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Re: Rift Touched

Continuing where we left off!

12:02 pm

You stand outside the door to the orcs’ room and shuffle your feet a little as you bring your hand up to the door. Just as you’re about to knock you stop yourself and bring your hand to your head and scratch it, before running your hand through your red hair and compulsively checking the black silk that holds your hair in a ponytail behind you. You only met them briefly yesterday, and you’re not quite sure why you’re here, but nonetheless something about what Trusolg said and seeing Yaibo, Trusolg’s and Aejsoag’s mentor, dead seems to have struck a chord with you. You’re about to turn away, but you shake your head in frustration before you bring your hand up again in a fist, intent on knocking this time. “Get a hold of yourself, Colette; just knock on the blasted door and… whatever happens next, well, I guess I’ll find out soon enough”. After your little pep talk to yourself, you bring your hand closer and knock on the door three times and wait. You stand in front of the door and wait patiently, shifting on the soles of your feet and heels as you do so, and after about twenty seconds you start to wonder if anyone is behind the wooden door. Just when you’re about to turn around and head back, you hear the knob to the door turning and, a moment later, the wooden door swings slowly on its hinges to reveal the dark-green skinned Trusolg, the elder of the two orcs. You notice that he’s not wearing a shirt, and along with the obvious muscles on his chest and stomach you notice that he has various scars across his body… some of which look more recent than others. He has dark black hair on his chest and arms, and again you notice the tattoo of a stylized bear on his left arm – he’s also wearing simple brown pants and is going barefoot, and his hair is done up in a small ponytail bun. He smiles slightly when he sees you as some desire flashes in his brown eyes, which seems even more appreciative as he looks you up and down seeing you in your full gear. “Welcome, little warrior… please, come in – I ask that you remain silent for now as we are in the middle of prayer” the elder orc says to you in a hushed tone as he opens the door further and gestures inside. You nod your head in understanding before walking through the threshold and into the orcs’ room. The room is large, yet devoid of furniture – well, not entirely void as you notice that there’s a medium-sized table in the middle of the room with the pegs close to the ground. You also notice that there are mugs half empty and ceramic jugs filled with what you assume to be alcohol on the table. Then to the right there’s two large pieces of comfortable looking furs with some blankets and small pillows atop, which must mean that they sleep on the floor… and also a pair of trunks near the far right corner of the room. In fact, there are large furs all over the floor, you notice, and drapes hanging from the wall with the image of a roaring bear… similar to the tattoo’s on their arms. To the left is an open door that, upon inspection, leads to the chamber pot and bath, yet it’s directly across from you that catches your eye the most.

Directly across from you is a small shrine of sorts with fur barbarian-like armor on an armor stand with a suspiciously familiar battle axe leaning against it. There’s a hood that looks cut from giant brown bear on the top of the stand, and on either side are long, black metal candle stands with two small red candles that are currently lit. In front of the stand kneeling on the ground is Aejsoag – he sits on one knee with his head bowed in front of the stand. As Trusolg gestures for you to “sit” at the table, you watch as he makes his way around the right side of the table and take his spot next to his younger clansmen, dropping to one knee and bowing his head next to the equally barefoot and bare-chested younger orc, who has some scars, though not quite as many as his elder, on his back. You take your bow from off your back and set it next to the door as you close it, followed by your quiver and arrows, backpack, then your shortsword, dagger, and throwing knives. Afterwards, you walk a few feet in front of you towards the table before kneeling down and shifting onto your bottom, crossing your legs as you watch the two orcs. You let your eyes wander in silence as you look around the room, noting the small candles all along the walls on their sconces that light the windowless room. In fact, they give off a pleasant scent that reminds you distinctly of summer; warm, inviting, and with the scent of dried leaves and birch. You figure that the armor and weapon must be Yaibo’s, and that he must have been well respected by the two orcs as they hardly move or say a word as they pray in front of his equipment. Eventually, after a few minutes, both the orcs rise… which rouses you as you lift your head up from your shoulders just as they turn around. When Aejsoag sees you he cracks a mischievous grin for a moment as he walks to the left side of the table and sits while his elder walks to the right. “It is an honor to see you again, young warrior” Aejsoag says as he bows his head slightly before reaching for one of the few jugs on the table. He pops the top and pours a clear liquid from the jug into a mug in front of him, refilling it almost to the top. As Aejsoag takes a small drink from his mug, Trusolg grabs an empty mug and a jug before filling the container to the top. He gently slides the mug over the table to you, causing the liquid inside to slosh about before you stop it with your right hand. You look down at the clear liquid, almost like water, before bringing it to your lips and taking a drink. Immediately upon tasting the rough liquor you want to cough as the small sip burns going all the way down, turning your throat and stomach to fire as the smell now assaults your senses.

“Good?” the elder orc asks as he pours himself a drink before taking a long drink – “Yeah” you croak out and nod lightly, putting the mug down on the table. Both the orcs look at themselves and burst out laughing at your lack of tolerance. Not as strong as Helena’s, but still pretty strong – maybe close to what was at the temple of Dwynvel you think as you put your hands in you lean forward and rest your arms on the table. “What brings you here, young warrior?” Trusolg asks as he takes a small drink from his mug before setting it on the table, waiting for your response. You think it over for a few moments and you can’t really decide on a good response – they definitely expressed interest yesterday, and even now you can tell that they are interested in you, so it might be that, or it could be that you want to honor Yaibo with them. That brings you to another point that Trusolg mentioned about Yaibo being at peace and glad that he died in battle, so perhaps it’s your interest in their culture and philosophy? Given what happened yesterday the two seem relatively stable, which is more than you’ve been feeling since what happened as you’ve gone up and down as your emotions swirl about chaotically. You accept what happened, to be sure, but you just can’t seem to find the words to describe what you’re feeling – perhaps you’re just in shock still as it’s only been about twelve hours since “it” happened. Unable to really decide on a clear answer you try your best to smile and say with a shrug “Many things – I think I wanted to see you both and to honor Yaibo, but maybe I’m looking for answers… or a distraction. I’m not really sure”. Trusolg grunts in understanding and says “Understandable. I often forget that those born here do not often suffer through death on the battlefield. Grazbulork is a harsh, unforgiving land and it is a constant struggle for survival… both in the wilderness and between the tribes. Despite the alliances formed, there are still disagreements that often turn violent between our people. What happened was something I am unaccustomed to; a single madman slaughter so many so quickly and then raising the dead. It is… unnerving”. “Have you seen much death and… slaughter before?” you ask warily to both the orcs, and this time it is Aejsoag who nods with a grunt as he takes a drink.

“Yes, little one, we have. From the day we are born, man or woman, we are trained to fight for if we do not fight then we die. Our land is harsh; we have little water, vast canyons and barren landscapes. The predators are large and numerous; great bears, packs of dire wolves, and more bands of bandits than one can count. We do not have the great cities and walls of this land or those of the humans and amazons. We have settlements – some are larger enough to be considered cities, but are still susceptible to any number of threats. We do not have laws as you do – we live based on honor and often there are disputes that turn violent. Before I was a full man I had already killed a man and fought beasts and bandits with my clan”. “And you expelled the contents of your stomach when you thought eating week old meat on a long journey was a sound idea and spent the rest of the trip behind bushes and moaning about your stomach. Or when you nearly lost your head to a great bear and I had to save you because you tripped and hit your head” Trusolg interjects with a low, amused chuckle. “It swiped at me with its paw and I… lost my balance! I fought valiantly I tell you! It was near dead when you came to my aid!” the younger orc’s cheeks redden before he defends himself perhaps a little too loudly, glaring at his elder who merely laughs in response. “Of course, of course… how could I forget?” Trusolg says with a dismissive laugh that makes his younger seethe before he turns his attention back to you. “My clansman is correct; our land is harsh and battle is commonplace. Is there something you wish to know?” You bite your bottom lip and bring your hands up to your chin, resting your chin in your palms as your elbows rest on the table as you mull over how to explain what you feel. You decide that the best approach would be the honest one and say “I… have never seen so much death, so much pain, despair, and madness before. I have killed before, yes, but yesterday was the first time I have taken the life of another person, not a feral goblin, giant spider, rat or some other creature”.

You sigh before continuing with a quiver in your voice “I don’t regret what I did… but I can’t seem to get what happened out of my head, and seeing Yaibo lying there was, I don’t know, what you said and how he died seemed so foreign to me, and yet here you both are like nothing happened. I just… I don’t know – I keep going back and forth in my head between wanting to curl up and not go outside and then I feel fine, great in fact. How do you do it?” Aejsoag and Trusolg both put their mugs down and withdraw their hands as they look at you and seem to think about what you said. At first you think they may call you crazy or dismiss you entirely, but Aejsoag, surprisingly, is the first to answer. “We are not… undamaged, young warrior-“ he says, but you quickly cut him off and say “Colette, please, call me Colette”. He nods and continues “Colette. There is a reason why we are here; Yaibo always thought that our people were too rigid and focused on battle, violence, and that it was no way to continue to live. He believed we should focus more on being… people, rather than showing doubts and feelings of regret and sorrow – a sign of weakness to most of my people. I did not believe him at first and thought him a fool, but my time here has proven otherwise – he was wise even beyond his own years and wanted to change the direction of the clans”. “What Aejsoag is trying to say” Trusolg says after the younger finishes, though in a somber tone “Is that we feel the same as you at times, Colette. The battles, the death, the constant struggle and violence have made us weary – we are exposed to death and violence young and it follows us… haunts us, and we are given no time to come to terms with it. ‘Battle is in our blood, it is who we are, but it is not what defines us’ – Yaibo said that once, and he was right. He died an honorable death, a warrior’s death, one that I hope to one day have, but it should not be had by denying oneself”. You listen intently, surprised at the orcs’ honesty… but before you can say anything the elder of the two laughs and takes his mug before drinking a large portion “I hope that helps, and I often find the best ways to deal are to distract myself with something enjoyable, Colette – but let us not speak of terrible things any longer. We are here to honor Yaibo; let me tell you the story of when I was just a young boy and the day I thought I could challenge him to a duel!” You smile warmly at them both and nod “Okay, I’d like to hear that” and you reach for your mug and take a drink and, despite it burning all the way down, you find the second drink to be much easier to down than the first. As you listen to Trusolg talk you think on his words – So they aren’t just battle hardened, unfeeling fighters. He said not to deny oneself and to distract myself with something that I find enjoyable… you think as your thoughts turn to the battle and how he fought like a demon versus how different he is now, out of the public’s eye. It makes you smile and a little hopeful for some reason, but right now you listen to how Yaibo bent the young Trusolg over his knee after the match and spanked him in front of his entire clan, humiliating him quite thoroughly. You, Aejsoag, and even Trusolg all laugh at his misfortune, and you take another drink and smile as he goes into another story, this time about how the old orc tried to teach him how to approach women… only to get slapped upside the head for his advances on another clanswoman.

12:20 pm

12:52 pm

“So there we were the three of us against a single ogre that had been a nuisance for months. I took us some time to track him down; he was a clever one, always throwing off his trail after every cattle he slaughtered. It was when he took young Jurgo that they sent an entire party to find him.” Aejsoag says as he tries to keep his speech together, clearly drunk as he sways and talks a little too loudly. You yourself feel quite tipsy as you smile a silly little grin, feeling quite warm and already having discarded your trench coat,gloves, armor, utility belt, and boots, along with most of your other gear by the door throughout your time drinking, laughing, and thoroughly enjoying yourself. Skin-Walker is as tight as ever, and you notice that both Aejsoag and Trusolg steal more than a few glances, even brazenly staring, at your breasts and trying to lean over to sneak a peak at your camel toe as you lean back and spread your legs slightly in relaxation. Still, they keep polite and civil and continue to speak, which you listen intently and find that Yaibo was a rather jovial, wise, and all around amusing man that you feel the world is a lesser place for not having him in it, despite his apparent ferocity in battle. “There was five of us at the start, but the ogre had killed a sworn brother and sister – by the spirits he was huge… and fast too! And no matter what we threw at him, he seemed to shrug every blow from our axes and arrows with little more than an annoyed grunt! Still, we managed to injure him enough in the end that he fled, and we gave chase for what seemed like an hour before he cornered himself near the edge of the cliff. All three of us were injured – my hand and ribs were broken when the filth managed to grab hold of me, and Trusolg’s arm was dislocated. Yaibo took a blow to the head and wasn’t thinking straight and his vision was blurry, so even outnumbered as he was he could have killed us easily”. Aejsoag chuckles to himself as he recalls the dire situation, and you can’t help but grin as his eyes gloss over for a moment as he loses himself in the memory before he snaps out of it and continues. “So you know what the old fool does? He screams at the top of his lungs and throws his battle axe over his head at the ogre… and only barely missed it’s head! We were almost as shocked as the ogre, who had literally pissed himself on the spot at almost taking an axe between his eyes, but Yaibo did not stop there. Oh no, as soon as the axe left his hands he charged the ogre and tackled him – must have kicked him in the balls too because when he bent over, old Yaibo punched him in the face and tackled him again, sending them both off the side of the cliff into the ravine below”. “We searched for hours once we reached the bottom” Trusolg says with an amused smile and a shake of his head “But found no trace of either of them. We assumed the land had taken them and set off to gather the bodies of our brother and sister. When we returned to camp with our fallen brother and sister we told the clan of what happened. Then, almost a week later right before we were to pack up and move on, off in the distance we see Yaibo with a rotting orc head attached to a makeshift walking stick!”

