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[Complete - Full] [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

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Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

shes somehow "Indecent" maybe Indecent Witch? or instead of Witch, we use "Sorceress", Indecent Sorceress, Horny Sorceress ... ?
Sure, replacing either the first sorceress with witch or all of the witches with sorceress would be more consistent.
So it would look like (or with witch instead)
100: Great Sorceress (in dreams)
75: Indecent Sorceress
50: Horny Sorceress
25: Perverted Sorceress
0: Cumpdumpster Sorceress
Now how do I go about actually implementing this?

But just to surmise, and do correct me if I am wrong:
  1. there was this nice Russian guy, torpaza192 (thx), who made a Russian TL for the v1.04
  2. that v1.04R was then translated into English by ewn (thx), with RPGMaker Trans
  3. but for convenience's sake, he made it available in not the RPGMaker Trans patch format, but with the good old 'Data' folder that just needs to be copied into the decrypted game's folder
  4. ???something or someone or the supernatural or who knows lol
  5. hopefully (well, according to people on the threads, factually) working when applied to a v1.05 virgin Japanese game
That is correct, yes. But I'm really not sure how would a translation of 1.04 work on 1.05 which contains additional content.
Also here is the patch that I used for the russian version.
The game itself can be found on pornolab.
Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

ewn, we have 3 different version. all 3 have a "patched" CommonEvents.rvdata2 with the "edited" job titles.

- Witch
- Horny Witch
- Slutty Witch
- Cum Dumpster Witch

- Indecent Sorceress
- Horny Sorceress
- Perverted Sorceress
- Cumdumpster Sorceress

- Indecent Witch
- Horny Witch
- Perverted Witch
- Cumdumpster Witch

you can download all 3 here:

to use one, copy/paste to \data\ rename it (by removing the last extension).
Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

It doesn't seem to work for me, titles in the status menu are still untranslated using any of them.
If they are translated on your end and you're using the latest translation just upload to mega your whole data folder. Although that would complicate further updates if there will be any.
Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

It doesn't seem to work for me, titles in the status menu are still untranslated using any of them.
If they are translated on your end and you're using the latest translation just upload to mega your whole data folder. Although that would complicate further updates if there will be any.

It doesn't work to you because you have to start a new game and make her shame go down, then the titles will be translated. Thats because the titles are stored in the save file. ( I mean, the game change the "nickname/title" and store it in the save file, so you have to start a new game to see the translation )

I can update my "CommonEvents.rvdata2" with a new translated titles if you tell me which ones to use.


actually no,
if you copy over the data files, the translation should work well regardless, but then you're pretty much just playing 1.04
you can't use the same patch from the russian version to the japanese either, since the original game strings will be different(from japanese to russian)

I've been playing for a while, didn't see any issues, and translation is pretty good too,
from what I remember, the last patch didn't add much stuff either, besides some bugfixes

This is the 1.05 recollection room: i.imgur.com/Lb4vUlC.png The right corner ( up when hildegarde is ) are the 5 new scenes/events that the 1.05 added. They are translated. The translation works totally fine, I finished the game without any problem.
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Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

This is the 1.05 recollection room: i.imgur.com/Lb4vUlC.png The right corner ( up when hildegarde is ) are the 5 new scenes/events that the 1.05 added. They are translated. The translation works totally fine, I finished the game without any problem.

Oh, are those really all the ones added in the last version?
I would think the 1.04 data files wouldn't really work as the latest version.
Btw, there are some gangbang/dp cg in the art folder, I can't find that scene anywhere, is it in the game?
Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

Oh, are those really all the ones added in the last version?
I would think the 1.04 data files wouldn't really work as the latest version.
Btw, there are some gangbang/dp cg in the art folder, I can't find that scene anywhere, is it in the game?

I don't recall translating anything like that. Maybe that's the actual 1.05 content?
Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

Oh, are those really all the ones added in the last version?
I would think the 1.04 data files wouldn't really work as the latest version.
Btw, there are some gangbang/dp cg in the art folder, I can't find that scene anywhere, is it in the game?
I don't recall translating anything like that. Maybe that's the actual 1.05 content?

Only thing that resembles gangbang scene was in last city when she sleeps in the inn but instead of paying for a night she chooses free one (same building, npc to the right of inn master, room that looks "poor")... oh, and she can't have that light necklace on so she is brainwashed.
As for dp... I don't think I saw anything like that, in pictures folder or game itself.
Also just checked and yeah, I am using 1.05

I hope I remember that correctly and didn't mix anything up >_>
And yeah, it was translated... this or I can read japanese without knowing it... well, that would be awesome actually xD
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Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

I hope I remember that correctly and didn't mix anything up >_>
And yeah, it was translated... this or I can read japanese without knowing it... well, that would be awesome actually xD

humm oh yeah, I just checked it too and didn't find the cg, I guess I must got it confused with another game...
humm such a shame really, so many scenes but they're only repeated cgs, yet so much potential for lots of H content, even the hotspring bath...

The translation was legible enough.
- It was pretty amusing how she took control of the last sorcerer's demon for herself.
- I kind of wish there was a Hildegard x Alex route though (if only as a reward for high/perfect shame once you beat the game).
Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

Translation link is not working. Please put another
Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

Thank you for the translation :D

it work wonder on my end.
Re: [RJ129520] WITCH ACT

Translation seems good, thanks.

Dang, no gallery unlock option after you beat the game? Bleh.

Edit: Managed to find a full save in the original thread for those interesting (Just Ctrl F "Witch Act"):

The save on is complete.
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Thread locked as there is no link to translation in OP. PM me to have this thread unlocked when a link to the translation is available, or if you intend to upload the translation to the OP.
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