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[WIP - Full] RJ195975 - Raping Myself Until I Break with a Masturbation Machine in the Underground Labyrinth


Apr 27, 2018
Reputation score
Purchase Link:
Game version: 1.2a (latest)
Patch version: v0.8.1
Translation Link:
Game Thread: None?

Status: Playable

1. Download the installer .exe (Applies patches using NSIS)
2. Run the installer
3. Specify the directory that contains SDGame.exe
4. Enjoy

This is my first translation, and boy was it a hell of a fight to make it work at all. Feedback is appreciated.

2018-05-14 (later)
Patch v0.8.1 is released uninstall patch v0.8.0 first.

There is an issue with v0.8.0 that will prevent future updates from installing correctly, the uninstaller does work. The suggested fix if you applied v0.8.0 is to run the uninstaller and use a later patch. Expect patch release v0.8.1 within a few days with v0.9.0 within a few weeks.

v0.9.0 will contain an editing pass on the story, translation of the "accumulation" notices, and some minor corrections.

At some point I may need to edit textures for the remaining text, which will be... difficult. At some point I may declare "good enough".
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I'd like to try this out, but the only version I can find is 1.1.
I'd like to try this out, but the only version I can find is 1.1.
Their website links to the 1.2 update, which is here:
Their website links to the 1.2 update, which is here:

I have only tried patching the full release of 1.2a, so can't guarantee it will work, but I can't imagine why it wouldn't. Best of luck
I have only tried patching the full release of 1.2a, so can't guarantee it will work, but I can't imagine why it wouldn't. Best of luck
The patch doesn't work on 1.1. Lookin at that page JackyHF linked, it seems the patch is 1.0>1.2 only. If I try on 1.1, I get this error:


メインファイルのデータ整合性 (CRC) エラーです。

Operation canceled because update of main file failed.

Data consistency (CRC) error of main file.
The patch doesn't work on 1.1. Lookin at that page JackyHF linked, it seems the patch is 1.0>1.2 only. If I try on 1.1, I get this error:


メインファイルのデータ整合性 (CRC) エラーです。

Operation canceled because update of main file failed.

Data consistency (CRC) error of main file.

Having the exact same issue, can't patch from 1.1 to 1.2 in order to set up the tl.
I just picked this up from dlsite, so I'll upload 1.2 soon, catch is I don't have desktop internet right now, and I'm relying on my cell speed, so it might be a minute before I get it uploaded.

Removed by request of OP, pm me for it.

Here it is, would appreciate if someone would stick it in a.txt file to extend it's longevity. :3
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I just picked this up from dlsite, so I'll upload 1.2 soon, catch is I don't have desktop internet right now, and I'm relying on my cell speed, so it might be a minute before I get it uploaded.

Do whatever you want, but I would appreciate it if you talked about piracy elsewhere. (Probably you should make a non-translation thread or something?) I heavily encourage people to purchase titles I translate as I will only translate titles I enjoy and circles I would like to see more work out of. I purchase titles I enjoy myself.

Related thought: Do you think translating demos/trials is a good idea? Most titles on DLSite have those and would be a way to sample the work without purchase.
Related thought: Do you think translating demos/trials is a good idea? Most titles on DLSite have those and would be a way to sample the work without purchase.
I have occasionally seen demos get translated, but I think most people prefer to wait until the full game is out just in case an update or something breaks the translation.
Sorry, didn't intend to upset anyone with the link. Personally i don't do demos. I'd much rather wait for a release. Unless it's something I'm really interested in.

That said, I think many people would buy more if dlsite was accessible to us users. It takes forever for me just to get it to accept my debit card.

Also I think quality:price is a bit of an issue. For example, this game, while interesting, have me about an hour of enjoyment. The animations are solid, but with the censorship and the machine there's not a lot of being able to see what's going on. If I hadn't of has loose points I probably wouldn't have bought it.

I'm not sure it's really worth it's 18$ USD price point.

It's a tough situation though, so I'm not about to complain, just my thoughts on the matter. It's certainly better than a lot of the half finished games that are on dlsite.
Well I've got 1.2 now, and the translation patch installs okay, but when I try to run the game I get this error:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Mechanical Rape in Underground Labyrinth\Content\resource\stringresource_ja.rdpy'.