“You know what the old fool said when we asked how he survived?” Trusolg asks you with a mischievous glint in his eyes, and you humor him with a smile and ask “How?” “Water nymphs saved him, and they were so enamored with his bravery and prowess that they took him in, nursed him back to health, and fucked him senseless! He would have returned sooner, of course, but he didn’t want to seem ‘inhospitable’. Water nymphs!” Both Trusolg and Aejsoag burst out laughing a boisterous, roaring laughter that fills the room as their drink slosh in their mugs when they slam them down on the table and grip their sides. You can’t help but laugh rather loudly as well, more in response to their laughter than anything else. This goes on for what seems like a minute before, with a few chuckles and wiping some water from his eyes, Trusolg says “It wasn’t long after that, that all the tribes gathered on neutral ground to find those that would honor us all by sending emissaries out to this land and others that would have us. Yaibo readily volunteered and asked that we follow him – that there was more to life beyond fighting, violence, beyond what we had known and that perhaps we could learn something in this gentler land. We of course thought he was crazy, but we followed nonetheless. That was… two or three years ago, and we have been here ever since, though with the occasional trip back home of course”. Both Aejsoag and Trusolg have their smiles, though they dim somewhat as their eyes downcast when they truly realize that they will have no more good times with their old friend and mentor. Your own smile dims slightly, but they’ve been so good to you and to the memory of their friend that you grab your half-filled mug – refilled halfway twice already – and raise it up over the table. “To Yaibo – a lecherous, wise, ferocious, and brave orc that will be sorely missed by all” you say loudly, happily – both Aejsoag and Trusolg grab their mugs and raise them up and say “To Yaibo – may you never be forgotten and may the spirits of our ancestors accept you. Go in peace” before all three of you clank your mugs together and quickly down the remaining contents. It hardly burns as it goes down – more like a gentle warmth in fact – and it seems to heat you up and make you feel much looser once it starts to take effect which, on top of all that you’ve consumed thus far, makes you feel incredibly loose, relaxed… and horny. You don’t even notice until you feel Aejsoag’s hand rubbing your left leg that both of the orcs have moved much closer to you and are giving you lust filled looks of want and desire. You grin back suggestively at the two and say in a teasing tone “Getting a bit too familiar, are we~?”
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Re: Rift Touched

However, Aejsoag looks you dead in the eyes and says “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes upon. Your skin is flawless, your hair is like fire, your body perfect, and those green eyes of yours are so enchanting, and if I gaze into them too closely I swear that they glow – you are a great warrior and I have no doubt you could kill me in a heartbeat, and with that strange power of yours I can’t help but be in awe of you. I find myself wanting you… to do things to you more than any woman I have ever met, and I don’t know why, but I want you”. You’re a bit taken aback by his boldness, yet you imagine all the dirty, naughty things he would do to you before Trusolg’s large, green hand runs along your right leg and you turn your head to gaze into his eyes, trying to ignore the tent in his pants. “My brother speaks truly, Colette – I find myself drawn to you and your enchanting beauty, and your warrior’s spirit” the older orc says. You smile at him sincerely before grinning at him as you remember yesterday and, as you lean back on your hands to give them a better view of your goods, you say “I saw the way you looked at me yesterday. You couldn’t stop staring at my chest, or my butt – I think you just want to get in my pants~. Don’t you think it’s a bit ridiculous for two burly orc veterans trying to sweet talk a woman five to fifteen years your junior, hmm~?” Well, I’m one to talk since I’m involved with a seven-hundred year old vampire, two succubi that are older than three-hundred at least based on their stories, a tentacle beast that’s who knows how old, and a true slime that’s probably a few decades my senior. Helena’s older than me, but not by much, but then again I am a half-elf… then there’s Xillia, but she’s an elf so we might be closer to each other’s age developmentally. Oh, and then there’s Vulgan… enough said. Huh, I guess I like them older and in all varieties…? You smile at yourself as you muse on your love life, yet you force yourself back to reality as their hands continue to rub along your legs sensually over Skin-Walker and your Lequis blessed sheer stockings. “So” you begin in a coy, playful tone as you grin from ear to ear at the panting orcs, noting the tents in their pants and letting your eyes roam over their muscled, scarred, and slightly hairy chest and arms, along with the slight black stubble on their faces. “I’m curious… what things would you do to little ole’ me, hmm~?” you speak to them playfully, enjoying the their touch on your legs as you gaze at them lazily – both Trusolg and Aejsoag look at each other, back to you with extreme lust as they roam your body, then back to each other again before they nod in unison. Apparently they’ve talked about this~ you think before Trusolg speaks. “We would feel every corner of your body with our hands before stripping you out of the confines of your bodysuit and undergarments before clearing the table. We would pin you down against the table with your chest against the wood and tie your arms and legs to the pegs… and then we would fuck you. We would take turns fucking you from both ends, and for as long as we could manage until we are completely spent and you are thoroughly used and satisfied just as we are”.

You feel yourself getting incredibly turned on by his blunt, yet descriptive fantasy, only just stopping yourself from shivering in desire. Bondage, huh? you think excitedly as you look to the candles around the room, then thinking back on a few encounters that you think might “spice up” things a bit, and a certain item in your backpack that might help. I’m sure I could work with that… or maybe I could do the opposite and blow their minds a bit and show them just how strong and passionate I could be~? Or… maybe a bit of both~?

12:57 pm

A. Have some “fun” with Trusolg and Aejsoag.

B. Be more assertive and dominant with the two orcs (Only if A is chosen. Can be chosen with C. Any combination thereof and any details you would like to add are welcome!)
B1. Blow their minds and go hard and dirty with them.
B2. Demand they be gentle as you take control of the situation.
B3. Take pleasure from teasing them and denying them pleasure.
B4. Write in anything that you want! (Keeping with the theme of dominance)

C. Submit to their fantasy and let Trusolg and Aejsoag dominate you (Only if A is chosen. Can be chosen with B. Any combination thereof and any details you would like to add are welcome!)
C1. Let them play out their fantasy with you.
C2. Ask them to use some of the candles and pour hot wax on you.
C3. Let them know of your bondage submissiveness, and that they can do “anything” they want with you… and to you.
C4. Write in anything that you want! (Keeping with the theme of bondage submissiveness/ submissiveness)

D. Get your butt plug and use it on yourself/tell Aejsoag and Trusolg to use the butt plug on you, or perhaps on one of them? (Specify)

E. Give the two orcs a strip show. (Doesn’t have to be chosen with A… serious cock tease!)

F. Write in anything you want! (Pick a theme, a position/act, a situation, etc! Be creative!)

G. You don’t feel like having sex with them. Decline their advances and leave to your next destination.

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
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Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Enchanted Backpack: Medium-High load. Has a small amount of space left. Stowed away at the moment.
-Gold pouch (1000 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (324 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-White Magic Crystal: Light
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
- Medium Sized Enchanted Black Butt Plug (Activated with command word “Lover’s Embrace”. Will vibrate and expand slowly when activated until it becomes very large, but not enough to harm)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)
-Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancing Outfit (Extremely exposing and extremely light. Comes with creamy white bra that shows extreme cleavage and has thin vertical pieces of cloth that exposes nipples via heart shaped cutouts, thin G-string that rides up on ass and has cutout to expose vagina, extremely short frilly skirt that barely covers crotch and covers only half of butt and held in place by bronze-gold heart bands, thin gloves for tops of hands and arms to biceps held in place by bronze-gold bands with metal hearts on top, open toed five inch heeled sandals, and bronze-gold bands to hold drapes in place. Blessings in effect when set is worn)
-Enchanted Cleaning Rag (Can clean virtually any sweat, muck, grime, and nasty stuff up. Will never get dirty)
-Enchanted Gloves (unidentified)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire)
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking).

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Stowed away at the moment.
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1. Extreme Potion of Healing x1. Full
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


-Skin-Walker (Currently covers from feet to neck without exposing skin. Hugs body like a second skin, revealing everything as if nude. Blessings in effect when worn)
-Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Colette” engraved on front. Has “With Love: Lula, Leena, Delilah, Helena, Astraea, Meredith, Xillia, Vulgan” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)
-Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves. (Enhances MR by 10). Left ring finger.
-Black Silk Fabric
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set. Underneath Skin-Walker)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set. Underneath Skin-Walker)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set. Underneath Skin-Walker)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set. Underneath Skin-Walker)

Weaponry Not currently available.

-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage).
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (2/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (1/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Water missile (1 Charge, 10 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 10 minutes. (24 hours remain on recharge).
-Blink (35 MR each use): Can be used in and out of combat to instantaneously transport self within ten feet of current position silently and with only a barely visible blue haze as any indication of its use. Can be used in combat to get behind enemies resulting in sneak attack criticals. Cannot go through solid objects.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Tied in ponytail behind back with Black Silk Fabric. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
-Scratches and minor bruises on face, sides, left leg, right arm, left arm, stomach.


Health: Fine
MR: 112/112
Incredibly aroused .
Slightly sore.
Vagina is very wet.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Essence of Absorption: Thanks to receiving the “essence” of countless individuals many, many times, you have discovered a peculiarity about yourself. You have a certain trait of magical beings and monsters that allows you to absorb the magical energy from sexual secretions, and maybe even blood (?), from people to give yourself some energy and restore your MR. Also, it accelerates your healing slightly and you find you can now sustain yourself wholly off of the essence of others similar to magical beings.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, and you’re naturally sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!) (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield two weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Skin-Walker: You’re blessed bodysuit, blessed at the temple of Domina, has seven unique attributes tied to the blessing. On top of being nearly indestructible and capable of keeping you and itself clean. The blessings allow Skin-Walker to become nearly any article of clothing, within reason, changing its shape through your will and imagination. When worn you also receive the boon of increased physical damage resistance (mild), increased magical/elemental damage resistance (mild), increased physical damage dealt (mild), and increased magical damage dealt (minor), your footsteps are completely silent when worn. The final blessing will allow the suit’s power to increase when you sleep with ten different people up to a total of one-hundred different people, but only if suit is worn. (Sex Counter: 31/100) (Requires Skin-Walker being worn)

Increased Health: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has given you a moderate boost to your natural health, allowing you to take more blows before being killed or knocked out. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Major Barrier of Avoidance: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has been blessed with a major barrier that warps harmful attacks around you, thus dealing a major blow to enemy hit chances. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Hardiness: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed to give you a moderate increase in your resistances against poisons, diseases, and negative status ailments both natural and magical, meaning you’re less likely to contract a disease, be poisoned, or suffer negative status effects during combat. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Majorly Lowered Sexual Inhibitions: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed with the effect of lowering your sexual inhibitions when worn, making you much more receptive to sexual advances and making you much more likely to blindly accept such advances regardless of who is making advances, of the time of day, and of where the advances are taking place. Those making such advances will also seem much more attractive to you. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Hera of the Amazons has shown you the dance of her people, which is referred to as a veil dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 3/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Slightly Lowered Inhibitions: Your inhibitions are lowered slightly thanks to your actions and you find that you don’t mind people getting “touchy” with you in intimate ways, so long as it’s not too extreme.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

A, B3+E followed by C3.

Start off by having Colette take control of things and dominate, tease and play with them (maybe loosely tying them to their chairs), denying their release(s) for a while. Then let them 'take' control at some point and do what they want with Colette, maybe playing it as them taking 'revenge' for her treatment of them. :rolleyes:
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Re: Rift Touched

E, then followed by Xgfk's choices.
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Re: Rift Touched

Going off of xgkf’s near unanimous A, B3 + E, followed by C3… with a few slight modifications

Sorry about the length of time it took to post this. I’ve had hardly any free time to myself to get some decent writing done, much to my chagrin, but here it is at last! Hurrah!
12:58 pm

You moan as Aejsoag and Trusolg continue to rub your legs, sending wonderfully pleasing sensations from your skin to your brain and making you that much hotter. You were already getting aroused before, thanks to your own nature and the alcohol, but this sends you over the edge. You make up your mind – you’re going to have sex, but not just any sex, you want them to fuck you in any way they see fit, especially tying you to the table and taking you from both ends. But before I get a taste of orc cock you think as you grin lewdly to yourself I want to have some fun with them first~. You look over to Trusolg first, then Aejsoag, before shifting your feet while sitting on the floor with them so that you can sit up in a kneeling position. Both the orcs withdraw their hands and look at you curiously and expectantly, and you surprise both of them when you push the younger of the two orcs back so that he falls onto his butt and almost onto his back. You smirk at him and, as you crawl towards him, you say “You want your fun and I want mine~”. “Pants off. Now. And don’t you dare make a move without my permission~” you order playfully towards Trusolg as you look over your shoulder at him, giving him a wink and licking your lips before turning your attention back to Aejsoag. The only response you get from the older orc is a low, satisfied grumbling moan followed by what sounds to be his feverish attempts at removing his pants. You don’t need to look back to know what is happening, and instead you focus your attention on Aejsoag – The younger orc moans lowly as he looks you over in pure lust and says “If that is how you want it, I won’t say no”. You smirk devilishly from ear to ear as you grab the bottoms of his pants and start to firmly tug on them, urging Aejsoag to shift so that you can take off his pants. Without a word he grunts and gets onto his back and lifts his pelvis, aiding you in the process as he starts to push his common pants down as you pull them off. You find that, underneath, he’s wearing nothing else… which is fine by you as his green cock, which is half as thick as your wrist and slightly longer than six inches, and also uncircumcised, springs free. You moan as you get the first glimpses of his penis and ball-sac, which have short black patches of pubic hair around them – you gasp in surprise and then moan when you feel two large hands wrap around your torso and possessively grope your tits, squeezing them and kneading them in circular motions. You lean back drunkenly into Trusolg’s embrace and rest your head against his collarbone as he says “Do you like that? I am surprised at your boldness, but we are ready whenever you are”. Instead of giving a response right away you instead sit and enjoy the sensations as wonderful little pangs of pleasure travel from your breasts down to your honeypot, but eventually you chuckle naughtily. “You moved and I didn’t give you permission. Now I have to punish you both… and I think you’ll like what I have in mind~”. You accent the point by raising up on your knees and moving your hips further back until you feel the hot, hardness of his manhood against your butt – you then slide up, and then down, position it just below your cleft so that the shaft presses against your camel toe.

You press your legs together as his equally uncut member pokes from beneath your thighs and rub him against your thighs and covered pussy, moaning in pleasure from the friction and also earning a pleased growl from Trusolg. You continue to rut against his cock for a few more seconds as you build his pleasure, and yours, up before releasing your thighs and placing your hands over his as they continue to work your breasts. You will Skin-Walker away from your hands so that your bare hands can touch his as you gently pull them away from your orbs. You feel flush hot from the alcohol and your own arousal, and you can barely keep yourself together as you reluctantly pull yourself away from Trusolg’s grasp just as Aejsoag starts to sit up, his cock throbbing in anticipation reflected in how predatory his eyes look at you. “Your skin is so soft and so… perfect…” Trusolg admires as you touch him, rubbing your hands along his large, calloused digits as you wriggle free of him. Both the orcs watch you with anxious anticipation as you pull away from the elder orc – Aejsoag leans back on his elbows and smirks at you as you look at his slightly hairy, muscled, scarred body before looking down and smiling. You quickly snatch his pants before turning your attention to Trusolg and saying with a smirk “Go get your pants and give them to me”. The older orc cocks an eyebrow at you in confusion, making you giggle before grinning naughtily and replying to his unasked question with a sultry, seductive tone “Trust me, you’ll like what I have in mind~”. That’s all the incentive the barbarian orc needs as he quickly turns around on his knees and practically lunges for his pants, which are roughly a few feet where you last saw him before he took them off – as he tends to that, you look at Aejsoag with an evil grin as you hold his pants up. “I pray that you do not want me to put them back on” the younger orc says with a smirk on his face. You laugh and shake your head as you hand scoot towards him and hand him his left pant leg. The material is soft, yet not very durable, and you figure that any amount of force would do for what you have in mind. “Oh no” you reply with a grin as you hold on tightly to the right pant leg “That wouldn’t do at all~. Now… hold on tight to your end~”. Instinctively, Aejsoag’s hand tightens even as he gives you a questionable look, but you don’t give him a response as you slide backwards and yank with all your might on the fabric. Immediately you hear the satisfying tearing of fabric as the threads and seams holding the material together from the groin up rip cleanly in two, so that you hold on half of the remnants of Aejsoag’s pants while he holds the other, all with a dumbfounded look on his face. “And now I have no pants” Aejsoag comments bluntly as he gives you an incredulous look “I fail to see the purpose of this”. “Oh, trust me” you purr out as you look behind you and nod to Trusolg, indicating he should do the same “It’s a very important piece to attaining my pleasure… and yours~, and a part of your punishment for your clansman not being able to keep his hands to himself~”.

