cheek “Such a cute, lovely slut you are my lovely fox. Now, to experience the full effect of what we offer we’ll have to make sure you can’t focus enough to use that pesky training of yours to resist the pleasure we offer. I hope you can forgive us, my dearest Colette”. A moment later your eyes go wide in shock and you gasp brokenly around Leena’s member when her spaded tail pokes you, though not painfully, in the side of the neck, and then another one from Lula’s tail pokes you in your butt! “Oh, don’t worry, baby! These tails are more than just for show, you know~. They also hold a special aphrodisiac that only we succubi have. Most aphrodisiacs that you buy have been extracted from succubi tails, but nothing beats coming straight from the source~” Lula says with a giggle behind you.

Really? Oh, this should be good…Oh man, I think it’s already kicking in! I-I’m burning up…I’m burning up really bad! Fuck me already you two! Please! you think as you feel a tiny bit of liquid enter your body from both the small punctures and your body immediately starts to heat up. “We love you” the sisters say in unison before your world is drown in a sea of bliss and sexual release; Leena lets go of your pigtails and grabs your half-elf ears and starts to massage them as she thrusts in and out of your mouth like a pussy at a fast pace, hitting the back of your throat every time and making you moan in bliss. Lula thumbs your pucker and thrusts hard and fast into your wet, glove-like snatch as she reaches around with her other hand and furiously rubs your clit. The stimulation combined with the red slime on your breasts milking them and massaging them is too much with their aphrodisiac, you can barely hold yourself up as you scream and wail in pleasure around Leena’s cock as your eyes roll back into your head and the fierce burning arousal you feel is sated, only to be replaced with mind-numbing pleasure as the first of many orgasms rips through you. You instinctively suck on Leena’s cock rather noisily as milk squirts from your breasts and into the slime as it greedily drinks and absorbs it, and likewise your anus clamps down hard on Lula’s thumb as your pussy does the same around her cock and as you gush all over her blue tool. In a last ditch action before you topple over into another mind-numbing orgasm from the overstimulation of your hypersensitive areas, you release bursts of magic in all of your holes indiscriminately as you convulse and climax in a series of multiple orgasms and wailing, broken screams and as the heart on your choker jingles a little from the force of the fucking.

“YES! YES! I LOVE IT WHEN YOU DO THAT SO MUCH! AAAAHHHN!” Lula screams out in extreme pleasure as she doubles the speed of her thrusts and releases her seed deeply inside you as she continues to pump, filling your womb and love tunnel to the brim and leaking out the sides of your passage. “AAAARRGH DOMINA YES!” Leena screams above you in ecstasy as she too continues to pump and release her cum inside your mouth and throat which you happily drink down between broken screams and moans. However, the force of Leena’s face fucking forces some of her cum down your throat while also spilling some around your mouth sloppily in globules of saliva and semen, drenching your chin and mouth as well as the covers below you. You don’t really notice, or care, since the pleasure is so excruciatingly wonderful – a few moments later, and a few orgasms as well, both your lovers pull out and coat you on your face, hair, back, and butt with their seed and before you can fall over Leena catches you and cradles your cum stained face against her bosom. You gasp for air as you convulse and twitch in her arms, barely able to see – not from the fucking, but because you have her seed in your eyes – or move. A few moments later you feel the silk removed from your hair, letting your cum covered red mane flow freely in its wavy form before two more pairs of breasts are pressed against you. “Was it too much, sister~?” you hear Lula say beside you with concern, but also love and lust. “You can’t do me in that easily~” you say quietly and with a chuckle – “Course not, babe! You and I may as well be succubae ourselves with that stamina we have! Fuck that was fucking awesome to watch; I creamed myself damn near five times watching you three go at it! Fuck, if this is what being in love with you is all about then my life is complete” Helena says somewhere in front of you.

You smile and can’t help but chuckle as you snuggle up into the wonderful breasts, and for a few minutes you cuddle and say sweet nothings to each other, and as the three clean you with their tongues – you might have demanded it of them actually, which only seemed to stoke your fires once more. “That’s right don’t forget the toes~” you say to the purple and blue sisters as they grab hold of your feet and lick them, making you giggle and moan at the strange feelings. “Gods, babe, I wish my skin was as smooth and beautiful as yours…it’s so vibrant it practically glows, and that milky white color…” Helena says below you as she rests her head on your tummy; you shake your head – your hair still has cum in it – and say “You’re beautiful as you are, Helena. I love you for the way you are. You’re already a knockout…oh, I see now. It must be that noble upbringing I’m seeing~”. Helena’s cheeks puff up at your teasing and you can’t help but giggle as she bites her bottom glossy pink lip and says “It is not!...But thank you”. When the sisters finish with your feet the move up alongside you and snuggle up once more…and then it hits you. “Oh shoot, I forgot to tell you what I wanted on the list!” you say before you explain to Leena everything you wanted to do…and with a few ideas that makes all three of them smile wickedly. Even the red slime and Vulgan approve as the little feller ripples on your boobs and Vulgan jumps up onto the bed and gets right up to your face and starts licking you. “That’s right, I care about you too, boy! You’re a good doggy; so smart and cuddly and kind! Yes you are!” you say between laughs as you pet the artic grey wolf-dog on the snout and head before he curls up in a ball at your feet, and you can’t help but love the feel of his shaggy fur on your feet. You get up off the bed between your friends and lovers with the slime still on your breasts and make your way to the bath that is until you see the door start to open.
Re: Rift Touched

When it fully opens you smile widely at whom you see and scream out “Meredith!” and lunge for the clear slime, who looks like you and Helena still, and pull her into a big hug. “Eeeep!” she screams out in shock and surprise as she morphs into her amorphous, gelatinous blob state and recoils a little bit. Oops, maybe I shouldn’t have been so loud and jumped at her~ you think as you offer the clear slime a sheepish smile as you kneel down and place a hand gently and Meredith’s gelatinous body. “I’m so sorry, Meredith, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just excited to see you is all. There’s no need to be afraid, Meri” you reassure the lovely slime with soothing words and a gentle tone, smiling lovingly at her as you stroke the top of the slime’s body. “O-Oh, that’s okay…you did scare me a little bit though” she says as morphs a hand out and takes yours before she rematerializes her previous form in front of you, smiling shyly. “I was just looking for this one here. It seems this one is quite attached to you – I was worried that something had happened and I know we slimes get lonely without contact. I was going to bring it back, but it looks like it’s in good hands with you” Meredith says with a beaming smile as she reaches forward towards your breasts and pats the rippling slime, making it ripple even more at the contact. “Actually” you say with a sweet smile as you take a step closer to Meredith and as your heart hammers in your chest “I’m really glad you’re here, Meri. You know how you love to read romance novels and pretend that we’re lovers when we make love? Well…what if I told you that I wanted to do that again, but as real lovers this time? I’ve already poured my heart out to Lula, Leena, and Helena and they’ve said yes…will you accept my love as well?”

You and Meredith stare at each other for a little while, which is only a tad awkward given that your hair is covered in Leena’s seed and dripping down your back and shoulders while your pussy leaks Lula’s warm semen down your thighs. She shows no emotion at all, but tentatively reaches out her slimy hand to you and says with a quiver in her voice “I-I-I need t-to be close to y-you…p-please”. You smile and reach out for her hand and twine your fingers with hers before she starts to engulf your appendage, making it tingle in slight pleasure as it relaxes. “I would love nothing more, Meri. Let me show you that I love you rather than say it~” you say serenely as you step forward and into Meredith, reaching inside her and grabbing her core as she quickly engulfs your entire body. You’re body tingles pleasurably as Meredith’s gelatinous body encompasses your own and relaxes it, and you see the red slime at your breasts wriggle free from your bosom and slip gently out of Meredith as you hold her core tightly to your chest and especially over your heart, hoping that she can hear it beating in your chest. She moves you both inside the room and with a slimy tentacle she whips the door closed and brings you both to the center of the room. You smile warmly as she seems…scared, or nervous, at the situation as her actions are erratic and she jerks every now and then. Thanks to whatever Meredith does you can still breathe, see, and talk while inside her and you say “It’s alright, Meri, it’s alright…just calm down and take it slow. I’m not going anywhere”. “O-Okay…I w-will” the clear slime responds tentatively, clearly unsure of herself now that the moment she’s always dreamed of has come, which makes you crack a slight grin at her nervousness that reminds you of yourself only a little while ago.