File name: 'C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Mechanical Rape in Underground Labyrinth\Content\resource\stringresource_ja.rdpy'

at StringResource.ResourceTable.deserialize(String ifilename)

at higashi.DGameFrameworkBase.LoadResource()

Then it opens a log file with this:
[Exception Data]
[Exception Message]
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[Exception StackTrace]
at SharpDX.Toolkit.GamePlatform.Exit()
at SharpDX.Toolkit.Game.Exit()
at higashi.DGameFrameworkBase.ExitApplication()
at higashi.DGameFrameworkBase.LoadResource()
at higashi.DGameFramework.Initialize(GraphicsDeviceManager manager)
at higashi.MainGame..ctor(MainForm ibootForm)
at SDGame.Program.StartupMain(String[] args)
at SDGame.StartUp.Main(String[] args)
Do whatever you want, but I would appreciate it if you talked about piracy elsewhere. (Probably you should make a non-translation thread or something?) I heavily encourage people to purchase titles I translate as I will only translate titles I enjoy and circles I would like to see more work out of. I purchase titles I enjoy myself.

Related thought: Do you think translating demos/trials is a good idea? Most titles on DLSite have those and would be a way to sample the work without purchase.

I would buy from DLSite if I actually could, but considering their business ways, I have no chance in that, and constantly asking friends to buy things for me is also getting annoying.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Mechanical Rape in Underground Labyrinth\Content\resource\stringresource_ja.rdpy'.

File name: 'C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Mechanical Rape in Underground Labyrinth\Content\resource\stringresource_ja.rdpy'
at StringResource.ResourceTable.deserialize(String ifilename)
at higashi.DGameFrameworkBase.LoadResource()
This could be related to an issue in v0.8.0, I released v0.8.1. You should be able to uninstall v0.8.0 by running revert-patch-0.8.0.exe located in the game folder, then install v0.8.1 of the patch.

If you are running v0.8.1 could you check if there is a file at 'C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Mechanical Rape in Underground Labyrinth\Content\resource\stringresource_ja.rdpy' or not?
Sorry, didn't intend to upset anyone with the link. Personally i don't do demos. I'd much rather wait for a release. Unless it's something I'm really interested in.

That said, I think many people would buy more if dlsite was accessible to us users. It takes forever for me just to get it to accept my debit card.

Also I think quality:price is a bit of an issue. For example, this game, while interesting, have me about an hour of enjoyment. The animations are solid, but with the censorship and the machine there's not a lot of being able to see what's going on. If I hadn't of has loose points I probably wouldn't have bought it.

I'm not sure it's really worth it's 18$ USD price point.

It's a tough situation though, so I'm not about to complain, just my thoughts on the matter. It's certainly better than a lot of the half finished games that are on dlsite.
Totally not upset, I completely understand where you are coming from and pirate things myself, just want to distance piracy from this translation is all.

I am going to try to remove the censorship, not sure what the models/textures look like underneath though. That said, translation is a higher priority.

Edit: I took a cursory look at removing the censorship and it is actually quite simple to do so. It turns out that somehow the penis is entirely mosaic, there is no detail for the anus, and the collision of machine and body looks silly. The vagina is discernable, but it's pretty basic. I honestly think the censorship leaves it up to the imagination and makes it look better than reality.
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I have similar problem but for me it show :

"An unhandled error occured. Check ErrorLog.txt"

happens with patch and without it and have no idea why. Tried Ver. 1.2a and 1.1 also got the same error... :cry: HELP!!

[Exception Data]
[Exception Message]
Nieprawidłowy format ciągu wejściowego.
[Exception StackTrace]
w System.Number.ParseSingle(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
w DModelData.DModelGeneral.XML.GetAttributeFloat(XElement ielem, String iname)
w DSound.SoundPlayer.LoadSounds(String filename)
w DSound.SoundPlayer..ctor(String filename)
w DSound.SoundPlayerSet.Initialize()
w higashi.DGameFramework.LoadContent()
w higashi.MainGame.LoadContent()
w SharpDX.Toolkit.Game.InitializeBeforeRun()
w SharpDX.Toolkit.GameWindowDesktop.RunRenderLoop()
w SharpDX.Toolkit.GameWindowDesktop.Run()
w SharpDX.Toolkit.GamePlatform.Run(GameContext gameContext)
w SharpDX.Toolkit.Game.Run(GameContext gameContext)
w SDGame.Program.StartupMain(String[] args)
w SDGame.StartUp.Main(String[] args)
I have similar problem but for me it show :
"An unhandled error occured. Check ErrorLog.txt"
happens with patch and without it and have no idea why. Tried Ver. 1.2a and 1.1 also got the same error... :cry: HELP!!