You cat crawl over to Trusolg, giving him a husky, needy look all the while giving Aejsoag a nice view of your rump. His cock seems to throb rather hard as you approach, you grabbing one leg of his pants while he grabs the other. “And we both want to feel good, don’t we~?” you ask simply, with a coy smile. “I’m finding that you love to play games, don’t you?” Trusolg asks with a low chuckle and, when you nod as you bite your bottom lip, you both yank on your ends and tear his pants in two, just like his clansman’s. “Now” you say haughtily “Turn around and hold your wrists out behind you…~”

1:05 pm
1:10 pm

You finish tying Aejsoag’s legs together with the other piece of his torn pants before standing up and stepping back to admire your work. You have Aejsoag and Trusolg on the floor, each of their legs tied together with one of their torn pant legs, while both of them have their wrists tied behind their backs with the other… which you have also used to tied them together by the knots on their wrists so that they can’t move. It’s not the best job in the world, and with enough effort they could probably loosen the knots enough to break free, but a decent enough effort for what you have in mind as you grin lewdly back at them, their eyes watching you in both curiosity, desire, lust, and need. Their uncircumcised cocks are still rock hard as they gaze upon your body – you finger your choker’s metal heart and bite your bottom lip as you run the scenario through your mind before nodding to yourself when you feel like you can’t take it anymore. “Bad boys don’t get to touch if they don’t do as they’re told~” you start off saying “So for now you only get to watch~”. “Watch wha-? Oh…” Aejsoag asks coyly, but your actions speak louder than any word as you take a few steps towards them both as they sit on the ground next to the table so that you’re about five feet from them. You then twirl around so that you’re back is to them as you look over your shoulder at them and, giving them a naughty smirk and a bite of your bottom lip, you bring your right hand down against your right cheek. Your toned bottom jiggles slightly, yet with Skin-Walker on it is seen quite clearly, yet the thwack! that reverberates throughout the room is even more profound. You bend over and touch your fingers to your toes, showing them both your bottom and your camel-toe as you moan and trail your fingers up your legs slowly until you reach your bottom – you bring your hands underneath your rump and spread your cheeks slightly before giggling and trailing onwards and upwards. You run your hands along your sides, over your ribcage, and then you twirl back towards then as your hands reach your breasts when you moan and grab your DD’s firmly and press them together, then twirling around once more as you bring your hands to your red hair and undo the silk fabric from your hair, letting your hair flow freely and tossing the material towards the door with the rest of your things. “Remember this moment well, Aejsoag” you hear Trusolg say in a somewhat shaky voice “For we are truly blessed and never again will we experience this once in a lifetime moment with such a beautiful woman”. “Impossible to forget” is all Aejsoag replies as you find he keeps his eyes glued to your body the entire time with wide eyes, right along with his partner, when you look back at them both with a smile.

You remember your short time at Exotic Sway when you first arrived at the city, and you recall the music and dance that you hear and saw to go along with your visit. You play the rhythm and the music of the stringed instruments in your head, and you also draw upon the belly dance that Lula taught you not long afterwards. You start to gently sway your hips as you bring your hands to your red hair, slightly running your fingers over your sensitive half-elven ears to get your juices flowing as a moan gurgles up from your throat. Your arousal and the alcohol loosen you up and put you in the moment as you sway your head from side to side and run your hands through your hair, relishing the feeling of your thick, silky smooth wavy mane. You imagine a pole behind you and, while it’s not a good idea to try and perform as if there was one, it helps put you in the right frame of mind as you twirl around and crouch down low while spreading your legs, giving the two orcs a good view of your breasts and tightly pressed against pussy. You quickly rise up and bring your arms up in front of you as you grab your breasts once more and knead them roughly, sending wonderful jolts of pleasure from your orbs to your sopping wet tunnel as you get a delightful handful of your large DD’s. You bring your hands down and run them along your toned stomach and then with your left hand you bring it up to your shimmering red lips and blow them both a kiss and wink before rolling your stomach and bringing both arms out to your sides and swaying them along with your hips. You perform the belly dance in front of the two orcs, swaying your arms and hips, rolling your stomach, and stomping your feet occasionally to mimic the metal clanking that would usually be on one’s feet for the dance. You close your eyes and smile as the music and beat inside you takes over as your breasts jiggle and you perform for the two orcs that you have tied up before you – you drop to your knees, still keeping your eyes closed, and moan as you bring your right index finger to your mouth and suck on it suggestively. After a moment you open your eyes and you feel the passion inside of you; you bow your head down and put your palms on the floor before whipping your head up, sending your hair flying back as you look fiercely at the two orcs, basking in the dominance, the control, and the power that you hold over them as their breathing quickens and they utter not a single word. You crawl towards the two orcs, who sit perfectly still as they watch you, and you imagine Skin-Walker to become shorter and shorter as you near them, the latex material dissolving with your thoughts from your neck down and your feet up until only a small portion remains that covers your thong and your half-cup bra. When you’re naught but a foot and a half away from the Trusolg and Aejsoag you raise yourself up on your knees and grab at the front of your bodysuit over your breasts and tug on it, your thoughts dissolving the back of it and allowing you to pull Skin-Walker off of your person to reveal your sheer Lequis blessed undergarments to them both as you toss the recently removed clothing behind you.

“Gods above…” Aejsoag mutters silently as he takes in your practically naked body, focusing on your breasts as he can see them in all their glory, especially your nipples and the piercings you have on them. You giggle lightly to yourself as you reach down and undo the straps to your garter, removing that and tossing it behind you which leaves you only with your stockings, thong, and half-cup bra. “If I had known you had that underneath… gods I can hardly wait” Trusolg growls out in need as he strains against the bindings, apparently at his limit. You smile wickedly at him and lean forward, reaching out with your hands and cupping his face. You rub his chin and the stubble on it and smile as you lean forward and place a light kiss on his forehead. All the while he looks at you with lust and need, and you take the opportunity to tease him further. “Wait just a little longer and I promise you a world of pleasure you won’t soon forget~”. You accentuate your point by maintaining eye contact with him and running your right hand down his hairy chest as you hold his chin with your left – you train down his muscular stomach down to his pelvis, making him gasp when you run your soft hand along the top his member. You trail your finger up his uncircumcised cock to the tip, which is barely poking out from underneath his foreskin before you firmly yet gently grip the top of his cock and gently start to stroke him from tip to base all the while smiling at him and staring him in the eyes. Every few strokes you pull just a little harder when you reach his crown, inching his foreskin down bit by bit until after a few moments you can see the mushroom shaped head, yet you don’t stop as you continue to give him a hand job, noting that he’s slightly thicker than Aejsoag, yet not as long. “So soft… don’t stop…” Trusolg says, closing his eyes and lightly thrusting his hips in order to seek greater pleasure. You feel some of his pre-cum leaking followed by the tell-tale twitching… and then you stop. You stop stroking his hard, hot tool and trail your fingers down before you lightly fondle his ball-sac, earning both a groan of frustration and a pleased sigh for your efforts and lack thereof. You gently stroke the underside of his sac with your index and middle fingers as you roll your thumb on top gently, tangling up some of his pubic hair in the process. “W-Where did you learn to d-do this?” the elder orc asks in a shaky voice as his breathing increases, and you watch as his cock leaks more fluids as it twitches. So easy to control~ you think with a light giggle before drawing your hand away completely. Trusolg’s eyes snap open and he looks at you pleadingly, yet you deny him with a mock innocent smile and reply with a shrug. “Wouldn’t you like to know~? Oh, but I think that’s all the time I have for you now. How are you doing over here, Aejsoag?” You turn your attention to the younger orc, and see that he has his eyes closed and looks to be concentrating very hard for some reason.

You reach out and brush the backside of your hand against his left cheek, which causes him to open his eyes, look at you, and you nearly fall over with the amount of built up lust you see in his eyes. Poor boy looks like he’s not going to make it~ you think wickedly as you stand up. You push yourself off the ground and grab the edges of your thong and slowly, sensually slide the thin fabric down your thighs all the way to your ankles before stepping out of them and tossing it haphazardly behind you… and then you reach around behind your back and unhook your bra before tossing it behind you as well. In nothing but your sheer stockings you moan and bring your left hand to your pussy while your right goes to your right nipple, tugging on your piercing as you stick three fingers inside your thoroughly soaked snatch. You jill yourself for a few seconds, building up your pleasure as wonderful little jolts resonate deep within your core as you moan loudly, and then removing your fingers and bringing them to your mouth. You suck on your three drenched digits loudly, suggestively, and while looking down at the two men before you as you taste your bittersweet juices while continuing to tug at your piercing. “Mmm” you moan out “So good… wouldn’t you like a taste~?” You direct your question at them both, yet you intentionally look away from Trusolg and gaze into Aejsoag’s eyes as you saunter over his legs, straddling him and lowering yourself down to his cock as you steady yourself with your hands on his shoulders. You smile and gasp when you feel the tip of his cock press against your entrance before sliding down… in front of him against his hairy, muscled stomach. Aejsoag can’t decide if he wants to moan or groan as your wet cunt rubs along the top of his shaft, liberally lubricating his rod and sending wonderful sticky pleasure to both of you – “Please, just put it in” Aejsoag pleads with you, yet you don’t respond and instead continue to look into his eyes, daring him to do anything that you don’t want and showing him that you have no intention of doing as he says as you moan and continue to grind on his shaft and making him start to thrust up to penetrate you. With every thrust of his hips you press on his shoulders and pull yourself up, just out of reach of his cock and even giggling lightly to taunt him, which only makes him more frustrated, and to appease him you pull yourself down and continue to rub on his cock while lifting your chest up and offering your right teat to his mouth.

“Go ahead and suck on it~. I’m sure you’ll like it~” you command lightly in a husky, needy voice – Aejsoag doesn’t even hesitate as he opens his mouth and leans forward, engulfing your areola, tit, and even your entire emerald heart piercing in his mouth before he starts to suck roughly, hungrily, and with a carnal need that takes you completely by surprise based on the force he sucks on you with. You throw your head back and let out a deep gasping moan as you let go of his shoulders and quickly hug his head to your chest while hovering above his prick. When you feel the tension release in your bosom and you feel your milk flowing, you sigh… yet your sigh is overshadowed by Aejsoag’s muffled sound of surprise, and he understandably tries to pull back away from you to ask about your unusual body. You don’t let him, however, and you press his head and mouth harder against you to hold him in place and say “Nice isn’t it? Go on… enjoy asd much as you want~ Ahn, yes!” Aejsoag hesitates for only a moment before the intensity of his sucking increases, and you feel your sweet milk pouring out of your teat like a geyser that, if you weren’t focusing on stemming the tide, you probably would have cum by now. Still, you almost laugh when you see Trusolg turn his head slightly and ask “What? What’s going on back there?” “Oh, something only a good boy that listens would be rewarded with~. I guess you’ll just have to be on your best behavior, now won’t you~?” You again tease Trusolg with a moaning giggle as you grind against the orc’s dick while he drinks down your milk. Eventually you pull yourself away from Aejsoag, who tries to resist as he leans forward, yet when he eventually relents and releases your nipple he gasps for air as he says “Trusolg, s-she… she produces milk! It is incredible; it tastes like nothing I have ever drunk before. So sweet and fulfilling”. “What?!” Trusolg practically yells out as he tries to turn around to look at you, though in his current position it is rather difficult to do “How is that possible?! Are you with child?” “Oh no, just something special about me is all~!” you say coyly, not entirely answering the question as you raise yourself up off of the younger of the two orcs with a groan, missing the friction and warmth as your absolutely drenched thighs and pussy are exposed to the cold air of the room. You figure that enough is enough, for both them and yourself, and so you move beside the two and kneel down beside them.

You reach forward and undo the knots that you made earlier that bind their wrists, pulling the torn pants free. When you do so the two orcs quickly pull their arms free and immediately start for their legs and undo the knots binding their ankles – at the same time you reach around your neck and remove your choker from your neck, before turning around and gently tossing it on top of your things. When you look back you smile when you see the green legs of the scarred orcs, and when you look you shiver in delight when you see their cocks hard as rocks and determinedly lustful faces glaring back down at you. You push yourself up from your knees, still wearing your sheer stockings, and you reach out with both of your hands for Aejsoag’s left hand and Trusolg’s right and hold onto them tenderly. “That was most cruel of you” Aejsoag says with an evil smile – “Very” Trusolg agrees with an equally perverse grin “You are either a natural or you have had practice”. You smile innocently with a pout on your shimmering red lips as you look off to the side and say “Maaybe~”. You giggle as you shake your head with a sincere smile that turns lewd as you say “Sorry, I had to have my fun before you have yours~”. “Oh?” Trusolg asks curiously… hopefully even – You smile and nod at him before getting on your tip toes and leaning towards both the ears of either of the six foot orcs. “I’ll let you both in on a little secret” you whisper huskily into both their ears when they lean down to meet you “When I’m tied up… when I’m bound and my control is taken away I become very submissive. So submissive in fact that I’ll let you do anything you want to me and I promise I’ll enjoy it~”. Aejsoag leans back, a look of pure bliss and carnal hunger written on his face as he says “Anything? That is a dangerous statement, Colette – we have some very… unique things in mind”. Trusolg grunts in agreement, no less excited by your words as he voices his own wants “That is very true. We have discussed this, I admit, and there are many things that we would do to you to satisfy ourselves”. You lick your lips in excitement – you don’t know where it’s the alcohol or your own arousal, maybe both - as you repeat “Anything. You. Want. Bend me over and fuck my ass. Use my tits. Fuck my throat. Cover me in your seed. Make me drink a mug full of your cum. Spit-roast me, double penetration… Any-thing; I’ll be your little submissive slut, and all you have to do is tie me up… and take your revenge~”.
Re: Rift Touched

That’s all the motivation that they needed; without a single word Trusolg and Aejsoag look down at the ground and quickly bend down, swiping up the torn pieces of pants after they let go of your hands. You feel your juices flowing down your thighs in droves as the anticipation mounts inside of you – Trusolg is the first to act as, without uttering a sound, he firmly grabs your right wrist and quickly walks behind you, holding your wrist the entire time with his left hand while in his right is a piece of his torn pant legs. “This is not revenge; this is punishment. And if you enjoy the punishment we give, then all the better” the elder orc says with a low, dark chuckle filled with promises of carnal bliss as you allow him to wrap part of the pant leg around your wrist before he grabs your other and presses your wrists together before tying them both. Finally… you mentally sigh as your whole body relaxes and you lean back against Trusolg, resting against his firm chest and stomach when he finishes tying the knot just enough so that you can’t separate or move your wrists, yet not enough to hurt. “Hold on tightly, young one” Trusolg says behind you – “Wha-? Whoa!” is your answer as a moment later you feel his hands on your waist before you feel him pull you up, and your vision gets closer to the ceiling. “Hey, what are you-?!” is all you manage to get out before you feel yourself effortlessly turned around as if you were light as a feather – you face the opposite wall, and Trusolg’s grinning face, before you feel his muscles tenses slightly and a moment later you’re being slung over his shoulder. “Hey! W-what are you planning?” you say loudly from behind Trusolg’s back… which your right cheek is pressed against as you turned to voice your concern as your hair falls towards the ground thanks to gravity. You feel like a piece of meat being slung over this large orc’s back, wrists tied behind your back, lightly kicking your stocking covered legs in annoyance. It is somewhat comical, you think, how your piercings dangle upside down even as your breasts are pressed against his back, but that thought is soon demolished when you gasp when you feel the orc man(woman?)handling you pats your naked bottom a few times before running his hand along your dripping slit. “You have a very nice ass” Trusolg says honestly and with a chuckle “Since I first saw it I dreamed how I was going to be able to touch it and be inside of it, and here you are offering it up to us”. You giggle from where you are and respond sarcastically “Freshly caught and ready to be served, am I now?” The orc barbarian laughs boisterously for a few seconds and gives your ass a good firm smack, making you yelp as your bottom tingles in red heat that also arouses you, before he continues “Something like that – no, I dreamed of so many different things that I would do to you, but most of all… most of all I want to see that gorgeous face to be full of pleasure and happiness. Nothing short of that would make me happy, and such a kind spirit and brave warrior deserves no less”. “Oh…” is all you mutter out quietly, unsure quite how to take that last statement – lewdness and perversity you can handle, but that is something you’re really only used to having said by your lovers, and to hear it from strangers is a little odd… especially from him.