When you both reach a good spot in the rom you feel her pressing herself into all your orifices; into your ears, nose, mouth, anus, and vagina. Like before it feels extremely strange, but you’re better prepared for it, especially when you feel her absorbing yours, Lula’s, Helena’s, and Leena’s passionate evidence from your body completely and cleaning you both inside and out as her magic dissolves everything. You close your eyes and feel her lowering you both to the ground, so you curl up into a ball and hold her core tightly, planting light kisses on it as her gelatinous, tingly body moves deeper into your love tunnel and womb, your anus, and everywhere else until you start to feel like there’s more than one person in your head and vice versa. You feel Meredith’s emotions – the doubt, uncertainty, fear, longing, hope – and you know that she feels how much you care for her and love her despite the short time you’ve had together and, when she feels it, you experience her elation and utter joy at the revelation that soon turns to something akin to love and desire for you. “I told you, didn’t I~? You’re special to me, Meredith” you say in a reassuring, confident voice and that same confidence transfers over to Meri, and a moment later you feel her happiness. “I know you’ve done it already…but will you make love to me, Colette?” Meredith asks you cautiously and hopefully as she ripples – You smile and nod your head inside her which makes her even happier. A few seconds later and the tentacle slimes inside you start to expand and stretch your holes before thrusting in and out of you lightly, and as she suctions around your breasts and draws your milk from you. “Oh Domina, you taste so good” Meredith says as she ripples violently when she gets a taste of your magic filled milk, which also transfers to you and you get a unique feeling of euphoria and strength and gives you some insight to what Meredith feels, and possibly other magical beings, when they feed off you.

You moan and hold her core closer as you gently rock your hips into her thrusting slime tentacles, moaning as you do so from the stimulation to your breasts and lower holes, which only intensify as she ripples along your half-elf ears and your clit. “Oh Meredith that feels so good! You’re so good, Meri, so good! Keep going; I love it so much! Don’t stop, please don’t stop” you say lovingly between moans as you open your mouth in an “O” from the pleasure and as you ride your peak, using your discipline to stave off your orgasm and enjoy the closeness and sensations for as long as possible. “Colette, Colette…oh gods thank you!” Meredith chants to you as her thrusting intensifies and as her overwhelming emotions floods your senses and mind you let go of yourself and tumble over into wonderful climax as you squirt your milk and love juices out into Meri’s clear body in large gushes, making her ripple violently as she absorbs them. You gasp and whimper as you grip her core tightly, riding the pleasure out as she gently eases her rubbing, thrusting, and suctioning to bring you down gently. You both stay like this for a little while until Meredith pulls back from you, leaving you on your feet outside of her as she reforms into the version of you and Helena mixed. When you see her she gives you a look full of love and reverence, and you can’t help but dart forward and press your red lips against her clear ones, moaning as you stick your tongue inside the clear woman and making her ripple in shock and pleasure. You plant a few quick kisses on Meredith and smile at her before speaking “I’ll be seeing more of you later, okay Meri~? Right now I’m going to be at the orphanage with Lula and Helena. Wait for me, okay?” Meredith smiles brightly and nods before she blobs down a little bit and scoops up the red slime, rising and gently setting it on your bosom. “Take care…and I’ll be waiting for you” the slime woman says as she reaches out and cups your cheek before she moves to the bed as the three women get out, and she seems to be discussing something with Leena.

You don’t want to pry so you get to work getting dressed in your sundress, flats, undergarments, and of course anal beads as Helena leaves the room to get dressed and Lula grabs her white robe from the ground and puts it on. When you’re ready you head out the door and spot a familiar sight that you haven’t seen in a while. “Swilwen? Is that you? It is you; it’s so good to see you! How have you been?” you say to the elf man that you met on the first day and a few times afterwards, who was currently walking down the stairs of the temple. He turns around and smiles lightly when he sees you “Colette…it is good to see you as well, and I’ve been doing fine, thank you. I’ve been keeping busy; meals to be cooked, halls to be swept, sheets to be cleaned, magical and other faculties that need to be checked”. “Wow, you do all of that here? I had no idea…that’s amazing, Swilwen!” you say sincerely as you walk down the stairs to meet the elf, giving him a friendly hug as you stop in front of him. “It’s nothing, really; I’m good at maintaining things, cooking, cleaning…and someone has to do it. There are others of course. Everyone helps out, but I’m very particular and like to get it right so I prefer to do things myself” Swilwen explains with a chuckle as he gives you a light pat on the back before you withdraw, beaming a bright and friendly smile at him. “Particular really isn’t the word to be using, Swil. You have to have everything damn near perfect, not that I’m complaining; shit, you’re damn near perfect in what you do, but you need to relax a little!” you hear Helena say behind you – you look over your shoulder and smile at her as you see her in a casual blue blouse and brown pants wearing light black shoes. When Swilwen sees Helena he groans a little before chuckling “I’ll take that as a compliment, Helena. But please try not to break anything or bleed all over the place! It takes a long time to fix the damage you do and blood is hard to get up from the floor, and for Domina’s sake don’t drink so much so that you can’t function!”

‘”Glad to see you care more about your damn floor than me” Helena mumbles out as she casts her eyes down. “I do care about you, but when you drink enough to think that you’re the great dragon ‘Ramishi’ and charge through the top railing screaming ‘I can fly, fear me mortals!’ as you plummet to the ground and nearly crack your head open, well, that’s your own fault. Just…try not to drink so much?” Swilwen explains with perfect calm, though you can tell the underlying concern in his voice. “Yes, ‘Dad’” Helena says as she rolls her eyes, smiling and throwing a light punch at Swilwen’s shoulder. “Fat chance of that happening. Come on ‘great dragon Ramishi’, we have some children to look after. I’ll make sure she doesn’t do something too stupid. Take care of yourself, Swilwen!” you say with a laugh as you all walk down the stairs, the red slime on your arm rippling joyously at the obvious teasing you gave Helena. “What the hell is this? Is everyone my parent now? Sheesh…” Helena says with a groan as you and Lula laugh and you all head out the door and head for the slums and the orphanage.


You get many appraising and lewd grins as you walk the streets, especially since you follow closely behind your lovely blue succubus and you have your hands around her waist and are fondling her head sized, squishy, soft, wonderful melons in your hands with a look of pure happiness written on your face. “Honey, do you mind? People are starting to stare you know” Lula says with a chuckle as she shakes her head. “I don’t mind one teensy bit~. Oh gods your boobs are so nice and soft and squishy. I could play with them all day long!” you say in a daze as your entire focus at this moment is groping your lover’s large bosom. Eventually you leave the wonderful orbs with a sigh when Helena pulls you away and grabs your arm, pressing her own breasts against you as she holds you. “Maybe this will be less conspicuous, eh babe? I’ll be the first to admit I love a good streaking and public show, but try to behave yourself?” Helena says as she laughs at you as you all walk the streets of the red light district. “Fine, I promise…geez, I should have brought a dildo. My pussy feels so empty right now and I’m so wet…and these clothes are covering so much. Gods, how do you two focus? All I can think about is sex right now” you say with a pout as you put a finger in your mouth and suck on it suggestively as you moan, trying your best to and succeeding at teasing your two lovers as they clear their throats and shift their legs as you all sway down the street. Both the women laugh at you before Helena pipes up “Takes practice, my lovely maiden. Nine times out of ten I’m thinking about fucking – it just takes time to get it under control”. “My oh my, having you be a dirty little slut sure is going to be a hassle to deal with all the time~” your blue skinned, red eyed lover laughs out at you – your eyes flash and you bite your bottom glossy red lip as you wriggle from Helena’s grasp. You grab Lula’s right hand, spin her around, lean forward and wrap your arms around her neck as you forcefully press yourself into a deep kiss with her that completely takes her by surprise.

