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RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Blowing with Kag

Re: RJ's Stream - Are you bored?

I never have the time to, but sure, I love watching you wriggle
Re: RJ's Stream - Are you bored?

I'm about to go to work and you posted 14 hours ago


Re: RJ's Stream - Spooky Games

In about four hours, I shall play the spooky game I said i would a couple days ago. If you miss it, I'll post Twitch's recording. Though that will eventually expire, but that's only if no one watches it, so no biggie.
Re: RJ's Stream - Spooky Games

Might end up hopping in to troll a bit, dunno.
Re: RJ's Stream - Spooky Games

Don't worry, I'll be getting trolled by skeletons and random scare events throughout the game, as apparently that's what Dungeon Nightmares is all about.

There's also Spooky's House of Jumpscares... Which looks like a fucking cartoon, and yet is rated very highly as a game. I have both games, and will give both a try, but Spooky's House looks kinda silly.
Re: RJ's Stream - Spooky Games (Streaming)

Stream's up.
Re: RJ's Stream - Spooky Games (Streaming)

Re: RJ's Stream - Spooky Games

Turns out MAF is easily spooked.
Re: RJ's Stream - Spooky Games

Your pain is delicious, you shivering fool
Re: RJ's Stream - Spooky Games

Heh. Have to say, RJ probably stuck with it longer that I would, although any stream I might do, if I had a copy, would be far less entertaining.

Mostly, it'd likely be me griping about being more annoyed than scared.
Re: RJ's Stream - More Spooks

Gonna be playing more spooky games. This time it's Spooky's House of Jumpscares, I think the name was.

I may be incredibly cynical, as a warning. It's a freaking cartoon.
Re: RJ's Stream - More Spooks

I havent even finished watching this other shit, you shit. But k, lemme get dinner
Re: RJ's Stream - More Spooks

Yay, time to be sarcastic.

...Not that I really bother with having excuses for that...
Re: RJ's Stream - Presentable Liberty: RJ goes to Jail

Saw this game while browsing out of boredom. It's apparently less of a game and more of some kind of story driven narrative while I sit in a cage for the entire game. It's reviews are positive despite how odd and possibly stupid it sounds, and some preview images are... Interesting.

I'll be streaming this in a bit, if anyone wants to watch what happens when I'm confined to a cell for days.
Re: RJ's Stream - Presentable Liberty

Presentable Liberty is a beautiful game and I am a fucking moron for making fun of it.
Re: RJ's Stream - 100% Orange Juice

I'm gonna be streaming this game for someone I might be gifting this game to. The purpose of this stream is to show the game off and explain it so that the person I want to have watch this will come to a conclusion of whether they like it or not.

Explanations may be interrupted (frequently) by me raging at my awful luck.

Re: RJ's Stream - The Escapists?

I am pondering purchasing The Escapists, a pixel indie game where the theme is breaking out of Prison.

The idea I had was to make a theme about me breaking out of ULMF Prison, run by people like Tass, Smokefish, Nunu, etc, who have imprisoned me for, and I quote: "Being Bad".

I'm innocent.

I figure it'll be amusing to play, but the idea is slightly less appealing if I don't have an audience to watch me attempt to escape yon prison.

So if you guys would be interested in watching that stream, I'll stream it after acquiring it. If no one replies here (which is what I expect), then absolutely nothing will happen. Huzzah.
Re: RJ's Stream - The Escapists?

Escapists is one of my new favorite games to watch.