You don’t have longer to ponder his statements as you feel hands caressing up your left ankle all the way up to your thigh, and then slipping inside the seam of your sheer stocking and pulling it down your leg. “We intend to do just that” you hear Aejsoag’s voice from somewhere behind you and Trusolg’s back “But seeing as you’ve given us free rein to do whatever we want to you, well, it would be unwise and rude to turn down such an honorable request”. Aejsoag chuckles behind you as he slips off your stock and rubs his hands along your feet and says “I never knew such a perfect being existed…” He rubs and massages your foot sensually, pressing his thumbs along the base and heel of your feet while rubbing the top of your foot with his other fingers, which makes you moan in pleasure and relaxation as he seems to ease all the tension out of your body through your foot. Too soon he stops and you listen to him speak, which you have to really focus on since you can’t see him from slung over Trusolg’s shoulder, as he starts to remove your other stocking. “We’ll do as we discussed earlier, but I – we - will enjoy your body in so many other ways. Your breasts, your hands, your hair, your mouth and lips… your feet” Aejsoag pulls your other stocking off and you feel his hands running along both of your feet and up your legs all the way up to your butt, kneading your cheeks gently and spreading them… which you decide to wiggle at him causing him to laugh as he gives your bubble butt two nice firm smacks on both of your cheeks. “And” he continues as you yelp once more in slight pain and extreme arousal both from the hit and when his fingers probe at your slit before he spreads your pussy wide open, and you can feel the heat from his mouth and you hear him sniff loudly at your oozing love tunnel “Your dripping, needy, tight cunt and your asshole”. At first you think he’s going to lick you, and you prepare yourself for the pleasure to come… but it doesn’t; instead he pulls his hands away and the heat disappears. “Move it off – it’s time and I cannot wait any longer” Trusolg says and, a moment later, you hear a grunt of affirmation before you hear mugs, glass, and porcelain being moved onto the floor. You can’t see what is happening , but after thirty seconds or so the sounds stop and you hear Aejsoag moving closer, though you can’t see thanks to your hair, Trusolg’s back, and the lack of mobility you have for moving your head thanks to the position you’re in. You idly kick your feet and hum a playful tune as you wait, making both the orcs laugh, before you feel Aejsoag’s hands on your feet again as they steady them and bring them together – a few seconds later and your ankles are tied together by another piece of torn pants so that you really are bound in such a way that you can’t do much but crawl… which makes you even more painfully aroused than you already are. “I think she likes that” Trusolg comments with a chuckle “Her thighs are drenched; she’s leaking down to her feet. If she doesn’t stop I’m sure we’ll have a puddle!”

Hmm~ you think They’re taking their sweet time. I think I’ll speed this up some~. From where your face is resting on Trusolg’s back you spot a horizontal scar on his back that looks like a knife wound on his green skin, possibly a scar from being stabbed at some point… and you kiss it. You moan and stick your tongue out, licking it sensually and tasting his hard, somewhat sweaty, skin before kissing it again and moaning even louder. Trusolg’s response is to moan gutturally and shiver slightly, and before you know it he’s moving quickly towards something as he turns sharply to the right, yet you don’t pay attention as you increase your efforts in the hopes of further arousing him. “W-whoa!” you yell out in surprise when Trusolg firmly grabs your butt with his right hand and slings you back, and you think you’re going to hit the ground hard before his left hand comes up to catch the back of your head. He gently lowers you down, and you stare into his eyes and see the desire and want in them before your butt touches the bottom of… whatever it is he is setting you on. You look down and see that you’re on the low table, which has been cleared as you see the mugs and such scattered around the floor, and you shiver at what is going to come next. Trusolg hovers over you as you sit there on your butt, arms bound behind your back and ankles bound together and in front of you, and you wonder what comes next as Aejsoag walks up and stands beside his elder. Without a word Trusolg moves to your left while Aejsoag moves to your right and they both lean on the edges of the table… and start to rub your legs sensually. They start from your feet and gently rub their large, rough and calloused hands up your ankle and shins to your knees, and continue up your thighs towards your pelvis… and then back down again as they repeat this process. It feels nice, and you moan your appreciation, but when you look at them both, and at their eyes, you see the lust, yes, but also a strange fascination. “What are you two doing, hmm~?” you ask sweetly – “It has been some time” Trusolg says seriously as his eyes draw up to meet your own emerald ones “You are a great warrior and perhaps the savior of this city, and there is nothing but respect for you that we have… but you are also a woman. A gorgeous, stunning, godlike woman… and we have not been with a woman for some time”. “Too long” Aejsoag comments with a confirmatory grunt as he continues to rub your legs before trailing his hand to your toned tummy and rubbing it, which makes you moan and arch your back to give him better access “I had almost forgotten how small a woman can be. How soft and delicate you are, especially compared to our own women, and with a unique beauty. Yet, somehow, underneath all that lies the fierce spirit of a fighter and the strength to compliment it and then some. I saw you, briefly, when you fought the demon-human; I saw how fast you moved, how you disappeared and reappeared. The strength… the power you hold is incredible and frightening, and yet just a woman and not a goddess…” “Or maybe one that has taken mortal form and forgotten who she is” Trusolg teases as he trails his hands up your left side and towards your breast, cupping your pierced large DD in his hand and squeezing it… and then rubbing your breast in circles as he continues to squeeze, release, and squeeze again while occasionally rubbing your pierced nipple with his thumb.

You moan in pleasure and smile while throwing your head back, closing your eyes and enjoying the sensations you’re feeling that drive you further up towards orgasm, especially when Aejsoag’s hand travels up to your other breast and does the same, though he is rougher with your breast as if driven by a hunger as he squeezes the orb before you feel his mouth on your tit. He suckles on your teat fiercely, nipple and piercing all, until you gasp when he lightly nibbles on your pierced nipple and tugs on it as your milk is drawn from your breast. He moans throatily, and when you open your eyes you see Trusolg looking curiously down at his other before he too lowers his head and exposes your nipple before he engulfs a large portion of your mound into his mouth and sucks hard. “Gods yes! Don’t stop~!” you cry out as your breathing quickens along with your pressure, and the heaving of your breasts from each breath spurs on the two orcs as you feel a great pressure relieved from you along with the pleasure as they literally gulp down large mouthfuls of your sweet milk. Trusolg is the first to pull back with a pop! and leaving some of your white cream to dribble down your breast. “Amazing… I could drink this every day for the rest of my life” he muses as he stares wondrously at your tit just as Aejsoag pulls back and grunts in agreement. “Glad you like it, because I have a long-lasting supply~” you say with a smirk and between shaky breaths of air as you level your breathing. Trusolg grins while Aejsoag chuckles in amusement as they both trails their hands up either side of your arms, across your collarbone and neck, and even over your cheeks. Aejsoag probes his index finger at your mouth and you willingly open your mouth so that he can insert his large digit, and when he does you look him in his dark eyes and suck on it loudly while moaning, swirling your tongue around the tip and along the bottom while lightly bobbing your head. “Eager for my cock?” Aejsoag asks simply with a lewd grin, and you smile back and nod as you continue to bob along his finger, to which he pushes his other two into your mouth as you happily accept. “Good” Trusolg answers as he runs his fingers across your sensitive half-elf ears, making you shiver in delightful bliss before he twines his fingers in your hair and strokes your red mane. “Because we intend to give you all the cock that you can handle. We will not squander this opportunity in the slightest”. It’s more of a promise than anything else, and the seriousness with which he said it as you gaze into his eyes shows no signs of deception nor playfulness – they intend to give you a workout.

Good~ you think with a slightly lewd grin It’s about time~.

However, you’re caught off guard when Aejsoag moves out of the way and Trusolg loops his left arm under your legs while his right loops under your bound arms before he lifts you in the air quickly, making you release an “eep!” of surprise, thinking that he might sling you over his shoulder again. You instead wait – as if you have much of a choice – as he handles you with care and kneels down towards the table with you in his arms and gently sets you down on your side, giving you a little push once your right side is on the table so that you’re on your stomach while your head leans off the table somewhat – your body length is about the perfect size, though your legs do dangle slightly off as does your head. “Be still” the older orc commands dominantly, which arouses you to no end as you reply meekly with a “Yes, sir”. “Sir” Trusolg laughs out “I like it. Good, continue to refer to us as such my little one. We are going to use your body now and must prepare you”. “Yes, sir” you say submissively as you bow your head down, your hair covering your features slightly and hiding the expectant and lewd smile that crosses your shimmering red lips. As you breathe your breasts are pressed against the wood of the table, making you feel more bound than before, and a moment later you feel hands on your ankles that gradually loosen the bindings on your legs. After a few seconds your legs are freed, yet it doesn’t last long as two sets of hands grab at your ankles – your left ankle still has part of the torn pant leg on it, and whoever handles your left ankle tightens it before you feel the material pulled taught, pressing your foot onto the wood as you assume it is stretched and tied to a peg of the table. Your right ankle is held in place near the other corner for a few moments as you hear movement behind you, and then another piece of the torn pants – you can tell by the material – is tied to your other ankle before it too pulls taught and is tied to the bottom right peg of the low table. You feel a tug at your left ankle, or rather what binds it, and then at your right before you hear a grunt of approval – next comes your wrists as someone’s hands work on undoing the tight knot.

You sit and wait, impatiently, for whoever is undoing the knot to hurry up and finish, and after what seems like an eternity as they tug at the torn pant leg you finally feel two different sets of hands gently pull your arms apart towards the other two corners of the table. You moan in anticipation and you try to see who is who, but your red hair is in your face thanks to you bowing your heading earlier so you can’t really tell who is doing what, yet they’re working in unison, for the most part, as you feel your wrists pulled taught against the corners as they are both bound, slightly dangling off just like your feet, and each wrist is given a few tugs to test the strength of the knots. After some tightening down of all four of your limbs you can safely say that, unless they want you to be unbound, you won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. They can do whatever they want to you, and they will… and that thought makes you incredibly wet as you feel your swollen lower lips itch with incredible need if the small puddle you’re lying on wasn’t evidence enough of what you want. You hear more moving around and, through the small gaps in your hair, you see a dark figure in front of you that blocks out some light. You release a gasping moan as you feel two large hands grab a very nice handful of your bubble butt, spreading body cheeks wide open before one of the orc’s cocks is pressed right up against your pussy. Before you can even comprehend further you feel and see your hair being gently brushes aside behind your ears and over the top of your head – when your hair is out of the way you try to look up to see who it is, but the angle doesn’t allow for you to move your head overly much, least of all up and down. Yet, that is the least of your concerns as right in front of you – you note that whoever is in front of you is kneeling… which they can get away with considering their height relative to the low table – is a green uncircumcised cock being held in one hand with the foreskin peeled back. It’s probably less than half a foot away, but even so you can smell the musk coming off of it and see the clear pre-cum oozing from the tip, which by the way you notice looks quite large and ready to blow at a moment’s notice… probably because of the teasing you gave them earlier. When comparing the two orc’s sizes earlier you noted their girth and length, and this one is longer than the other, which means…

“Open your mouth, my little oasis in the barren wastes” Aejsoag’s voice comes from above you – “Yes, sir” you moan out as you obey, opening your mouth with a slight grin on your face. Aejsoag leans his hips forward and you can feel the heat coming off of his prick even before it touches your lips, and when it does you moan as you taste the soft, warm texture of his flesh. You take the liberty to swirl your tongue around the crown of his penis lightly as you move your head in a circular motion to facilitate the action, though you do spend some time rubbing and flicking your tongue along the bottom skin where it’s most sensitive. “Good… don’t stop – open wider because I’m going to fuck your face now” Aejsoag says with a throaty moan as you taste his slightly salty pre-cum, doing as ordered and opening wider so that he can thrust slowly into your mouth inch by painfully slow inch. As he slowly enters into your mouth you relish the feeling of his soft skin and the unique taste of him as it washes over your taste buds, likewise filling your need to have something in your mouth that you developed thanks to acts like this. He goes in one inch inside of your mouth as he holds your head, and then another – his long meat rod continues to slide across your tongue, and you make sure that every moment is pleasurable for him as you purse your lips and suck hard and noisily on his cock, swirling your tongue underneath his rod and moaning throatily and loudly to send the vibrations from your throat to his cock. “Gods… it’s too good… I can’t last… ughn!” Aejsoag moans out lowly and, with a deep moaning sigh, he quickly thrusts the rest of his length into your inviting mouth. You simply moan at the welcome intrusion as his cock hits the back of your throat while your nose bumps against his tummy and pubic hair while his balls rest against your chin. You stare straight ahead towards his stomach and hair as he tries to pull your face closer; you don’t mind, especially as you feel his cock twitch inside your mouth, bouncing off of your tongue slightly before you feel the first spurts of a heavy, hot load hit the back of your throat. You can hardly breathe with his cock all the way inside of you, but that matters little as you moan in appreciation as you’re rewarded with a very thick load – after the initial spurt it’s closer to a small, goopy stream that makes its way down your throat as you gulp down the tasty seed, coaxing more out of him as you continue to suck and lick while he continues to pump your mouth full of seed. He slowly withdraws his cock as he continues to moan and cum inside of you, causing his seed to spurt along the length of your tongue as he withdraws and allowing you to taste his salty seed before he slips from your mouth entirely and spurts one last time on your lips. You moan as you drink his semen down while smiling before licking your red lips of his thick white jizz and swallowing that down too, his essence revitalizing you somewhat as you stare hungrily at Aejsoag’s cock as it hovers a few inches from you.