You moan as you battle tongues and you don’t stop, even when others walking the street start to stare and a few cheer the action jovially that only stirs you on to dominate Lula’s mouth. You pull back, but keep a firm hold of Lula’s dark blue hair, and look your lover in the eyes with a broad grin. “You’re getting awfully brazen aren’t you~? First using my body like a toy and now you’re making light of my plight? Tch, tch, tch you’re being an awfully bad role model for the children. I think you should fall back and let me show you how it’s done~” you say with a mischievous smile and with fire in your eyes as you hold Lula’s gaze. “Yes ma’am, lead the way” Lula says in surprise and you see little bits of desire creeping just above the surface of her stare. You smile and release her before doing an about turn and, with a sway to your step and a finger in your mouth, you march down the streets of the red light district and towards the threshold of the slums. “Fuck that was hot” you hear Helena whisper behind you – “Mmm, yes…yes it was~” Lula responds with an equally quiet whisper, but you still picked it up which makes you smile even wider as you walk. You glance back only briefly to see the two checking out your behind and you chuckle as you make your way to the orphanage.

You go through the same routine as you have with the last few days; you cook with the children, play with them, teach them on academic subjects as well as your own special subjects to Aliwen while Lula handles Relub and Keila and Helena takes Madison. They’re all also extremely overjoyed to be able to play with the red slime again, and the slime itself seems to greatly enjoy the attention as it ripples constantly from the poking and petting of the children. The red slime even engulfs some of the children’s hands and allows itself to be stretched out in a slimy game of tug-of-war which makes Penelope think that she may want to acquire a slime of her own for the children, which Helena mentions might be possible given Meredith’s consent of course. Just like the day before Penelope pulls Lula aside when you and Helena are nursing the infants and are gone for a long time, which sends both yours and Helena’s mind racing with thoughts of what they’re doing as you both giggle. When they return you and Helena nearly burst out laughing when you see Lula helping the black haired half-elf woman walk on shaky legs, though she does seem to be glowing and releases quite a few contented sighs as Lula helps her sit in a chair before she helps nurse some of the infants with you and your lovely monk while Penelope watches. When it’s time to go you all head for the front door, but Penelope pulls you aside and gives you a sad look – you motion for Lula and Helena to go on ahead before turning to Penelope.

“What’s wrong, Penelope? Why do you look so sad?” you ask full of concern as you place a hand on Penelope’s cheek and gaze into her hazel eyes. She smiles somberly and quietly says “Lula tells me that this may be your last day here, which you’re going to be done with whatever it is you’re doing at the temple of Domina. That means the children and I won’t be seeing you again”. Your heart aches as you realize that what Penelope says could very well be true, and you cast your eyes down a little, however, you also remember that it’s near the end of the week and you should be hearing from Nyx, the Living Shadow and head priestess of the temple of Yyssbo in the city about that scum Arlandus. You look back up into Penelope’s eyes with a burning fire in them and you speak confidently “Don’t worry, Penelope, I won’t abandon them. I have something in the works that should make your life and their lives easier, so even if I don’t come back for whatever reason then at least I know you’ll be provided for”. The kindly orphanage head gives you a confused look and asks tentatively “You aren’t going to do something illegal are you? Please don’t do anything to get yourself killed or imprisoned, Colette. Just the thought of it is too much to bear”. You chuckle lightly at her concern and shake your head while smiling “Nothing illegal, so don’t worry about that. As for dangerous, well, I can’t be entirely sure of that one. I probably won’t be running into a dragon’s den, literally or figuratively, but I can’t guarantee there won’t be any risk involved. The risk is well worth the reward and I promise to be careful”. Penelope gives you a hard glare, one that you’ve seen her give the children on more than one occasion when they misbehave, but you stand your ground and eventually she sighs in resignation and shakes her head “Just promise me you’ll be careful, Colette. You’re a very dear friend of mine and you’ve brought me and the little ones so much happiness. Please…” she says as she pulls you into a tight hug, one which you return wholeheartedly. “I promise…” you say quietly before eventually you pull back and see yourself out, giving Penelope a smile and a wave as you walk out the door and close it behind you.

“What was that about?” Lula says as you walk out the door – you see her and Helena standing side by side at the foot of the steps. “She’s sad that I might not come back….and so am I” you say honestly as you make your way down the steps and join the two plus the slime that Helena hands back to you. “Just ‘cause you might not be around all the time doesn’t mean you can’t come back, babe” Helena says as she gives you a hug – “That’s right” Lula pipes up as she joins the hug, making the slime ripple at the positive attentions “I know that you might…leave, but you’ll always have a home here with us. I’ll be living with my sister from now on and you’re always welcome to stay with us, honey, whenever you’re around”. You smile and nuzzle into their bosoms and say “Thank you…so much. I’m so glad I met both of you”. You enjoy a few tender moments together with two of the women you love before you all head back to the temple, although Lula and Helena make a game of poking and prodding the anal beads between your cheeks, stoking your fires as you walk with a huge grin and as you feel yourself getting wetter.

You make it back to the temple with a few teases of your own, brushing your hand against Lula’s cock and causing her to get semi-erect in public, and sneaking a few gropes at Helena’s DD’s all to their, and a few passersby’s, pleasure. When you walk through the doors of the temple, however, you’re met with a little shock as when Helena closes the door you hear heavy panting coming from the stairs. You look up and see Vulgan barreling down the stairs with Leena yelling from the top of the stairs “Vulgan, come back here! Colette, watch out!” But it’s too late; as soon as Vulgan reaches the bottom of the stairs he barks happily and lunges at you, and a moment later you find yourself on your back laughing as the arctic grey wolf-dog licks your face. “Vulgan! Gah, sorry about that, dear. He was restless and whining the entire time you were gone” Leena says as she reaches the bottom of the stairs and tries to pull Vulgan off. “It’s alright, Leena, I’m okay. I’m always happy to see my good little doggy, yes I am!” you say to Leena before turning your attention to the dog atop you, rubbing under his belly and scratching and petting his head and snout. Vulgan seems to enjoy your attentions because a moment later he gets off you and rolls over onto his back and barks at you as his tail wags from side to side; you laugh and rub and pat his belly for a little while, laughing as the beautiful wolf-dog pants heavily and his tongue lolls out of his mouth drunkenly. After a little while you stop and kneel down and look at Vulgan with tender eyes, and he gets up and nuzzles his face against yours as he circles your body and rubs his shaggy fur body and head against yours affectionately and making the slime ripple. Eventually he comes back around front of you, sniffs your hair, then rests his head in your lap as you pet him and make him huff contentedly.

“I’m back, boy, you don’t need to worry~” you say melodiously to the cute wolf-dog as you hum and stroke his head, giggling as he continues to nuzzle into your lap. “Looks like someone really likes you, babe. Not that I blame him~” Helena says with a laugh as she walks up next to you. “Oh that’s so cute~…come on, let’s go upstairs and get you cleaned up~” Lula says as she bends down and pats Vulgan on his side. Eventually you get up and Vulgan follows behind you dutifully as you all head back up the stairs and you shed your clothes – which your thong is quite damp thanks to your arousal - and get in a bath to clean yourself up properly with Helena, Leena, and Lula with the slime and Vulgan playing in the main room. When you finish and dry off you decide that you don’t really need to wear anything since everyone’s already seen it all anyways. You grab the red slime and tuck it in your love tunnel, where it makes both you and it very happy, before you walk out the door with Helena. You’re both nude as can be, though you do have a inside you and anal beads as well, and you draw many eyes as you suck on your finger and sway down the stairs, waiting while Helena grabs a bottle of wine before she returns and you both continue on your way.