Nieprawidłowy format ciągu wejściowego.
Hello, slav brother :)
Error message suggests that code failed to parse some format string. Most probably this can be solved by switching date/time format or some other locale settings in Windows control panel to Japanese format.

Yes, it isn't particularly convenient, but at least on my Windows 7 the change is instantaneous and easily reversible.
Nobody else posted about this, so it seems on patched game English/American locale should work instead of Japanese.
IT WORKS!! I tested it and I needed only to change date/time format. Great thx slav brother, Man learns something new everyday :p.
no idea why i get this error( happens with untranslated game aswell) (im on japanese locale with win7 and swapped my time/date to japanese aswell)

[Exception Data]
[Exception Message]
Syntax error in the expression.
[Exception StackTrace]
at System.Data.ExpressionParser.Parse()
at System.Data.DataExpression..ctor(DataTable table, String expression, Type type)
at System.Data.DataTable.Compute(String expression, String filter)
at DModelData.DModelGeneral.Evaluator.Eval(String istr)
at DModelData.AnimationPlayer.strToVector3(String[] istr)
at DModelData.AnimationPlayer.setupToward(XElement ielement)
at DModelData.AnimationPlayer.setupConstraints(String ifilename)
at higashi.CharacterBase.setupConstraint()
at higashi.CharacterBase.<animInit>d__179.MoveNext()
at higashi.SceneBase.<LoadModelAnimSet>d__88.MoveNext()
at SDGame.CharacterLoader.<LoadCharacters>d__0.MoveNext()
at higashi.SceneBase.<LoadModelAnimSet>d__124.MoveNext()
at SDGame.MainGameScene.<LoadingModels>d__2.MoveNext()
at SDGame.TitleScene.<Initialize>d__4.MoveNext()
at higashi.DGameFramework.SceneTransition()
at higashi.DGameFramework.updateMultiThread(GameTime gameTime)
at higashi.DGameFramework.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at higashi.MainGame.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at SharpDX.Toolkit.Game.Tick()
at SharpDX.Toolkit.GameWindowDesktop.RunRenderLoop()
at SharpDX.Toolkit.GameWindowDesktop.Run()
at SharpDX.Toolkit.GamePlatform.Run(GameContext gameContext)
at SharpDX.Toolkit.Game.Run(GameContext gameContext)
at SDGame.Program.StartupMain(String[] args)
at SDGame.StartUp.Main(String[] args)
no idea why i get this error( happens with untranslated game aswell) (im on japanese locale with win7 and swapped my time/date to japanese aswell)

[Exception Data]
[Exception Message]
Syntax error in the expression.
[Exception StackTrace]
at System.Data.ExpressionParser.Parse()
at System.Data.DataExpression..ctor(DataTable table, String expression, Type type)
at System.Data.DataTable.Compute(String expression, String filter)
at DModelData.DModelGeneral.Evaluator.Eval(String istr)
at DModelData.AnimationPlayer.strToVector3(String[] istr)
at DModelData.AnimationPlayer.setupToward(XElement ielement)
at DModelData.AnimationPlayer.setupConstraints(String ifilename)
at higashi.CharacterBase.setupConstraint()
at higashi.CharacterBase.<animInit>d__179.MoveNext()
at higashi.SceneBase.<LoadModelAnimSet>d__88.MoveNext()
at SDGame.CharacterLoader.<LoadCharacters>d__0.MoveNext()
at higashi.SceneBase.<LoadModelAnimSet>d__124.MoveNext()
at SDGame.MainGameScene.<LoadingModels>d__2.MoveNext()
at SDGame.TitleScene.<Initialize>d__4.MoveNext()
at higashi.DGameFramework.SceneTransition()
at higashi.DGameFramework.updateMultiThread(GameTime gameTime)
at higashi.DGameFramework.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at higashi.MainGame.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at SharpDX.Toolkit.Game.Tick()
at SharpDX.Toolkit.GameWindowDesktop.RunRenderLoop()
at SharpDX.Toolkit.GameWindowDesktop.Run()
at SharpDX.Toolkit.GamePlatform.Run(GameContext gameContext)
at SharpDX.Toolkit.Game.Run(GameContext gameContext)
at SDGame.Program.StartupMain(String[] args)
at SDGame.StartUp.Main(String[] args)
I don't fully understand the internals of the game, but it looks like the issue is loading some of the models (entirely different from the issue Barrod was having). My best guess is that some files in the "Content" folder are corrupted (which would be unrelated to the patch).

Best of luck friend, and please do share if you figure out what the issue is.