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[WIP - Full] [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

there is an error occur while Luna talking to Airi about Airi's gonna go with some traders out of Ishtar Screenshot (1613).jpg
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

there is an error occur while Luna talking to Airi about Airi's gonna go with some traders out of Ishtar View attachment 24001

Thanks for the bug report! I couldn't quite make out what the error window said, but your written context (coupled with the dialogue in the game window) did just as well in directing me to the error - I had forgotten to indent those lines; this'll be fixed in the next patch. :)

(Though for future reference, I'd appreciate if bug report pictures be legible - about 4x larger would be great xD)
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Thanks for the bug report! I couldn't quite make out what the error window said, but your written context (coupled with the dialogue in the game window) did just as well in directing me to the error - I had forgotten to indent those lines; this'll be fixed in the next patch. :)

(Though for future reference, I'd appreciate if bug report pictures be legible - about 4x larger would be great xD)

i didn't know it's too small, sorry. :p.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

for some reason after i exit the game and relaunch it i got this error


it seems the nscr file was corrupted. i have to delete it and the game runs good again
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Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

for some reason after i exit the game and relaunch it i got this error

View attachment 24251

it seems the nscr file was corrupted. i have to delete it and the game runs good again

If you're running the latest translation patch (v0.575b-app) with only the base game (without the append installed), the game's going to crash because you're missing the required append files.

Main Version (Append-mandatory), v0.575b-app
NOTE: This is only a compatibility patch for those that have the append. Using this build with just the base game (without the append) will result in errors and crashes.
If you only have the base game, stick with build v0.494a instead.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Are you still set for November 19th release of the next patch?
Hopefully everything is going well.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

If you're running the latest translation patch (v0.575b-app) with only the base game (without the append installed), the game's going to crash because you're missing the required append files.

Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Are you still set for November 19th release of the next patch?
Hopefully everything is going well.

Yes, I'm still on the Nov. 19th release schedule - it just doesn't meet my intended quota. That is, it unfortunately won't have the entire underground translated (I still have a few thousand lines to go xD).

I got through most of the non-H dungeon dialogue, now I'm currently doing a fresh playthrough to make sure I didn't miss anything up until the underground chapter (so far, I've found that I totally skipped over Balsa Wastelands (which has an item you need to pick up to progress the story, to trigger Batil's search after you give him 200k), so I'm translating that now).

After this release, I'll be going back to a weekly release schedule until the translations reach 90% completion. I don't expect ya'll to download each one as they're released; it's mostly to help keep me on edge. ^^

Aside from busy schedule and not quite meeting my old standards, man I forgot how much I loved translating this game. My "finish main storylines and append content by December 24th" goal is still on; I hope to redeem my recent follies with that. :)


(In reply to an anonymous down-vote comment to this post:)

Prime example of disconnect between machine translation copy-and-paste and actually translating after finishing the game at least once.

Well, not quite the prime - I finished playing the original Lilitales's Chaos route last year. But having forgotten a lot of the plot, I suppose to a degree it's effectively the same as not having finished the game. Minor details and scene triggers have been forgotten, but I remember the main plot well enough to be accurate - I wouldn't worry about that.

Oh - and I don't copy-paste any machine translations anymore either (stopped about a year ago, because it required a lengthy amount of time editing the nonsense into actual sense). And so, any errors would be from my own direct mistranslations - stemming from either poor understanding of the Japanese language, and/or made overly-liberal translation choices. I've since gotten more fluent over the last year though, so it's more the latter now. ;)

Just to make some clarifications on my "kit", so as to rule out some excuses one might have for making more of such presumptuous comments:
- I've never taken any computer/programming-related courses outside of high school; the ones the basic C++ I took in high school, I never finished!
- I've never taken a single course in Japanese!
- I did however spend my freshman-sophomore summer vacation memorizing hiragana as a hobby with my mother
- I then picked up on katakana a few years later playing some eroge
- The remaining bulk of my knowledge of Japanese comes from phrases I've picked up from listening to anime in the background (while doing other stuff) to the point the words droned their meaning into me
- I use ATLAS, Honyaku, and Excite machine translators as references for translating Lilitales
- I manually type the translated dialogue into the script
- I get stuck around every ~20-80th line (rough average), either on an onomatopoeia, kanji I don't recognize, or slang - at which point I either consult google search for help, or open up the game to work off context from pictures. If I still fail to figure out a sentence/fragment after ~10min, I resort to coming up with my best fluently approximate translation or substitution for the line, working off context.
- I've finished Lilitales's Chaos Route, but haven't finished the Low Route
- I have only played through append's Dancing scene content for testing purposes, and some of Cless' "Id" scenes for debugging; I haven't played anything else in the append
- I haven't played the EX/"Labyrinth of Trials" dungeon yet (haven't even dabbled in it; totally in the dark there)

Yes, my credentials are pretty barren. But somebody's gotta do the translating for such an epic game; until somebody with superior skills, time and willpower than me comes along to render my efforts in vain, I'll have to do. <xD

I appreciate your attempt at negative feedback - it stirs my passions for translating in quite a different way. I've a relatively good guess whom you are, but I can see why one'd wish to remain anonymous, and I respect that (I don't really need to know, but just wanna say 'Thanks!').