You make your way down the stairs to Carth’s room, but before you enter you press your bosom against Helena’s back and nibble on her ear while reaching around her body and fingering her snatch with three of your fingers, which Helena’s pussy molds to and makes it that much easier to hit all her sweet spots and making her moan. “Are you going to fuck Carth today, my beautiful monk?” you whisper hotly into her ear before returning to sucking on her right earlobe. Helena moans and melts in your arms as she speaks “Maybe…why, you want to join in or watch?” You chuckle lightly and say “I was thinking it would be pretty hot to watch him fuck you like yesterday. Seeing you suck down his big cock, being pinned to the wall and fucked hard…oh yeah, it’s making me horny just thinking about it”. “You know…I know I said earlier that I wasn’t the type to get hitched, but fuck me if you can’t change my mind. I…I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, babe. You’re something real special; whenever I’m with you I feel so gods damned good, like my life is complete and I’m really, truly happy. Whatever you do to me please don’t ever fucking stop doing it” Helena says sincerely, and you can’t help but smile sweetly and nuzzle your face against her lavender colored hair. “Say, if you don’t mind me asking, Helena, but what color was your hair originally?” you ask curiously as you continue to finger your lover and nuzzle the back of her head. “Mmm, don’t fucking stop those magical fingers, babe. Ahhh, um, my hair was – oh yes, fuck – auburn to begin with. As soon as I left home I – nnngh damn you’re good at this – had it dyed t-this color after my favorite flower and t-to throw off any would be trackers and b-bounty hunters. My parents weren’t – mmm yes, yes, yes! – ‘pleased’ with my d-disappearance” Helena explains as you continue to jill her and rub her clit with your thumb slowly and sensually. You stop your ministrations and reach over Helena’s shoulder and kiss her, causing her to groan then moan as she brushes her stud pierced tongue over yours – you pull back and walk to the door, opening it and offering an exaggerated bow to Helena as you wave her inside.
Re: Rift Touched

Once inside you both repeat the training of yesterday with you practicing on the wooden dummies and sparring against Helena herself, giving the orange-brown incubus weapon master a very nice view of your plump behinds, your jiggling breasts, and your glistening pussies – the slime ripples nearly constantly inside you and presses against the beads – as you both exchange blows. The practice session today wasn’t nearly as long as yesterday considering you know the basics, and you feel yourself improve significantly under Helena’s guidance. She echoes as such when you both finish your health and stamina potions “Fucking hells, babe, you’re a quick learn! You’re still not as good as me, but fuck you could probably stand toe-to-toe with Carth over there. Not that I would try since he’s pretty damn good, but still good job!” You smile and, facing one of the wooden dummies you were training with, you take the stance Helena taught you yesterday and today – she watches you as she picks up her wine bottle and takes a nice, long swig of it – by bending your right and left knees with your right slightly in front of you, turning your body to make yourself a smaller target, extending your right hand out with a slightly open palm while your left is closer to your center of mass while also slightly open. You take a deep breath before you shout out a “Hyaaaaagh!” and lunging forward, stepping on your left foot and, thanks to your flexibility, you’re able to extend your right foot out in a powerful flatfooted high kick against the dummy’s face. When your foot connects with the ‘nose’ of the dummy you hear an audible crunch and crackle as the wood splinters and cracks underneath the power of your blow. You quickly recoil and reenter your stance, smiling as you see that wood visibly cracked with jagged lines extending out from the center of the blow.

“Nice! If that was a person that would have broken their nose for sure, might have been enough to kill some sorry fuck if it clocked ‘em just right, too” Helena cheers you with a pump of her fist and you see and hear Carth clapping as he sits on a chest, though he does have a lewd grin on his face as he drinks in your flawless, luminous milky white skin and Helena’s pale, radiant slightly muscular body…especially on your, ahem, ‘assets’ and you can’t help but cup your breasts at him before twirling around and spanking your bottom at him which makes him shift in his seat. “Hah, you’d think old Carth here would be used to this by now, but I guess not when there’s two sexy, slutty women showing off in front of him all the time. Say…don’t mention this to, well, anyone – that goes for you too, Carth! – since they’d have my head for turning you on to something so dangerous, but the slums inn has a, um, underground fight club of sorts if you’re interested” Helena says in a hushed tone, though slightly raised as she directs her attention to Carth. “No need to worry, my sweet Helena. I’ve been plenty of times, but, like you, I’m banned from fighting because I was too good” the brown-orange incubus says with a smile on his face and his hands raised in surrender. “Hah, yeah, pussies can’t handle a little competition, especially from a ‘dainty little girl’ like me. Still, you’d be a pretty good match for a lot of the fighters, babe. Just, please don’t tell Leena…or Lula, fuck please don’t tell Lula. She’d blast my ass with gods only knows what spell – probably all of them – if she knew I told you about that place” Helena practically pleads, but with a big smile plastered on her face as she takes another drink of wine. “Hmm, sounds like it could be fun. What’s the catch and the rules? It can’t be as simple as going there and fighting” you say with a smile as you place a hand on your hip while sucking on a finger from your other.

“It’s not overly complicated, rose” Carth explains, nicknaming you ‘rose’ probably because of your fiery red hair which makes you smirk “There’s nothing illegal about the operation, but it’s not for everyone. You can bet on fighters and make money, or you can become a fighter and make a great deal more money. Fighters fight bare-chested and in nothing but pants, though the few women that do compete are given wraps for their bosoms. The way fighting is done is in tiers; beginners are paired with beginners and after three wins you move up to fighter, then veteran, then master. If you do well enough and beat the current champion then you get a pig payout and you become the new champion. However, should you win too many times after that then, well, you’re barred from fighting anymore because these fights are about sport and, of course, money. Win too much and you’ll cost the establishment money, but you’ll be given a nice ‘incentive’ for leaving and a place in their hall of fame. Other than that the rules for fights are simple: no permanent damage – broken bones, torn ligaments and muscles, no low blows - and no killing. You fight until you surrender or are knocked out, and they always have a few healers nearby just in case. As you are now I could honestly see you making it to veteran and maybe master tier, but some of the tougher veteran and master fighters may be too much for you at least for now”. You smile and thank Carth before turning your attention to Helena, a big and lewd grin plastering your face and you wink at her – she smiles and nods as she sets down her wine and saunters up to Carth as he sits on his chest and watches Helena sway up to him with a big smile on his face.

“My woman thought it would be a great idea to watch me suck on that big cock of yours while she got off, and frankly I think it’s a wonderful idea~” Helena says in a husky voice as she slowly runs her hands over Carth’s bare, muscular chest and down to his pants which now has a clear erection. She drops to her knees in front of Carth and slowly tugs at the band to his pants, slowly sliding them down his legs until his cock pops free. You see Helena lick her lips suggestively and in anticipation as she looks at Carth’s cock then up into his eyes. “Mmm, your cock is so tasty, Carth, and I love the way it stretches my tight throat-pussy~” your lavender haired slut of a monk says as she slowly jerks his member and runs her tongue along the base of the shaft to the crown and planting a few quick kisses and sucks on it. Oh gods yes…I don’t think I’ll be able to hold myself back for this one. Her pussy is so wet and juicy looking; I think I’ll treat myself to her while she gives Carth some head, which I’m sure they’ll both enjoy~ you think as you bring your right digit to your clit and start to slowly rub it as you suck on your left finger, moaning as you do so. You sway up quietly behind Helena, putting your finger to your lips in the universal sign of quiet and Carth nods his head slowly in understanding as he moans and smiles. You drop to your knees behind Helena spank her bottom before quickly pulling her back a little, making her yelp in surprise before moaning as you dip your head down to her slit and run your tongue along her length slowly. “I’ve decided to have some fun of my own. I hope you don’t mind, lover~” you say coyly before taking another long lick up her slit before dipping down and flicking your tongue on her clit – “Fuck no, and fuck yes~!” Helena says with a giggle before she quickly engulfs Carth’s cock and starts to bob her head up and down his length, taking his member further and further down until she manages to deep throat him with every bob, moaning as her altered throat sends wonderful jolts of pleasure through her. You’re equally appreciative of her throat as the pleasure she’s feeling makes her juices positively flow, which you eagerly lap up and drink down with a deep moan as you work your tongue along the length of her cleft quickly, occasionally slurping loudly as you suck her puffy lips into your mouth.

