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RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Blowing with Kag

Re: RJ's Stream - I challenge Tassadar to Bloodbowl

Tassadar has finished installing, the game will begin shortly.
Re: RJ's Stream - I challenge Tassadar to Bloodbowl - Conclusion

The stream has ended. . It won't stick around forever. (Things get going around 1 hour and 15 minutes in, so skip to there.)

It was a series of close calls, mind the second game, where it became obvious that some teams are obviously far better than others.

We played a series of three games, all three of which were barely won by me. So, the maiden belongs to ME!


Arjay's Titty Tumblers(Amazons) VS. Tass' Lil Derpzillas(Lizards): 2-1

Arjay's Korgoth's WAAAGH(Orcs) VS. Tass' Brain Gobblers(Necromantic): 1-0

Arjay's Crolian Male Strippers(Norse) VS. Tass' Thisiswrong(Chaos): 1-0​
Last edited:
Re: RJ's Stream - I challenge Tassadar to Bloodbowl - Conclusion

I was half thinking of calling it a best of five while writing that.
Re: RJ's Stream - Tassadar Challenges me to Blood Bowl: Revenge of the Sith

Tass stated that he shall be up for a rematch today to exact Dark Knight-like revenge and reclaim his honor, but I shall show him my other honor! Our honor will collide and we will cry for Valhalla!

Stream possibly happening later today, I'd estimate it occurring in about 12 hours as of this post.
Re: RJ's Stream - Tassadar Challenges me to Blood Bowl: Revenge of the Sith

A little bit earlier than promised, The stream shall be happening soon! So and pull up your socks and dance!

Stream is up but nothing is happening yet.
Re: RJ's Stream - Tassadar Challenges me to Blood Bowl: It begins

We're starting up.

Re: RJ's Stream - Tassadar Challenges me to Blood Bowl: Revenge of the Sith

The games.... Are over! We tied both, despite all of my wimpy elves dying game two leaving RJ's mutant Nurgle zombie men to fumble while trying to pick up the ball.
Re: RJ's Stream - Tassadar Challenges me to Blood Bowl: Revenge of the Sith

Those weren't even matches, they were demonstrations of how poorly balanced this game was.
Re: RJ's Stream - Tassadar Challenges me to Blood Bowl: Revenge of the Sith

Arjay. I challenge you. Goblins vs Halflings, no big monsters, just midgets. I'll take the Halflings.
Re: RJ's Stream - Tassadar Challenges me to Blood Bowl: Again


Very well then, I shall play at a disadvantage.
Re: RJ's Stream - Tassadar Challenges me to Blood Bowl: Stream up

Stream's up

Re: RJ's Stream - Tassadar Challenges me to Blood Bowl: LOLOLOL REKT


But in all seriousness, this game's total lack of balance really shows. Even though the game we had wasn't a good example of that, I still reference to the game. I won't however, reference to the match-up which was stacked for a different reason (Tass outlawed the use of big guys and played a team whose bread and butter was the dependency on ye big guys. Was silly.)

The Half-ling team actually shares a similar gimmick as the Ogre team. They have big guys who throw the little guys over the pitch to try and score a touchdown; however, Ogres do it better. They don't really have much over the Ogres other than chefs, who 'might' steal you a re-roll and help with some injury rolls. Other than the re-roll mechanic, none of that actually helps the halflings win a match. So if you base a race around the idea that all their perks help them to die a little less (looking at undead on this one), and then don't actually give them a mechanic that helps them WIN, then that team will just lose more often than not.

To win, you need to be able to FIGHT in Blood Bowl, at least to some degree. A race that cannot fight will simply be attacked and injured and be overrun by the other team. Any kind of Agility or Dodge mechanic doesn't help if you cannot get past the enemy because of how seriously threatening Tackle Zones are. So, you need to clear a path most of the time. You can't escape that reality. And clearing a path involves fighting, and fighting is not what an agile team does well.

If it were possible, I'd allow a house rule that would allow the victim of a declared block to make a dodge roll to move back a space, with a -1 penalty to their roll if the blocker follows their target. Otherwise, it'd work similar to being pushed back, just to open up a little more room for agile teams to do well when beefier teams show up to pound them into paste, which is the common result in strong vs. agile teams.
Re: RJ's Stream - Tassadar Challenges me to Blood Bowl: LOLOLOL REKT

Halfling chefs are actually a thing anyone can get. And Halflings don't get them for cheaper. They're just indictments, like Wizards, which are honestly better despite being cheaper.
Re: RJ's Stream - This War of Mine

I recently acquired a game by the name of "This War of Mine". And I have to say, it looks extremely interesting. It puts you in a scenario where you have to manage Survivors in the midst of what appears to be a civil war. All the survival mechanics come with the territory, like the need to eat, sleep, not go insane, etc; however, where this game stands out is its dark atmosphere.

While trying to learn how to play the game, I went to a location to scavenge for supplies, and came across a house with an elderly couple living inside. I stole from them without thinking, because video game logic said everything belongs to be me default. What I ended up doing is terrifying two old folks before they ended up begging me to leave and to spare their lives.

Felt bad.

So I'm going to be playing this game, and streaming it if anyone cares. Lemme know if you want to watch, I don't care by what method, and I'll stream it in a while.
Re: To all who don't care - This War of Mine

Same thing as above, but I unlike yesterday, I shall have an entire Tassadar watching as he said he wants to. Not that it actually matters. A part of me was happy no one wanted to watch because imo, watching other people play video games for the sake of it isn't entertaining unless the player themselves is entertaining. I don't think I am, but others disagree I guess.

Stream coming up in 30 minutes or so, and fair warning, there may be frequent disruptions.
Re: To all who don't care - This War of Mine

May have two. Must admit, a little curious on the game.

Plus, did have a slight amuse when I watched you and Tass on the last Blood Bowl match.
Re: To all who don't care - This War of Mine

Three, and that game makes me sad.
Re: RJ's Stream - Are you bored?

I've been in a rouge-lite mood lately, and I'm thinking of playing Dungeon Nightmares (google it if you don't know what that is). I'll probably do it real soon, just letting people know here in case anyone's bored enough to watch me panic over spooky scary skeletons, and bitches that walk around dragging metal everywhere.

If you're so far gone from us that you can't even muster up the willpower to tell me you're interested, just post Banana here or whatever. I'll take that as confirmation.