“Could not last, Aejsoag? It still seems you have much to learn!” Trusolg chuckles lewdly behind you as he kneads your ass and pokes at your drenched entrance with his cockhead. “She is incredible’ she’s the best I have ever had” Aejsoag admits with a pleased sigh as he runs his hands through your hair, making you moan from both attentions as you bask in the taste and feeling of just having your face fucked and drinking down a tasty treat. “Perhaps it’s just been too long since you’ve been with a woman. Here, let me show you how it is done, young one!” Trusolg is bolstered with confidence – or is it hubris? – as he makes his claims before he slowly thrusts forward and parts the swollen lips to your sex as his dick easily makes its way inside of you. “Fuck yes…” you growl throatily as you arch your back, incredibly pleased at finally having the opportunity for release as his girth stretches you nicely, though it matters little as your walls mold to his shape tightly to enhance both yours and his pleasure, although you get the feeling you’re feeling better than he is due to your sensitivity. You quickly rise to your peak as jolts of pleasure tingle around the center of your love tunnel, especially when his cock brushes against your clit and making you gasp in pleasure… and sending you so high you’re almost at the precipice. You feel the mushroom head of his cock slip further inside of you as a few inches of his cock makes its way into your canal… and then Trusolg stops moving entirely just as you reach the edge of your release. “Fuck… can’t… too good…!” Trusolg says as he squeezes your ass tightly while trying to maintain his cool. You groan and, as a last ditch effort for release, you clamp down on his cock and use your superior muscle control to vibrate the walls of your pussy, stimulating him further in the hopes that he will be spurred on. “Fuck!” Trusolg loudly exclaims before thrusting his entire length inside of you, bumping against your cervix, and shooting a thick, warm, sticky load inside of you that splashes against the entrance to your womb and floods your tunnel with his seed. “Yes!” you scream out in bliss as that last act sends you over the edge in a screaming moan, making your pussy clamp down harder on Trusolg’s member as you flood your girl juices all over his cock and even gushing a large puddle onto the table below you, especially when your tits start to squirt out below you and making your breasts wet as your milk pools out around you. “M-Maybe” Trusolg says in a quivering voice while trying to steady his breathing “I underestimated her…” You, however, are still spinning from the orgasm as you continue to leak juices, a silly grin on your face… but it wasn’t enough – “More, please” you beg as you feel your fires burning fiercer than before now that you’ve had a taste “Please, fuck me more! Use me like a dirty little fuck slut, just please… I need more!”
Re: Rift Touched

Trusolg laughs and releases his hands from your cheeks before they come down in an audible, though not overly painful, smack that makes you yelp and moan at the same time. “You don’t give the orders, little one. We will do as we please with your body for earlier” You shiver in excitement and dip your head down and reply submissively “Yes, sir, forgive me sir…” “Good girl” Aejsoag replies as his hands rub along your ears, making you sigh as jolts of pleasure make their way to your pussy “But since you begged so nicely I think we’ll give you as much of our cock as you can handle and then some”. “I promise to be good and please you both to the best of my ability” you proclaim with a happy smile – “We know” is all Trusolg replies before he slowly withdraws from you while Aejsoag stops rubbing your ears and pulls his slick cock away from your face. At first you think they’re going to leave you like this, unsatisfied and bound, and are about to groan… but instead you nearly jump for joy, in a manner of speaking, when you come face to face with Trusolg’s cock, covered in your juices and his seed, as he kneels down and aims his penis right at your face. “I think I’ll last longer now that I’ve already cum once” he says above you, and Aejsoag agrees as he lines his cock up with your leaking pussy, making you moan. “Indeed” he says as he pats your bottom tenderly, sending wonderful chills up your spine “And it is obvious she has much experience in this regard. We will not underestimate you again, little oasis”. When Aejsoag finishes he smacks both your butt cheeks at once, making you yelp, before he thrusts his long cock in your inseminated pussy in one thrust… and even gets part of his cock through your pussy as your hips meet his and his pubic hair rubs along your skin. As you yelp-moan you give Trusolg enough invitation so as to grab your head and thrust his thick cock passed your shimmering red lips and into your eager mouth down to the hilt all in one stroke so that your nose meets his hair and your chin with his scrotum, and you taste yourself and his own seed along his tool. You’re eyes roll back into your head a little and you have a mini-orgasm as you moan in deep pleasure while they mercilessly pound your pussy and face as you clamp down on Aejsoag and slurp noisily on Trusolg’s cock when given the chance as his cockhead hits the back of your throat. Your toes curl and you pull at your restraints as you feel an orgasm building from their constant pounding, the sounds of their heavy breathing, constant “Fuck’s” and “So tight” leaving their lips every now and then that mingle with the sounds of sex and wet flesh slapping against one another filling the room.

You can’t – and frankly you don’t want to – hold off the pleasure any longer and, with a broken muffled scream as your mouth is still full of orc cock, you suck as hard as you possibly can and clamp down with your pussy as your juices flood, your back arches, your eyes roll back into your head, and your breasts squirt milk as you cum hard. “Shit!” a voice from behind you exclaims as you’re too incoherent and lost in your own bliss as your pussy is ravaged and your sweet spots all being hit at once. “Fuck!” another voice above you yells out and within moments your love tunnel and mouth are flooded with sticky, thick loads that you instinctively drink down and accept into your womb and tunnel as the two cocks bottom out inside of you. Thanks to your sensitivity you fall into a second orgasm from the friction and hot pleasure that smolders inside of you like a furnace that doesn’t seem to cool as even the twitching of the cock buried inside of you sends you into a mini-orgasm, coating the wood, your thighs, and Aejsoag’s penis in your mixed juices as well as your breasts and the wood below in your milk. Trusolg grabs your hair firmly yet tenderly as he pants and removes his still twitching cock, which spurts some of his seed along your tongue as he goes, until you reluctantly let his member go and you delight when he strokes his sword with his left hand a few times, sending a few errant spurts of seed that hit your nose, lips, and chin. You moan and lick your lips absentmindedly before Aejsoag slowly slips free of your warm, wet confines with a groan that you mimic before you feel a weight on your back and Trusolg releases your hair as he slumps down to his knees before sitting on his butt. The elder orc pants for air as he leans back on his hands and Aejsoag, who’s resting on your back, breathes heavily and you can feel the warmth of his large chest on you as well as how hard his heart is working as it hammers in his chest. You feel a large amount of semen dribbling out of your tight sloppy cunt as you lie still catching your breathe and licking the excess seed from your lips, even sticking your tongue out towards your tongue to try and flick some semen hanging off of your nose onto your tongue. “Mmm, that was so nice… we aren’t done are we~?” you say rather nonchalantly as you roll your neck, feeling absolutely relaxed and satisfied, yet your fires still burn with a passion that will not be quelled with just that.

“Hah” Trusolg chuckles lowly as you watch him shake his head and take heavy breathes of air “I think we may be in over our heads, Aejsoag”. “Maybe” Aejsoag agrees lowly as his head rests over your right shoulder, his left stubbly cheek against your neck “But I won’t deny a woman that wants my seed as much as she does, nor one that will let me do whatever I want to her, even if it ends up being the end of me”. You feel Aejsoag tilt his head and, to your surprise, he kisses your cheek, which makes you blush for some reason, before you gasp when he starts to nibble on the pointed tip of your ear. “W-What are you doing?” you ask, confused, especially when Trusolg smirks as he stands up and walks to you before kneeling down, brushing your hair aside, and leans down and kisses your left cheek. Again you blush, and again you ask, clearly confused since you weren’t really expecting something so intimate from them “W-Why so intimate?” We’re just having sex and having fun… so why… so… oh gods… You start to wonder why and then it hits you; They said they didn’t know why they wanted to do things to me and be with me. Could – could they be falling for me because of whatever power I have? “No reason” Aejsoag whispers into your ear, clearly dodging the question, before he grunts and pulls away from you as you feel him heave himself up and off the table. Trusolg stands up and you watch and feel as he goes over to your left and undoes the knot on your left wrist, freeing it before he moves onto the right. Midway through that you pull your wrist close and flex your fingers before you feel your right ankle being undone. Eventually all your limbs are unbound, though they keep the torn attire on you – you sit up and look at Trusolg warily, yet he only smiles back like a mischievous boy before pointing behind you. You turn around and see Aejsoag holding Skin-Walker in his hands with a naughty smile on his face. “I like seeing you in this. Will you wear it for us? I have seen how it changes shape as well – would you keep it as it was when you were fighting, but expose your more… ‘intimate’ areas for us?” You smirk at Aejsoag and nod your head before replying sweetly. “Of course; all I need to do is be in contact with it and I can do it”. Aejsoag’s grin looks like a kid in a candy shop as he walks over to you and hands it to you. You reach your hand out and touch Skin-Walker, instantly feeling the connection you have with the blessed material and imagining it on you – the material is like liquid and seems to engulf your skin as it makes its way onto your body, flowing beneath the torn leggings and fitting onto your body like a second skin until it covers from your feet to your neck. For the final act in the short performance you imagine little heart-shaped openings around your tits, pussy, and a large open heart over your butt so as to expose your skin and “intimate” bits to them.

As soon as you finish you look towards both Trusolg and Aejsoag as they move to stand next to one another and you can see the enthrallment in their eyes… and their cocks immediately start to quickly re-harden as they gaze upon your latex clad body. “”Um” you begin, slightly embarrassed by the attentions you’ve received thus far “Why are you two so, well, enamored by me?” “Aside from the obvious?” Trusolg chuckles out in amusement, as if the answer to your question was plain to see. You nod your head slowly as you move some of your red hair behind your right ear as you sit and wait. “Because” Aejsoag answers “You are the most beautiful woman we have ever met, and since we have arrived we have had precious little time with any woman. Most in this land want nothing to do with our kind – the orcish tribes – as they view us as lawless animals with only a thirst for battle. Even orcs native to this land have this view; you are one of the first to accept us, and one of the only women to lay with us, and one with elven blood no less!”. “And” Trusolg interjects with a happy grin “You’re a strong warrior. Those of my people find that very attractive, but it’s not just that. Most of our own women are very… ‘combative’ to our advances due to our ways and will not accept our own pleasures easily. To have such a fierce woman such as yourself submit yourselves to us, to allow us to have our pleasure with your body in any way we see fit is… refreshing and new to us. It is a kindness we often do not experience… and a pleasure often denied. We thank you for that, sincerely so, and we will strive to bring you pleasure as well, little one”. You cock an eyebrow at their words, a little confused by what they said. So… I’m one of the only women in Eborthia to give them the time of day? And because I’m being so submissive to them, they view that as the greatest kindness to them...? Weird, but I can go with it~. “Now” Aejsoag interrupts your thoughts as he walks towards you, a grin on his face “Let us begin where we left off”. “And where was that, hmm~?” you ask in a coy voice, a lewd smile on your face as you tilt your head up to look him in his dark eyes while noting how his cock hardens once more as he nears you. “You were going to cross your legs like a good kitten so that I can tie them together… before I bury my cock in your ass” Trusolg says as he walks alongside you and kneels down beside you – you cross your legs with a moan and watch as he takes the length of torn pants and ties them around your legs, tightening them so that you cannot move. “And you were going to let me fuck those magnificent tits of yours” Aejsoag growls out “While you hold them for me, of course”. “Of course~” you purr out as Trusolg finishes tying your Skin-Walker/latex covered legs together as you cross them, before he moves behind you. You wrap your left arm around his neck as he bends down and places his hands under your butt, both to grope and to give him support, and he lifts you up. He lowers himself down to his bottom and slowly lowers you onto his throbbing prick, the mushroom shaped head poking at your backdoor before you relax and, with a low moan, his crown slowly slips passed your sphincter and the shaft of his cock pushes slowly inside of you. “Gods” Trusolg moans out behind you, his hot breathe tickling at your right ear “I’ve never been with such a woman – you’re so tight and so… perfect. How is it you can lactate, and why does your sex form to me so, kitten?”

You giggle lightly as you moan at being named “kitten”, and you submissively reply “Because, sir, I s-spent – ahn! – time at the temple of Domina. T-they – yes, your cock stretches me so good! – changed things a-about me… with my c-c-coOHnsent of course~”. When you finish replying Trusolg has buried himself completely inside of you, sighing as his cock bottoms out inside of you and as you feel his hairy ball-sac resting against the bottom of your wet, inseminated pussy. “So” Aejsoag says as he firmly grabs your hair and tilts your head up, making you look him in his grinning face as you relish in the feeling of your ass being stretched so good by Trusolg’s cock “You wanted to be like this?” You bite your bottom lip with a devilish smile and answer meekly as you thrust your breasts out towards Aejsoag’s cock “It’s better to say that this is who I am and being at the temple… ‘helped’ me discover this”. You release your arm from around Trusolg’s neck as he wraps his arms around your waist to steady you… and you feel his large hands snake down to your cleft. You feel him insert three of his large fingers into your tight twat while with his right he presses his index finger against your clit and starts to swirl it on your oversensitive nub, making you moan loudly as you arch your back and release a happy gasp. “Y-yes! Gods, yes! Please, don’t stop!” you beg as Aejsoag holds your hair firmly – you press your tits together and raise yourself slightly as you arch your back and press your large DD-cup breasts against Aejsoag’s penis, making him smile wider as he thrusts forward and manages to bury his cock between your mounds while his teardrop shaped hole is pointing at your chin. “Gods, spirits, and ancestors be praised” Trusolg says behind you as he spreads your lower lips with his three fingers before thrusting in slowly and sensually, sending powerful pleasurable jolts that settle in your loins and bring you racing towards your peak “For having such a woman as you being born”. You gasp, moan, and giggle as Trusolg continues to slowly work your clit and cleft and while you wriggle your hips and delight in just how full your rosebud feels with him buried inside of you before you really mash your melons together and bounce off of Trusolg’s cock while simultaneously jerking Aejsoag with your Skin-Walker covered tits. You start slow with your bouncing and jerking, but eventually you pick up the pace and, before you know it, all three of you are moaning as the sounds of sex and flesh slapping against one another fill the room, though your moans and wails of pleasure are by far the loudest thanks to your sensitivity. Aejsoag releases your red hair and places both hands on his hips as he thrusts to meet your own, and you take the opportunity to look down and become enthralled as you watch his penis partially disappear inside your cleavage before part of the shaft and head rise up to meet you, though you cannot focus for long on it as Trusolg’s hands work over your pussy and you rise up as best as you can in your bound state to bring you both higher towards your peaks. Eventually, you reach the end of the line and you can see, and feel, Aejsoag’s cock twitch and you feel his elder’s twitch and pulse inside of you.