You gasp lightly as you continue to lick Helena’s delicious juices up when the red slime in your pussy starts to harden, thrust, and vibrate furiously inside you to “help” you, which jostles the beads inside your bum and makes you feel wonderfully full as jolts of pleasure make you curl your toes. Helena pushes her ass and pussy into your face as she sucks Carth down noisily as she moans in bliss, and you’re only too happy to oblige her as you dive into her leaking snatch and lap at her labia and slit, relishing the taste of her as you drink her down. “Oh good gods, Helena, you taste so damn good!” you say with a gasp of breath as you pull back for only a brief moment, then diving right back in as you moan and thrust your hips in the air in the hopes that you’re wonderful red vibrating slime will take the hint and work harder and faster for you and bringing you so much wonderful pleasure and bringing you ever closer to that beautiful sea of paradise as you drink from your lover and bring her pleasure as well. “oh…fuck!” Carth growls out in a low, predatory voice as he grips Helena’s head and forces his cock down her throat, making her squeal in delight as she swallows down his thick load and as she creams on your face and in your mouth in a huge torrent of her juices. You greedily drink her down before letting yourself topple over in bliss and rapture from the work of your cute little slime and you moan-whimper as you release a large amount of your own love juices which the slime greedily and happily absorbs, making it vibrate twice as fast in happiness of the tasty treat you offer. You hear a pop as Helena removes Carth’s cock from her mouth quivers and pants.

“Fuck…I’ll never get tired of that~” she says in a dreamy voice before she gives the head of Carth’s tool a few licks and slurps to clean him up. “Ahh, yeah neither will I…” Carth agrees as he bucks his hips slightly and releases Helena’s hair – you give Helena’s slit a final, slow lick which makes her gasp before leaning over her shoulder with a huge grin and her juices splattered across your face. “Mmm, and I’ll never get tired of tasting you ‘Big Sis’~” you say before you plant a quick kiss on her lips and recoil, pulling yourself up and rubbing the slime inside your cleft lovingly. “And you, you little fiend, are amazing as well. I think I might keep you forever~” you say as you reach inside your pussy and stroke the slime from inside you with three fingers, moaning as your pussy molds around your fingers and as the slime ripples inside you. Helena gets up and plants a kiss on Carth’s cheek, making him chuckle, before she turns around and says “I think that might not be a bad idea, babe. ‘Pet’…I like it. Hmm, ‘Mistress Lula’s Good Girl’…I think we should get that charm updated, don’t you think? Something from all of us, but we’ll keep the emerald” Helena says as finishes by flicking the heart of your choker as she finishes examining it. “Maybe we should all get something? Something to remind ourselves of the good times we have, and the love that we share. But maybe later; I still haven’t seen everyone yet~” you say as you lean forward and wrap your arms around Helena’s neck, pressing your nose against hers and nuzzle it while giggling and gazing into her icy blue eyes. You both stare at each other for a little while before turning to Carth and bidding him farewell as he puts his pants back on and heading out the door as Helena, who fetched her wine, takes a small drink.

Gods, my heart is hammering in my chest so much right now. I need to calm down if I’m going to tell Astraea that I love her. But what if she says no? I mean, we’ve only known each other for a little while now and she’s a tentacle lord for crying out loud! She’s probably been with countless people before! I need something to distract myself – mmm, yeah that’ll do… you think nervously and in a panic as you reach the door to Astraea’s room then, in an odd effort to calm yourself, you start fondling and massaging your large DD breasts and tweaking your nipples which make you moan. Helena opens the door and look at you expectantly, chuckling and shaking her head with a lewd grin as she sees you. “Come on, babe, it’ll go fine. Well, I do admit I can’t wait to see you performing if for no other reason than to watch those nice melons bounce around~” Helena says with a laugh as she takes a swig of wine. You stick your tongue out at her and giggle before you walk through the door, sucking on a finger as you sway inside after having stopped working on your breasts. Helena gives the looped stopper to your anal beads a playful tug and laughs before you both let out screams of surprise when white tentacles blindside you from beside the door and you find you and Helena are both pulled into Astraea, who has her eye closed and is hugging you both as she giggles furiously and twirls around with you both in her grasp. “Whoooooa! Dizzy! Astraea…getting dizzy here!” you yell out as Astraea twirls you and Helena around to the right before stopping abruptly and twirling you in the other direction while moving about the room – “Ugh, ugh, y-yeah…gonna puke…blrghph!” Helena says loudly before she looks a little ‘green’ and makes some vomiting noises. “Oh, oh I’m so sorry!” Astraea bellows into both your minds as she gently sets you and Helena down – Helena sits down on her bottom and takes a big swig of her wine.

“I-It’s no problem, just a little warning next time so I can get more alcohol in my system” Helena says before taking another drink of her wine – you giggle lightly at her before turning your attention to Astraea and asking “So, why so cheery? Hmm, that might have been a stupid question…okay, why more cheery than usual?” Astraea blinks a few times and looks a bit sheepish – or as sheepish as a giant mass of tentacles with an eyeball attached can look – as she brings a few tentacles together and pokes them together. “Weeeeeell” she starts off in a slightly childish voice “I might have ‘overheard’ what you were thinking before you came in. I wasn’t trying to pry, honest! You were just thinking so loudly I could help but, um, listen in…teehee~?” You narrow your eyes at Astraea and glare at her while crossing your arms and tapping your foot, clearly not amused at her prying into your head, but when you see her look a little sad you smile and shake your head as Helena regains herself and stands up. “I guess I’ll have to shield my mind better in the future then~. But, since you know…what do you say, Astraea? You’ve made me feel wonderful things and it’s only because of you that I’m here now and happier than I’ve ever been. You’re kind, wise, playful, and sweet and you’re one of the best friends I’ve ever had” you pour your heart out to the wonderful, lovely tentacle lord before you. “Sweetie, you’re the first person who’s ever said, or thought, the words ‘I love you’ in regards to me since I’ve been alive…which is a very long time. You’re special, sweetheart, and you’re one of only a few that has ever made me feel so happy – something about you is just so…alluring that I can’t quite help myself. I would be a fool to deny your love, and I promise I shall return it in kind” Astraea says into your mind quite seriously, which takes you off guard a little, as she slowly moves towards you and gently wraps a dozen or so tentacles around you and pulls you into a tender embrace that you can’t help but smile and return as you hug her core and snuggle against her.

Helena saunters up behind you and places her arms around you, wine still in hand, and nuzzles her head against your shoulder and whispers “Damn straight, babe…I couldn’t have said it better myself”. “Now~” Astraea says into your mind in her bubbly voice that you know so well after a little while “You better be careful you sexy slutty lover or I might just snatch you up and take you somewhere far away, pin you to a wall, and fuck you forever, teehee~”. You giggle and hug Astraea closer and whisper “Mmm, that might not be too bad actually~. Thank you, Astraea, so much; I’m blessed to know such a wonderful person” you end with a kiss over Astraea’s eyelid, which only makes Astraea hug you closer before Helena interjects. “Not to be a killjoy, but I know you two are going to sit around and mediate or whatever it is you two do. So, while oyu tow do that, I’ll sit my ass over yonder and drink myself silly…hmm, might need another bottle for that actually…” she says and you can’t help but laugh. When Helena pulls back from you and Astraea releases you with a little giggle you turn around and quickly snatch Helena’s wine from her and grin evilly at her. “Really, Helena, you’re something else. Maybe you should get some stronger wine then~” you say as Helena’s eyes narrow at you. “Babe…there’s a lot of things I can tolerate, but taking my booze is not on that list. Heh, take a drink, babe, and see for yourself” Helena says in a slightly serious tone with a mischievous grin on her face. Well, I’ve never had alcohol before…how bad can it really be? you think as you look at the wine bottle before bringing it to your lips. It no more than hits your tongue and dribbles slightly down your throat before your eyes widen and you cough and sputter violently as you quickly hand the bottle back to Helena. Your eyes water and your throat and insides are on fire despite the slightly sweet grape taste that underlies the alcohol, which is quickly replaced by an extremely bitter and vile aftertaste.