If you're interested in putting your Japanese knowledge to actually good use (just me assuming here), I think we'd all love some faster (and/or better) translations. You can message me on that topic if you're interested on an anon account or something if you wish to remain ninja. :p

p.s. thinking about poking good man harleyquinn some time in the future. He used to make such great comments like these, but better.
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Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Yes, I'm still on the Nov. 19th release schedule - it just doesn't meet my intended quota. That is, it unfortunately won't have the entire underground translated (I still have a few thousand lines to go xD).

I got through most of the non-H dungeon dialogue, now I'm currently doing a fresh playthrough to make sure I didn't miss anything up until the underground chapter (so far, I've found that I totally skipped over Balsa Wastelands (which has an item you need to pick up to progress the story, to trigger Batil's search after you give him 200k), so I'm translating that now).

After this release, I'll be going back to a weekly release schedule until the translations reach 90% completion. I don't expect ya'll to download each one as they're released; it's mostly to help keep me on edge. ^^

Aside from busy schedule and not quite meeting my old standards, man I forgot how much I loved translating this game. My "finish main storylines and append content by December 24th" goal is still on; I hope to redeem my recent follies with that. :)

That's awesome to hear, can't wait to get to play it next release. It's one of my favorite games so far, love the story but the artstyle is what is awesome to me. Keep up the great work.:)
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Very much looking forward to the upcoming release, good luck!
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

There was an expansion to the game not long ago. Does the new content appear throughout the game from the start, or is it post-game? Are you translating it too, or are you focusing on just the base game atm?
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

So was it ever figured out how leveling works in this? So far it seems specific triggers cause characters to level up rather than an amount of enemies defeated.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

There was an expansion to the game not long ago. Does the new content appear throughout the game from the start, or is it post-game? Are you translating it too, or are you focusing on just the base game atm?

I think it appears after you've completed the game, as for translation I'm not sure if he's translating it all in the upcomming patch. But some of the Scenes are translated as far as I can remember.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Well I've been F5ing this thread for a while excited for a new translation of a mongolian porn game. My unemployment has gone on way too long.

Thanks tons to everyone in the translation community for putting in hours and hours of thankless work so people like me can jerk off in novel ways, truly doing the lord's work.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

There was an expansion to the game not long ago. Does the new content appear throughout the game from the start, or is it post-game? Are you translating it too, or are you focusing on just the base game atm?

All of the scenes require that you reach Ishtar city first, and most of the content is post-game. I think the Ex-merc scenes become inaccessible though once the underground slave market dungeon is cleared (tried with an old Chaos-Route-completed save).

Among the append scenes, only the "Dancer Orgy Show" scene has been translated. I'm currently working on the Ex-merc scenes. I intend to have everything besides the EX dungeon ("Labyrinth of Trials") translated. The EX dungeon is the last on my list of priorities.

Well I've been F5ing this thread for a while excited for a new translation of a mongolian porn game. My unemployment has gone on way too long.

Thanks tons to everyone in the translation community for putting in hours and hours of thankless work so people like me can jerk off in novel ways, truly doing the lord's work.

Your humility is inspiring; I aspire to one day be as humble and honest as folks like you! xD

The most recent release isn't the most fap-worthy (just has 1 main H scene and 1 mini H scene), but I like to think of it as a teaser for next week's release. Oh, boy am I excited about the Ex-merc scenes! :D
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

sorry if this has been asked before, but approximately how much of the game is translated now? (% wise)
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

The version tells you how much is already translated. v0.629 = 62.9%
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Aww man don't be doing that to me, now I'm even more hyped for next week release to see this Merc scene you're talking about.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

anyone crashing during the jidar scene still?
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

If you're running on v0.629-app, you should update to v0.629a-app. It fixes stuff, whereas the previous version was unstable. v0.629a-app is stable on two of my test saves; still has a typo or two, but they're so minor that I'm leaving them for the next release.

If you're running v0.629a-app and still getting crashes, please post the error pop-up (either legible picture or copy-paste) so that I can try debugging it.

There's a small chance that a line will have a "ghost-byte" in it - my way of calling a line that has a single byte character that won't show up in a my text editor (notepad++). It doesn't crash the game for everyone - only some. I've only had that problem once so far with Lilitales, which isn't insurmountable, but is pretty much impossible for me to find from the script itself, and yet also barely stable enough that my computer runs past the line just fine without crashing. I had to have Seipher (whom was experiencing the crashing) personally report which of my fixes were working in order for me to debug the issue (was a line in one of Cless' scenes, back before it was translated; I forget which one).