You scream out in bliss as you squirt a waterfall of your juices over Trusolg’s hands, and as your milk spurts from your tits while your ass clamps around Trusolg’s cock. With the last remnants of your conscious mind you dive your head down and take Aejsoag into your mouth and suck hard while moaning… and you gather up and release your magic in your mouth and anus. Both the orcs hold on tight to you – Aejsoag onto your head – and literally scream at the top of their lungs as tiny magical bursts hyper-stimulate every nerve ending of their cocks and send them into quite literally the most mind-blowing orgasm they have ever had… and ever will if their voices are any indication. As you’re filled with their seed from both ends, moaning and slurping down semen while your anus readily accepts whatever Trusolg offers, you idly wonder what else they have in store for you…

1:30 pm
Re: Rift Touched

1:38 pm

“You are the most – UHN! – a-amazing woman I have ever met, Colette” Trusolg says to you as he leans against the wall on the bed of his floor. You smile and continue sucking on his cock loudly, bobbing your head up and down and slurping with all your might while your hands are on his thighs for leverage. Your arms and legs are no longer bound, yet sometime between sessions when they removed them they decided to loop one torn pant leg around your neck to act as a leash. Since then you’ve been liberally covered in their quickly diminishing seed; some spots in your hair, on your face, and on your body are thick, while others are no more than murky blotches of seed as their stamina and volume have run out. Trusolg pets your head with his right hand while holding your leash in the left and, a moment later, he groans out in pleasure and thrusts his hips up as you feel his cock twitch in your mouth before it spurts a pitiful, yet no less delicious, amount of seed into your throat that you quickly drink down. You close your eyes, smile happily, and moan in delight as you drink his essence down as it revitalizes you before withdrawing from his dick with a loud pop and looking to Aejsoag beside Trusolg, leaning on the wall with a glistening prick that is sadly flaccid. “Would you like another blowjob, sir? I can give you another if you like~” you say in a throaty, succulently sexual tone that causes Aejsoag to look up at you and grin as his cock twitches back to life. However, the younger orc groans and grabs his cock in pain before shaking his head and saying “Gods… I cannot – my dick feels like it’s about to fall off”. You, however, still feel like you can go… and go, even though your ass and pussy are quite literally leaking juices and semen down your thighs and onto the floor, along with milk trickling down from your breasts from the innumerable amounts of climaxes you’ve had. “Agreed” Trusolg says as he reaches down and loosens the pant leg around your throat with a somewhat pained groan “I can go no longer”. You raise your head up to give him better access and, after a few seconds, your neck is no longer leashed and you grin devilishly as you lean back and stretch your arms and back. “I don’t know – I can go a little while longer. We’ve only been at it for thirty or forty minutes straight. Not too long~” “Hah” Trusolg laughs in a defeated, yet extremely pleased, voice “Not too long she says. Let this be a lesson, Aejsoag; never underestimate a woman… especially if you think you have all the advantages. I am sure she could best us in battle, and now I know she can best us in bed”. Aejsoag closes his eyes and smiles as he grunts in agreement, content with lying back and relaxing.

You pull away from Trusolg’s pelvis and lick the semen from your lips, enjoying the taste it leaves in your mouth as you stand up, stretch, and yawn with a satisfied smile on your full lips before placing your hands on your sticky hips and looking down at the two orcs with a grin. “Come on you two” you say in a playful voice “We don’t have to fuck anymore, but I know I could use a bath. And since I beat both of you in bed I think you get to clean me off… whether that’s punishment or pleasure is entirely up to you two~”. You turn on your heels and saunter off towards the room that contains the bath and chamber pot, swaying your hips provocatively as you run your hands through your hair, looking back and winking at the two orcs as they watch you go and bringing your right hand to your lips and licking off the semen that you gathered. As you look back towards the door you grin as you hear them both quickly rising with newfound energy and almost running to meet you…

1:40 pm
1:46 pm

After a very nice, and naughty, bath you find yourself fully clothed – and the only one you might add – in the orc’s room as you prepare to leave. “A rare occurrence” Aejsoag comments – “Agreed” Trusolg replies with a grin as they walk you to the door “The woman is leaving the men behind, and with the men desiring the woman to no end. Usually it is the other way around”. “What can I say” you interject as you turn on your heels, smile at them, and stick out your tongue before giggling and spinning around again “I break the mold whenever I can~”. You reach for the knob and turn it, swinging the door open before turning around to look at the two green-skinned, battle scarred orcs with a funny little smile on your face that matches theirs. “I had fun… thank you” you say in a sweet and sincerely serene voice that seems to melt the two large, muscular orcs. “The honor is ours, little one” Trusolg says with a smile and a bow that Aejsoag mimics. “Would we… see you again?” Aejsoag asks hopefully – your smile fades somewhat and you shift your feet while looking down before you respond. “I haven’t been completely honest with you both. I… may already have someone special in my life”. When you look up both Aejsoag and Trusolg look stunned, confused… and hurt. “Well, not just one” you add quickly “A few… eight to be precise, and all of them women… well, most of them women anyways”. As you finish both orcs look more confused than anything as they look at each other, unsure of what to make of this. “You are… mated with eight others? Women in fact?” Trusolg asks slowly, to which you nod… which prompts Aesjaog to ask “And they are in agreement that you can bed others?” Again you nod – both orcs look at each other again for a little while and turn their backs to you, huddling and whispering before they both seem to come to an agreement as they turn around at the same time. “We would be honored if we were to be mated with you as well” Aejsoag announces proudly and with a smile as he looks down at you. “We do not know who you are mated to, and we are confused about the situation, but we have never met a woman like you and wish to be with you if you will have us”.

Your jaw hits the floor as you stare dumbfounded at the two grinning orcs, yet you shake your head and snap out of your reverie as you stammer for words. “B-But, what about your clan and home? Would you expect me to come with you?” Both orcs shake their head before the elder speaks up “No; we have been here for years as emissaries. Yes, we would make trips back home infrequently – we would also need to bring Yaibo back with us soon -, and if you would come with us then we would be honored, but we would return shortly after”. “Colette of Eborthia, little oasis, great warrior, superior lover” Aejsoag counts off the many different names he has for you reverently “I would be honored to be your mate, and I promise to give you many children! I am more virile than this old orc!” “Hah” Trusolg laughs boisterously as he nudges his younger in the ribs “You must have hit your head, young one! I may be older, but I have more experience and larger amounts of my seed. I can bring you greater pleasure and many more children than young Aejsoag could ever hope”. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down you two!” you say with a nervous laugh as you throw your hands up at them “I haven’t even decided yet… and kids?! I don’t know if I’m ready for that. I mean, I’m only twenty, and a half-elf, so technically I’m barely an adult myself… barely!” Trusolg grumbles and rests his chin in his right hand as he thinks while Aejsoag’s bottom lip twitches as he looks at you in thought. “You may have a point. You could benefit from more experience” Trusolg says affirmatively – “That does not matter at present” Aejsaog announces impatiently. “Do you accept us?” Aejsoag asks hopefully as he leans forward, intent on hearing your answer. You give him a conflicted look as you open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out – Trusolg smacks Aejsoag upside the back of his head and says loudly “Be respectful, Aejsoag! Now she’s confused and doesn’t know what to say”. “Colette” Trusolg turns to you and looks you in your emerald eyes as he speaks tenderly “You do not need to say anything. If you accept us then…” he pauses as he grins “… all you need to do is give us a kiss. On the lips. A real kiss”. You look at Trusolg, who’s grinning from ear to ear, then to Aejsoag, who nods and grins just as widely and is greatly anticipating a kiss as he shifts his feet.

Oh… crap – oh man, what do I do?
A. Accept their love and kiss them! Or only kiss Trusolg… or only kiss Aejsoag! (Specify)

B. Show them you really care… by giving them both a blowjob!

C. Reject the two’s advances. You have enough lovers as is!

X. Other

1:50 pm
1:54 pm

You grin from ear to ear as you round the corner and walk the halls of the estate, thoroughly satisfied and quite happy with the fun you had with Aejsoag and Trusolg. You heard some great stories, had some good drinks, and you were thoroughly fucked. Oh was I fucked good~… they both used me like a fucktoy, and I let them and loved every second! Gods… that was so nice~ you think in satisfaction as you lick your lips, reminiscing on that taste of their cocks, their seed, and how they fill your holes so nicely as they mercilessly pounded into you. You don’t usually go for men, and you didn’t really care for the hair and lack of breasts on them… but it was nice, and most importantly they helped you forget, or maybe you didn’t forget what happened and they just made it… better, more manageable perhaps. A small smile creeps across your lips as you stride down the hall and exit the passageway into the grand hall… and then you keep going straight as you head into the passageway across from you and towards Hera’s room…

Note: Hey everyone, I’m really sorry how long this one took to get out! As I said up top I’ve been really, really busy and haven’t had more than maybe an hour or two at the most to write the last few weeks, and most of those hours were not the most productive as I’ve been tired as can be. Still, after a few edits when I wasn’t about to fall asleep I finally have this out. I hope you like it, and just so it isn’t totally devoid of choice I had a little choice near the end (as you can probably tell) just to give you all something so it doesn’t feel so railroaded. This next week shouldn’t be as bad, I hope, so hopefully it won’t take so long to get another post! Anyways, thanks for your patience and thanks for reading!
Re: Rift Touched

C.. It was just for the fun.
Re: Rift Touched

Yeah... C, I think. Although I would say to let them down fairly gently, considering how sweet they've been. Maybe explaining that it's just too soon for something quite that deep or something, I dunno (she's only even really known them for...what...a little over an hour? At least with the girls at the Temple Colette's known them for around a week).

That's not to say I would necessarily rule it out for in the future or entirely deny them and Colette ever seeing each other again or anything, but for now at least it was just for the fun.
Re: Rift Touched

Yeah... C, I think. Although I would say to let them down fairly gently, considering how sweet they've been. Maybe explaining that it's just too soon for something quite that deep or something, I dunno (she's only even really known them for...what...a little over an hour? At least with the girls at the Temple Colette's known them for around a week).

That's not to say I would necessarily rule it out for in the future or entirely deny them and Colette ever seeing each other again or anything, but for now at least it was just for the fun.

Re: Rift Touched

C… that is all!
You smile gently at the two orcs, one that carries a twang of sadness to it as you’re about to disappoint them both. You saunter over to Aejsoag and Trusolg as they watch you intently, happy grins on their face as they think they’ve won you over. In a way they have, but really it was an intimate and fun experience – you might even consider them friends now, maybe, but to take them on as lovers… as mates, as they put it, is too quick for you… even if the table they fucked you on is still covered in yours and their drying juices. When you stand in front of the two tall naked orcs you put your hands on your hips and give them a silly little grin that turns to a slight frown. “Sorry” you start by saying as you shake your head “But that’s a little too fast for me. I like you both, but I don’t think that it will work out just this yet”. Both the orcs look crestfallen as the smiles wipe from their faces, but you only giggle at them as you continue. “Hey, that doesn’t mean I won’t say yes in the future~. Stick around and maybe we’ll see where it goes, huh? Until then… friends and maybe sometimes fuck buddies?” You extend your right hand out towards them both to shake as you grin at them and, after a moment, a small smile returns to the orc’s lips before Aejsoag reaches out to take your hand, followed by Trusolg. “We are honored” Trusolg says as he finishes shaking your hand and giving you a deep bow which Aejsoag mimics “To have a friend such as you, young Colette… and perhaps more”. “We shall strive to be worthy of your friendship, and more in the coming days should you permit us” Aejsoag picks up when Trusolg finishes. You smile a bright, happy smile at them and nod your head and say “I look forward to it”. With that you turn and walk towards the door, yet just before you walk out you turn your head back, your red hair whipping with the motion, and give them an innocent smile and a naughty wink before you leave the room and close the door behind you.

1:56 pm

You feel good – “chipper” you might even say – as you stand outside of Hera’s room which, for all you know, houses the entirety of the Amazonian emissaries… which again would be Hera and her guards. You moan in satisfaction at the most recent events, namely the great sex that you just had, and as you bring your hands up to your hair and run them through your mane as you giggle lightly to yourself you can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, you might be able to sneak in some fun here as well. In fact, you’re almost anticipating it… “But it would be rude to knock on the door and say ‘Hey, Hera, want to fuck?’ I’m not Helena after all… but we do share some of the same tastes~. Ah, well, it will be nice to see her anyways and to be properly introduced to her entourage”. After your little self-dialogue you check your black silk fabric and make sure it’s properly secured, and after running your hand over your choker, you bring your right hand to the door and rap it a few times and wait. Unlike when you first arrived at Aejsoag’s and Trusolg’s room there is hardly a delay as you hear a chair moving from behind the door followed by barely audible footsteps that sound suspiciously like someone is going barefoot. They’re heavy, direct, and powerful steps that befit an amazon, and in a few moments you see the knob to the door turn before it slowly opens to reveal a tall, muscular beauty in a white toga – no sandals as she’s going barefoot – with curly auburn hair that goes just passed her shoulders. She has light green eyes, a stoic yet pleasant face, large, firm breasts, and very tan skin as if she’s spent most of her life out in the sun and heat. She looks down at you with an unchanging stone-like expression that makes you a little uncomfortable, but that’s the first reaction you had with Hera and you know that there’s a person underneath… though with the differences in language and culture you suspect you’ll have to work harder to get to that person. “Hello” you say with a polite smile and a bow, crossing your right hand over your heart as you do so to show respect “Pardon my intrusion; I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything?” You wait for a response, but instead you get an expectant and curious look as if she’s waiting for something… so you clear your throat and continue. “A-Anyways, would it be agreeable for me to come in? With your permission of course”. The tanned, muscular amazon nods and cracks only the tiniest of pleased smiles as she holds the door open for you, which you notice is a bit larger than the others in the hallway. You flash the amazon a sweet, thankful smile and thank her as you stride into the room passed the threshold, your trench coat waving behind you as you walk. Immediately you’re struck by the sheer size of the room, noting that it is easily three, maybe four, times the size of the orc’s room. With good reason you think as you examine the room If it has to house all five amazons then it should be big! Why, I think each of them is taller than Aejsoag and Trusolg at over six feet tall!

The room is windowless, like the orc’s room, but is relatively bare in comparison save for the candled sconces on the walls with strangely bright flames that light the room – Spartan is the first word that comes to mind. There are four corners to the room and to your immediate right is a doorway that leads to an immediately visible bathing area which also probably has chamber pots somewhere inside. You can see even from here that there is a large bath cut into the floor, though it looks like a recent addition as the stonework looks pristine compared to the relatively worn and aged stone surfaces of the rest of either room. In fact, the room gives you the feel of something you would expect in a soldier’s or guard’s barracks given the size and décor… which might not be that far off from the truth to be honest as the staff may have turned it into a living space for the amazons. On the far side of the room directly across from you there is also a fireplace with a roaring flame going, though it’s probably a good twenty feet away – that also leads you to notice quite a few more things in fact. Along the left wall are five very large no-poster beds that are arranged in an orderly manner befitting the rigidness you’ve come to expect from the amazons. In front of each bed is a large footlocker that probably houses weapons and armor of some sort. On the outcropping above the fireplace is a small statue with a large muscular man wearing nothing but a loincloth and wearing an elaborate headdress. In his right hand is a curved sword while in his left are weighing scales – you recognize this to be the Amazonian patron deity Tristram… which you aren’t quite as familiar with as some other gods that are worshipped more in Eborthia. Still, the most eye-catching detail of the room is the large mahogany table in the center of the room, and the five chairs – well, technically four – that Hera and her Amazonian guards sit on, plus one extra. You notice the dark-skinned, dirty blonde Amazon right away as your eyes meet hers, and a small smile forms on her lips and yours. She’s sitting at the “head” of the table closest to the fireplace, while on her left – your right – on that side of the table sit two of her guards that you recognize from yesterday. One of the amazons has dark skin, yet unlike Hera’s and the amazon at the door hers is much darker and is naturally so, and you notice that she has dark brown eyes and very short black hair that doesn’t reach anywhere close to her shoulders. Beside her, nearer to the door and the side of the table across from Hera, is yet another large, somewhat muscular amazon with tan skin that is the lightest of the bunch, and her hair goes down to her breasts over her toga – you notice she has lighter eyes, yet you can’t decide if her eyes are a pale blue, gray, or even hazel from this distance.