You drop to your knees and clutch your stomach as you continue to cough while Helena laughs at you and takes a big swig of the vile concoction. “Good stuff ain’t it, babe? I only make the best shit around – the harder the better” she says as she laughs. “G-Gods almighty that w-was dreadful! My insides are on fire and I think my – yes my tongue is numb! I feel like I should be spitting fire right now! Blegh, how do you drink that stuff?” you say as your coughing fit comes to an end and you slowly stand up, much to the amusement of Astraea and Helena as they continue to laugh. “Helena’s special spirits are very, very strong. I think it might even put dwarven ale to shame…maybe~” Astraea says with a giggle as she slowly caresses your back to soothe you, and as your insides stop burning and start to feel very warm and your head gets a tad fuzzy. You shake it off and chuckle a little “Well…if that’s what alcohol tastes like then you can keep it. Come on, Astraea, let’s get to work~”. Helena, however, nearly sputters as she finishes her latest swig and looks at you wide eyed “That’s your first drink…ever?! Fucking hells, babe, we need to get you wasted! I could cook up something a little less potent that might be more for your constitution since, well, mine is pretty fucking strong”. “Uh, maybe some other time, Helena. That stuff is really ‘strong’ as you put it – if you have something that doesn’t melt my insides then I won’t mind” you say with a laugh as you put your hands up, which the slime inside you seems to agree as it ripples in your pussy, making you stifle a moan as it hits so many wonderful spots as your pussy works to mold to the ripples of it’s changing form. Helena smiles and shrugs her shoulders as she takes a seat on the ground out of the way and watches as you and Astraea get to work.

You decided that you want to work on your mental fortitude, so Astraea has you picture more complex imagery and scenarios. She has you conjure up some memories because they are one of the most difficult things to probe for, and one of the most difficult to block others from taking once inside your mind because of the emotions behind memories. The reason is because it utilizes all your senses; you remember smells, sounds, words, thoughts, ideas, and so much more that makes it difficult to fully block out. Astraea also explains that if someone were trying to get into your mind, like she did yesterday, then they could make you confused and sluggish, make you see and hear things, change your personality in some way or a short or even prolonged period of time, or even create entire imaginary worlds and trap you inside your own head. The last few things make you shudder and you think of some memories you had as a child, like playing with the purple slime in Veilwood that would always disappear. You remember one instance where you were playing with it outside your home and it turned invisible, and you took it upon yourself to track it down which eventually led you to Uncle William’s house. As you think you throw up magical mental barriers in your mind. You work on this for a little while and feel yourself growing as Astraea probes, which you find easier to keep her out but each time she eventually breaks through to a new, small memory that you bring to the front of your mind. When you finish finally you gain a little bit of experience and knowledge on how to block out a true master of the mind, but you still have a ways to go before you can advance in skill and knowledge. Next, you want to continue learning more about magic crystals, specifically your lightning one, and Astraea obliges by rummaging through a chest she has in the room and producing a yellow magic crystal which she hands to you. After she throws up a shield you begin the session by drawing from the magic crystal and launching lightning bolts at Astraea, which Helena seems to enjoy as she cheers from what she calls “Something exciting and not that pussy sitting around and meditating shit”.

After the charges on the crystal are used up you tap into your magical reserves to continue flinging lightning bolts at Astraea, which harmlessly dissipate when they connect with her shield, until you feel your knowledge grow from the magic crystal. You feel a surge of knowledge and understanding course through your mind as the yellow crystal glows, and you understand some of the deeper intricacies of the lightning based crystals. You tap into the power of the crystal and glow a semi-bright yellow light as you hold the crystal in your right hand. With your left hand you extend it out and gather up your magics before whipping your hand down and releasing the power of the crystal – from the palm of your hand shoots out a four foot whip of crackling yellow electricity. You smile as you raise your hand before flinging it to your left and striking out with the whip, delighting in how the whip responds to your movements and crackles as it moves for releasing a sharp crack as it snaps against the air. “Fuck! That’s awesome, babe!” Helena yells out and cheers at you with a huge smile on her face. “Indeed it is, sweetie! Looks like you learned how to make a whip out of lightning. Let me see…ah, now I remember; alright, listen up! Just like lightning bolts whenever you hit someone with that, unless they’re resistant to lightning, they should be stunned for a short period of time. You have ten strikes before you push the magics passed its threshold and it disappears, or five minutes before it can’t sustain itself any longer. It’s really useful for hitting multiple enemies at once, but only if they’re close enough – it’s also useful for keeping them at a distance albeit small. Now, I don’t have weapons of my own besides my tentacles, but you should be able to use that spell with weapons as well without risk to the weapon. Also, and I think you’ll like this, you can also cast it again for your other hand – I find it really hand if I’m in trouble and I cast it on a few of my own tentacles. Anyways, give it a try!” Astraea says into your mind with glee that you love hearing and find so intoxicating and refreshing.
Re: Rift Touched

You nod and say “Alright, here goes nothing!” as you draw on what little reserves you have left and you focus on your right hand, the one holding the crystal, and after you glow a semi-bright yellow light you release the magic and from your right wrist another lightning whip shoots out. You laugh in triumph as you take the stance Helena taught you and throw some punches and twirl, sending the whips out straight, in an arc, and in a circle around you as it cracks and snaps with magical electrical power. The movements that you do arouse you given the fact that you can feel the beads inside you moving with your own movements and the slime continues to ripple inside you, making you moan involuntarily a little bit. You spend the next five minutes performing various fighting techniques all to the amusement of Helena and Astraea as they cheer you on and watch your body with undivided attention as your breasts jiggle and you contort into various ‘flexible’ and acrobatic positions to give them a good view of your goods. Afterwards Astraea produces a potion to restore your magical reserves and you drink it down and thank her before you grin and saunter up to her, grabbing a tentacle and pressing it between your breasts as your arousal starts to bother you. “Hey, lover, want to have some fun?” you say in a husky voice as you mash the wriggling tentacle into your bosom even more and lick the tip of the head a little as you moan. Astraea giggles in your mind, but surprises you what she beams into your head next “I would love to, sweetie, but…well, can we cuddle instead? I love having sex with you both – you’re just so much fun! – but I would really love to feel closer to you. Just to hold you and love you and be loved by you…” You smile softly and you look at Astraea with tender eyes and nod “I would like that, Astraea. You too Helena; no chickening out now!” You giggle when Helena groans and takes another swig of her bottle before she smiles and saunters up to you both – Astraea wraps her tentacles around you both and cradles you against her core and you both hug her tightly. You plant kisses on her eyelid and stroke some of her tentacles in a loving manner as Helena does the same.

She does take some energy from you, at your insistence, when she mentions that she’s a little weak from today’s training and after yesterday’s exertions. She opens two of her tentacles and latches onto your breasts, sucking on them and making you moan as she drinks down the milk from your large DD tits, making you cum and squirt all over your red slime as you let your resistances fall and find the release you were hoping for. “You need to take care of yourself, Astraea!” you chide your white tentacle lord gently “No letting yourself get low on energy! If you need energy then I’ll give you energy, and if I’m not around then I’m sure there are plenty of people around that will help you”. “I think someone’s been spending too much time with the children at the orphanage~” Astraea says in a giggly, bubbly voice and you narrow your eyes at her – “I’m serious; I won’t have you getting ill or on the verge of death or I swear…!” you say as you cross your arms over your breasts. “She may be sweet, gentle, and a total nympho, but she’s scary when she gets serious. Why’s a kid bossing us around anyways?” Helena whispers to Astraea as she chuckles a little and takes anohter drink of wine. “What was that, Helena?” you say as you throw her a dirty look, and she looks down and to the side “That’s what I thought. I care about you Astraea, and you too Helena. You need to take care of yourselves; no getting drunk and running off the tops of stairs and no letting yourself become weak”. “I promise, sweetheart…don’t be so upset, please. I promise that if I need a recharge I’ll come straight to you~” Astraea says with a giggle as she hugs you – after a few more exchanges of affection, and after getting Helena to begrudgingly agree not to drink too much so that she hurts herself, which you suspect she wasn’t entirely sincere about, you and Helena leave the chamber and wave to Asstraea as you go before heading to Delilah’s room.

