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RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Blowing with Kag

Re: RJ's Stream - The Escapists?

Yeah I thought it was an alright game when I watched Markiplier play it.
Re: RJ's Stream - The Escapists?

Yeah I thought it was an alright game when I watched Markiplier play it.

I know it's a good game, but I don't think I can enjoy it without being social. So, the question isn't, "Is this a good game?"

It's, "Would you actually watch my dumbass play it?"
Re: RJ's Stream - The Escapists?

Name me a prison guard, and have me in a skype call so I can call out each time you get your ass kicked or caught. - Instant success, 4 million viewers
Re: RJ's Stream - The Escapists?

I'll probably name all the popular names I can think of as guards, and any viewers as well, naturally. You're all from ULMF so it's natural that you'd wanna keep me and the other degenerate members of ULMF in prison.

Also, anyone watching or posting here can suggest names of shitty ULMF players to throw in the bin with me.

I preemptively nominate Freeko to be my cell-mate and pillow biter. I'm going to fuck him in the butt.
Re: RJ's Stream - The Escapists in 30

3 people is three more than I expected. So I have Escapists, and I shall play it when my co-host returns from eating Taco-pizza.

30 minutes
Re: RJ's Stream - The Escapists, now playing in an internet near you

Stream's up
Re: RJ's Stream - The Escapists (Sched)

Announcing that I have intent to play the Escapsits yet again. Maybe Toxic will cohost again, if he's up to it.

This will happen later today, in a few hours perhaps.
Re: RJ's Stream - The Escapists, now live

Stream's up for anyone bored

Re: RJ's Stream - SCP Containment Breach V1.1

Decided to check up on this after a long ass time, turns out there's been a few updates (as of may 15th, in actuality). So it makes me wanna play it again.

Depends on if anyone watches though. Since most of you are so herp, just post Banana if you actually want to see it.
Re: RJ's Stream - SCP Containment Breach V1.1

Bananas? Alright.

Re: RJ's Stream - SCP Containment Breach V1.1

I'll say bananas too, though I might not be able to watch for long. If they ever add a multiplayer to it I'd definitely enjoy playing it with you though, or play another game multiplayer with you on a stream sometime when I have the time of course.
Re: RJ's Stream - SCP Containment Breach V1.1

Banana 3.0 and stuff. I always enjoy a good RJ freakout...I mean stream.
Re: RJ's Stream - SCP Containment Breach V1.1

Right, I'll start the stream up and wait until I see some Banana's in the chat.

Re: RJ's Stream - SCP Containment Breach V1.1

Kind of amusing, that. Might've been more so if I'd been trolling on Skype as well. Perhaps even having Tassadar being sassy as well.
Re: RJ's Stream - SCP Containment Breach V1.1

Re: RJ's Stream - SCP Containment Breach V1.1

Password is always bacon
Re: RJ's Stream - SCP Containment Breach V1.1

Mind Flayer ban him, he's leaking personal information

don't actually ban him it's a joke
Re: RJ's Stream - Undertale

Bought Undertale because despite looking shitty I actually found out from reliable sources that it's actually good for what it is. I'm gonna play it, you can watch if you're bored.

If you post here stating interest, I'll throw up a stream and hold of starting to play. Otherwise, you probably don't care and thusly I will not care either.