Across from those two is another naturally dark-skinned amazon with dark eyes and somewhat curly black hair that goes down to her shoulders. Beside her is an empty, pushed in chair that indicates that no one is occupying it… which is obvious as that chair across from Hera is empty and looks like it was recently occupied, probably by the amazon that answered the door. Aside from Hera, each of the amazons looks at you rather stoically with unreadably hard features on their faces and stares that seem to size you up rather than look at you. Yet, before long those looks turn curious as their features soften slightly – slightly being the operant word here – and you notice that they were perhaps in a large meal as the large table is littered with plates, platters, bowls, and goblets filled with drinks, soups, fruits, vegetables, and meats of all sorts that would take a dozen men or more to finish, yet you think that just one of them could finish a quarter of all the food present given their size. You look to each of the amazons in turn and give them a warm smile that, given the looks you just received, seems a little awkward… but hey, why not try and be as friendly as possible? You then look to Hera and see her smiling just a little wider as she nods at you. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything, Hera. I can come back at another time” you say, and you’re relieved when you see Hera shake her head followed by the sound of the door closing behind you. “You are not interrupting, Colette” Hera says “Please, join us – it is important to keep up one’s strength with food and drink. We are pleased to share our bounty with you, generously provided by the Lady Glethal, and would be most honored by your presence”. “She is so small, as are most of the inhabitants of this land” the amazon behind you says as she walks alongside you and looks down at you, to which you look up into her light green eyes and see some concern. “I agree” the dark-skinned, short haired amazon says “She needs food. She looks underweight and is too small. I am surprised she managed to defeat the madman, and I do not know how she can hold a blade”. You open your mouth to protest, but Hera smirks slightly, a feature and emotion you’ve yet to fully experience with her, before she comes to your defense. “She is a fine warrior – you forget, sisters, that the people here have smaller weapons, and smaller frames. She is healthy and fit – do you remember Qualana? She is human and is smaller than us, but if we fed her as we feed ourselves then she would come to harm”. “Yes” the lightest skinned, paled eyed amazon says as she nods her head “I like Qualana – she does not eat as much, but she is a good woman and seems to be healthy and happy all the time”.

“We are being rude to our guest, sisters” Hera interrupts as she places her left hand up to silence her ‘sister’ before she continues “Please, sit, and allow for introductions to be made”. You nod to the toga clad amazon – well, they’re all wearing toga’s, but that’s beside the point – and set about removing your weapons and gear, setting them by the door until you’re in nothing but your trench coat, armor, Skin-Walker, and your undergarments underneath before striding over to the empty seat next to the black curly haired amazon. She regards you with a nod and says “I am Zuli” as you take off your trench coat and put it on the back of the chair before sitting down beside her, taking note of how, despite your pelvis down your knees being near fully visible due to Skin-Walker, she does not let her gaze linger downwards. You think you might see interest in her eyes, but whether out of restraint or respect, perhaps both, she does not move her eyes from yours as you take your seat next to her and smile. “It is a pleasure to properly meet you, Zuli” you reply as you turn to her and extend your left hand out – she looks at your hand curiously for a moment and then back at you. “It is a gesture of goodwill and greetings in this land, Zuli. They shake hands” Hera says matter-of-fact – Zuli looks to her charge and nods before looking back at you and extending her left hand out and taking your much smaller hand in hers as she rigidly shakes your hand. Close enough you think as you smile at Zuli, feeling a little awkward but also understanding of the cultural differences between you and the amazons. “I am known as Freya” the auburn haired amazon says as she takes her seat across from Hera, giving you a welcoming nod that you return as you give her an appreciative smile. “Guala” the other dark skinned woman across from you says as she puts a piece of bread down on the plate before her – “I am Denipher, the youngest” the pale eyed amazon next to her says, and now that she mentions it she does look a little younger than the others. “Youngest, but still strong” Hera adds as she nods to Denipher, making her smile somewhat before she turns her attention to you and says “She is the only one here that has not undergone the rites of Tristram. I believe when next we return home she will be given that honor”. “The rites of Tristram?” you ask curiously as Zuli reaches forward and grabs a plate and starts adding some food to it. “The rites of Tristram are a series of trials and blessings that are bestowed upon the strongest of our people, or those that are charged with ensuring our survival. We gain greater strength and the ability to spread the seed of our people to those that accept it”.

Oh… which means she’s the only one of them here that doesn’t have a penis.

“Interesting” you say quite earnestly, even though the implications are a little telling “If you don’t mind me asking, could you tell me more about your people and Tristram?” Hera smiles broadly and, just before she can talk, Zuli finishes pouring some wine into a goblet and places it and the plate full of food in front of you. You thank her sincerely before listening to Hera speak – “Our land, Falwathyn as the Cat-People call it, is harsh and unforgiveable. To survive we needed strength, and Tristram adds to our strength. Tristram is a wild god, but represents structure, order, society in wild lands, and adaptability. We believe everyone has their place in society; there is a role for all. Some are defenders, others caretakers, some give pleasure and comfort, some create weapons – there are those that have many stations if skilled enough. It is all to strengthen the people, and any are welcome so long as they follow our laws and ways, even those who have no skills or are crippled. We do not discard anyone, save for those that disobey our laws and ways, and even then we do not exile or execute unless the crime is severe enough”. “Tristram” Hera begins as she takes a moment to think over how to tell you about her god “Is a stern god, and one that does not require or expect worship. His prayers are strength, the foundation of his power is structure and order; discipline in chaos and above all persevering and adapting to better fit one’s environment. That is one of the reasons many of our sisters are bestowed the genitalia of men, for in the past, before Tristram, in order to breed the amazons would find worthy men and mate with them. But in the distant past the jungles became more ferocious and even the strength of the amazons was not enough – through Tristram’s blessings we grew, became stronger, and thrived once more. We no longer needed the seed of men for we could produce our own and mate amongst ourselves, but the tradition has been kept alive; we seek both men and women that join our society to mate with should we desire it”. “And all of your children, regardless of race, are born amazon’s and are blessed with Tristram’s power?” you ask inquisitively, to which Hera nods and adds “Yes, for the bond between the amazon’s and Tristram is strong. He is our god, but above all he is our mentor and elder brother. He pushes us to be strong and independent and requires nothing of us save this; we worship out of respect and thanks to give Him strength, for the sustenance of gods is belief. He adds to our strength, so we add to His”. You pick up a fork and poke at the food absently as you listen to Hera, nodding your understanding as you play with the food in front of you. “May I know why you are here, Colette?” Hera finally asks as her entourage listen and eat, occasionally glancing at you and their leader as you listen and she talks.

Your mind immediately turns to its naughty place as you imagine Hera, Freya, Zuli and Guala fucking both your lower holes as you jerk two of them off while licking Denipher’s pussy in a mind-blowing gangbang. A silly grin plasters your face, but you shake it off as you shake your head to answer, if somewhat half-truthfully, to your Amazonian friend. “I wanted to see you, Hera” you begin with a smile that makes Hera’s features soften “And the rest of you as well. I know Hera, and I wanted to meet you all as well. And…” Your mind trails off yet again to what happened yesterday – recent events have put it from your mind, but now that the post-sex glow has worn off somewhat and you really reflect, the pain seems to return to you. Yet, it’s not as strong as before, but you still find yourself trying to come to terms with some things that, really, you don’t even know; you don’t know the question, or even the problem, only that there is a question, a problem, and an answer that you’re trying to find for both. You cast your eyes down somewhat as you think, giving a small thanks to Aejsoag and Trusolg for their help… even if they got something out of it too, but you don’t particularly mind since you enjoyed it all the same. “Yesterday” you begin with conviction in your voice as you look up into Hera’s brown eyes “Was the closest I’ve ever come to death. I’ve never been hurt worse, I’ve never fought harder, and above all I’ve never seen so much mayhem, death, and destruction. So much pain and suffering. I feel like I caused part of it… hells, I did cause it by being there and pushing Arlandus, and I felt powerless to stop it, and even more powerless to help. I should have seen it coming, I should have known what would happen, and I should have stopped it”. Hera and the others listen intently, putting their silverware down and their hands in their laps as you vent your frustrations out. When you finish you feel as if you’ve got some of it out, but not all of it – “You feel responsible” Hera finally speaks up as you cool down slightly, stabbing at the broccoli on your plate like a child in frustration.

For some reason what Hera said makes you feel… lighter, freer somehow; her words seem to ring out in your mind like some epiphany or truth has been reached.

“Yes” you say, feeling lighter than air for some reason yet hard to breathe at the same time “I feel responsible. It’s my fault; I should have known, I should have been quicker to act, stronger, faster, more certain. Everything that happened is on me – without me it wouldn’t have happened, without me those people would still be alive, without me-“. “Without you” Hera interrupts your rant as you start to go red in the face and become frustrated, gripping your fork like a vice as you grit your teeth, slightly disappointed as your sexual high seems to have completely dissipated and instead a burning rage of anger and self-loathing seems to have washed upon the shores of your consciousness. “He would still live. Without you his evil influence would have had free reign. Without you he would destroy and kill more than today by leagues”. Hera points out matter-of-fact, yet you can’t accept that, you won’t accept that. “Does that make it any better that I was a part of it? That I was the direct cause of that bloodshed? All those people died, and their blood is on my hands just as much as his!” you argue with Hera and glare at her… and then you realize that you are, in fact, glaring daggers at her and that makes you feel even worse. “I’m sorry” you apologize sincerely as you bite your bottom lip in frustration “I shouldn’t be yelling, least of all at you”. “Do you know how I met Leena?” Hera asks simply as she shakes her head dismissively, clearly forgiving you. The question throws you for a loop and you can’t help but cock an eyebrow and ask “Leena? What does she have to do with this?” “It was years ago. I was young, I was inexperienced, and I had leadership and glory on my tongue. I was strong and I had discipline, but I was mistaken – one day my superior orders me to track down sisters that had gone three days and nights without returning to the city. I gathered other warriors and we set out into the jungles along the same path. We found some of my sisters, two as they were out of five, all dead via deep serrations and powerful blows to their body as they tried to flee”. “I’m sorry” you say sincerely, earning a nod from Hera before you ask “Did you find what had taken your sisters from you?” Hera nods gravely as her voice turns dark in tone “Yes. A local plant-life we call Wiznulock”.

You furrow your brow at Hera, having never heard of a “Wiznulock” before and utterly at a loss of what to think. “The Wiznulock is a plant similar to a fly trap, yet different” Hera comments “It does not eat meat and remains stationary; a plant like any other. It looks as if a shrub, or many leaves, vines, and other plants nearby all in one. When creatures wander near the Wiznulock it comes alive; it becomes violent and from the ground sprouts many barbed, powerful vines to come to its defense. It kills indiscriminately to protect itself, but is otherwise docile. The true danger is not from the Wiznulock itself, but from wandering into the Wiznulock without caution – it is very difficult to detect and has the perfect camouflage, therefore stumbling into one is very easy and often the last mistake one will make. I and my sisters had seen similar wounds before and so we were prepared for the Wiznulock… but not for my hubris”. “The Wiznulock comes in a variety of sizes from as small as a hare to as large as two homes combined – age is the deciding factor for size. This particular Wiznulock was as large as three homes, but I did not know this. All I knew was that it had killed my sisters and that it must be destroyed lest more die unnecessarily… and such a prize would earn me great respect from my people should I slay it”. You think you know where this is going, but you’re curious about how to deal with a Wiznulock, and so you ask “How do you kill it? It’s a plant so I imagine fire would do the trick?” Hera nods slightly before replying “Yes, fire does great harm to the Wiznulock, but it is frowned upon as setting fire to the Wiznulock would endanger the jungle. It is reckless to use fire to kill one beast only for it to spread and destroy everything else. The other method for slaying the Wiznulock is to poison it or cut into the core of the beast where the roots flow from near the center of the mass. We did not have anything to set fire to it, and most amazons save for our wise-women do not use magic, and we had no poison to slowly kill it. The only other option was to fight. I ordered my sisters to wait for my command as I approached closer to where I believed the Wiznulock to be; a giant shrug wreathed in vines and jungle foliage. As I approached it burst forth its barbed tentacles in defense, and I was stunned at the size that I nearly fell when one of its many tentacles struck at me – I managed to evade the blow and at that point my sisters came to my aid. We fought and I believed I could slay the beast. I ordered my sisters to distract the beast as I went for the kill despite their insistence that we retreat… what a fool and coward I was to use my sisters as a distraction to gain glory rather than fight with them as one, and to not heed their words”.
Re: Rift Touched

“As I approached the center I was struck by a mighty blow and nearly rendered unconscious, and as I lay on the ground bleeding I heard the screams of my sisters as they were struck, strangled, and injured. I rose to my feet to see my sisters dying, and as I turned to face the Wiznulock I knew I would die as many of its tentacles struck out at me”. “How did you survive?” you ask, interested in the story, even if it is a little difficult for Hera to properly convey some concepts due to the language barrier as you watch her pausing to think every now and then. “When I thought I had met my end I became stunned when a swirling grey mass suddenly appeared in front of the Wiznulock. It seemed to draw in the attack as the tentacles were forced into the grey sphere – from even my distance I could feel the crushing gravity of the attack. Before I could understand what happened a flaming ball came over my head and entered the grey sphere, igniting it – the fire was contained in the sphere and set the Wiznulock’s appendages aflame before a barrage of grey and orange-red flame flew over my head at my foe. In moments the Wiznulock was reduced to a contained inferno as it died, and from the foliage behind me a beautiful and deadly demon appeared wrapped in red and black cloth”. “Leena” you comment idly “Why was she in Falwathyn?” “She did not say at the time – later she informed me that she was on a pilgrimage to learn more about herself and the world, and that it was chance that she heard the screams of me and my sisters as she made her way to my city. Without her magic we would have fallen, yet I was proud and wary of being rescued by a demon. We had encountered lesser demons that had made it into our world, and so I thought her another enemy. She surprised me when she came to the aid of my injured sisters, healing their wounds with her magic and stunned me when she summoned the power of a god to give them their strength back. She helped carry the bodies of my fallen sisters back home and when we imprisoned her for her nature she did not object. She respected our authority, our laws, and our ways without hesitation. She was a demon yet she was humble, she was powerful but sought no glory… I realized the importance of one’s actions that day. I informed my superior of what had happened and what I had done, and how instrumental Leena was to our victory. I was justly punished for my actions, but I accepted it, and I befriended the strange demon that had saved my life and the lives of my sisters. I stood by her even as others thought that she should be banished back to the hells... little did I know about her being unbound”.