As soon as you enter Delilah’s room you get the feeling of eyes, specifically the amber eyed vampire’s, watching you and Helena so you decide to put on a show as you sway into the chamber. You moan as you noisily and suggestively suck on your finger and mashing your breasts together with your arms, and you smile when you hear a little moan from somewhere off in the chamber that sounds distinctly like Delilah’s growl-moans when she gets aroused. Helena seems to have noticed it as well and chuckles lightly as you both continue to walk towards where the maze is located. Almost there – let’s see if I can time this right… you think as you continue to sway your hips provocatively along with Helena, and just when you reach the front door of the maze you smile as your timing is correct. You sense the spank coming to your plump behind and, just before it hits, you twirl around and grab Delilah’s wrist – which surprises her as you see her eyes go wide and her jaw drop in shock – before you mash your lips up against hers. You moan and she makes a muffled sound of surprise before she moans along with you, especially when you reach around her waist and spank her bottom, though it has less of an effect you’d like as she’s wearing trousers. “Mmm, how did you know, darling?” Delilah says once you both break the kiss – you laugh and tap your head and smile “Please, Delilah, I think you’ve gotten the jump on me quite enough now don’t you think? I think it’s time I start teaching you~”. Delilah reaches behind you and gets a nice handful of your butt and squeezes your cheeks as she bares her fangs and pulls you closer with an evil grin “I think someone’s getting ahead of themselves. Keep this up and I’ll have to put you in your place”. You growl and press yourself against Delilah and bare your, uh, teeth at her to mimic her actions as you stare her down with an equally devilish grin “Bring it on, Delilah! I think you’ll be the one put in your place soon enough~”.

You both continue to stare each other down – the slime rippling inside you doesn’t help with your concentration as it jostles the beads a little – and smile as you both start to get heated and aroused…until Helena has to break any modicum of intensity of the situation. “Oh fuck yeah I like where this is going!” she says nonchalantly while moaning as she jills herself with one hand and takes a drink with another. Delilah rolls her eyes and you can’t help but laugh while sneaking a quick peck on Delilah’s cold, pale forehead. “Same as yesterday, darling?” Delilah asks as she takes a step back from you – “Same as yesterday – I think I’m getting better thanks to you” you say with a sincere and bright smile to Delilah. She gives you an affectionate look before you follow her into the maze and repeat what she began teaching you yesterday, walking on various debris that would make sounds should you put the improper amount of pressure on it. You also get a few more lessons from Delilah on how to better anticipate enemy movements and strikes and, by the end of it all, you feel you’ve learned enough that you can easily replicate what you’ve been shown. Afterwards, you follow Delilah back to the chests and find Helena lounging on the cushioned chair, dozing and with her now empty wine bottle sitting on the floor beside the chair. You and Delilah both chuckle at the sight of Helena dozing on the chair, legs spread and puffy and glistening with a puddle of cum in front of the chair. You shake your head and get to work picking the locks of the chests when Delilah hands you some lock picks – you succeed in opening all but the master lock, which you break nearly every pick Delilah handed to you in the process. You feel like you’ve made some headway towards learning more about the art of lockpicking, but you realize you still have quite a ways to go before you’ll be opening any master level locks.

“You’ve made some real progress today, darling. It makes me proud to call you a student of mine at the level of skill you’ve shown and the speed at which you’ve learned said skills” Delilah proclaims with a small smile on her face as she stops in front of you, looking over your nude body with obvious desire. “Thank you, Delilah, but there’s still one bit of progress I need to make that’s more important than all the rest of the progress I’ve made with your training combined” you say with a smile as you take a step towards the pretty vampire woman. “Oh? What’s that, darling?” she asks, obviously confused and perplexed by your statement – “You” you say matter-of-factly and with a fire in your eyes “I want to make progress with you, Delilah. Before you said you might be falling for me…and I think I might be falling for you, Delilah. Actually, I know I’ve fallen for you; you’re so much fun to be around, you make me feel wonderful, you do things that make me feel so good, and your gentle and caring even when you put on a strong front. You were so brave when you said that you cared for me in that way and I want you to know that…I love you, Delilah. My heart, body, and soul belong to you – well, you might have to share a little~ - I want you to tie me up, to spank me, whip me, paddle me, pour hot wax on me, turn my skin red and love me the way you do”. You pour your heart out to Delilah as you place your hands over your heart, which is thundering in your chest, as you wait for your answer. Delilah stares at you in stunned silence for a long while and you’re afraid of…well, you aren’t really sure what you’re afraid of, but the anticipation is killing you. After a little while Delilah starts to cry, but the tears aren’t normal tears; streaks of crimson blood leave her eyes and she says in a quiet voice “Yes” and nods before she says again a little louder “Yes, oh gods, yes, Colette!” Delilah runs up to you with lightning speed and grabs you in her arms, laughing and twirling you around in joy and you can’t help but hold onto her tightly and laugh right along with her.

“I don’t care if I have to share you, darling! You make me happy beyond my wildest dreams! Hundreds of years walking this planet in pain and near isolation and only a few people have ever made me feel…feel like I’m alive again. I love you, Colette, and to hear you say the same brings tears of joy to my heart!” she says as she twirls you around for a little while longer before setting you down on the ground again and hugging you tightly. “And to hear that you’ll let me do so many naughty things to you…well, how can I refuse?” she adds with a suggestive smirk and you can’t help but laugh. “True…and to show that I truly mean it I want you to pierce me here, and here” you say with a smile as you point to your left nipple then to your right. “Are you sure, Colette? It might hurt” Delilah asks full of concern as she holds you – you nod and bring your hands to her face and look her in the eyes sweetly “I’m sure; I know you like it and I want to make you happy, and I would suffer all the pain in the world for you and the ones I love. I trust you completely…in fact, if you’re up to it I might be interested in you training me to be a better submissive little bondage slut~”. Delilah releases a howling, joyous laugh and she nuzzles against your face lovingly and says “Oh, you know just what I want, my sweet darling. Thank you and I promise that I would never let anything bad happen to you. I would scour the ends of Zelios if I found out someone hurt you and make them pay dearly. As for training you…well, since you’ve professed your love for me, darling, and seeing as how I love you I think I might need to alter the original plans a bit and make you even more submissive and perfect. Hahaha, make you more perfect…you’re already perfect, darling!” You giggle and rub your face against hers “I’m so glad, and do whatever you want, Delilah, my love. I know I’ll love it if it’s you. Now, what about those piercings~?”

