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RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Blowing with Kag

Re: RJ's Stream - The Screecher

Some kind of Don't Starve mod called The Screecher was added some time ago. Supposed to be scary. Seems fun. Gonna play it.

I'm gonna play it somewhat soon. Stream will be up, so the stream chat will be active.

Re: RJ's Stream - I show Ranger Warfame k?

While listening to Earthbound music.
Re: RJ's Stream - Obligation to scream at Outlast

There's already been a million let's plays of this game. If you're into watching people scream you've probably seen them all. But Tass got me this game and would likely be very pleased at my terror. Depending on circumstances, I may play this soon.
Re: RJ's Stream - Stream's up / Outlast

Streaming now
Re: RJ's Stream - More Outlast, more little piggies

Streaming now
Re: RJ's Stream - Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.

Re: RJ's Stream - Bakan in Dark Souls (maybe)

Got back into playing Dark Souls again. And then Aurani bugged me about a stream. So, I'll stream it if there's interest. It causes my game to lag though, and such lag is dangerous in Dark Souls. (Hurts reaction time, making it harder to avoid death).

But if I 'do' do it, since I'll be playing as Bakan, I'll open up some interactivity from the chat. You guys can be voices in his head or something. I'd just prefer to have a little fun while streaming, to make up for the lag that shall frustrate me.
Re: RJ's Stream - Bakan in Dark Souls

Possible interest, if it doesn't happen at some ungodly hour.
Re: RJ's Stream - Bakan in Dark Souls

I'm pretty much playing Dark Souls right now, so it can happen within a timeframe of now.
Re: RJ's Stream - Bakan in Dark Souls

Streaming now
Re: RJ's Stream - Dark Souls

I'm gonna stream Dark Souls in a bit. Don't care who watches because OBS seemed to update their client to use up less processing power. So I can play normally now.

Maybe half an hour from now, or an hour. Whenever I get my posts done in my RP threads.
Re: RJ's Stream - Dark Souls for an hour

Not gonna stream forever like usual. Just one or two hours because Cross doesn't live in America.
Re: RJ's Stream - Dark Souls ; Looking for Onion Man

I guess this is mostly for Grave, since I stop around when he has to go to bed. You guys can watch too.

Re: RJ's Stream - Super Dark Souls 64

Named as such because I'll be jumping into paintings

Re: RJ's Stream - Super Dark Souls 64

Late to the party, but I'm here too. Figure I might as well give it a watch.