You get the feeling that there’s more to it than that, and that Hera cannot fully explain everything due to the language issue – you think you might have to ask Leena about it later – but you’re satisfied that you learned at least a little how Hera and Leena met, yet you’re confused as to what this has to do with your own feelings. “I’m glad you told me about your past, Hera” you say sincerely “But what does that have to do with me?” “The point of my tale, Colette, is that there are actions and that there are things you can and cannot control nor anticipate. The Wiznulock would have been a future danger to my people and so it had to be dealt with should it grow any larger – Arlandus was a danger to the city and country and needed to be dealt with. My sisters that fell knew not of the Wiznulock’s presence; they had no control over what happened. They could not have escaped and I could not have prevented their deaths. I knew of the Wiznulock’s presence when I came upon my sisters – I was responsible for what happened because I knew the danger. There is a difference between us in these two things; I knew and therefore am responsible. You could not have known the extent of Arlandus’ madness or the lengths he would go to”. “But I knew he had been using feral goblins to attack farms! I gave him a serum that would make him tell the truth and make him overconfident, and I knew he was strong in magic and alchemy! What happened was a result of my actions!” you argue yet again, but you don’t direct any ire at Hera this time – she shakes her head and says “Perhaps you had a hand in it, but the blame is not yours. The difference between the Wiznulock and Arlandus is that he made the choice to kill and destroy. The Wiznulock only protects itself and lives in harmony with nature and does as it was born to do – Arlandus would have killed more and destroyed more regardless. What happened is regrettable and tragic, but you were a ship caught in a violent storm, nothing more; you could not stop him from doing as he did or change who he was. You could only adapt and react to survive, and you stopped his madness from consuming all around him. There are some things that you have control of, Colette, but there are many more that you cannot control – that is the way of things and the best you can do is adapt and push on. There si more to learn from my story about hubris, heeding the advice of others, friends in unlikely places… but those are lessons for another time”.

Adapt and push on…

You think on Hera’s words for a little while as you stare into your plate, feeling the eyes of Hera and the others on you as you think. “How?” you ask finally as you look up at Hera, seeking answers, perhaps desperately so “How do I adapt and survive? What does that mean?” “The meaning is different for each that hears the words. My understanding is to accept what happens and to move on, but to be true to my people and to enjoy my life while striving to be better for myself and for my sisters”. She looks to Freya, Denipher, Zuli, and Guala, giving each of them a nod and a slight yet incredibly warm smile that they each return in kind. “My people are my life; all that I do is for them”. “And we would live and die for you, my friend” Zuli comments seriously as she bows her head to Hera, followed by each of the others. The question you must ask yourself, Colette” Hera says seriously “Is what it means to you. What brings you happiness? What pushes you on? Time heals wounds, but one must find something to let the pain heal – time itself will do nothing if all you do is soak in what hurts you. When you entered you were very… bright” Hera thinks on the word, but shakes her head as it doesn’t seem to come to her before she continues. “You were happy and you seemed excited. Something made you that way – perhaps that is something you should hold on to, and to embrace. Unless you were happy to see us?” Hera, in a rare moment, cracks a small grin as you she lets you experience a rare moment of sarcasm from her. You laugh jovially at that, almost snorting in fact as Zuli, Freya, Guala, and Denipher each give Hera a strange look. “Maybe I am happy to see you~?” you tease playfully as you come down from your laughter, wiping a tear from your eye as you repeat “Maybe I am… actually, I am happy to see you, and to meet you all. Speaking of which… has Hera said anything about me to you all?” Denipher is the first to answer with a laugh and says “She could not stop talking about you!” Zuli chimes in next and says with a snicker “She spoke as if you two were mated. I now know why; you are very beautiful, kind, and your smile brightens the room. When you speak I listen… you are a rare gem, Colette”.

What Zuli says touches you, and is very surprising as you knew Hera was attracted to you, but not that much… you can’t help but think that your nature is compelling her somewhat, but it’s still nice to hear. “According to Hera you would make a fine woman of pleasure should you join our society” Guala says seriously, and with a hopeful tint to her voice. “Ah, she, uh, told you about that did she?” you comment idly, now wondering exactly what she said. “You have strange tastes” Freya comments idly “Why would one desire to be bound when mating? Not many at home desire more than one mate at one time. Hera says that you prefer two and even more mates at once? You must be very skilled”. So she told them everything it seems. I wonder what what Leena has been telling her, if anything at all you think with a nervous laugh as you look at the amazons, seeing them become much more intrigued with you… and you feel yourself becoming aroused as they really start to look at you. “It has been most enjoyable speaking with you, Colette” Denipher says with a smile, and you smile back before Freya says “Yes, but I am still hungry. Dine with us, Colette, and forget your troubles”. “I would like that very much” you say sweetly to Freya and, looking to each of the amazons and seeing hopeful expectance, you thank them and feel your mood brighten as you dig into the still warm food.

2:14 pm
2:39 pm

“You must eat more!” Zuli insists beside you as she picks up a pitcher of gravy and stabs some pork with a large fork “You’ve only finished what’s on your plate once! You will starve and die from lack of food!” You hold your tummy with your left and while waving Zuli off with your right as you try to stifle a burp, but failing as a loud belch escapes your lips. “I-I can’t eat anymore! I finished everything; if I eat any more I might not be able to keep it down!” you complain, amazed that each of the amazons went for seconds and even thirds, whereas you only just managed to finish everything put on your plate the first time around… and maybe a little more as Zuli seemed to pile food up for you. Zuli frowns at you and looks concerned for your health, which is thoughtful, but if you eat anymore you feel like you’re going to pop! Zuli puts the pitcher and fork down and reaches out with her right hand and grasps your left arm, feeling it as she rubs her thumb and fingers over it. “Nothing but skin and bone! How is it you are able to survive, let alone hold a weapon?” Zuli comments in amazement. You pout at her and say “I’m not just skin and bones! I have some muscle on me… and I can hold a weapon just fine thank you very much! I don’t starve myself either; I eat when I’m hungry and I stop when I’m full!” “You’re delicate as a flower, Colette” Denipher comments across from you, and Guala beside her chimes in and adds “Don’t hold her too tightly, Zuli, you may break her”. You gape your mouth open at the two across from you and furrow your brow at them, making them laugh. “No wonder she can disappear into thin air; a breeze looks like it would carry her away. Her body must forget that it exists for a short time” Freya teases as she sets down a goblet that she just finished drinking.

Great, if the amazons can tease me then I must be doomed!

“How were you able to mate with her without breaking her, Hera?” Zuli asks quizzically as she keeps a hold of your arm and turns to her leader. Hera laughs boisterously and looks at you with adoration as she says “I had to be gentle with her, but she is very resilient. She has good cushions on her front and bottom to compensate”. Did Hera just say I have a big butt and boobs? you think as you look at Hera incredulously, only to see her smirking back at you. “You should show her, Hera. If what you say is true she may like it” Guala says with a smirk of her own as she turns to Hera. Hera actually seems to blush a little, which makes you incredibly curious – “Show me what?” you ask, and Hera shakes her head in response. “It is nothing – I purchased an item that I thought you would approve of as I learned more of you. I thought to approach you to use it with you… i-it is no matter”. Hera’s response is nothing short of deflective, and it seems to strike something inside you and you feel that you must know what it is… no matter what. “Really?” you say in a sweet voice as you grin ear to ear “I would love to know what it is, Hera. I’m sure it’s lovely if you bought it – I promise I will love it no matter what”. Hera looks at you with a little blush on her cheeks and you can hear her shift her feet before she casts her eyes down, stands up, and walks over to one of the beds behind you near the far wall. You watch as she kneels down at the bed nearest the wall that has the fireplace and opens up the footlocker. She reaches inside and pulls out something that you never thought you would see Hera holding in her hands. She stands up, turns around, and shows you bondage gear that looks like it would fit you perfectly. She holds a black silk blindfold, a ring-gag, a black leather collar that has a leash attached so that it cannot be removed, and a black arm-sleeve. What’s curious about the arm sleeve is that it looks like it binds at the wrists instead of holding the arms as is, and that it must be fastened as such so that when unfastened you would still have use of your arms. It also looks like it would cover your shoulders partly as well as your arms. You stare at the items with a look of surprise, and desire, before looking at Hera as she gives you a surprisingly sheepish look. “Did you want me to wear this, Hera and… ‘use’ it with me~?” you ask in a playful voice, to which Hera’s reply is a slight nod.

“I do not understand it” Zuli says beside you as she looks at Hera, and then to you “But I am interested as well. May we join you if you find it agreeable?” “I find myself interested as well” Denipher says, and you turn to the youngest amazon to see that her eyes are somewhat alight with intrigue and desire. “We will need to exercise caution” the auburn haired amazon says “For she is small and thin”. “Agreed” Guala nods as she pushes her plate and goblet away “She is beautiful and delicate. We shall please you, Colette, and take precautions so that we do not harm you”.

I’m not defenseless or helpless you know! you think in slight irritation, though you can understand that they probably aren’t used to dealing with someone of your stature too often. Well… it couldn’t hurt could it? Mmm, actually that might be pretty nice… and it’s not like I haven’t had some “fun” yet today already~

2:43 pm

A. Thank Hera and her amazons for the food and advice and leave without having any “fun”.

B. Have fun with the amazons, but without the bondage gear.
B1. Have some rough, dirty fun with the amazons!
B2. You’re not up for something too rough. You want something gentle.
B3. Have the amazons follow your lead.
B4. Submit to the amazons, but without the bondage gear.
B5. Write something in! (Specify)

C. Have fun with the amazons and wear Hera’s bondage outfit!
C1. Same as the orcs – let the amazons do whatever they want to you and show them just how great different ways of having sex can be!
C2. Let the amazons treat you gently as they bind you.
C3 Write something in! (Specify)

D. You want something else from this encounter… (Write something in that you want!)

E. Wear the altered Veil Dancing Outfit and give the amazon’s a show before you have any fun with them!

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
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Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Enchanted Backpack: Medium-High load. Has a small amount of space left. Stowed away at the moment.
-Gold pouch (1000 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (324 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-White Magic Crystal: Light
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
- Medium Sized Enchanted Black Butt Plug (Activated with command word “Lover’s Embrace”. Will vibrate and expand slowly when activated until it becomes very large, but not enough to harm)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)
-Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancing Outfit (Extremely exposing and extremely light. Comes with creamy white bra that shows extreme cleavage and has thin vertical pieces of cloth that exposes nipples via heart shaped cutouts, thin G-string that rides up on ass and has cutout to expose vagina, extremely short frilly skirt that barely covers crotch and covers only half of butt and held in place by bronze-gold heart bands, thin gloves for tops of hands and arms to biceps held in place by bronze-gold bands with metal hearts on top, open toed five inch heeled sandals, and bronze-gold bands to hold drapes in place. Blessings in effect when set is worn)
-Enchanted Cleaning Rag (Can clean virtually any sweat, muck, grime, and nasty stuff up. Will never get dirty)
-Enchanted Gloves (unidentified)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking). (On chair)

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Stowed away at the moment.
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1. Extreme Potion of Healing x1. Full
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


-Skin-Walker (Currently covers from feet to neck without exposing skin. Hugs body like a second skin, revealing everything as if nude. Blessings in effect when worn)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire)
-Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Colette” engraved on front. Has “With Love: Lula, Leena, Delilah, Helena, Astraea, Meredith, Xillia, Vulgan” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)
-Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves. (Enhances MR by 10). Left ring finger.
-Black Silk Fabric
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set. Underneath Skin-Walker)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set. Underneath Skin-Walker)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set. Underneath Skin-Walker)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set. Underneath Skin-Walker)

Weaponry Not currently available.

-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage).
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (2/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (1/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Water missile (1 Charge, 10 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 10 minutes. (24 hours remain on recharge).
-Blink (35 MR each use): Can be used in and out of combat to instantaneously transport self within ten feet of current position silently and with only a barely visible blue haze as any indication of its use. Can be used in combat to get behind enemies resulting in sneak attack criticals. Cannot go through solid objects.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Tied in ponytail behind back with Black Silk Fabric. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
-Scratches and minor bruises on face, sides, left leg, right arm, left arm, stomach.


Health: Fine
MR: 112/112
Vagina is wet.
Unknown Status effect.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Essence of Absorption: Thanks to receiving the “essence” of countless individuals many, many times, you have discovered a peculiarity about yourself. You have a certain trait of magical beings and monsters that allows you to absorb the magical energy from sexual secretions, and maybe even blood (?), from people to give yourself some energy and restore your MR. Also, it accelerates your healing slightly and you find you can now sustain yourself wholly off of the essence of others similar to magical beings.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, and you’re naturally sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!) (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield two weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Skin-Walker: You’re blessed bodysuit, blessed at the temple of Domina, has seven unique attributes tied to the blessing. On top of being nearly indestructible and capable of keeping you and itself clean. The blessings allow Skin-Walker to become nearly any article of clothing, within reason, changing its shape through your will and imagination. When worn you also receive the boon of increased physical damage resistance (mild), increased magical/elemental damage resistance (mild), increased physical damage dealt (mild), and increased magical damage dealt (minor), your footsteps are completely silent when worn. The final blessing will allow the suit’s power to increase when you sleep with ten different people up to a total of one-hundred different people, but only if suit is worn. (Sex Counter: 33/100) (Requires Skin-Walker being worn)

Increased Health: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has given you a moderate boost to your natural health, allowing you to take more blows before being killed or knocked out. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Major Barrier of Avoidance: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has been blessed with a major barrier that warps harmful attacks around you, thus dealing a major blow to enemy hit chances. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Hardiness: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed to give you a moderate increase in your resistances against poisons, diseases, and negative status ailments both natural and magical, meaning you’re less likely to contract a disease, be poisoned, or suffer negative status effects during combat. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Majorly Lowered Sexual Inhibitions: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed with the effect of lowering your sexual inhibitions when worn, making you much more receptive to sexual advances and making you much more likely to blindly accept such advances regardless of who is making advances, of the time of day, and of where the advances are taking place. Those making such advances will also seem much more attractive to you. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Hera of the Amazons has shown you the dance of her people, which is referred to as a veil dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 3/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Slightly Lowered Inhibitions: Your inhibitions are lowered slightly thanks to your actions and you find that you don’t mind people getting “touchy” with you in intimate ways, so long as it’s not too extreme.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

I vote C1, but I'm gonna laugh it that results in a gameover.