Delilah gestures for you to sit on the chair, which you find is now unoccupied as Helena has obviously woken up and is smiling as she stands next to the cushioned seat and pats it. “I’ll be right here, babe, and I promise you’ll fucking love having your tits pierced! If it hurts then just squeeze my hand – I won’t leave you and we’ll stop if you can’t take it, alright?” she says in a sweet and gentle voice. You nod and smile as you walk up to the chair and sit down with a slight moan as the red slime in your pussy ripples and changes shape slight and as the looped stopper to your anal beads presses against you when your bum hits the seat. You watch Delilah as she goes to one of her chests that aren’t used for training purposes and produces a thin and sharp metal pick-like object, two padded clamps, two studded barbells, and two small chains with dazzling emeralds encased in metal hearts attached to said chains. “The emerald hearts are for your eyes, my darling, and to show our love – they also go with the emerald and heart on your choker. If it’s too much then we don’t have to use them, and you can remove the chain with the hearts attached at any time” Delilah says gently as she shows you the small lever on the ends of either chain which will be attached to the ends of the studs. “They’re beautiful, Delilah; I would love wearing them for you” you say sweetly and serenely with a gentle and reassuring smile that seems to melt you’re beautiful vampire’s cold heart as her features soften. “Close your eyes, my love, and hold Helena’s hand tightly. This may be painful and I promise to be as quick as possible. I have experience doing this, have no worries” she says and you smile before complying, closing your eyes and gripping Helena’s right hand with your left. You gasp lightly when you feel the padded clamps clamp onto your nipples and make them fully erect, and then you grip Helena’s hand tightly when you feel slight pain and discomfort that intensifies as you feel a thin, sharp piece of cold metal pierce one side of your nipple and come out the other.

You groan in pain and grip Helena’s hand tighter as sharp pain courses through your right sensitive nipple and Delilah quickly tugs on the metal pick and you feel something inserted through the new hole in your nipple before its secured tightly, and then Delilah repeats the process for your other nipple. You then hear four small clicking noises and your nipples feel a little bit heavier. “There, all done” Delilah says softly and you open your eyes and look down, smiling lightly as you see two barbell stud piercings pierced through your nipples horizontally and hanging from them, attach to a small chain, are two brilliant small emerald hearts encased in a metal heart outline that holds them in place…and also a small trickle of blood that leaks from your nipples. “Let me get that for you darling” Delilah says quietly as she leans down and licks from the middle of your tummy up to your right nipple, making you gasp and moan lightly before she repeats the process for your other nipple. “So, babe, how do you like them?” Helena asks beside you, still holding your hand and gently stroking the top of your hand with her other hand. “I love them; they’re beautiful, but my nipples hurt and throb. I think they might be sore once the healing finishes” you say quietly before an idea pops into your head. You reach down to your pussy with your right hand and spread your lower lips and coax the red slime out of you, moaning as it morphs and shifts its way out of you as it ripples before you bring it to your breasts. It quickly engulfs your large DD’s and you sigh contentedly as your bosom becomes tingly and relaxed and you feel pleasure from it which replaces the tenderness and soreness. “Smart thinking, darling; the slime’s body should override the pain, and I think it may actually speed up the healing process. I would give you a healing potion, but it would work too fast and might do more harm than good most likely. This way might be better; it will help heal you quicker than normal, but not at so fast a rate as too do more damage” Delilah praises as she watches the red slime ripple gently, and you can’t help but let out another sigh as the area where you were pierced starts to feel better, if a little bit itchy which means it’s already healing.

“Thanks…say, you want to make it up to me for hurting my nipples?” you ask with a mischievous grin on your face as you look Delilah in the eyes, then to Helena. “Of course, darling, what did you have in mind?” Delilah asks – “Well, you could eat me out~” you say as you turn to Helena “And you” you say now looking at Delilah “Can get something to drink…from me~. You’re happiness is important, and to show you that I really love you this is my gift to you”. “Fucking yeah, babe, you really go all out don’t you? Fuck me…I love tasting your pussy so fucking much. After this I think I might just have to come with you, you know, make sure you don’t get hurt and all that” Helena says softly, but with a lewd grin, as she leans into your face and plants a kiss on your cheek. “I would like that, Helena, I think I really would…now get down there and lick my pussy you slutty woman~” you admit to Helena before demanding she gets to work on you. “Hah, yes ma’am! Damn you know how to turn me on…who would have thought I would fall in love? Well, what better woman to fall in love with than one who’s as slutty as I am? Now, come to Big Sister~” Helena says with a laugh then a moan as she slides down between your legs, spreading them a little before she gets to work licking your labia, up your slit, and flicking your clit with her tongue that drives you wild. “Well?” you say to Delilah as you bare your neck to her “Drink as much as you want, Delilah. When you’re with me I promise to never let you feel alone, in pain, or deprived ever again. The slime ripples violently on your breasts at your positive emotions, and Delilah smiles as she straddles your lap and licks at your bared neck with her cold tongue ever so slowly that makes you moan, on top of the superb work Helena’s doing on your sopping snatch. “You make my cold body feel warm and alive, Colette. I love you and thank you for that” Delilah says before you feel to pricks at your neck and your world lights up in a world of lights as you scream blissfully and you squirt your milk into the red slime and your juices into Helena’s mouth and onto her face as you pull Delilah in closer to your neck. Delilah continues to drink your blood and the intensity of the orgasm is so wonderful and the feeling of your juices and blood leaving your body sends you into a world of bliss and you can’t help but writhe as you continue to scream and whimper in pleasure.

After a while you come down in a fit of pants and twitches as Delilah finishes drinking from you and Helena gives your wet cunt a few more licks that make you gasp. “Oh you’re always so sweet and delicious” Delilah coos into your ear before she licks your neck and pulls back with a smile, some of your blood still on her chin. Instead of being horrified you instead giggle and point to your face then to hers, which she seems confused about for a moment before her eyes go wide and she jumps off you and goes to her chest, producing a rag and cleaning herself off. “I’m so sorry, darling! I didn’t want you to see that – by Domina I need to be more careful in the future!” she starts berating herself and you can’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, she’s a bit touchy about that, babe. Thinking what I’m thinking?” Helena asks with a smile as she stands up and stretches. You nod as you stand up yourself and walk over to Delilah along with Helena and you both wrap your arms around her. “It’s alright, Delilah, you don’t need to hide it from me. You’re a vampire and sometimes you just can’t help it. It won’t change the way I feel about you” you say gently to your vampire lover. “I actually really fucking like it to be honest. It gives you a ferocious and feral look that makes you look smokin’ hot!” Helena says with a laugh, and the slime, whether or not it truly understands what’s happening, ripples anyways at the positive feelings and emotions you both are exuding. You moan as the slime wriggles on your boobs and helps with the healing process of your new piercings, which you actually really like when you look down at them through the slime’s body, but it’s good to know that at least the hearts are removable just in case. Delilah looks like she’s about to argue, but you shush her by planting a light kiss on her lips before pulling back and saying “No, no buts or excuses. I know what I’m getting myself into and it doesn’t bother me one bit~”.

Delilah smiles and shakes her head before her eyes flare up and you know something naughty just popped into her head. “Say, darling, how are your breasts doing?” she asks in a coy voice that makes you suspect she has something deliciously naughty planned – “Good” you say honestly as you take stock ‘This little fella has really sped things up a bit. I’m definitely not sore anymore”. “Good, good…” Delilah coos out with a broad grin plastering her face “Would you kindly follow me, darling?” You look to Helena, who looks at you, and you both shrug before nodding and Delilah walks off into an area of the chamber you’ve never been before. You keep close to Delilah so as not to get lost and eventually you come to another part of the chamber that has, you guessed, even more bondage gear! You roll your eyes a little and crack a small smile at Delilah’s tastes, but raise an eyebrow in curiosity when she brings you up to a device that looks strangely familiar to you. “Recognize it, darling?” Delilah asks as she walks up to the cylindrical device with a clear tube fitted in the center and runs her hand along it and the pumps connecting to it “Why, you were fed so much delicious milk and cum from one earlier, though that one was obviously much larger than this one”. Your eyes flash and your eyebrows twitch as you remember why this device looks so familiar; as Delilah said it’s a much smaller version of the pump that you were fed from when on the wooden horse with Lula grinding in and out of your rosebud. You shudder in desire and arousal as you remember the scene, but are drawn from your thoughts when Delilah next speaks. “If you’re feeling up to it, I would love to hook up your wonderfully large breasts to the machine, darling, and help relieve you of all that sweet milk you keep inside you” Delilah says in a husky voice as she walks up to you and runs a hand along your slime engulfed breasts, making the red slime ripple over your pierced melons.